[fw-general] ZF with Ajax (Dojo or anything)

2009-07-16 Thread 411161

I have this problem where I am trying to show pieces of the form as the user
fills out more of the form. I was trying to do this in a way where the
entire form was on the phtml page, but pieces of the form were hidden by
using div with a style property of hidden. When an onClick is called or
onBlur, the javascript makes the call to the server via xhrPost or any kind
of XMLHttpRequest wrapper (for those not using Dojo) and goes to the server.

Here is the problem. I am setting view variables in my controller, but those
variables are only available if they are going to be displayed on the phtml
file that corresponds to the Controllers view. That makes sense. But what am
I supposed to do?

This has to be a common thing, but I just do not know how to address it. 

Please help.
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[fw-general] ZF with Ajax

2009-07-10 Thread 411161

I am just trying to figure out if I can do this or whether I am just doing it

I have a form that displays more of itself as the user fills in info. When
they choose from a select option it calls a javascript function via
Prototype which makes a request to the server for a controller. The issue is
this. The view variables from the controller are set to display for the
matching view template. But since I was using Ajax I had the other part of
the form hidden via a div:

div id=adjForm style=display:none 
rest of the form

The issue is that the div above is in the original page. So it does not see
any of the view variables from the controller. 

Is there a way to make it see those?

I know that I can take out what is in the div and put it into the view that
the controller is looking for, but I wanted to do it with all the code in
one page and using a display:none. Will I have to pull the code back out and
put it in the the view?

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[fw-general] Check to see if a request parameter was set

2009-06-10 Thread 411161

This statement:
isset ($this-_getParam('adjType'));

produces the following error:

Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in
on line 136

What are my alternatives?
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[fw-general] Ajax Forms

2009-05-28 Thread 411161

I am not using Zend_Form, bu if I have to I will. I basically have a page
that is a form. When a user selects certain options from the form more of
the form appears and in some cases part of the form dis-appears. Currently,
I use onChange and just refresh the page. I found a way to integrate
Prototype, but I am still not integrated it fully, because what happens is
the onChange is called view Prototype and it calls an action in my
controller and variables are set, but for they are set for the action called
by ajax.

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[fw-general] what can be used t replace these nice smarty features

2009-05-19 Thread 411161

I have decided not to use Smarty as my template engine. But, what can I use
instead in Zend View for things like: html_options 

I despise too many loops in my pages and this was a very clean way to
populate a dropdown.

select size=1 name=shortTerritory onchange=form1.submit() 
{html_options options=$shortTerritories selected=$selected_fiscal_year}

What are my alternatives? Another reason why I am leaving Smarty is because
I could not get it to integrate with Dojo.
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Re: [fw-general] How to set up dependant dropdowns in form

2009-04-27 Thread 411161

Ace Paul wrote:
 I have a form, which I would like to use dependent drop downs in. I can't
 seem to find anything about it hear, after looking all morning trying to
 work it out.
 I have one field race_country
 when an option is selected I would like to show the cities in that
 The following is what I have currently in the form, which will show all
 countries and all cities.
 Any help would be great. thanks
 $table = new Country();
 foreach ($table-fetchAll() as $c) {
 $country-addMultiOption($c-country_id, $c-country_name);
  $this-addElement( $country);
  $city = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('race_city');
 $table = new City();
 foreach ($table-fetchAll() as $c) {
 $city-addMultiOption($c-city_id, $c-city_name);
  $this-addElement( $city);

Does anyone have a complete example of this?

I used this example to get it up and going:

With the change located in the comments:
div dojoType=dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore url=/strain/list

but I am having trouble trying to do dependent drop downs. Any good
references out there, or is this too early to attempt with Zend   Dojo?

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[fw-general] .htaccess (view helper $this-url) question

2009-04-22 Thread 411161

My application's url is something like this: 

We use Oracle's Policy manager for our single sign-on environment. If i go
to the url above in my preDispatch method, it checks to see whether a
session is set. If it is not, I forward it to the single sign-on page which
passes it though some additional code which gets me back to my application,
but now using a url like this:
http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP/zend/AppName. When using this policy manager,
this url (http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP) really just translates into this

So for each one I just have to add the AppName at the end.

Here is my issue:
When I use the view url helper now, it make the url look like this:
This url does not work because it leaves off the VCP

I was thinking I could possibly change this line of the  .htaccess:
RewriteBase /VCP/zend/

Current .htacess
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteBase /zend/
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

The only problem with that is hat http://localhost/zend/AppName will not not
work at all. I know my last result is to have it where I only access the
site this way:
http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP/AppName but I was hoping for a happy medium. 

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Re: [fw-general] .htaccess (view helper $this-url) question

2009-04-22 Thread 411161

411161 wrote:
 My application's url is something like this: 
 We use Oracle's Policy manager for our single sign-on environment. If i go
 to the url above in my preDispatch method, it checks to see whether a
 session is set. If it is not, I forward it to the single sign-on page
 which passes it though some additional code which gets me back to my
 application, but now using a url like this:
 http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP/zend/AppName. When using this policy
 manager, this url (http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP) really just translates
 into this one: 
 So for each one I just have to add the AppName at the end.
 Here is my issue:
 When I use the view url helper now, it make the url look like this:
 This url does not work because it leaves off the VCP
 I was thinking I could possibly change this line of the  .htaccess:
 RewriteBase /VCP/zend/
 Current .htacess
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
 RewriteBase /zend/
 RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
 RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
 The only problem with that is hat http://localhost/zend/AppName will not
 not work at all. I know my last result is to have it where I only access
 the site this way:
 http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP/AppName but I was hoping for a happy medium. 

Ok, I have a little more sense of this now. Here is what I want to do:

For all urls that hit the .htaccess file I want them to still use my
index.php but via one particular url. So if I go in like this
(http://localhost/zend/AppName), it will still forward (or rewrite)  it like
this: http://signle-sign-on.com/VCP/AppName

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[fw-general] security/Zend Session

2009-03-09 Thread 411161

If I have some code that checks to see if a user is logged in and I want to
do this for every page where is the best place to do this?

I use modules and just want to do it for a particular module, does that
change things?
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[fw-general] Dojo and tabs and panes

2009-03-04 Thread 411161

I have a form on one of my panes in Dojo. It is not the first pane. How can I
show the second pane after hitting submit if I have an error on the form and
I want the user to correct it?

my phtml looks like this.

// Container with tabs
$this-tabContainer()-captureStart('tab1', array(), array('style' =

// First tab Upload Adjustments
$this-contentPane()-captureStart('pane1', array(), array('title' =
'Upload Adjustments'));
echo $this-form1;
echo $this-contentPane()-captureEnd('pane1');
   // First tab Upload Revenue
   $this-contentPane()-captureStart('pane2', array(), array('title' =
'Upload Revenue File'));
   echo $this-revnueUploadForm;
echo $this-contentPane()-captureEnd('pane2');
echo $this-tabContainer()-captureEnd('tab1');
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Re: [fw-general] Looking for a complete Complete Zend_Paginator example

2008-10-28 Thread 411161

That helped a lot. Now I get this message with your code and even with my own

Notice: Undefined index: zend_paginator_row_count in
on line 107

Anyone have any idea why? I did not get it with my code before and as I far
as I know I did not change anything. 

monk.e.boy wrote:
 411161 wrote:
 This is what I have so far.
 I threw up this tutorial:
 hope it helps.

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Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework Dojo

2008-10-24 Thread 411161


This tutorial got me up and running. 
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Re: [fw-general] Looking for a complete Complete Zend_Paginator example

2008-10-01 Thread 411161

I don't understand Matt. Could you provide an example?

   public function paginateAction()  {

  $select= $this-db-select()-from( 'runz_miles', 
 'EMPL_NO')-where('empl_no = ?', 31713);

   $this-view-result = $this-db-fetchAll($sql);
   $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($this-view-result);
   $this-view-paginator = $paginator;

Everytime I clock on a link it will come back to this action. Right? SO what
prevents it from not calling the sql again?

Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
 Use a Zend_Db_Select object for your query and pass the instance to
 factory().  If that doesn't suit your needs for some reason, you can
 write your own adapter by implementing Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface or
 extending Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect.
 Hope that helps,
 On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:13 AM, 411161 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks. For some reason, I must have missed all that when I first looked
 the reference guide.

 So what I have done now is, changed my view to add the following:
 ?= $this-paginationControl($this-paginator2, 'Sliding', 'p.phtml'); ?

 And in the p.phtml I have added the code from
 under the heading: Item pagination

 What I am still unsure of is how I can not go to the db each time I click
 one of my links(first, last). I can't seem to find that in the
 documentation. Not sure if this is where sessions come in or what. But I
 hoping to see an example.

 411161 wrote:
  I have it working, but I am not sure how to create links for next,
  first, previous, numbers, etc.. I am also not sure how to handle links
  my controller.
  This is what I have so far.
public function paginateAction()  {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM runz_miles WHERE empl_no = 31713';
$this-view-result = $this-db-fetchAll($sql);
$paginator =
$this-view-paginator = $paginator;
  in my view I have:
  foreach($this-paginator as $key = $row){
echo trtd .$row['EMPL_NO']
  . /td\n;
echo td .$row['PRISM_ORG_CODE']
 . /td/tr\n;
  How do I create the links and I how do I handle the action so that it
  not try and call the sql again?

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Re: [fw-general] Looking for a complete Complete Zend_Paginator example

2008-09-30 Thread 411161

Thanks. For some reason, I must have missed all that when I first looked at
the reference guide.

So what I have done now is, changed my view to add the following:
?= $this-paginationControl($this-paginator2, 'Sliding', 'p.phtml'); ?

And in the p.phtml I have added the code from
under the heading: Item pagination

What I am still unsure of is how I can not go to the db each time I click
one of my links(first, last). I can't seem to find that in the
documentation. Not sure if this is where sessions come in or what. But I was
hoping to see an example.

411161 wrote:
 I have it working, but I am not sure how to create links for next, last,
 first, previous, numbers, etc.. I am also not sure how to handle links in
 my controller. 
 This is what I have so far.
   public function paginateAction()  {
   $sql = 'SELECT * FROM runz_miles WHERE empl_no = 31713';
   $this-view-result = $this-db-fetchAll($sql);
   $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($this-view-result);
   $this-view-paginator = $paginator;
 in my view I have:
 foreach($this-paginator as $key = $row){
   echo trtd .$row['EMPL_NO']
 . /td\n;
   echo td .$row['PRISM_ORG_CODE'] 
 . /td/tr\n;
 How do I create the links and I how do I handle the action so that it will
 not try and call the sql again?

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[fw-general] Zend Framework Dojo

2008-09-17 Thread 411161

I have a really simple question. Since Zend integrates Dojo, do I still have
to download Dojo and is there a good tutorial on how to use them together?
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