Re: [fossil-users] Command line access to technotes and attachments

2015-12-15 Thread David Vines

On 14/12/2015 15:20, Richard Hipp wrote:

I don't recall anybody ever writing such commands.  There is nothing
technically difficult about doing so - I just don't think the need has
come up before.

The technote code is in the event.c source file.  You can use the
"wiki" command implement in "wiki.c" as a guide for adding similar
command-line editing capabilities to technotes in the event.c source
file, if you want to do a little hacking.

Okay, thanks for confirming that.

I'll take a look at source code and see if I can modify it as suggested. 
Despite my C knowledge being a little rusty (nearly two decades since I 
last did serious work in C) it doesn't look too difficult - famous last 


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Command line access to technotes and attachments

2015-12-14 Thread David Vines
I've just started playing with fossil for my personal projects and I'm 
considering getting my some of my one-touch builds to create a technote 
with the build artifacts as attachments. However I don't see an easy 
command line way to create either technote's or attachments - Am I just 
missing something obvious?

David Vines
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Command line access to technotes and attachments

2015-12-16 Thread David Vines

On 16/12/2015 15:50, Ron W wrote:

Minor issue: While Fossil is inconsistent with this, the common
convention for "long options" is

with 2 dashes. I haven't used the "-mimetype" option so I don't know if
it's a documentation error
or implementation oversight. In other Fossil commands the double dash,
"--", is accepted.

The preexisting implementation in find_option allows both single and 
double dashes for both the long and short forms of the options.

I'll make sure my documentation matches the desired double form of the 
option.  In the rest of the documentation there a few inconsistencies, 
but only a few (the ones I've spotted are in the rss, search and version 

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Command line access to technotes and attachments

2015-12-16 Thread David Vines

On 15/12/2015 09:55, Stephan Beal wrote:

Here's an encouraging anecdote for you: my first C work after 1995[1]
was implementing the wiki CLI commands Richard mentioned :). i concur
that the wiki commands would be the best starting point for adding Tech
Note (formerly "event") CLI support.

It has indeed proved quite straightforward! Since I have done enough for 
a prototype, I'd like to get feedback on my proposed CLI change for
technotes before I discard the prototype and redo it into something I'd 
be prepared send in as a patch:

Usage: ../fossil wiki (export|create|commit|list) WikiName

Run various subcommands to work with wiki entries or tech notes.

../fossil wiki export ?PAGENAME? ?FILE? [-t|-technote DATETIME ]

   Sends the latest version of either the PAGENAME wiki
   entry or the DATETIME tech note to the given file or
   standard output. One of PAGENAME or DATETIME must be specified.

../fossil wiki (create|commit) PAGENAME ?FILE? ?OPTIONS?

   Create a new or commit changes to an existing wiki page or
   technote from FILE or from standard input.

 -M|-mimetype TEXT-FORMAT   The mime type of the update
defaulting to the type used by the
previous version of the page or (for
new pages) text/x-fossil-wiki.
 -t|-technote DATETIME  Specifies the timestamp of the
technote to be created or updated.
 -technote-tags TAGSThe set of tags for a technote.
 -technote-bgcolor COLORThe color used for the tehnote on
the timeline.

../fossil wiki list ?-technote?
../fossil wiki ls ?-technote?

   Lists all wiki entries, one per line, ordered
   case-insensitively by name. The -technote flag
   specifies that technotes will be listed instead of
   the wiki entries, which will be listed in order

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Adding attachments via the command line

2016-01-04 Thread David Vines

On 04/01/2016 12:21, Stephan Beal wrote:

fossil att[achment] add ...

If it's a subcommand of "wiki" then the ability to use any unique short
form of it doesn't come for free (that only works for top-level commands).


I was unaware of this capability, and it makes sense to me. The length 
of the command didn't worry me since my main use is from inside an ant 
script, but I can see the advantage and I'm very happy to make this change.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Adding attachments via the command line

2016-01-02 Thread David Vines
I now have a prototype for command line access to add attachments to 
wiki pages and tech notes. I'd like to ask for any feedback on the 
command itself before I polish my changes and put the changes up for review:

   fossil wiki attachment add ?PAGENAME? FILENAME [-t|--technote DATETIME ]

  Add an attachment to an existing wiki page or tech note. One of
  PAGENAME or DATETIME must be specified.

I made "attachment" as a noun to allow for the later addition of other 
verbs like list and export. I don't propose to change the ticket since 
(a) I don't need it myself and (b) the existing ticket command just 
modifies the metadata for existing tickets and doesn't allow creation of 
tickets or the addition of text to existing tickets.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Completely untagged commits ?

2016-01-05 Thread David Vines

On 05/01/2016 18:53, bch wrote:

How did we end up w/ dave.vines' completely untagged (no branch)
commits in the repository (or am I misreading what these are?) ?


If I've messed this up, I do most humbly apologise and want to fix it 
ASAP - but I see this as tagged as "technoteattachcli", at least in the web ui.

One curious aspect I do see is that the web ui has the annotation of 
"unpublished" against the creation of the branch. I did start by have a 
private branch which I then published - I do wonder if this might be 
part of the problem.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Completely untagged commits ?

2016-01-05 Thread David Vines

On 05/01/2016 19:53, Richard Hipp wrote:

On 1/5/16, bch  wrote:

What's incorrect, the documentation, or the implementation ?

Both, IIRC.  I think you can convert a private branch to public by
cancelling the "private" tag.  But I don't think that feature is
completely operational right now.

But it has been over a year since I worked on any of that.  And I'm
tied up working on SQLite right this moment and can't stop to look.

And what I read (and was presumably misled by) was the help text on 
fossil publish which says "can be used (for example) to convert a 
private branch into a public branch."

Looking at the code in publish.c my current suspicion is that it marks 
everything as public in the branch except for the branch itself. Hence

the branch artifact has a "+private" tag record.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Adding attachments via the command line

2016-01-04 Thread David Vines

On 04/01/2016 14:07, John P. Rouillard wrote:

In message <>,
David Vines writes:

On 04/01/2016 12:21, Stephan Beal wrote:

fossil att[achment] add ...

If it's a subcommand of "wiki" then the ability to use any unique short
form of it doesn't come for free (that only works for top-level commands).

I was unaware of this capability, and it makes sense to me. The length
of the command didn't worry me [...]
but I can see the advantage and I'm very happy to make this change.

Would this change also make sense for (a future extension) of fossil
att[chment] --ticket , to add an attachment to a ticket?

It does, though adding an "attachment" subcommand to ticket would have 
been the corresponding variate.

Would adding the capability be of use to you? It's a relatively trivial 
extension to an attachment command version

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil amend ----edit-comment

2016-02-22 Thread David Vines

On 22/02/2016 06:28, jungle Boogie wrote:

Question: Would one expect server A to pick up the amended timeline
entry with the process above, or have I made a mistake with my

With autosync enabled, a synchronization happens prior to 'commit' and 
'update' operations and after 'commit' and 'pull' operations. (For a 
commit the sync happens before and after).

It doesn't automatically happen for other operations. You should find 
that your amendment will get pushed onto server A on the next commit, 
update or pull on server B.

Of course, a manual sync or push will also get the amendment to server A.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Feature request: syntax highlighting for file, diff and code block rendering

2016-04-24 Thread David Vines
You may need to extend the list of file extensions in ext/syn.js, for example to support js as an 
extension for javascript  I added

case "js":
t = "javascript";


On 24/04/2016 18:04, Marko Käning wrote:

Hi Svyatoslav,

On 24.04.2016 14:31, Svyatoslav Mishyn wrote:


I tried this out, but unfortunately it didn't highlight anything for me.

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] some uglifications for diff.tcl

2016-08-01 Thread David Vines

The comment style problem in attach.c is my fault - I'll provide a fix
(I'm far too used to the // style of comment :)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Support for commonmark markdown in fossil

2017-03-13 Thread David Vines

On 13/03/2017 15:50, Warren Young wrote:

A related wish that comes up here now and then is some kind of pretty-printer 
support, so that common programming languages are colored nicely.  Google’s 
code-prettify JS library would work for this:

Admittedly it only does syntax colouring (and not formatting), but I found the instructions at the 
link below of how to add syntax colouring to a repository pretty straight forward to follow:

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