GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2015 - Candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Fabiana Simões
Hello Foundation Members,

It's that time of the year again! I'm happy to announce the following
candidates for this year's Board of Directors elections:

* Alexandre Franke

* Allan Day

* Andrea Veri

* Carlos Soriano

* Christian Hergert

* Cosimo Cecchi

* Ekaterina Gerasimova

* Jeff Fortin Tam

* Josh Triplett

* Magdalen Berns

* Ryan Lortie

* Shaun McCance

* Tobias Muller

Please see for more details.

Foundation Members are welcome to ask questions to the candidates on
foundation-list. Please try to avoid duplicates, and bear in mind
candidates invest a lot of time in answering questions.

If you have any questions about the elections process itself, drop us
a line at membership-committee at

Fabiana - on behalf of the GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee
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More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Karen Sandler
I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has 
been said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board 
have a diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to 
answer yes on these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few 
people on the board have some background in these areas...

Have you ever done any fundraising?

Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

Have you ever been in a manager role?

Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is 


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Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Christian Hergert

On 05/21/2015 02:25 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
 I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has
 been said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board
 have a diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to
 answer yes on these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few
 people on the board have some background in these areas...

 Have you ever done any fundraising?

Yes. I've been a technical resource during both fund-raising and
acquisition stages of multiple start-ups. I've also done deep dives with
potential investors. Determining what technology to focus on can be
crucial to fund-raising.

I do not have experience sourcing new income (with the exception of the
Builder crowd-funding), however this is something I'm increasingly
interested in.

 Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

I am. I'm comfortable discovering the reasons it is in their best
interest to do so. It's not always obvious how important our stack is to
various current and potential sponsors.

 Have you ever been in a manager role?

I have not, other than my time as a maintainer of various projects.
While these are different roles, encouragement and fostering growth are
key to the success of either.

 Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

To a degree. My experience has been with ensuring they have the
information necessary to write articles and less about press releases.

 Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is

I regularly take part in both Free and Open Source software outreach in
the San Francisco area. I've spoken to small (a couple people) and large
(100+ people) and am comfortable with both.


-- Christian
foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread josh
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 05:25:51PM -0400, Karen Sandler wrote:
 I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has
 been said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the
 board have a diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board
 members to answer yes on these, but I think it's good to know if at
 least a few people on the board have some background in these
 Have you ever done any fundraising?

Yes, in various aspects, including conference sponsorship and
donations to organizations.

 Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

Yes.  The worst you can hear is no.

(Well, if you're too annoying with an existing sponsor you can lose
them, but reasonable and infrequent requests don't normally constitute
too annoying.)

 Have you ever been in a manager role?

I've never been a people-manager, but I've been in technical leadership
roles and provided direction and support to large groups of people.

More generally, I've been in roles where I need to think about people,
business, and products, in addition to technology.  (I currently have
such a role.)

 Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

Some.  As part of addressing the Groupon issue, I helped work with the
press to publicize GNOME's fundraising and legal campaign.  I've also
done small-scale press interviews/articles/etc, though only on the scale
of LWN rather than CNN. :)

 Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom
 is important?

Yes.  I've given presentations and speeches (both formal and informal),
as well as various writings and emails, on topics including software
patents, licensing, DRM, the DMCA, FOSS, and many other similar issues.
I also generally make a point of saying Free Software, or at the very
least FOSS, rather than just Open Source.

- Josh Triplett
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Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Shaun McCance
On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 08:41 +0800, Max wrote:
 Hello all,
 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.
 I have 2 questions to all candidates
 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Honestly, I don't think board members should have to spend more than 5
hours in a typical week. They all have jobs and families and lives and
all the other things they do for GNOME. Certainly there will be weeks
that are more demanding. Stuff comes up. But if people have to spend 10
or more hours each week, something is broken.

I say this as a former board member, and as somebody who spent the last
two years doing a *lot* of time as a board member in another volunteer
organization (not software-related). It's not sustainable, and you will
burn people out.

As it stands, though, without an Executive Director, one (or both) of
two things must be happening: (1) board members are spending more time
than they should doing things an ED should be doing, and/or (2) things
an ED should be doing just aren't being done.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

Asia is certainly a growing market, and that makes it a good opportunity
for GNOME and for free software. Historically, we haven't had a strong
contributor base in most of Asia, aside from India. I would like that to
change. But I don't have specific plans on how to make that change. The
best I can do is offer to support the work of people like you who are
aware of the issues and already working to address them.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Shaun McCance
On Thu, 2015-05-21 at 17:25 -0400, Karen Sandler wrote:
 I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has 
 been said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board 
 have a diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to 
 answer yes on these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few 
 people on the board have some background in these areas...
 Have you ever done any fundraising?

Yes. For the last year and a half, I was involved with a group trying to
open a grocery cooperative in my neighborhood. We sold over a thousand
shares to neighbors and raised a million dollars, making it the fastest
growing co-op startup in the country. That work is still ongoing, though
I've taken a more passive role lately. I'm very proud of the work we

I also drum up sponsorship for the Open Help Conference every year. It's
not a lot of money, comparatively, but it's a lot of work to make it
happen and not drain my pocketbook.

 Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

I'm more comfortable with it now than I was five years ago. Honestly,
it's not my favorite thing to do. I'd rather do conference logistics and
let somebody else track down money. But I can do it, and I do do it.

 Have you ever been in a manager role?

I've been in a project lead role, where I've been responsible for
telling people what to do. But I've never been in a role where I'm
responsible for performance evaluations.

 Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

A bit. I was interviewed a few times for the co-op, and participated in
some press conferences.

 Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is 

I haven't done it in a formal setting, such as a presentation. But I've
frequently talked to groups of friends or colleagues about why I care
about free software, and why they should as well.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Carlos Soriano

2015-05-21 Thread Sébastien Wilmet
Hello Carlos,

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:13:10AM +0200, Carlos Soriano Sánchez wrote:
 - New developers (aka newcomers): How many people do you think are
 searching for nice projects to be involved with, live new experiences and
 learn at the same time?
 We need to reach those people (I was one of them), and the first step is
 lowing the barrier to contribution and understanding of the platform. Some
 of the most important projects I want to push here are GnomeLove initiative
 and gnome-builder as a developer tool for Gnome.

Good initiative.

But why do you need to be on the Foundation board to achieve that goal?

 - Platform reaproachment: I think the current platform around Gnome is a
 little hidden and difficult to contributors. Initiatives like a Github
 mirror have been taken, but they are only partly good or not enough. We
 need to think about how to be more approachable by the people who are
 already used to other workflows from other open source projects that are
 using famous tools like Github for code, issues, and contribution or
 Wikimedia for the wiki, toolkits like Node.js, etc. without giving up on
 Gnome vision and goals.


 - Focus: We need to focus more and more on the important issues that can
 make Gnome have a bigger impact. Luckily, what I saw on the last years, is
 that Gnome is focused and we are doing well here. But I think there is room
 for improvement, taking some decisions to encourage people to do certain
 things or for example using more projects from outside Gnome with well
 established maintenance and community around it.

Seems like a good job for the Engagement team.

 - Community: They want to be listen. They want communication. They want to
 know how we take decisions. We need to improve that communication while
 being focused and loyal to Gnome goals and vision. Example of specific
 solutions I have in mind are:
*Encouraging maintainers to create short blog posts communicating
 important changes.

You can write a blog post or start a thread on the desktop-devel list to
try to convince other maintainers.

*Reach an agreement and explain the way we take decisions both in the
 projects and in the foundation.

For the Foundation, I think everything is well explained in the bylaws:

*Reach an agreement and explain how to have a voice on Gnome decisions
 in the projects and foundation as well.

To have a voice for the Foundation, discussions can happen on the
foundation-list, every member can run for the elections to have a much
stronger voice during one year. Or discuss things at conferences and
other places (blog, IRC, …). Does it need more explanation? Or does it
need to be changed? for example the Foundation members currently only
vote for candidates, why not also vote for some of the decisions? Is it
that kind of things that you would like to improve?

*Ensure we have a guideline for good behavior about taking decisions and
 how to communicate them to users.

Do you have an example of a free software project using such a
guideline? Why do we need a guideline specific to GNOME for that?

About taking decisions, I think the book Producing Open Source Software
[1] can be recommended (and is already recommended in the GNOME
Programming Guidelines [2]).


 Hope you like my ideas.

I like most of your ideas, but it looks like you can achieve most of
them without being on the board.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2015 - Candidacy - Ryan Lortie

2015-05-21 Thread Philip Van Hoof
Hash: SHA1

Hi Ryan,

If any, in what direction would you change gnome after being elected?

Kind regards,


On 18/05/2015 22:43, Ryan Lortie wrote:
 I am announcing my candidacy for the board of directors.
 If elected, this would be my second time on the board.
 I have been a GNOME developer during many years, mostly on
 lower-level things.
 I am currently affiliated with Canonical where I am in the desktop
 team, mostly in context of working on the GNOME technologies that
 are also used in our products.
 I am happy to answer any questions that you may have about how I
 would represent you on the board of directors.
 Cheers ___ 
 foundation-announce mailing list

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