There is an important growing trend now in software applications to make 
them" portable" in the sense that the complete installation resides in 
it's one directory.
There is no writing to the registry and any ini stuff is kept in the 
same directory as the program.
This enables the program to reside complelety on portable bootable disks 
which are now the rage and growing in importancw as a quick look at the 
latest linux and even portable windows installs to moile sd usb drives 
will show.

I hope that flightgeatr will honor this model as well.
Frankly the move microsoft encouraged from self contained installs with 
ini files in the same directroy to registry entrees was designed to keep 
windows and microsft control of the user. It made it difficult to move 
the installs to different copies of an operating s systems on another 
computer thus the user was forced to instead buy microsoft os upgrades.

With the huge growing importance of having all your software including 
the operating system on a usb mem stick and have the usb be bootable on 
any computer I hope flightgear is following that path as well.
Frankly there is no harm to having a flightgear install being complelety 
contained in one directory and there are many advantages such as 
portability, reproducability for freinds and easy simply zip the 
directory backups.

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