g_b UNDP's shameful lack of accountability on LGBT rights in South Asia!!

2014-08-24 Thread Aditya B adit.b...@gmail.com [gay_bombay]
UNDP's shameful lack of accountability on LGBT rights in South Asia!!

United Nations Development Program is the nodal agency within the UN system 
tasked with protection and promotion of LGBT rights!!


In South Asia, the UNDP is receiving millions of dollars (without any 
accountability, if one may add) from the GFATM, to do exactly that - protect 
and promote LGBT rights! In international conferences like the recently held 
the International AIDS conference, (MSM Pre Conference) the UNDP was asked 
specifically about what they're doing with the money that they're receiving for 

The two people present, senior functionaries Mandeep Dhaliwal and Edmond 
Settle, refused to answer the question, and said we can discuss it 
bilaterally!! (incidentally this Gent Mr Settle is/has been responsible for 
delivering on those S-Asia funds)!!

They do not talk to activists bilaterally, or even unilaterally, and especially 
not if it's to account for their deeds, lack-of-deeds, or outright misdeeds (as 
in this case)!!

Obfuscation to cover for the blatant waste of resources that should go to 
communities for advocacy on rights is the modus operandii..!! The first phase 
of the GFATM project is over and done with!! Other than one Jambouree in 
Kathmandu, there is nothing that has happened that the community is aware of! 
Their so called High Level advocacy is treated as state secret, and anyone 
who asks questions is threatened outright that all their future findings will 
be curtailed!

It's a noxious oligarchy of a few individuals who are so smitten by the power 
that flows from their control of money, adequately supplied by the GFATM as 
part of a proposal that was developed by the South Asian Community (I was part 
of that development, incidentally) that the very community that they are 
supposed to be serving have now become their playthings! It's a bloody shame!!

 And to top it all, the GFATM has given a go by to all notions of either 
accountability and/or past-performance of UNDP (one may even say propriety), 
and saddle this same UNDP with managing the total funds of the South Asia 
Project in the phase two, in spite of the fact that they wasted the whole money 
that they received in phase one to do the limited job of advocacy!!

Now in some pervert twist of logic, an Thai NGO has been nominated to run the 
South Asia Project!! Where are the South Asian Community in this whole scheme 
of loot and pillage? No one knows, and no one is talking!! They are just 
advocating bilateral ism to shut up questions!! The Thai boys are of course 
clueless!! A few token and favoured South Asians will be hired and seated in 
Bangkok to manage South Asian Community interests!! The actual South Asians 
themselves can of course go to hell!!

And to hell they poor South Asian Community are headed, with the active support 
and collaboration of the UNDP!! The UNDP has gone ahead and funded now, a 
committee that is trying to re-criminalise homosexuality in Nepal with quantum 
of punishment that is even more severe than what was present before their 
Supreme Court Judgment more than 7 years ago!

That judgment was the result of actual community effort and mobilisation, 
orchestrated by Blue Diamond Society under the leadership of Sunil Babu Pant. 
And since then the 7 years of community work in securing the rights of LGBT in 
Nepal will now go down the drain, thanks to UNDP!!

And a bunch of Thai boys sitting in Bangkok and dancing to the dictates of Mr 
settle are supposed to set it right!! The community on the ground can of course 
go to hell!!

But don't ask questions!! They will throw bilateral-ism at you (whatever that 
means) and cut you from the funding!!


The news article:


The country of Nepal whose Supreme Court ruled in 2007 to ensure broad 
protections for LGBT people and whose government was revently looking into 
legalizing same-sex marriage after a Supreme Court decision in 2008. Now 7 year 
later Justice minister Narahari Acharya of the ruling Nepali Congress is 
seeking to enact laws to re criminalize gay sex and make it punishable by 3 
years in prison an even stricter punishment as the old law.  And to make 
matters even worse the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) actually 
funded the original two committees that drafted the new anti-gay laws codes but 
didn’t monuitor them!

Sunil Pant, the country’s first openly gay politician and former member of 
parliament, told Gay Star News in an email:
‘We are really concerned about this attempt of taking Nepal back to draconian 
era after so much progress we made. Unbelievable that the government is going 
all against the Supreme Court decisions on LGBTI rights and other minority and 
marginalized people’s rights in 

g_b (unknown)

2014-08-24 Thread Richard A Ammon mic...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
Criminalizing gays by misusing anti-gay sex law not acceptable, says Mumbai 
chief of ruling party
The Mumbai chief of India’s ruling party, BJP,
says his party is now against the misuse of section 377 and will raise 

the issue in Parliament
17 August 2014 | By Sylvia Tan


g_b Seek to discover the best in others

2014-08-24 Thread dunn...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in 
ourselves. - William Arthur Ward (Positive thinking 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/positive-thinking @ OM)Quoting Martin 
Walsh, When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in 

Be inspired with inspirational maxims from William Arthur Ward 

 http://om.symphonyoflove.net/?attachment_id=1982(Click above for the bigger 

Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right 
people, the ones who really belong in your life, will come to you. And stay. - 
Will Smith (Accepting Yourself 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/accepting-yourself @ OM)

Fret not, the most important thing to do for yourself is accepting the way you 
are because the right people will also accept who you are.

(Click above for the bigger image)

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.  - Arthur Ashe (Take 
action http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#take-action @ OM)

Quoting Robert Louis Stevenson 
 Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. 
We do not need to have the best of everything; just make the most of everything 
that comes along our ways.

(Click above for the bigger image)

If a relationship doesn't make you a better person, it's the wrong one.  - 
Timber Hawkeye (Love http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#love @ OM)

Quoting Paulo Coelho 
 When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. I strongly 
believe in this.

(Click above for the bigger image)

Most people spend their entire lives on a fantasy island called 'Someday I'll 
...' - Denis Waitley (Living life to the fullest 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/living-life-to-the-fullest @ OM)

Quoting Denis Waitley http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/udZKZ, 
Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are 
afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. 
Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier 
to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy.

(Click above for the bigger image)

You can't play it safe your whole life and expect to reach your highest 
potential. You've got to be willing to take some risk.

 - Joel Osteen (more quotes by Joel Osteen 