Re: [fonc] holy grail of FONC?

2013-04-13 Thread John Carlson
> One initiative which is interesting is Worlds which could function as a
kind of "exploratory programmer's undo." This has been covered in various
papers on the VPRI writings page, and touched upon IIRC in some of the NSF
updates. It's actually IMHO one of the unsung heroes of what these people
have been up to.

My coworker actually delivered a system with "programmer's undo;" it was
called a reversible debugger in 1993--before IDEs were popular.  We had a
virtual machine.  There wasn't a lot of syntax present.  We used icons
instead of just text to represent the program.  We could delete operations
before and after the program counter.  We weren't given enough time to
develop it into a full OO system...we kind of got in trouble for competing
with industry at the time. Here's a link to the paper.  If you have any
questions, ask.  All primitives were strings, but we did have a simple
desktop calculator.

In essence my understanding of how it worked was for every action stepped
through an a undo record was created and kept on a stack.  I am not sure
how undos were handled inside loops, but I suspect there was undo until you
find a record for the action present in the program.  It was a fine piece
of work by Jeffrey Allen.  So I'm singing for Jeffrey.

The project gave me respect for what you can do with a few desktop gadgets
integrated with a flowchart.  Programs were exportable and importable
to/from C++ global variables--yes, i did the housepainting.  We were
storing the programs in flat files as per class. If we could
combine windows 8 with a reversible debugger, Wow!

So now I'm essentially retired and reliving glory days.  Remember this is
before the web for the initial development.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Layering, Thinking and Computing

2013-04-13 Thread John Nilsson
This discussion reminds me of

It's a philosophical analysis of what computation means and how, or if, it
can be separated from the machine implementing it. The author argues that
it cannot.

If you haven't read it you might find it interesting. Unfortunately only
the introduction is published as of today.

Den 12 apr 2013 20:08 skrev "Tristan Slominski" :

> I had this long response drafted criticizing Bloom/CALM and Lightweight
> Time Warps, when I realized that we are probably again not aligned as to
> which "meta" level we're discussing.
> (my main criticism of Bloom/CALM was assumption of timesteps, which is an
> indicator of a meta-framework relying on something else to implement it
> within "reality"; and my criticism of Lightweight Time Warps had to do with
> that it is a protocol for message-driven simulation, which also needs an
> implementor that touches "reality"; synchronous reactive programming has
> the word synchronous in it) -> hence my assertion that this is more "meta"
> level than actors.
> I think you and I personally care about different things. I want a
> computational model that is as close to how the Universe works as possible,
> with a minimalistic set of constructs from which everything else can be
> built. Hence my references to cellular automata and Wolfram's hobby of
> searching for the Universe. Anything which starts as "synchronous" cannot
> be minimalistic because that's not what we observe in the world, our world
> is asynchronous, and if we disagree on this axiom, then so much for that :D
> But actors model fails with regards to extensibility(*) and reasoning
> Those are concerns of an imperator, are they not? Again, I'm not saying
> you're wrong, I'm trying to highlight that our goals differ.
> But, without invasive code changes or some other form of cheating (e.g.
>> global reflection) it can be difficult to obtain the name of an actor that
>> is part of an actor configuration.
> Again, this is ignorance of the power of Object Capability and the Actor
> Model itself. The above is forbidden in the actor model unless the
> configuration explicitly sends you an address in the message. My earlier
> comment about Akka refers to this same mistake.
> However, you do bring up interesting meta-level reasoning complaints
> against the actor model. I'm not trying to dismiss them away or anything.
> As I mentioned before, that list is a good guide as to what meta-level
> programmers care about when writing programs. It would be great if actors
> could make it easier... and I'm probably starting to get lost here between
> the meta-levels again :/
> Which brings me to a question. Am I the only one that loses track of which
> meta-level I'm reasoning or is this a common occurrence  Bringing it back
> to the topic somewhat, how do people handle reasoning about all the
> different layers (meta-levels) when thinking about computing?
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:21 PM, David Barbour wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:35 AM, Tristan Slominski <
>>> wrote:
>>> I think it's more of a pessimism about other models. [..] My
>>> non-pessimism about actors is linked to Wolfram's cellular automata turing
>>> machine [..] overwhelming consideration across all those hints is
>>> unbounded scalability.
>> I'm confused. Why would you be pessimistic about non-actor models when
>> your argument is essentially that very simple, deterministic, non-actor
>> models can be both Turing complete and address unbounded scalability?
>> Hmm. Perhaps what you're really arguing is "pessimistic about procedural"
>> - which today is the mainstream paradigm of choice. The imperial nature of
>> procedures makes it difficult to compose or integrate them in any
>> extensional or collaborative manner - imperative works best when there is
>> exactly one imperator (emperor). I can agree with that pessimism.
>> In practice, the limits of scalability are very often limits of reasoning
>> (too hard to reason about the interactions, safety, security, consistency,
>> progress, process control, partial failure) or limits of extensibility (to
>> inject or integrate new behaviors with existing systems requires invasive
>> changes that are inconvenient or unauthorized). If either of those limits
>> exist, scaling will stall. E.g. pure functional programming fails to scale
>> for extensibility reasons, even though it admits a lot of natural
>> parallelism.
>> Of course, scalable performance is sometimes the issue, especially in
>> models that have global 'instantaneous' relationships (e.g. ad-hoc
>> non-modular logic programming) or global maintenance issues (like garbage
>> collection). Unbounded scalability requires a consideration for locality of
>> computation, and that it takes time for information to propagate.
>> Actors model is one (of many) models that provides some of the
>> considerations necessary for unbo

Re: [fonc] Layering, Thinking and Computing

2013-04-13 Thread David Barbour
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Tristan Slominski <> wrote:

> I think we don't know whether time exists in the first place.

That only matters to people who want "as close to the Universe as

To the rare scientist who is not also a philosopher, it only matters
whether time is effective for describing and predicting behavior about the
universe, and the same is true for notions of particles, waves, energy,
entropy, etc..

I believe our world is 'synchronous' in the sense of things happening at
>> the same time in different places...
> It seems to me that you are describing a privileged frame of reference.

How is it privileged?

Would you consider your car mechanic to have a 'privileged' frame of
reference on our universe because he can look down at your vehicle's engine
and recognize when components are in or out of synch? Is it not obviously
the case that, even while out of synch, the different components are still
doing things at the same time?

Is there any practical or scientific merit for your claim? I believe there
is abundant scientific and practical merit to models and technologies
involving multiple entities or components moving and acting at the same

> I've built a system that does what you mention is difficult above. It
> incorporates autopoietic and allopoietic properties, enables object
> capability security and has hints of antifragility, all guided by the actor
> model of computation.

Impressive.  But with Turing complete models, the ability to build a system
is not a good measure of distance. How much discipline (best practices,
boiler-plate, self-constraint) and foresight (or up-front design) would it
take to develop and use your system directly from a pure actors model?

I don't want programming to be easier than physics. Why? First, this
> implies that physics is somehow difficult, and that there ought to be a
> better way.

Physics is difficult. More precisely: setting up physical systems to
compute a value or accomplish a task is very difficult. Measurements are
noisy. There are many non-obvious interactions (e.g. heat, vibration,
covert channels). There are severe spatial constraints, locality
constraints, energy constraints. It is very easy for things to 'go wrong'.

Programming should be easier than physics so it can handle higher levels of
complexity. I'm not suggesting that programming should violate physics, but
programs shouldn't be subject to the same noise and overhead. If we had to
think about adding fans and radiators to our actor configurations to keep
them cool, we'd hardly get anything done.

I hope you aren't so hypocritical as to claim that 'programming shouldn't
be easier than physics' in one breath then preach 'use actors' in another.
Actors are already an enormous simplification from physics. It even
simplifies away the media for communication.

Whatever happened to the pursuit of "Maxwell's equations for Computer
> Science"? "Simple" is not the same as "easy".

"Simple" is also not the same as "physics".

Maxwell's equations are a metaphor that we might apply to a specific model
or semantics. Maxwell's equations describe a set of invariants and
relationships between properties. If you want such equations, you'll
generally need to design your model to achieve them.

On this forum, 'Nile' is sometimes proffered as an example of the power of
equational reasoning, but is a domain specific model.

> if we (literally, you and I in our bodies communicating via the Internet)
> did not get here through composition, integration, open extension and
> abstraction, then I don't know how to make a better argument to demonstrate
> those properties are a part of physics and layering on top of it

Do you even have an argument that we are here through composition,
integration, open extension, and abstraction? I'm a bit lost as to what
that would even mean unless you're liberally reinterpreting the words.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether physics has these properties, only
whether they're accessible to a programmer. It is true that any programming
model must be implemented within physics, of course, but that's not the
layer exposed to the programmers.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Scope? [was: The Fanboy Mailing List With No Productivity]

2013-04-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

Casey Ransberger wrote:


On Apr 13, 2013, at 7:18 AM, Miles Fidelman  wrote:

Though... it does raise the question: what is the intended and/or evolved scope of FONC? 
For the purposes of discussion here, what constitutes "new computing?"

Is it:
a. VPRI's work
b. programming paradigms and languages (for which is really the best forum I've seen)
c. computational models and paradigms (e.g, massively concurrent systems, AI)
d. leading edge applications
e. computing paradigms in the large (e.g., biological computing, quantum 
e. something else?
f. some combination of the above?

Kinda hard to tell from the discussions, and is silent on the question.

Miles Fidelman

Oh come on. If you'd read everything here:

...or followed the dialogue much, you wouldn't have to ask this question.

Well, no... it doesn't.  That's a list of what VPRI is doing - which 
strikes me as having a VERY limited focus vis-a-vis "fundamentals of new 
computing" and the list above.

The dialogue has, at times wandered a bit beyond that, but does not (to 
me) strike me as getting either particularly "fundamental" or getting 
very near the edge of what might be considered "new computing" - as 
compared to, say, "programming paradigms for quantum computers," or 
"programming and metaprogramming in the human biocomputer."

Hence my question - particularly re. intent of the list sponsor, and 
evolution (interests of the participants).


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Layering, Thinking and Computing

2013-04-13 Thread Tristan Slominski
My criticisms were stated in past tense and referencing the response I was
going to write. But I just included them as reference points highlighting
the different "meta" levels we were addressing. I don't intend to defend
those criticisms because, as you rightfully point out, they are irrelevant
given the counterpoints from the point of view you presented.

At the moment, we don't know whether or not "reality" has discrete
> timesteps [1].

I think we don't know whether time exists in the first place. (if we're
going to talk about executing computation with assuming that time does not
exists (and in what way does it not exist?) we should *definitely* fork and
change the subject line content :D)

I believe our world is 'synchronous' in the sense of things happening at
> the same time in different places...

It seems to me that you are describing a privileged frame of reference.
Either way, as I warned, we just disagreed on our axioms, I can't argue
against it, Godel proved it is impossible :D

>> But, without invasive code changes or some other form of cheating (e.g.
>> global reflection) it can be difficult to obtain the name of an actor that
>> is part of an actor configuration.
> Again, this is ignorance of the power of Object Capability and the Actor
> Model itself. The above is forbidden in the actor model unless the
> configuration explicitly sends you an address in the message. My earlier
> comment about Akka refers to this same mistake.

I am not ignorant of object capability models, nor of actors model, and
> repeated accusations of ignorance are a little irritating. I do not
> encourage 'cheating' of the mentioned form. I am, rather, saying that this
> is one of those problems that people tend to solve by working *around* the
> model, rather than with it.

I did not attribute ignorance to you personally. I attributed ignorance to
the attempt of obtaining a name of an actor in ways not allowed by the
actor model (hence I wrote "this is ignorance", and not "you are

The fact that people work *around* the model does not make it a good idea,
especially since they don't realize what they are giving up in return. I
guess part of responsibility for this behavior could be the fault of the
model, which is, I think, one of the things you've been highlighting. I'm
not dismissing those highlights. I intend to think of how the model can do
better to address them.

For example, you also want "symbiotic autopoietic and allopoietic systems"
> and "antifragility", and possibly even "object capability security". Do you
> deny this? But you should consider whether your wants might be in conflict
> with one another. And, if so, you should weigh and consider what you want
> more.

But I am not aware of any sound argument that will take you from "this
> model works just like our universe" to "this model is usable by
> collaborating humans".

For example, it would be difficult to debug and develop actors in systems
> that you do not have global authority to restart, without hacking the
> model. (This is the 'process control' issue I mentioned earlier.)

I've built a system that does what you mention is difficult above. It
incorporates autopoietic and allopoietic properties, enables object
capability security and has hints of antifragility, all guided by the actor
model of computation. So, I'm familiar with constraints of real world
requirements. There are caveats, and at first glance, many would be
hesitant to call it an actor configuration, but it works on actor
principles, so I know it's possible to do. A lot of the caveats have to do
with addressing many of the concerns you've brought against the actor
model, so it's good to hear what matters, so that those concerns could be
better addressed in future such systems.

We cannot fight physics, because physics will ruthlessly violate our
> abstractions and render our programming models unscalable, or
> non-performant, or inconsistent (pick two).

> But we want programming to be easier than physics.

I don't want programming to be easier than physics. Why? First, this
implies that physics is somehow difficult, and that there ought to be a
better way. Well, it seems the Universe doesn't care, and we're stuck
describing it in the simplest way that generations of geniuses and hard
working non-geniuses have been able to come up with. Whatever happened to
the pursuit of "Maxwell's equations for Computer Science"? "Simple" is not
the same as "easy".

We need composition (like Lego bricks), integration (without 'impedance
> mismatch'), open extension, and abstraction (IMO, in roughly that order)

We are here... talking about this.. if we (literally, you and I in our
bodies communicating via the Internet) did not get here through
composition, integration, open extension and abstraction, then I don't know
how to make a better argument to demonstrate those properties are a part of
physics and layering on top of it.. via physics.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 

Re: [fonc] CodeSpells, new thread

2013-04-13 Thread Josh Grams
On 2013-04-13 04:56AM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
>A few things stuck out. The thing I'd mention is that it seemed to work
>(at least superficially) with getting 12 year olds to (begin to) tackle
>a programming language which by my own (prejudiced) standards is a
>rather difficult choice for *adults* who want to program casually.

My totally amateur two cents:

My feeling is that it's not the language which is difficult, but the
environment.  So tinkering with working Java snippets in a game is
probably a lot less intimidating than setting up a Java development
environment, learning your way around Eclipse or NetBeans or whatever,
and dealing with all the boilerplate needed to build a basic program...

My other thought is that getting kids interested in programming doesn't
seem to be a difficult thing to do.  We have tons of examples, Papert
using Logo, Boxer, Scratch, Etoys, the DrRacket folks with Program by
Design and Bootstrap and the WeScheme online environment, etc., etc.,
etc.  It seems like any time anyone does even a halfway decent job of
providing kids with an environment where they can jump right in and get
started writing code that does stuff they can see, with a little support
and freedom to explore, the kids take to it like ducks to water.  So to
me the question is not "how do we get kids interested in programming",
but "how do we expose more kids to these environments?"  And how do we
follow through on this: how do we help them keep using and building
those skills?  Can we use similar techniques to interest adults?  How
would I get started on bringing this stuff to my local community?  

I think it's great that people are doing all this research, but it's
frusrating that so much of it is *only* research projects.  I feel like
we need someone who is deep enough into this stuff to write a
volunteer's manual so those of us who aren't so savvy could get a handle
on where we might be able to jump in and start helping make some of this
stuff part of everyday reality...

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Scope? [was: The Fanboy Mailing List With No Productivity]

2013-04-13 Thread Casey Ransberger

On Apr 13, 2013, at 7:18 AM, Miles Fidelman  wrote:

> Ondřej Bílka wrote:
 This is just a trash bin for people who don't want to do anything.
 The real work is probably on noise-free mailing list.  This is the
 fanboy list for Alan Kay.
>> Also cannot resist.
>> Well if you are not satisfied you can establish new list. Then we will
>> have:
> Though... it does raise the question: what is the intended and/or evolved 
> scope of FONC? For the purposes of discussion here, what constitutes "new 
> computing?"
> Is it:
> a. VPRI's work
> b. programming paradigms and languages (for which 
> is really the best forum I've seen)
> c. computational models and paradigms (e.g, massively concurrent systems, AI)
> d. leading edge applications
> e. computing paradigms in the large (e.g., biological computing, quantum 
> computing)
> e. something else?
> f. some combination of the above?
> Kinda hard to tell from the discussions, and 
> is silent on the question.
> Miles Fidelman

Oh come on. If you'd read everything here:

...or followed the dialogue much, you wouldn't have to ask this question. 

Your pal,

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] holy grail of FONC?

2013-04-13 Thread Casey Ransberger
I think what you might be seeing is a desire in the community to overcome some 
of the boundaries to advancement that one arrives upon when building an 
educational system on top of a less educational system. 

A class example might be the challenge an avid Etoys user might face when 
exiting the "walled garden" of Etoys and starting to try to program in (in this 
case) something like Smalltalk. Smalltalk is easier to learn than C++ (thanks!) 
but a lot harder to learn than Etoys. 

It's sudden. There isn't a very good gradient to the learning curve. It's kind 
of like, kid, now you're on your own, and you better learn how to use that 
sword fast if you wanna survive. You go from safe to true become: false pretty 
fast. See below for one way to ease the "unsafe programming" problem that's 
been a product of the FONC work, called "worlds."

It would be better, one might argue, if the knowledge of one layer might be 
able to help explain the knowledge needed to tackle the next lower layer. One 
way to facilitate this might be to build every layer in terms of the layer 
beneath it, but also, *linguistically* to describe every layer's language in 
terms of the same substrate. 

See also, OMeta. 

Frank seems to do this -- as far as I can discern without using it -- better 
than anything we've seen yet. Or anyway that's the hope as I understand it. 

Of course there are other objectives which are related, like getting the total 
body of work needed to express a fully working system down to the quanta we 
really actually need to continue our studies. If we can do that, we may be able 
to make our studies more precise, more accurate. This could be valuable to both 
educators and to the "thousands of slaves" in industry (raises hand.)

One initiative which is interesting is Worlds which could function as a kind of 
"exploratory programmer's undo." This has been covered in various papers on the 
VPRI writings page, and touched upon IIRC in some of the NSF updates. It's 
actually IMHO one of the unsung heroes of what these people have been up to. 

My favorite quote from anyone related to this effort comes from a private 
conversation with Ian Piumarta, (Ian, if it wasn't cool to share this, I'll let 
you hit me in the face one time) and he said this: "My mission is to discover 
the Bose-Einstein condensate of computer programming..."

Which is (I think) to say: I want to find a way to make quantum effects become 
apparent at a macroscopic scale. If we can figure out how to do something 
analogous to that in the context of programming, by re-examining the 
fundamentals we have taken for granted since the birth of the industry, we may 
be able to apply that knowledge to build massively simpler large scale systems. 

Please forgive if I've gone on at length about stuff you already knew. 

As for the Holy Grail?

I don't think it exists. There is no dark side of the moon, really. As a matter 
of fact, it's all dark. 

(The redacted part of the original studio recording was: the only thing that 
makes it look light is the sun.)

Hugs and such!


On Apr 13, 2013, at 6:34 AM, John Carlson  wrote:

> Is the holy grail of FONC to create an environment where you can use command 
> line, text editor, IDE, and end-user programming to program the same program? 
>  Are there any other ways to program?  Circuit boards?  I believe FONC 
> includes this.  Speech and gestures?  Does FONC provide a way to use speech 
> and gestures to program?  Is this a bit like Intentional Software?  This 
> reminds me a bit of Tcl/Tk as well, where programming command line, program 
> and GUI were integrated.  What else out there is trying to encompass all 
> kinds of programming in a cross media way?
> John
> ___
> fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

[fonc] Scope? [was: The Fanboy Mailing List With No Productivity]

2013-04-13 Thread Miles Fidelman

Ondřej Bílka wrote:

This is just a trash bin for people who don't want to do anything.
The real work is probably on noise-free mailing list.  This is the
fanboy list for Alan Kay.

Also cannot resist.

Well if you are not satisfied you can establish new list. Then we will

Though... it does raise the question: what is the intended and/or 
evolved scope of FONC? For the purposes of discussion here, what 
constitutes "new computing?"

Is it:
a. VPRI's work
b. programming paradigms and languages (for which is really the best forum I've seen)
c. computational models and paradigms (e.g, massively concurrent 
systems, AI)

d. leading edge applications
e. computing paradigms in the large (e.g., biological computing, quantum 

e. something else?
f. some combination of the above?

Kinda hard to tell from the discussions, and is silent on the question.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] holy grail of FONC?

2013-04-13 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 08:34:34AM -0500, John Carlson wrote:

> Is the holy grail of FONC to create an environment where you can use
> command line, text editor, IDE, and end-user programming to program the same
> program?  Are there any other ways to program?  Circuit boards?  I believe
> FONC includes this.  Speech and gestures?  Does FONC provide a way to use
> speech and gestures to program?  Is this a bit like Intentional Software?
> This reminds me a bit of Tcl/Tk as well, where programming command line,
> program and GUI were integrated.  What else out there is trying to encompass
> all kinds of programming in a cross media way?

There could be a kind of programming where you specify the boundary
conditions, and let the system fit a sufficiently good solution,
in a stochastic way, using massive parallellism.

There could be a way of iteratively select suitable behavior from a 
population, where a number of human analysts would select suitable
behaviors, from a past record or in realtime, with machine assist
fonc mailing list

[fonc] holy grail of FONC?

2013-04-13 Thread John Carlson
Is the holy grail of FONC to create an environment where you can use command 
line, text editor, IDE, and end-user programming to program the same program?  
Are there any other ways to program?  Circuit boards?  I believe FONC includes 
this.  Speech and gestures?  Does FONC provide a way to use speech and gestures 
to program?  Is this a bit like Intentional Software?  This reminds me a bit of 
Tcl/Tk as well, where programming command line, program and GUI were 
integrated.  What else out there is trying to encompass all kinds of 
programming in a cross media way?

fonc mailing list

[fonc] CodeSpells, new thread

2013-04-13 Thread Casey Ransberger
So I think the original thread drifted a bit. I'm curious about what folks
think of the research involved here. I read the paper.

A few things stuck out. The thing I'd mention is that it seemed to work (at
least superficially) with getting 12 year olds to (begin to) tackle a
programming language which by my own (prejudiced) standards is a rather
difficult choice for *adults* who want to program casually.

I guess I also identified with the whole set of things they identified as
common among kids who learned to code in a quiet hole without any real

They say that Java wasn't trying to convert the Lisp crowd, so much as the
C++ crowd. Lisp, so far, seems a lot more learnable than C++ but that's
beside my interest here.

Since one of the things I think we ought to be arguing about in this
context is "how do we scale things like Scratch or Etoys up to the sky and
down to the metal?" I do think the study is relevant. It maybe helps
explain how to deal with the trip to the metal end. Or maybe not. OTOH I
didn't feel like there were enough numbers in there. It felt very very
soft-science, and maybe there's no way around that. And maybe I have a
prejudice about soft science. I got the general sense that the smell meant
it was working, though, so I'm really interested in seeing what these folks
do next. At the end of the day, what works, works, right?

Does anyone here know these researchers? Any chance we might be able to
pull them into the dialogue? At risk of wasting time on BS troll threads. I
get the sense these are the kind of people I'd like to see posting here.
Anyway they've got some *very* relevant experience now, and I think it
would be cool to hear about what they're planning to do next.

Just a thought.

Casey Ransberger
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] CodeSpells. Learn how to program Java by writing spells for a 3D environment.

2013-04-13 Thread Alan Kay
Bill is the son of Ralph Griswold of Snobol and Icon fame.

> From: John Carlson 
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing  
>Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 8:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] CodeSpells. Learn how to program Java by writing spells 
>for a 3D environment.
>Btw, is this the same Griswold of Snobol and Icon (programming languages) fame?
>On Apr 12, 2013 3:20 PM, "shaun gilchrist"  wrote:
>One of the "fundamentals" we are all still grasping at is how to teach 
>programming. These are links to people attempting to contribute something 
>meaningful in that direction rather than posting derisive comments and blatant 
>cult related wing nuttery which, in fact, have nothing to do with computing. 
>Good day sir!
>>On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 2:12 PM, John Pratt  wrote:
>>Fine, but what does that have to do with
>>>setting the fundamentals of new computing?
>>>Is this just a mailing list for computer scientist to jerk off?
>>>On Apr 12, 2013, at 1:00 PM, Josh Grams wrote:
 On 2013-04-12 11:11AM, David Barbour wrote:
> I've occasionally contemplated developing such a game: program the 
> behavior
> of your team of goblins (who may have different strengths, capabilities,
> and some behavioral habits/quirks) to get through a series of puzzles, 
> with
> players building/managing a library as they go.

 Forth Warrior? :)

 fonc mailing list
>>>fonc mailing list
>>fonc mailing list
>fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] FONC: The Fanboy Mailing List With No Productivity

2013-04-13 Thread Ondřej Bílka
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 12:48:53AM +0200, Igor Stasenko wrote:
> On 12 April 2013 22:18, John Pratt  wrote:
> >
> > This is just like open source software.  A bunch of feelgood people
> > hangin' out and messin' around, not ever doing anything, but pretending
> > they are getting somewhere by indulging themselves.  No one on here
> > is probably working on the Fundamentals of New Computing.
> >
> I know that i going against the rule to not feed the troll, but sorry
> cannot resist.
> Replied using Firefox open-source software.
> > This is just a trash bin for people who don't want to do anything.
> > The real work is probably on noise-free mailing list.  This is the
> > fanboy list for Alan Kay.

Also cannot resist.

Well if you are not satisfied you can establish new list. Then we will

fonc - Renamed according to your suggestion to friends of naive computing
focn - Same topics but with elite mentality. To be more elite
conversations are in french (fondamentaux of l'computateour nouvelle)

Elders hang on #fnoc irc channel and criticize postings from fcon as
they were solved 20 years ago on hungarian academy proceedings article.

Meanwhile real work is done @fonnc (fundamentals of new new computing)
twitter channel. 
However do not confuse it with nfonc (new fundamentals of new computing)
facebook group. There they mostly suggest same ideas as in fonc but
with 5 year lag which fail on same problems.

> > ___
> > fonc mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.
> ___
> fonc mailing list


Borg implants are failing
fonc mailing list