Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Tragedy: videos and slides from presentations Wikimanias (lately 2011 in Haifa)

2011-09-06 Thread Brion Vibber
On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 1:49 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 On 4 September 2011 21:44, Michael Dale wrote:

  It will be a lot easier to import from YouTube once Timed media handler
 adds support for webm to commons. If you check out the wikivideo-l and
 commons lists for some recent example YouTube to commons scripts.  I know
 this is not super useful info right this second, but there is hope on the

 How's Timed Media Handler (which will also allow WebM/VP8) going? ETA?

The code exists and has been revamped a few times in response to reviews,
but I'm not sure whether there are actually any assigned resources for
pushing it to production at this time.

Robla, Erik, can you clarify state on this? Is TMH deployment on the radar
for the next few months, or does it still need to get put on the map?
There's some notes on earlier
discussion of a September-ish production test, but not sure if
that's current.

-- brion
foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Tragedy: videos and slides from presentations Wikimanias (lately 2011 in Haifa)

2011-09-06 Thread Brion Vibber
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Erik Moeller wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Brion Vibber wrote:
  The code exists and has been revamped a few times in response to reviews,
  but I'm not sure whether there are actually any assigned resources for
  pushing it to production at this time.

 Yes, there are. Ian and Neil are scheduled to do a code review of TMH,
 once remaining high priority issues with UploadWizard have been
 resolved, later this month. Before we've done an initial assessment of
 the code, it's hard to give a realistic deployment estimate -- there
 may be parts that need to be rewritten or taken out. So I won't commit
 us to a public date just yet, just to say that it's definitely
 something I'd like to see user-visible progress on this calendar year.

All good news!

The player support is definitely a lot nicer -- and I think we've been
running extra JS stuff from that on Commons for a while.

The generation  handling of derivative files looks like the biggest
candidate for potential breakage / rewriting from what I recall (it's still
pretty basic in terms of managing processes, so if anything goes wrong it
may be tricky to recover).

Simply being able to upload larger files will be a big help as well; audio
and video clips from eg conference talks are routinely hard to upload to
Commons because of the 100mb limit we still have in place for plain HTTP
uploads and limited access to upload-by-URL.

The upload size limit could be bumped a bit more, but can only be bumped so
far before it starts using too much memory during upload -- but there's been
work on incremental uploads too, which for many modern browsers will be able
to kick in automatically and will bypass that side of the limits, provide
better upload progress feedback, and be more reliable in the case of flaky
connections or having to put your laptop to sleep!

IIRC the incremental uploads aren't part of TMH directly, but is also in
Michael's sphere of awesome projectness. :)

-- brion
foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] YouTube and Creative Commons

2011-06-03 Thread Brion Vibber
(I'm not sure offhand if I'm set up to cross-post to Foundation-l; if this
doesn't make it, somebody please CC a mention if necessary. Thanks!)

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:42 PM, aude wrote:

 Aside from the very real privacy issue, YouTube videos can disappear at any
 time.  I would much rather we host them on Commons.

 A youtube2commons script is pretty easy to implement, but the big hindrance
 is the 100 MB upload limit on Commons.  What are the plans (if any) to
 increase this? or help facilitate us (e.g. via the api, from the
 ...) in uploading video and files that exceed the limit?

There's been some ongoing work on TimedMediaHandler extension which will
replace the older OggHandler (this provides the nicer video player we've got
hacked in on Commons, and some automatic transcoding for different
resolutions in the free Theora  WebM formats). This still needs a little
more work, and probably some improvements on the actual transcoding
management and such, but this will help a bit in supporting larger files (eg
by transcoding high-res files to lower-res they're more easily viewable).
This isn't ready to go just yet though, and there's still the issue of
actually uploading the files.

Basic uploads by URL work in theory, but I'm not sure the deployment status.
Background large-file downloads are currently disabled in the latest code
and needs to be reimplemented if that's to be used.

For straight uploads, regular uploads of large files are a bit problematic
in general (they hit memory limits and such and have to make it through
caching proxies and whatnot), but there's also been some new work on
improved chunked uploads for FireFogg (and perhaps for general modern
browsers that can do fancier uploads). Michael Dale can probably give some
updates on this, but it'll be a bit yet before it's ready to go.

-- brion
foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Big problem to solve: good WYSIWYG on WMF wikis

2010-12-29 Thread Brion Vibber
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:

 Let me riff on what you're saying here (partly just to confirm that I
 understand fully what you're saying).  It'd be very cool to have the
 ability to declare a single article, or probably more helpfully, a
 single revision of an article to use a completely different syntax.

Yes, though I'd recommend jettisoning the word syntax entirely from the
discussion at this stage, as I worry it distracts towards bikeshedding about
unimportant details.

Rather, it could be more useful to primarily think of data resources having
features or structure. With images for instance, we don't make people
pay too much attention about whether something's in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or SVG

At the level of actual people working with the system, the file's *format*
is completely unimportant -- only its features and metadata are relevant.
Set a size, give a caption, specify a page if it's a paged format, or a time
if it's a video format. Is it TIFF or PDF? Ogg Theora or WebM? Don't know,
don't care, and any time a user has to worry about it we've let them down.

We need to think about similarly concentrating on document structure rather
than markup syntax for text pages.

I definitely agree that the idea of progressively moving bits and pieces in
that direction is a wise one. If we can devise a *document structure* that
lets us embed magic templatey _things_ into a paragraph-oriented-text
document and maintain their structural identity all the way to browser-ready
HTML and back, then we can have a useful migration path:

* identify possibly unsafe uses of templates, extensions, and
parserfunctions (machines are great at this!)
* clean them up bit by bit (bots are often good at many common cases)
* once a page can be confirmed as not using Weird Template Magic, but only
using templates/images/plugins that fit within the structure, it's golden.
* depending on which flavor of overlords we have, we might have various ways
of enforcing that a page will always *remain* well-structured from then on.

That might not even involve changing syntax per se -- we shouldn't care too
much about whether italic is i or ''. But knowing where a table or a div
block starts and ends reliably is extremely important to being able to tell
which part of your document is which.

And heck, even if not everything gets fixed along that kind of path, just
being able to *have* pages and other resource types that *are*
well-structured mixed into the system is going to be hugely useful for the
non-Wikipedia projects.

-- brion vibber (brion @
foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Big problem to solve: good WYSIWYG on WMF wikis

2010-12-28 Thread Brion Vibber
, as your
imagination and HTML5 allow.

-- brion vibber (brion @
foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] List moderation

2009-11-08 Thread Brion Vibber
I'm taking the liberty of putting foundation-l on temporary moderation. 
Seriously, guys -- take the who's a bigger jerk threads offlist.

The regular list mods may reconfigure any way they like once they wake up.

-- brion vibber (brion @

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-10-05 Thread Brion Vibber
On 10/2/09 1:21 AM, Aphaia wrote:

 congrats on your new opportunity and project and I'm bit on a relief
 to hear you would like to stay on our community, and I still remember
 the days you was a volunteer developer with great devotion (in those
 days e started to celebrate Brion Vibber Day) but still you won't be
 surprised I think your departure a loss in the project and you'll be
 greatly missed, though still your future is fully blessed by your
 friend Wikipedians.

 Dankon Brion for your all commitments until now and hopefully also in advance.

a *hugs* :)

By the way all, Liam's posted the first part of my interview w/ 
Wikipedia Weekly:

We went way overtime so the second half will be in the next episode. :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] LiquidThreads in Beta testing at

2009-10-05 Thread Brion Vibber
On 10/2/09 11:45 AM, Steven Walling wrote:
 Andrew, do you think LiquidThreads is stable enough for production
 deployment on a much smaller wiki, such as like less than 1,000 pages?
 The Portland WikiWednesday has a small MediaWiki install, and a couple years
 ago we had David demo LiquidThreads for us. We'd love to try it.

The primary limitation right now I think is that the updated version 
ties in with changes in MediaWiki 1.16 development for cleaner 
integration, so it probably won't work if you're running a 1.15 or older 
stable release.

If you're willing to live a little bit on the bleeding edge though, I 
know Andrew would love the testing feedback!

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 12:53 PM, Sage Ross wrote:
 As Kat Walsh alluded to on ... Facebook?!?... free/libre real-time
 services are more important than a lot of Wikimedians think (because
 we've spent so long pushing back against merely social uses of our
 wikis?).  In the grand scheme of the things we care about, development
 in that area may be a more critical immediate need than continued work
 on MediaWiki.

The social side is quite important here too... social interaction is 
probably one of the key areas we really need to improve on for 

No matter what else we improve technically I think we all are aware that 
there are serious problems with how people interact in our community, 
and that's one of the major stumbling blocks for new users.

 Wikipedia has had enough success that it's bought some time in terms
 of establishing the ability (and right) of people to control and use
 educational material how they want.  There's still a lot to do, but
 the free culture approach is starting to pick up momentum.  For
 so-called social networking services, it's still an uphill battle.

Yep... what I do find encouraging is that many of the big 
social-networking services are picking up on the idea that easy 
interoperability is a win for everyone a lot quicker than, say, the IM 
wars of the 2000s or the email wars of the late 80s/early 90s. (Remember 
when CompuServer and AOL users couldn't email each other? Hah!) But 
that's something that could disappear quickly as long as it's a world 
where there's only a small number of big players...

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 12:56 PM, Anthony wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Thomas Daltonthomas.dal...@gmail.comwrote:

 I was really looking forward to you handing over the
 administrative part of your job and concentrating on coding, great
 things would have happened, I'm sure!

 No reason he can't keep coding.  He just won't be paid for it.  :)

The more things change, the more they stay the same? ;)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 2:23 PM, Domas Mituzas wrote:

 And you'll still have commit access, so I
 hope to keep seeing Revert rXXX, totally broken

 Don't be so harsh on Brion, not every commit of his has been totally
 broken :-)

*reverts domas* :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Status of flagged protection (flagged revisions) for English Wikipedia.

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 4:18 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 On 9/28/09 1:04 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Erik   wrote:
 plan, and Brion is hoping to invest some of his remaining time with it
 in helping to get the extension ready for en.wp. It's not trivial: The
 scalability concerns at that size are a step more serious than with

 Of course. But I wasn't expecting a turn up on English Wikipedia yet.
 I'm asking why the 25 lines of configuration that EnWP specified have
 not yet been added to the test wiki at

 That config has been there for a month, but it might be broken in some
 way; as far as I know nobody's yet done any organized poking at the test
 site. We'll look it over in the next few days...

It seems to work just fine, actually. The extension is on, the 
configuration is being loaded for the right database, and things seem to 
function when I test them.

Quick steps to try it out:

1) Find a nice page:

2) Hit the 'protect' link:

3) This page does not have a stable version; page stability settings 
can be configured. - click this link [ideally that next form will be 
better integrated into the protection form in future]

^ At this point if you're an admin you can tweak the page stabilization 
settings which allows you to opt a page into FlaggedRevs.

Switching it in for thie page to The stable revision; if not present, 
then the current/draft one, I now see the little 'sighted' box on the 
article page and have the review interface at the bottom (though some of 
the UI elements haven't been fully customized yet).

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Status of flagged protection (flagged revisions) for English Wikipedia.

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 4:57 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 3) This page does not have a stable version; page stability settings
 can be configured.- click this link [ideally that next form will be
 better integrated into the protection form in future]

 ^ At this point if you're an admin you can tweak the page stabilization
 settings which allows you to opt a page into FlaggedRevs.

 Switching it in for thie page to The stable revision; if not present,
 then the current/draft one, I now see the little 'sighted' box on the
 article page and have the review interface at the bottom (though some of
 the UI elements haven't been fully customized yet).

And note there's a 'Stability' tab in Special:Preferences to tweak your 
personal prefs for viewing stable vs draft versions and how to show the 

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Status of flagged protection (flagged revisions) for English Wikipedia.

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 4:57 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 Switching it in for thie page to The stable revision; if not present,
 then the current/draft one, I now see the little 'sighted' box on the
 article page and have the review interface at the bottom (though some of
 the UI elements haven't been fully customized yet).

I've added notes to these effects with sample links on the main page:

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] lots of people please test this :-)

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 5:15 PM, Jimmy Wales wrote:
 I also forwarded this to the English Wikipedia mailing list...

Yay! :)

Also added on the tech blog:

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] lots of people please test this :-)

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 5:19 PM, Jimmy Wales wrote:
 Brion Vibber wrote:
 On 9/28/09 5:15 PM, Jimmy Wales wrote:
 I also forwarded this to the English Wikipedia mailing list...

 Yay! :)

 Also added on the tech blog:

 Actually it bounced, on account of I am not a subscriber there now, and
 I've gotta run so hopefully someone else will do that for me. :)

I've made a post on wikien-l for ya. :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Status of flagged protection (flagged revisions) for English Wikipedia.

2009-09-28 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/28/09 5:23 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 It seems to work just fine, actually. The extension is on, the
 configuration is being loaded for the right database, and things seem to
 function when I test them.

 Holy crap!

 In my defense:
 It's pretty clear that no one was aware that it was turned up yet.

 The notice indicated that things were still being setup.

Totally fair -- there was just plain bad communication there! We've got 
things going now and folks are getting set up with local admin  crat 
accounts to start poking it, so it looks like we've got this finally 
resolved. :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Report to the Board of Trustees June 2009-

2009-09-11 Thread Brion Vibber
May I respectfully suggest that further discussion on this thread be 
taken offlist until new arguments come to light which have not already 
been posted?

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Moderate this list

2009-09-11 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/11/09 12:45 PM, Pavlo Shevelo wrote:
 Isn't temporarily blocking such a user a way to calm him/her down? I
 Yes it might be the way, but far not universal way.
 And it should be the last (ultimate) in moderator toolkit, far not the
 first to be used.

The fundamental mechanism of moderation isn't to restrict posters from 
speaking, but to give them a chance to reconsider the tone of their 
message between hitting send and the time the post goes out to 
everyone, possibly aided by getting direct feedback from the moderator 
about the tone.

Goodness knows I *wish* plenty of my posts had been moderated, after the 

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Do we have a complete set of WMF projects?

2009-09-10 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/9/09 9:41 AM, David Gerard wrote:
 As Erik points out, at a certain point we have to actually write new
 code to support new ideas. Else projects we could do at Wikimedia
 becomes projects we can do with a wiki engine.

IMO we need to do that for the projects we already have before we take 
on new obligations!

We still have very poor software support for:

* Commons -- We need a sane upload and post-upload workflow (eg review 
and deletion), and a clean system for handling structured metadata 
(descriptions, authorship, licence info).

Some of this is being worked on now with Michael Dale's video  media 
work, and the Ford Foundation grant will let us put more resources into 
the workflow  metadata side, so this is the one I worry the least about. :)

* Wiktionary -- Really needs to be rebuilt as a structured system. It's 
very hard to query Wiktionary or extract its data usefully, and there's 
a lot of duplicated manual work maintaining it.

There was some third-party work done in this direction (Ultimate 
Wiktionary/WiktionaryZ/OmegaWiki) which was very interesting but never 
got the community buy-in to push that work back towards the live Wiktionary.

* Wikibooks -- We still have very poor native support for multiple-page 
books or modules, which complicates navigation, search, authoring, 
and downloading.

Tools like the Collection extension are making it easier to download a 
batch of related pages for offline reading, but someone still needs to 
build those collections manually and they don't provide other navigation 

* Wikinews -- Workflow on Wikinews has been aided by tools like 
FlaggedRevs but is still a bit awkward. Native support for things like 
exporting feeds of news articles is still missing, leading to a lot of 
workarounds and manual effort being expended.

* Wikisource -- better native support for side-by-side translations, 
annotations, and extracting/citing primary source material from the 
other sites like Wikipedia would be very helpful.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Do we have a complete set of WMF projects?

2009-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/8/09 3:56 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 2009/9/8 Pedro
 Geographical/atlas/map kind ofproject

 granted, there's wikimapia and other external equivalents
 but we (Wikimedia) are lacking it

 Is there any point us doing something that already exists? What would
 be better about a Wikimedia version?

Our current direction is to coordinate with external resources rather 
than create them from scratch, where we've got compatible goals and ideals.

For instance, rather than creating our own map system from scratch we're 
working with OpenStreetMap to integrate mapping, using our own rendering 
servers with a copy of the public data and making it easier to stick 
maps in wiki pages for starters, with easier ways to get into the 
upstream system to improve location name translations and mapping data.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-04 Thread Brion Vibber
On 9/4/09 3:27 PM, Anthony wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Tim Starlingtstarl...@wikimedia.orgwrote:

 Chad's analysis was correct. The SF staff have been looking for a new
 office for some time, and last I heard they were in the process of
 negotiating a lease on a prospective space. Subletting the old office
 will be desirable at least until the lease there expires.

 Thanks, I also see it was in the annual report that you're moving from the
 3,000 sq ft place to an 11,000 sq ft one.  I had been told (incorrectly)
 that the 3,000 sq ft was only a portion of the Stillman location, but after
 reading that this makes sense.

The building we are currently in is physically subdivided into two 
spaces. Wikimedia occupies one part (3,000 sq ft) and another company 
occupies the other (I'm unsure the exact size, but it's larger than ours).

 Is the staff currently using the Wikia
 sublease space going to move too?

Yes; the purpose of finding a larger space is to have enough room for 
our current and forseeable future staff.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Frequency of Seeing Bad Versions - now with traffic data

2009-08-27 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/27/09 9:39 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 2009/8/28 Gregory
 If the results of this kind of study have good agreement with
 mechanical proxy metrics (such as machine detected vandalism) our
 confidence in those proxies will increase, if they disagree it will
 provide an opportunity to improve the proxies.

 This kind of intensive study on a few small sample with a more
 automated method used on the same sample to compare would be more
 achievable. If the automated method gets similar results, we can use
 that method for larger samples.

I would certainly be interested in seeing such a result.

Generally speaking we can expect a strong correlation between vandalism 
and machine-identifiable reverts -- it's a totally reasonable assumption 
for a first-order approximation -- and it would be valuable to confirm 
this and see how much divergence there might be between this count and 
other markers.

Most interesting following this would be take into account the effects 
of flagged revisions and how this could affect initially-displayed vs 
edited revisions. Has there been similar work targeting German-language 
Wikipedia already?

Robert, is it possible to share the source for generating the 
revert-based stats with other folks who may be interested in pursuing 
further work on the subject? Thanks!

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO  Senior Software Architect, Wikimedia Foundation

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Why hasn't the LocalisationUpdate extension been enabled?

2009-08-13 Thread Brion Vibber
Because we haven't had a chance to finish final review  fixups on it. 
Should be done in the next few days. (Why are there like 500 replies to 
this from people we've already talked to directly and know what's up?)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Question to post...

2009-08-13 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/13/09 12:23 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 (I went on, on IRC, to point some examples of the behavioural change
 that happened towards the end of 2007 (per my cruddy memory) where
 non-widely-linked redirects basically fell out of the google index...
 search terms like Jesus bug or many other things like
   ... if we cared about the traffic flux from google we'd see what we
 could do to fix that)

Worth looking into; have we got some collected info and sample queries 
to poke at? [I would recommend moving further detail discussion on this 
end of things to wikitech-l.]

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] Question to post...

2009-08-13 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/13/09 5:28 PM, Angela wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Gregory  wrote:
 So— I tried 20 random words, and the WP result was lower in four of
 them, the same in the rest.
 No pattern really...  We still have the problem with article at funny name;
 redirect from common name; common name search on google gives squat,
 which I consider to be much more major.

 A simple solution to this is using the canonical tags which all major
 search engines started supporting earlier this year.

That's been deployed for a while, eg:

link rel=canonical href=/wiki/Foobar /

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Election Results

2009-08-12 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/12/09 12:07 PM, Steven Walling wrote:
 While I personally am very pleased with the results, I wonder how the
 election results will be perceived outside Wikimedia.
 With numerous media outlets reacting to PARC's research about the state of
 the community, I fear this endorsement of seemingly old guard Wikimedians
 as our Board representation will support claims about the community becoming
 unfriendly to new participants.
 Thoughts? Am I being too nervous, or do others see that potential too?

On the contrary, getting the old guard more active is essential in 
resolving such community issues -- Wikipedia was much more 
newbie-friendly in its first couple of years than it is today, and we 
need to recover that spirit.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] GLAM-WIKI report

2009-08-12 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/12/09 6:18 AM, Chad wrote:
 Just thinking aloud here, but as to methods for accessing the content:

 A) Extends FileRepo to work with their data, however they happen to give
 us access to it
 B) Provide something similar to Special:Import, that will go retrieve their
 data and import it to a format MediaWiki can handle

 Both are certainly feasible with the current code base; it's not going to
 require some massive re-write of anything.

We've already got the latter in the pipeline with Michael Dale's work on 
the add media wizard:

This includes the ability to search remote media repositories and import 
particular resources from them into the wiki. In testing this is 
implemented for for instance pulling videos from the Internet Archive's 
video collections (kindly pre-transcoded into Ogg Theora -- thanks IA 
guys and gals!)

As this matures some more and the backend support gets merged into our 
live deployment, this'll be rolled into the advanced editing tools the 
Usability crew is working on.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Election Results

2009-08-12 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/12/09 1:48 PM, Steven Walling wrote:
 Let me clarify: I'm not actually arguing that anything is wrong with the
 election system, the results, or having old hands on the Board. On the
 contrary. I'm just wondering if this election (even if it's not unusual)
 might be conflated with the PARC stats on the community that have gotten so
 much attention from the media lately. That's all.

a) I doubt it
b) I gave an example response of why that's not a bad thing

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Positive mention of Wikimedia sites in a web privacy study:

2009-08-11 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/11/09 2:13 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 Kudos to the WMF for avoiding gratuitous reader tracking.  Other
 people *are* paying attention to the privacy implications of this kind
 of user-invisible behavior.


Quick note: the only sort of user tracking that we would be interested 
in doing is to get aggregate information about activity habits.

We wouldn't want to record which pages a given visitor sees, but it 
could be very useful to know that X% of visitors click on N pages per 
session, or that Y% of folks tend to give up if a page takes more than Z 
seconds to load. As long as we can do this without creepy big-brother 
databases of Everything You Do, this shouldn't infringe on anybody's 

Of course the default assumption with any sort of long-term tracking 
cookie is going to be that Evil Is Afoot(TM), so we'd want to keep 
things looking squeaky clean as well: if we use tracking cookies for 
statistical purpose they're more likely to be per-session cookies, not 
permanent ones, and we would never use sneaky techniques to hide them 
from users.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-09 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 5:43 PM, George Herbert wrote:
 I suspect you're going to have to be prepared to do a lot of internal
 discovery and discovery with potential hires to show them the web ops
 side - it's not well documented now (I keep meaning to find out more
 about the ops team and finding I have no time to join the IRC channel
 24x7 ;-P ).  The team seems to function well - servers seem decently
 stable - but it's not clear to me if the process and documentation is
 up to industry standards for large website operations.  At some point
 tribal knowledge has to yield to documentation and process and
 organizational knowledge.

Oh yes, this is already very much an ongoing process as we've been 
increasing the ops staff this last year.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
I'm very excited to announce some new upcoming hiring for tech... I've 
also posted this on our tech blog which is mirrored on Planet Wikimedia:


Back in 2005, Wikimedia brought me on as the Foundation's first paid
employee after two years leading MediaWiki development as a volunteer.
Naturally as the *only* member of the tech staff, I started at the top:
Chief Technology Officer.

In the 4 years since, we've gone from one tech employee to a dozen, from 
50 servers to 350, from upstart novelty to established web juggernaut.

As our operations and our staff have grown over the years, so have my
responsibilities. Beefing up our tech staff is in some ways just like
adding servers to our data center -- we can get more things done with
less task switching, but scaling still has its overhead.

With the increase in administrative and organizational duties, I've been 
less and less able to devote time to the part of the job that's nearest 
and dearest to me: working with our volunteer developer community and 
end users -- Wikimedians and other MediaWiki users alike -- who have 
bugs, patches, features, ideas, complaints, hopes and dreams that need 

The last thing I want to be is a bottleneck that prevents our users from 
getting what they need, or our open source developers from being able to 
participate effectively!

Multicore brain upgrades aren't yet available, so to keep us running at
top speed I've suggested, and gotten Sue  Erik's blessing on, splitting 
out the components of my current CTO role into two separate positions:

As Senior Software Architect, I...
* maintain the MediaWiki development roadmap
* give timely feedback and review on feature ideas, patches and commits
* ensure that end-users and bug reporters are treated respectfully and
that their needs are met
* get developers  users involved and talking at local and worldwide
events as well as online
* represent the face of the developers interacting with our user
community (both Wikimedians and third-party MediaWiki users)

As CTO, I...
* set high-level strategic priorities with the rest of WMF
* handle administrative management for the Wikimedia Foundation's
technical department  internal IT
** budgeting
** vendor relations  purchase approval
** hiring  personnel details
* work with the fundraising side of WMF to seek out and make use of
potential resources:
** grants for projects we need
** in-kind donations of infrastructure
** sharing development work with like-minded orgs
* ensure that the operations team has what they need to address current
and predictable future site needs
* ensure that the developers have what they need and are coding smoothly
* plan and implement internship programs and volunteer dev events both
on-site and elsewhere

I'll continue to act in both roles until we've found a satisfactory
candidate to fill the CTO position (full job description will go up
soon), at which point I'll be freed up to concentrate on being a
full-time Senior Software Architect. (Yes, I'll review your patch!)

I will of course continue to work closely with our eventual CTO... the
idea is to find someone who'll make the decisions I would have wanted to 
if I only had time. ;)

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Voluntary self-regulation of multimedia service providers

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 12:25 AM, private musings wrote:
 actually - might a WMF 'code of conduct' for projects be a good idea? (as in
 something perhaps a dollop more pragmatic than 'comply with our mission
 statement'!) - sounds like an idea for the strategy wiki... :-)

I'd say yes, but that a code of conduct is primarily about personal 
interaction, reminding people to treat other people reasonably.

This is traditionally covered by common-sense rules like -- but sometimes we 
really need a few basics written down! ;)

As far as things apply to _types of content_ that's a much trickier road 
to navigate; we want to concentrate not on limiting _what_ can be posted 
but _how it's presented_ and discussed... preferably civilly and 

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 11:12 AM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 I think this is a fantastic idea. I think the biggest problem the tech
 side of the WMF has had over the last year or two has been
 prioritisation and splitting the job like this should help that no

 I'm curious - would the Senior Software Architect report to the CTO?
 If so, that means Brion has, technically speaking, proposed his own
 demotion - there aren't many people big enough to do that!

It sure beats letting the organization succumb to the :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 3:06 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 It's not just about resumes, it's also about being taken seriously
 when communicating with others. A Head Software Architect will
 probably be taken more seriously than a Senior Software Architect,
 since the former shows you are the boss, that latter could be one of

Having many folks at that level is be a condition dearly to be wished for!

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 2:35 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 By containing the magic words senior and architect the proposed
 Senior Software Architect is, in my experience, not inconsistent
 with industry naming practice for the most important tech guru who
 isn't primarily a manager.

 It's not a bad title in any case.

 (I was previously a manager and made a decision to hire a boss because
 I realized I'd rather be doing technical work than performance
 reviews.  These days I'm just a lowly 'Senior … Engineer', and I'm
 quite happy with that, thank you very much)


Now, if we really think of a _totally badass title_ before we get the 
business cards printed up I'm open to changing it, but honestly I like 
it and it fits the role I see for myself just fine. :)

Remember... titles are only useful when they're actually descriptive; 
otherwise they're just fluff. Certainly when I'm doing hiring I'm far 
more interested in asking what somebody did at their previous job than 
in what it was called...

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Upcoming tech hiring: CTO position split

2009-08-07 Thread Brion Vibber
On 8/7/09 3:39 PM, James Forrester wrote:
 2009/8/7 Brion
 On 8/7/09 3:06 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 It's not just about resumes, it's also about being taken seriously
 when communicating with others. A Head Software Architect will
 probably be taken more seriously than a Senior Software Architect,
 since the former shows you are the boss, that latter could be one of

 Having many folks at that level is be a condition dearly to be wished for!

 Well, in my experience it shows that the organisation's overall
 architecture is poorly thought-out, and with insufficient resource
 expenditure on correcting it (or, for that matter, stopping the rot
 getting even worse). But yes. :-)

Well ideally it would be because we really do have that much work to 
do... ;)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] mo.wikipedia is not yet renamed to mo-cyrill as it was promised !!

2009-07-08 Thread Brion Vibber
Hi Cetateanu --

As replied previously, we don't yet have infrastructure for conveniently 
renaming sites. Given that the site has been locked for years and 
there's nothing to replace it with at, it's no higher 
on our priority list than the other sites that have language code 
renames pending.

Since we've been in the midst of a slow migration of external text 
storage as well, it's slid farther back on the burner than planned. I'll 
see if we can make sure it's on the radar at least...

The problem isn't intractable, but merely inconvenient, and due to the 
number of sites  databases needing renaming it needs to be scripted and 
tested for safety first:

* Ensure language/localization files have been updated for new language code

* Lock site

* Rename public file storage subdirectories

* Rename private file storage subdirectories

* Ensure all site config entries have been updated for new language code

* Rename core database on primary database cluster (create new database, 
rename all tables, drop old empty database)

* Ensure that all slave databases were properly updated

* Rename blob databases on all external storage clusters (for each of 22 
clusters, create new database, rename all tables, drop old empty databases)

* Ensure that all slave databases were properly updated

* Make sure it didn't break anything _else_...

* Unlock site

* Rename or move data dump archives

* Check if anything else needs cleaning up in recent changes channels, 
interwiki links, or other output.

-- brion vibber (brion @

Cetateanu Moldovanu wrote:
 *Hi, I want to remind you that on 26 Nov 2008 
 have promised that subdomain name mo will become mo-cyrl, it's July now 
 and mo is still not yet renamed.*
 * *
 If you cannot rename please delete it altogether.
 Hope to get a ETA, or to know at which point is the progress.
 Brion Vibber and his superiors, please make a room for this task to be 
 done, also I (as a programmer) can volunteer to help you do this thing 
 if you have a lack of resources !

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Google Chrome to support Ogg Theora video natively

2009-05-28 Thread Brion Vibber
El 5/28/09 1:56 PM, Kat Walsh escribió:
 Another step towards an open web -- Google's Chrome browser is going
 to support Theora video natively with the HTML5 video tag:

 (Mozilla has already committed to this--and funded some of our
 development of video support also!--and it looks like Opera will as
 well. Video site Dailymotion is now using open video as well: )

 If it weren't for Wikimedia using it, this work probably wouldn't have
 gone into enabling native browser support for it. So thanks to all for
 your work on this. :-)

Woohoo! :D

Welcome to the cool kids' table, Google! ;)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikipedia is not the Karma Sutra, was Re: commons and freely licensed sexual imagery

2009-05-15 Thread Brion Vibber
El 5/14/09 4:14 PM, Mike.lifeguard escribió:
 While this may be true for Wikipedia (English Wikipedia?), it is
 certainly not true of Wikimedia project generally. For example,
 Wikibooks has a subproject Wikijunior which is an attempt to create
 high-quality children's books. Part of the defined scope here is that
 the books are appropriate for children. While I despise censorship (cf
 my recent posts, or my statements on Commons) this is commendable in my
 mind. Though I don't participate in generating content for Wikijunior on
 a regular basis, I do think it is a worthwhile project, and is an
 important alternative to be mentioned during such discussions.

Spiffy! Sounds like it needs more lovin' and attention, I forgot it was 
even there. ;)

 There is
 a safe sandbox at Wikijunior (well, semi-safe, English Wikibooks still
 gets vandalism, though we now have FlaggedRevs [which could use a config
 change; it's in bugzilla :D]

Found it in the general sea of issues and have moved it to Rob's work 
queue. :)

-- brion

) where people concerned with such things
 can generate appropriately-censored content for children.


 On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 10:29 -0700, Brion Vibber wrote:

 Slippery-slope arguments aside, it seems unfortunate that as creators of
 educational resources we don't actually have anything that's being
 created with a children's audience in mind -- Wikipedia is primarily
 being created *by adults for adults*.

 That's fine for us grown-ups but we're missing an important part of the
 educational market. Like it or not, part of creating educational
 material for children is cultural sensitivity: you need to make
 something that won't freak out their parents.

 foundation-l mailing list

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikipedia is not the Karma Sutra, was Re: commons and freely licensed sexual imagery

2009-05-14 Thread Brion Vibber
El 5/14/09 7:31 PM, Thomas Dalton escribió:
 2009/5/14 Robert
 On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:13 AM, Thomas  
 2009/5/14 Fred
 I suggest that Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not include Wikipedia is not a
 manual of sexual practices. It could be phrased Wikipedia is not the
 Karma Sutra.
 What about pictures of Muhammad? Descriptions of Chinese human rights
 violations? Articles about evolution? etc. etc. etc.

 The reason that Wikipedia is not censored is because we cannot censor
 one thing and maintain neutrality without censoring everything else
 that might offend somebody and we would end up without anything left.
 Though technically challenging, I've long believed that the best
 answer is to develop some system similar to Categories that could be
 used to flag content that is potentially objectionable on various
 grounds and then provide the tools to create filtered streams that
 remove that content.

 That would good. We can't choose what should and should not be seen by
 our readers without violating neutrality but there is nothing stopping
 them choosing for themselves.

IMHO any restriction that's not present in the default view isn't likely 
to accomplish much. The answer an objecting parent wants to my daughter 
saw a lady with semen on her neck on your website is *not* you should 
have told her to log in and check 'no sexual imagery' in her profile!

Slippery-slope arguments aside, it seems unfortunate that as creators of 
educational resources we don't actually have anything that's being 
created with a children's audience in mind -- Wikipedia is primarily 
being created *by adults for adults*.

That's fine for us grown-ups but we're missing an important part of the 
educational market. Like it or not, part of creating educational 
material for children is cultural sensitivity: you need to make 
something that won't freak out their parents.

The challenge here isn't technical, but political/cultural; choosing how 
to mark things and what to mark for a default view is quite simply 
_difficult_ as there's such a huge variance in what people may find 

Sites like Flickr and Google image search keep this to a single toggle; 
the default view is a safe search which excludes items which have been 
marked as adult in nature, while making it easy to opt out of the 
restricted search and get at everything if you want it.

Generally sexual imagery is the prime target since it's the biggest 
hot-button save the children issue for most people -- many parents 
wouldn't be happy to have their kid read list of sexual positions but 
would rather they read the text than see the pictures, even if they're 

Ultimately it may be most effective to implement something like this 
(basically an expansion of the bad image list implemented long ago for 
requiring a click-through on certain images which were being frequently 
misused in vandalism) in combination with a push to create distinct 
resources which really *are* targeted at kids -- an area in which 
multiple versions targeted to different cultural groups are more likely 
to be accepted than the one true neutral article model of Wikipedia.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Usability Study Results (Sneak Preview)

2009-05-08 Thread Brion Vibber
El 5/7/09 5:36 PM, geni escribió:
 This usability study is so tiny. I want MediaWiki to be really, really good.
 Please tell me you guys hope to go large scale with the remote testing

 Nit just mediawiki. Looks like we need to improve the paths through
 the help namespace.

The primary target on the help pages is to make key pieces like the 
markup cheat-sheet available quickly, easily, and universally.

Wikia's got a cute little editing-help-sidebar version of this which 
we've considered adapting or taking as a model for that purpose -- it 
gets you some important stuff without taking you out of your editing 

Style guides, licensing recommendations, etc are another level of help 
page which needs more consideration, but remain of secondary importance.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Usability Study Results (Sneak Preview)

2009-05-08 Thread Brion Vibber
El 5/8/09 9:21 PM, phoebe ayers escribió:
 About this: on en:wp, at least, under user preferences/gadgets, users
 can turn this on themselves by clicking the Add an [edit] link for
 the lead section of a page box. Is there any particular reason not to
 turn this on by default for everyone? Could be (one small) problem
 (temporarily) solved.

We disabled the section-0 edit link a couple years ago because it 
interfered with the floating infoboxes and images which appear at the 
top of most pages.

Finding a way to put it back that's reliable and interferes with neither 
floating boxes nor the various badge icons that a lot of templated put 
in above the line is on the task list. :) Once it's back permanently we 
can dump the temporary gadgets.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Congratulations to Gdansk!

2009-05-07 Thread Brion Vibber
Tomasz Ganicz escribió:
 2009/5/7 Dedalus
 Congratulations to the Poland team for winning the Wikimania 2010 bid!

 Thank you :-) Actually we are all very happy but also shocked in
 Poland. Now, we feel great responsibility to organize Wikimania as
 well as we are able or even better :-)

The Polish Wikipedia community has always been strong and active, ever 
since the earliest days when Polish was broken out to separate hosting 
for a while to demonstrate the need to upgrade our wikis for proper 
Unicode support.

Congratulations -- it'll be great to meet all you guys on your home turf 
for a change! :)

 I think all three biding team
 deserve congratulation as all of them did great job as well, and
 Wikimania could have been be a success in Amsterdam or Oxford.

They were all great bids, which is why the poor bid committee was stuck 
so long making their decision! :) Here's holding out for 2011 and 2012...

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] site notice not accessible to users with disabilities

2009-04-27 Thread Brion Vibber

As we've told you several times, we've made a deliberate trade-off choice.

1) The sitenotice is **not required** to use or operate the site; it's 
an extra. As such, not seeing it in an unsupported browser doesn't 
interfere with your ability to use the site -- this is called graceful 
degradation and is a web best practice.

2) Using JavaScript includes to maintain the notice avoids problems with 
caching and search engines indexing a temporary notice text for a long 

So far this is the best way to provide a dynamic notice to the majority 
of our visitors without causing problems for others. If you have 
technical suggestions for alternate implementations, they're welcome in 
a more relevant channel such as wikitech-l.

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco

foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] [Fwd: Phorm opt-out for and related domains]

2009-04-16 Thread Brion Vibber
After some internal discussion on whether opting out of the Phorm 
user-profiling system in the UK would legitimize it, we're going ahead 
and requesting an opt-out for all the domains under the Wikimedia 
Foundation's control.

For background see eg:

-- brion vibber (brion @

 Original Message 
Subject: Phorm opt-out for and related domains
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 14:28:11 -0700
From: Brion Vibber

To whom it may concern --

The Wikimedia Foundation requests that our web sites including and all related domains be excluded from scanning by the
Phorm / BT Webwise system, as we consider the scanning and profiling of
our visitors' behavior by a third party to be an infringement on their

Here is a list of our domains which should be excluded (please exclude
any and all subdomains as well):

Thank you for your time.

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco
+1 (415) 839-6885

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] WikiSym 2009 in Orlando: Call for Papers - posters deadline April 24

2009-04-09 Thread Brion Vibber
On 3/8/09 9:46 PM, phoebe ayers wrote:
 A reminder that WikiSym 2009 will be in Orlando, Florida, from October
 25-27. The deadline for submitting papers, workshops and panel
 proposals is March 27; April 24th is the deadline for posters,
 demonstrations and WikiFest (practical experience) proposals.
 For more information, see the Call for Papers:

Just a reminder to all that the CfP is still open for posters, 
demonstrations, and WikiFest proposals -- the final deadline for these 
is April 24.

-- brion vibber (brion @

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] mo.wikipedia is not yet renamed to mo-cyrill as it was promised !

2009-04-08 Thread Brion Vibber
On 4/6/09 3:28 PM, Casey Brown wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Cetateanu Moldovanu  wrote:
 * you have promised that subdomain name mo will become mo-cyrl, it's april
 now and mo is still not yet renamed.*

 None of the wikis have been moved yet, it's not that this situation is
 specific to mowiki.

No idea why this was sent to foundation-l since I already answered 

Wikis have not been renamed yet since we have no infrastructure for 
doing it. The requests are in the system and will be reached when we 
have an opportunity to set up a renaming infrastructure -- none of the 
renames are high priority, and there are plenty of things most members 
of this list would rather see us do first. :)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] [Fwd: [Wikitech-l] Planning to tighten TorBlock settings]

2009-04-03 Thread Brion Vibber
Soliciting feedback on Tor blocking settings... Please comment on 
wikitech-l or the tech blog if possible to centralize discussion but 
we'll keep an eye out on these lists too. :)

-- brion
foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] Tech updates: code updates going live to Wikimedia sites

2009-03-25 Thread Brion Vibber
After a few weeks of bug fixes, we've caught up with MediaWiki 
development code review and I'm pushing out an update to the live sites. 
This fixes a lot of little bugs, and hopefully doesn't cause introduce 
too many new ones. :)

* Change logs: (r47458 to r48811)

As usual in addition to lots of offline and individual testing among our 
staff and volunteer developers, we've done a shakedown on -- and as usual we can fully expect a few 
more issues to have cropped up that weren't already found.

Don't be alarmed if you do find a problem; just let us know at or on the tech IRC channels 
(#wikimedia-tech on Freenode).

We should be resuming our weekly update schedule soon -- I won't be 
doing a mega-crosspost like this every week! -- and will continue to 
improve our pre-update staging and shakedown testing to keep disruption 
to a minimum and awesome improvements to a maximum.

I'd also like to announce that we've started a blog for Wikimedia tech 
activity  MediaWiki development, in part because I want to make sure 
community members can easily follow what we're working on and give 
feedback before we push things out:


I'd very much like to make sure that we've got regular contacts among 
the various project communities who can help coordinate with us on 
features, bugs, and general thoughts which might affect some projects 
distinctly from others.

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] dumps

2009-02-24 Thread Brion Vibber
On 2/23/09 5:31 PM, Samuel Klein wrote:
 Copying the Commons list.

 I am interested in hosting (and running some scripts on) copies of the
 commons media dump on offline regional servers for offline-reading
 purposes.  This is difficult without an image dump.

Awesome -- can you work with an rsync3-over-ssh setup? Email me and 
we'll set it up.

(Reminds me -- Greg, can we make sure we've got yours going again?)

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikia leasing office space to WMF

2009-01-23 Thread Brion Vibber
On 1/23/09 11:49 AM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 Could we have more detail, please, on the note that Wikia matched the best
 offer?  Were the other ten higher bidders also given the opportunity to
 match the best offer?  Why was Wikia chosen on a second and adjusted offer
 basis, rather than choosing the good-faith firm that submitted the lowest
 offer initially?  Was the first low bidder given the chance to further
 discount their rate?  If so, what was their response?  If not, why not?

 I'd appreciate answers to those questions as well.

Wikia's space is physically closer to WMF's main office than the best 
other bid, making it easier for the project team to work with the main 
office. (We'd much rather keep them *in* our main office, but we're 
simply out of room!)

The fact that Wikia also has software developers working on MediaWiki 
usability is a big plus as well -- being physically close to Wikia's 
office makes technical collaboration with their team easier, which 
translates directly to benefiting end users.

These benefits would be present even if the price didn't match the best 
other offer, but would have been outweighed by a significant price 
difference (or being able to increase our primary space at an effective 
cost, say by taking over the space next door which is alas not currently 

 Wikia has been doing intensive work on the usability front and making
 the code available to public, so I look forward to collaborating with
 the Wikia technical and product teams to exchange ideas and learn from
 their work.

 There is a certain amount of logic in working with one of the biggest
 non-WMF MediaWiki users on this project.


-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Why is the software out of reach of the community?

2009-01-16 Thread Brion Vibber
On 1/15/09 11:19 AM, Brian wrote:

 What more would you like me to do, specifically?

The first things that would help would be:

1) Stop looking to blame someone for past wrongs
2) Think of something that *would* actually help, and do that

When a discussion starts in a negative direction, and continues on and 
on and on in that direction, it ends up alienating the people you would 
need to be working with to accomplish your goal -- it all ends up 
sidetracked as a big ad-hominem debate about who's a bigger jerk and 
nothing actually productive gets done.

If you'd like to push for more active evaluation of SMW and introduction 
of either SMW or a refactored, slimmed down data storage/query system to 
testing and production use, I think that's great!

We've been looking at it for years and hoping we'd have a chance to poke 
at it some day; it's the beginning of a new year, projects are starting 
up, and this is a time that we're setting priorities.

But it would probably be better to focus on positives like thinking 
about what can be accomplished and getting interested parties excited 
about working together than to repeat over and over that you believe a 
past decision was wrong -- even if you're absolutely sure that it was.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] Now hiring for Wikipedia Usability Initiative

2009-01-08 Thread Brion Vibber
I'm very happy to announce that the Wikimedia Foundation is now opening 
hiring for the Wikipedia Usability Initiative!

Realized by a grant from the Stanton Foundation, the goal of this 
initiative is to measurably increase the usability of Wikipedia for new 
contributors by improving the underlying software on the basis of user 
behavioral studies, thereby reducing barriers to public participation.

We have three positions open, all local in San Francisco. See the linked 
pages for details and how to submit your CV:

The new team will be lead by project manager Naoko Komura, who was very 
helpful in organizing localization and translations for our recent 
fundraiser, and will coordinate closely with me and the rest of 
Wikimedia's core developers. Also joining the project will be Wikimedia 
staff developer Trevor Parscal.

As always, all of Wikimedia's software development is open-source, and 
we expect to be able to roll improvements into the live Wikipedia 
environment and general MediaWiki releases over the course of the project.

-- brion vibber (brion @
CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
San Francisco

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Don't know how linked we still are with wikia...

2009-01-05 Thread Brion Vibber
On 1/4/09 5:19 PM, effe iets anders wrote:
 But was that connection close enough (even in the old days) to
 complain here about copyright violations there? I think Tim had a good
 point here :P


The Wikimedia Foundation is not, and has never been, involved with Wikia 
in a capacity which would make foundation-l an appropriate place to 
report a complaint about content on one of Wikia's thousands of 
user-created wiki sites. You should contact Wikia's admins directly if 
you want such a problem taken care of.

If one is instead making the argument that Wikimedia should distance 
itself from a wiki hosting company due to offense taken at user-created 
content on a site hosted by that company, well that's probably not the 
best argument but I guess you can freely make it here. :)

The relationship between WMF and Wikia is basically on the order of 
some of the same people are involved [many fewer now than before], 
much of the same technology is involved [still true], and because of 
the above, occasionally both companies find it convenient to share 
resources [mainly our techs talk to each other, and sometimes we'll 
split spare capacity on some physical resource at a fair market rate].

This is not a particularly closer relationship than we have with other 
companies and organizations in the fields of wikis and open 
source/content stuff.

-- brion

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Some Ideas About Technical Stuff/Community Relations Improvements

2008-12-11 Thread Brion Vibber
Hash: SHA1

Brion Vibber wrote:
 Please see my reply on wikitech-l. :)

Archive link:

(Cross-posting is great for announcements, but trouble for
discussions... :D)

- -- brion
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Moving towards a more usable MediaWiki

2008-12-02 Thread Brion Vibber
Hash: SHA1


We're already aware of the UNICEF study  extensions and will be
reviewing them alongside other ongoing usability testing and development
projects throughout 2009.

- -- brion
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] EN Wikipedia Editing Statistics

2008-12-01 Thread Brion Vibber
Hash: SHA1

Nathan wrote:
 Wow, someone had more than 10,000 edits in February of 2002.

That's probably Conversion script. :)

- -- brion
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foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Language codes to rename

2008-11-29 Thread Brion Vibber
Hash: SHA1

Gerard Meijssen wrote:
 Do not forget the It stands for Alsatian, but the als
 code is the Tosk language. The gsw code is the code that should have been

Adding it to my list, thanks!

 The nrm.wikipedia is also using a wrong code. nrm is Narom, a language from
 Malaysia. Nourmande is not recognised as a language, consequently there is
 no code available for it. I propose to use qaa for this.

I'd recommend roa-x-norman (generic Romance code with an extension tag)
rather than a private-use identifier.

Private-use identifiers are meant more for things like internal coding
within an application; such as where you'd want to indicate that a
document is not in a human language, or maybe a special mixed setting
that's specific to your organization's internal usage such as not yet
inspected for coding or something.

Per spec: These identifiers may only be used locally, and may not be
used in interchange without a private agreement.

The purpose of using language codes on the web as we do is explicitly
for interchange with browser software, end users (as a navigation marker
in the URL), and content reusers.

- -- brion

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foundation-l mailing list

[Foundation-l] Language codes to rename

2008-11-25 Thread Brion Vibber
For quick background, it's pretty painful to rename a database in our
system, and we currently have a lot of bits in our configuration that
make automatic relationships between the database name and the domain
name, so this has delayed renaming of some language subdomains for a while.

It's not impossible to have them be different, just fairly awkward. :)

I'd like to get these done soon, but before we get started, I want to
make sure the queue is complete and ready to go. I've currently got four
language code renames that I see being requested...

== Aromanian == - -

ISO-639-2 code 'rup' was added in September 2005, and can supersede the
generic 'roa' code with 'rup' subtag.

This seems pretty uncontroversial. Existing domains and interwikis would
be redirected.

== Low German == - - - -

Reasoning: Disambiguation of country variants to create a portal site
( exists as well).

The original request is almost 2 years old and didn't seem to have any
clear consensus; is this still desired?

Creating a portal site could cause difficulties with URL compatibility,
and I don't really recommend making this change without clear consensus
from the community there.

Note that includes a link on the front page to

== Moldovan == - -

The official Moldovan language is the same as Romanian, using Latin
script and same orthography as on Latin script was
officially adopted in 1989, replacing Soviet-era Cyrillic script; use of
Cyrillic script is still official in an unrecognized,
lightly-populated breakaway region but if people there use it, they
don't seem to edit Wikipedia...

The 'mo' language code has been officially deprecated from ISO 639-1/2
as of November 3, 2008; Moldovan in general use is just Romanian, and
is covered by has not actually been edited since December 2006. seems to have 4 definition pages, which only
contain translations (no definitions!) Being inactive, these projects
could be closed in addition to / instead of the rename.

Use of tag 'mo-cyrl' would follow existing IANA-registered language
subtags such as 'bs-Cyrl' and 'bs-Latn' for Cyrillic and Latin script

Most likely, for compatibility we would redirect the existing 'mo' URLs
to the new 'mo-cyrl' ones, but they would now be visibly marked by the
subtag as being yes we know, it's Cyrillic here. If we're going to
lock the site as well, adding a sitenotice pointing to the Romanian wiki
is probably wise.

== Belorusian old orthography == -

Some time ago we swapped around the Belorusian Wikipedia, moving the
previous version which was primarily using a non-official orthography,
from 'be' to 'be-x-old', and re-establishing using the
official state orthography.

There was later a request to rename 'be-x-old' (using a non-standard
code) to 'be-tarask', a IANA-registered subtag which is rather more
descriptive. IMHO this change should not be terribly controversial -- if
we're not closing it, we may as well give it its official RFC
4646-registered code.

Old domain and interwikis would be redirected.

-- brion vibber (brion @

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] FlaggedRevs status/news?

2008-11-20 Thread Brion Vibber
Hash: SHA1

Dovi, you're already in the queue which is being worked through; should
be done within the next few days.

- -- brion

Dovi Jacobs wrote:
 Gerard, thank you for your kind comments. I think the system you have
 set up at Betawiki is extraordinary, and is a fantastic tool for
 helping people access the sum of all knowledge in their own
 The qqq messages are a fantastic idea (though I can't quite see
 where to find them of Betawiki...)
 For Hebrew we would like the extension set up with due haste. We
 prefer translating the messages when we can test their meanings in
 context and revise our translations accordingly. We also plan to make
 some important local modifications to the interface that are
 Wikisource-specific (such as the parameters for defining the quality
 of a page), but we cannot even begin to do so until the extension has
 been installed!
 This last factor is a need that Betawiki, outstanding as it is,
 cannot provide for.
 A good part of the interface has already been translated in any case.
 It would reflect good will on your part if you clarified that while
 your suggestions are personal recommendations, you nonetheless
 understand that the decisions of communities with other views should
 be honored and implemented.
 I ask the developers to implement the decision of the Hebrew
 Wikisource community as found in Bug 14648, along with the other
 languages that they have kindly implemented recently. We have been
 waiting for this for quite a long time, and will provide a quality
 localization of the system messages. While Gerard's views on
 localization-as-prerequisite-in-every-case are important to consider,
 he is not a member of the community that has requested the extension.
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