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Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 14:39:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Phil Agre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Symposium on Technology and Society
Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 14:39:52 -0700 (PDT)

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Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 15:13:19 +0000
From: Joe Herkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: call for papers--ISTAS'98

Wiring the World: The Impact of Information Technology on Society
International Symposium on Technology and Society 1998 (ISTAS '98)

Indiana University-South Bend
South Bend, IN
June 13-14, 1998

Expanded technological capabilities is creating a world in which data,
information, and knowledge can be accessed from anywhere by almost
anyone, and used for almost any purpose, good or bad. As the tools of
such information technologies as the Internet, multi-media computers,
virtual reality, and artificial intelligence mature, the implications
of these technologies for public policy and society remain little
understood. The general theme of ISTAS '98 is to examine and identify
these emerging issues.

Call for Papers

Contributions are encouraged for topics related to this general theme:

* Information Warfare.
* Intellectual property issues and information technology.
* The impact of information technology on education, schools, and
universities. * Information technology and the workplace. * Equity
issues with the distribution of information technology resources.

Papers are also welcomed in traditional technology/policy areas:

* Environmental, health, safety and peace-related implications of
technology. * Social, economic, and ethical issues involving energy,
information, and telecommunications technologies. * History of
technology. * Systems analysis in public policy decisions. Research
methods for technology-policy analysis.

ISTAS '98 invites significant contributions on these and other topics.
Submit a one page abstract for a paper or poster, or a proposal for a
paper session or panel discussion to the Chair at:

EMAIL:          Karl Perusich, Ph.D., ISTAS '98 Chair

MAIL:           Karl Perusich, Ph.D., ISTAS '98 Chair
  c/o IUSB Division of Continuing Education
  1700 Mishawaka Ave.
  South Bend, IN 46634

DEADLINES:      Abstract Submission:            January 15, 1998
  Notification of Acceptance:   March 15, 1998
  Camera Ready Copy:            May 15, 1998

SPONSOR:        IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

Co-Operating Institutions:

Purdue School of Technology
IUSB Division of  Continuing Education          
Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Joseph R. Herkert
Division of Multidisciplinary Studies
Box 7107, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
voice: 919-515-7997   fax: 919-515-1828

Past President, IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

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