On 31/10/17 18:43, Ray via Geeqie-devel wrote:
  Is there a way to set Geeqie to send .DNG and .CR2 raw files to Rawtherapee (RT) instead of the .JPG thumbnail?

The association almost gets it right by not having RT visible in edit menus when no raw filetypes are found, but it is sending the .jpg file of a group instead of the raw file, which can lead to a fair amount of hair pulling, something already in short supply. I'm currently running ver3.1 on xubuntu 16.04lts using Zesty repos to solve dependencies. I can probably compile from source if needed but I'm hoping for an easier fix.

This seems to be a bit of a problem. I have made an entry on Geeqie's GitHub project page:


I guess it will be a while before a suitable solution is found.

You can, of course, simply disable file grouping - which is a pain.

There is a way to achieve this -  it is somewhat complicated, but if you need a short term answer this is the only one I can think of.

You must create a new desktop file - Edit/Preferences/Configure Editors - called e.g. my_rt.desktop

Call a shell script from the desktop file - e.g.Exec = /home/wherever/my_rt.sh %f

In the script file put something approximately like:


set -- $(geeqie -r --get-sidecars:"$1")

while (( "$#" )); do

if [[ "$1" == *".DNG" ]]; then
 rawtherapee "$1"
if [[ "$1" == *".dng" ]]; then
 rawtherapee "$1"



Sorry, that's the best I can suggest at the moment. (n.b. The above only works if you select a single group)

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