
Em [2023-04-25 ter 20:15:18+0100], Neil Bothwick escreveu:

> Do you have a separate filesystem for /home? If so, the simplest option
> is to set umask in its mount options in fstab. This will affect all
> users, except root, and it won't affect files you write outside of $HOME.

That is not documented in the mount manpage as a filesystem-independet
option; it only shows for specific filesystems, none of which I use.
Anyway, I use Btrfs and I have a separate subvolume for /home.  I have
tried adding umask=077 (later umask=0077) as fstab option and invoking #

    # mount -o remount /home

but in both cases it errored out:

    mount: /home: mount point not mounted or bad option.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

dmesg says:

    BTRFS error (device nvme0n1p7: state M): unrecognized mount option 


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