[ funny jokes ] funnies for you

2009-03-16 Thread Gwen Tweedy
 Show  and Tell
A kindergarten  teacher gave her class a show and 
tell assignment. Each  student was instructed to bring in an object to share 
with the  class that represented their religion. The first student got up  in 
front of the class and said, My name is Benjamin and I am  Jewish and this is 
a Star of David.
 The second student  got up in front of the class and 
said, My name is Mary. I'm a  Catholic and this is a Rosary.
The third student  got in up front of the class and 
said, My name is Tommy. I am  Lutheran , and this is a casserole.

   One  Sunday morning
A mother  went in to wake her son and tell him it was 
time to get ready  for church, to which he replied, I'm not  going.
Why not?  she asked.
I'll give  you two good reasons, he said.
(1), they don't like me,  and
(2), I don't like them.

His mother  replied, I'll give YOU two good reasons 
why YOU SHOULD go to  church.
(1) You're 59 years old, and
(2) You're the  pastor!

  The  Picnic
A Jewish Rabbi and a  Catholic Priest met at the town's 
annual 4th of July picnic. Old  friends, they began their usual banter.
 This baked ham is  really delicious, the priest 
teased the rabbi. You really  ought to try it. I know it's against your 
religion, but I can't  understand why such a wonderful food should be 
forbidden! You  don't know what you're missing. You just haven't lived until  
you've tried Mrs. Hall's prized Virginia Baked Ham. Tell me,  Rabbi, when are 
you going to break down and try  it?
 The rabbi looked  at the priest with a big grin, and 
said, At your  wedding.

  The  Usher
An elderly woman  walked into the local country church. 
The friendly usher greeted  her at the door and helped her up the flight of 
steps, Where  would you like to sit? he asked politely.
 The front row  please, she answered.
You really don't  want to do that, the usher said 
The pastor is really  boring.
Do you  happen to know who I am? the woman inquired. 
No. he said.  I'm the pastor's mother, she replied  indignantly.
 Do you know who I  am? he asked. No. she said. 
Good, he  answered.

  The  Best Way To Pray
A priest, a  minister and a guru sat discussing the 
best positions for  prayer, while a telephone repairman worked  nearby.
 Kneeling is  definitely the best way to pray, the 
priest  said.
No, said  the minister. I get the best results 
standing with my hands  outstretched to Heaven.
You're  both wrong, the guru said. The most 
effective prayer position  is lying down on the floor.
The  repairman could contain himself no longer. Hey, 
fellas, he  interrupted. The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin'  
upside down from a telephone pole.

  The  Twenty and the One
A  well-worn one-dollar bill and a similarly distressed 
 twenty-dollar bill arrived at a Federal Reserve Bank to be  retired. As they 
moved along the conveyor belt to be burned,  they struck up a conversation. The 
twenty-dollar bill reminisced  about its travels all over the country.
 I've had a pretty  good life, the twenty proclaimed. 
Why I've been to Las Vegas  and Atlantic City , the finest restaurants in New 
York ,  performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Caribbean  
 Wow! said the  one-dollar bill. You've really had 
an exciting  life!
So tell  me, says the twenty, where have you been 
throughout your  lifetime?
The one  dollar bill replies, Oh, I've been to the 
Methodist Church ,  the Baptist Church , the Lutheran Church ..
The  twenty-dollar bill interrupts, What's a  church?

  Goat  for Dinner
The young  couple invited their elderly pastor for 
Sunday dinner. While  they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister 
asked  their son what they were having. Goat, the little boy  replied.
 Goat? replied  the startled man of the cloth, Are 
you sure about  that?
Yep,  said the youngster. I heard Dad say to Mom, 
'Today is just as  good as any to have the old goat for dinner.

  Lord,  keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand 
over my  mouth

[ funny jokes ] funnies for you

2008-07-13 Thread gwen tweedy
Teenager Daughter Owner's Manual

Instructions for all those with teenage daughters or 
who think they are teenagers or who will eventually be teen-

Teenager Owner's Manual Congratulations! You are now the 
new owner of a teenage daughter.

Please read this manual carefully, as it describes the main-
tenance of your new daughter, and answers important 
about your warranty (which does NOT include the right to
return the product to the factory for a full refund.)


To determine whether you were supposed to receive a teenager
girl, please examine your new daughter carefully. Does she:

(a) look very similar to your original daughter, only with
more makeup and less clothing?

(b) refuse to acknowledge your existence on the planet Earth
(except when requesting money)?

(c) Sleep in a burrow of dirty laundry?

If any of these are true, you have received the correct 
Nice try, though.

*-- Guaranteed to Roll Your 
Eyes ---*

I was in a department store dressing room when I overheard a
woman in the next booth make disparaging remarks about the
clothes she was trying on. Finally, an attendant knocked on
her door and asked if there was a specific color or style 
could get for her.

I need a dress for my class reunion, the woman answered.
I don't care what color or style, as long as it makes me
look twenty pounds lighter and ten years younger.

From another dressing room I heard a woman call out, Make
that two.

Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the 
called. And He will always be there to love and guide you on 
to great things!Your Servant In Christ,


[ funny jokes ] funnies for you

2008-04-21 Thread gwen tweedy
  Did you hear about the farmer who  ploughed his field 
with a  steamroller?
  He wanted to grow mash potatoes.

  What did the neurotic pig say to the farmer?
  You take me for grunted.

  When is a farmer like a magician?
  When he turns his cow too pasture.

  Why did the farmer call his pig Ink?
  Because it was always running out of the pen.

  What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?
  Laughing stock!

  Why can't the bankrupt cowboy complain?
  He has got no beef.

Messages in this topic (1) 

[ funny jokes ] Funnies for you.

2008-04-06 Thread gwen tweedy
Say the word slowly and Take your time.

1. ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves Arby's to work at 

2. AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tried to do.

3. BERNADETTE: The act of torching a mortgage.

4. BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with..

5. CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate.

6. COUNTERFEITERS: Workers who put together kitchen 

7. ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living.

8. EYEDROPPER: A clumsy ophthalmologist.

9. HEROES: What a guy in a boat does.

10. LEFTBANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of 

11. MISTY: How golfers create divots.

12. PARADOX: Two physicians.

13. PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower 

14. PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm.

15. POLARIZE: What penguins see with.

16. PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV.

17. RELIEF: What trees do in the spring.

18. RUBBERNECK: What you do to relax your wife.

19. SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does.

20. SUDAFED: Brought litigation against a government 

[ funny jokes ] funnies for you.

2008-03-12 Thread gwen tweedy

A very zealous soul-winning young preacher recently came 
upon a farmer working in his field. Being concerned about 
the farmer's soul the preacher asked the man, Are you 
laboring in the vineyard of the Lord my good man?

Not even looking at the preacher and continuing his work the 
farmer replied, Naw, these are soybeans.

You don't understand, said the preacher. Are you a 

With the same amount of interest as his previous answer the 
farmer said, Nope my name is Jones. You must be lookin for 
Jim Christian. He lives a mile south of here.

The young determined preacher tried again asking the farmer, 
Are you lost?

Naw! I've lived here all my life, answered the farmer.

Are you prepared for the resurrection? the frustrated 
preacher asked.

This caught the farmer's attention and he asked, When's it 
gonna be?

Thinking he had accomplished something the young preacher 
replied, It could be today, tomorrow, or the next day. 
Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiping his 
brow, the farmer remarked, Well, don't mention it to my 
wife. She don't get out much and she'll wanna go all three 


Two men crashed in their private plane on a South Pacific 
Island.  Both men survived. One of the men brushed himself 
off and then proceeded to run all over the island to see if 
they had any chance of survival. When he returned, he rushed 
up to the other man screaming 'We are going to die!'

The other man leaned back against the fuselage of the 
wrecked plane, folded his arms and responded, 'No we're not. 
I make over $250,000 a week.'

The first man grabbed his friend and shook him.  'Listen, we 
are on an uninhabited island.  There is no food, no water. 
We are going to die!'

The other man, unruffled, again shook his head no and 
responded.  'No, I make over $250,000 a week.'

Mystified, the first man, taken aback with such an answer 
again repeated, 'For the last time, I'm telling you we ARE 
doomed. There is no one else on this island.  There is NO 
Food.  There is NO Water.  We are, I repeat, we are going to 
die a slow death.'

Still unfazed, the first man looked the other in the eyes 
and said,  'Do not make me say this again.  I make over 
$250,000 per week.and I tithe.


Hot Sermon

I had just finished preaching a sermon, and people were 
lining up to
receive Communion. As people moved through the line, I 
noticed them gazing back at me with tears in their eyes.

Was my sermon that moving? I wondered. Had I connected with 
the congregation at some deep level?

But as the number of tear-stained faces increased, I began 
to feel uneasy.

After the service, I discovered that the person who had set 
up for
Communion had taken the wrong loaf from the freezer. I had 
jalapeno-pepper bread.

Have a Blessed Day

[ funny jokes ] funnies for you

2008-02-19 Thread gwen tweedy
 Locked Out
 One afternoon my wife April rushed out of the house, 
 forgetting her
 keys, and found herself locked out. There was nothing she 
 could do but
 wait for me to come home. She
 saw a neighbor who was outside raking leaves.
 You locked yourself out? he asked.
 Yeah, this is the second time since we moved in. After 
 the first time
 we took an extra key and put it in a jar, then stuck it in 
 a potted
 plant on the deck..
 So what's the problem?
 I took the plants in for the winter.
 Funny School Excuses
 These are the top ten funniest excuse notes from parents 
 collected by
 schools from all over this
 1. Please excuse Lola for being absent. She was sick and I 
 had her shot.
 2. Jimmy has been absent yesterday because he had two 
 teeth taken out of
 his face.
 3. My daughter is under a doctor's care and should not 
 take P.E. today.
 Please execute her.
 4. Please excuse Jenny. She has been sick and under the 
 5. Sandra won't be in school a week from today. We have to 
 attend her
 6. Please excuse Holly from Jim today. She is 
 7. Kevin was absent from school yesterday because he was 
 playing football.
 He was damaged in the
 growing part.
 8. Amy could not come to school today because she was 
 bothered by very
 close veins.
 9. Please excuse Johnny for being. It was his father's 
 10. Please excuse Jesse from school. He had very loose 

 Points To Ponder
 1. Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece 
 on those little
 bottles of Evian water? Try
 spelling Evian backwards - NAIVE!

 2. Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like 
 making a peeing
 section in a swimming pool?
 (My sentiments exactly!)

 3. If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea.does that 
 mean that one
 enjoys it?

 4. If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't 
 people from Holland
 called Holes?

 5. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

 6. Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren't they 
 just stale bread
 to begin with?

 7. Why is a person who plays the piano called a pi anist 
 but a person who
 drives a race car is not
 called a racist?

 8. Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?

 9. If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, 
 doesn't it follow
 that electricians can be
 delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models 
 tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?

 10 If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed 

 11. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

 12. What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses 
 of bald men?

 13. I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible 
 a whole lot
 more as they get older; then
 it dawned on me ... they're cramming for their final

 14. I thought about how mothers feed their babies with 
 tiny little spoons
 and forks, so I wondered
 what do Chinese mothers use? toothpicks?
 15. Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post 
 What are we supposed to do, write to t hem?
 Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage 
 stamps so the
 mailmen can look for them while
 they deliver the mail?
 16. If it's true that we are here to help others, then 
 what exactly are
 the others here for?

 17. You never really learn to swear until you learn to 

 18. Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it 
 didn't zigzag?

 19. If a cow laughed, would she spew milk out of her nose?

 20. Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?

 21. At income tax time, did you ever notice: When you put 
 the two words
 'The' and 'IRS' together it
 spells... 'THEIRS'
 Have a Blessed Weekend