Regarding yesterday's UN vote approving non-discrimination policy among 
members, the 'world's largest democracy' (by population) refused to vote yea or 
nay on that resolution: India abstained from voting. This is shameful behavior. 
In a country that has known the terror and war of discrimination (Hindu vs 
Muslim) and knows its lethal effects it is unconscionable that India would not 
gladly do all it can to reduce discrimination of any kind. Indian 
decision-makers appear oblivious to the effects of their ignorance regarding 
human sexual diversity. Shame. Shame.

UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting
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| UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains ...India abstained 
from voting on a resolution at UN condemning discrimination based on sexual 
orientation and gender identity. The resolution was passed... |
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      On Saturday, September 27, 2014 3:18 AM, "" 
<> wrote:

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#yiv2352728162ygrp-sponsor #yiv2352728162ygrp-lc .yiv2352728162ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}--> GayBombay           GayBombay   Group
 1 Message
  Digest #5453            1    UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India 
abstains from voting.   by "Jayesh Desai" de_joy


   UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting.

 Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:

   "Jayesh Desai" de_joy
     “Acche din for the community now seem more farfetched”
UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting

India abstained from voting on a resolution at UN condemning discrimination 
based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The resolution was passed by 
25 votes in favour, with 14 against it and 7 absentions. In June this year, 
India had voted in favour of a resolution that excluded LGBT families. 

The Human Rights Council resolution—led by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and 
Uruguay, simply asks the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights to 
gather and publish information on how best to overcome discrimination and 
violence. The resolution is a watered down version of the original resolution, 
which asked for such report to be presented every two years.

The opponent’s of the resolution were primarily a coalition of Islamic Nations, 
called the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and led by Egypt, that attacked 
the resolution by calling it as imposing cultural imperialism and an attack on 
Islam. They had presented a total of 7 amendments to eliminate all reference to 
sexual orientation and gender identity from the text, and make it applicable 
only to countries who proactively declare support for sexual diversity and 
rights. The countries expressed displeasure on the passage of the resolution.

Buzzfeed reported a Saudi Arabia representative as saying, “In my opinion, this 
[resolution] is a human rights violation.” While a Pakistani representative 
called it destructive for the youth and Muslims. “The wider connotation of the 
words ‘sexual orientation’ can be destructive and inimical to our Muslim 
[faith] …and to our youth as a whole,” he said. Kazakhstan, a member of the 
Organization for Islamic Cooperation abstained from the voting.

“The Human Rights Council has taken a fundamental step forward by reaffirming 
one of the United Nations’ key principles—that everyone is equal in dignity and 
rights,” said Jessica Stern, executive director of IGLHRC. “This resolution 
puts the UN on a trajectory to address the discrimination and violence LGBT 
persons suffer daily across the world.”             Reply to sender     .     
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