[gentoo-user] [OT]/[Meta] Subscribers of gentoo-user using Microsoft e-mail services

2023-08-02 Thread Nuno Silva
The subscriber which has subscribed to this list using a Microsoft
mailbox (@live.ru?) is still subscribed, and still has that mailbox set
to forward e-mails to a Gmail address.

Which would be fine, except Microsoft also still hasn't fixed the way
their servers do forwarding, meaning today I got another "undeliverable"
error message relayed to me from postmas...@outlook.com with
mx.google.com's complaint about how Microsoft didn't set the correct
"Envelope-From" when forwarding the message...

Nuno Silva

[gentoo-user] Re: Email clients

2023-08-02 Thread Nuno Silva
On 2023-07-29, Wols Lists wrote:

> On 29/07/2023 14:54, Arsen Arsenović wrote:
>> Again, it shouldn't be able to do that.  Please check CONFIG_PROTECT
>> using: portageq envvar CONFIG_PROTECT
>> It should, normally, contain /etc, set by profiles/base/make.defaults.
> And here is the root of the mis-understanding between us. And also why
> Dovecot does it right, and Postfix does it wrong.
> WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO USE DISPATCH-CONF? (Or in my case, etc-update.)
> The point is I don't (have to) care whether dovecot.conf is updated or
> not. I never change it from the distro defaults, so it never offers me
> etc-update, and it never does any damage.
> But I DO have to care about postfix/main.cf. This makes the
> fundamental blunder of mixing distro defaults and local config in the
> SAME FILE. So yes it does offer me etc-update. But if I MISS THAT,
> I've just trashed my local config and have to rebuild it.
> At the end of the day, if you can't keep distro and local config
> separate, that's a fault of the upstream application. etc-update and
> dispatch-conf are gentoo's way of working round the breakage. IFF you
> use dovecot/local.conf, it's a sign of good design by the upstream
> application, and etc-update or dispatch-conf are completely
> Cheers,
> Wol

If you have a single file both with defaults (either as settings or
commented out) and your changes, you get to see when defaults change,
and it might be easier to notice, handle and adapt if some change
requires adjusting the modified settings.

I'd say having separate files also makes it possible to miss
configuration changes.

Nuno Silva