Re: Re[3]: [FreeBSD] SMTP seviyesinde qsheff benzeri bir yazılım...

2007-06-24 Başlik mesutgl
Merhabalar İsmail hocam, 

Dediğiniz gibi söz konusu chkuser yamasını sisteme uygulamaya çalıştım. test 
makineme kurdupumda şu şekilde bir sorun ile karşılaştım.
yeni derlenen qmail-smtpd dosyasını çalıştırarak test ettiğimde varolmayan 
kullnıcıya gelen mail olduğunda bağlantının kabul edilmediğini gördüm. ancak 
localhost 25 e telnet çekerek yaptığım denemede varolmayan kullanıcıya giden 
mail kabul edildi. Bunun nedeni ne olabilir ve nasıl düzeltebilirim. Bir kaç 
dosyayı gönderiyorum. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
220 - Mail Server. ESMTP
ehlo - Mail Server.
250-SIZE 20971520
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CHKUSER accepted sender: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: remote :unknown:unknown 
rcpt  : sender accepted

250 ok
CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: remote :unknown:unknown rcpt 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] : not existing recipient

511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser)
221 - Mail Server.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# telnet localhost 25
@4000467e6f290860ad1c tcpserver: status: 1/150
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
@4000467e6f290880142c tcpserver: pid 60654 from
@4000467e6f290897d634 tcpserver: ok 60654 0: 

220 - Mail Server. ESMTP
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@4000467e6f321f5f557c CHKUSER accepted sender: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: 
remote :unknown: rcpt  : sender accepted

250 ok
@4000467e6f3b1179b394 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: 
remote :unknown: rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED] : found existing 

250 ok
221 - Mail Server.
@4000467e6f402e11924c tcpserver: end 60654 status 0
@4000467e6f402e15a544 tcpserver: status: 0/150
Connection closed by foreign host. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# cat 

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`head -1 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 800 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H  -R 
-l 0 -x /usr/local/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c $MAXSMTPD -u $QMAILDUID 
-g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd  -r 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw 
/usr/bin/true 21
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# 

Ismail YENIGUL writes: 

Merhaba Mesut Hocam, 

Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.

Bu chkuser yamasi ile de yapabilirsin aslinda. Tum yamalari toplu
halde daki toaster'da bulabilirsin. Her ne kadar linux icin
yazsada FreeBSD'de de gayet guzel calisiyor. 

Kolay gelsin. 

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 9:38:14 PM, you wrote: 

merhaba Murat bey,
aynı hataya benzer başka bir hata verdi bu sefer. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# gmake
make -C common
../, line 62: Need an operator
../, line 64: Need an operator
../, line 66: Need an operator
../, line 68: Need an operator
../, line 70: Need an operator
../, line 72: Need an operator
../, line 74: Need an operator
../, line 76: Need an operator
../, line 78: Need an operator
../, line 80: Need an operator
Makefile, line 42: Need an operator
Makefile, line 44: Need an operator
Makefile, line 46: Need an operator
Makefile, line 49: Need an operator
Makefile, line 51: Need an operator
Makefile, line 54: Need an operator
Makefile, line 57: Need an operator
Makefile, line 59: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
gmake: *** [all] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#

Murat Balaban writes: 

Merhaba Mesut bey,  

gmake'le deneyin. make yerine gmake yazin.  

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 7:04:04 PM, you wrote:  

Umarım konuyu yanlış yazmamışımdır.
SMTP seviyesinde Qsheff  benzeri bir yazılım. RCPTCHECK patch i

ararken rastladım. Ancak FreeBSD de derleyemedim. Hatalar alıyorum.
Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.  Birkaç yama dosyası
hata verdi. O sebeple bunu denemek istedim. Bahsettiğim yama
dosyalarını bulabileceğim link verilebilirse bu konu ile ilgili (
valid user check ) diğer yamaları da denemek isterim.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# make, line 62: Need an operator, line 64: Need an operator, line 66: Need an operator, line 68: 

Re: [FreeBSD] SMTP seviyesinde qsheff benzeri bir yazılım...

2007-06-24 Başlik mesutgl
Sorunu bulduk: Sorun qmail-smtpd programının vpopmail kullanıcısı ve grubu 
ile değil, qmail kullanıcısı ve grubu ile çalıştırılması ve bu nedenle 
qmail-smtpd yi çalıştıran user ın vpopmail dizini altında yer alan dizin ve 
dosyalara erişim izni olamdığından kullanıcıları kontrol edememesi. Bunu 
düzeltmek için qmail-smtpd yi çalıştıran supervise run dosyamızda user ve 
grup ayarlarını şu şekilde değiştiriyoruz ve qmail i yeniden başlatıyoruz... 

İsmail YENİGÜL arkadaşımıza teşekkürler... 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# head -n 3 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run
QMAILDUID=`id -u vpopmail`
NOFILESGID=`id -g vchkpw`

İyi çalışmalar... 

mesutgl writes: 

Merhabalar İsmail hocam,  

Dediğiniz gibi söz konusu chkuser yamasını sisteme uygulamaya çalıştım. 
test makineme kurdupumda şu şekilde bir sorun ile karşılaştım.
yeni derlenen qmail-smtpd dosyasını çalıştırarak test ettiğimde varolmayan 
kullnıcıya gelen mail olduğunda bağlantının kabul edilmediğini gördüm. 
ancak localhost 25 e telnet çekerek yaptığım denemede varolmayan 
kullanıcıya giden mail kabul edildi. Bunun nedeni ne olabilir ve nasıl 
düzeltebilirim. Bir kaç dosyayı gönderiyorum.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
220 - Mail Server. ESMTP
ehlo - Mail Server.
250-SIZE 20971520
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CHKUSER accepted sender: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: remote :unknown:unknown 
rcpt  : sender accepted

250 ok
CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: remote :unknown:unknown 
rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED] : not existing recipient

511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser)
221 - Mail Server.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]#  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# telnet localhost 25
@4000467e6f290860ad1c tcpserver: status: 1/150
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
@4000467e6f290880142c tcpserver: pid 60654 from
@4000467e6f290897d634 tcpserver: ok 60654 0: 

220 - Mail Server. ESMTP
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@4000467e6f321f5f557c CHKUSER accepted sender: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: 
remote :unknown: rcpt  : sender accepted

250 ok
@4000467e6f3b1179b394 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:: 
remote :unknown: rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED] : found existing 

250 ok
221 - Mail Server.
@4000467e6f402e11924c tcpserver: end 60654 status 0
@4000467e6f402e15a544 tcpserver: status: 0/150
Connection closed by foreign host.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]# cat 

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`head -1 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 800 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H  
-R -l 0 -x /usr/local/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c $MAXSMTPD -u 
$QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd  -r /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 
/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/bin/true 21
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd]#  

Ismail YENIGUL writes:  

Merhaba Mesut Hocam,  

Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.

Bu chkuser yamasi ile de yapabilirsin aslinda. Tum yamalari toplu
halde daki toaster'da bulabilirsin. Her ne kadar linux icin
yazsada FreeBSD'de de gayet guzel calisiyor.  

Kolay gelsin.  

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 9:38:14 PM, you wrote:  

merhaba Murat bey,
aynı hataya benzer başka bir hata verdi bu sefer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# gmake
make -C common
../, line 62: Need an operator
../, line 64: Need an operator
../, line 66: Need an operator
../, line 68: Need an operator
../, line 70: Need an operator
../, line 72: Need an operator
../, line 74: Need an operator
../, line 76: Need an operator
../, line 78: Need an operator
../, line 80: Need an operator
Makefile, line 42: Need an operator
Makefile, line 44: Need an operator
Makefile, line 46: Need an operator
Makefile, line 49: Need an operator
Makefile, line 51: Need an operator
Makefile, line 54: Need an operator
Makefile, line 57: Need an operator
Makefile, line 59: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
gmake: *** [all] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#

Murat Balaban writes:

Merhaba Mesut bey,   

gmake'le deneyin. make yerine gmake yazin.   

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 7:04:04 PM, you wrote:   

Umarım konuyu yanlış 

[FreeBSD] SMTP seviyesinde qsheff benzeri bir yazılım...

2007-06-23 Başlik Mesut GÜLNAZ
Umarım konuyu yanlış yazmamışımdır.

SMTP seviyesinde Qsheff  benzeri bir yazılım. RCPTCHECK patch i ararken
rastladım. Ancak FreeBSD de derleyemedim. Hatalar alıyorum. Konu hakkıda
yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara gelen maileri
kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.  Birkaç yama dosyası hata verdi. O sebeple
bunu denemek istedim. Bahsettiğim yama dosyalarını bulabileceğim link
verilebilirse bu konu ile ilgili ( valid user check ) diğer yamaları da
denemek isterim.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# make, line 62: Need an operator, line 64: Need an operator, line 66: Need an operator, line 68: Need an operator, line 70: Need an operator, line 72: Need an operator, line 74: Need an operator, line 76: Need an operator, line 78: Need an operator, line 80: Need an operator

Makefile, line 13: Need an operator

Makefile, line 15: Need an operator

Makefile, line 16: Need an operator

Makefile, line 22: Need an operator

Makefile, line 37: Need an operator

Makefile, line 38: warning: duplicate script for target ifdef ignored

Makefile, line 39: Need an operator

Makefile, line 40: Need an operator

Makefile, line 41: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 42: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 43: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 44: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 45: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 46: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored

Makefile, line 47: Need an operator

make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#

Complete support packages are also available. The magic-smtpd's main
philosophies were:

*   To protect against SPAM and other unwanted activity at the smtpd
level, before burdening the mailer processes 
*   Pro-Active protection against spammers by returning a 'USER DOES NOT
EXIST' to the offender, hopefully to remove the address from bulk mailer
*   To refuse to accept mail for users that do not exist, why burden the
mailer with the requirement to process bounces 
*   To remain RFC compliant 
*   To be able to provide this same ability to other users of Qmail and
Qmail/VPOPMAIL, as Dan Bernsteins code has helped so many others. (Can you
tell we like Qmail? :) 
*   To provide it in a form which can be redistributed by others. 
*   To make it as efficient as possible. (We deal with a lot of high
volume mail servers) 
*   Ability to handle scanning at the SMTPD level, rather than handling
them as bounces. 
*   Make the Anti-Spam and Virus protection easy to configure and
*   Still keep the code in sync with our commercial version where
*   Queueing a message twice always takes more resources than stopping
it dead if we don't want it. 

The rest of this page should get updated as we add features, but for now,
make sure you look at the ChangeLog for the latest enhancements. The
'magic-smtpd' daemon comes complete with the following features. 

*   Drop in replacement for qmail-smtpd
*   Support for stock qmail installations, qmail/vpopmail installations,
and database installations.
*   Valid User Checking
*   Anti-Spam and Virus checks can be enabled at the user or email
level. (ISP's like that as they can charge extra for the service)
*   Ability to Set Various Tarpitting Rate Limits on SMPTD connections
(Stops those spammers who try to send to a million addresses on your server)
*   Simple Rule Based system, designed to work with any system, and
provide simple integration into Web Based User Defined Rule Systems, so that
users can set their own policies
*   Support for global Rule Sets as well
*   Ability to set sane defaults easily
*   Support for the BMS153; Blacklist Mastering System 
*   Support for TLS, SMTPD AUTH, Valid User Checking, SMTPD Spam
*   Some low level rule checks you can set are: 

*   By reverse name lookups 
*   By double DNS verification 
*   By forcing MAILFROM 
*   By validating MAILFROM 
*   By validating connection IP 
*   By Blacklists 
*   By WhiteLists 
*   By Domain Extension requirements 
*   By country of Connecting IP 
*   By country of MAILFROM 
*   By syntax 
*   By checking HELO signatures 
*   By Language



İyi çalışmalar...



Re: Re: [FreeBSD] SMTP seviyesinde qsheff benzeri bir yazılım...

2007-06-23 Başlik mesutgl

merhaba Murat bey,
aynı hataya benzer başka bir hata verdi bu sefer. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# gmake
make -C common
../, line 62: Need an operator
../, line 64: Need an operator
../, line 66: Need an operator
../, line 68: Need an operator
../, line 70: Need an operator
../, line 72: Need an operator
../, line 74: Need an operator
../, line 76: Need an operator
../, line 78: Need an operator
../, line 80: Need an operator
Makefile, line 42: Need an operator
Makefile, line 44: Need an operator
Makefile, line 46: Need an operator
Makefile, line 49: Need an operator
Makefile, line 51: Need an operator
Makefile, line 54: Need an operator
Makefile, line 57: Need an operator
Makefile, line 59: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
gmake: *** [all] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#

Murat Balaban writes: 

Merhaba Mesut bey, 

gmake'le deneyin. make yerine gmake yazin. 

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 7:04:04 PM, you wrote: 

Umarım konuyu yanlış yazmamışımdır.
SMTP seviyesinde Qsheff  benzeri bir yazılım. RCPTCHECK patch i

ararken rastladım. Ancak FreeBSD de derleyemedim. Hatalar alıyorum.
Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.  Birkaç yama dosyası
hata verdi. O sebeple bunu denemek istedim. Bahsettiğim yama
dosyalarını bulabileceğim link verilebilirse bu konu ile ilgili (
valid user check ) diğer yamaları da denemek isterim.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# make, line 62: Need an operator, line 64: Need an operator, line 66: Need an operator, line 68: Need an operator, line 70: Need an operator, line 72: Need an operator, line 74: Need an operator, line 76: Need an operator, line 78: Need an operator, line 80: Need an operator
Makefile, line 13: Need an operator
Makefile, line 15: Need an operator
Makefile, line 16: Need an operator
Makefile, line 22: Need an operator
Makefile, line 37: Need an operator
Makefile, line 38: warning: duplicate script for target ifdef ignored
Makefile, line 39: Need an operator
Makefile, line 40: Need an operator
Makefile, line 41: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 42: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 43: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 44: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 45: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 46: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
Makefile, line 47: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#
Complete support packages are also available. The magic-smtpd's main philosophies were:
  To protect against SPAM and other unwanted activity  at the

smtpd level, before burdening the mailer processes   Pro-Active
protection against spammers by returning  a 'USER DOES NOT
EXIST' to the offender, hopefully to remove the address  from
bulk mailer lists   To refuse to accept mail for users that do not  
exist, why burden the mailer with the requirement to process bounces

To remain RFC compliant   To be able to provide this same ability to
other  users of Qmail and Qmail/VPOPMAIL, as Dan Bernsteins code
has helped so  many others. (Can you tell we like Qmail? :)   To
provide it in a form which can be redistributed  by others.   To
make it as efficient as possible. (We deal with a  lot of high
volume mail servers)   Ability to handle scanning at the SMTPD
level,  rather than handling them as bounces.   Make the
Anti-Spam and Virus protection easy to  configure and maintain. 
Still keep the code in sync with our commercial  version where
possible.   Queueing a message twice always takes more resources
than stopping it dead if we don't want it.  
The rest of this page should get updated as we add features, but

for now, make sure you look at the ChangeLog for the latest
enhancements. The 'magic-smtpd' daemon comes complete with the following 
  Drop in replacement for qmail-smtpd  Support for stock qmail

installations,  qmail/vpopmail installations, and database
installations.  Valid User Checking  Anti-Spam and Virus checks can
be enabled at the  user or email level. (ISP's like that as they
can charge extra for the  service)  Ability to Set Various
Tarpitting Rate Limits on  SMPTD connections (Stops those
spammers who try to send to a million  addresses on your server)

Re[3]: [FreeBSD] SMTP seviyesinde qsheff benzeri bir yazılım...

2007-06-23 Başlik Ismail YENIGUL
Merhaba Mesut Hocam,

 Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
 gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.
Bu chkuser yamasi ile de yapabilirsin aslinda. Tum yamalari toplu
halde daki toaster'da bulabilirsin. Her ne kadar linux icin
yazsada FreeBSD'de de gayet guzel calisiyor.

Kolay gelsin.

Saturday, June 23, 2007, 9:38:14 PM, you wrote:

 merhaba Murat bey,
 aynı hataya benzer başka bir hata verdi bu sefer. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# gmake
 make -C common
 ../, line 62: Need an operator
 ../, line 64: Need an operator
 ../, line 66: Need an operator
 ../, line 68: Need an operator
 ../, line 70: Need an operator
 ../, line 72: Need an operator
 ../, line 74: Need an operator
 ../, line 76: Need an operator
 ../, line 78: Need an operator
 ../, line 80: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 42: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 44: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 46: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 49: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 51: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 54: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 57: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 59: Need an operator
 make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
 gmake: *** [all] Error 1
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#

 Murat Balaban writes: 

 Merhaba Mesut bey, 
 gmake'le deneyin. make yerine gmake yazin. 
 Saturday, June 23, 2007, 7:04:04 PM, you wrote: 
 Umarım konuyu yanlış yazmamışımdır.
 SMTP seviyesinde Qsheff  benzeri bir yazılım. RCPTCHECK patch i
 ararken rastladım. Ancak FreeBSD de derleyemedim. Hatalar alıyorum.
 Konu hakkıda yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Amacım olmayan kullanıcılara
 gelen maileri kuyruğa girmeden geri çevirmek.  Birkaç yama dosyası
 hata verdi. O sebeple bunu denemek istedim. Bahsettiğim yama
 dosyalarını bulabileceğim link verilebilirse bu konu ile ilgili (
 valid user check ) diğer yamaları da denemek isterim.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]# make, line 62: Need an operator, line 64: Need an operator, line 66: Need an operator, line 68: Need an operator, line 70: Need an operator, line 72: Need an operator, line 74: Need an operator, line 76: Need an operator, line 78: Need an operator, line 80: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 13: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 15: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 16: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 22: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 37: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 38: warning: duplicate script for target ifdef ignored
 Makefile, line 39: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 40: Need an operator
 Makefile, line 41: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 42: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 43: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 44: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 45: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 46: warning: duplicate script for target ifndef ignored
 Makefile, line 47: Need an operator
 make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/distfiles/magicmail-0.8.4-2]#
 Complete support packages are also available. The magic-smtpd's main 
 philosophies were:
   To protect against SPAM and other unwanted activity  at the
 smtpd level, before burdening the mailer processes   Pro-Active
 protection against spammers by returning  a 'USER DOES NOT
 EXIST' to the offender, hopefully to remove the address  from
 bulk mailer lists   To refuse to accept mail for users that do not  
 exist, why burden the mailer with the requirement to process bounces
 To remain RFC compliant   To be able to provide this same ability to
 other  users of Qmail and Qmail/VPOPMAIL, as Dan Bernsteins code
 has helped so  many others. (Can you tell we like Qmail? :)   To
 provide it in a form which can be redistributed  by others.   To
 make it as efficient as possible. (We deal with a  lot of high
 volume mail servers)   Ability to handle scanning at the SMTPD
 level,  rather than handling them as bounces.   Make the
 Anti-Spam and Virus protection easy to  configure and maintain. 
 Still keep the code in sync with our commercial  version where
 possible.   Queueing a message twice always takes more resources
 than stopping it dead if we don't want it.  
 The rest of this page should get updated as we add features, but
 for now, make sure you look at the ChangeLog for the latest
 enhancements. The 'magic-smtpd' daemon comes