Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] Performance tuning and parallelisation

2021-08-31 Thread Ed W
On 26/08/2021 17:38, Marco Sirabella wrote:
> -
> Hi Ed,
> I’ve taken a dabble at trying to track down portage’s bottlenecks (and have 
> stopped for the time
> being at solving them :/ )
> Can anyone give me a leg up on how I could benchmark this further and 
> look for the hotspot?
> Perhaps someone understand the architecture of this point more intimately 
> and could point at
> whether there are opportunities to do some of the processing on mass, 
> rather than per file?
> From my notes at the timem, it looks like yappi 
> <> worked a bit
> better than python’s built in cProfile for me because it properly dove into 
> async calls. I used
> snakeviz <> for visualizing the profile 
> results.
> I was taking a look at depclean, but I found similarly that a lot of 
> duplicate process was being
> done due to encapsulated abstractions not being able to communicate that the 
> same thing was being
> done multiple times eg removing each package processes a massive json 
> structure for each package
> removed, although I opted to work on the more-understandable unicode 
> conversions.
> My stalled progress can be found here: #700 
> <>. Lost the
> drive to continue for now unfortunately :<
> Good luck! Looking forward to your optimizations
> – Marco Sirabella

Hi All, thanks for the replies. Wow, Marco, that patch touches a lot of 

OK, I will start by trying to get the profilers going and work from there...

(Alec, to avoid replying separately: Thanks for your notes. Yes, I am not clear 
which of the
install/merge phases specifically is the culprit, but it feels like something 
in that area is
"slow", especially when run under qemu user mode. I think using qmerge won't 
work for my build
script, but great idea to use it for benchmarking to narrow things down - 

Thanks all

Ed W

[gentoo-portage-dev] Performance tuning and parallelisation

2021-08-26 Thread Ed W
Hi All

Consider this a tentative first email to test the water, but I have started to 
look at performance
of particularly the install phase of the emerge utility and I could use some 
guidance on where to go

Firstly, to define the "problem": I have found gentoo to be a great base for 
building custom
distributions and I use it to build a small embedded distro which runs on a 
couple of different
architectures. (Essentially just a "ROOT=/something emerge $some_packages"). 
However, I use some
packaging around binpackages to avoid uncessary rebuilds, and this highlights 
that "building" a
complete install using only binary packages rarely gets over a load of 1. Can 
we do better than
this? Seems to be highly serialised on the install phase of copying the files 
to the disk?

(Note I use parallel build and parallel-install flags, plus --jobs=N. If there 
is code to compile
then load will shoot up, but simply installing binpackages struggles to get the 
load over about
0.7-1.1, so presumably single threaded in all parts?)

Now, this is particularly noticeable where I cheated to build my arm install 
and just used qemu
user-mode on an amd64 host (rather than using cross-compile). Here it's very 
noticeable that the
install/merge phase of the build is consuming much/most of the install time. 

eg, random example (under qemu user mode)

# time ROOT=/tmp/timetest emerge -1k --nodeps openssl

>>> Emerging binary (1 of 1) dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1k-r1::gentoo for 
>>> /tmp/timetest/
real    0m30.145s
user    0m29.066s
sys    0m1.685s

Running the same on the native host is about 5-6sec, (and I find this ratio 
fairly consistent for
qemu usermode, about 5-6x slower than native)

If I pick another package with fewer files, then I will see this 5-6 secs drop, 
suggesting (without
offering proof) that the bulk of the time here is some "per file" processing.

Note this machine is a 12 core AMD ryzen 3900x with SSDs that bench around the 
4GB/s+. So really 5-6
seconds to install a few files is relatively "slow". Random benchmark on this 
machine might be that
I can backup 4.5GB of chroot with tar+zstd in about 4 seconds.

So the question is: I assume that further parallelisation of the install phase 
will be difficult,
therefore the low hanging fruit here seems to be the install/merge phase and 
why there seems to be
quite a bit of CPU "per file installed"? Can anyone give me a leg up on how I 
could benchmark this
further and look for the hotspot? Perhaps someone understand the architecture 
of this point more
intimately and could point at whether there are opportunities to do some of the 
processing on mass,
rather than per file?

I'm not really a python guru, but interested to poke further to see where the 
time is going.

Many thanks

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] rfc: bash arrays in OpenRC

2011-07-13 Thread Ed W
On 12/07/2011 16:54, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 baselayout-1 vs openrc isnt the issue.  it's bash array support vs
 flat strings.  the former is supported in baselayout-1, and should be
 supported in openrc.  William is talking about dropping support from
 openrc and i've laid out the way to get from here to there.

The original vision for OpenRC was that it should be posix compliant.
Please don't revert to using bash features because it creates a
dependency on bash that then makes it hard to support small platforms
such as busybox

At present OpenRC works very nicely on a minimal (embedded) system using
uclibc/busybox in a couple of MB.  Its also decently fast and oldnet
actually seems to work quite nicely for a headless, but heavily dynamic
environment like a router with USB things getting plugged/unplugged

Thanks for listening...

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] rfc: bash arrays in OpenRC

2011-07-13 Thread Ed W
On 13/07/2011 19:19, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 13:36:29 Ed W wrote:
 On 12/07/2011 16:54, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 baselayout-1 vs openrc isnt the issue.  it's bash array support vs
 flat strings.  the former is supported in baselayout-1, and should be
 supported in openrc.  William is talking about dropping support from
 openrc and i've laid out the way to get from here to there.

 The original vision for OpenRC was that it should be posix compliant.
 Please don't revert to using bash features because it creates a
 dependency on bash that then makes it hard to support small platforms
 such as busybox
 please read the thread (again?).  no one is talking about requiring bash.

Fair enough.  I misunderstood we should support bash arrays as meaning
bash will become required...

Openrc works very nicely - many thanks to all who built and maintain it!

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] avoiding urgent stabilizations

2011-02-27 Thread Ed W
 and build time 
dependencies separately? eg you might need gzip to build something, but 
not to run it?

So far I think you could easily convert your briegel recipes to a simple 
ebuild script and run them side by side? It's actually such an easy 
thing to do, to build a new stage2/3/4 that it's a shame folks don't do 
it more!

Good luck

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] avoiding urgent stabilizations

2011-02-26 Thread Ed W
 a bit I think you will find some 
recipes for very minimal VMs using this method where the base VM is a 
very minimal install...

Is there some way to drop at least parts of the standard system set,
so eg. portage, python, gcc, etc, etc get unmerged by --depclean
if nobody else (in world set) doesn't explicitly require them ?

You are almost thinking about it all wrong.  (There is no spoon...)

This is gentoo, so at this more advanced level, stop thinking about 
standard system set and instead free your mind to start with 
nothing.  Go read the old bootstrap from stage 1 instructions, plus 
the TinyGentoo pages and you can quickly see that Catalyst builds your 
working installation by starting from a working installation, creating 
an empty directory, adding some minimal packages to that directory and 
building up from there.

So absolutely nothing stops you from just starting with an empty 
directory and just emerging a few basic packages into it (couple MB) and 
then chrooting into it and having some fun...  There is *no* minimal 
package set, you can install whatever you want (as long as it boots). 
Largely the portage dependency tracker will help you pull in the minimal 
needed dependencies, but beware that system packages arent generally 
explicitly tracked so you may stumble across some deps when you are 
going really basic and omiting standard system packages (just use common 
sense: it should be fairly obvious if an application requires a compiler 
and you didn't install one then you have a conflict of interest...)

Have another look at gentoo!  I definitely believe that it's flexibility 
to build you highly customised packages, plus strong templating of those 
packages, plus decent ability to distribute binaries of the end result 
is a very strong combo!  Better binary support is really the only thing 
missing here, but it's pretty adequate as it stands!

Good luck

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] avoiding urgent stabilizations

2011-02-25 Thread Ed W

On 21/02/2011 00:11, Enrico Weigelt wrote:

* Markos  schrieb:

My suggestion, as I said to fosdem, is to freeze, or take a
snapshot if you like, of the current tree, stabilize what you
need to stabilize, test the whole tree ( at least compile wise )
for a couple of weeks and then replace the existing stable tree.

hmm, would it make sense to add a new masking for the testing
tree, so users could decide which stability grade vs they wish ?
or perhaps use overlays for that ?

For example, I'd like to have the critical packages (everything
that's needed to bootup and do basic remote maintenance) from
the new frozen-stable tree, but other things should stay as
they are.

Perhaps this is an argument for a git based portage tree?  Master can 
stay as the current status quo and anyone who wants to can maintain a 
branch or fork which points to a slightly different subset of the tree?

I doubt we actually have the capacity to make this work, but it would at 
least in theory be cool to have a (weekly/monthly) branch which gets 
cut, run through a tinderbox in various forms and then pushed?  Or if 
someone wants to maintain a redhat style antique set of packages where 
the tree is largely held back to 2005 state with only bug fixes and 
essential packages bumped?

Just thinking...

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] avoiding urgent stabilizations

2011-02-25 Thread Ed W


I'm starting to put together a portage/stable server configuration for a large
number of gentoo VM's that will eventually be hosted on a VMware ESX 4.1U1
cluster - with the goal of limiting major changes to once/year and otherwise
only applying security/minimum necessary updates.  I doubt it will be easy but
I'm doing my best at it :)

This sounds very interesting.  I haven't yet plugged through your blog, 
but just to chime in:

I maintain a, likely much smaller, number of VMs using linux vservers.  
The approach here is to almost cut each machine down to a chroot that 
runs only one (or thereabouts) interesting service.  To do this I have 
found customised portage profiles to be the under-plugged secret since 
they allow you to basically push a set of packages which should be 
installed and control per type of vm use flags and package keywords 
(eg I have www-nginx, www-apache, mail, proxy, mysql, ftp, etc 
profiles).  Additionally I have a small overlay of local ebuilds that 
sit in the same tree

Up until now I haven't really made any effort to sync this whole tree 
across multiple physical machines and it's a bit of an ad-hoc process.  
Using something like git would probably be perfect

The still missing step is configuration management across the machine 
types, eg I want to upgrade all my Apache-WWW class machines and merge 
in all changes in /etc in a certain way... At the moment I just run 
dispatch-conf across all machines, but it can be quite boring merging 20 
instances of sshd.conf...  Seems like Puppet/Chef could be a solution 
here, but the step up and investment to make it work seems pretty large?

It does appear like managing large numbers of virtual machines is one 
are that gentoo could score very well?  Interested to see any chatter on 
how others solve this problem, or any general advocacy?  Probably we 
should start a new thread though...


Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Gentoo Phoenix] an official Gentoo wiki

2010-06-07 Thread Ed W


Show me a wiki that makes it easy to create tables, for example, compare 
RadeonProgram from the wiki:

||-2 style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''Native''' ||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''R100''' ||style=text-align: center; 
background-color: #66  '''R200''' ||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''R300''' ||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''R400''' 
||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''RS690''' ||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''R500''' ||style=text-align: center; 
background-color: #66  '''R600''' ||style=text-align: center; background-color: #66  '''R700''' ||

. . . that's one line of cells. One. Ugly. Compare it to:

   tiThis is an example for indentation/ti
   timore stuff/ti

Which is easier to read and instantly comprehend?

Yes, but the wiki layout is badly written, you should be comparing it to:

|| '''Native''' || '''R100''' || '''R200''' || '''R300''' || '''R400''' || 
'''RS690''' || '''R500''' || '''R600''' || '''R700''' ||

I think this reads ok?  In fact with a bit of thought from some premade 
styles even the ''' bit should go?

By moving to a wiki, you'll lose a huge percentage of what GuideXML can do, in exchange for 
quicker and easier editing and creation of docs, though neither of these 
have been qualified.

I think this summarises the basic tradeoff - you trade editing speed for 
simplicity of syntax and readability.  Clearly as your example shows 
it's possible to write complicated looking stuff in any syntax though, 
but in general wiki's win where the content is most important and 
styling is done separately using CSS (a bit like guideXML really)

  As some others on this list have mentioned, wiki syntax is downright ugly and 
simply not as consistent or readable as plain ol' XML or HTML.

I think this is a point of contention.  Certainly it was a design goal 
for the wiki syntax to be simple and easily readable, but one man's 
simple is another mans XML...

 From what I've seen, the biggest objection to GuideXML is folks don't want to 
take the time to learn a few tags. Well, you'll have to learn tags and syntax 
for either system, so pick your poison. I've yet to see a wiki that even has as 
much sense as HTML, which is pretty low on the totem pole of consistency.

Actually I think GuideXML is excellent - if there is a wiki style engine 
which allows you to post in GuideXML then we should do it?

I think it's not an objection to the GuideXML which is the problem, but 
creating a system which can be edited quickly and easily in a granular 
fashion.  Eg imagine all the guideXML docs being in a git repo with open 
access to pull/push changes - you could build a web engine around that 
which rebuilds the web pages interactively as people push edits and this 
would be cool!  In the meantime wiki's are just trying to solve the same 
goal of easy edits with small granularity of edits

However, I love the idea of a wiki based around git using GuideXML! 
(probably it kind of works like this right now - I think it's the access 
control which is the secret sauce...)

I ain't out to stop ya'll from using a wiki. I do agree that they have some 
advantages. However, I will point out how limited wikis are. They're not a 
magic bullet that will solve all our problems.


Good luck

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Gentoo Phoenix] an official Gentoo wiki

2010-06-07 Thread Ed W

On 05/04/2010 03:43, Ben de Groot wrote:

On 5 April 2010 03:13, Joshua  wrote:

Let the renderer take care of the final rendering, as really, tags and markup 
are all arbitrary. What should matter is how it appears in your webbrowser, 
since that'll vary from the source view anyways.

So why are you such a staunch defender of GuideXML then? If markup is
arbitrary really, then why not allow people to use what is convenient?


I do think arguing about the syntax is the wrong target (as I think you 
agree above).

The magic of a wiki is:

- Focus on the text and not on the formatting
- Goal of simplicity to bang in a bunch of content without needing to 
worry about formatting
- Granularity of edits, eg edit a single word and not get overwritten by 
another change which edits a different single word

- Web based editing from any machine without installing stuff
- Extremely low barriers to contributing

I think these goals could be satisfied by a decent system around 
GuideXML as much as from an arbitrary Wiki engine?

The real magic is in getting lots of users to start contributing and 
that largely comes from having very few barriers to contributing.

If you remember the original Wikipedia it involved requiring to pass 
some tests to become a contributor and it was basically a closed editor 
system.  It failed dismally... The revamped wikipedia allowed anyone to 
edit and whilst we can debate the merits of the final product, it's 
certainly been popular.  So I claim that low barriers to entry and ease 
of editing is the real target - the markup is important, but definitely 
secondary to the engine itself

Good luck

Ed W

Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: News item for removal of 2008.0 and old hardened profiles

2010-03-05 Thread Ed W

On 05/03/2010 18:54, Mike Frysinger wrote:

On Thursday 04 March 2010 11:08:52 Samuli Suominen wrote:

Attached you can find the news item for up coming profile cleanup.

do profiles really need to be culled this often ?  we used to let the tail run
longer and no one complained.  it's easier to upgrade an old system when the
current profile is sane than having to create one from scratch because the new
profile uses features not actively available.

i.e. let's set a limit of like 3 years on profiles

I think I have mostly upgraded my machines, but I completely agree - I 
sometimes let some old virtual machines sit unbooted for a year and then 
suddenly want to use them and bring them up to date and occasionally 
this can be a right old pain in the derrier...

Surely 4 months is too short a warning for profiles which can easily be 
simply left to rot instead?

[gentoo-dev] OpenRC + Bridge + Tap not working as expected?

2009-02-19 Thread Ed W
Hi, I am using openrc 0.4.2 and trying to setup a bridge for use with
openvpn.  Starting the bridge (/etc/init.d/br0 start) doesn't seem to be
correctly bringing up the dependent interfaces (should it?)

When I try and bring up my bridge I get only this:

# /etc/init.d/br0 start
* Bringing up interface br0
*   Destroying bridge br0...
* Removing port eth0... [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
*   Creating bridge br0...
*   Adding ports to br0
* eth0... [ ok ]
* tap0...SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
interface tap0 does not exist!
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
 [ !! ]
* ERROR: net.br0 failed to start

then I check:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:21:19:09:8d
  inet6 addr: fe80::21b:21ff:fe19:98d/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:9717 errors:4 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
  TX packets:5923 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:1326386 (1.2 MiB)  TX bytes:1079556 (1.0 MiB)
  Base address:0xa000 Memory:e902-e904

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:4243 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:4243 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:570436 (557.0 KiB)  TX bytes:570436 (557.0 KiB)

(Curious eth0 is up... Lets try and stop it)
#/etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop

* WARNING: net.eth0 is already stopped

If I simply start the tap0 and eth0 interfaces deliberately first then
everything runs fine.  My understanding though is that the bridge should
bring up dependent interfaces?

Config in /etc/conf.d/net

config_eth0=( null )
config_tap0=( promisc )
bridge_br0=eth0 tap0
config_br0=( )
routes_br0=( default via )
# Make the bridge depend on tap0 / eth0
RC_NEED_br0=net.eth0 net.tap0

Any suggestions on how to fix?


Ed W

[gentoo-dev] OT: OpenRC - thanks Roy

2008-06-16 Thread Ed W
Hi,  bit off topic, but there hasn't been much discussion of the OpenRC 
progress recently - I just wanted to say a bit thanks to Roy for his 
work on this - it's been working well on my vservers for a good few 
months now, but I hadn't realised just how fast it was until I converted 
my mythtv box to OpenRC... At first I thought my splash screen was 
busted, but no it booted the whole machine and had the window manager 
running in about the time is used to take the splash screen to start to 
spin...  Absolutely stunning!

Thanks Roy and hope we can look forward to this becoming stable in the 
near future?

Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Baselayout-2 progress?

2008-03-01 Thread Ed W

Hmm, all interesting stuff

You mention in the notes also that openrc has some kind of keepalive 
function which can restart crashing services.  Can point me towards how 
that works (assuming it needs some kind of config?)

I haven't had any time yet to try this on a test machine, but interested 
to give it a whirl on my embedded (busybox+uclibc) target...


Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for March

2008-03-01 Thread Ed W
At one time there were some apps which reported back usage from 
people's systems and showed package versions in use?  Now, whilst this 
in itself is not an indication of package quality or bug-freeness.  
Perhaps it would be an interesting datastream to assist in deciding 
whether to mark a package stable or not?

An incremental improvement to such a plan might be to consider how to 
split the data into high quality devs and testers running stuff stuff, 
keen users and dev boxes (which might be crashing and are of low quality).

Sure it's a fairly low quality data source, but it might give a bit of 
confidence to take a punt unmasking a package if you can see that others 
are using it actively?

Just my 2p

Ed W
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Baselayout-2 progress?

2008-02-29 Thread Ed W

Is it dead..?  Is anyone still working on it?

I have had a lot of success using it for linux vservers and in an 
embedded build. Would really hate to see it stall though...?

What are the big picture items still missing?  Seems that it's close to 
becoming a stable upgrade?  I have filed a few minor bugs against it 
(some more to come) - is there anything I can do to help progress 
development further?


Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Baselayout-2 progress?

2008-02-29 Thread Ed W


baselayout-2 was renamed to openrc when Roy left Gentoo as an official 

Answering my own question (for the record). I found some explanation here:

Does Roy hang out here?  Roy: Is this intended to be a baselayout 
replacement?  How likely is this to be on-track to become a gentoo 
official baselayout?  Do you (try to) support busybox and vserver 

Don't know. Yes. Very. Yes  Yes.

Excellent - this is exciting to hear

On the other hand since there still isn't a masked ebuild in portage 
(and I seem some notes on my on Roy's site) then I have to assume that 
in fact we are still a good way away from calling it a replacement and 
starting to push it out to users?

Would it not make sense to start to snapshot some builds and push openrc 
out for testing?  (Seems like a gentoo job rather than an upstream is 
the reason I ask here?)


Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Baselayout-2 progress?

2008-02-29 Thread Ed W

Alon Bar-Lev wrote:

Check out OpenRC it is baselayout successor and works great!

Funnily enough I came across this earlier today for different reasons.  
However, I hadn't realised that it was a full baselayout competitor?

Does Roy hang out here?  Roy: Is this intended to be a baselayout 
replacement?  How likely is this to be on-track to become a gentoo 
official baselayout?  Do you (try to) support busybox and vserver 


Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] baselayout-2 LVM

2007-09-02 Thread Ed W


  09 May 2007; Doug Goldstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] +files/lvm.rc,
  added baselayout-2 compatible init script from bug #175983

For lvm2 this was added without increasing the ebuild revision, but later 
there were some updates of lvm2, so all users of ~arch that are up to date 
should have this.

OK, masked was the wrong word.  Perhaps I should have said unstable 
or keyworded.

Anyway, yes, installing that newer lvm2 fixed the problems.  Probably 
worth a note somewhere in the upgrade docs anyway


Ed W
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-dev] baselayout-2 LVM

2007-08-31 Thread Ed W

Is it *supposed* to NOT startup automatically out of the box?

Looks like there are some emails on this list about there being only 
stubs to support LVM, etc.  I found some startup functions in 
rcscripts/addons, but nothing to actually call them at startup?  There 
is some stuff in conf.d/volumes which suggests that there is support for 
changing the scan order, but again, couldn't spot anything which used it?

I simply copied /etc/init.d/device-mapper and tweaked it as shown below 
and now LVM starts up at boot for me (note that I am using it on top of 
md raid1 in case that's relevant).  Perhaps this could be added to the 
new baselayout unless there is a better solution?


Ed W

# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header:  Exp $

depend() {
   if [ -e /lib/ ]; then
   # on baselayout-1 this causes
   # a dependency loop with checkroot (before *)
   before checkroot

start() {
   if [ ! -e /lib/ ]; then
   eerror The ${SVCNAME} init script is written for 

   eerror Please do not use it with baselayout-1
   return 1

   . /lib/rcscripts/addons/

stop() {
   if [ ! -e /lib/ ]; then
   eerror The ${SVCNAME} init script is written for 

   eerror Please do not use it with baselayout-1
   return 1

   . /lib/rcscripts/addons/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] baselayout-2 LVM

2007-08-31 Thread Ed W

You will basically need to remerge sys-fs/lvm2 and sys-fs/device-mapper and 

Darn, sorry for the noise

Didn't think to check the masked packages - however, there it is clear 
as day in the changelog...


Ed W
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] baselayout-2 stablisation plans

2007-08-23 Thread Ed W

Regarding init scripts.
Init scripts should now be strictly bourne or POSIX shell. ie, no
bashisms. bash init scripts will work, but ONLY if /bin/sh is bash.
Shells as /bin/sh that I've tested and found to be working are
FreeBSD sh

Also, as there's no bashisms, that also means no bash arrays. 

I presume that this is hitting the /etc/init.d/util-vserver startup scripts

/usr/lib/util-vserver/functions: line 778: `pkgmgmt.guessStyle': not a 
valid identifier

Where to log a bug?  What's the simplest way to temporarily workaround this?


Ed W
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Summary] tentative x86 arch team glep

2005-09-12 Thread Ed W

| Is there any possibility that easier low quality contribution makes
| the high quality contributions easier?

Only to the extent that they get me to write better documentation :)

| Look at wikipedia - it's amazing that such high quality work (in 
| general) can come from lightly peer review material with low barriers

| to entry.
| Clearly not an appropriate model here, but I can't help wondering if 
| there is not another way...

Well... Sometimes maintainer-wanted ebuilds are worked upon by multiple
people. It happens, but not very often.

I was pondering this last night.

Whilst there is clearly no substitute for a high quality standard for 
x86, etc, it seems to me that we are missing a trick with all the 
maintainer wanted ebuilds which tend to be scattered around the web. 

It seems to me that perhaps it would be useful to have a centralised 
development area where stuff can gestate before making it into the 
testing pool that we have today.  It could be argued that this exists 
and is called bugzilla, but I wonder if we can do better?

What about adding another layer (or two) to the flags so that 
development ebuilds can be developed centrally to gentoo and hence 
available in portage, but lowering the barrier to entry.  At the 
simplest this could be used to allow a non core developer to bump an 
ebuild to a new version in response to some release.  It goes into the 
highly unstable section which shouldn't be seen by any normal person, 
yet at the same time makes it available to the kiddies who like to test 
the latest and greatest.

Now, the follow on to this idea is as follows: It seems to me to be a 
little arbitrary when something goes stable and I find myself with a 
number of ~ flags set on an otherwise fairly stable system (I dare say 
you have a different opinion, but remember I am looking from the outside 

Now, at one point in the past there was a gentoo package which phoned 
home and reported which version of every package you were using.  Could 
these statistics not be used to help direct development time to the most 
useful areas?  I'm thinking along the lines of noticing that 90% of the 
userbase is running a version of xmltv which is 5 versions newer than 
the stable one, hence it's probably fairly stable, and in need up being 
marked as stable...

These statistics could also be used as a first line quality check for 
any ebuilds in the proposed development ebuild area.  So for example, 
if there is a hard-core of users using my pmwiki ebuild (which is 
currently marked as maintainer wanted), then this is a clue that it 
must be fairly stable and popular and worth including (since it will 
probably require minimal effort).

It seems like this would go some way towards easing the easy 
development bits and giving everyone more time to work on the important 
stuff, whilst also making use of the distributed testing effort of some 
of the more adventurous users...


Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Summary] tentative x86 arch team glep

2005-09-11 Thread Ed W

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 18:03:37 +0100 Ed W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| As an outsider reading that summary the message *I* read is that
| there is some strain over fitting the development model into
| stable, ~, and package.mask.  I think I see people basically
| saying that they have differing views over what qualifies for each
| level?

The system basically works. The problems are:

* It's not always used correctly.
* It's not entirely understood by some users.
* Some users think it should be easier to unmask a group of related

Might there be an option 4 which is that a slightly different system 
might stop everyone bitching over the current one and hence avoid 
wasting some time?  Nope, no idea what that would be, but the thought 
does occur when you see some time being wasted on trivial issues...

| Also, as someone who has submitted a few patches and some ebuilds and 
| then seen nothing happen to them and my offers to act as maintainer

| have gone unresponded I also wonder if there is some way to make
| better use of casual contributors like me? (I'm not bitter, it's just
| that I feel I could contribute more, but don't know how to?)

The problem is... Getting someone ready to be able to commit to the
main tree is expensive in terms of existing developer time. The
solution isn't lowering the standards for commit access, because that
just leads to even more wasted developer time. There's the two tier
system that gets proposed every now and again, but that would a)
require svn rather than cvs and b) require that certain people who
currently have main tree access be moved to branch access only.

A bigger tree is all well and good, but the tree we have right now is
only half maintained...

Is there any possibility that easier low quality contribution makes the 
high quality contributions easier?

Look at wikipedia - it's amazing that such high quality work (in 
general) can come from lightly peer review material with low barriers to 

Clearly not an appropriate model here, but I can't help wondering if 
there is not another way...

I did read the FAQ here and I take your point though:

Thanks for listening

Ed W
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] [Summary] tentative x86 arch team glep

2005-09-06 Thread Ed W
As an outsider reading that summary the message *I* read is that there 
is some strain over fitting the development model into stable, ~, 
and package.mask.  I think I see people basically saying that they 
have differing views over what qualifies for each level?

Perhaps part of the solution is to review the current list of levels 
of stability?  Debian for example use several levels with something 
like: stable, unstable, testing, development (or whatever they are 
called).  Perhaps something more like that would be useful for gentoo?

I do know as a user it can be quite frustrating trying to find the 
ebuild for a package and having to dig around bugs.gentoo, and some 
other website, then patch up a dodgy ebuild found on some website, etc, 
etc.  Perhaps it would be more useful to have development quality 
ebuilds straight from portage (labelled as dangerous and unstable of 
course) and then I could more easily file back patches to fix problems 
that I find, and development would be more centralised...?

Also, as someone who has submitted a few patches and some ebuilds and 
then seen nothing happen to them and my offers to act as maintainer have 
gone unresponded I also wonder if there is some way to make better use 
of casual contributors like me? (I'm not bitter, it's just that I feel I 
could contribute more, but don't know how to?)

Good luck.  I'm a big gentoo fan.  I hope this extends gentoos lead even 

All the best

Ed W
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Where to post bug report/questions about webapp-config?

2005-08-23 Thread Ed W


(I previously sent this message directly to Stuart and got no reply - is
there a better mailing list to discuss this stuff?)

I am writing an ebuild for sql-ledger an accounting package for small
businesses.  I am hitting a problem with symlinks not being copied
across to the virtual directory

Consider the original installed dir:
tb htdocs # ls -al /usr/share/webapps/sql-ledger/2.4.14/htdocs/
total 115
drwxr-xr-x  10 root root  1000 Jul 30 00:18 .
drwxr-xr-x   7 root root   328 Jul 30 00:18 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   624 Jul 30 00:18 SL
-rw-r--r--   2 root root 7 Jul 30 00:18 VERSION
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 8 Jul 30 00:18 -
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4195 Jul 30 00:18
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
drwxr-xr-x   5 root root   120 Jul 30 00:18 bin
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root80 Jul 30 00:18 css
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
-rw-r--r--   2 root root  3638 Jul 30 00:18 favicon.ico
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
-rw-r--r--   2 root root   177 Jul 30 00:18 index.html
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
drwxr-xr-x  42 root root  1008 Jul 30 00:18 locale
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root root  3055 Jul 30 00:18
-rw-r--r--   2 root root 12774 Jul 30 00:18 menu.ini
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 5 Jul 30 00:18 -
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root root 10020 Jul 30 00:18
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root72 Jul 30 00:18 spool
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  3872 Jul 30 00:18 sql
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1034 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.conf
-rw-r--r--   2 root root  1034 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.conf.default
-rw-r--r--   2 root root 28551 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.gif
-rw-r--r--   2 root root  3594 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.png
drwxr-x--x   2 root root 17040 Jul 30 00:18 templates
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   112 Jul 30 00:18 users

Now, see the results of using webapp-config -I:

tb htdocs # ls -al /var/www/localhost/htdocs/sql-ledger/
total 259
drwxr-xr-x  10 root   root  640 Jul 30 00:20 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   root 1408 Jul 30 00:19 ..
-rw---   1 root   root  327 Jul 30 00:20 .webapp
-rw-r--r--   1 root   root   139604 Jul 30 00:20 .webapp-sql-ledger-2.4.14
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root  624 Jul 30 00:19 SL
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root7 Jul 30 00:18 VERSION
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root   root 4195 Jul 30 00:18
drwxr-xr-x   5 root   root  120 Jul 30 00:19 bin
drwxrwxr-x   2 apache apache 80 Jul 30 00:19 css
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root 3638 Jul 30 00:18 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root  177 Jul 30 00:18 index.html
drwxr-xr-x  42 root   root 1008 Jul 30 00:19 locale
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root   root 3055 Jul 30 00:18
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root12774 Jul 30 00:18 menu.ini
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root   root10020 Jul 30 00:18
drwxrwxr-x   2 apache apache 72 Jul 30 00:19 spool
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root 3872 Jul 30 00:19 sql
-rw-r--r--   1 root   root 1034 Jul 30 00:19 sql-ledger.conf
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root 1034 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.conf.default
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root28551 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.gif
-rw-r--r--   2 root   root 3594 Jul 30 00:18 sql-ledger.png
drwxrwxr-x   2 apache apache  17040 Jul 30 00:20 templates
drwxrwxr-x   2 apache apache112 Jul 30 00:19 users

Is this a known issue?  Is there a workaround?  Where is the correct
place to discuss this...?


Ed W

-- mailing list