Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-14 Thread Brown, John Mickey
From: Jeff Gonis
 To: Alan Kay
 Cc: Fundamentals of New Computing
 Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented
 I see no one has taken Alan's bait and asked the million dollar question: if 
 you decided that messaging is no longer the right path for scaling, what 
 approach are you currently using?

From my last trip to the SPLASH conference a few years ago, I've been
contemplating a lot of these ideas. Especially the messaging paradigm and
the current conundrum with concurrency and scaling.
A common theme (brought up by Ivan Sutherland paraphrased here) is that in
the past processing was expensive, now its communication. From the sheer
amount of development code and processing done to pack up data in an
understandable form, serialize it, encrypt it, etc so it can get to
another component to process (at least at the macro distributed systems
level). Now it's a concern with the multi-core processors that need to
process data. I went to some of the workshops on the functional languages
and Actors as a way to handle some of these issues through asynchronous

My thought, but I've not found much work in this area is in this era of
virtualization, a small program or service can be instantiated anywhere as
long as location independence is honored.
So why not do a lot of the distributed work by instantiating these
services to where a majority of the data is located. Sure there will be
times when it needs to be shipped somewhere, but most of the communication
needed would be smaller control data to coordinate the program
instantiations and handoff (Like some of the IPC work I used to do with
unix processes using semaphores). The most significant con I see to this
is handling fault tolerance so there are no deadlocks.

I realize there are much more experienced smart people on this forum that
could shoot some holes in this approach, and I invite you to do so. My
feeling won't be hurt as long as I can learn some more.
Most of my experience is in the boring arena of Business IT (with my
earlier years in Defense with Simulators and Communication Systems).
Thanks for any reply,
   John Brown

From: Alan Kay
Reply-To: Alan Kay, 
Fundamentals of New Computing
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 18:51:59 -0500
To: Fundamentals of New Computing
Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message 

Hi Barry

I like your characterization, and do think the next level also will require a 
qualitatively different approach



From: Barry Jay
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

Hi Alan,

the phrase I picked up on was doing experiments. One way to think of the 
problem is that we are trying to automate the scientific process, which is a 
blend of reasoning and experiments. Most of us focus on one or the other, as in 
deductive AI versus databases of common knowledge, but the history of physics 
etc suggests that we need to develop both within a single system, e.g. a 
language that supports both higher-order programming (for strategies, etc) and 
generic queries (for conducting experiments on newly met systems).


On 02/14/2013 02:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:
Hi Thiago

I think you are on a good path.

One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human programmer 
who has received a module from half way around the world that claims to provide 
important services. The programmer would confine it in an address space and 
start doing experiments with it to try to discover what it does (and/or perhaps 
how well its behavior matches up to its claims). Many of the discovery 
approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very useful here.

Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require modules to 
have much better models of the environments they expect/need in order to run.

For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer to 
some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient here 
because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings of results.

But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had associated 
with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It could be a slow 
version of something we are hoping to get a faster version of. It could be 
sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful for debugging our 
module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of our module system, that 
the modules carry

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Thiago Silva
 print out the bit bin. This was known as PostScript when it came 
 out in the world.
 The Trickles idea from Cornell has much of the same flavor.
 One possible starting place is to notice that there are lots more terms that 
 people can use than the few that are needed to make a powerful compact 
 programming language. So why not try to describe meanings and match on 
 meanings -- and let there be not just matching (which is like a password) but 
 negotiation, which is what a discovery agent does.
 And so forth. I think this is a difficult but doable problem -- it's easier 
 than AI, but has some tinges of it.
 Got any ideas?
  From: Jeff Gonis
 To: Alan Kay 
 Cc: Fundamentals of New Computing 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented
 I see no one has taken Alan's bait and asked the million dollar question: if 
 you decided that messaging is no longer the right path for scaling, what 
 approach are you currently using?
 I would assume that FONC is the current approach, meaning, at the risk of 
 grossly over-simplifying and sounding ignorant, problem oriented languages 
 allowing for compact expression of meaning.  But even here, FONC struck me 
 as providing vastly better ways of creating code that, at its core, still 
 used messaging for robustness, etc, rather than using something entirely 
 Have I completely misread the FONC projects? And if not messaging, what 
 approach are you currently using to handle scalability?
 A little more history ...
 The first Smalltalk (-72) was modern (as used below), and similar to 
 Erlang in several ways -- for example, messages were received with 
 structure and pattern matching, etc. The language was extended using the 
 same mechanisms ...
  From: Brian Rice
 To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented
 Independently of the originally-directed historical intent, I'll pose my 
 own quick perspective.
 Perhaps a contrast with Steve Yegge's Kingdom of Nouns essay would help:
 The modern post-Erlang sense of message-oriented computing has to do with 
 messages with structure and pattern-matching, where error-handling isn't 
 about sequential, nested access, but more about independent structures 
 dealing with untrusted noise.
 Anyway, treating the messages as first-class objects (in the Lisp sense) is 
 what gets you there:
 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Loup Vaillant 
 This question was prompted by a quote by Joe Armstrong about OOP[1].
 It is for Alan Kay, but I'm totally fine with a relevant link.  Also,
 I don't know and I don't have time for this are perfectly okay.
 Alan, when the term Object oriented you coined has been hijacked by
 Java and Co, you made clear that you were mainly about messages, not
 classes. My model of you even says that Erlang is far more OO than Java.
 Then why did you chose the term object instead of message in the
 first place?  Was there a specific reason for your preference, or did
 you simply not bother foreseeing any terminology issue? (20/20 hindsight 
 and such.)
 Bonus question: if you had choose message instead, do you think it
 would have been hijacked too?
      (This is for reference, you don't really need to read it.)
 fonc mailing list
 -Brian T. Rice 
 fonc mailing list
 fonc mailing list
Thiago Silva

We are either doing something or we are not; 'talking about' is a subset of 
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:33:04AM -0700, Jeff Gonis wrote:
 I see no one has taken Alan's bait and asked the million dollar question:
 if you decided that messaging is no longer the right path for scaling, what
 approach are you currently using?

Classical computation doesn't allow storing multiple bits
in the same location, so relativistic signalling introduces
latency. Asynchronous shared-nothing message passing is
the only thing that scales, as it matches the way how this 
universe does things (try looking at light cones for consistent
state for multiple writes to the same location -- this
of course applies to cache coherency).

Inversely, doing things in a different way will guarantee
that you won't be able to scale. It's not just a good idea,
it's the law. 
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Alan Kay
One of the original reasons for message-based was the simple relativistic 
one. What we decided is that trying to send messages to explicit receivers had 
real scaling problems, whereas receiving messages is a good idea.



 From: Eugen Leitl
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:33:04AM -0700, Jeff Gonis wrote:
 I see no one has taken Alan's bait and asked the million dollar question:
 if you decided that messaging is no longer the right path for scaling, what
 approach are you currently using?

Classical computation doesn't allow storing multiple bits
in the same location, so relativistic signalling introduces
latency. Asynchronous shared-nothing message passing is
the only thing that scales, as it matches the way how this 
universe does things (try looking at light cones for consistent
state for multiple writes to the same location -- this
of course applies to cache coherency).

Inversely, doing things in a different way will guarantee
that you won't be able to scale. It's not just a good idea,
it's the law. 
fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Thiago

I think you are on a good path.

One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human programmer 
who has received a module from half way around the world that claims to provide 
important services. The programmer would confine it in an address space and 
start doing experiments with it to try to discover what it does (and/or perhaps 
how well its behavior matches up to its claims). Many of the discovery 
approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very useful here.

Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require modules to 
have much better models of the environments they expect/need in order to run.

For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer to 
some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient here 
because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings of results. 

But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had associated 
with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It could be a slow 
version of something we are hoping to get a faster version of. It could be 
sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful for debugging our 
module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of our module system, that 
the modules carry enough information to allow them to be debugged with only 
their own model of the environment. 

And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a program to 
see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to possible modules 
out in the environment when the system is running for real.



 From: Thiago Silva
To: fonc 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial thoughts,
just to get the conversation going...

The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried to grasp
the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples to

I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the problem of
finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure of the
discovery, negotiation and binding.

My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit discovery
context may be required (though I can't say much without further
experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that don't
produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of computation
(authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network, etc)
or when doing remote discovery.

For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could not get
rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of brokers
of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the levels (or
narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to mind).

During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional to
allow the module to execute at least a subset of its features (or to execute
features with suboptimal operations) when full binding isn't possible --
though this might require special attention to guarantee that eg. disabling
optional features don't break the execution.

Further, different versions of services may require different kinds of
pre/post-processing (eg. initialization and finalization routines). When
abstracting a service (eg. storage) like this, I think it's when the glue
code starts to require sophistication (because it needs to fill more
blanks)...and to have it automated, the provider will need to make
requirements to the client as well. This is where I think a common vocabulary
will be more necessary.


Excerpts from Alan Kay's message of 2013-02-12 16:12:40 -0300:
 Hi Jeff
 I think intermodule communication schemes that *really scale* is one of 
 the most important open issues of the last 45 years or so.
 It is one of the several pursuits written into the STEPS proposal that we 
 didn't use our initial efforts on -- so we've done little to advance this 
 over the last few years. But now that the NSF funded part of STEPS has 
 concluded, we are planning to use much of the other strand of STEPS to look 
 at some of these neglected issues.
 There are lots of facets, and one has to do with messaging. The idea that 
 sending a message has scaling problems is one that has been around for 
 quite a while. It was certainly something that we pondered at PARC 35 years 
 ago, and it was an issue earlier for both the ARPAnet and its offspring: the 
 Several members of this list have pointed this out also.
 There are similar scaling problems with the use of tags in XML and EMI etc

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread David Harris
This sounds suspiciously like Unit Testing, which is basically When I say
this, you should answer that.Thos are precomputed answers, but could
be computed I suppose -- so a bit like your Postscript example ... you send
the Testing-Agent down the pipe.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

 Hi Thiago

 I think you are on a good path.

 One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human
 programmer who has received a module from half way around the world that
 claims to provide important services. The programmer would confine it in an
 address space and start doing experiments with it to try to discover what
 it does (and/or perhaps how well its behavior matches up to its claims).
 Many of the discovery approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very
 useful here.

 Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require
 modules to have much better models of the environments they expect/need in
 order to run.

 For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer
 to some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient
 here because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings of

 But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had
 associated with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It
 could be a slow version of something we are hoping to get a faster version
 of. It could be sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful
 for debugging our module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of
 our module system, that the modules carry enough information to allow them
 to be debugged with only their own model of the environment.

 And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a
 program to see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to
 possible modules out in the environment when the system is running for real.



 *From:* Thiago Silva
 *To:* fonc
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented


 as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial
 just to get the conversation going...

 The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried to
 the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples to

 I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the problem
 finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure of
 discovery, negotiation and binding.

 My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit
 context may be required (though I can't say much without further
 experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that
 produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of computation
 (authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network,
 or when doing remote discovery.

 For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could not
 rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of
 of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
 specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the levels
 narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to

 During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
 requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional to
 allow the module to execute at least a subset of its features (or to
 features with suboptimal operations) when full binding isn't possible --
 though this might require special attention to guarantee that eg. disabling
 optional features don't break the execution.

 Further, different versions of services may require different kinds of
 pre/post-processing (eg. initialization and finalization routines). When
 abstracting a service (eg. storage) like this, I think it's when the glue
 code starts to require sophistication (because it needs to fill more
 blanks)...and to have it automated, the provider will need to make
 requirements to the client as well. This is where I think a common
 will be more necessary.


 Excerpts from Alan Kay's message of 2013-02-12 16:12:40 -0300:
  Hi Jeff
  I think intermodule communication schemes that *really scale* is one
 of the most important open issues of the last 45 years or so.
  It is one of the several pursuits written into the STEPS proposal that
 we didn't use our initial efforts on -- so we've done little to advance
 this over the last few years. But now that the NSF funded part of STEPS has
 concluded, we are planning to use much of the other strand of STEPS to look
 at some of these neglected issues.
  There are lots of facets, and one has to do

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Rusty Mellinger
I was imagining QuickCheck properties instead of unit tests...

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Alan Kay wrote:
 Unit tests are just a small part of the kinds of description that could be
 used and are needed.

 From: David Harris
 To: Alan Kay; Fundamentals of New Computing
 Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 7:39 AM

 Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

 This sounds suspiciously like Unit Testing, which is basically When I say
 this, you should answer that.Thos are precomputed answers, but could be
 computed I suppose -- so a bit like your Postscript example ... you send the
 Testing-Agent down the pipe.


 On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

 Hi Thiago

 I think you are on a good path.

 One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human programmer
 who has received a module from half way around the world that claims to
 provide important services. The programmer would confine it in an address
 space and start doing experiments with it to try to discover what it does
 (and/or perhaps how well its behavior matches up to its claims). Many of the
 discovery approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very useful here.

 Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require modules
 to have much better models of the environments they expect/need in order to

 For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer to
 some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient here
 because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings of

 But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had associated
 with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It could be a slow
 version of something we are hoping to get a faster version of. It could be
 sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful for debugging our
 module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of our module system,
 that the modules carry enough information to allow them to be debugged with
 only their own model of the environment.

 And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a program
 to see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to possible
 modules out in the environment when the system is running for real.



 From: Thiago Silva
 To: fonc
 Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented


 as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial thoughts,
 just to get the conversation going...

 The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried to
 the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples to

 I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the problem
 finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure of the
 discovery, negotiation and binding.

 My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit
 context may be required (though I can't say much without further
 experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that don't
 produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of computation
 (authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network, etc)
 or when doing remote discovery.

 For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could not
 rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of brokers
 of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
 specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the levels
 narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to

 During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
 requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional to
 allow the module to execute at least a subset of its features (or to execute
 features with suboptimal operations) when full binding isn't possible --
 though this might require special attention to guarantee that eg. disabling
 optional features don't break the execution.

 Further, different versions of services may require different kinds of
 pre/post-processing (eg. initialization and finalization routines). When
 abstracting a service (eg. storage) like this, I think it's when the glue
 code starts to require sophistication (because it needs to fill more
 blanks)...and to have it automated, the provider will need to make
 requirements to the client as well. This is where I think a common
 will be more necessary.


 Excerpts from Alan Kay's message of 2013-02-12 16:12:40 -0300:
 Hi Jeff

 I think intermodule communication

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread John Carlson
If doing experiment means experimenting with meaning, I agree.
On Feb 13, 2013 3:17 PM, Barry Jay wrote:

 Hi Alan,

 the phrase I picked up on was doing experiments. One way to think of the
 problem is that we are trying to automate the scientific process, which is
 a blend of reasoning and experiments. Most of us focus on one or the other,
 as in deductive AI versus databases of common knowledge, but the history of
 physics etc suggests that we need to develop both within a single system,
 e.g. a language that supports both higher-order programming (for
 strategies, etc) and generic queries (for conducting experiments on newly
 met systems).


 On 02/14/2013 02:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

  Hi Thiago

  I think you are on a good path.

  One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human
 programmer who has received a module from half way around the world that
 claims to provide important services. The programmer would confine it in an
 address space and start doing experiments with it to try to discover what
 it does (and/or perhaps how well its behavior matches up to its claims).
 Many of the discovery approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very
 useful here.

  Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require
 modules to have much better models of the environments they expect/need in
 order to run.

  For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer
 to some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient
 here because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings of

  But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had
 associated with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It
 could be a slow version of something we are hoping to get a faster version
 of. It could be sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful
 for debugging our module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of
 our module system, that the modules carry enough information to allow them
 to be debugged with only their own model of the environment.

  And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a
 program to see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to
 possible modules out in the environment when the system is running for real.



 *From:* Thiago Silva
 *To:* fonc
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented


 as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial
 just to get the conversation going...

 The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried to
 the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples to

 I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the problem
 finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure of
 discovery, negotiation and binding.

 My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit
 context may be required (though I can't say much without further
 experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that
 produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of computation
 (authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network,
 or when doing remote discovery.

 For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could not
 rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of
 of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
 specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the levels
 narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to

 During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
 requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional to
 allow the module to execute at least a subset of its features (or to
 features with suboptimal operations) when full binding isn't possible --
 though this might require special attention to guarantee that eg. disabling
 optional features don't break the execution.

 Further, different versions of services may require different kinds of
 pre/post-processing (eg. initialization and finalization routines). When
 abstracting a service (eg. storage) like this, I think it's when the glue
 code starts to require sophistication (because it needs to fill more
 blanks)...and to have it automated, the provider will need to make
 requirements to the client as well. This is where I think a common
 will be more necessary.


 Excerpts from Alan Kay's message of 2013-02-12 16:12:40 -0300:
  Hi Jeff
  I think intermodule communication schemes that *really scale* is one

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Barry Jay
Hi John,
In the scientific tradition, experiments produce cold facts, while 
reason chooses the experiments, and uses them to test hypotheses, i.e. 
to extract meaning, so perhaps experimenting for meaning or 
experimenting to recover, or discover, meaning is closer to what I had 
in mind.

On 02/14/2013 08:21 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 If doing experiment means experimenting with meaning, I agree.

 On Feb 13, 2013 3:17 PM, Barry Jay wrote:

 Hi Alan,

 the phrase I picked up on was doing experiments. One way to
 think of the problem is that we are trying to automate the
 scientific process, which is a blend of reasoning and experiments.
 Most of us focus on one or the other, as in deductive AI versus
 databases of common knowledge, but the history of physics etc
 suggests that we need to develop both within a single system, e.g.
 a language that supports both higher-order programming (for
 strategies, etc) and generic queries (for conducting experiments
 on newly met systems).


 On 02/14/2013 02:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:
 Hi Thiago

 I think you are on a good path.

 One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human
 programmer who has received a module from half way around the
 world that claims to provide important services. The programmer
 would confine it in an address space and start doing experiments
 with it to try to discover what it does (and/or perhaps how well
 its behavior matches up to its claims). Many of the discovery
 approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very useful here.

 Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to
 require modules to have much better models of the environments
 they expect/need in order to run.

 For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like
 to refer to some external resource. Both static and dynamic
 typing are insufficient here because they are only about kinds of
 results rather than meanings of results.

 But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had
 associated with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is
 desired. It could be a slow version of something we are hoping to
 get a faster version of. It could be sample values and tests,
 etc. All of these would be useful for debugging our module -- in
 fact, we could make this a requirement of our module system, that
 the modules carry enough information to allow them to be debugged
 with only their own model of the environment.

 And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for
 a program to see if the model of an environment for a module
 matches up to possible modules out in the environment when the
 system is running for real.



 *From:* Thiago Silva
 *To:* fonc
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs
 Message Oriented


 as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some
 initial thoughts,
 just to get the conversation going...

 The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo,
 I tried to grasp
 the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting
 examples to

 I can see the problem of finding operations by their
 meanings, the problem of
 finding objects by the services they provide and the overal
 structure of the
 discovery, negotiation and binding.

 My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an
 explicit discovery
 context may be required (though I can't say much without further
 experimentations), specially when trying to figure out
 operations that don't
 produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state
 of computation
 (authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through
 the network, etc)
 or when doing remote discovery.

 For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as
 I could not get
 rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a
 chain of brokers
 of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each
 could have
 specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through
 the levels (or
 narrowed options, providing isolation for some services.
 Worlds come to mind).

 During the binding time, I think it would be important that
 requirements of the client could

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread John Carlson
Ah.  You try to achieve a purely numeric result.  Don't forget qualitative
data and normative thinking.  Perhaps by meaning you mean qualitative
data.  Normative thinking should control reason.  That is, we shouldn't be
experimenting with destructive things.

Perhaps experimenting with meaning is trying to achieve a more humane,
comical result.  Let's not forget humor and emotion in our pursuit of
science.  We're humans after all, not computers.
On Feb 13, 2013 3:39 PM, Barry Jay wrote:

 Hi John,
 In the scientific tradition, experiments produce cold facts, while reason
 chooses the experiments, and uses them to test hypotheses, i.e. to extract
 meaning, so perhaps experimenting for meaning or experimenting to
 recover, or discover, meaning is closer to what I had in mind.

 On 02/14/2013 08:21 AM, John Carlson wrote:

 If doing experiment means experimenting with meaning, I agree.
 On Feb 13, 2013 3:17 PM, Barry Jay wrote:

  Hi Alan,

 the phrase I picked up on was doing experiments. One way to think of
 the problem is that we are trying to automate the scientific process, which
 is a blend of reasoning and experiments. Most of us focus on one or the
 other, as in deductive AI versus databases of common knowledge, but the
 history of physics etc suggests that we need to develop both within a
 single system, e.g. a language that supports both higher-order programming
 (for strategies, etc) and generic queries (for conducting experiments on
 newly met systems).


 On 02/14/2013 02:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

  Hi Thiago

  I think you are on a good path.

  One way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human
 programmer who has received a module from half way around the world that
 claims to provide important services. The programmer would confine it in an
 address space and start doing experiments with it to try to discover what
 it does (and/or perhaps how well its behavior matches up to its claims).
 Many of the discovery approaches of Lenat in AM and Eurisko could be very
 useful here.

  Another part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require
 modules to have much better models of the environments they expect/need in
 order to run.

  For example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to
 refer to some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are
 insufficient here because they are only about kinds of results rather than
 meanings of results.

  But we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had
 associated with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It
 could be a slow version of something we are hoping to get a faster version
 of. It could be sample values and tests, etc. All of these would be useful
 for debugging our module -- in fact, we could make this a requirement of
 our module system, that the modules carry enough information to allow them
 to be debugged with only their own model of the environment.

  And the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a
 program to see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to
 possible modules out in the environment when the system is running for real.



 *From:* Thiago Silva
 *To:* fonc
 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message


 as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial
 just to get the conversation going...

 The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried to
 the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples to

 I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the
 problem of
 finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure of
 discovery, negotiation and binding.

 My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit
 context may be required (though I can't say much without further
 experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that
 produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of computation
 (authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network,
 or when doing remote discovery.

 For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could not
 rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of
 of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
 specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the levels
 narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to

 During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
 requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional to
 allow the module to execute at least a subset

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-13 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Barry

I like your characterization, and do think the next level also will require a 
qualitatively different approach



 From: Barry Jay
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

Hi Alan,

the phrase I picked up on was doing experiments. One way to think of
the problem is that we are trying to automate the scientific process,
which is a blend of reasoning and experiments. Most of us focus on one
or the other, as in deductive AI versus databases of common knowledge,
but the history of physics etc suggests that we need to develop both
within a single system, e.g. a language that supports both higher-order
programming (for strategies, etc) and generic queries (for conducting
experiments on newly met systems). 


On 02/14/2013 02:26 AM, Alan Kay wrote: 
Hi Thiago

think you are on a good path.

way to think about this problem is that the broker is a human
programmer who has received a module from half way around the world
that claims to provide important services. The programmer would confine
it in an address space and start doing experiments with it to try to
discover what it does (and/or perhaps how well its behavior matches up
to its claims). Many of the discovery approaches of Lenat in AM and
Eurisko could be very useful here.

part of the scaling of modules approach could be to require modules to
have much better models of the environments they expect/need in order
to run.

example, suppose a module has a variable that it would like to refer to
some external resource. Both static and dynamic typing are insufficient
here because they are only about kinds of results rather than meanings
of results. 

we could readily imagine a language in which the variable had
associated with it a dummy or stand-in model of what is desired. It
could be a slow version of something we are hoping to get a faster
version of. It could be sample values and tests, etc. All of these
would be useful for debugging our module -- in fact, we could make this
a requirement of our module system, that the modules carry enough
information to allow them to be debugged with only their own model of
the environment. 

the more information the model has, the easier it will be for a program
to see if the model of an environment for a module matches up to
possible modules out in the environment when the system is running for



 From: Thiago Silva
To: fonc 
Sent: Wednesday,
February 13, 2013 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc]
Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

as I was thinking over these problems today, here are some initial
just to get the conversation going...

The first time I read about the Method Finder and Ted's memo, I tried
to grasp
the broader issue, and I'm still thinking of some interesting examples

I can see the problem of finding operations by their meanings, the
problem of
finding objects by the services they provide and the overal structure
of the
discovery, negotiation and binding.

My feeling is that, besides using worlds as mechanism, an explicit
context may be required (though I can't say much without further
experimentations), specially when trying to figure out operations that
produce a distinguishable value but rather change the state of
(authenticating, opening a file, sending a message through the network,
or when doing remote discovery.

For brokering (and I'm presuming the use of such entities, as I could
not get
rid of them in my mind so far), my first thought was that a chain of
of some sorts could be useful in the architecture where each could have
specific ways of mediating discovery and negotiation through the
levels (or
narrowed options, providing isolation for some services. Worlds come to

During the binding time, I think it would be important that some
requirements of the client could be relaxed or even be tagged optional
allow the module to execute at least a subset of its features (or to
features with suboptimal operations) when full binding isn't possible --
though this might require special attention to guarantee that eg.
optional features don't break the execution.

Further, different versions of services may require different kinds of
pre/post-processing (eg. initialization and finalization routines). When
abstracting a service (eg. storage) like this, I think it's when the
code starts to require sophistication (because it needs to fill more
blanks)...and to have it automated, the provider will need to make
requirements to the client as well. This is where I think a common
will be more necessary.


Excerpts from Alan Kay's message of 2013-02-12 16:12:40 -0300:
 Hi Jeff

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Loup

I think how this happened has already been described in The Early History of 


In the Fall of 1966, Sketchpad was what got me started thinking about 
representing concepts as whole things. Simula, a week later, provided a 
glimpse of how one could deal with issues that couldn't be done wonderfully 
with constraints and solving (namely, you could hide procedures inside the 

This triggered off many thoughts in a few minutes, bringing in ideas that 
seemed similar from biology, math (algebras), logic (Carnap's intensional 
logic), philosophy (Plato's Ideas), hardware (running multiple active units 
off a bus), systems design (the use of virtual machines in time-sharing), and 
networking (the ARPA community was getting ready to do the ARPAnet). Bob Barton 
had pronounced that recursive design is making the parts have the same powers 
as the wholes, which for the first time I was able to see was really powerful 
if the wholes and the parts were entire computers hardware or software or some 

The latter was hugely important to me because it allowed a universal 
simulation system to be created from just a few ideas that would cover 
everything and every other kind of thing.

During this period I had no label for what I was doing, including this thing I 
was doing, I was just doing.

A few months later someone asked me what I was doing, and I didn't think about 
the answer -- I was still trying to see how the synthesis of ideas could be 
pulled off without a lot of machinery (kind of the math stage of the process).

Back then, there was already a term in use called data driven programming. 
This is where data contains info that will help find appropriate procedures. 

And the term objects was also used for composite data i.e. blocks of 
storage with different fields containing values of various kinds. This came 
naturally from card images (punched cards were usually 80 or more characters 
long and divided into fields). 

At some point someone (probably in the 50s) decided to use some of the fields 
to help the logic of plug board programming and drive the processes off the 
cards rather than just processing them.

So if you looked at how Sketchpad was implemented you would see, in the terms 
of the day: objects that were data driven. Ivan gives Doug Ross credit for 
his plex structures, which were an MIT way to think about these ideas. 
Sketchpad also used threaded lists in its blocks (this was not a great idea 
but it was popular back then -- Simula later took this up as well).

So I just said object oriented programming and went back to work.

Later I regretted this (and some of the other labels that were also put in 
service) after the ideas worked out nicely and were very powerful for us at 

The success of the ideas made what we were doing popular, and people wanted to 
be a part of it. This led to using the term object oriented as a designer 
jeans label for pretty much anything (there was even an object-oriented 
COBOL!). This appropriation of labels without content is a typical pop culture 
fantasy football syndrome.

PARC was an integral part of the ARPA community, the last gasp of which in the 
70s was designing the Internet via a design group that contained PARC people 
(PARC had actually already done an internetwork -- called PUP -- with 
gateways (routers) to interconnect Ethernetworks and other networks within 

It was clear to all in this community from the mid-60s onward that how 
messaging was done was one of the keys to achieving scaling. This is why 
what I was working on had messages as the larger coordination idea (rather 
than the subset of calls).

At PARC we wanted to do a complete personal computing system on the Alto, which 
was a microcoded ~150ns cycle CPU with 16 program counters and 64k 16bit words 
of memory that cycled at ~750ns (where half of this memory was used for the 
bit-map of the display). The next level memory was not a swapping disk but a 
slower removable disk with about 2.5MBytes capacity.

The good news was that the Alto was fast enough to run Smalltalk byte codes and 
bitblt, etc. to allow executables to be small and powerful. The bad news was 
that it wasn't quite fast enough to do real messaging. The good news was that 
Smalltalk was powerful expressively, and this allowed the whole size of the 
system including OS, language, apps, UI, etc., to be tiny (about 10K lines of 
program code initially). This allowed us to pretend we had messaging but to 
actually do procedure calls under the covers and get away with it (one of the 
ideas was to not manifest a message unless someone wanted to see it -- this 
was part of the magic of Dan Ingalls' design).

So I think the problem with messaging was partly that it was the more subtle 
and invisible idea and this verb part) got lost because the representational 
noun part got all the attention. (And we generally don't think of noun-like 
things as in 

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Brown, John Mickey
Dude….   You said shiny objects….Lol.

Messaging certainly seems to have a larger focus with multi-core, many-core, 
and cloud computing concepts (that itself is morphing into shiny objects).
I also enjoy these history lessons and discussions.


From: David Hussman
Reply-To: Fundamentals of New Computing
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 11:36:35 -0500
To: 'Alan Kay', 'Fundamentals 
of New Computing'
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented


Thanks for the thoughtful words / history. I am a lurker on this group and I 
dig seeing this kind of dialog during times when I am so often surrounded by 
bright shiny object types.


[] On Behalf Of Alan Kay
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:23 AM
To: Fundamentals of New Computing
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

Hi Loup

I think how this happened has already been described in The Early History of 


In the Fall of 1966, Sketchpad was what got me started thinking about 
representing concepts as whole things. Simula, a week later, provided a 
glimpse of how one could deal with issues that couldn't be done wonderfully 
with constraints and solving (namely, you could hide procedures inside the 

This triggered off many thoughts in a few minutes, bringing in ideas that 
seemed similar from biology, math (algebras), logic (Carnap's intensional 
logic), philosophy (Plato's Ideas), hardware (running multiple active units 
off a bus), systems design (the use of virtual machines in time-sharing), and 
networking (the ARPA community was getting ready to do the ARPAnet). Bob Barton 
had pronounced that recursive design is making the parts have the same powers 
as the wholes, which for the first time I was able to see was really powerful 
if the wholes and the parts were entire computers hardware or software or some 

The latter was hugely important to me because it allowed a universal 
simulation system to be created from just a few ideas that would cover 
everything and every other kind of thing.

During this period I had no label for what I was doing, including this thing I 
was doing, I was just doing.

A few months later someone asked me what I was doing, and I didn't think about 
the answer -- I was still trying to see how the synthesis of ideas could be 
pulled off without a lot of machinery (kind of the math stage of the process).

Back then, there was already a term in use called data driven programming. 
This is where data contains info that will help find appropriate procedures.

And the term objects was also used for composite data i.e. blocks of 
storage with different fields containing values of various kinds. This came 
naturally from card images (punched cards were usually 80 or more characters 
long and divided into fields).

At some point someone (probably in the 50s) decided to use some of the fields 
to help the logic of plug board programming and drive the processes off the 
cards rather than just processing them.

So if you looked at how Sketchpad was implemented you would see, in the terms 
of the day: objects that were data driven. Ivan gives Doug Ross credit for 
his plex structures, which were an MIT way to think about these ideas. 
Sketchpad also used threaded lists in its blocks (this was not a great idea 
but it was popular back then -- Simula later took this up as well).

So I just said object oriented programming and went back to work.

Later I regretted this (and some of the other labels that were also put in 
service) after the ideas worked out nicely and were very powerful for us at 

The success of the ideas made what we were doing popular, and people wanted to 
be a part of it. This led to using the term object oriented as a designer 
jeans label for pretty much anything (there was even an object-oriented 
COBOL!). This appropriation of labels without content is a typical pop culture 
fantasy football syndrome.

PARC was an integral part of the ARPA community, the last gasp of which in the 
70s was designing the Internet via a design group that contained PARC people 
(PARC had actually already done an internetwork -- called PUP -- with 
gateways (routers) to interconnect Ethernetworks and other networks within 

It was clear to all in this community from the mid-60s onward that how 
messaging was done was one of the keys to achieving scaling. This is why 
what I was working on had messages as the larger coordination idea (rather 
than the subset of calls).

At PARC we wanted to do a complete personal computing system on the Alto, which 
was a microcoded ~150ns cycle CPU with 16 program counters and 64k 16bit words 
of memory that cycled at ~750ns (where half

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Loup Vaillant

Alan Kay a écrit :

Hi Loup

I think how this happened has already been described in The Early
History of Smalltalk.


[Incredibly detailed and thoughtful response]

Whoa. Thank you.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Göran Krampe


On 02/12/2013 04:15 PM, Loup Vaillant wrote:

This question was prompted by a quote by Joe Armstrong about OOP[1].

Sidenote, the article Joe wrote on OO which I subsequently bashed:

...but I met him later and he knows OO quite well these days - and is 
also friends with several of our luminaries.

regards, Göran
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Fidelman

Alan Kay wrote:

A little more history ...

The first Smalltalk (-72) was modern (as used below), and similar to 
Erlang in several ways -- for example, messages were received with 
structure and pattern matching, etc. The language was extended using 
the same mechanisms ...


As I recall, some of your early writings on Smalltalk sounded very 
actor-like - i.e., objects as processes, with lots of messages floating 
around, rather than a sequential thread-of-control model. Or is my 
memory just getting fuzzy?  In any case, I'm surprised that the term 
actor hasn't popped up in this thread, along with object and 

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Jeff

I think intermodule communication schemes that *really scale* is one of the 
most important open issues of the last 45 years or so.

It is one of the several pursuits written into the STEPS proposal that we 
didn't use our initial efforts on -- so we've done little to advance this over 
the last few years. But now that the NSF funded part of STEPS has concluded, we 
are planning to use much of the other strand of STEPS to look at some of these 
neglected issues.

There are lots of facets, and one has to do with messaging. The idea that 
sending a message has scaling problems is one that has been around for quite 
a while. It was certainly something that we pondered at PARC 35 years ago, and 
it was an issue earlier for both the ARPAnet and its offspring: the Internet.

Several members of this list have pointed this out also.

There are similar scaling problems with the use of tags in XML and EMI etc. 
which have to be agreed on somehow

Part of the problem is that for vanilla sends, the sender has to know the 
receiver in some fashion. This starts requiring the interior of a module to 
know too much if this is a front line mechanism.

This leads to wanting to do something more like LINDA coordination or 
publish and subscribe where there are pools of producers and consumers who 
don't have to know explicitly about each other. A send is now a general 
request for a resource. But the vanilla approaches here still require that the 
sender and receiver have a fair amount of common knowledge (because the 
matching is usually done on terms in common).

For example, in order to invoke a module that will compute the sine of an 
angle, do you and the receiver both have to agree about the term sine? In APL 
I think the name of this function is circle 1 and in Smalltalk it's 
degreeSin, etc. 

Ted Kaehler solved this problem some years ago in Squeak Smalltalk with his 
message finder. For example, if you enter 3. 4. 7 Squeak will instantly come 
back with:
   3 bitOr: 4 -- 7
   3 bitXor: 4 -- 7
   3 + 4 -- 7

For the sine example you would enter 30. 0.5 and Squeak will come up with: 
   30 degreeSin -- 0.5

The method finder is acting a bit like Doug Lenat's discovery systems. Simple 
brute force is used here (Ted executes all the methods that could fit in the 
system safely to see what they do.)

One of the solutions at PARC for dealing with a part of the problem is the idea 
of send an agent, not a message. It was quickly found that defining file 
formats for all the different things that could be printed on the new laser 
printer was not scaling well. The solution was to send a program that would 
just execute safely and blindly in the printer -- the printer would then just 
print out the bit bin. This was known as PostScript when it came out in the 

The Trickles idea from Cornell has much of the same flavor.

One possible starting place is to notice that there are lots more terms that 
people can use than the few that are needed to make a powerful compact 
programming language. So why not try to describe meanings and match on meanings 
-- and let there be not just matching (which is like a password) but 
negotiation, which is what a discovery agent does.

And so forth. I think this is a difficult but doable problem -- it's easier 
than AI, but has some tinges of it.

Got any ideas?



 From: Jeff Gonis
To: Alan Kay 
Cc: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

I see no one has taken Alan's bait and asked the million dollar question: if 
you decided that messaging is no longer the right path for scaling, what 
approach are you currently using?
I would assume that FONC is the current approach, meaning, at the risk of 
grossly over-simplifying and sounding ignorant, problem oriented languages 
allowing for compact expression of meaning.  But even here, FONC struck me as 
providing vastly better ways of creating code that, at its core, still used 
messaging for robustness, etc, rather than using something entirely different.
Have I completely misread the FONC projects? And if not messaging, what 
approach are you currently using to handle scalability?
A little more history ...

The first Smalltalk (-72) was modern (as used below), and similar to Erlang 
in several ways -- for example, messages were received with structure and 
pattern matching, etc. The language was extended using the same mechanisms ...



 From: Brian Rice
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

Independently of the originally-directed historical intent, I'll pose my own 
quick perspective.

Perhaps a contrast with Steve Yegge's

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Alan Kay
Hi Miles

(Again The Early History of Smalltalk has some of this history ...)

It is unfair to Carl Hewitt to say that Actors were his reaction to 
Smalltalk-72 (because he had been thinking early thoughts from other 
influences). And I had been doing a lot of thinking about the import of his 
Planner language.

But that is the simplest way of stating the facts and the ordering. 

ST-72 and the early Actors follow on were very similar. The Smalltalk that 
didn't get made, -71, was a kind of merge of the object idea, Logo, and 
Carl's Planner system (which predated Prolog and was in many respects more 
powerful). Planner used pattern-directed invocation and I thought you could 
both receive messages with it if it were made the interface of an object, and 
also use it for deduction. Smalltalk-72 was a bit of an accident

The divergence later was that we got a bit dirtier as we made a real system 
that you could program a real system in. Actors got cleaner as they looked at 
many interesting theoretical possibilities for distributed computing etc. My 
notion of object oriented would now seem to be very actor-like.



 From: Miles Fidelman
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented
Alan Kay wrote:
 A little more history ...
 The first Smalltalk (-72) was modern (as used below), and similar to 
 Erlang in several ways -- for example, messages were received with 
 structure and pattern matching, etc. The language was extended using the 
 same mechanisms ...


As I recall, some of your early writings on Smalltalk sounded very actor-like 
- i.e., objects as processes, with lots of messages floating around, rather 
than a sequential thread-of-control model. Or is my memory just getting fuzzy? 
 In any case, I'm surprised that the term actor hasn't popped up in this 
thread, along with object and messaging.

Miles Fidelman

-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Fidelman

Hi Alan,

Is it fair to say that the path you took with Smalltalk led to today's 
object model of data structures, associated methods, and inheritance, 
with either a single thread-of-control, or small numbers of threads; 
while the Actor model led (perhaps not directly) to massive concurrency 
and Erlang?  (I'm still waiting for something that looks like Smalltalk 
meets Erlang.)



Alan Kay wrote:

Hi Miles

(Again The Early History of Smalltalk has some of this history ...)

It is unfair to Carl Hewitt to say that Actors were his reaction to 
Smalltalk-72 (because he had been thinking early thoughts from other 
influences). And I had been doing a lot of thinking about the import 
of his Planner language.

But that is the simplest way of stating the facts and the ordering.

ST-72 and the early Actors follow on were very similar. The Smalltalk 
that didn't get made, -71, was a kind of merge of the object idea, 
Logo, and Carl's Planner system (which predated Prolog and was in many 
respects more powerful). Planner used pattern-directed invocation 
and I thought you could both receive messages with it if it were made 
the interface of an object, and also use it for deduction. 
Smalltalk-72 was a bit of an accident

The divergence later was that we got a bit dirtier as we made a real 
system that you could program a real system in. Actors got cleaner as 
they looked at many interesting theoretical possibilities for 
distributed computing etc. My notion of object oriented would now 
seem to be very actor-like.



*From:* Miles Fidelman
*To:* Fundamentals of New Computing
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:05 AM
*Subject:* Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message

Alan Kay wrote:
 A little more history ...

 The first Smalltalk (-72) was modern (as used below), and
similar to Erlang in several ways -- for example, messages were
received with structure and pattern matching, etc. The language
was extended using the same mechanisms ...


As I recall, some of your early writings on Smalltalk sounded very
actor-like - i.e., objects as processes, with lots of messages
floating around, rather than a sequential thread-of-control model.
Or is my memory just getting fuzzy?  In any case, I'm surprised
that the term actor hasn't popped up in this thread, along with
object and messaging.

Miles Fidelman

-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Terminology: Object Oriented vs Message Oriented

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Fidelman

John Carlson wrote:

Is there a computer language (yes I realize games do this) that work 
like human languages?  With features like misdirection, 
misinterpretation, volume, persuasion?  Can we come up with a social 
language for computers?  No, I'm not talking lojban, I'm talking 
something something semantically and/or syntactically ambiguous.  
Maybe lingodroids is close. More work in this area would be interesting.

Well PPL (Paranoid Programming Language) might come close. :-)

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list