If you have symbolic reference, you have to be ready that destination is
gone, moved, or goes offline. Otherwise use hardlinks. You also could
create a defensive layer of symlinks just for indirection.

Nothing could be done in the distributed case anyway, because destination
could change while source of the link is offline.

Just to gerneralize things further, consider the case when renamed file is
referenced from other file. Should content of the referrer file to change
as well? After all symlink or shortcut is just a file that contains name of
other file as content, but treated specially by operating system.

BTW the problem is not a new one. The partinal solution for PL is called

Best Regards,
Constantine Plontikov

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 4:52 PM, John Carlson <yottz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To put the problem in entirely file system terminology, What happens to a
> folder with shortcuts into it when you move the folder?   How does one
> automatically repoint the shortcuts?  Has this problem been solved in
> computer science?   On linux, the shortcuts would be symbolic links.
> I had a dream about smallstar when I was thinking about this.  The author
> was essentially asking me how to fix it.  He was showing me a hierarchy,
> then he moved part of the hierarchy into a subfolder and asked me how to
> automate it--especially the links to the original hierarchy.
> In language terms, this would be equivalent of refactoring a class which
> gets dropped down into an inner class.  This might be solved.  I'm not sure.
> This would be a great problem to solve on the web as well...does Xanadu do
> this?
> I think the solution is to maintain non-persistent nodes which are
> computed at access time, but I'm not entirely clear.
> I have no idea why I am posting this to cap-talk.   There may be some
> capability issues that I haven't thought of yet.  Or perhaps the capability
> folks have already solved this.
> For your consideration,
> John Carlson
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