Re: [gdal-dev] deleting feature exceptions

2008-08-15 Thread Mateusz Loskot

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Attachment of this mail is the example project. Thank you for more 

I've noticed no file attached to the ticket you reported.
Do you mean the attachement as URL in your updating comment?


I'd suggest to attach your file min-projV1.4.rar directly to the ticket 
- hit Attach File button.

For me, the URL you included in the ticket does not return any file, but 
a web page that I can't read  understand, sorry for my ignorance.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot,
Charter Member of OSGeo,
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GRIB2 file produces None on opening

2008-08-15 Thread Lucena, Ivan
Just a comment: There are some grib files generated by SPRING that are 
not compatible with the GRIB driver. It might be a version issue GRIB1, 
GRIB2 or something. Ex.:

C:\Data\SpringDB\SP\SPaulogdalinfo I000355.grb
ERROR 4: `I000355.grb' not recognised as a supported file format.

gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'I000355.grb'.

Mateusz Loskot wrote:

Frank Peacock wrote:


I have a GRIB2 file called a which I have tested and is correct.  I use
the following code:

from osgeo import gdal
src_ds = gdal.Open(a)
print src_ds

The result of the print is None. I have also run a test with a tif 
file and it works correctly producing
osgeo.gdal.Dataset; proxy of Swig Object of type 'GDALDatasetShadow 
*' at


Can anyone help to explain why the GRIB2 file is not being read 


What version of GDAL do you use?
What does the following command return:

$ gdalinfo --formats | grep GRIB

Have you tried to open your dataset using gdalinfo?

Best regards,

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] GRIB2 file produces None on opening

2008-08-15 Thread Limei Ran


I have the same problem.  I just installed 1.5.2 version on Linux. When I do:
gdalinfo --formats | grep GRIB

Nothing came out.  Also when I do:
gdalinfo abc.grb I got: not recognised as a supported file format

My grb file is GRIB2 format.  Do we need to download the GRIB driver 
before the installation?


Limei Ran, Research Associate
Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development
the Institute for the Environment University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bank of American Plaza - CB#6116
137 E. Franklin, Room 661
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-6116

Phone:  919-966-2245

Quoting Lucena, Ivan:

Just a comment: There are some grib files generated by SPRING that 
are not compatible with the GRIB driver. It might be a version issue 
GRIB1, GRIB2 or something. Ex.:

C:\Data\SpringDB\SP\SPaulogdalinfo I000355.grb
ERROR 4: `I000355.grb' not recognised as a supported file format.

gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'I000355.grb'.

Mateusz Loskot wrote:

Frank Peacock wrote:


I have a GRIB2 file called a which I have tested and is correct.  I use
the following code:

from osgeo import gdal
src_ds = gdal.Open(a)
print src_ds

The result of the print is None. I have also run a test with a tif 
file and it works correctly producing

osgeo.gdal.Dataset; proxy of Swig Object of type 'GDALDatasetShadow *' at

Can anyone help to explain why the GRIB2 file is not being read correctly.


What version of GDAL do you use?
What does the following command return:

$ gdalinfo --formats | grep GRIB

Have you tried to open your dataset using gdalinfo?

Best regards,

gdal-dev mailing list

gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Disabiling Geos messages via OGR

2008-08-15 Thread Brent Fraser

I'm using OGR's Geos functions (e.g. OGRGeometry::IsValid) to process some polygons.  
Geos spits out messages to console (stderr?) like Warning 1: Self-intersection at 
or near point   Is there a way to disable these messages via OGR?

Brent Fraser
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Guidance sought on using gdal-translate

2008-08-15 Thread Frank Warmerdam
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Christopher Hunt
 Hi again Frank et. al,

 I've made some progress. The aerial image provider now tells me that it is
 projected as OSGB 1936 which I believe is EPSG:27700. Thus if I use a
 command like:

 gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:27700 -a_ullr 

 then I should be able to create my GeoTIFF.

 Unfortunately the image provider hasn't provided the top left/bottom right
 coords so I'm going to Google Earth to approximate them (yes, ugly I know).
 I'm hopeful that the actual top left/bottom right will ultimately be
 provided to me, but meanwhile I want to ensure that the a_ullr parameters I
 provide will be in metres i.e. eastings and northings from the OSGB 1936
 origin. Is this correct?


I believe EPSG:27700 is British National Grid which is a projected
coordinate system based on the OSGB 1936 datum.  So you should
ensure the provider means the dataset is actually in BNG, in addition
to being based on OSGB 1936.

If you can get BNG coordinates then that is great.  If you can only
get WGS84 or OSGB1936 lat/long coordinates then you can
convert these to BNG using a program like cs2cs though that is
a bit tricky.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
gdal-dev mailing list