Added some stuff to vecho to increase usage compatibility with echo command. 

Mostly, that is the /s+ and /s- switch. It used to only do /s-. Now, it 
defaults to /s+ for
added compatibility.


vecho /bGray /fBlack Hello /fRed there /fGreen my /fBlue friend /fBlack .

Previously: Hellotheremyfriend.
Now: Hello there my friend .

The /s- and /s+ will switch into and out of the previous way of handling 
multiple parameters.

So, What is wanted would be this command.

vecho /bGray /fBlack Hello /fRed there /fGreen my /fBlue friend /s- /fBlack .

Previously: Hello there my friend.

Multiple spaces between strings (like unix and linux) are ignored unless quoted.

example: vecho Hello        there, Bob.
produces: Hello there, Bob.

example: vecho /s- Hello        there, Bob.
produces: Hellothere,Bob.

example: vecho "Hello        there,” “Bob."
produces: Hello     there, Bob.

example: vecho /s- "Hello        there,” “Bob."
produces: Hello     there,Bob.

There really is a whole lot of stuff packed into vecho’s 2.5kb executable.

    [none]      Preforms a Carriage Return and Line Feed to the display.
    text        Writes text to the display.
    /A n        Set text attribute to n.
    /B color    Set the background text attribute to color (or a value).
    /F color    Set the forground text attribute to color (or a value).
    /N          Do not write a CRLF when done.
    /P          Perform a CRLF now.
    /S +        Insert a space character between parameters. (default)
    /S -        Do not add space character between multiple parameters.
    /C code     Write an ASCII character code.
    /R times    Repeat the next write a number of times. (1-65535)
    /I          Write text that may waiting from the STDIN device.
    /G          Write text globally and ignore all framing.
    /L          Write text locally with regards to framing. (DEFAULT)
    /X code     Erase rest of line using ascii code, but don't move the cursor.
    /E          Same as using "/X 0x20” or “/X32".
    /T file ID  Look up ID in file and process it like command line options.
                Any additional options that follow this switch are used to
                populate %1-%9 variables in the text string.

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