Re: FLUXLIST: A1 tree shindig

2004-07-29 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: A1 tree shindig

Hi Michael!

You may be interested to know that the ONETREE project you were involved in ( an English Oak) was a model for another way out on the edge here ( a Tassie Oak/eucalypt) and it goes on. Ill get back to you on this when I get back from Australia in a few weeks and get time to follow a few things up with you.

Cheers for now
Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 29/7/04 8:42 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I did make a set of postcards for ONE TREE.
(shown on the blog) I sent out a bunch to all who
participated. sorry i missed you out. some on there
way to you now.
I'm pleased the way the Flobberlob blog is going. i
even managed to put asome links in today with the help
of JollyRoger. Still havent sussed the fancy title
though which looks like a square and some coloured
blobs. I must have missed a vital ingrediant but don't
know what?

Stoke is just a bit too far for us to go. hazel drives
and not keen on motorways. is there a back road to get

All the best, michael

--- Sol Nte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Just doing some fluxlist catching up after a couple
 of weeks.
 Thanks to your blog I now know what happened to the
 tree postcard I returned
 to you a couple of years ago. I had no idea they
 were for that onetree
 exhibition..did you ever produce any documentation
 for those who sent the
 Oh, and I like the descriptions of Crewe Flea
 Market, if you ever fancy
 travelling a bit further south east the flea market
 in Newcaste-Under-Lyme
 on a Tuesday is pretty good for a browse. I was
 reading your description of
 Crewe as being run-down and shabby and mentally
 agreeing when I realised I'm
 in no position to pass judgement since I live in
 Stoke. For those
 fluxlisters not familiar with North Staffs/Cheshire
 geography Stoke is the
 shabbiness you enter if you continue to travel south
 east from Crewe's
 Well work beckons ;)
 - Original Message -
 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:35 PM
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Princess Petal Booklet
  --many thanks to Madawg for the excellent Princess
  Petal booklet and stamps etc. that arrived today.
  It's another blog!

 Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

It's another blog!

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!


2004-07-16 Thread Ray Noman

Youre dead right!!!

Thanks for that!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 16/7/04 3:58 PM, Crispin Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

forgiveness, should be one of them 

Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Currently I am working with a group aiming to adopt four trees as a WISHINGplace or more specifically a WISHINGrow . The trees are yet to be planted but will be shortly, they will be flowering pears, and they?ll be planted near the site of the very first ?YOKO ONO EGGdrop? ? Rather than pick one tree and name it the THE WISHING TREE the group has decided that there is no reason why all four cannot be wishing tree. 

At the base of the trees it?s been decided that it would be good to have 16 words ? one for each side of the square in the footpath in which they?ll be planted ? with each word being the kind of thing people might wish for. We think that there are probably better words than the 16 below and ALL contributions and suggestions will be received graciously and treated with great respect. 


Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server?s up) 


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2004-07-16 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: WISHlist HELP!

Here are some off list contributions that I thought some might appreciate

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Subject: Re: FW: WISHlist HELP! 

Hi! here are some earlyish morning thoughts: 

slower traffic 
less traffic 
more patient traffic 
less greed 
less anger 
less frustration 
less TV 
fewer pylons 
more wave power 
more wind power 
no nuclear power 
no nuclear threat 
more regard for each other 
no cold spaghetti 
no Renault Megane ads 

and some might yearn for: 
painless facelifts 
curly hair 
straight hair 
dark hair 
light hair ...etc 
a masturbation free society


2004-07-15 Thread Ray Noman
Title: WISHlist HELP!

Currently I am working with a group aiming to adopt four trees as a WISHINGplace or more specifically a WISHINGrow . The trees are yet to be planted but will be shortly, they will be flowering pears, and theyll be planted near the site of the very first YOKO ONO EGGdrop  Rather than pick one tree and name it the THE WISHING TREE the group has decided that there is no reason why all four cannot be wishing tree. 

At the base of the trees its been decided that it would be good to have 16 words  one for each side of the square in the footpath in which theyll be planted  with each word being the kind of thing people might wish for. We think that there are probably better words than the 16 below and ALL contributions and suggestions will be received graciously and treated with great respect. 


Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: From Secret Fluxus

2004-07-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: From Secret Fluxus

Secret Fluxus

You seem to have misunderstood my question in so much as I was referring to theology in a broader context. Rather than Fluxus relating to religion as external and separate, my question was more to do with the notion of Fluxus having its own theology or put another way, its own religious-like belief system  and I suppose there is the implied question also, is it one to which you adhere. For example, contemporary understandings of wilderness, and the belief systems that support them, are , arguably, a theology or at least a quasi theology. Do you think that might be the case in so far as your understanding of, and engagement with, Fluxus is concerned?

Its a pity youll not be going to see the original Kincaid work as quite probably you would be able to report back to people such as myself who are far removed from such opportunities. I would be very interested in any position you might have arrived at after being presented with the original and especially so in regard to 
the extent to which you might judge the work to be kitsch
 how his work might be modified to become FLUXUSwork and/or
who you think might be capable of achieving this.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 11/7/04 10:14 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Ray,

Secret Fluxus had a short dinner meeting last night in the intervals between 
different holiday schedules.

I had a chance to collect our email before the meeting, and I?ll respond to 
the questions that have popped up over the past week.

We?ve been thinking about the comments on our style that Allan Revich wrote. 
We developed this in relation to the issue of anonymity, and we are working 
our way toward a new approach. I?m not sure what kind of style we ought to 
have. Some of us are more formal than others. We have a way to deal with 
this challenge while remaining anonymous.

We have decided to use artist names, the artist equivalent of an author?s 
nom de plume. In this way, we can each develop a personality and style that 
suits us while remaining anonymous to anyone outside the group. This may not 
be an entirely satisfactory solution, but we think it will allow us some new 

We don?t yet have our new names, so I?ll be signing this as The Man Without 
a Name. Once we decide how to approach the issue, those of us who wish to 
seek a new style will be free to do so. We also agreed that the ability to 
sign as an individual will permit us to write to others by name. This, in 
itself, will change the tone of our correspondence.

And now, the answers to your questions

The first question is difficult to answer. What is our location? Where do we 
believe that Fluxus is located? Please give us time to think this through.

The second question is easy for us to answer. We don?t feel constrained by 
Fluxus or by the rules we have created for our work together. We are free to 
do what we will. Any one of us is free to establish his or her own rules or 
conditions for anything he or she may do outside the group. We are free to 
change our group rules whenever we wish.

We haven?t really given much thought to the ways in which Fluxus may or may 
not be related to theology. Ken Friedman once intended a career in the 
Unitarian ministry. We have passed your question on to him. Perhaps his 
answer will help us to think the matter though.

It is easy to answer the question on Thomas Kincaid. We?re not going to see 
the Kincaid exhibition. Kincaid may interest someone. He doesn?t interest 


The Man Without a Name

Re: FLUXLIST: Position on the State of Fluxus

Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 01:04:30 +1000
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Position on the State of Fluxus

I?m finding this evolving dialogue with Secret Fluxus quite fascinating 
and there seems to be a tension between the US  UK speakers/writers to do 
with appropriate forms of language, it?s FLUXUSintegrity etc. There is a 
question I wonder about in relation to the group! I wonder if the the group 
has addressed the issue of their ( I suppose it is really it?s rather that 
their) placedness. Like do they collectively or individually see themselves 
as global citizen? British? Londoners? What? Is it an issue that has any 
importance to them? And further to that, where do they imagine/understand 
FLUXUS to be placed/located? Or indeed, where do others on the list think 
FLUXUS is located in a contemporary context?

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server?s up)

Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 21:53:30 +1000
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: A living, breathing, and constantly evolving entity

Secret Fluxus,

Perhaps you should be aware that your group isn?t the only ?secret fluxus? 
group in operation right now. There is, out here at the edge, sFt 
sectretFLUXUStrevallyn that in a way is a kind of ZENzing 

FLUXLIST: no subject

2004-07-08 Thread Ray Noman


Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: A living, breathing, and constantly evolving entity

2004-07-08 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: A living, breathing, and constantly evolving entity

Secret Fluxus,

Perhaps you should be aware that your group isnt the only secret fluxus group in operation right now. There is, out here at the edge, sFt sectretFLUXUStrevallyn that in a way is a kind of ZENzing group/chapter/auxiliary as well. In any event sFt was inspired by your group albeit that its reasons for electing to be secret are quite different as there is a FLUXUStrevallyn that is open and upfront about what it does/they do, together. Ive been relaying selected FLUXLIST postings to a group of colleagues/friends/associates for sometime and as a result two informal groups have somewhat spontaneously congealed with quite different alliances albeit that all are known to each other  as visual artists, designers, teachers, youth workers, restaurateurs, musicians, academics, bureaucrats et al  Its more the authorship of their actions thats secret than the membership. 

To cut to the chase sFt (btw this is the new tag the group has adopted) has opted to operate as a kind of mild cultural gorilla action group producing FLUXUSlike works at a very local level. It would be true to say that this group/alliance was inspired by the possibilities FLUXUS opened up for them in a very local context. They elected to go with FLUXUS identification in honour of their inspiration but have resolved not to be constrained by it. While I am not directly a part of the group _ sFt _ I have facilitated putting some of their stuff out there when asked. While FLUXUStrevallyn shared some membership for a while it is transmogrifying into something quite distinct, and local, and in ways that may mean that as a group it may well drop the FLUXUStag albeit FLUXUS is ever likely to be an important inspiration  it may even delaminate into simply a network of cooperating individuals. There is a state of FLUX in operation.

I say all this to put this question that has been a subject of discussion in the group(s) for a while into some kind of context. And, if it was answered from Secret Fluxuss position it would be quite interesting for most in the group. 

Has Secret Fluxus ever considered its position as being one related to theology? And here theology should be understood in its broadest context. 

I expect that you may not find the question relevant to you in any way but that would be as interesting as any position you individually or the group/collective may have adopted.

Ray _4 sFt  Ft  myself  from way out here on the edge

On 5/7/04 7:38 AM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Mr. Revich,

Thank you for your reply.

In answering, I am speaking for myself, but I doubt the others would object 
to what I will say.

Your views are perfectly reasonable and we have occasionally discussed these 
issues among ourselves. Some of us have taken your position. Because we had 
to reach some position on these issues, we decided to do as we have done. 
This doesn't mean you are wrong, and even those of us who have taken a 
different position might not disagree with you entirely.

As it happens, I am one who accepts the virtues and limits of formal style. 
I would not feel comfortable writing to you as ?Allan? from a position of 
anonymity. It seems rude. Perhaps it is not. How would you feel if an 
anonymous group were to begin addressing you as ?Allan??

While you have the right to your view that we are pretentious, I would like 
to make clear that we are not celebrating formality. Our decision to 
correspond in a formal voice is a practical decision.

Without disputing your right to believe that we are pretentious for making 
this choice, I?d like to point out that many Fluxus works used a formal 
voice, neither to celebrate nor to mock. The use of a formal stage manner in 
some Fluxus concerts served as a device to frame the action. In some cases, 
formal stage dress was used in homage to formal concerts. The meaning of 
these choices was multifaceted. There were often several elements at work, 
celebration, play, mockery, all at once. The point was not that the artists 
celebrated formality, but that they accepted formality as one potential 
choice among several that they could use to good effect.

I understand your second point, but here I disagree a little more heartily.

We do not see ourselves as a preservation ensemble or a reconstruction 
ensemble in the way you seem to think we do. We believe that this work is 
quite able to stand on its own in the present moment, and we are dedicated 
to the work.

Would you argue that koan practice is the preservation of historical Zen? 
Would you argue that a performance of Oedipus is the preservation of 
historical tragedy? Some traditions embody rituals that date back millennia. 
Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims who celebrate Easter, Passover, or Ramadan 
merely preserve historical forms or do they engage in a more complex and 
subtle relationship with traditions?

I feel that our 

NEWSflash FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

2004-07-08 Thread Ray Noman
Title: NEWSflash FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

A friend in Scotland just sent me this:

Channel 4 has just run a news item on THOMAS KINKADE (albeit a bit tongue in cheek, John Snow the presenter is very droll), and guess what? There's this guy in London who's opened up 5 galleries selling exclusively Kinkade merchandise, and he's about to open another two, AND...HE'S A SCOT 

Perhaps Secret Fluxus. or someone, could go and check them out for us all and report back after theyve met in a restaurant and worked some butter and eggs while wearing a kilt.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 5/7/04 10:55 AM, Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I watched it. I think that it was a repeat of a previously aired episode
with a few minor updates. Mostly about how Kinkade and his organization
market his products. He like to use the God/Jesus angle a lot. Very

Personally I'd rather be saved from him than by him. He makes a lot of money
though, as much as 1 million dollars in sales from a one hour spot on the
Home Shopping Network.


- Original Message - 
From: Kathy Forer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Bron Fionnachd-Fein [EMAIL PROTECTED]; malE
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

 On Jul 4, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Ray Noman wrote:

  Thats OK for you folks at the centre of things but out here the TKAS:
  42S (Thomas Kinkaid Appreciation Society: 42 degrees South) theres no
  way well get that unless someone can send a bootleg video to the poor
  souls wholl be missing this. Well just see what we can do but thanks
  for the alert.

 I didn't watch it... but '60 minutes' is pretty good about archiving
 and presenting their shows:


FLUXLIST: no subject

2004-07-05 Thread Ray Noman

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: Position on the State of Fluxus

2004-07-04 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Position on the State of Fluxus

Im finding this evolving dialogue with Secret Fluxus quite fascinating and there seems to be a tension between the US  UK speakers/writers to do with appropriate forms of language, its FLUXUSintegrity etc. There is a question I wonder about in relation to the group! I wonder if the the group has addressed the issue of their ( I suppose it is really its rather that their) placedness. Like do they collectively or individually see themselves as global citizen? British? Londoners? What? Is it an issue that has any importance to them? And further to that, where do they imagine/understand FLUXUS to be placed/located? Or indeed, where do others on the list think FLUXUS is located in a contemporary context?

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 4/7/04 11:40 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Mr. Revich,

We hope that our answer to Ann Klefstad also answered some of your 

Please allow us to answer the question you ask on our position on the state 
of Fluxus.

We have discussed this issue extensively, so I speak for the group in what I 

We have several individual views on the state of Fluxus today and what 
Fluxus means today. We also have several somewhat divergent views on the 
original Fluxus artists.

There are eight of us, and each of us has opinions that differ from the 
others on some issues. Since few of these issues affect our interaction as a 
performance ensemble, this does not bother us. We accept our differences as 
a source of energy. Divergent views bring multiple possibilities forward 
when we perform.

Our nature as a group may shed light on another matter that bothers you. We 
are a group, not a person. When we work as a group, we are an ensemble. We 
are not a band of eight individuals. We are a performance ensemble.

As a performance ensemble resembling a sinfonietta, we work as an 
institution. The decision to remain anonymous in favour of the composers 
whose work we perform requires us to maintain an institutional persona. 
Individuals among us have met and know some of the individuals with whom we 
correspond. As Secret Fluxus, we do not ?know? anyone and no one knows us.

We decided to adopt a formal style. If you knew us and we knew you, perhaps 
this would be inappropriate. As it is, you know none of us and none of us 
knows you. This is the case for everyone with whom we correspond. We also 
maintain a formal style in correspondence with people who may know one of us 
as an individual without knowing that the individual is a member of our 

The solicitor made a persuasive case for maintaining a formal style as the 
simplest and most appropriate approach to anonymous correspondence. A formal 
style is polite. It allows us to express our views in a reasoned way. We can 
demonstrate appropriate emotion within appropriate constraints.

Our style is a conscious choice. We made it for specific reasons. Relatively 
few artists or artist groups on this side of the Atlantic would make the 
same stylistic choice. In that sense, you are not guilty of cultural 
insensitivity. Nevertheless, this choice is not ?put on?. It is a decision 
that reflects our history and our needs. The sensitivity we request is that 
you not do condemn us for an appropriate choice.

Other may prefer a different approach. Everyone is welcome to the style they 
prefer. This is our style.

Returning to the other question, we have no position on what we ?perceive 
the state of Fluxus to be?.

There are some facts about Fluxus to which we all agree. These are 
historical facts. These involve such facts as what happened and who did it. 
We also share a common view on such issues as careful attribution of work 
and credit to the composers.

There are also aspects of Fluxus on which we disagree. Was Fluxus important? 
Some of us say ?yes?. We believe that Fluxus has given a great deal to 
contemporary culture and to art. The most sceptical among us says ?no?. She 
loves performing the work, but she thinks of many Fluxus artists as 
interesting relics whose work is better than they are. (She formed this view 
by meeting several Fluxus artists over the past fifteen years, starting with 
the Biennale of Venice. She feels that some Fluxus artists are ?legends in 
their own minds?, while she sees others as serious people who see their own 
work in sceptical and intelligent terms. In her view, this rescues them from 
the weight of history, but it leaves them in a problematic position with 
relation to art and to Fluxus.)

Is it possible to be a Fluxus artist today? We are divided. Our opinions 
cover several issues and we base them on different lines of reasoning. None 
of us claims to be a Fluxus artist. One of us feels he might reasonably 
claim to be a Fluxus artist if he wanted to make the claim. Others have 
considered the possibility without reaching a conclusion. We agree that the 

Re: FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

2004-07-04 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: For Kincaid fans

Thats OK for you folks at the centre of things but out here the TKAS: 42S (Thomas Kinkaid Appreciation Society: 42 degrees South) theres no way well get that unless someone can send a bootleg video to the poor souls wholl be missing this. Well just see what we can do but thanks for the alert.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 5/7/04 8:12 AM, Kathy Forer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For your Thomas Kincaid fans:

[CC] 60 mins. ? 7/4/04 7:00 PM [EDT]

Morley Safer profiles artist Thomas Kinkade; Mike Wallace investigates 
controversial eminent-domain policies; Ed Bradley reports on a drug 
sting in Tulia, Texas.

Re: FLUXLIST: Things to bring on a sailing trip

2004-07-03 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Things to bring on a sailing trip

enough money on the credit card (for the return trip via hire car, bus, train, plane, whatever!) ???

On 4/7/04 3:51 AM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--A boat?

- Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Foul
weather gear (pants and jacket)
 Wool sweater (wool insulates even when wet)
 Wool cap
 Sun hat with neck strap (so it won't blow off)
 Deck shoes
 Short pants
 Extra shirts
 Clean socks
 Clean underwear
 Toilet paper
 Scotch whiskey
 Bottled water
 Sleeping bag
 Waterproof travel bag

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch

2004-07-02 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Kitsch

Thank you Ann for that! Im particularly taken by the notion of place-holding that you put up. Perhaps some more about that later.

This word kitsch probably has the most contested collection of understandings and meanings attributed to it via the language(s!) we share  or sometimes dont. It may be worth mentioning that what we are talking about when we discuss kitsch is a set of ideas that carry a full quota of cultural cargo. Thus any meaning(s!) that it may have  wherever it is its being understood  is framed within the belief systems, and vernacular understandings, at work within the locale of the cultural reality(ies), and precinct(s), within which it is discussed. Moreover, the languages/dialects/whatever (cultural context?) that define it/them are anything but insignificant.

I find the scurry to the dictionary interesting in so much as dictionaries inevitably contain interpretations of how words were understood up until the point they were complied and even then somewhat subjectively through the lens of some assumed common denominator. Nonetheless, without much else their serious (good?) intent makes them useful. 

There are some issues to do with the understandings/meanings attributed to kitsch. Theres one in particular here to do with the ways the cultural reality(ies)/paradigm(s) in which it is being discussed impacts upon the way(s) in which its being understood  and variously. The assumption that because we are doing so in English  the Queens English indeed sometimes!  that this in its turn may confer concrete and irrefutable meaning upon the word. And, that there may indeed be some kind of hierarchical order imbedded in there too. Like to be kitsch is bad, a negative, a minus, somehow less, worthless, pretentious and more yet in this vein Id guess.

There is a little voice inside me just busting to shout out obscenities and then write them down but I pinch myself, and then remind myself, that I have UPG (unconditional positive regard for those who have forgotten or never even took note) for the group and all in it.

The cultural understandings embedded in kitsch are made up of slippery stuff and it seems to me theyll inevitably be interpreted differently in the various cultural precincts in which theyre interrogated and imagined. I find the idea of a FLUXUSkitsch rather interesting. I wonder if it would it be possible to define (construct?) such a thing in this group/network/whatever. Is such a construct already in progress?

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 3/7/04 3:13 AM, Ann Klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My understanding of the nature of kitsch is that it's the commodified
sublime. It comes out of an era that sought the sublime in art--something
that likely is impossible, at least in terms of the Kantian sublime, that
experience that sort of strips the gears of perception, you know. But
seemingly representations of landscapes personifying the sublime were
accepted as sublime artworks (and this was true of poems, paintings, music).

Kitsch appears to be the response to the desire for the sublime. The
sublime, in an industrial landscape or a commodified life, is a sort of
negative space, a perpetually deferred longed-for experience that people
attempt to fill by means of acquisition. Artifacts of wish-fulfillment--that
is, representations of absent or impossible situations that promise
sublimity but cannot deliver it--are acquired and quickly used up, they
become useless. And so more must be purchased. Kitsch/Sublime becomes a kind
of engine of consumption, the way a commodified culture paves its road
toward the desired consummation with the sublime, a road made of discarded
dreck, more of which is always needed.

In terms of this notion of kitsch, secret fluxus performances are only
kitsch in that they are place-holders for an experience that is arising
directly out of life and the dictates of current culture/history, an
experience of invention. The place-holder is the revived performance, that
does have a air of nostalgia about it.

I think what's being discussed here is the oddity of the preservation of
ephemera, and perhaps the point is that truly fluxus acts are not the
revivification of old (now culturally out-of-place or anachronistic)
performances, but the creation of new ones that have authentic immediacy. Of
course this criticism could apply to other performances; it's just much more
pointed with regard to fluxus because fluxus always had as a subtext that
sort of taoist regard for appropriate immediacy, act as response to context
or current state of affairs.

So in some sense, preserved, salted-down performances, as a primary activity
instead of an occasional apposite homage, could be seen in some sense as
kitschy, as place-holding entities that are empty and thus that need to be
endlessly repeated.


On 7/2/04 8:50 AM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Madawg,
 As the current 

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Ray _from  way out on the edge

2004-07-02 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Ray _from? way out on the edge

OMG I wonder what customs will do this time?? 
Will I be free to make appointments into the future?? 
Should I appoint legal council this weekend?

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)
40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TASMANIA Australia 7250 (somewhere near the edge)
Mobile: 61 + 0438 45 28 11 (for those silly enough to phone the edge)

On 3/7/04 12:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Raynor Man, could you give me your snail mail again? I have something for you. Madawg

Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons _ SUPPLIES

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons _ SUPPLIES


I think I know the kind crayon youre talking about and Im building up to a rubBEingPROJECT and would love some  AND especially a reliable suppliers!! Would anyone out there in the middle know of anywhere/anyway I  EDGEdwellers !!?? could buy these Mighty Lumber Crayons (or the like!?) via MAILorder or something???!! Im having a hell of a time out here at the edge trying to find good crayons4rubBEing . Any suggestions considered  and possibly even indecent ones! 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 2/7/04 4:04 AM, David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

my favorite is the Mighty Lumber Crayon--

the best for making rubBEings!

and only cost 63 cents american!--and last for ages--

From: badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons 
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 13:26:17 -0400 
Now you're talking 
  From: brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: 2004/07/01 Thu AM 11:26:24 EDT 
  Subject: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons 
  a box of Crayola Crayons 

Re: FLUXLIST: Please define kitsch

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Please define kitsch

Hi there! ... NB: Rays at his computer and this is his CONSIDEREDresponse 

Now perhaps Im unusual because I dont think kitsch and FLUXUS are incompatible or even mutually exclusive  to wit Thomas Kinkade. Now Tom is, arguably, both kitsch and FLUXUS in a contemporary kind of context and his work is especially so:
when you/he make(s) jigsaws out of his paintings 
a FLUXUSdevotee post them to the edge of the world
by CHANCE some customs people mix and shuffle the pieces 
AND from 3 separate puzzles of different (ascending!) complexity
AND pretend that nothing has happened and that it wasnt their fault when you hunt them down
AND invoke 9.11 and then claim that it was for the good of the nation anyway (USA?, OZ?)  SAVE THE EDGE!!!

Theres a part of me that feels that John Cage would have approved and thus would happily admit Tom into the FLUXUSclub. Now some would argue that Madawg did (was responsible for!?) all of that but Ill contest that. Madawg stopped being FLUXUS when he wrapped Kinkades product in his MAILart albeit that he simultaneously assigned a FLUXUSkitsch value to Kinkades product .

There are tensions in FLUXUS and kitsch that are not too dissimilar and if Secret Fluxus are indeed closet kitschists I for one do not think theyve got a thing to worry about and even less if they were to come out of their closet. I promise not to be unkind and also to be very understanding. You see my brother was a closet redneck gay person, and I forgave him when owned up, so Ive got a track record.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 2/7/04 5:40 AM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Madawg,

Could you please define what you mean by kitsch?

We can't tell you if we feel we are doing kitsch until
we know what you mean by kitsch.


Secret Fluxus

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 12:30:40 EDT
Subject: FLUXLIST: question for secret fluxus

do you feel that what you are doing is Kitsch? If not, why not? Madawg

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Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons _ SUPPLIES

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: a box of crayons _ SUPPLIES

THANX 4 that!! ... Went there on the Net of course and it seems no crayon albeit lots of other great stuff!!

On 2/7/04 11:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cheap Joes 

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Ray _from way out on the edge

2004-07-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Ray _from way out on the edge


What are you out on the edge of? 
The world!

Is it dangerous there? 
Yep, very very!

Would I be in danger of falling off if I were to be out there on the edge too? 
Yep, and quite a few from elsewhere have already!!

I think that I am getting close to the edge too. Should I go all the way?
Perhaps, but consult your guru, personal trainer, therapist, whatever you have, first!

Apathetically yours [:)))

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 2/7/04 1:57 PM, Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What are you out on the edge of? Is it dangerous there? Would I be in danger of falling off if I were to be out there on the edge too? I think that I am getting close to the edge too. Should I go all the way?
Curiously Yours,

AUTOresponse RE : FLUXLIST: ----- Fake Message -----

2004-06-28 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse RE : FLUXLIST: - Fake Message - 

Hi there ! ... Ray isnt about but this is a real, albeit automatic, response to a Fake Message. It would be a good idea if the sender/senders (?) were to consider his/her/their position and get back to us when theyve worked out the substance of the message.

Elmore_ 4 Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 29/6/04 12:16 PM, brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

RE: FLUXLIST: - Original Message -
-Fake Message-
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: - Fake Message - 

- Fake Message 

Re: FLUXLIST: Yoko Ono Piano Drop

2004-06-25 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Yoko Ono Piano Drop

Due the limitation of resources here I think Ill just go with the Urban Myth until further notice

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 25/6/04 7:59 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Fluxlisters,

We passed the query about the Yoko Ono Piano Drop on to Ken Friedman. His 
answer follows:

'The quickest way to learn more about Al Hansen's Yoko Ono Piano Drop is to 
type the phrase Yoko Ono Piano Drop into Google for a web search. Use 
quotation marks to ensure that the search engine seeks the entire phrase in 
actual word order. The title pops up on many sites. Several sites explain 
that Al Hansen retitled the work in the 1960s.'

He went on to say that he does not know whether these facts are correct. 
Possible, he writes, 'this is simply an urban legend of the Internet 
repeated endlessly from one site to the next.'

Mr. Friedman seems to believe that the title is credible enough.

Learning the exact answer would require some archival work or a query to the 
Hansen estate or some careful book work in a properly equipped library. We 
do not have the resources for more work. We hope this answers the question


Secret Fluxus

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FLUXLIST: Stirring the Possum

2004-06-25 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Stirring the Possum

Its worldSILLYweek this week June 18 to 28  and its POSSUMday today. AND, Im wondering if all this recent, and much more frenetic, activity on the list has anything at all to do with Secret FLUXUS stirring the possum a bit  a polite vernacular euphemism out here on the edge for stirring the pot etc.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: Address book new projects

2004-06-24 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Address book  new projects

Re-leaf box project _ coff... Well youve got me intrigued ... Count me in I think

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TASMANIA Australia 7250

On 25/6/04 3:54 AM, Wojtek Dlugosz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

today I'm goin' through bunch of FLUXLIST messages been busy lately, have to 
catch up now.
Shouldn't we do new address book? I can help to do this, though I'd like to 
work with someone more experianced.
I've been nearly a year on the list now, though I don't know many of you. 
Now after graduating I'll have more time to contribute/create projects. 

Have two projects in the way, who is interested?

1. TaPPaD project - paintings, drawings on beer pads I don't know if this is 
an appropriate name for it but I couldn't find better - I mean this small 
cardboard things whis you place under your booze ;]
Some of it has already been sent to couple of you should arrive in few days - 
let me know when it happens.
Unlimited contributions.
2. Re-leaf box project _ coff... you want to know what's that? let me know 
what's yr phisical address and you'll see. The limit is 10 boxes. I'ts 
important to send me back a documentation photo because when it's finished 
I'll try to make small documentation books for all contributors.


. 397 more to go.

Dnia ro 2. czerwca 2004 18:06, Crispin Webb napisa:"">

 i was thinking we should do another adress book I am still working on the
 boxes i am in ny for the summer but didnt bring the supplies for the boxes
 so i will have to worki on them after the summer be patient. you will get
 one every one


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AUTOresponse Re: FLUXLIST: Gate Time

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse Re: FLUXLIST: Gate Time

Hi there ! ... Ray is in but he is right far too busy ordering helicopter pilots and firemen about to come to the computer and play. Send another post later and he may just be able to come out and play if everything turns out OK.

Elmore_4 Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 23/6/04 8:17 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

---Surely that should be over-nought?

Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
My gran had one. But it was over-wrought.
 -Hey my Auntie nelly used to have a wrought iron
 a bit like that!
 -- Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Ray - from way out on the edge
  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)
  On 23/6/04 6:27 AM, Allan Revich
   - Original Message -
   From: Allan Revich
   Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:38 PM
   Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know
  you're missing: But who
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:40 AM
   Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know
  you're missing

 Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to
 express yourself

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: FLUXLIST: Dory Bushell's a Liar and a Pediatric Sludge

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Dory Bushell's a Liar and a Pediatric Sludge

Nup  Well its not part of any language usage that we know about out here at the edge ... Perhaps its Kiwi or something???

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 24/6/04 4:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 6/23/04 11:29:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I'm sorry but isnt that Australian?

AUTOresponse x5 - FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - a mulitple

2004-06-23 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse x5 - FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - a mulitple

Hi there ! ... Ray is still trying to talk a helicopter pilot into dropping a piano onto a bucket full off eggs from 100 feet under police supervision and hell get back to you when hes made some progress. Nevertheless Ill try to answer for him till hes back on track




Elmore_4 Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

-- Forwarded Message
From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 22:43:54 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: a deck of cards - a mulitple

water gate


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Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: portrait of secret fluxus

2004-06-22 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: portrait of secret fluxus

Idz Hokay cuz I think they know how to forgive!!

RAY_4 secretFLUXUStrevallyn _from out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 23/6/04 12:00 AM, Alan Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


One forgot to mention SecretFluxusTrevallyn's rather splendid entry too,

blushes really rather violently...

..shuffles out of room, trips over modem cable and says naughty wordsbut
hat's another e-mail

Stan etc etc

AUTOresponse #11A _ FLUXLIST:You really don't know what you're missing: But who does?

2004-06-22 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse #11A _ FLUXLIST:You really don't know what you're missing: But who does?

Hi there ! ... Ray is in and he has got your message but he is quite unsure as to what to do about it. Please eMail again later when he has worked something out.

Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 23/6/04 4:38 AM, Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know what you're missing

AUTOresponse 1010 Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know who you're kissing:

2004-06-22 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse 1010 Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know who you're kissing:


Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)
On 23/6/04 6:27 AM, Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message - 
From: Allan Revich mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know what you're missing: But who does?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST:You really don't know what you're missing

Re: FLUXLIST: Lord Russell's Pair of Dogs

2004-06-21 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Lord Russell's Pair of Dogs


Does this mean that secretFLUXUStrevallyn are 
a bunch of impostors 
fraudulent pretenders 
irrelevant imitators 
extraneous prats 
unimportant fools 
insignificant people 
false profits OR simply

Because its worldSILLYweek and LOONIEmonday I needed 11 alternatives but seriously I would appreciate your, indeed anyones, advice on this in order that I can pass your judgment on to secretFLUXUStrevallyn who will be performing in the streets here at the edge on NUTTYthursaday June 24.

Cheers, Ray

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

For More Information Contact Ray Norman 


On 21/6/04 5:29 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Ms. Forer,

We don't recall whether Allan Revich signed one of his messages as Secret 
Fluxus, but he is not one of us.

We have made the astonished discovery that artists in several places now 
claim to be members of Secret Fluxus. There is a simple way to tell who is 
NOT a member of Secret Fluxus. No one who claims to be a member of Secret 
Fluxus is one of us. The members of our little chamber orchestra are known 
only to one another and to a few family members who sometimes perform with 
us or join us in family picnics while we plan our activities.

As Lord Russell would have noted, this makes it easy to know who is NOT 
Secret Fluxus while making it impossible to know who IS.

We gather from the tone of Mr. Revich's communication that he does not wish 
anyone to mistake him for one of the four women or the four lovable moptops 
in our group. Of course, if we were Beatles Imitators, it would obviously 
leave room for a Yoko Ono Imitator in our midst. This raises a thorny issue, 
since we do not wish to imitate Fluxus artists. We only wish to perform 
their work.


Secret Fluxus

(The allusion to ?four lovable moptops? is a Silly Week joke. None of us is 
a moptop. One male has very long hair, the second is normal, our ?handsome 
Beatle? is bald ? or at least tonsured, and the solicitor looks even more 
normal than the normal one.)

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 02:35:38 -0400
From: Kathy Forer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Apologies to Alan Bowman

On 6/20/04 2:06 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We did not intend the mildly irate reply that we
  posted by misreading the header on his short note as the header for 
  Revich's long note and harsh list of labels.

But is or isn't Allen Revich one of you? Has he not at one time signed 
own messages as Secret Fluxus?

Or was that some or another sort of mis/appropriation?

  Dear women and four Beatles imitators,

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Re: FLUXLIST: Secret Fluxus and Me.

2004-06-21 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Secret Fluxus and Me.

After Monday next Ill be able to give a serious response to this and I look forward to doing so as it deserves on! 

In the meantime doyinhahutel zulli fut zajung

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and 
serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

For More Information eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On 22/6/04 1:18 AM, Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think that I need to post some clarification to the list regarding my views expressed towards Secret Fluxus. 

1) I should state from the outset that I admired this group a great deal when they joined and began posting to the fluxlist.

2) I continue to admire Secret Fluxus a great deal. Their dedication to performing fluxus works, and to preserving the historical fluxus work and perspective is admirable, respectable and is a welcome addition to fluxlist.

3) My attraction to fluxlist was, and continues to be the new works and ideas put forth in the list. I enjoy the discussions about fluxus history, but enjoy the dynamics of new fluxus activity even more. 

4) My critique of some Secret Fluxus postings is that they seem to put fluxus completely into the past tense, relegating it to history, whereas I love the idea that people like Ken Friedman, George Maciunas, and Yoko Ono started an activity/movement/idea that developed a life of its own and continues to grow, develop, evolve, and thrive. I have been disappointed by what I have perceived however as an unwillingness on the part of Secret Fluxus to acknowledge that Fluxus is much more than only a historical movement in need of preservation.

5) As Ken Friedman stated in his essay Forty Years of Fluxus;

Fluxus has been able to grow because it's had room for dialogue and transformation. It's been able to be born and reborn several times in different ways. The fluid understanding of its own history and meaning, the central insistence on dialogue and social creativity rather than on objects and artifacts have enabled Fluxus to remain alive on the several occasions that Fluxus has been declared dead.

6) Long live Fluxus!
Allan Revich

Re: FLUXLIST: Sorry for mixing Alan with Allan

2004-06-21 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Sorry for mixing Alan with Allan

GEEE shucksss [:)

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 22/6/04 1:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 6/20/04 11:41:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This might be the time to introduce this list to the notion of UPG Unconditional Positive Regard.

I UPG you too Ray-Dawg


2004-06-20 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: MEDIA RELEASE for LOONYmonday 


LOONYmonday  is the fourth day of worldSILLYweek and Southern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice  LOONYmonday June 21 the shortest day in 2004.   


The DAYcolour for LOONYmonday  is DRABber  and a trip to the Painters Pot on York Street will get anyone a can of the official  DAYcolour DRABber  . Once youve got some you may want to paint something quite large DRABber  and just watch it dry in celebration of worldSILLYweek.

Whenever you notice that it is 11 minutes past any hour, in celebration of worldSILLYweek, you might shout out 11 or OH NO at the top of your voice wherever you are. If asked about the meaning of it you could tell the questioner everything you know about Yoko Ono.

Since its LOONYmonday its time to make, or draw. a LONNIEdinger. Click on this link to go to the explanation of what a LONNIEdinger is and how they came into being. Traditionally, LONNIEdingers are burnt on the Winter Solstice in a ritual of renewal. If the LONNIEdingers people make are about the size of a shoe, and made totally in accordance with tradition, they can be ritually burnt at The METZ at 11 minutes past an hour yet to be determined. To comply with tradition LONNIEdingers must be made entirely of leaves, twigs, paper, string and fragrant combustible organic materials  no toxic chemicals please. People may also wish to burn a LONNIEdingers at home in the company of a few friends at 11 minutes past an hour  any hour ... say after a nice dinner or a few quiet drinks.

LOONYmonday   is the day in worldSILLYweek when SOLTICEmeal is in order. Its a good opportunity to meet up with few friends and do something extraordinarily SILLY. The METZ invites Launcestonians to pop in and challenge the chef and staff.

Again, looking beyond LOONYmonday its the best time to write down all the things you want to be rid of, and/or all that you may want to achieve, after LOONYmonday and the Winter Solstice has passed and we enter the new SOLARcycle .

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

For More Information eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: FLUXLIST: Sorry for mixing Alan with Allan

2004-06-20 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Sorry for mixing Alan with Allan

This might be the time to introduce this list to the notion of UPG Unconditional Positive Regard. Its a term used in contemporary cultural theory and is used when one probably needs to say love but one is unable or it would be absolutely inappropriate to do so. Apparently nurses use the term for describing their relationship with their patients and it probably describes the relationship those amoung us who have dogs, expect from them no matter how we treat them. There is a proposition floating about that UPG should be the underlying principle that informs Netlist communication. Now out here at the edge you can call someone a F***king Old Bastard and do it in the spirit of UPG. Its quite a confusing convention but in a way thats most useful aspect. I tell you this because out here its LOONYmonday and I do not want to enter the new SOLARcycle without doing so.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 21/6/04 3:59 AM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Fluxlisters,

We seem to have confused Alan Bowman with Allan Revich.

It is to Allan Revich that we should have written, 'We have explained who we 
are and what we do a few times now. We will be happy to do it again. 
Following a few events and accidents last month, we are rethinking our own 
activities, so our view of ourselves may change, but we'll post a relatively 
current statement. We do indeed include a couple of art students in our 
midst, and many argue that solicitors are wankers, but the rest of the 
labels on your list are hardly neutral. If you truly intend no offence, 
there are better ways to avoid giving offence than by asking whether we are 
killjoys, pompous little twerps, little children with big mouths etc.'

Your long list of pejoratives is designed to offend. So is your manner of 
addressing us as Mr. and Mrs. Secret Fluxus, and the like when you know we 
are a group. We use the polite form in all correspondence because, as an 
anonymous group, we can't claim to know any one person directly or on a 
first-name basis.

Mr. Bukoff has changed the purpose of Fluxlist, and the reasons we joined 
are no longer among the purposes. If you or others find our interests 
bothersome, we will be happy to leave the list.


Secret Fluxus

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Re: FLUXLIST: Piano works

2004-06-19 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Piano works

Thanks for this posting and we look forward to further posting with great interest 

secretFLUXUStrevallyn _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 19/6/04 10:12 PM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fluxlist Friends,

Misattributions of Al Hansen's work aside, we have enjoyed the piano pieces. 
We forwarded these to Ken Friedman, asking about any works he might know 

This is his reply, posted to the list with his permission.

Secret Fluxus

From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Thanks
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:57:13 +0200

Dear Secret Fluxus,

Thank you.

That is funny.

I never dropped a piano, but I did stuff one.

Variation for Food and Piano

A piano is prepared with food.
(The piano may be played.)


First performed at the
Washington Project for the Arts in Washington, D.C.
September 1982.

There are several piano works of possible interest.

Phil Corner has a piece where you push
a piano around, and there is a famous piece
in which you dismantle a piano. I'll have
to find the scores for you.

Best regards,


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FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Piano Drop


As a consequence of the celebration of worldSILLYweek out here at the edge we have been given a piano to drop from a great height. Curiously the donor kind of new about Al Hansens Yoko Ono Piano Drop but not the names etc. We are contemplating doing a kind of piano drop as a grand finale worldSILLYweek. Thus I would appreciate advice as to how we might go about it. There are no 5 story buildings to be had out here at the edge, let alone bombed-out ones, so we a looking to get a helicopter for the drop  if not a crane . If we can get both we will use both and there is a chance that we may.

All contributions to do with how we might do an authentic drop out here would be much appreciated.

As a matter of interest, or disinterest, whatever the case today is FOOLISHfriday the first day of worldSILLYweek and we plan to do the drop at 11: 11 AM on DEADmonday June 28 the last day of worldSILLYweek. On DEADmonday you are required to be extraordinarily sensible after 11: 11 AM on pain of a heavy fine by way of a large donation to a charity. 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

For More Information Contact Ray Norman 


Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop


Thanks for that since my post Im pretty sure that we can get a crane with a 5 story lift and we also seem to have found an appropriate industrial site thats now part of a cultural precinct. BUT we will acknowledge your suggestions and keep them in mind if the crane or helicopter fails for some reason.

In fact we have a standard upright piano already donated which is why I sent my post but again ALL your suggestion will make a great contribution to how we document the event.

Question!! ! Does anyone know how many Yoko Ono Piano Drops there have been. It would be good to acknowledge that!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 18/6/04 5:31 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Ray, perhaps if you have no heights from which to
drop your piano, an alternative would be to find or
dig a very deep hole to drop it down? A mine shaft? A
woolen mine or a pit where jumbucks are quarried
maybe? A deep well where the azure liquid has dried
up? If you used a very small piano you could give the
impression of a great height using a step ladder and
looking through the wrong end of a telescope?
Hope these ideas are of some help.

Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi!
 As a consequence of the celebration of
 worldSILLYweek out here at the edge
 we have been given a piano to drop from a 3great
 height2. Curiously the
 donor kind of new about Al Hansen1s 3Yoko Ono Piano
 Drop2 but not the names
 etc. We are contemplating doing a kind of piano
 drop1 as a grand finale
 worldSILLYweek. Thus I would appreciate advice as to
 how we might go about
 it. There are no 5 story buildings to be had out
 here at the edge, let
 alone bombed-out ones, so we a looking to get a
 helicopter for the drop - if
 not a crane . If we can get both we will use both
 and there is a chance
 that we may.
 All contributions to do with how we might do an
 authentic1 drop out here
 would be much appreciated.
 As a matter of interest, or disinterest, whatever
 the case today is
 FOOLISHfriday the first day of worldSILLYweek and
 we plan to do the drop
 at 11: 11 AM on DEADmonday June 28 the last day of
 worldSILLYweek. On
 DEADmonday you are required to be extraordinarily
 sensible after 11: 11 AM
 on pain of a heavy fine by way of a large donation
 to a charity.
 Ray _from way out on the edge
 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server1s up)
 worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
 11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and
 serious pisstaking all in the
 cause of charity
 For More Information Contact Ray Norman
 * Website:

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to express yourself

Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

Ill put your suggestion to the potential helicopter pilot and/or crane driver for their opinions on this ideas relative silliness

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 18/6/04 7:32 PM, Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 A piano on a length of elastic. That would be very silly.



 Visit The Poetry Zone


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Noman
Sent: 18 June 2004 07:16
Subject: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop



As a consequence of the celebration of worldSILLYweek out here at the edge we have been given a piano to drop from a great height. Curiously the donor kind of new about Al Hansens Yoko Ono Piano Drop but not the names etc. We are contemplating doing a kind of piano drop as a grand finale worldSILLYweek. Thus I would appreciate advice as to how we might go about it. There are no 5 story buildings to be had out here at the edge, let alone bombed-out ones, so we a looking to get a helicopter for the drop  if not a crane . If we can get both we will use both and there is a chance that we may.

All contributions to do with how we might do an authentic drop out here would be much appreciated.

As a matter of interest, or disinterest, whatever the case today is FOOLISHfriday the first day of worldSILLYweek and we plan to do the drop at 11: 11 AM on DEADmonday June 28 the last day of worldSILLYweek. On DEADmonday you are required to be extraordinarily sensible after 11: 11 AM on pain of a heavy fine by way of a large donation to a charity. 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up) 

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

For More Information Contact Ray Norman 





FLUXLIST: KINKaid art Light

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: KINKaid art  Light

Hello ALL!!! 

Im here to announce my excitement, and ABSOLUTEappreciation, that Madawg PoD has sent me a wonderful KINKADEgift and it IS truly TRULYwonderful. 

BUT there is more and therere some delightful CHANCEconcurrences in this gift that Dawg could hardly (never?) have anticipated that are trulyFLUXUS. Ill list some:

Despite coming via SEEmale it didnt come via Africa and did reach the edge of the world
I was notified that it had arrived at the edge of the world on FOOLISHfriday the first day of worldSILLYweek
I was unable to collect it from my local POSToffice until SURREALsaturday which my good wife did for me at 11: 11 AM the most auspicious time each day during worldSILLYweek 
It contained not one but three reproductions of Mr. Kinkades work in a JIGsaw format  the very best format in which his work should be appreciated
 Because the CUSTOMSdeclaration was for Puzzle  Magazine  and NOT ART when it is very clear that this parcel didnt contain ART but was ART  the good folks at Customs decided that its contents were subversive and opened it looking for a WMD or something, found a puzzle as declared, had a go at solving them while reading the magazine, mixed them all together and reassembled the parcel  which again is quite probably the only format in which Mr Kinkades work might be understood as ART, albeit in a FLUXUScageian kind of way
My good wife of 30plus years finally decided to come out of the closet and reveal that she was a JIGSAWfreak  Im a JIGSAWdissident  AND that she was going to (A) unravel these paintings and (B) write to the Minister for Customs and protest about his staffs actions despite my protestation they they had made art  I suspect that she is trying to annoy me
I was bereft of thing to do on FREAKYsunday tomorrow  for worldSILLYweek and now I have something extraordinarily SILLY to do that is quite FEAKY and a total waste of time

So Dawg, your parcels arrived couldnt have been more auspicious and it is TOTALLYappreciated and just so FLUXUScageian!!!

My problem now is, what can I send Dawg from the edge of the world that could match this SURREALsaturday KINKADEgift ??? Now Im open to suggestions and I will consider ANY reasonable proposal!!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity
For More Information Contact Ray 

Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

2004-06-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop

Halll David, 

Albeit tangential to you posting I have been able to win the cooperation of the local FIREbrigade to do a YOKOOHNOeggdrop from the top of their BIGEXTENSIONladder at approximately 7:30 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a part of the SILLYsomething were doing on NUTTYthursday prior to the SILLYconcert at The METZ at approximately 8:11 PM.

Arrangement have also been made to document the first ever YOKOOHNOeggdrop and we expect to release a DVD soonish after the event. Will will of course acknowledge you unless you wish to be left out of the equation.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 19/6/04 6:21 AM, David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Halll to edge of the world--

one cd also do a piano drop, a very cheap low tech one--by say pushing off a porch, or the curb or--off a balcony-

via all manner of documentation, exageration, rhetorc floursihes, manifestoism--one cd turn a tiny drop--into a very big splash!

(use of photographs, video, audio, writings, posters etc--)

one cd also make yoko ono egg drop soup perhaps?


From: Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: FLUXLIST: Piano Drop 
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:15:45 +1000 
As a consequence of the celebration of worldSILLYweek out here at the edge 
we have been given a piano to drop from a great height. Curiously the 
donor kind of new about Al Hansens Yoko Ono Piano Drop but not the names 
etc. We are contemplating doing a kind of piano drop as a grand finale 
worldSILLYweek. Thus I would appreciate advice as to how we might go about 
it. There are no 5 story buildings to be had out here at the edge, let 
alone bombed-out ones, so we a looking to get a helicopter for the drop  if 
not a crane . If we can get both we will use both and there is a chance 
that we may. 
All contributions to do with how we might do an authentic drop out here 
would be much appreciated. 
As a matter of interest, or disinterest, whatever the case today is 
FOOLISHfriday the first day of worldSILLYweek and we plan to do the drop 
at 11: 11 AM on DEADmonday June 28 the last day of worldSILLYweek. On 
DEADmonday you are required to be extraordinarily sensible after 11: 11 AM 
on pain of a heavy fine by way of a large donation to a charity. 
Ray _from way out on the edge 
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up) 
worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004 
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the 
cause of charity 
For More Information Contact Ray Norman 
* Website: 

 Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers! 


2004-06-16 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: WorldSILLYweek's FOOLISHfriday



 FOOLISHfriday JUNE 18 is the first day of worldSILLYweek but it doesnt actually start until 11: 11am. In Launceston the week will be fanfared in by Launcestons Mayor, Ald. Janie Dickensons, mystery stand-in. Ald. Janie Dickenson will be in Hobart for FOOLISHfriday but her mystery stand-in will be blowing something in Civic Square, just outside Town Hall, in the shadow of Launcestons town clock and dead on the dot of 11:11 am.

worldSILLYweek actually starts ?at 11: 11 am sharp  local time  wherever you are in the world. And wherever people are in the world they are encouraged to BLOW SOMETHING ... a whistle .. a trombone ... your car horn ... a bugle ... fog horn ... your bagpipes ... anything will do! ... just to help fanfare in worldSILLYweek . 

An important point to remember is that during worldSILLYweek EVERYTHING important happens at 11 minutes past the hour! And, on DEADmonday JUNE 28 at 11: 11 am sharp worldSILLYweek finishes. 

At the very same spot her mystery representative blew the whistle on the week Ald. Janie Dickenson herself will blow the whistle on the week. Its important to point out that after 11:11 am on DEADmonday it is no longer considered cool to be silly and until dark everyone is required to make an extra effort to be sensible in order to recover from their worldSILLYweek festivities.

People in Launceston who have not already got one, and who really need one, can pick up a License to be Silly at the service desk at Town Hall

People in Launceston can also go to The METZ on the corner of York  St. Johns Streets where the staff will be offering 'Licenses to be Silly' for a donation of $2 to the Examiner's Winter Appeal. Not only will The METZ give you a license, they'll also give you a FREE Beer. But this offer is only good for FOOLISHfriday. People caught out being sensible at the METZ will be issued with a SILLYweek Infringement Notice and required to make a $2 donation. However they will not be eligible for a free beer.

NB: The SILLYweek/FOOLISHfriday DAYcolour is WETmelon  GO TO  All SILLYweek colours can be acquired at Launcestons Painter Pot painting suppliers on York Street.

For More Information go to the wSw Website: 

worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

Re: FLUXLIST: re: first prize is a wine colored smoking jacket

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: re: first prize is a wine colored smoking jacket


Here are some things to do and games you can play on that lawn way out here at the edge


worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

Fro More Information Contact 



On 15/6/04 12:16 PM, allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I already have a wine-colored smoking jacket:

 in honor of alan and his lawn salad, ambrosia salad, lawn gnomes
 and pink flamingos..I would like to introduce The Crazy Lawn
 Display Project...the winner with the most creative display gets a
 wine colored smoking jacket..its from a california costume shop and
 has been dry cleaned..send a photo to the list or post on a site so
 all can see!! (if you don't have a lawn any setting outside is ok)
 Amy Baylaurel Casey

AUTOresponse : FLUXLIST: Re: AUTOresponse   AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse   FLUXLIST:AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse : FLUXLIST: Re: AUTOresponse? AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse?? FLUXLIST:AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

Gday ! ... Ray will be out of bed soon and ready to respond to your messages

Elmore_4 Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 15/6/04 11:27 PM, Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning. I am back in the zone.
- Original Message - 
From: Allan Revich mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: AUTOresponse AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST:AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

I am no longer in the zone.
- Original Message - 
From: Allan Revich mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: AUTOresponse AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST:AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

I am in the zone.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Re: AUTOresponse AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST:AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

the poetry zone...
how do you know when you are in this zone?
and what makes it a zone? Are there borders?
que pasa

Re: FLUXLIST: re: first prize is a wine colored smoking jacket

2004-06-14 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: re: first prize is a wine colored smoking jacket

Might we out here at the edge of the world ge some kind of prize for having the smallest lawn in the world
Check it out:

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 15/6/04 10:55 AM, Amy Baylaurel Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

in honor of alan and his lawn salad, ambrosia salad,
lawn gnomes and pink flamingos..I would like to
introduce The Crazy Lawn Display Project...the
winner with the most creative display gets a wine
colored smoking jacket..its from a california costume
shop and has been dry cleaned..send a photo to the
list or post on a site so all can see!! (if you don't
have a lawn any setting outside is ok) Amy Baylaurel Casey

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

FLUXLIST: CONSIDEREDresponse to Re: AUTOresponse  FLUXLIST: according to babelfish....

2004-06-13 Thread Ray Noman
Title: CONSIDEREDresponse to Re: AUTOresponse?FLUXLIST: according to babelfish

Nup! not yet and I would have shouted out really loud had it arrived. But I think when people send things to the edge of the world from the USA sometimes they go to Africa, or at least via Africa. Its a total mystery to me but I am wondering if its SNAILmail. with snails as the couriers, that your postal authorities punish you/us with for insisting on SEAmail. Anyway just think of it as research and we might even get into that book of records for something if it takes much longer.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 14/6/04 1:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 6/11/04 3:54:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi there ! ... Having just received your posting Ray is more depressed than he was before and is now totally unresponsive and ill equipped to come to the ?keyboard. I beg you to watch the content of you postings if you have any regard whatsoever for his state of mind. If you cannot comply at least try to be careful.

Ray baybee did your present from me come from the high seas yet? Madawg

AUTOresponse 01001001_83b­ FLUXLIST: AW: fibonacci

2004-06-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse 01001001_83b FLUXLIST: AW: fibonacci


For Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)
On 11/6/04 10:10 PM, Georg Birkner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

F(14) = 233

F(14) = 377

F(15) = 610

F(16) = 987

F(17) = 1597

F(18) = 2584

F(19) = 4181

F(20) = 6765

F(21) = 10946

F(22) = 17711

F(23) = 28657

F(24) = 46368

F(25) = 75025

F(26) = 121393

F(27) = 196418

F(28) = 317811

F(29) = 514229

F(30) = 832040

F(31) = 1346269

F(32) = 2178309

F(33) = 3524578

F(34) = 5702887

F(35) = 9227465

F(36) = 14930352

F(37) = 24157817

F(38) = 39088169

F(39) = 63245986

F(40) = 102334155

F(41) = 165580141

F(42) = 267914296

F(43) = 433494437

F(44) = 701408733

F(45) = 1134903170

F(46) = 1836311903

F(47) = 2971215073

F(48) = 4807526976

F(49) = 7778742049

F(50) = 12586269025

F(51) = 20365011074

F(52) = 32951280099

F(53) = 53316291173

F(54) = 86267571272

F(55) = 139583862445

F(56) = 225851433717

F(57) = 365435296162

F(58) = 591286729879

F(59) = 956722026041

F(60) = 1548008755920

F(61) = 2504730781961

F(62) = 4052739537881

F(63) = 6557470319842

F(64) = 10610209857723

F(65) = 17167680177565

F(66) = 2890035288

F(67) = 44945570212853

F(68) = 72723460248141

F(69) = 117669030460994

F(70) = 190392490709135

F(71) = 308061521170129

F(72) = 498454011879264

F(73) = 806515533049393

F(74) = 1304969544928657

F(75) = 2111485077978050

F(76) = 3416454622906707

F(77) = 5527939700884757

F(78) = 8944394323791464

F(79) = 14472334024676221

F(80) = 23416728348467685

F(81) = 37889062373143906

F(82) = 61305790721611591

F(83) = 99194853094755497

F(84) = 160500643816367088

F(85) = 259695496911122585

F(86) = 420196140727489673

F(87) = 679891637638612258

F(88) = 1100087778366101931

F(89) = 1779979416004714189

F(90) = 2880067194370816120

F(91) = 4660046610375530309

F(92) = 7540113804746346429

F(93) = 12200160415121876738

F(94) = 19740274219868223167

F(95) = 31940434634990099905

F(96) = 51680708854858323072

F(97) = 83621143489848422977

F(98) = 135301852344706746049

F(99) = 218922995834555169026


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:43:13 -0400
From: allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: 89, 144...



AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: h2g2???

2004-06-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: h2g2???

Hi there ! ... Ray is in but he is absolutely depressed and is unable to attend to his mail right now and anyway your an inappropriate person to be eMailing at this time. Please eMail later when he is feeling better or after some chick or other has hit upon him

Elmore:4_Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 12/6/04 12:52 AM, Sol Nte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


hoopy froods 
and now babelfish

Maybe this is the Fluxus at the End of the Universe???



AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: according to babelfish....

2004-06-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: according to babelfish

Hi there ! ... Ray is under the bed in the fetal position and totally unable to come to the computer. Nevertheless he has asked me to answer postings like yours as follows:

Whoop un dedfrec
Zingup goaler tondom
Ufredhal doner sikzer
Llop hllup genzo
Zuu kellop badtip

Elmore/4_Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)
PS: If you need a translation ZINzot ZOup

On 12/6/04 1:38 AM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I put some of my cut-up pooetry into babelfish to
see what would happen. It tends to leave words like
would'nt in english and it's all spewed out in one
big chunk which makes it hard to put back togther
Anyway, here it is-

Diversioni Mindless

Questo stuff appiccicoso e la poesia
Esso rima di does'nt persino
Incomprehesibile a me -
Lo disaccordo se disordine improvvisato

La buana poesia dovrebbe essere WAF WAF
La o DUK supplementare - terrestre DUK
Ed o portare un GAV forte GAV
Oppure un WUNG morbido WUNG

Tate piumino mystifying
Non aggiunge fino a formaggio
I would'nt da un genitore nano
A scopre che piselli alti

A.1. Waste Poems Co. Ltd.

___ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - so many all-new ways to express yourself

AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: according to babelfish....

2004-06-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: according to babelfish

Hi there ! ... Having just received your posting Ray is more depressed that he was before and is now totally unresponsive and ill equipped to come to the keyboard. I beg you to watch the content of you postings if you have any regard whatsoever for his state of mind. If you cannot comply at least try to be careful.

Elmore/4_Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 12/6/04 12:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

...FLUXLIST is a mailing-list of the email for the people who are interested within or attracted to Fluxus. The list includes an immense range of makes a subscriber that they send the email to you approximately the subjects of non-Fluxus and of Fluxus, the plans and l'altro stuff (comprised if).

looks like one of my normal mails

FLUXLIST: CONSIDERED response Enviro Mental Silliness

2004-06-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: CONSIDERED response Enviro  Mental Silliness

Hi There! ... Thanks for that it is were much appreciated

RAYhimself _ way out here on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server is up)

On 12/6/04 12:34 PM, Tom Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lennon did make a comment about there being a lot of f***ing trees in Tasmania.


Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello All,

In preparation for worldSILLYweek ? Friday June 18 till Monday June 28 ? I?m collecting memorable quotes and significant utterances of two of Tasmania?s most prominent citizens, Paul Lennon  John Gay. I?m writing to you all as I?m sure that there are some of their sayings that stand out for you and especially so now that Mr. Lennon is Tasmania?s Premier. All contributions gratefully received and it anticipated that the sayings you contribute will be auctioned during worldSILLYweek in Launceston with the proceeds going towards the establishment of a BBEF (Buy Back the Environment Fund) Your contributions and recollections will also be collated and placed on the worldSILLYweek Website 

John Gay managing director of GUNNS Ltd says, there are 
too many protected species But what did Paul Lennon say?


worldSILLYweek June 18 to 28 2004
11 Days of sanctioned social transgression and serious pisstaking all in the cause of charity

Fro More Information Contact 



Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.* 


2004-06-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Ming  PHP

Hi there ! ... Ray is back his office and will eMail you when he gets a chance. In the meantime if there is anything that the Internet can help you with you may want to visit a Website he is associated with. Ray expects to be out of his office again just as soon as he gets a chance to do that. In the meantime he asks that you just keep sending him eMails to this address in order that his computer can keep on sending messages like this one.

Ray  from way way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server is up)

Please Note: This eMail is a community service announcement sponsored by the ZENzing Group 

On 10/6/04 5:24 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MIng perhaps? Chinese definately, 14th century.
Slightly chipped but otherwise in very good condition.
Turn it over and look, ah, on the bottom we see the
identification mark - Fluxlist - obviously a clever


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 In a message dated 6/9/04 9:43:59 AM,
  MIng, Now wasnt he the Merciless guy in old Flash
  Gordon animations?
 now you're dating yourself...

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
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AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: Gnilbmurg

2004-06-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: Gnilbmurg

Hi there ! ... Ray is going to be out of his office for a while and he will eMail you upon his return if he has time. In the meantime if there is anything that the Internet can help you with you may want to visit any number of Websites he is associated with. Ray expects to be back in his office whenever it his he gets a chance to do that and he asks that you just keep on sending your eMails to this address.

Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

Please note this is an automatic, artistic and measured response to your last eMail 

On 11/6/04 1:12 AM, John M. Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


grumbling ,beef ash ,tower drained htaeneb eht spring ,lush heel gnikaos omzig like a tuna taolf towel degnulp ahead the wol sllih across the tresed evord with only noomlight .feeb gnirps leeh ,ha anut rewot filled with gizmo !chew yr noom lewot yr grumbled floater in yr hctaw or leaf a lwob or a hat .tah a ro bowl a fael ro watch ry ni retaolf delbmurg yr towel moon ry wehc! omzig htiw dellif tower tuna ah, heel spring beef. thgilmoon ylno htiw drove desert eht ssorca hills low eht daeha plunged lewot float anut a ekil gizmo soaking leeh hsul, gnirps the beneath deniard rewot, hsa feeb, gnilbmurg

John M. Bennett 

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist: Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

2004-06-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist: Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

Hi there ! ... Ray is going to be out of his office for as long as he likes and he will eMail you upon his return if he feels like it. In the meantime you may want to visit any number of Websites he is associated with  eMail him for the URLS. Ray expects to be back in his office when the weather turns bad or if the fish stop biting  whichever happens first  and he asks that you persist in sending your eMails to this address until further notice.

Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server is up)

WARNING: This is an automatically generated, random and totally indiscriminant response to your last eMail 

On 11/6/04 4:00 AM, Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im afraid Roger is out of the office at the moment.

Hes just gone downstairs for a cup of coffee.

He will be back shortly.




Visit The Poetry Zone


AUTOresponse AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

2004-06-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: AUTOresponse AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

Hi there ! ... Ray is in but he is right pissed off because your the wrong person to be eMailing him right now. Please eMail later when he is in a better mood or after someones paid him some money

Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if the server is up)

On 11/6/04 9:16 AM, brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message - 
From: Roger Stevens mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:57 PM
Subject: AUTO-RESPOSERE: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response

Roger is in the office right now but is asleep.

Please send e-mails for quietly for the next fifteen minutes or so.


Visit The Poetry Zone

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Allan Revich
Sent: 10 June 2004 20:43
Subject: Re: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response


Everything is going to be OK.

Allan is in the office right now.

He may not be in the office when you read this.


If he is not in the office when you read this message,

he is probably somewhere else.

- Original Message - 

From: brian mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:12 PM

Subject: Re: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response



- Original Message - 

From: Ray Noman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 12:45 PM

Subject: AUTOresponse FLUXLIST: AUTO-RESPONSE: Fluxlist:Auto-respose:Re Auto-response


Hi there ! ... Ray is going to be out of his office for as long as he likes and he will eMail you upon his return if he feels like it. In the meantime you may want to visit any number of Websites he is associated with ? eMail him for the URLS. Ray expects to be back in his office when the weather turns bad or if the fish stop biting ? whichever happens first ? and he asks that you persist in sending your eMails to this address until further notice.

Ray ? from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server is up)

WARNING: This is an automatically generated, random and totally indiscriminant response to your last eMail 

On 11/6/04 4:00 AM, Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I?m afraid Roger is out of the office at the moment.

He?s just gone downstairs for a cup of coffee.

He will be back shortly.

Visit The Poetry Zone

FLUXLIST: Going 2B out!

2004-06-09 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Going 2B out!

Hi there ! ... Ray is going to be out of his office for a while and he will eMail you upon his return. In the meantime if there is anything that the Internet can help you with you may want to visit any number of Websites he is associated with. Ray expects to be back in his office whenever it his he gets a chance to do that and he asks that you keep sending your eMails to this address.

Ray Norman  From way way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Please note this is an automatic and measured response to your last eMail 

Re: FLUXLIST: Secret Fluxus is Ken Friedman

2004-06-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Secret Fluxus is Ken Friedman


Im back at the edge from Australia and Im going through ALL my eMail. This one stands out and IF secretfluxus takes up the challenge Id like to be on the (their?) list even as a lurker as it would help me a greatly deal i8n joining up some of the FLUXUSdots.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 24/5/04 3:06 PM, allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Having had my own heart broken before and in various ways by Fluxus and FLUXLIST, it has been sad to watch Secret Fluxus begin to go through this experience. So I have taken it upon myself to update the Fluxlist website so that no one (hopefully) will ever again mistake FLUXLIST for a serious academic email discussion group ABOUT HISTORICAL FLUXUS. Ken Friedman always wanted this list to be like that. Secret Fluxus seems to have some sort of expectation like this in mind. Well, sorry, kids, but it isn't going to happen. Not on FLUXLIST. I hope we will continue to have the stray thoughtful notice and piece exploring this or that issue about whatever Fluxus was, but I honestly don't think there are enough Fluxus historians and academicians in the world to sustain such a list (and aren't Ken Friedman, Hannah Higgins, Owen Smith, Bertrand Clavez, and a dozen other full and part-time Fluxus historians already emailing each other and wouldn't they have evolved an email discussion list is it was going to be useful to them?). There certainly is enough room on FLUXLIST to accomodate all the serious Fluxus discussions that could ever be held ... but there don't seem to be enough people to ever sustain them. I will make Secret Fluxus the same offer that I have always made Ken Friedman: I will help set you up with your own email discussion list and list server. You can set it up any way you want (moderated/unmoderated, open to the public/invitation only) and create a serious Fluxus email list that would be a credit to Fluxus scholarship. I would love to see someone do this...start a new list. Much easier than trying to whip FLUXLIST into shape. FLUXLIST is . Sorry.

Here's what the new FLUXLIST website at now says about FLUXLIST (please note that I have removed all references to the purpose of the list):

FLUXLIST is an email discussion group for people who are interested in or attracted to Fluxus. The list includes a wide range of subscribers who post emails about Fluxus and non-Fluxus topics, projects, and other stuff (including the whether).

Very literal. No fancy promises. No statement of purpose. THAT shouldn't break any hearts. I have also removed Ken Friedman's statement of new beginnings as that has also proven to be an overly optimistic over-promise on what FLUXLIST delivers.

Finally, two projects for secret fluxus or anyone else who wants to make a major contribution:
1. start an academic/serious email discussion group about Fluxus and get it to work to Ken Friedman's satisfaction
2. create a Fluxus bulletin board on the web that posts all known Fluxus, fluxus, fluxus-like activities so we can really see how the Fluxus meme is living and morphing
3. go back through the archives of FLUXLIST and pull out all the serious discussions and issues that HAVE been raised and discussed here (however briefly) and create a sort of academic best of document to e

Re: FLUXLIST: What is the purpose of Fluxlist?

2004-05-21 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: What is the purpose of Fluxlist?

I speak only for myself but it seems to me that the NETlist is not so much about FLUXUS as it is FLUXUS. As for FLUXUS, Fluxlist, word games, sex, brown things in the grass in parks and even woobly grinks, well they can all be disappointing  or even extremely disappointing. 

Again speaking for myself Ive found it useful subscribing to this NETlist and indeed unless Id done so secretFLUXUS might well have remained a mystery, and the DEADLYsecret , it was to me some months ago. Now that might not have been a BADthing but I guess my life is a little richer for the experience and as for my PhD Thesis, its going nicely thank you. 

May I suggest that if you are not finding enough then perhaps you are not turning over enough rocks to look under  euphemistically speaking. Or maybe its that you are not adding much so there is much less to take away. And anyway, why would/should a discussion about such things become uncomfortable? 

Now in regard to your unhappiness there are some things, very positive things, that you can do about that and we could all start a list right here and now and see how long it could get:

Possibility # Z4_1116: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to a singular view of an attitude 
Possibility # Z4b_1116/a: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to the serious investigation of nothing
Possibility # Z4c_1116/b: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to the serious investigation of somethingness
Possibility # Z1_1/x: Do all of the above
Possibility # Y6_66-69: Say something outrageous and stand back
Possibility # Y6/b_66-69-a: Say something outrageous and keep saying it
Possibility # Y6/c_66-69-b: Think something outrageous and tell someone
Possibility # Z75_7765: Find a friend and ask them if its Monday
Possibility # Z75/a_7765-2: Find a cook and ask her/him how to mix eggs and butter or something  artistically!
Possibility # DA42_00042: Contemplate 42 and tree planting in both this and reverse order
Possibility # A54_8963: Reduce the circle of acquaintances you engage with and insist on talking about rain.
Possibility # KK1_0066: Invest in pictures of light by Americas most famous artists
Possibility # Zz1_0001: Seek alternative visions of the same

Unfortunately Im moving away from the edge slightly and going to Australia for a week or so. Therefore, Ill not be able engage deeply in this discourse unless its still going when I return to the edge, CYBERaccess is restored and theSPAM has not drowned it. The risks we take and now Ive got to and go pack my safety gear and fill my wallet. 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

BTW: its SILLYweek  a compound noun but more to the point its worldSILLYweek  a compound idea if not a confounding one

On 22/5/04 3:17 AM, secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We have just read three complete issues of Fluxlist Digest without reading a 
single issue, idea, or topic on Fluxus or anything related to it. We read 
some poems, some word games about wobbly grinks and vital defects, the 
announcement for a video show and something about silly week.

While there is nothing wrong with this, there is nothing interesting or 
useful either. This is the kind of material one expects to see on Yahoo mail 
art chat lists. We subscribed to Fluxlist hoping for something better.

Is anyone here interested in Fluxus? We subscribed based on the Fluxlist 
statement of purpose, but it seems that these purposes do not reflect the 
current interests of ist members. We would be interested to know why the 
others here subscribe. At risk of launching an uncomfortable discussion, we 
want to ask whether others are as unhappy as we are with a list that has 
nothing to do with Fluxus.

Secret Fluxus

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FLUXLIST: SILLYweek MFOLTAZ2004 appointed

2004-05-20 Thread Ray Noman
Title: SILLYweek MFOLTAZ2004 appointed

Hello All,

This is simply to announce that Launceston now has a MFOLTAZ for worldSILLYweek 2004. His name is Drew and he lives in Philadelphia and more will be revealed as time progresses  but then again maybe not. Anyway, the Website has a little visual expose on Drew that you may want to look at and there is a link to a page of his own with some other images worth the looking at.

The URLS are:
All the WEBpages have been assembled in the spirit of too much is never enough

Cheers, Ray

PS: If you think its worth it please pass this message on

For More Information Contact:
Ray Norman _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

FLUXLIST: Say it with flowers

2004-05-20 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Say it with flowers

Its always a really good time to say something with flowers. You can say almost anything with flowers and here is just four things you might want to do with flowers: 

? Buy a flower, leave it out of water for several days so it wilts and give it to a really good friend, or lover, for something or other and notify your solicitor of what you have done. 

? Take a flower from somewhere and let it die then paint it a really SILLYcolour and make an appointment with a Psychologist or something as soon as possible.

? Order a bunch of flowers that lacks any flowers and send it to someone who needs telling something whenever, remembering to leave the country immediately 

? Buy a bunch of flowers and pull all the heads of, give them to people in the street, then give the leftover bunch to someone to tell them something about something making sure that you've taken out a restraining order against the recipient and updated your personal accident insurance.

Re: FLUXLIST: FLUX BOX II - wow great wow

2004-05-18 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: FLUX BOX II - wow great wow


This URL worked for me too but Id like to know why the other one didnt as its happen before for PHOTObucket

It was particularly good for me to get an insight into this project as a late starter on this list

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 18/5/04 3:38 PM, allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wojtek, THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to photograph and post FLUXLIST BOX II and contents."" (cut and paste this URL into one line with no spaces)

Congratulations to everyone! I did not participate in this box (which was my personal contribution to elevating the quality of the project), but have been dying for so long (2 years?) now to see what box and contents ended up looking like/being. WOW, Crispin, fucking great looking box...easy to imagine that George Maciunas himself would have been taken with this. And the contents are truly delightful. Can't quite see/read or hear everything as well as I would like (e.g., Fluxuations CD) and authorship is not clear for many items in this display, but what a great treat you have all created. Artist trading card, Exhale the Rocks game, While you were out note, reunion piece for Fluxlist (unsubscribe from Fluxlist. resubscribe to Fluxlist), stigmata stickers, official laser time machine unit, and lots of other booklets and poems and games. Time's Calligraphy really knocked me out. Was also pleased to see rubber stamp image from Fluxlist Box I show up on several works. Okay, everybody take the day off and celebrate! Allen Bukoff


2004-05-16 Thread Ray Noman
Title: LONG

Just in case anyone was wondering how to say long in Farsi, well if you go here youll find out 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)


2004-05-16 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Eggs  EGGcups

On behalf of secretFLUXUStrevallyn Im calling for things to do with eggs  EGGcups during worldSILLYweek in Launceston and here is a URL that leads to others where they will be displayed AND all contribution will be received with jubilation and gratitude!!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: Household Hint No. 4536243

2004-05-15 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Household Hint No. 4536243

Im just curious I suppose but if this is HINT # 4536243 where can I see, or get copies of, the other 4,536,242?

Or does this question automatically classify me as being pedantic, an anal retentive, or something?

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 15/5/04 5:19 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Household Hint No. 4536243

Pull the bristles from an old used toothbrush with
some snake-handle pliers. Get a large white grape and
gently push the bristles into the grape at various
intervals until just a 10th of millimetre is sticking
out. Continue at regular intervals until you have a
fake gooseberry. Push fake gooseberry up a ladder with
hot waffle iron. Sit back and relax.

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your friends today! Download Messenger Now


2004-05-13 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Got my MAILart

Hi I got my MAILart from Amy all they way here at the edge and its kind of delicious

Ill respond soonish but maybe Ill need to go to Australia in a day or so ... So it might have to wait till Im home again but you never know

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

FLUXLIST: A Bit More About Nothing

2004-05-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: A Bit More About Nothing


Quite a bit about nothing here me thinks. Its my PayPal Account and its very disappointing  but could it be art I wonder!

All suggestions for improving/altering/changing the situation gratefully received!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Apr. 2004 Monthly Account Statement
To print your Monthly Account Statement, click Get Printable Version below.
Currency Type 
? Balance
Apr. 1, 2004 $0.00 USD 
Apr. 30, 2004 $0.00 USD 

Date Number of 
Received Value of
Received Number of
Sent Value of
Sent Fees Other Credits Other Debits Net
Apr. 1, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 2, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 3, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 4, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 5, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 6, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 7, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 8, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 9, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 10, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 11, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 12, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 13, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 14, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 15, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 16, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 17, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 18, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 19, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 20, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 21, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 22, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 23, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 24, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 25, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 26, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 27, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 28, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 29, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Apr. 30, 2004 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Totals 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

2004-05-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

Well you asked for it. 

Here are a few filtered URLs to be going on with and they will tell almost everything there is to know about Tasmanian Devils ... Probably!? ??? ??? ********* *** ** **** **

On 11/5/04 10:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 5/10/04 1:18:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is this a SILLYquestion that I can answer accordingly OR are you actually unsure what a TASMANIANdevil is?? Either way I could have a go at an answer! Maybe I could an answer in response to both intentions!

tis silly but I dunno what it is

Re: FLUXLIST:Photo Bucket

2004-05-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST:Photo Bucket

Thanks to PHOTObucket I got the DEVILtasmanian and it had a particular resonance today as I returned from a trip to much nearer the edge and witness several of these chaps squished by the edge of the road. There is a another story about them and their diminishing numbers that this image may play a part in. More of that later perhaps.

Thanks for the image much appreciated!!!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 10/5/04 11:24 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ---That was quick. All signed up and have my own
photo album at Photobucket now. link to my first photo
should be-

Let me know if this works. Cheers, Michael

michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Thanks Sol, Great idea. I'd not heard of
 before. I've signed up straight away. sounds too
 to be true!
 yes, not having a website does have it's
 disadvantages. This may be a good temporary solution
 to a frustrating problem of image sharing with the
 Fluxlist members etc. Michael

 Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
 your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Happy Tasmanian Devil day

2004-05-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Happy Tasmanian Devil day

If you sent it to the SILLYweek postal (PO Box?) address by SNAILmail it may have arrived and I just havent caught up with it yet. But if it was to me via [EMAIL PROTECTED] Im sure it hasnt come to me. Nonetheless it would be good to get and Ill look out for it if I know how its coming/come, whatever. I personally do not clear the SILLYweek SNAILmail box which I guess is a bit silly of me.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 10/5/04 4:50 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not sure where the tasmanian Devil went I sent to
Silly week. I can't seem to find it. i may still have
a copy in my Photos folder. 
The only drawback with Fluxlist is that there doesnt
seem to be a Home for files of this sort we can all
see and exchange, othewrwise it's a great group and
one to participate in. Cheers! Michael

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

2004-05-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

Is this a SILLYquestion that I can answer accordingly OR are you actually unsure what a TASMANIANdevil is?? Either way I could have a go at an answer! Maybe I could an answer in response to both intentions!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

 On 10/5/04 11:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 5/9/04 2:12:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Please, please, please, point me to your altered Tasmanian devil ?as Im really into those and alien/altered understandings of them!!!

you would know--what are they really??

Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Happy Mother's Day

2004-05-09 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: Happy Mother's Day

Its got my vote but it always did have 

However, Im not holding my breath for such an agreement actually being made on June 1 despite the recent apologies! 

I just hope that Im as wrong about this as I am about so much else.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 9/5/04 10:40 PM, suse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


For Mother's Day everywhere: A simple and naive-sounding wish:
It involves a communication from Mothers to Military Brainiacs, Politicians, Privateers, and Others:
Can we please agree to stop ALL WAR on June 1st, 2004 and begin to devote all of our attention, (and high-tech know-how) to this mandate:

FLUXLIST: FW: A bit about nothing

2004-05-09 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: A bit about nothing

Well Ive been playing with nothing and getting nowhere much as one might expect. 

If you go here its probably worth clicking on everything ... then again maybe not!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

2004-05-09 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Absolutely nothing next 22 miles

Please, please, please, point me to your altered Tasmanian devil as Im really into those and alien/altered understandings of them!!! 

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 10/5/04 5:38 AM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Enjoyed looking at all the nothings. I did not see my
altered tasmanian devil there- does that mean it
turned into nothing? Glad Dogpile was of use. Its
amazing what you can find there. Michael

allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  or try instead
  If you go here its probably
  worth clicking on everything ... then again maybe
  Ray _from way out on the edge
  eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: FLUXLIST: Excuse Of The Day

2004-05-06 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Excuse Of The Day

Monday: The dog ate it!
Tuesday: The dog wouldnt eat!
Wednesday: The dog didnt eat!
Thursday: The dog couldnt eat it all!
Friday: I ate what was left!
Saturday: The dog eats everything!
Sunday: The dogs looking for something!

On 5/5/04 11:48 AM, Kathy Forer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

May 4: missed a spot!

Monday: Sunday
Tuesday: Monday
Wednesday: Tuesday
Thursday: Wednesday
Friday: Thursday
Saturday: Friday
Sunday: Saturday

Re: FLUXLIST: collabrative story

2004-05-06 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: collabrative story

Ill be in it.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 7/5/04 1:37 AM, Josh Ronsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Fellow Fluxlisters,

I am starting a new story project, an exquisite corpse. Let me know if you want to participate, and 
the more who do the better. I will send a sentence to the first person on the list, who then must write a second sentence and send it back to me. I will then send the second sentence to the next person on the list and so on. I will only write the first sentence. 
I plan on going through the list a few tmes.

Who's in?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

Need a new email address that people can remember
Check out the new EudoraMail at

Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some .......

2004-05-02 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some ...

OMG ... Went to DOGPILE  and I was under the illusion that there was only Google so Im learning something  and found this:

We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility -- boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom. Charles S. Peirce, Logic of Events (1898)

Then I did a random Google image search and found these:



All of which kind of suggests that there is quite a bit to nothing and it also seems thats been know for some time. So I think DAs explanation  42  is more comprehendible albeit that all this is quite interesting.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

BTW ... I did get the JPEG!

On 2/5/04 5:22 PM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Ooops! It seems one cannot send jpegs or even html
via the Fluxlist so you did not get to see the diagram
of nothing which seems very fitting under the
circumstances - sending nothing and finding out
nothing never arrived!
But if you are keen to see a diagram of nothing I
suggest you go to DOGPILE and type in nothing and
several thousand images of nothing pop up - one of
which is the diagram of nothing in a discourse about
the beginning of the universe. All the best, Michael

- Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I think
this is all quite ZENzing if not FLUXUS and
 I1m contemplating using
 that scientific drawing/diagram for a logo for
 something Zz.
 BUT, I also think that in the end this discourse
 about nothingness, or
 somethingness, or whatever, well maybe Douglas Adams
 probably had an (the?)
 answer which I struggle to recall . Was it 421
 or is it now another
 number like 01 or 11 or a whole string of 0s  1s?
 Somethingness is just
 so hard to avoid, and as for nothingness, well it is
 equally difficult to
 Then again, when I didn1t go to the meeting it was
 quite OK doing nothing
 rather than something instead. Quite silly really!
 Ray _from way out on the edge
 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server1s up)

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some .......

2004-05-01 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Nothing and then some ...

I think this is all quite ZENzing if not FLUXUS and Im contemplating using that scientific drawing/diagram for a logo for something Zz.

BUT, I also think that in the end this discourse about nothingness, or somethingness, or whatever, well maybe Douglas Adams probably had an (the?) answer which I struggle to recall . Was it 42 or is it now another number like 0 or 1 or a whole string of 0s  1s? Somethingness is just so hard to avoid, and as for nothingness, well it is equally difficult to embrace. 

Then again, when I didnt go to the meeting it was quite OK doing nothing rather than something instead. Quite silly really!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

Re: FLUXLIST: Doing nothing

2004-04-30 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Doing nothing

Yes it does I tried it today when I missed a meeting!

I offered my apologies saying that I was enacting a new FLUXUSscore by Alain Lefebvre and just could not get away.

My word and apology was accepted so I guess thats proof positive that it works.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 30/4/04 6:21 PM, Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not quite sure if that works


Explain that again



Visit The Poetry Zone


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alain Lefebvre
Sent: 30 April 2004 03:49
Subject: FLUXLIST: Doing nothing


How to do nothing:


1)Establish the time and the place of the thing or activity which you feel most compelled or necessary to do. (Example; Going to the bathroom.)

2)When the time comes for you to be in that place don't show up or go elsewhere. (You will be doing nothing.)





Re: FLUXLIST: Re: screenprinting.

2004-04-29 Thread Ray Noman

A while ago now I was called upon quite regularly to co-assess textile
students and my colleague had introduce his students to the GOCCO process
and I was always amazed by what they were able to achieve with it in a short
space of time and especially so for those with NO PREVIOUS experience.

They were poor struggling students and they managed to pay for it!  I heard
no grumbles about value for money etc. but did all too often for a range of
other stuff so that tells me something. Mostly that, if I was going to
attack screen-printing now the GOCCO would be the first thing I'd use. While
not being a printer myself I've spent my life around people who are and
everything I've seen suggests that the GOCCO is GOODgear.

The fact that you can get it in Australia just has to be an added bonus
[:­)) GO FOR IT I SAY!

Cheers, Ray

On 30/4/04 2:36 AM, Rick Griffith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 N. N. No.
 Don't do the speedball kit, it's the worst you can do- the gocco is much
 better. I've been screenprinting for 10 years. The value is much higher with
 gocco. Unless you want to committ to a real printing system with explicit
 inks for explicit substrates etc...
 The speedball kit is a trap for high school wanna bes - I had enormous
 failure with it when I was a kid and as a 'grown-up'- it's like eating soup
 with a fork. Wrong tool-bad results.
 I promise.
 Rick Griffith
 On 4/29/04 9:46 AM, Sol Nte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This Gocco looks quite good but is a tad pricey. Think I'll try the
 speedball kit first.
 - Original Message -
 From: michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:59 PM
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: screenprinting.
 ---Hi everyone, just a quick mention of the PRINT
 GOCCO (Trans. Play Printing ) that I had the pleasure
 to use recently when making a limited ed. postcards
 with Mark pawson ( which is similar
 to screenprinting in that it uses a tiny screen that
 can be exposed to light using the flash bulb gadget
 supplied. The image is thus made on the fine screen.
 ink is squeezed straight from the tube onto the screen
 and 100-150 prints can be made from one multiple
 colour application. Highly reccomended. Sets cost
 about £70 in Japan but difficult to get them sent
 overseas apparently. An australian company can do it (
 this is where Mark gets his supplies ) but cost a
 great deal more. they can be reached at
 I was thrilled with my postcards. (samples available
 for swaps ) Mark is putting together a set of 12 made
 by different artists/designers over the summer for
 sale coplete with booklet about the project. all the
 best Michael
  David William [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:   I
  screen printing.
 Sol -
 When I printed with Speedball materials in grad.
 school, it went as follows:
 1.) obtain/create original design  put it on thin
 white paper or clear acetate.
 2.) IN DARKROOM (w/ safelight) squeegee emulsion
 onto both sides of stretched screen.  allow emulsion
 to dry.
 3.) place design  screen on exposure table.
 (ultraviolet light table w/ black fabric cover 
 vacuum pump to seal it up)
 4.) expose screen for 7 to 12 minutes, depending on
 the opacity of the paper your design is on. (less
 time for clear acetate.)
 5.) NOW SAFE FOR REGULAR LIGHT. hose down your
 screen with a power washer on a meduim setting. this
 blows out the places where the dark marks of your
 design blocked the light  kept it from activating
 the emulsion. (emulsion stops ink, so where there is
 no emulsion - the lines of your design - ink can go
 6.)let screen dry, and you're ready to print! lay
 the screen down on whatever you want to print onto,
 glob some ink at one end of the screen, and squeegee
 it across. SCHLORP! you have a print!
 ***NOTE: since you are not printing under the exact
 conditions that i was printing, you'll have to find
 alternatives to, say, the darkroom with safelight,
 the ultraviolet vacuum table, and the power washer.
 I'm sure a Google search on screen printing at
 home or what have you will help.***
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FLUXLIST: no subject

2004-04-28 Thread Ray Noman
Hello all!

Well we at secretFLUXUStrevallyn have been playing with Drew¹s mugshot on
the pretence, ruse even!,  that it was good practice for worldSILLYweek.
Well it has been that and it¹s been a bit of fun too.

Well on the strength of all this we are proposing/asking/begging people to;
1. Mine the Internet for images of Launceston and Tasmania
2. Use them to do something with Photoshop ­ or some kindred software ­  to
make a ŒdigitalPOSTCARD¹  (or to scan  digitise one)  for worldSILLYweek
here in Launceston Tasmania;
3. Restrict each contribution to an A4 format size or similar; and
4. Send a contribution to secretFLUXUStrevallyn by eMail to
5. Lodge contribution on your Website and simply send [EMAIL PROTECTED] the
IF people do so we at secretFLUXUStrevallyn will, without fear or favour:
1. Record/document all contributions and put them up on;
2. Display hardcopy printouts during worldSILLYweek in Launceston Tasmania;
3. Place a digital and hardcopy record OF THE COLLECTION with the most
appropriate public collection here in Launceston/Tasmania

This invitation is made worldwide in accordance with the usual ŒMAILart¹
* There will be NO jury, NO selection, NO fee and NO returns; and
* All submissions will be subject to the COPYfreely protocol which:
* Allows copies to be made for NONcommercial purposes; AND
* Asserts the authors¹ Moral Rights.

* A Google Search for say _ Launceston Tasmania Photo tours _ will turn up
all kinds of stuff

BTW: Drew is now out TOP candidate for SILLYweek¹s  digitalCLOWNprince ­
image in progress ­

* VOTE 1 for DREW
* VOTE often for DREW
* We need DREW for digitalCLOWNprince
* When do we want him?
* NOW!!! . Other candidate may stand but we think their chances
would be very slim right now

More as it comes,

Ray 4 secretFLUXUStrevallyn _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server¹s up)
worldSILLYweek 11 days of serious social transgression and serious


2004-04-28 Thread Ray Noman
Title: DIGITALpostcard CALL

This went out before without a HEADING

DIGITALpostcard CALL for worldSILLYweek
June 18 to 28 2004

Hello all!

Well we at secretFLUXUStrevallyn have been playing with Drews mugshot on
the pretence, ruse even!, that it was good practice for worldSILLYweek.
Well it has been that and its been a bit of fun too.

Well on the strength of all this we are proposing/asking/begging people to;
1. Mine the Internet for images of Launceston and Tasmania
2. Use them to do something with Photoshop  or some kindred software  to
make a digitalPOSTCARD (or to scan  digitise one) for worldSILLYweek
here in Launceston Tasmania;
3. Restrict each contribution to an A4 format size or similar; and
4. Send a contribution to secretFLUXUStrevallyn by eMail to
5. Lodge contribution on your Website and simply send [EMAIL PROTECTED] the

IF people do so we at secretFLUXUStrevallyn will, without fear or favour:
1. Record/document all contributions and put them up on;
2. Display hardcopy printouts during worldSILLYweek in Launceston Tasmania;
3. Place a digital and hardcopy record OF THE COLLECTION with the most
appropriate public collection here in Launceston/Tasmania

This invitation is made worldwide in accordance with the typical MAILart
There will be NO jury, NO selection, NO fee and NO returns; and
All submissions will be subject to the COPYfreely protocol which:
Allows copies to be made for NONcommercial purposes; AND
Asserts the authors Moral Rights.

t=City+views+-+Tasmania+-+Launceston+-+History+-+1851-1901+-+Photo+graphs AND
A Google Search for say _ Launceston Tasmania Photo tours _ will turn up all kinds of stuff

BTW: Drew is now out TOP candidate for SILLYweeks digitalCLOWNprince 
image in progress

* VOTE 1 for DREW
* VOTE often for DREW
* We need DREW for digitalCLOWNprince
* When do we want him?
* NOW!!! . Other candidate may stand but we think their chances
would be very slim right now

More as it comes,

Ray 4 secretFLUXUStrevallyn _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)
worldSILLYweek 11 days of serious social transgression and serious

FLUXLIST: Airport Information

2004-04-28 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Airport Information

Hello all,

If you have ever wondered how to say AIRPORT in Afrikaans just click on the link to hear it spoken. 

You may also be interested to know that this advice is available in several other languages.

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)


2004-04-27 Thread Ray Noman
ATTENTION: for those interested ... I have done a bit of an update on the
DREW DANIELSON: Digital Makeover site.

€  there is now some text behind each image, as a rollover,  courtesy of Zz

€  I¹ve changed the URL to
sorry about that but it just had to be done

€ KINKaid fans will be please to note that I¹ve changed one of the images,
one with a KINKaid out the back ...  it paid just too little to that
prodigious TK talent so that needed to be fixed;

Now it would be kind of interesting to have images of other FLUXLISTers to
do something like this with. I¹m wondering if its not too late already to do
something for worldSILLYweek???  June 18 to 28

The WEBsite 4 wSw is of course and there is all
kinds of stuff gathering itself there. I'll send a URL to you all with a
portrait for working on when I get the chance to put another page up

Cheers 4 now,
Ray _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the server¹s up)

Re: FLUXLIST: image project; Amy's tie project redux

2004-04-26 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: image project; Amy's tie project redux

4 DREW:   whoever!

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 26/4/04 9:14 AM, Drew Danielson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 image project
 Hi folks,
 as you may or may not be aware, there are some websites out there that 
 have regular photoshop contests that challenge ppl to desecrate images 
 and otherwise clast at icons... is one of these. 
 While many of these images are not gems - not necessarily artistic let 
 alone fluxus - the concept itself is in my mind flux-like in nature.
 I recently posted a photo of myself to Fark outside of their normal 
 contest structure. I didn't ask for it to be photoshopped, but true to 
 their smartass form several people there did post photoshops of/using my 
 face. I've compiled a gallery of these images here -
 All of the expository prose is leading to this - I extend an invite to 
 members of fluxlist to build on this corpus. Photoshop images are the 
 most convenient medium, but other visual art forms are certainly 
 welcome. Scans and photos of non-digital work would be grand.
 JPEGs of the two source pictures are on the gallery page. If you are 
 interested in contributing please read the info on that page on how to 
 share your work for inclusion. Email me if you want higher-resolution 
 source images.
 Thanks, at least for humoring my proposal, if not for contributing.
 - Drew Danielson
 Amy's tie project redux
 I still have the tie that Amy sent me. I would like to pass it on to 
 someone who will contribute to her project. I thought I'd posted an 
 email here asking for an address to pass the tie on to, but apparently I 
 posted from the wrong email address and it never showed up on the list.
 If you'd like to be next with this tie, send me mail with info on how to 
 send it to you.
 - Drew

Re: FLUXLIST: new member

2004-04-22 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: new member

Welcome to the list from way out here

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

On 23/4/04 4:52 AM, michael leigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Thank you Owen for your kind welcome.
 The A.1.Waste Paper Co. Ltd was born out of a chance
 encounter with a rubber stamp I found at a flea market
 in London's east end (Brick lane) in 1981. I was
 looking for a name to encompass the mail art works I
 had just started making for the network. It seemed
 that most of the more interesting participants had a
 nom de plume of some kind and I was keen to find one.
 It seems that the A.1.Waste Paper Co. was now defunct
 and after some enquiries I adopted it for my own
 umbrella heading/name for all the mail art work I did
 from that date. the original rubber stamp has since
 been retired to the big stamp rack in the sky - having
 gone all squidgy - as we all must do some day.
 I don't as yet have a website - being a rather
 latecomer to the internet and a luddite at heart, but
 you can find examples of my work spread about the net
 if you put in a search for A.1.Waste Paper Co. Ltd and
 Michael Leigh. This will save me the trouble of typing
 out urls which I usually get wrong anyway!
 All the best, michael
 p.s. please feel free to ask any qestions regarding
 the info. you discover. i will confirm or deny any of
 the spurios facts written about me or that i have
 supposedly written!
 wen Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 A.1.Waste Paper Co. Ltd.
 So Michael - out of curiosity what goes on at
 A.1.Waste Paper Co. Ltd. ?
 Welcome to the list,
 Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly...Ping 
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FW: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade _ Weet-Bix, Weetabix, Vegemite, Marmite, Chaplin and Milligan

2004-04-16 Thread Ray Noman
Debuggered for HTML

Trevor sent this contribution to the Weetabix Vegemite discourse  it¹s
not quite FLUXUS but what the hell  we¹ve all got delete buttons!

Ray _from  way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (server¹ll be up soonish)

³April 17 : Weet-Bix, Weetabix, Vegemite, Marmite, Chaplin and  Milligan

Dvid says it¹s Sir Charly¹s B-day today
And the Great Spike¹s t to tata ta to t
Sir Charlie ate Marmite, and that¹s but a guess
But Spike, he¹s for Vegemite, to taaa tata to t
Badgergirl  reckons Vegemite¹s like Marmite
Badgergirl  says someone¹s just told her,  maybe, maybe
Badgergirl  reckons they¹re  neither good nor are they bad
Badgergirl  reckons that¹s  Marmite from yeast
And Vegemite¹s not, Badgergirl  reckons
Badgergirl  reckons she¹s sampled¹em both
Badgergirl  reckons they¹re not bad
They¹re evil, bloody evil, and much worse than bad
Bt David says he¹d take dynamite instead
 ³for [wrecking] creation² he said
for ³(no-professional) purposes only² he said
Badgergirl¹s soul is just poor and misguided
Bt David, well he¹s downright dangerous
AND  quite,  quite, unguided
Dvid says with dynamite he¹d rearrange the world
Dvid says with dynamite he¹d make fragMEANTS from one
Dvid says he¹d make beauty from confusion
It¹s Heraclitus he¹s invoked and by him he¹d be guided
Dvid¹s  dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous
AND  that¹s not to mention, misguided, quite misguided
Badgergirl  reckons her groups can be entered by bribery.
On this she¹s just deluded , oh so deluded
Badgergirl  doesn¹t know if Weetabix and Weet-Bix are at one
On this too she¹s misguided, oh so misguided
AND that¹s not to mention, bloody undecided
Dvid says Weetabix are a mystery
OR perhaps just a memory, and it¹s dim
Badgergirl  thinks  Weetabix is spelt this way today
AND another tomorrow, oh for a day, a new day, a new day
Badgergirl¹s mind¹s quite made up
AND  it¹s slept-in ready, too tatataa to tooo
Dvid says Weetabix comes in  a box
Probably, perhaps, supposedly, he¹d guess
Badgergirl  thinks  it¹s all such a bother
Badgergirl  thinks that maybe, just maybe, she¹ll just not bother
Just bail out, just go away, just give up
Badgergirl  thinks there¹s a  chance she¹ll do it
Badgergirl  gets bored
AND,  quickly, very quickly
AND  absolutely
Absol Bloody Utelllyyy.

Trevor Allen: for Badgergirl, Ray and now for David too taatata to tooo²

On 17/4/04 3:59 AM, David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Happy Birthday to both Charlie Chaplin ... and the great Spike Milligan!
etc. etc. etc.

On 16/4/04 11:40 PM, Meryl Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, Vegemite  is about the same as marmite etc. etc. etc.

Re: FLUXLIST: Your message to #225494815#

2004-04-15 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] #225494815#

On 16/4/04 4:19 AM, David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: FLUXLIST: Your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] #225494815# 
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 12:37:12 -0700 
If you don't want to read all this: 
Your email with subject 
Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first. 
has been blocked because your email address 
is not recognized as a regular correspondent. 
The email system has saved a copy of your message 
and will deliver it to me once you are registered as a 
correspondent. To be automatically registered, 
simply reply to this message, leaving the 
subject line intact. 
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm sure you 
appreciate the need to do something about SPAM 

 Limited-time offer: Fast, reliable MSN 9 Dial-up Internet access FREE for 2 months! 

Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

2004-04-14 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.


Well, Vegemite is about the same as marmite 
So Im told
So it can be neither good nor bad 
Just not as interesting on Weet-Bix 


BTW how can I be in this group if Ive never experienced the thing that join us
Or that joins you or all of them 
Are you saying that Weetabix are the same as Weet-Bix?? 
Or as good as Weet-Bix??
Or havent you made your mind up on that one yet??? 

Oh ALL the bureaucracy involved in special interest groups and their chapters
Its all such a bother that maybe youll abandon the whole thing 
Do you think that might happen ?? 
Or that, maybe, there is a remote chance of it even? 

Well all of this is my Postcolonial position
And to some extent my Anti-Imperialist one too.

Ray  from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (later when the server get up again!)

Recently passed legislation in Australia requires me to inform everyone on my contact database that I intend to send them intermittent eMails in regard to issues, projects and events we seem to share a mutual interest in. This is to advise you that you are on my eMail database and that from time to time I will include you in a bulk mailout of information.
You are there because:
1. You have asked to be included.
2. You are working on a project in which we share an interest and therefore have exchanged eMail addresses.
3. I have a business relationship with you or your organisation.

If you wish to continue receiving the group bulk eMail messages from me that you have been up until now you need not respond.

If you wish to be removed from my list, simply reply to this email with 'no more bulk posts please' in the subject field.

AND IM BLOODY SERIOUS: funny isnt it!

On 14/4/04 9:51 PM, badgergirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


vegemite is bad. very bad.

so is marmite. very bad.

you are dangerously close to being excommunicated (assuming I decide to accept you as a Weetabix Group member in the first place).


FLUXLIST: If KINKaid is BAD .. then what is Monika?

2004-04-14 Thread Ray Noman
Title: If KINKaid is BAD .. then what is Monika?

If KINKaid is BAD ..

Then what is Monika? ...

A score between 1  10 please
1 = Very Boring
5 = Who Cares
10 = Very Bad

Ray _from way out on the edge
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (when the servers up)

FLUXLIST: Some Pills

2004-04-13 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Some Pills

Ray  from way out on the edge

Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade, curated by Jeffrey Vallance

2004-04-13 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade, curated by Jeffrey Vallance

I just knew that there was a cult in there somewhere  Ray

From: Judith Hoffberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade, curated by Jeffrey Vallance

FLUXLIST: Could this be FLUXUS?

2004-04-13 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Could this be FLUXUS?

Could this be FLUXUS?

Ray  from way out on the edge

FLUXLIST: Sharing the Light

2004-04-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Sharing the Light

Dear FLUXUSworld et al,
I have made a Thomas Kinkade postcard just for you!

Click on the link below to view your postcard:

Ray Norman MA PPA MZz

P.S. Your Thomas Kinkade postcard will expire in 60 days _ Sorry about that!

Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

2004-04-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

Bjrn just added some info from Kinkades website to the cult  cult indeed!!??

Speaking for myself Im just fascinated, not besotted, not enthralled, nothing like that at all! Absolutely! It just hadnt occurred to me that this might be happening or that his story might have been anything like it seems it is. Well now that it seems that it is I wonder where all this might take us all??? Somewhere interesting I trust!

Ray from way out on the edge

Re: FLUXLIST: FW: Commercial products in scores

2004-04-11 Thread Ray Noman
Is this evolving/developing into a set of scores for WEETABIX/Weet-Bix
performed with a regional, dare I say, flavour? If so I'll see what can be
done with Weet-Bix  Vegemite and with an edge of  the world twist to it.
Ray  ­ from  way out on the edge

 From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 15:27:27 +0100
 Subject: FLUXLIST: FW: Commercial products in scores
 Dear Anne,
 We asked Mr. Friedman about this work.
 Here is his answer.
 Secret Fluxus
 From: Ken Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Commercial products in scores
 Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 12:00:15 +0200
 Dear Secret Fluxus,
 Thanks for your note.
 Several of my works involve commercial products.
 Some of them are among the things I did before I became active in Fluxus.
 George Maciunas encouraged me to annotate these works, and they became part
 of my first collected events. George planned to publish these but never
 finished the edition.
 The Light Bulb
 Create and perform an improvisational drama. Present it as a radio or
 television program in which there is a symbolic or physical relationship
 between the sponsor and the featured characters.
 First realized in 1956 in Mystic and Stonington, Connecticut. Titled The
 Light Bulb Show, it was presented as an imaginary radio program sponsored
 by General Electric. The star of the show was a light bulb.
 Light Bulb Variations
 Create an improvisational drama. Present it as a play, television broadcast
 or radio program in which products are the characters. Actual products such
 as milk bottles, socks, mustard-dispensers, radios, shoes, blocks of
 cheese, etc., may be transformed into puppets and figurines.
 First performed in Long Beach, California using a bottle of soda, a hot dog
 and a volleyball.
 Fast Food Event
 Go into a fast food restaurant. Order one example of every item on the
 menu. Line everything up in a row on the table.
 Starting at one end of the row, begin eating the items one at a time. Eat
 each item before moving on to the next. Eat rapidly and methodically until
 all the food is finished. Eat as fast as possible without eating too fast.
 Eat neatly. Do not make a mess.
 First realized in San Diego, California.
 This piece was a response to the growth of fast food restaurant chains. By
 the early 1960s, American had such restaurant chains as Howard Johnson and
 Denny's. Franchised fast food, take-out chains typified by McDonalds,
 Burger King and Subway were not yet common. The area of San Diego where I
 lived had a regional hamburger chain named Jack in the Box that I have
 never seen outside Southern California.
 There were a fair number of fast food and take-out places. These were often
 one-man hamburger stands or tiny diners with food available on a take-out
 basis. In the San Diego area, there were also a number of small,
 family-owned taco shops and pizza restaurants with a take-out menu. The
 family-owned taco shops often had excellent Mexican cuisine. The food was
 home-made on the premises, along with such side dishes as guacamole,
 frijoles refritos and rice.
 In the late 1960s or the 1970s, Southern California got a fast-food Mexican
 restaurant chain named Taco Bell. While it wasn't as good as the
 family-owned restaurants, the food was tasty in those days and there were a
 number of Taco Bell locations. The menu was small, and that made it
 relatively easy to perform the Fast Food Event.
 I had forgotten about this piece until a visit to Nancy McElroy in August
 1991. She, her children, and I went to a Taco Bell. While we were eating,
 she told them about how I used to perform this event in San Diego. I hadn't
 recalled the event in years. I wrote this version of the score from her
 The Judgment of Paris
 An installation presents three images. Beneath each image is a shelf or
 platform. Each viewer may choose the image he judges most beautiful.
 A golden apple is placed beneath the chosen image.
 San Diego, California
 The first versions of this work constructed between 1964 and 1968 consisted
 of forms or objects such as postage stamps, cans of food, books,
 architectural models, or furniture. Examples and variations were realized
 in San Diego, Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Ventura, California, as well as in
 Mt. Carroll, Illinois, and New York.
 The second version, built in 1989 in Oslo, Norway consists of objects or
 images depicting women. These included statues, pictures from magazines,
 photo panels, and other explicit images.
 The first book I remember reading as a child was an edition of Jonathan
 Swift's Gulliver's Travels. It was a gift from my mother. From Swift, I
 moved into the classics. I often read 

FLUXLIST: Weet-Bix, Vegemite Passiona for One

2004-04-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Weet-Bix, Vegemite  Passiona for One

Weet-Bix, Vegemite  Passiona for One ?April 2004

 American Version

1/ Assemble ingredients via the Internet 




 [Australians can just go to COLES  Europeans will need to contact their nearest Australian Consul]

2/ Lay 3 Weet-Bix out on a white plate

3/ Lightly butter the Bix with a small knife

4/ Spread liberal quantities of Vegimite on each Bix with a separate knife

5/ Allow the Bix to stand for 1 minute while you open the chilled Passiona

6/ Pour some Passiona into a large glass and allow to stand for 10 seconds  DO NOT ADD ICE

7/ Take a mouthful of Passiona, rinse your mouth and swallow 

8/ Start eating your Bix at the rate of approximately 25% of a Bix per mouthful and try not to get crumbs everywhere

9/ Take a generous sip of Passiona every 2 or 3 mouthfuls and keep your glass at least half full

10/ Repeat until all the Bix and Passiona are gone

11/ Write and tell an Australian what you thought of the taste sensation: OR
 if youre Australian just admit to your mother (or someone Australian) that youve performed this score

NB: It is appropriate to perform this score at ANY time of the day or night!

Ray  from way out on the edge

COPYleft  COPYfreely protocols apply to this score

Re: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine/music

2004-04-11 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine/music

OMG ... I hope that you wont be tooo upset if I correct your OZexpresshun
A salutation goes something like this:
ourzya gooin maaate! (or cobba in some playcez) Or
ourrya ya olbarrrstud!! ( IF ya-noem really-really well)
More lezzonz latta ifya wunt! [;{/))

Now to the music/sound/noise in comprehendible international English [Hinglishh [:)) ]
Ill pass this message on to someone in my loop and see if they want respond but I guess not in some wayz as they are more into noise/sound than music ... Ifya no-wot I meeen! ... Well see I guess! ... Go Kyle go!

Ray  out on the edge

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 23:26:11 +0200
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine/music

the aussie joke hey, how z goin ;)
Well, in fact, I 'd like to have a talk about music. The art of sounds is quiete
underestimated in our civilization, it seems to me.
I really believe Bayle and Parmegiani are the most talented composers for
contemporary music today, today.genius. And they still create new stuff, perform
in acousmoniums.I am sure somebody here knows them, and I d like to exchange
opinions on their music. And in general, what do you think about the place of
music in contemporary art, and as well, what you listen to, etc...
ad derungs

Selon Ray Noman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 AND Kylie Minogue is living and best at, or
 most famous for, something!

 Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 00:00:43 +0200
 Subject: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine
 Bernard Parmegiani and Francois Bayle are the 2 best contemporary musicians
 aurelia djehan derungs

Re: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine

2004-04-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine

AND Kylie Minogue is living and best at, or most famous for, something!


Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 00:00:43 +0200
Subject: FLUXLIST: musique contemporaine
Bernard Parmegiani and Francois Bayle are the 2 best contemporary musicians alive.

aurelia djehan derungs

RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!

2004-04-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!

This propensity, out there in the middle to continue to link milk and WEETABIX (Weet-Bix?)is quite perplexing and it neednt be so because VEGEMITEs the go!


-- Forwarded Message
From: Allan Revich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 15:53:38 -0400
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!

 Either that, or figure out how to eat
 Fluxus with milk.

That one is easy! Please follow these instructions:

1) Take milk from refrigerator
2) Take glass from cupboard
3) Pour some of the milk into the glass
4) Place remaining milk back into the regrigerator
5) Bring glass of milk to dining table
6) Drink milk while eating fluxus.

Allan Revich

- Original Message - 
From: secret fluxus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!

 Allen Bukoff writes
 'Fluxus is Dead! Long live Weetabix!'
 We must give this serious thought at our
 next meeting.
 Either that, or figure out how to eat
 Fluxus with milk.
 Secret Fluxus
 Express yourself with cool emoticons - download MSN Messenger today!

-- End of Forwarded Message

Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

2004-04-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

Over my Weet-Bix  Vegemite this morning there was the US Masters at Augusta on the TV along with the world news ... Now tell me Tom Kinkaid didnt, I repeat didnt, design the course or that it isnt in honour of him at the very least ... I ask myself why havent I heard of this man before??


Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:22:31 EDT
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

In a message dated 4/9/04 5:58:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've seen big Kinkade condo signs off the freeway (I-5?) in
California... art in the 19th hole.

its in Vallejo, California

FW: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

2004-04-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

Now there is a ZENzing idea and maybe, just maybe, a FLUXUS one too 


Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:27:02 EDT
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger? Not the first.

In a message dated 4/9/04 8:27:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Im eternally grateful for the introduction to Thomas Kinkade via this list  ?a revelation indeed!! 

My brother-in -law did some work for him and walked in on him as he was painting abstracts and listening to Jimi HendrixMadawg

FW: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

2004-04-10 Thread Ray Noman
Title: FW: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

No, no, no, Im falling in love with this guy  perhaps thats too strong  well, like him a lot, and Im growing to like/love/appreciate him BECAUSE of you ... This man has/is a prodigious talent and already were (well I am) discovering all sorts of wonderful things about him ... Keep telling me more!


Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:29:39 EDT
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Thomas Kinkade? Not the most famous. John Berger?Not the first.

In a message dated 4/10/04 8:23:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Me? I'm still shocked:

 Is Kinkaid truly representing precisely what the American minds of our time desire? Is his escapism?salving?souls in droves? Or, has the use of the media truly succeeded in fundamentally brainwashing the masses into pre-ordained visions?

 Or,again, is it merely a light hearted love affair with the pretty/ugly? SOS!?? --anyway, enough of that.


as John Berger says --the masses don't care what the elitists think..In other words, they like Kinkade inspite of us...Madawg

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