[gecko]Re: Thecadactylus husbandry and paper

2009-10-15 Thread Gekkotan Gekkotan
Thanks for the info, guys
I have keeping them in a 45x40x30 plastic terrarium individualy. I have 2
and one of them had the tail autotomized, so, I would prefer to wait for it
get recovered before breeding attempts. I have here this article and some
others which I learned a little about the ecology of the species and, with
these info you gave me, I think keeping them will be a bit easier.
I am just in a trouble with sexing them. They have no pre cloacal or femoral
pores. I have some experience with Phyllopezus and I learned to sex them in
some modified scales near cloaca. They doesnt look cloacal spurs at all, but
have some diferences between them. I tryied to look for it in Thecadactylus,
but I thought a lot of subjetivity. I hope they are a pair as I cant get

Thanks for all the replies


[gecko]Re: Thecadactylus husbandry and paper

2009-10-14 Thread Gekkotan Gekkotan
Thanks Lyle, that would be great! Can you pass me his email?
best wishes
