Re: [Flightgear-devel] UAV Heli and Matlab

2006-06-14 Thread Correu PelDavid
The discussion seems to be getting hot..Regarding the heli model: Could it represent an R/C helicopter model fine enough to synthonize an autopilot to be ported afterwards to real (R/C UAV) life?Would it work for slow velocities and near to ground flights?
Would it work for higher (not much) altitude and agressive manoeuvres?Thanks,David2006/6/14, Melchior FRANZ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
* Georg Vollnhals -- Wednesday 14 June 2006 11:57: Melchior FRANZ schrieb:
  * Georg Vollnhals -- Wednesday 14 June 2006 03:02:  Take the BO105 and goo for a straight and level flight with 100-120  knts. Then push the collective down. [...]^^^
  That's translational lift. No. Translational list is an additional lift component related to helicopter speed against the air and will start at about 12 to 20 knts
Pardon? You spoke about 100-120 knots. I said it's translational lift.You disgree because translational lift starts with 12 to 20 knots?!?Doesn't make the least sense.m.___
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[Flightgear-devel] UAV Heli and Matlab

2006-06-11 Thread Correu PelDavid
Hello,After lots of exams, and almost infinite tasks at university, and before some more to come, I'd like to ask for a few things I'd like to do in the quiet sunny summer days.I'd like to mix FlightGear with Matlab through the aerospace toolbox. 
Weeks ago I asked for the 0.9.8a versions, which was kindly linked so I could download, but I could work on it, and I have some questions.So, Question #1: To practice with the helicopter, what key do I have to press to activate the engine? I've tried anything I found on the help without success.
Question #2: How can I setup the joystick? I'd like to exchange some of the axis function.Question #3: Does anybody have a 3D model for a R/C-like helicopter? Something like a 1 meter thing. Question #4: Has anybody tried the Matlab-FlightGear connection without perishing on the try? If so, is there any documentation?
Your 'question #1' might be: Is that fool a newbee?My answer: absolutely.Thanks for your help. Any advice will be gratefully accepted.David
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