Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-07 Thread Gilles

On 07/08/2018 20:12, Stephan Beal wrote:
That time frame is familiar to me, so i had to check... a couple 
timeline entries mention his use of libfossil, and late 2014 was when 
chronic RSI knocked me out of my hobby projects (which included 

Too bad no one read, willing and able took over its development.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-07 Thread Gilles

On 07/08/2018 16:14, Donald Griggs wrote:
Re:     "What you'll 
find here is a work in progress  "

Unfortunately, it appears the project is at least on hiatus, if not 
abandoned.  The last code commit in the timeline was in late 2014.

It's a known pattern.
2015/08/23 Fuel version 1.0.1 has been released
Latest commit 5b8862e  on Jul 21, 2011
"The requested URL /cgi-bin/ikoch/sharpfossil was not found on this server."

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-07 Thread Gilles

Does it work?

"What you'll find here is a work in progress to have a Tortoise-style 
tool for Fossil repositories. Currently there is no release just yet, 
there are no commands implemented as of right now, but file overlays are 
working great."

On 07/08/2018 15:54, wrote:

Hmmm, that sounds like TortoiseFossil?
I would deploy that if available. :)

On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 9:42 PM, Gilles <>> wrote:

On 07/08/2018 03:21, Ron W wrote:

I never tried Sharp Fossil, but Fuel was a very clunky GUI. I
think non-programmers would be unwilling to put up with it.

As a simpler alternative, the "GUI" could just be implemented as
an extension to Windows Explorer, where users would just
right-click a folder to perform the main tasks provided by Fossil
(commit, gdiff, etc.)

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-06 Thread Gilles

On 07/08/2018 03:21, Ron W wrote:
I never tried Sharp Fossil, but Fuel was a very clunky GUI. I think 
non-programmers would be unwilling to put up with it.
As a simpler alternative, the "GUI" could just be implemented as an 
extension to Windows Explorer, where users would just right-click a 
folder to perform the main tasks provided by Fossil (commit, gdiff, etc.)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-06 Thread Gilles

I guess that's another reason why there's no desktop UI for fossil.

It's just that I prefer desktop apps to web apps generally, but I can 
live with CLI + UI if there's nothing else.

This thread was not meant as criticism; It was just a question.

On 06/08/2018 03:18, Steve Landers wrote:
Put differently, what can’t you do with “fossil ui” that you can do 
with a native client?

Drag and drop is the only one I can think of and I suspect that’s a 
good thing.

-- Steve
On 6 Aug 2018, 9:17 AM +0800, Richard Hipp , wrote:

On 8/5/18, Gilles  wrote:

2. There's no maintained GUI for Fossil.

I would argue that running "fossil ui" is your GUI.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-05 Thread Gilles
Thanks for the info, but like 90% of deskop users, I run Windows. I gave 
up on deskop Linux, even though I give it a try every year or so just to 
check it out.

I'm not arguing. It's just that Fossil is such a great SCM application 
that I guess it would benefit even more users if it were available as a 
GUI application instead of a CLI — which, I would venture, very few 
non-developers, in this day and age, even know there is such as thing.)

On 05/08/2018 22:46, John Pateman wrote:

Re Your point (2)

There may not be a GUI for Windows (I don’t use Windows) but there is is a nice 
‘Tortoise-like’ GUI for Fossil on macOS - Snail Fossil.

On 5 Aug 2018, at 21:14, Gilles  wrote:

On 05/08/2018 22:02, Richard Hipp wrote:

How does adding an extra component and a bunch of new interfaces make
a program easier to build?  I think that the key to building complex
systems is to keep them as simple as possible.  If you can omit a
DLL/shared library and all the maintenance and interface design
associated with it, then why wouldn't you?

I was asking this naïve question because
1. SQLite is a DLL + EXE package
2. There's no maintained GUI for Fossil.
fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-05 Thread Gilles

On 05/08/2018 22:02, Richard Hipp wrote:

How does adding an extra component and a bunch of new interfaces make
a program easier to build?  I think that the key to building complex
systems is to keep them as simple as possible.  If you can omit a
DLL/shared library and all the maintenance and interface design
associated with it, then why wouldn't you?

I was asking this naïve question because
1. SQLite is a DLL + EXE package
2. There's no maintained GUI for Fossil.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-05 Thread Gilles

On 05/08/2018 21:28, Stephan Beal wrote:
Very, very long story very, very short: reimplementing fossil as a 
library requires a massive effort.

Too bad. Thanks for the info.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-05 Thread Gilles

On 05/08/2018 05:47, Warren Young wrote:
It is not correct to say that Fossil had no output in this case. Its 
output was the exit status code, which was zero, meaning there was no 
I understand that it's too late now that some scripts would break if 
diff/gdiff returned something like "No change" instead of remaining 
mute, but I think it would have been helpful to output some information 
so that the user know it's not some issue with an external differ like 
we all thought.

Back to real life.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 18:19, Stephan Beal wrote:
Outputting "no differences" to stdout would (IMO) be fine if 
automation had the option to use --quiet to surprise that.
Considering no one thought about this before I mentioned that "fossil 
diff" also returned nothing… it looks like it might not be that bad an 
idea to tell the user that an empty result simply means that no change 
was detected between the workspace file and the last revision in the 
repo. No reason to worry about the settings, short/long filenames, 
forward and backward slashes, etc.

But then, "fossil changes" returns nothing either, and it's coherent 
with the Unix philosophy.

Bah, it's a hot Saturday in the Northern hemisphere, we didn't spend 
that much time on the issue, and today's exchange should hopefully be 
reachable through Google for other users' benefit. Science!
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 16:43, Stephan Beal wrote:

That means there are no diffs to show. Try:

fossil gdiff --from prev test.html

That was it.

Grrr, I should have thought about it :-/

I don't know how common this mistake is, but if it, it might be a good 
thing if Fossil said something like "No change."

Thanks much everyone.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 15:51, Gilles wrote:

d:\Temp>fossil gdiff test.html


I don't know if it means anything, but incidently, "fossil diff" doesn't 
return anything either:

d:\Temp>fossil diff test.html

d:\Temp>fossil finfo test.html
History of test.html
2018-08-04 [6517de2577] Blah (user: fred, artifact: [e123cf7827], 
branch: trunk)
2018-08-04 [e711051a5a] Original files (user: fred, artifact: 
[7d257c6ae4], branch: trunk)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 15:36, Martin Gagnon wrote:
You can try to add "C:\Program Files\WinMerge" to your PATH 
environment variable.

Then start a cmd window and try if it works by just typing winmergeu.

If it's works, this should works

fossil set gdiff-command winmergeu
fossil gdiff myfile.txt

Thanks for the tip.

"C:\Program Files\WinMerge" was already in my system PATH:

d:\Temp>echo %PATH%
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;… C:\Program 
Files\WinMerge;C:\Program Files\UltraEdit\

And "d:\Temp>winmergeu" does launch Winmerge as expected.

Next, I added the shorter version:

d:\Temp>setx /M PATH "%PATH%;c:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge

d:\Temp>echo %PATH%
…C:\Program Files\WinMerge;C:\Program Files\UltraEdit\;C:\Program 

d:\Temp>fossil set gdiff-command WinMergeU.exe

d:\Temp>fossil settings
gdiff-command    (local)  WinMergeU.exe

d:\Temp>fossil gdiff test.html


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 15:17, Warren Young wrote:

On Aug 4, 2018, at 6:49 AM, Gilles  wrote:

d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt


Is d:\temp a checkout directory?  What does “fossil stat” give in that 

Yes. I used "d:\temp" to investigate this issue on a dummy repo.

d:\Temp>fossil settings
gdiff-command    (global) C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE

d:\Temp>fossil stat
repository:   d:/Temp/my.repo
local-root:   d:/Temp/
config-db:    C:/Users/fred/AppData/Local/_fossil
checkout: 6517de2577504d8ca1b5a962db04ced55bfcaa72 2018-08-04 
13:28:00 UTC
parent:   e711051a5a175a1e7b30a5b477639d5947d86af6 2018-08-04 
13:27:00 UTC

tags: trunk
comment:  Blah (user: fred)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 14:10, Warren Young wrote:
Also, realize that Fossil will accept any unique prefix for 
sub-commands. So, “fossil gd” is already a valid command: you don’t 
need the TAB. 

Thanks. Good enough.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 14:07, Warren Young wrote:

Double check that the executable is in fact there, not somewhere else, like 
c:\Program Files (x86).

If that doesn’t work, try “dir /x c:\” and putting in the short version of the 
path to avoid the embedded space.  If I had to guess, it’s:


But check.  It could be ~2 or other things.

And if that still doesn’t work, try using forward slashes.  It’s possible this 
is running through sprintf() or similar internally to Fossil, so those 
backslashes are causing confusion.

Thanks much for the tip.

The program is, c:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe", ie. 

At the root of C: , where fossil.exe lives:

c:\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge\WINMER~1.EXE"
c:\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command    (global) C:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge\WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt


c:\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE"
c:\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command    (global) C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt


I also ran the command in the work directory, still no go. Incidently, I 
notice that settings can be changed at the local level:

d:\temp\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE"
d:\temp\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command    (local) C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt

Still nothing :-/
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil's (lack of) use of the Ticket system

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles

On 04/08/2018 13:29, Stephan Beal wrote:
And maybe one day, move the mailing list to a web-based forum entirely 
so that people can post questions directly.

That's exactly what Richard is currently implementing. That alone 
won't stop the "how do i" posts - it's a Cosmic Rule that many people 
won't bother searching a forum (beyond a casual Google effort) before 
posting their own (oft-repeated) query. :/.

It might, since forum softwares (should) provide "sticky posts" that are 
displayed at the top.

Combined with a good search feature, it should reduce the recurrent "How 
do I?" posts.
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] "fossil gdiff" doesn't launch WinMerge; fossil.exe with autocompletion?

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles


I have a couple of questions:

1. Although fossil.exe is configured with…

fossil settings > gdiff-command    (global) "C:\Program 

… nothing happens when I run "fossil gdiff myfile.txt".

Any idea what it could be? FWIW, I'm running Windows7.

2. Is there a way to make fossil.exe autocomplete commands, eg.

fo + TAB : fossil.exe
fossil gd + TAB : fossil gdiff
fossil gdiff my + TAB :fossil gdiff myfile.txt

Or is there an alternative to the native CMD.EXE that would do the trick?

Thank you.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil's (lack of) use of the Ticket system

2018-08-04 Thread Gilles
A lot of "How do I…?" questions can be answered by searching the 
archives of the mailing list :

Since it's apparently not mentionned currently — I had to google "fossil 
scm mailing list" to find it —, I suggest updating the Docs section of page to add a link.

And maybe one day, move the mailing list to a web-based forum entirely 
so that people can post questions directly.

On 03/08/2018 20:26, Dan Barbarito wrote:
Take your time drh, this is by no means urgent. I really appreciate 
the clarification.

 On Fri, 03 Aug 2018 14:18:43 -0400 *Richard Hipp 
* wrote 

On 8/3/18, Dan Barbarito>> wrote:
> Hi all, I am trying to understand why Fossil itself does not use the
> built-in ticketing functionality. I understand that trolls +
spammers may be
> a problem, but can't ticket changes simply be approved/denied?

I tried that. What I found was that I was spending an inordinate
amount of time pressing the "Reject" button on new ticket moderation
because almost all tickets were of the form "How do I do ..."

Maybe the forum will turn out the same way. I won't know until we try
it. Maybe with a forum in place, we won't get so many "How do I
do..." tickets and we can turn tickets back on.

I have your request. I have a really long queue right now. I need to
spend several days (probably) working on SQLite. I'll get back to
this Fossil enhancement as I am able. Thank you for your feedback -
it is important. I will deal with it as soon as I can.
D. Richard Hipp 

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [UI] Increase font size in side-by-side page?

2018-08-03 Thread Gilles

On 03/08/2018 16:19, Warren Young wrote:

On Aug 3, 2018, at 5:38 AM, Gilles  wrote:

Problem is, the font size is a bit small:

That’s because the default view is side-by-side.  Try clicking the Unified Diff 
link at the top of the Fossil UI diff view.

Thanks to both. I'll play with skins and see how it goes.
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [UI] Increase font size in side-by-side page?

2018-08-03 Thread Gilles


The UI seems the easiest way to diff versions and see what changes were 
made to a file between two revisions.

Problem is, the font size is a bit small:

I searched the archives* with "ui font size", but didn't find much.

Is there a way to increase font size, or should I install "Fossil Skins 
Extra" ( add-on?

Thank you.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-16 Thread Gilles
Chris Drexler Fri, 16 Feb 2018 08:32:40 -0800 > I've never tried the 
beta zip. Which version of fossil is packaged in there?

It was 1.33. Replacing it with 2.5 did the trick.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-16 Thread Gilles
Chris Drexler Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:53:54 -0800 > I know that there hasn't 
been an update for a while. I was in contact with the author who just 
didn't find much time in the past to advance fuel. I made some (minor) 
adjustments avail at

Thanks much. I tried,but it fails opening a 
repo (works OK with the last official build, ie. 2.0.0 from 2015):

> fossil open D:/Temp/Fossil.test/repo.fossil
SQLITE_ERROR: near "(": syntax error
SQLITE_CORRUPT: database corruption at line 105609 of [2ef4f3a5b1]
SQLITE_CORRUPT: malformed database schema (artifact) - near "(": syntax 
D:\Apps\Fuel.Fossil.GUI\2.0.0-beta3\fossil.exe: malformed database 
schema (artifact) - near "(": syntax error

SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='allow-symlinks'

> and if you have certain feature requests that overlap with my needs 
that I might be able to add this... but I'm also quiet short on dev time 
these days :-(.

Personally, I'd like a way to compare two revisions for a given file: 
After right-clicking a file > History, it could show a list of the 
revisions, and let the user pick two, before launching WinMerge. Then, 
there should be a way to either check out the same file or another file, 
and copy/paste code. Combined with a good text search, this would be an 
easy way to re-use some code snippets. I find Fuel very nice to use.

Maybe we could create an Etherpad so people can vote for features, among 
all the commands available from Fossil:

c:\>fossil help
Usage: fossil help TOPIC
Common commands:  (use "fossil help -a|--all" for a complete list)
add  cat  finfo    open settings unpublished
addremove    changes  gdiff    praise   sql unversioned
all  clean    help publish  stash update
amend    clone    import   pull status version
annotate commit   info push sync
bisect   delete   init rebuild  tag
blame    diff ls   remote-url   timeline
branch   export   merge    revert   ui
bundle   extras   mv   rm   undo
This is fossil version 2.5 [188a0e2904] 2018-02-07 18:48:14 UTC

> I can't access the image below, my browser complains about wrong 
certificate  and the about errors in the png file


Weird. Here it is on another site :

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-15 Thread Gilles
Alternatively: As a work-around, what about offering an easy-to-parse 
output from the EXE ?

For instance, I'd like to find all the release versions for a given 
file, so as to display the list and let the user pick two to perform a diff:

C:\>fossil finfo myfile.c
History of myfile.c
2018-02-15 [f8e2f79336] Removed comment (user: joe, artifact: [742cdcc399],
   branch: trunk)
2018-02-15 [87c72d2e84] Added files (user: joe, artifact: [26bb04f67c],
   branch: trunk)
C:\>fossil gdiff --from 87c72d2e84 --to f8e2f79336

And voilà ! :-)

On 15/02/2018 22:19, Gilles wrote:
No problem. I was just wondering, because a desktop GUI would make 
Fossil accessible to non-programmers who need a source control but 
don't even know there's such a thing.

It's a shame, since SQLite is itself an EXE + DLL.

On 15/02/2018 18:45, Stephan Beal wrote:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:48 PM, Gilles < 
<>> wrote:

On 15/02/2018 15:17, Richard Hipp wrote:

...There was a project to rewrite Fossil as a DLL, but there
has been no
recent progress on that.

Too bad.

That's my fault. Severe RSI has left me on medical leave for most of 
the past 3 years (with no end in sight), which has effectively 
removed me from the programming scene. While libfossil was quite far 
along (aside from networking support, it had, at the library level, 
essentially all of the required features)), the SHA1 "attack" and 
subsequent reworking on fossil have left libfossil requiring a 
non-trivial amount of rework to catch up, and i'm physically unable 
to do it :/. If someone would like to take it over, the code is here:

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-15 Thread Gilles
No problem. I was just wondering, because a desktop GUI would make 
Fossil accessible to non-programmers who need a source control but don't 
even know there's such a thing.

It's a shame, since SQLite is itself an EXE + DLL.

On 15/02/2018 18:45, Stephan Beal wrote:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:48 PM, Gilles < 
<>> wrote:

On 15/02/2018 15:17, Richard Hipp wrote:

...There was a project to rewrite Fossil as a DLL, but there
has been no
recent progress on that.

Too bad.

That's my fault. Severe RSI has left me on medical leave for most of 
the past 3 years (with no end in sight), which has effectively removed 
me from the programming scene. While libfossil was quite far along 
(aside from networking support, it had, at the library level, 
essentially all of the required features)), the SHA1 "attack" and 
subsequent reworking on fossil have left libfossil requiring a 
non-trivial amount of rework to catch up, and i'm physically unable to 
do it :/. If someone would like to take it over, the code is here:
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-15 Thread Gilles

On 15/02/2018 15:17, Richard Hipp wrote:

On 2/15/18, Chris  wrote:

Would be an option for you?

A fossil library seems not to be on the roadmap according to other threads
in this list

The current Fossil code is designed around the near 50-year-old unix
principle that a process starts up, does one thing quickly, then
exits, leaving the OS to clean up resource leaks.  For this reason,
the current Fossil code is unlikely to ever be turned into a DLL.
There was a project to rewrite Fossil as a DLL, but there has been no
recent progress on that.

Too bad.

Fuel hasn't been updated since 2015, and it's missing some features, 
such as being able to diff between two revisions.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-15 Thread Gilles

Thanks all for the help.

Out of curiosity, is there a way to compile the Fossil EXE into a DLL, 
so as to make it easier to interact with it from a GUI application 
instead of the CLI?
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-14 Thread Gilles

Thanks for the infos on how to diff two revisions through the web UI.

Ron W  > In the Fossil "web UI", from the 
timeline, select a commit. Scroll down to the file of interest and 
click on it to show that file's history. In the "revision graph" (on 
the left), click the version you want to compare from (the node will 
turn red), then the version you want to compare to. This will display 
(in the web browser), a differ of the 2 versions.

To use WinMerge, you need to configure Fossil to use that as the 
external diff (or gdiff) tool. then from the command line:

   fossil diff --from VERSION --to VERSION

This will launch WinMerge (with temporary copies) to display the 
differences between the 2 versions. However, Fossil will ignore any 
changes you make in WinMerge.

1. Could you explain how to configure Fossil to use WinMerge to diff two 

2. Once I find some code, without leaving WinMerge, is there a simple 
way to check out the file and paste it to the live file in the workspace?

3. Is there a way to grep the whole repo for a given piece of code?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two, revisions?

2018-02-13 Thread Gilles

On 13/02/2018 11:23, Ron W  wrote:

As best I recall, Fuel uses "fossil ui" (or "fossil server") behind the
scenes, so any feature of "fossil ui" should also be usable in Fuel.

It has been years since I looked at Fuel (as an option for co-workers who
dislike the command line), so I'm not 100% sure, but I do remember Fuel
having an embedded web browser to display content from "fossil ui". I
thought Fuel's design somewhat "clunky". My co-workers said it was more
confusing than using the Fossil command line.

Thanks for the tip. Fuel does have an internal web browser:

If there's no Windows alternative to Fuel, it looks like it's either the 
web UI or the command line.

Is there an easy way to compare two revisions of a file while the 
repository is closed (ie. not a comparison between a revision in the 
repo and a live file in the workspace), possibly using WinMerge, so I 
can easily see what the changes are, check out the latest verison, and 
copy/paste ?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two revisions?

2018-02-12 Thread Gilles

On 13/02/2018 00:33, Richard Hipp wrote:

On 2/12/18, Gilles <> wrote:

Fuel* doesn't support diffing two revisions of a file in the repository:

Since it hasn't been updated since 2015… is there another Windows GUI
application that supports this?

Well, you could run "fossil ui", then surf to the page that shows a
complete history of the file in question, with its timeline, then
click on the timeline graph node for the first version (so that it
gets a red dot in the center) then click on the timeline graph node
for the second version.

That's what I always do, anyhow.

Thanks for the tip.

The timeline I see shows no red dot for a given file after opening a DOS 
box, running "fossil ui", and navigating down the Files menu… but 
anyhow, this still means having to dump Fuel and move into an entirely 
different universe.

So at this point, there is simply no Windows GUI that supports diffing 
two revisions of a file that's been checked in? IOW, if I'd like to diff 
two versions of a file with Fuel, I should do this while it's still 
checked out ?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two revisions?

2018-02-12 Thread Gilles


Fuel* doesn't support diffing two revisions of a file in the repository:

Since it hasn't been updated since 2015… is there another Windows GUI 
application that supports this?

Thank you.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Remove whole directory from Fossil?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles

I rearranged the directory tree where I keep source files, and need to
remove a bunch of directories from Fossil.

However, it seems like rm doesn't support filename substitution, so
this is impossible:

C:\Projects\Project1fossil rm somedir/*

Is there a faster way than removing each and every file manually
before hitting commit?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Tell Fossil to ignore any directory of a given name?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles

I need to configure Fossil so that it ignores useless directories like
\obj and \bin.

Google returned examples where the path was hard-coded, eg. fossil
settings ignore-glob */*.suo,*/*/bin/*,*/*/obj/*.

But the above is tool-specific, as such directories can be found
anywhere depending on the language used.

Is there a way to tell Fossil to simply ignore any directory of a
given name, regardless of where it lives within the tree?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Remove whole directory from Fossil?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 12:57:41 -0700, Matt Welland wrote:
If your repo is kept clutter free by rigorous use of ignore-glob you can
just rm -rf somedir and then do fossil addremove and then commit.

Thanks for the tip. I didn't have to use fossil addremove for Fossil
to remove the directory from its watchlist.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Remove whole directory from Fossil?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:42:24 -0500, Martin Gagnon wrote:
You don't need the '*', if you just specify somedir, it will remove all
files recursively inside this dir. 

   fossil rm somedir

Then commit...

Good to know. Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Tell Fossil to ignore any directory of a given name?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:57:47 +0100, Kees Nuyt wrote:

It's a glob, so
  fossil settings ignore-glob '*/bin/*,*/obj/*'
should do the job.

Thanks for the tip, it did the job:

fossil settings ignore-glob *.o,*.obj,*.exe, */obj/*, */bin/*,
*/debug/* --global

fossil add .

Oh, and for selectively adding, 
   fossil add $( fossil extra )
is nice, given that fossil extra uses the
ignore-glob to restrict the list.

I assume you meant fossil extras?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Tell Fossil to ignore any directory of a given name?

2013-12-16 Thread Gilles
On 16 Dec 2013 16:52:50 -0700, Andy Bradford wrote:
 I assume you meant fossil extras?

Fossil only needs  the shortest non-ambiguous substring  of a subcommand
to figure out what is meant. This would also have sufficed:

  fossil add $( fossil ext )

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] libfossil minor milestone: tag app

2013-08-16 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:40:55 +0200, Stephan Beal wrote:
libfossil is the tentative name for (as you correctly guessed) an
experimental library API for fossil. It's still a long way from being fully
functional but some features already work:

PS: the name libfossil (or libfossil-scm) is still the working title - if
you have suggestions for better name then feel free to suggest it.

Sounds perfect. I also agree Fossil should be available as a DLL so
that it can easily be packaged with a non-web GUI front-end.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] libfossil minor milestone: tag app

2013-08-14 Thread Gilles
On Sun, 11 Aug 2013 23:44:10 +0200, Stephan Beal wrote:
Another status update for what is still tentatively known as libfossil...

What is libfossil? Fossil.exe turned into a library so it can be used
from another application like SQLite?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows newb questions

2013-06-27 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:36:52 -0700, Pete Rihaczek wrote:
I think it serves its basic purpose of getting people up and running, but
of course you'll run into more questions soon after that. It might be good
for example to clarify that it's not necessary to actually close a
repository. Also, my first instinct was to try to convert my .gitignore
file to a fossil equivalent. I wanted to do that per project, so I had to
dig to find out how to do that (and that you can only do it from the
command prompt). Then when I did a test commit, I got the hint about how to
avoid having to type --no-warnings, but I had to discover for myself that
the only variant of the crnl-glob command that works on Windows requires
the asterisk to be in single quotes, i.e. fossil settings crnl-glob '*'
--global. That might be a nice additional hint for Windows users. Your
document does what it claims to do, so whether you want to add a couple of
extra hints based on my newbie experience is entirely optional of course.

I don't have write access to the wiki, and have no experience with Git
so I'll have to leave that someone in the know to write the 5mn guide
to move from Git to Fossil.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows newb questions

2013-06-27 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:36:52 -0700, Pete Rihaczek wrote:
Then when I did a test commit, I got the hint about how to
avoid having to type --no-warnings, but I had to discover for myself that
the only variant of the crnl-glob command that works on Windows requires
the asterisk to be in single quotes, i.e. fossil settings crnl-glob '*'

I just ran that test on an XP host, but Windows seems happy with

[C:\]fossil.exe settings
crnl-glob(global) *

[C:\]fossil.exe settings --global crnl-glob *

[C:\]fossil.exe settings
crnl-glob(global) *

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Windows newb questions

2013-06-25 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:47:39 -0700, Pete Rihaczek wrote:
 I confess that the up and running in 5 minutes tutorial took me
considerably longer since I'm on Windows and had to work a few things out
that weren't crystal clear. Perhaps incorporating some lessons learned into
the 5 minute intro might save other Windows users some time.

I wrote that wiki entry, and happen to use Fossil on Windows. Where
did you struggle?

Note that, as indicated, it's meant to get a single user up and
running fast with the most basic commands, not for using Fossil for
group development.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil.exe: Catching errors?

2013-06-07 Thread Gilles

I'd like to write a GUI front-end for fossil.exe to avoid having to
open a DOS box and type Fossil commands.

Does someone know of a way to catch errors, if any, instead of parsing
the output returned by the application to figure it out?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to contribute to wiki?

2013-05-24 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 23 May 2013 19:03:31 -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
Do you know that you can view the formatting of these kinds of pages
without checking them in?  Just put the file (with a .wiki suffix)
somewhere in an open checkout, then run fossil ui.  Enter 
http://localhost:8080/doc/ckout/...; as the URL where ... is replaced by
the filename.  The key component in the URL is the ckout term which tells
Fossil to render the files as they appear in the check-out on disk, not as
they appear in the repository.

According to the Formatting Rule Summary, Only a single level of
enumeration list is supported by wiki. For nested lists or for
enumerations that count using letters or roman numerials, use HTML,
so I had to use HTML for formatting and it looks ok when viewed

Here's the data:

Using Fossil through the IDE isn't as good as using a full-fledged
application, but I find this good enough for using basic commands like
changes, commit, add, etc.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] How to contribute to wiki?

2013-05-23 Thread Gilles

The contents of the wiki is now part of the source code, but there's
no article that explains how to contribute to it:

I'd like to add an article that could be useful to new users.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to contribute to wiki?

2013-05-23 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 23 May 2013 13:34:17 -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
Copy/pasting the text to this mailing list is one way.  Or email the
contribution to one of the many Fossil committers is another approach.

Here it is. It's a way to access Fossil from Microsoft's Express IDE,
at least to use common commands:

Integrating Fossil in the Microsoft Express 2010 IDE

The Express version of Visual Studio doesn't support add-in's and
plug-in's, but it's not an issue since it's still possible to use
Fossil through the External Tools menu and Fossil is a CLI application

1. Tools  Settings  Expert Settings

2. Tools  External Tools, where the items in this list map to
External Tool X that we'll add to our own Fossil menu later:
   1. Rename the default [New Tool 1] to eg. Commit
   2. Change Command to where Fossil is located eg. c:\fossil.exe
   3. Change Arguments to the required command, eg. commit -m. The
user will be prompted to type the comment that Commit expects
   4. Set Initial Directory to point it to the work directory where
the source files are currently checked out by Fossil (eg.
c:\Workspace). It's also possible to use system variables such as
$(ProjectDir) instead of hard-coding the path
   5. Check Prompt for arguments, since Commit requires typing a 
  comment. Useless for commands like Changes that don't require 
   6. Uncheck Close on Exit, so we can see what Fossil says before
closing the DOS box. Note that Use Output Window will display the
output in a child window within the IDE instead of opening a DOS box 
   7. Click on OK

3. Tools  Customize  Commands
   1. With Menu bar = Menu Bar selected, click on Add New Menu. A
new Fossil menu is displayed in the IDE's menu bar
   2. Click on Modify Selection to rename it Fossil, and
   3. Use the Move Down button to move it lower in the list

4. Still in Customize dialog: In the Menu bar combo, select the new
Fossil menu you just created, and Click on Add Command...: From
Categories, select Tools, and select External Command 1. Click on
Close. It's unfortunate that the IDE doesn't say which command maps to
External Command X.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Integrate Fossil in MS Express IDE?

2013-04-23 Thread Gilles

I'm currently using MS' VisualBasic Express and was wondering if there
were a (free or commercial) solution to integrate Fossil in it so that
I can easily...
1. commit the current code
2. try something
3. if it works, commit the last code; if it didn't, ignore the last
try and go back to the last commited code
... all within the IDE?

Currently, I keep a terminal box open and run the CLI commands.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [SQLite.ADO.Net] Upgrading XP to SQLite version?

2013-02-25 Thread Gilles

I'm running the 32-bit version of XPSP3, whose Add and Remove
Programs show that I have QQLite ADO.NET 2*0/3.5 Provider 1.065.0
from Phoenix Software Solutions, LLC (

Now that SQLite.Ado.Net is handled by, what is the right
way to upgrade to the latest and greatest? 

The wiki says:

1. The setup packages are intended to be installed only on developer
machines and then only when the design-time components for Visual
Studio are required. In theory, they can be installed on customer
machines as well; however, this type of deployment is not recommended.

2. The binary packages are intended to be used by developers in order
to obtain the assembly binaries necessary for development and
deployment of their applications onto customer machines via XCOPY
deployment. [...]
Using XCOPY deployment in conjunction with the native library
pre-loading feature, especially for customer machines, is highly

When do we need the design-time components? Which package should I use
for development + deployment onto users' host?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [SQLite.ADO.Net] Upgrading XP to SQLite version?

2013-02-25 Thread Gilles
Oops, please ignore. Wrongly sent to the Fossil list instead of
SQLite: -/

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2013-01-29 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 29 Jan 2013 09:17:11 +0100, Lluís Batlle i Rossell wrote:
Well, at least for me, it's very important to be able to grep wiki pages and
specially tickets too. I think 'export'  won't work, right?

Right. Grep should be able to scan any item in the repo, not just
code. I just happen not to use its wiki and ticket features yet.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2013-01-28 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 5 Dec 2012 08:40:14 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell vi...@viric.namewrote:
 On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 01:51:51PM +0100, Gilles wrote:
  Since this thread is a bit long, I'd like to ask: At this point, what
  is the solution to find a piece of code that can be in any revision in
  any file in the repository?

 As I said early in the thread, deconstruct + grep. :)

What do you mean by deconstruct? Checking files out?

On Wed, 5 Dec 2012 08:40:14 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:

(1) grep function_name *.c */*.c# Adjust GLOB expressions as appropriate
(2) fossil up prev
(3) goto (1)

Repeat until the grep finds your function.

Is there a way to just check files out into RAM before calling grep so
that the files aren't written to disk, which would speed things up?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2013-01-28 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 10:43:19 +0100, Lluís Batlle i Rossell wrote:
 What do you mean by deconstruct? Checking files out?

As this question goes to me...
$ fossil help deconstruct

Thanks. After running deconstruct, do you just grep through all the
files, regardless of whether they contain actual code or just the
output from artifact?

Is there a way to avoid writing all those files to disk, and just
output data to STDOUT and read this with grep?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2013-01-28 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 07:15:13 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
Fossil already has and the
test-grep command.

test-grep doesn't show up with fossil help * in my 1.24. Was it
added recently and not yet available in the Windows binary?

I guess that won't be necessary if grep is coming to Fossil soon, but
as a temporary work-around, I was looking at using a RAM disk to dump
the output of fossil deconstruct.

The freeware version of DataRam RAM
supports disk sizes up to 4 GB. Is there a command to know in advance
the total size of the output from fossil deconstruct? If not, will
it just stop extracting files if it exceeds 4GB?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2013-01-28 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 29 Jan 2013 00:10:26 -0700, Matt Welland wrote:
Sorry, didn't paste in the second grep:

Thanks for contributing this work-around. I guess it shows that
there's a need for an easy, integrated grep to find code in the

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-27 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 13:19:09 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
FWIW: it appears to me that it does not react intuitively when given a
branch name as a version:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/fossil]$ fossil ls encoding-glob --age | sort -r
| head
2013-01-25 08:53:54  win/Makefile.msc
2013-01-25 08:53:54  src/makemake.tcl
2013-01-24 15:19:08  win/Makefile.mingw
2013-01-24 15:19:08  src/
2013-01-24 14:38:19  src/stat.c

those changes were all made in the trunk branch, not the encoding-glob
branch, and have not been merged into that branch since then.

So it looks like fossil ls branch name doesn't actually list the
files in the branch but rather the files in the branch currently
active (and its files checked out in the work directory).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-26 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 18:33:20 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
 The json command doesn't exist in the Fossil I have (1.24

That's an optional feature and getting it to build on Windows in 1.24
apparently requires modifying the makefile (that was fixed yesterday while
waiting on a large database import). If you have the latest sources and
nmake is in your %PATH, you can try (from fossil's top-most source

nmake -f win/Makefile.mfc FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON=1

Thanks. I'll try compiling the latest source on my Windows host.

 What about switching to another branch (eg. going from trunk to
 experimental), and simply running fossil ls? Will that list the
 revisions without touching the files in my work directory?

No - switching branches checks out the files from that branch, so it
changes the local files.

Good to know. Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-26 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 10:43:03 -0800, Themba Fletcher wrote:
 I have another question: fossil branch ls lists branches available
 in the repo, but is there a command to list all the files/revisions
 that have been commited to the experimental branch?

I think 'fossil diff --brief --branch experimental' might be what
you're looking for.

Thanks for the command. However, after editing dummy.c twice and
commiting the changes, it just displays this:

CHANGED dummy.c

The ultimate goal is really to be able to locate code I know I tried
at some point in the Experimental branch. Grep would really help. Then
a branch could be used as some kind of code vault.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-25 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:10:35 +0100, Gilles wrote:
Am I correct in understanding that this is the right way to proceed to
try some new code, and either save it (whether it works or not, just
as a track-record) or discard it?

I have another question: fossil branch ls lists branches available
in the repo, but is there a command to list all the files/revisions
that have been commited to the experimental branch?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-25 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 12:28:25 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
There are two ways i know of to do that, but both show the files _in_ the
branch, whether or not they have been modified _in that branch_ since the
branch was created:

Thanks for the info.

I don't understand what you mean by both show the files _in_ the
branch, whether or not they have been modified _in that branch_ since
the branch was created. Do you meant that they'll list all files in a
branch, even those that were only commited once since the branch was

I prefer to use the CLI because it's faster than the web interface.
Hopefully there's an easier way than running json dir and reading
its output.

What about using tags to list files, eg. trunk vs. experimental?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-25 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 13:16:46 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
It appears that i lied, at least partially: Martin shows us the 'ls'
command (which is new to me!).

Thanks guys.

The json command doesn't exist in the Fossil I have (1.24

[C:\]fossil json dir -checkin experimental
fossil: fossil: unknown command: json
fossil: use help for more information

It seems a bit involved just to know what revisions are available in a
given branch.

What about switching to another branch (eg. going from trunk to
experimental), and simply running fossil ls? Will that list the
revisions without touching the files in my work directory?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-25 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 14:14:20 +0100, Gilles wrote:
What about switching to another branch (eg. going from trunk to
experimental), and simply running fossil ls? Will that list the
revisions without touching the files in my work directory?

I notice that fossil update experimental -n doesn't say which work
files will be replaced by what's in the experimental branch in the
repo (1 file modified.):

UPDATE dummy.c
updated-to:   80ebe786997e4fc943bbc2d9564f8bb727e81675 2013-01-11
16:36:56 UTC
tags: experimental
comment:  Testing branches (user: Fred)
changes:  1 file modified.

Generally speaking, I find running update followed by commands to
list which files/revisions are available and their contents (ls,
timeline, finfo, etc.) a bit dangerous. It'd be coold if there were a
simple way to list files/revisions in a branch without actually
checking out anything into the work directory.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-25 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 14:38:25 +0100, Gilles wrote:
I notice that fossil update experimental -n doesn't say which work
files will be replaced by what's in the experimental branch in the
repo (1 file modified.):

UPDATE dummy.c
updated-to:   80ebe786997e4fc943bbc2d9564f8bb727e81675 2013-01-11
16:36:56 UTC
tags: experimental
comment:  Testing branches (user: Fred)
changes:  1 file modified.

My mistake: I was looking lower and didn't see the UPDATE line. Not
big enough :-D

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-15 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 20:55:23 +0400, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
The logic behind `fossil update` is like follows.

Thanks for the infos + suggestion in the other post.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-11 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 17:19:40 +0400, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
 and how to check the changes made in a branch to such and such file,

Fire up Fossil web UI and click on the links marked patch and diff
in the commit view.

This is really what I want to do: Being able to see all the things I
tried on a file in the branch. Most of the time, I want to keep track
of things I tried just in case instead of just forgetting about them
with fossil revert.

Can this be done with calling a Windows application, either a regular
editor or a differ instead of the Fossil web server? I prefer working
with dedicated applications.

Technically, just by doing `fossil update branchname` as this tries
to merge your uncommitted local changes with the branchname you're
switching your open checkout to.

I was under the impression that update simply told Fossil than any
subsequent commit should be done on that thread/trunk. Good to know
that update will perform a merge, so it has consequences.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-11 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 17:11:44 +0100, Gilles wrote:
This is really what I want to do: Being able to see all the things I
tried on a file in the branch. Most of the time, I want to keep track
of things I tried just in case instead of just forgetting about them
with fossil revert.

What I'm driving at:
1. Keep tried but NOK algos in a branch called eg. experimental
2. Find a simple way to locate old algo's I know I tried before by
searching Fossil, regardless of which branch they are (trunk or

I know Fossil doesn't support grep yet, but I find it useful to  being
able to just commit code and know for sure that I can find anything in
the repo.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-09 Thread Gilles

Am I correct in understanding that this is the right way to proceed to
try some new code, and either save it (whether it works or not, just
as a track-record) or discard it?

To try some new code:
1. Commit current code
2. Try new code
a. if OK, commit new code : fossil commit -m New stuff
b. if NOK and don't care to save it, just go back to previous code:
fossil revert myfile.c
c. if NOK but want to keep track of attempt, commit and go back to n-1
fossil commit -m Failed attempt
fossil finfo myfile.c : write down UUID (first hash) of n-1 revision
fossil revert -r UUID myfile.c

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-09 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 9 Jan 2013 12:23:23 +0100, Eduardo Morras wrote:
 2. Try new code

If in your step 2 you add/remove/move files you should fossil addremove 
before the commit.

Thanks for the tip. I usually only make changes to existing files,
usually just localized changes in a single file, but it's indeed
important to keep in mind.

Remember to open the repository before any change to your code, if not, when 
you do fossil open rep.fossil, it will note it's different from fossilized 
source tree and undo all your changes.

I always leave Fossil open, so it's not an issue, but I'll keep that
in mind. Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-09 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 9 Jan 2013 06:37:54 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
I'd do it this way:

   fossil commit -m Failed Attempt --branch dead-end
   fossil up prev

That will save your failed attempt in your history forever.  The failed
attempt will be on a branch, however, out of the way.  I avoid putting
non-working code on the trunk, since that will cause problems for future

If you don't what to save your failed attempt forever, but just want to
keep it around for a few days (or weeks) in case you later decide to go
back it it, I'd save it in the stash instead:

   fossil stash save

The previous command will save all your changes in a stash entry, then
revert your check-out to its pristine state.

Thanks much for the feedback. I guess the time has come to start using
branching :-)

I didn't know about stash but I'd rather keep all attemps with no
limit, so I guess I'll use branching instead.

Ramon below mentions fossil update trunk instead of fossil update
prev: Does it make a difference?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Right way to try something new and save/revert?

2013-01-09 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 9 Jan 2013 07:23:07 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
 Ramon below mentions fossil update trunk instead of fossil update
 prev: Does it make a difference?

Not in this case, since the previous check-in will be on trunk - they will
be the same thing.

Thank you. I'll experiment and see how it goes.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-09 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:30:13 +0100, Gilles wrote:
I'd like to contribute an article in the wiki, but even after logging
as anonymous, I can't see any way to add a new page:

Are contributions limited to non-anonymous users?

FYI, articles in the wiki are listed several times, each starting with
the next word in its title:

Branching, Forking, Merging, and Tagging
Forking, Merging, and Tagging — Branching,
Merging, and Tagging — Branching, Forking,
Tagging — Branching, Forking, Merging, and

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [VB.Net] Ignoring .suo safe?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 15:54:50 +0400, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:

Seems to be OK, but note that those .user and .settings file are not
really a part of the solution's core (I'm not sure I ever saw a .myapp
file so have nothing to say on this).  What I mean, is that it might be
useful to keep these files in the repository, but if you will eventually
decide to ship a tarball of your source code (if it's a F/OSS project),
then you will probably want to strip those files out.

Good to know. Thanks.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Couple of newbie questions on artifacts and comparing

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles

I have a couple of questions about artifact ID's and how to compare
two revisions of a file:

1. Am I correct in understanding that any commit creates...
- one artifact ID for the commit
- one artifact ID for each new revision of a file
... which explains why fossil finfo myfile.c displays two artifact

C:\Projectsfossil finfo myfile.c
History of myfile.c
2012-11-25 [ad6f12df62] New version (user: Joe,
   artifact: [dc79071933], branch: trunk)
2012-11-25 [53ff5087e3] Original file (user: Joe,
   artifact: [54dff7fa29], branch: trunk)

In the output above, are 53ff5087e3 and ad6f12df62 the artifact ID
of the whole commit this file was part of, while 54dff7fa29 and
dc79071933 are the artifact ID of the two revisions of this
particular file?

2. For a given file, what is the easiest way to compare two revisions
in the repository?

Using the example above, I tried this but it doesn't work:

 fossil gdiff --from 54dff7fa29 --to dc79071933
fossil: no such checkin: 54dff7fa29

Next I tried the first artifact ID:
fossil gdiff --from 53ff5087e3 --to ad6f12df62

This works, but it seems to go through all the files that were part of
each commit.

How can I get gdiff (WinMerge) to compare two revisions, usually the
last and before-last revisions?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Couple of newbie questions on artifacts and comparing

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 13:38:06 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
 2012-11-25 [ad6f12df62] New version (user: Joe,
artifact: [dc79071933], branch: trunk)
 2012-11-25 [53ff5087e3] Original file (user: Joe,
artifact: [54dff7fa29], branch: trunk)

Correct. It's not immediately obvious, but the first number is the commit
UUID and the second is the file artifact itself:

zOut = sqlite3_mprintf(
   [%.10s] %s (user: %s, artifact: [%.10s], branch: %s),
   zCiUuid, zCom, zUser, zFileUuid, zBr);

Thanks. If we must use the commit UUID when comparing different
revisions of a file, In which case do we need the file artifact ID

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Couple of newbie questions on artifacts and comparing

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 13:43:22 +0100, Stefan Bellon wrote:
 Next I tried the first artifact ID:
 fossil gdiff --from 53ff5087e3 --to ad6f12df62
 This works, but it seems to go through all the files that were part of
 each commit.

fossil diff --from 53ff5087e3 --to ad6f12df62 myfile.c

Thanks. I was under the wrong impression that the artifact ID was
enough to identify a specific revision of a specific file.

I would suggest adding the shortcuts to (g)diff:

fossil gdiff last beforelast myfile.c

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] How to cancel file added through add?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles

How do we cancel the result of add, ie. tell Fossil to *not* add
such and such new file the next time the user runs fossil commit?

I need to do this sometimes when I mistakenly used add to add a new
file to the repository.

delete/rm seem to tell Fossil to stop watching a file (and keep all
the revisions in the repo): Remove one or more files or directories
from the repository.

I checked all the commands in fossil  help dummy, but didn't find a
command that looked like it did the trick.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to cancel file added through add?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 09:21:10 -0500, David J. Weller-Fahy
I just tried using `fossil rm` on a mistakenly added file (in an
existing repository), and it does what you need.

Thanks for the info. So the online help is a bit wrong:

Remove one or more files or directories from the repository.

This command does NOT remove the files from disk.  It just marks the
files as no longer being part of the project.  In other words, future
changes to the named files will not be versioned.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles

I'd like to contribute an article in the wiki, but even after logging
as anonymous, I can't see any way to add a new page:

Are contributions limited to non-anonymous users?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 15:40:25 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
The wiki in the main repo is not really maintained any longer - the project
generally prefers the embedded docs approach because those docs partake
in the whole versioning/branching mechanism whereas wiki pages are
versioned but there is no UI for going to a specific version of a wiki
page, and they don't participate in branching,

For the time being, feel free to post patches against the files www/*.wiki
here and one of the commiters can get them piped it. The easiest way to
test local changes to those files is...

edit the file you wish and then visit it by starting fossil server or
fossil ui and use this URL: http://localhost:8080/doc/ckout/www/

note the path part ckout - that tells fossil to serve the local copy of
that file from your hard drive. As you edit the file, just keep tapping F5
to reload the changes.

Thanks. I guess that means I must create a new empty repository for
the Fossil source code, synchronizing to fill it with the Fossil
files, add a file in www, commit, and push the changes back to the
official Fossil repository?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to cancel file added through add?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 15:50:10 +0100, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 02:59:10PM +0100, Gilles wrote:
  How do we cancel the result of add, ie. tell Fossil to *not* add
 such and such new file the next time the user runs fossil commit?

fossil revert. Arguably, it is a bug that fossil rm doesn't work.

Thanks but unless I'm mistaken, revert replaces the current files in
the work directory with the corresponding last revision in the repo.

I just want to tell Fossil to remove a file I added through add by
mistake, so that it's no longer listed when I type fossil changes.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 15:52:59 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
then paste that code here on the list (i think the list strips attachments)
or send us a link to it. Before you can get commit access to the main repo
you need to fill out a license waiver and snail-mail it to DRH. i don't
have the link handy, but if you find yourself editing large amounts then we
can fish out the waiver link for you.

Thanks for the tutorial.

Here's the changes made to

And the little page I wrote in HTML:

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to cancel file added through add?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 16:06:30 +0100, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
 I just want to tell Fossil to remove a file I added through add by
 mistake, so that it's no longer listed when I type fossil changes.

fossil up foo
fossil add bar


fossil revert bar

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to cancel file added through add?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 10:12:27 -0500, David J. Weller-Fahy
There have been many messages thrown around recently about the
Looked at from that perspective, the documentation is correct, although
it could be more clear to those who come to the software without that

Makes sense. In any case, it's always a bit involved to make the
distinction between the checked out version of a file (in the current
work directory) and the different versions available in the

Personally, I would have used fossil cancel myfile.c just to tell
Fossil to ignore this file that was added with, well, add.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 16:21:33 +0100, Gilles wrote:
And the little page I wrote in HTML:

One typo:

Check current status

... This shows the list of changes that have been done and will be
commited the next time you run fossil commit. It's a useful command
to run before running fossil commit just to check that things are OK
BEFOR proceeding.

and one mistake:
Cancel changes and go back to prevision revision

... For security, since the work file hasn't been checked in, Fossil
will prompt you to confirm that you do wish to replace the file.

- Fossil doesn't prompt when reverting a file. It simply reminds the
user of the undo command, just in case it was a mistake.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 16:29:44 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
That seems to (in spirit, at least) duplicate the Quickstart page:

The problem I had with the Quick Start is:

- it includes commands that are useless/confusing when using Fossil
just as a single user (cloning, importing, push/pull,
branching/merging, server, etc.)

- it doesn't include commands I found useful or didn't provide enough
infos (eg. what rm really does, how to compare two revisions of a
file, etc.)

But it's OK if the Quick Guide is considered good enough. No biggie.

One comment/FYI for future reference: the title tag won't work properly
here because Fossil wraps up the wiki content in the body of the page,
whereas the title tag belongs in the header.

Good to know. Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 16:54:54 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:

It seems i was wrong about the TITLE tag being completely ignored - the
wiki uses that as the title.

@Gilles: i'll get your last changes into that file in a few minutes.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 16:54:54 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
@Gilles: i'll get your last changes into that file in a few minutes.

Oops, I forgot to show the command for Commit changes:

fossil commit -m Added stuff

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Contributing to wiki?

2013-01-08 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 17:56:36 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
 Oops, I forgot to show the command for Commit changes:

 fossil commit -m Added stuff


Thanks Stephan.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [revert] Shortcut to go back to n-1 revision?

2013-01-07 Thread Gilles

I often want to try something new, commit the change even if it
didn't work (just to keep track of things I tried), and go back to the
n-1 revision from the repository.

I checked the page for revert, but it doesn't mention it: Is there a
shortcut like...

fossil revert beforelast

... as an alternative to running fossil finfo myfile, finding the
artifact ID of the revision, and running fossil revert artifactID to
go back to the last good revision?

Also, and more generally, am I correct in understanding that running
fossil commit commits all the files that have been edited, and it's
not possible to commit just one file?
The reason I ask is that I created a repository at the top of where I
keep all the little projects I'm working on, eg.
c:\projects\projects.repo. I know I should create a repository per
project, but I'd end up with ten's of them, each with just a few

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [revert] Shortcut to go back to n-1 revision?

2013-01-07 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:20:20 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
So far there is no shortcut for that. If you don't mind, please open up a
feature request for that. IIRC that request has come up a few times before.

Thanks for the info.
[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil]$ ls -1 *.fsl | wc -l

I guess I'll move to one project = one repo.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] [VB.Net] Ignoring .suo safe?

2013-01-07 Thread Gilles

I just ran the following two commands:

fossil add ./MyVBNetProject
fossil commit -m Original files

... and fossil complains with:

./MyVBNetProject/WindowsApplication1/WindowsApplication1.suo contains
binary data.  commit anyhow (a=all/y/N)?

My global ignore-glob contains: *.exe,*.pdb,*.vb~*,*/bin/*,*/obj/*

I assume there are VB.Net developers using Fossil: Do you know if it's
safe to ignore the .suo file?
Generally speaking, is my ignore-glob OK for VB.Net?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [revert] Shortcut to go back to n-1 revision?

2013-01-07 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:43:01 +0100, Stephan Beal wrote:
There's no strict reason to - if your current model works for you then by
all means use it. i keep mine separated, but that's just personal


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [VB.Net] Ignoring .suo safe?

2013-01-07 Thread Gilles
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 15:12:19 +0400, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
Yes, it's safe.
Basically, the only set of files really needed for maintaining a .NET
project by the Microsoft IDE are those containing XML in them.
The `msbuild` tool which does actual heavy lifting consumes files ending
in '*.proj' (or '*.csproj' or '*.vbproj' or whatever), plus there is a
top-level XML file which represents the solution and its settings, and
references those project files consumed by msbuild.

Thanks for the feedback. So I'll commit the following files from VB
Express and ignore the rest:


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil vs. Git/Mercurial/etc.?

2012-12-23 Thread Gilles
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:42:34 +0100, Gilles wrote:
Besides the fact that Fossil includes a wiki and a bug tracker, does
it offer features that would make it a better solution than the big

Thanks everyone for the great feedback.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil vs. Git/Mercurial/etc.?

2012-12-18 Thread Gilles

Out of curiosity, if someone is well-versed with Fossil and the main
DVCS systems (Mercurial, Git), I was wondering how Fossil compares to
them, for a single user, a small team (up to 20-30), and big teams

Besides the fact that Fossil includes a wiki and a bug tracker, does
it offer features that would make it a better solution than the big

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2012-12-06 Thread Gilles
On Wed, 5 Dec 2012 08:40:14 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
(1) grep function_name *.c */*.c# Adjust GLOB expressions as appropriate
(2) fossil up prev
(3) goto (1)

Thank you. It works, although I also agree that grep within Fossil
would be a good feature.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] howto `grep' through old revisions

2012-12-05 Thread Gilles
On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:57:41 +0100, j. v. d. hoff wrote:
question: is there a straightforward (or sqlite-based) way to `grep'  
through a specified file recursively backward in time through all  
revisions (or until first hit of the search pattern)?

Since this thread is a bit long, I'd like to ask: At this point, what
is the solution to find a piece of code that can be in any revision in
any file in the repository?

I'm looking for a function that I know is a file somewhere, but don't
know how to proceed.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [1.24/Win] Adding files through *.html?

2012-12-03 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 29 Nov 2012 17:28:56 +0100, Gilles wrote:
I guess it's due to the shell, but does a Windows user know of a

Using the Fossil I compiled with MinGW, I noticed something strange:
Running fossil add on a file that's already part of the repository,
Fossil re-adds it:

C:\Projects\Php\dummyfossil ls

C:\Projects\Php\dummyfossil add *.html
ADDED  Php/dummy/test2.html

Is this standard?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [1.24/Win] Adding files through *.html?

2012-11-30 Thread Gilles
On Thu, 29 Nov 2012 21:19:24 -0300, Richie Adler wrote:
 Thanks for the tip, but it's much more involved than simply fossil
 add *.html.

Peter's solution is much more involved but compiling your own fossil
executable is acceptable?!

It's just that if possible, I'd rather use the same command at all
times (fossil add myfile.txt, fossil add *.txt), rather than having to
use a work-around.

1. BTW, if the MinGW version offers better support for shell use, why
is the Windows binary compiled with MSVC?

2. Also, the Fossil wiki says: Note that Fossil requires the zlib
compression library. This library is available by default on most unix
systems, but it will typically have to be installed separately on
windows systems. For windows builds, you may need to edit the makefile
to tell it exactly where zlib is located on your system.

Which files should I install where? Binaries + developer files?

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [1.24/Win] Adding files through *.html?

2012-11-30 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 07:03:13 -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
That has been fixed.  The zlib sources are now included with the Fossil
source code.  So if you build from one of the latest Fossil version (not
the ones on the Download page - they are too old - but rather a tree you
get directly from the self-hosting repository) then if you don't have zlib
sources on your system, the makefile will compile zlib itself using the
sources in the fossil source tree and use that.

Good to know, as the wiki still mentions Zlib and OpenSSL:

I'll start again with the latest source code.

Thank you.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [1.24/Win] Adding files through *.html?

2012-11-30 Thread Gilles
On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 13:09:44 +0100, Jan Nijtmans wrote:
The Windows binary is compiled with MinGW, only the commandline
parser is replaced, in order to fix bugs like [13b7388964], [490b6c2edd]
[cadc9aa78f], [d22946aa0c], all related to not using utf-8 on
Windows. This parser doesn't do command-line expansion, just
like MSVC and mingw-w64. Command-line expansion is an
unique feature of MinGW, it is useful when using the Windows
command line prompt, but is not expected in other situations.

See also ticket [8ca2aae391], which contains Richard's remark
how to finally fix that.

 2. Also, the Fossil wiki says: Note that Fossil requires the zlib
 compression library. This library is available by default on most unix
 systems, but it will typically have to be installed separately on
 windows systems.

That's fixed now, the wiki can be adapted: You don't need to
install zlib any more on Windows in order to build fossil.

Thanks all for the infos.

Compiling went flawlessly and it now supports fossil add *.c.

fossil-users mailing list

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