I noticed this TODO issue on the Piper Warrior wiki page

"flaps are moving in steps, they are not fluxional animated"

This is true, but might also be a bit confusing.  Flap movements do
appear almost instantaneous on a PA-28 compared to, say, a C172,
because the flaps are mechanically connected to a long metal bar which
the pilot yanks from one step to another.  It's hard to estimate, but
on my own Warrior, I'd say that the flaps spend something like 0.2
seconds in transit between steps, and it would be even less if I chose
to move my arm faster.  To the normal observer, they *will* almost
appear to jump instantly from step to step.

On a C172, on the other hand, the flaps are electric, and have slow,
gradual movement from one stop to another.

All the best,


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