Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
I forgot to add the gprof output. This is the final mail for sure.
Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self  self total   
 time   seconds   secondscalls  us/call  us/call  name
 35.67  1.02 1.02 14600 0.01 0.01  sdf_vector_scale
 29.37  1.86 0.84 129379261 0.01 0.01  sdf_vector_add
 27.98  2.66 0.80  100 0.80 2.85  get_min_distance
  5.25  2.81 0.15 6000 0.00 0.00  sdf_vector_dot
  0.70  2.83 0.02  400 0.01 0.01  sdf_vector_sub
  0.35  2.84 0.01 2100 0.00 0.00  sdf_vector_length
  0.35  2.85 0.01  100 0.01 0.01  sdf_vector_normalize
  0.35  2.86 0.01 main
  0.00  2.86 0.001 0.00 0.00  _GLOBAL__sub_I_main
  0.00  2.86 0.001 0.00 0.00  
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)

 % the percentage of the total running time of the
time   program used by this function.

cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accounted
 seconds   for by this function and those listed above it.

 self  the number of seconds accounted for by this
secondsfunction alone.  This is the major sort for this

calls  the number of times this function was invoked, if
   this function is profiled, else blank.

 self  the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/callfunction per call, if this function is profiled,
   else blank.

 total the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/callfunction and its descendents per call, if this
   function is profiled, else blank.

name   the name of the function.  This is the minor sort
   for this listing. The index shows the location of
   the function in the gprof listing. If the index is
   in parenthesis it shows where it would appear in
   the gprof listing if it were to be printed.
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.
 Call graph (explanation follows)

granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) for 0.35% of 2.86 seconds

index % timeself  childrencalled name
[1] main [1]
0.802.05 100/100 get_min_distance [2]
0.802.05 100/100 main [1]
[2] 99.70.802.05 100 get_min_distance [2]
1.020.00 14600/14600 sdf_vector_scale [3]
0.840.00 129379261/129379261 sdf_vector_add [4]
0.150.00 6000/6000 sdf_vector_dot [5]
0.020.00 400/400 sdf_vector_sub [6]
0.010.00 100/100 sdf_vector_normalize [7]
0.010.00 2000/2100 sdf_vector_length [8]
1.020.00 14600/14600 get_min_distance [2]
[3] 14600 sdf_vector_scale [3]
0.840.00 129379261/129379261 get_min_distance [2]
[4] 29.40.840.00 129379261 sdf_vector_add [4]
0.150.00 6000/6000 get_min_distance [2]
[5] 6000 sdf_vector_dot [5]
0.020.00 400/400 get_min_distance [2]
[6] 400 sdf_vector_sub [6]
0.010.00 100/100 get_min_distance [2]
[7] 100 sdf_vector_normalize [7]
0.000.00 100/2100 sdf_vector_length [8]
0.000.00 100/2100 sdf_vector_normalize [7]
0.010.00 2000/2100 get_min_distance [2]
[8] 2100 sdf_vector_length [8]
0.000.00   1/1   __libc_csu_init [315]
[310]   1 _GLOBAL__sub_I_main [310]
0.000.00   1/1   
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [311]
0.000.00   1/1   _GLOBAL__sub_I_main [310]
[311]   1 

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
Hello Werner,

> IMHO, in FreeType, SIMD support is something to be done in addition,
> not as a replacement.  Since Anuj makes quick progress I suggest that
> he first concentrates on the fixed-float route.  If there is some time
> left we should check how SIMD can be implemented.

Just to clarify, ` fixed-float' is the same as `fixed-point' integer?
And yeah, I am interested in adding SIMD support as well!

[sorry for spamming the list, this is the final mail for now]


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
Hello Alexei,

> Each curved segment has a large number [...]

I guess this is similar to the Euclidean distance transform algorithm.

As I said before I will not leave out this option, I will try to implement
and then we can compare the performance.

> I am deeply sorry if this mathematical fact offends you in any way.
> Your code is good but please allow me to suggest an alternative,
> perhaps, faster implementation.

Please, don't apologize. I don't find anything offending in your
I realize that we are all in the same boat and we all want to make the
as fast as possible. I think we can't comment on which algorithm is better
than the
other without checking the performance and other important factors. So, I
am open to
all of your suggestions and will choose the one that we all can agree on,
same for
`fixed-point' vs `float', same for subdivision or not.

Again Thank you for all of your suggestions,I will require them more in the


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
> Also I'm surprised that you haven't put the code get_min_distance code
for each edge type into a function.
> Would you prefer that I comment re these on github?

I don't think that will be necessary. I will fix that while adding in
FreeType. That repository is just for
testing and I might delete it in the future.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
 > After you do all this, you will realize that the speed is still a
concern.  Don't do bounding-box check.
> Classic way to do after is to split into a coarse grid and for each cell
find all edges that may be relevant.
> Then for pixels in each cell only process those edges.  This is what
GLyphy does and some of the other solutions as well.

This sounds interesting, I will definitely try to implement this and see
how it performs.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Anuj Verma
Hello Behdad,

> First, let me congratulate you.  This is a very thorough and impressive
piece of work for such a short time period.

Thank you for that. Viktor's paper did help me a lot while writing the
code. I guess you have already read his paper,
but in case anyone is interested in reading it check this out: It contains all
the relevant information for generating SDF from outlines. Although I'm not
using the full potential of the paper currently.

> - I highly suggest you stick to float internally [...]

I still think `float' is a better option for generating SDF, especially in
lower resolution glyphs where fixed-point produces
kind of straight lines instead of smooth curves(which is not noticable if
you look at it briefly). But my concern is that
FreeType doesn't use floats at the moment and I don't think it will be a
good idea to add support for floats just for the
sake of this project.
It's a tradeoff between one thing or the other and I can't decide which
would be the best considering the current state of
library. I would say that I'm inclined on using fixed-point integers just
because FreeType doesn't use them.
Also, why doesn't FreeType use floats? Is it just because of platform which
doesn't have floating point type? or are there
more reasons? This question has been in my mind for quite some time.

> Have you measured performance?  I'm fairly sure the float can be made
both more robust and faster.

I just did, here are the results with compiler optimization turned on using
chrono library:

A) Line Segment: ~0.026 microseconds
B) Conic Bezier: ~0.168 microseconds
C) Cubic Bezier: ~0.469 microseconds

[I have also attached the gprof output in case you are interested. Note
that the gprof output is without any compiler optimization]
To compare it to fixed-point check here:

> Specially, when and if going for SIMD, you get inverse-sqrt for float but
not int and that seems to be the slowest part of your work, which is
> normalizing vectors. And I agree, you should do everything in
squared-distance, then do a full pass over the results and do the (SIMD if
> sqrt()ing.  I believe you still need normalizing vectors though.

SIMD sounds interesting and will definately be a plus point if I can
implement it. As for squared-distance, it isn't a problem while using float
but in case of fixed-point, I can't store the distance if it is more than
~180 in a 16.16 fixed point without causing overflow.

> - Your Newton-Raphson is solid and your performance numbers look
amazing.  I think you should stick with this approach instead of
> As was suggested by others, do experiment with Raphson on your quadratic
as well.

Yes, will try to use Raphson on quadratic, although I don't think it will
be better than solving the cubic equation. And I will stick to it
until I find something even faster.

> * Currently you abandon as soon as factor falls outside of [0,1].  That's
wrong.  Factor might go out but come back in in the next iteration.

I was doing that initially, but I saw that the factor goes `out' and when
it come back `in' it has the same value as the previous `in' value.
This causes 2 extra passes of a fairly expensive iteration, so I decided to
break if it goes outside the range. But, yeah I will see if
that is wrong and decide accordingly after further testing.

> * I've convinced myself, but probably can't be proved, that MAX_DIVISIONS=2
is enough for always finding the closest point.
> That would speed up significantly.

It will certainly speed up the process a lot. But in the current
implementation here are the results:
Maybe if I don't break out when the factor falls outside [0.0, 1.0],
MAX_DIVISIONS=2 might work.
But currently there are issues when using MAX_DIVISIONS=2.

> - Your quadratic code always adds t=0 and t=1 as roots. You don't need
to. Only clamp the real roots to [0,1] range and remove duplicates.

That is done to also check the endpoints. There are cases where there are:
A) no real roots of the cubic equation (coefficient of x^3 = 0)
B) all real roots lie within the range [0.0, 1.0]

In these cases it becomes necessary to check the endpoints of the bezier
curve, hence t = 0 and  t = 1.

> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid. That's exactly
what we do in GLyphy.
> However, I'm also now convinced that there is no way to produce SDF from
contours that might overlap
> [...]

I did use the winding sum and it works well. But it has issues and as you
said it's not possible to find
distance around the intersection. I see that FreeType rasterizer also has
issues while rendering overlapping
contours in Anti-Aliased mode. So, for now I won't add that this and later
when FreeType has functionality to
resolve overlapping contours I can easily add 

Re: Logging Library-GSOC

2020-06-16 Thread Priyesh kumar
Hi guys,
(For Armin){
I have looked into log4c, no doubt it is a powerful logging library and we
could use some of it's features to share some logging functionality from
but I am not sure about it on windows as I am having a hard time compiling
it on windows and also I think the pre-built .lib file provided in log4c
release @ here
also broken/not working,
I have to make a .lib file from .dll using dumpbin and lib commands to link
log4c with an example and to make it work (-_-)zZ
Please help me with this as you have worked with log4c before...

After going through log4c, I don't think I have any more options to look
If you guys know any more logging libraries, please let me know...


On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:47 AM Priyesh kumar 

> Hi Armin,
> *>However, I could see how e.g. the usage of `FT_COMPONENT` could be
> slightly altered (or an additional macro introduced) if that helps with
> moving more functionality into the logger.*
> Please, could you provide more information on this...
> Thanks,
> Priyesh
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 3:24 PM  wrote:
>> > No, I haven't thought in that direction as according to the
>> requirements least
>> > coupling is favorable...
>> I think (but happy for everyone with other opinions to chime in +
>> discuss) at this point the only real hard constraint in that regard is that
>> we want to wrap the logger into FreeType specific macros and not expose it
>> directly in the core codebase.  In addition, `FT_TRACE*` and `FT_ERROR`
>> should not be replaced or changed (unless there is a really good reason
>> that pretty much everyone agrees on).  However, I could see how e.g. the
>> usage of `FT_COMPONENT` could be slightly altered (or an additional macro
>> introduced) if that helps with moving more functionality into the logger.
>> As I understand it, parts of this project is to generally enhance tracing
>> + logging within FreeType.  Apart from platform independent write-out,
>> timestamps, custom callbacks, etc ...  this _could_, in my opinion, also
>> include moving the handling of logging + tracing out of the core codebase
>> (if / as much as this is reasonable) as this could open up a lot more
>> flexibility down the road (depending on the logging library in question +
>> should be discussed separately).  I believe that, once we are able to hook
>> a specific logger into FreeType with just a few macros, replacing that
>> logger might become a reasonably easy task, should requirements change.
>> Thus, unless Werner disagrees, I believe it would be interesting to explore
>> that option and understand if / how easily this can be done (and to what
>> extent).
>> Best
>> Armin

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:02 AM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> > For SIMD, I studied what's available last year for HarfBuzz.  I
> > documented what I found here:
> >
> >
> Thanks for the link, it's an interesting read.
> > If you use floats internally and fill in the distances, then you can
> > do SIMD passes at the end to do sqrt, clamping, and other things to
> > generate the output.  But even solving computing roots or the
> > Newton-Raphson can be done in SIMD for up to 8 samples at a time.
> IMHO, in FreeType, SIMD support is something to be done in addition,
> not as a replacement.

Absolutely.  It's implied and I agree that we must support non-SIMD.  All
projects I know have the same requirements.

>   Since Anuj makes quick progress I suggest that
> he first concentrates on the fixed-float route.  If there is some time
> left we should check how to SIMD can be implemented.

Agreed.  I pointed out in case it can inform how to organize the operations
such that SIMD benefit can be achieved later.  I think such organization
also produces faster code without SIMD.  Eg. doing a tight loop of just
sqrt()ing every pixel in the end allows the compiler to unroll the loop,
which also enables better use of the multiple pipelines in the CPU because
there's no data dependency.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> For SIMD, I studied what's available last year for HarfBuzz.  I
> documented what I found here:

Thanks for the link, it's an interesting read.

> If you use floats internally and fill in the distances, then you can
> do SIMD passes at the end to do sqrt, clamping, and other things to
> generate the output.  But even solving computing roots or the
> Newton-Raphson can be done in SIMD for up to 8 samples at a time.

IMHO, in FreeType, SIMD support is something to be done in addition,
not as a replacement.  Since Anuj makes quick progress I suggest that
he first concentrates on the fixed-float route.  If there is some time
left we should check how to SIMD can be implemented.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
For SIMD, I studied what's available last year for HarfBuzz.  I documented
what I found here:

If you use floats internally and fill in the distances, then you can do
SIMD passes at the end to do sqrt, clamping, and other things to generate
the output.  But even solving computing roots or the Newton-Raphson can be
done in SIMD for up to 8 samples at a time.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:51 AM Behdad Esfahbod  wrote:

> Hi Anuj,
> First, let me congratulate you.  This is a very thorough and impressive
> piece of work for such a short time period.  I read your code over a week
> ago but couldn't sit down and type this.  I see there has been lots of
> progress since.  I'll just summarize:
> - I highly suggest you stick to float internally.  Any fixed-point and you
> will inevitably hit rasterization issues no matter how hard you try.  This
> is a tried and tested failure path and I encourage you to stay away from
> it.  I see you did the fixed already.  Have you measured performance?  I'm
> fairly sure the float can be made both more robust and faster.  Specially,
> when and if going for SIMD, you get inverse-sqrt for float but not int and
> that seems to be the slowest part of your work, which is normalizing
> vectors.  And I agree, you should do everything in squared-distance, then
> do a full pass over the results and do the (SIMD if available) sqrt()ing.
> I believe you still need normalizing vectors though.
> - Your Newton-Raphson is solid and your performance numbers look amazing.
> I think you should stick with this approach instead of subdividing.  As was
> suggested by others, do experiment with Raphson on your quadratic as well.
> A couple things there:
>   * Currently you abandon as soon as factor falls outside of [0,1].
> That's wrong.  Factor might go out but come back in in the next iteration.
>   * I've convinced myself, but probably can't be proved, that MAX_DIVISIONS=2
> is enough for always finding the closest point. That would speed up
> significantly.
> - Your quadratic code always adds t=0 and t=1 as roots. You don't need to.
> Only clamp the real roots to [0,1] range and remove duplicates.
> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid. That's exactly
> what we do in GLyphy. However, I'm also now convinced that there is no way
> to produce SDF from contours that might overlap. Imagine a "+" sign that is
> two straight contours. You cannot find the distance around the
> intersection. That's really bad news :(. Removing overlaps is extremely
> tricky and so far we've stayed away from adding to FreeType. SkiaPathOps
> seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation. I don't have any
> suggestion as to how to proceed. I can only say do your work without
> overlaps and document that as a caveat. I'm sorry I told you you need to do
> winding tracking. That would help for other reasons, ie. when you have two
> clockwise circles inside each other and a counter-clockwise one inside
> those. The middle should be black. To get that black you need to count
> winding of a ray from point to infinity. That's not what you are doing.
> Again, okay to initially document that shortcoming.
> - I still think an option to get A8 output is desired, since that's enough
> for a respectable rendering in most situations and is 50% more efficient
> than a 16-bit. Also, most GPU hardware doesn't support 16-bit textures.
> - There was one place when I checked last week, that you were computing
> distance then squaring it instead of just getting the squared_distance for
> which you already had a function.
> - Your "spread" stuff. Spread is good, and user sets that depends on 1.
> the width of filter they gonna use for rasterizing, 2. minimum size they
> want to rasterize at. What that means is:
> * x_pad / y_pad should be set equal to spread,
> * The final normalizing you are doing based on max-distance is
> nonsensical. Makes the SDF unusable for rasterization.
> Re different filters, I found that they don't really matter. You can see
> my results in my slides / video:
> That's all I remember.  I'll look into your latest code at some point.
> Regards,
> behdad
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 9:51 PM Anuj Verma  wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> *> Have you figured out FT_Fixed arithmetic? You still use floats in your
>> > code. I think you should convert to FT_Fixed first. *
>> So, I have been trying to convert my code to FT_Fixed for a few days now
>> without any success.
>> I did manage to use fixed point for shapes with only line segments, but
>> because of small range
>> of 16.16 fixed point I have to use 26.6 for intermediate calculations and
>> because of that it
>> doesn't look good, ( Here is a comparison
>> between float on
>> the right and 26.6 fixed point representation on the left.
>> As for bezier 

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 9:49 AM Alexei Podtelezhnikov 

> Anuj,
> Each curved segment has a large number of neighboring grid points.
> each of which has a unique nearest projection on the curve. The curve
> is naturally sampled by this projection points a very large number of
> times and quite uniformly. Therefore, why not divide the curve into a
> large number of  segments to begin with and then just find whatever
> point is close to each grid? It could be a lot faster to find the
> distance this way.

So... You subdivide the curves into lines.  Can you sketch what you do then?

I did think about "rasterizing" the outline and mark all pixels that have
distance < 1.0 to the outline, and then "propagate" the distance out.  But
as I've shown in my GLyphy talk, no matter how much I thought about this, I
found that there can be points far from the curve such that the closest
edge for this point is different from the closest edge for all its
neighboring pixels.  As such, the only way to use this optimization is if
each pixel kept a list of edges that are closest, within a range  That
then suggests that just using a coarse grid is even better, hence what I


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 9:50 AM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> >>> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid.  That's
> >>>   exactly what we do in GLyphy.  However, I'm also now convinced
> >>>   that there is no way to produce SDF from contours that might
> >>>   overlap.  Imagine a "+" sign that is two straight contours.  You
> >>>   cannot find the distance around the intersection.  That's really
> >>>   bad news :(.  Removing overlaps is extremely tricky and so far
> >>>   we've stayed away from adding to FreeType.
> This is an interesting idea.  I'm very open to add an API for removing
> overlaps.
> >>> SkiaPathOps seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation.
> URL, please.  A quick search on Google only shows video results.

Watch this video first so you appreciate the level of finesse that has gone
into it:

The code is part of Skia.  In FontTools we needed that so Cosimo & others
wrapped that into Python:

SkiaPathOps can be compiled separately from the rest of Skia.  That was by
design.  When we started using this for font production, we hit a couple of
problems. If I remember correctly, it didn't necessarily retain the
direction of contours.  Ie. it worked for even-odd only.  They were open to
addressing those issues so it can be used for font production.  And I know
fontmake pipeline uses it now.  I've CC'ed Cosimo & Ben who can comment.

And yes, that library removes overlaps on curves directly.


> >>> I don't have any suggestion as to how to proceed.  I can only say
> >>> do your work without overlaps and document that as a caveat.
> Sounds like a good suggestion.
> Werner


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>>> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid.  That's
>>>   exactly what we do in GLyphy.  However, I'm also now convinced
>>>   that there is no way to produce SDF from contours that might
>>>   overlap.  Imagine a "+" sign that is two straight contours.  You
>>>   cannot find the distance around the intersection.  That's really
>>>   bad news :(.  Removing overlaps is extremely tricky and so far
>>>   we've stayed away from adding to FreeType.

This is an interesting idea.  I'm very open to add an API for removing

>>> SkiaPathOps seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation.

URL, please.  A quick search on Google only shows video results.

>>> I don't have any suggestion as to how to proceed.  I can only say
>>> do your work without overlaps and document that as a caveat.

Sounds like a good suggestion.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Alexei Podtelezhnikov

Each curved segment has a large number of neighboring grid points.
each of which has a unique nearest projection on the curve. The curve
is naturally sampled by this projection points a very large number of
times and quite uniformly. Therefore, why not divide the curve into a
large number of  segments to begin with and then just find whatever
point is close to each grid? It could be a lot faster to find the
distance this way.

I am deeply sorry if this mathematical fact offends you in any way.
Your code is good but please allow me to suggest an alternative,
perhaps, faster implementation.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
Also I'm surprised that you haven't put the code get_min_distance code for
each edge type into a function.  Would you prefer that I comment re these
on github?

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:53 AM Behdad Esfahbod  wrote:

> Oh, I forgot:
> After you do all this, you will realize that the speed is still a
> concern.  Don't do bounding-box check.  Classic way to do after is to split
> into a coarse grid and for each cell find all edges that may be relevant.
> Then for pixels in each cell only process those edges.  This is what GLyphy
> does and some of the other solutions as well.
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:51 AM Behdad Esfahbod  wrote:
>> Hi Anuj,
>> First, let me congratulate you.  This is a very thorough and impressive
>> piece of work for such a short time period.  I read your code over a week
>> ago but couldn't sit down and type this.  I see there has been lots of
>> progress since.  I'll just summarize:
>> - I highly suggest you stick to float internally.  Any fixed-point and
>> you will inevitably hit rasterization issues no matter how hard you try.
>> This is a tried and tested failure path and I encourage you to stay away
>> from it.  I see you did the fixed already.  Have you measured performance?
>> I'm fairly sure the float can be made both more robust and faster.
>> Specially, when and if going for SIMD, you get inverse-sqrt for float but
>> not int and that seems to be the slowest part of your work, which is
>> normalizing vectors.  And I agree, you should do everything in
>> squared-distance, then do a full pass over the results and do the (SIMD if
>> available) sqrt()ing.  I believe you still need normalizing vectors though.
>> - Your Newton-Raphson is solid and your performance numbers look
>> amazing.  I think you should stick with this approach instead of
>> subdividing.  As was suggested by others, do experiment with Raphson on
>> your quadratic as well. A couple things there:
>>   * Currently you abandon as soon as factor falls outside of [0,1].
>> That's wrong.  Factor might go out but come back in in the next iteration.
>>   * I've convinced myself, but probably can't be proved, that MAX_DIVISIONS=2
>> is enough for always finding the closest point. That would speed up
>> significantly.
>> - Your quadratic code always adds t=0 and t=1 as roots. You don't need
>> to. Only clamp the real roots to [0,1] range and remove duplicates.
>> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid. That's exactly
>> what we do in GLyphy. However, I'm also now convinced that there is no way
>> to produce SDF from contours that might overlap. Imagine a "+" sign that is
>> two straight contours. You cannot find the distance around the
>> intersection. That's really bad news :(. Removing overlaps is extremely
>> tricky and so far we've stayed away from adding to FreeType. SkiaPathOps
>> seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation. I don't have any
>> suggestion as to how to proceed. I can only say do your work without
>> overlaps and document that as a caveat. I'm sorry I told you you need to do
>> winding tracking. That would help for other reasons, ie. when you have two
>> clockwise circles inside each other and a counter-clockwise one inside
>> those. The middle should be black. To get that black you need to count
>> winding of a ray from point to infinity. That's not what you are doing.
>> Again, okay to initially document that shortcoming.
>> - I still think an option to get A8 output is desired, since that's
>> enough for a respectable rendering in most situations and is 50% more
>> efficient than a 16-bit. Also, most GPU hardware doesn't support 16-bit
>> textures.
>> - There was one place when I checked last week, that you were computing
>> distance then squaring it instead of just getting the squared_distance for
>> which you already had a function.
>> - Your "spread" stuff. Spread is good, and user sets that depends on 1.
>> the width of filter they gonna use for rasterizing, 2. minimum size they
>> want to rasterize at. What that means is:
>> * x_pad / y_pad should be set equal to spread,
>> * The final normalizing you are doing based on max-distance is
>> nonsensical. Makes the SDF unusable for rasterization.
>> Re different filters, I found that they don't really matter. You can see
>> my results in my slides / video:
>> That's all I remember.  I'll look into your latest code at some point.
>> Regards,
>> behdad
>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 9:51 PM Anuj Verma  wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> *> Have you figured out FT_Fixed arithmetic? You still use floats in
>>> your > code. I think you should convert to FT_Fixed first. *
>>> So, I have been trying to convert my code to FT_Fixed for a few days now
>>> without any success.
>>> I did manage to use fixed point for shapes with only line segments, but
>>> because of small range
>>> of 16.16 fixed 

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 9:47 AM Alexei Podtelezhnikov 

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 11:03 AM Anuj Verma  wrote:
> >>
> > > For linear segments, it will save more than 90% according to your
> > > table. Then you will see that splitting Bezier curves is not such a
> > > bad option. In general, Bezier curves are used in graphics because it
> > > is easy to split and flatten them. I would be very surprised if
> > > distance fields were different in this regard?
> >
> > Well, I'm not much familiar with the rendering part of bezier curve.
> This primer is fun to read with many interactive demos:
> The main thing to recognize is that splitting a Bezier at t=0.5 and
> calculating the new set of control points for the halfs is lightning
> fast. If you continue doing so, the segments very quickly converge to
> almost straight (flat) segments.


I find your suggestion deeply offensive.  Have you looked at his code?  You
should.  You will learn a few things about writing good code.  This is the
kind of toxic behavior that has been deeply bothering me on this list but I
couldn't fully understand and verbalize.  I'm getting closer to that now.
I will start a new thread when I can write that down.  In the meantime I
think you should apologize to Anuj.

> > In distance fields I'm just concerned about finding the shortest
> distance as accurate and as fast as possible.
> Each split decreases deviation 4 times for a conic segment so that you
> can reach a given accuracy of your distance field and use only
> straight segments. The accuracy is defined by the grid resolution: it
> won't be visible to a human eye if the approximation deviates from a
> true curve by more than ~0.1 of the grid size.


Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
Oh, I forgot:

After you do all this, you will realize that the speed is still a concern.
Don't do bounding-box check.  Classic way to do after is to split into a
coarse grid and for each cell find all edges that may be relevant.  Then
for pixels in each cell only process those edges.  This is what GLyphy does
and some of the other solutions as well.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:51 AM Behdad Esfahbod  wrote:

> Hi Anuj,
> First, let me congratulate you.  This is a very thorough and impressive
> piece of work for such a short time period.  I read your code over a week
> ago but couldn't sit down and type this.  I see there has been lots of
> progress since.  I'll just summarize:
> - I highly suggest you stick to float internally.  Any fixed-point and you
> will inevitably hit rasterization issues no matter how hard you try.  This
> is a tried and tested failure path and I encourage you to stay away from
> it.  I see you did the fixed already.  Have you measured performance?  I'm
> fairly sure the float can be made both more robust and faster.  Specially,
> when and if going for SIMD, you get inverse-sqrt for float but not int and
> that seems to be the slowest part of your work, which is normalizing
> vectors.  And I agree, you should do everything in squared-distance, then
> do a full pass over the results and do the (SIMD if available) sqrt()ing.
> I believe you still need normalizing vectors though.
> - Your Newton-Raphson is solid and your performance numbers look amazing.
> I think you should stick with this approach instead of subdividing.  As was
> suggested by others, do experiment with Raphson on your quadratic as well.
> A couple things there:
>   * Currently you abandon as soon as factor falls outside of [0,1].
> That's wrong.  Factor might go out but come back in in the next iteration.
>   * I've convinced myself, but probably can't be proved, that MAX_DIVISIONS=2
> is enough for always finding the closest point. That would speed up
> significantly.
> - Your quadratic code always adds t=0 and t=1 as roots. You don't need to.
> Only clamp the real roots to [0,1] range and remove duplicates.
> - Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid. That's exactly
> what we do in GLyphy. However, I'm also now convinced that there is no way
> to produce SDF from contours that might overlap. Imagine a "+" sign that is
> two straight contours. You cannot find the distance around the
> intersection. That's really bad news :(. Removing overlaps is extremely
> tricky and so far we've stayed away from adding to FreeType. SkiaPathOps
> seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation. I don't have any
> suggestion as to how to proceed. I can only say do your work without
> overlaps and document that as a caveat. I'm sorry I told you you need to do
> winding tracking. That would help for other reasons, ie. when you have two
> clockwise circles inside each other and a counter-clockwise one inside
> those. The middle should be black. To get that black you need to count
> winding of a ray from point to infinity. That's not what you are doing.
> Again, okay to initially document that shortcoming.
> - I still think an option to get A8 output is desired, since that's enough
> for a respectable rendering in most situations and is 50% more efficient
> than a 16-bit. Also, most GPU hardware doesn't support 16-bit textures.
> - There was one place when I checked last week, that you were computing
> distance then squaring it instead of just getting the squared_distance for
> which you already had a function.
> - Your "spread" stuff. Spread is good, and user sets that depends on 1.
> the width of filter they gonna use for rasterizing, 2. minimum size they
> want to rasterize at. What that means is:
> * x_pad / y_pad should be set equal to spread,
> * The final normalizing you are doing based on max-distance is
> nonsensical. Makes the SDF unusable for rasterization.
> Re different filters, I found that they don't really matter. You can see
> my results in my slides / video:
> That's all I remember.  I'll look into your latest code at some point.
> Regards,
> behdad
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 9:51 PM Anuj Verma  wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> *> Have you figured out FT_Fixed arithmetic? You still use floats in your
>> > code. I think you should convert to FT_Fixed first. *
>> So, I have been trying to convert my code to FT_Fixed for a few days now
>> without any success.
>> I did manage to use fixed point for shapes with only line segments, but
>> because of small range
>> of 16.16 fixed point I have to use 26.6 for intermediate calculations and
>> because of that it
>> doesn't look good, ( Here is a comparison
>> between float on
>> the right and 26.6 fixed point representation on the left.
>> As for bezier curves, there is almost always an overflow because while
>> solving 

Re: [Freetype-devel] Re: GSOC - Distance Fields

2020-06-16 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
Hi Anuj,

First, let me congratulate you.  This is a very thorough and impressive
piece of work for such a short time period.  I read your code over a week
ago but couldn't sit down and type this.  I see there has been lots of
progress since.  I'll just summarize:

- I highly suggest you stick to float internally.  Any fixed-point and you
will inevitably hit rasterization issues no matter how hard you try.  This
is a tried and tested failure path and I encourage you to stay away from
it.  I see you did the fixed already.  Have you measured performance?  I'm
fairly sure the float can be made both more robust and faster.  Specially,
when and if going for SIMD, you get inverse-sqrt for float but not int and
that seems to be the slowest part of your work, which is normalizing
vectors.  And I agree, you should do everything in squared-distance, then
do a full pass over the results and do the (SIMD if available) sqrt()ing.
I believe you still need normalizing vectors though.

- Your Newton-Raphson is solid and your performance numbers look amazing.
I think you should stick with this approach instead of subdividing.  As was
suggested by others, do experiment with Raphson on your quadratic as well.
A couple things there:

  * Currently you abandon as soon as factor falls outside of [0,1].  That's
wrong.  Factor might go out but come back in in the next iteration.

  * I've convinced myself, but probably can't be proved, that MAX_DIVISIONS=2
is enough for always finding the closest point. That would speed up

- Your quadratic code always adds t=0 and t=1 as roots. You don't need to.
Only clamp the real roots to [0,1] range and remove duplicates.

- Your handling of two edges meeting at a corner is solid. That's exactly
what we do in GLyphy. However, I'm also now convinced that there is no way
to produce SDF from contours that might overlap. Imagine a "+" sign that is
two straight contours. You cannot find the distance around the
intersection. That's really bad news :(. Removing overlaps is extremely
tricky and so far we've stayed away from adding to FreeType. SkiaPathOps
seems to be the most solid Open Source implementation. I don't have any
suggestion as to how to proceed. I can only say do your work without
overlaps and document that as a caveat. I'm sorry I told you you need to do
winding tracking. That would help for other reasons, ie. when you have two
clockwise circles inside each other and a counter-clockwise one inside
those. The middle should be black. To get that black you need to count
winding of a ray from point to infinity. That's not what you are doing.
Again, okay to initially document that shortcoming.

- I still think an option to get A8 output is desired, since that's enough
for a respectable rendering in most situations and is 50% more efficient
than a 16-bit. Also, most GPU hardware doesn't support 16-bit textures.

- There was one place when I checked last week, that you were computing
distance then squaring it instead of just getting the squared_distance for
which you already had a function.

- Your "spread" stuff. Spread is good, and user sets that depends on 1. the
width of filter they gonna use for rasterizing, 2. minimum size they want
to rasterize at. What that means is:

* x_pad / y_pad should be set equal to spread,

* The final normalizing you are doing based on max-distance is nonsensical.
Makes the SDF unusable for rasterization.

Re different filters, I found that they don't really matter. You can see my
results in my slides / video:

That's all I remember.  I'll look into your latest code at some point.


On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 9:51 PM Anuj Verma  wrote:

> Hello All,
> *> Have you figured out FT_Fixed arithmetic? You still use floats in your
> > code. I think you should convert to FT_Fixed first. *
> So, I have been trying to convert my code to FT_Fixed for a few days now
> without any success.
> I did manage to use fixed point for shapes with only line segments, but
> because of small range
> of 16.16 fixed point I have to use 26.6 for intermediate calculations and
> because of that it
> doesn't look good, ( Here is a comparison
> between float on
> the right and 26.6 fixed point representation on the left.
> As for bezier curves, there is almost always an overflow because while
> solving polynomials some
> large numbers are involved. I even tried using Newton's approximation, but
> it's too slow and still
> not as accurate as floating points. I did not try using 64 bit integers
> because they are not portable
> I guess and because of that I have to create separate implementations for
> 32 and 64 bit architecture.
> So, after comparing both, I prefer floats over fixed points because they
> satisfy both range and precision.
> I can try using 64 bit integers but I am not sure whether I will be able
> to finish the project on time or
> not because of