On 30.05.19 18:03, Oliver Freyermuth wrote:
> Am 30.05.19 um 16:32 schrieb Khaosgrille:
>> Hi,
>> i got a rockpro64 and a sopine cluster. I installed Gentoo on the rockpro64 
>> and I would like to use the cluster as a compile cluster. Currently I am 
>> using Icecream (Icecc) which works fine but i would like to know if there is 
>> something better. (Is there an ez way to compile several packages at once? 
>> right now the load on the cluster is alway very low)
> this might be trivial:
> In addition to MAKEOPTS="-jX" which applies to each package singularly, you 
> can also use "emerge -jX"
> (or put that in EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS) to have several packages configure and 
> compile at the same time in parallel,
> as long as the dependency tree allows for it. 
> You may also be interested in "--load-average=X" for emerge / "-lX" for 
> MAKEOPTS to prevent either one of these from making the load explode on the 
> local node. 
That's right!

Are you sure a "Workload manager" is needed? Normally this kind of
software is just needed in case you're having different and concurrent
users or jobs on the system.
Slurm etc. ... are not for parallelism... they just implement a queue to
prevent an overcommitting of the CPUs/Mem. . But if you and your jobs
are alone... there is no benefit (except for learning purposes).
Also, the real parallelism technique (behind Slurm... etc.) is called MPI.
Have a look at: https://www.open-mpi.org/ (mpirun -np ...)

As far as I know distcc and others working completely different. There
is no way of combining MPI and distcc.
MPI (e.g. openmpi), OpenMP, pthreads are different concepts. And 'dist'
in 'cc' means there is already a distribution logic behind.
First, checkout what Oliver Freyermuth wrotes.


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