Hi All,

I think this topic was discussed here; but somehow I am stuck with it

I have a unicast gmond setup on our cluster. There are compute nodes on
192.168, login nodes on 10.x and 192.168 and the Ganglia server on 10.x
only. I want to forward metrics from 192.168 to the server, preferably
without creating custom routing schemes as it might affect other stuff on
the cluster. So I have following setup:

1) Compute node's  gmond  are deaf and send metrics over 192.168 network
to three of login nodes gmond's. So I have three send channels like this:

udp_send_channel {
  bind_hostname = yes

host = 192.168.x1.y1  port = 8649
  ttl = 3

2) Login nodes receive and send metrics. I want them to receive computes'
metrics over their 192.168 interface and pass metrics to 10.0. network,
where my gmond/gmetad/gweb resides. So their send channel is:

udp_send_channel {
  bind_hostname = yes

host = 10.my-gmetad-ip
port = 8649  ttl = 2

and they supposed to listen to anything?

udp_recv_channel {

port = 8649
# Size of the UDP buffer. If you are handling lots of metrics you really
# should bump it up to e.g. 10MB or even higher.
  buffer = 20971520

3) and the gmond of 10.my-gmetad-ip has similar udp_recv_channel config.

Somehow it doesn't work though; telnet to the TCP port on the server,
10.my-gmetad-ip shows that it gives only the metrics from the login nodes
coming from their 10.x interfaces. The login nodes seem to have the
metrics from compute nodes' 192.168.x interface, as telnet shows, but do
not pass these further, somehow.

I check the metrics as follows:

 telnet 8649 | grep HOST

Could you please suggest, what am I doing wrong in this setup? Is gmond
supposed to forward like this at all? Thank you very much in advance!

Grigory Shamov

Westgrid/ComputeCanada Site Lead
University of Manitoba
E2-588 EITC Building,
(204) 474-9625

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