-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 10:31 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata 

Am 21.12.12 11:49, schrieb Gijs de Rooy:
> Please see http://wiki.flightgear.org/FlightGear_Git:_splitting_fgdata
> and feel free to add thoughts/ideas there. A mailing list is not a good 
> place
> for documenting things.
> Cheers,
> Gijs

Hi Gijs

The problem is that a wiki is not a good place to discuss such things
because some people consult this list more frequently than a wiki page.
Anyway, when I read this wiki I fear such pages ends up sometimes as
cemetery of good ideas which started here and moved over to nowhere ...

I´m with Yves on that. The wiki is pretty much stagnant, and seems, to me, 
to be mainly the ideas of one person. It does not seem like a discussion.

There have been several threads on the forum from would be users who are 
unable to get a working copy of fgdata, which must mean that many mire have 
just given and gone away.

Anyway, here is my suggestion.

Firstly  populate fgdata with a bare minimum of aircraft . A starting point 
is those packed in the regular release.

Secondly include within flightgear/fgdata  a database of other aircraft. 
This database should be searchable by keyword(s). Fgrun and similar programs 
will also need access to this database.

Maintain the various aircraft in smaller repositories, no more than (say) 50 
in each. The allocation to each repo is unimportant as selection is done by 
the keywords. It may be more convenient to have one aircraft per repo, to 
avoid difficulties in extracting just one - this depends if SVN, CVS , GIT, 
HTML, or some combination is used.

Add new aircraft repos as the number of aircraft increases.

Keywords could be the obvious (military, civil, helicopter, training, 
transport, vintage, spaceship etc) but could also include fdm, status, 
author and rating.

This system is also adaptable to referring to non GPL private hangars.


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