Durk wrote:
> Hi all,
> FlightGear 2.0 should be out any minute now. While waiting for the
> official files to appear on the server, I have drafted a short summary of
> the ChangeLogs. Please have a look and see whether I missed anything or
> accidentally included incorrect information.
> cheers,
> Durk
> ====== ANNOUNCEMENT + SUMMARY =======
> FlightGear 2.0.0. reflects the maturation of the OpenSceneGraph port that
> started with the previous 1.9.0 release. In addition to many internal code
> improvements, FlightGear 2.0.0. marks the introduction of many new
> exciting improvements in the graphics and sound system, as well as
> improved usability of key features, and improved behavior of existing
> features. Highlights of this new version include:
> Sound
>   * Complete Overhaul of the Sound Code
>   * doppler effects
>   * distance attenuation
>   * 3D positional sound sources
>   * assignment of sound sources to external objects (i.e. AI controlled
> aircraft)
>   * User selection of the sound device
> Visual Effects
>   * Use of Shaders for dynamic textures
>   * Use of Effects files
>   * Improved 3D Clouds
>   * Color changes based on Humidity and other whether effects allow for
> very dramatic lighting conditions
>   * Dynamic water textures
> Usability
>   * Allow screenshots in more common file formats
>   * User selectable sound device
>   * More intuitive selection of the weather settings through the GUI
> and/or commandline
> Infrastructure
>   * Airport Geometry data can be read from the scenery, allowing for more
> flexible regeneration of terrain tiles
> Internals
>   * Improved efficiency of the property tree
>   * A more effient ground cache
>   * Many improvement to the RouteManagement code
>   * Removed many compiler warnings
>   * More realistic Atmosphere model (John Denker)
> Behavior
>   * More realistic ILS behavior (James Turner)
>   * Autopilot Improvements (Torsten)
>   * A generic autobrake function
>   * Winds over mountaineous areas cause up- and downdrafts that can be
> used for gliding
>   * More realistic behavior of the route manager
>   * Wild fires, which can be extinquished by firefigherplanes operating
> across the multplayer server
>   * Navaid frequencies and radials can be transmitted to Atlas
> Utilities
>   * A python script to visualize Yasim configurations in Blender
> AI
>   * Allow traffic departing and arriving at the same airport
>   * Add support for High-Speed Trains

    * Add Ground Vehicles - including automobiles, trucks, articulated
trucks, trains (including high speed trains)

>   * ATC interactions between AI aircraft and ground controllers
>   * Performance characteristics of AI aircraft can be specified in a
> performance database
>   * Push-back vehicles are available for a selected number of aircraft
>   * AI escorts (???: Ask Vivian)

    * Add escorts for AI Carrier - frigates, guided missile cruiser,
amphibious warfare ships now make up the Vinson Battle Group

    * Improved Radar functionality - now detects AI escorts etc.

>   * AI objects are now solid (i.e. users can collide with them)
>   * Some preliminary support for SID/STAR procedures for AI aircraft



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