Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-27 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Michael  writes:

> On Saturday, 26 February 2022 22:47:52 GMT Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> Yeah, I was just thinking about that since building a powerful, new
>> computer around my area is prohibitively expensive. But getting old,
>> prebuilt computers is ludicrously cheap. I figured that I can get a few
>> of them for $50-75 and just plug them to an ethernet switch to do the
>> compiling for me.
> Distributed compiling may not be as useful as you think.  Not all phases of a 
> build can be distributed, pre-processing and linking will still take a lot of 
> time, some packages will not compile over distcc and will fail, any gains in 
> compiling time could be eaten away by network losses, etc.  On the other hand 
> a 'better' PC with more RAM and a faster CPU with more cores could prove 
> transformative in its performance impact, when used as a building server for 
> binary packages to be installed thereafter on slower systems.
> I have found older PCs with limited resources eventually reach an EOL as far 
> as their capability to emerge large packages.  I have a very old Core 2 Duo 
> Pentium laptop with 4G RAM, which even with MAKEOPTS="-j1" takes forever to 
> build qtwebengine:
> genlop -t dev-qt/qtwebengine
>  Fri Feb  4 20:06:46 2022 >>> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.2_p20211216
>merge time: 1 day, 3 hours, 12 minutes and 7 seconds.
> Chromium got so slow over the years, I stopped emerging it long ago.
> Give distcc a go if you have a spare PC to experiment and want to test % 
> improvements with your setup, but personally I wouldn't invest money on it.  
> Instead I'd save up for a faster machine.  YMMV.

That sucks. I'll try it out but I guess there's no way out on building a
proper rig that can handle the compile jobs.

Though to be honest, I've been compiling all of my stuff in both my X200
and T400 laptops and  both are Core 2 Duo machines.  The only real issue
that I've had with those is with compiling Qtwebengine which took around
12-14 hours.  Other than  that the compile  times are  negligible enough
that I don't really notice it that much.

Either way, thanks for the heads up.


|Give them an inch and they will take a mile.|
|-C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37-|

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Wol  writes:
> On 26/02/2022 22:14, Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> I see. I  will be wary of my  world file from now on. I'm  glad that you
>> mentioned this now  since I don't have that much  packages installed yet
>> and I haven't played around with the system enough that there's a chance
>> that it might break. Knowing this is  really handy since it might not be
>> apparent when things that shouldn't be added in the world file are being
>> added to the world file.
> If you think you might have been guilty of this, just edit your world 
> file with vim or whatever, delete everything you don't recognise or you 
> recognise as having been done for troubleshooting, and save it. It won't 
> make any difference to your running system. Just be careful not to 
> delete by accident stuff you really did want (although you could always 
> re-emerge it).

Coming from a  binary-based distribution, this stuff is  just pure magic
to me.  I feel  like I'm  just now  learning how  to actually  manage my
system. This made me  think, would it be possible to  trim my world file
and sort  them into sets? I'm  digging the possibility of  being able to
only update groups of packages that I want to.

I've been struggling with updates  lately since I've emerged qutebrowser
and updates to qtwebengine is brutal to my X200. I haven't set-up distcc
yet and the  hard drive in this  poor thing isn't enough to  cover for a
decently sized ccache.

So I'm wondering whether  it would be feasible to just  move some of the
contents of the  world file into sets and just  manage the packages that

> Then try an "emerge --depclean --pretend" and see what would be removed. 
> Last time I did that, I then manually -C'd each package in turn - not 
> least because I need to update my kernel an d depclean buggers that up 
> if you're not careful ... always do an emerge, build new kernel, 
> depclean quickly, in that order, with no sync in the middle! Otherwise 
> you might end up cursing ...

Yeah, I  can see why that  would be a problem  if you did a  sync in the

> The other thing is, (and it's probably already been mentioned,) is make 
> sure you know how to use package.use and package.accept. Don't add 
> things like ~amd to our global settings, just add them freely for 
> VERSIONED stuff in those directories. Then as updates come along, all 
> your changes get left behind as "no longer necessary".
> I learnt this the hard way, I enabled ~amd for a package that had no 
> stable versions, that required a new ~amd version of glibc, that then 
> blocked any attempt to update my system! So there was a trail of 
> messages on this list as I worked out how to fix the mess :-)
> By putting all this stuff in package.accept and package.use, I can keep 
> track, and if the file is old it's probably out of date and ripe for 
> deletion. I can just move it out the way, try an update, and if it blows 
> up look what's in the file I've moved to see what I need to keep and 
> what cruft can be deleted.

Oh  man, I  did this  once!  I added  ~amd64  as a  global variable  and
everything updated. I didn't realize the folly of what I did until I saw
that gcc is  being rebuilt. I think  I've gone a little  bit wiser since
then (hopefully).

> Cheers,
> Wol

Thank you for the really helpful tips!


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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Peter Humphrey  writes:

> On Saturday, 26 February 2022 14:19:15 GMT Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
> --->8
>> After reading the responses in the thread, this appears to be one way to
>> do it. Though I think adding it to a set could be a cleaner way? I
>> haven't tried all of the suggestions yet.
> In passing, I thought I'd mention that I keep most of my packages in sets: 
> core, base, xorg, plasma, apps and utils. My world file only gets used for 
> temporary or experimental things: it has one entry at the moment.

This is very interesting. I've read a bit about sets a while ago and I'd
say I should really try it out.

> I did that because of the frequency of reinstalling the system during the 
> worst of plasma's instability.
>> > Oh - and for quite a while I used the -b -k flags a lot, mostly emerging
>> > on the slower system actually then installing the binary on the fast
>> > one. Sounds odd, but the faster, newer system had a habit of crashing
>> > during an emerge ... Both systems now gone to the Computer Centre in the
>> > Sky :-)
>> That is certainly odd. You would assume that the faster system would be
>> the one compiling stuff for the slower one. I've been thinking of buying
>> a couple of old desktops for the sole purpose of being distcc slaves but
>> I don't know how much that would improve the compile times.
> Counter-intuitive, to say the least, and certainly not the way I do it.

Yeah, I was just thinking about that since building a powerful, new
computer around my area is prohibitively expensive. But getting old,
prebuilt computers is ludicrously cheap. I figured that I can get a few
of them for $50-75 and just plug them to an ethernet switch to do the
compiling for me.

> -- 
> Regards,
> Peter.

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Dale  writes:
> Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> Dale  writes:
>>> Since you mention being new to Gentoo, don't forget the --oneshot or -1
>>> option when emerging things that should not be in the world file. 
>>> Libraries are one thing that should rarely if ever be in that file. 
>>> Once you get your install done and rarely install new packages, you can
>>> add that to the defaults in make.conf.  When I first started using
>>> Gentoo, I was bad to forget the -1 option and my world file was a mess. 
>>> It can lead to all sorts of problems later on.  The only entries in the
>>> world file should be packages you install and use directly.  It's rare
>>> that anything else should be there. 
>> Wait. Does this mean doing an emerge --ask foo-libs/lib or do you mean
>> the stuff that were pulled alongside packages? Since I do think that the
>> packages that I've installed certainly pulled libraries too.
>>> Happy Gentooing. 
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-) 
>> Cheers, you too!
> Let's say you run the command emerge firefox because you plan to use it
> as a web browser.  It is very likely that it will pull in other packages
> that it needs to work.  But, emerge only records firefox in the world
> file as that is what you asked for.  When firefox updates later, emerge
> will find the update and if needed, pull in updates to packages it
> depends on that are required.  It may have several, it may not but none
> of those should be in world.  Only things you emerge should go in the
> world file.
> The way the world file gets things in it that shouldn't be there is when
> you run into a issue updating.  Let's say you sync and emerge can't find
> a clear path to update.  What most of us do is update in smaller parts
> one or two packages at a time.  Sometimes you may have to unmerge a
> package and emerge something else to help emerge along.  As you are
> doing that, you should use -1 for packages that you didn't install
> yourself such as Firefox.  One package that comes to mind is harfbuzz. 
> There's another that goes with that but I forget the name.  If you run
> into that, those are packages other things depend on and they shouldn't
> be in the world file.  So, while getting around that, use the -1
> option.  In short, things like Firefox, libreoffice, digikam, okular and
> such are what belongs in world providing your aren't using a meta
> package that pulls them in.  Things those packages depend on should be
> managed by emerge itself during normal updates. 
> Some one else may can explain that better.  Sometimes a different view
> makes things clearer. 
> I just wish I knew some of that when I first started.  I started running
> into update problems and someone pointed out I should check my world
> file.  It was full of stuff that shouldn't be there and some even had
> versions which prevented updates.  It took me a while but I got it
> cleaned up and things worked fine.  That's when I added -1 to
> make.conf.  I've had a clean world file ever since. 

I see. I  will be wary of my  world file from now on. I'm  glad that you
mentioned this now  since I don't have that much  packages installed yet
and I haven't played around with the system enough that there's a chance
that it might break. Knowing this is  really handy since it might not be
apparent when things that shouldn't be added in the world file are being
added to the world file.

> Tasytea has a good idea on using sets if you prefer that way.  I rarely
> use sets but a lot of people love them.  It does have benefits but it
> just isn't for me. 

I am actually very interested with  sets. I haven't read enough about it
though. But  I think  I will try  it out,  it might be  a neater  way of
dealing with packages.

> Hope that helps.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

It certainly did!

Cheers :-)

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Wols Lists  writes:
> On 26/02/2022 11:07, Dale wrote:
>> Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if what I'm
>>> thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But either way, I was
>>> wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of all installed software
>>> in emerge and use that to recreate on another gentoo install.
>>> I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I  wanted to
>>> create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If not, would it be
>>> possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output of all of the package
>>> names that I wanted it to emerge?
>>> I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd appreciate any
>>> guidance in the matter.
>>> Cheers!
>> There is a file that contains all the packages you have installed.  It
>> is located here:
>> /var/lib/portage/world
>> One could copy that file to another system and do a emerge @world to
>> install the same list of packages.  Depending on what all you have
>> installed, it could confuse emerge and not be doable.  In the past, I
>> had a copy of the file and I emerged them a few at a time.  It's worth
>> trying by just coping the file tho.  It just might work.
> Someone a while ago gave me a tip along the lines of
> emerge < /var/lib/portage/world
> I was building a new system and they said this was a good way of getting 
> the new system to have the same packages as the old one. Mind you, I 
> think I'd now rather just print off @world and be choosy in what I 
> re-emerge.

After reading the responses in the thread, this appears to be one way to
do it. Though I think adding it to a set could be a cleaner way? I
haven't tried all of the suggestions yet.

> Oh - and for quite a while I used the -b -k flags a lot, mostly emerging 
> on the slower system actually then installing the binary on the fast 
> one. Sounds odd, but the faster, newer system had a habit of crashing 
> during an emerge ... Both systems now gone to the Computer Centre in the 
> Sky :-)

That is certainly odd. You would assume that the faster system would be
the one compiling stuff for the slower one. I've been thinking of buying
a couple of old desktops for the sole purpose of being distcc slaves but
I don't know how much that would improve the compile times.

> Cheers,
> Wol


   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Michael  writes:

> On Saturday, 26 February 2022 12:07:40 GMT Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> spareproject776  writes:
>> > On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 06:47:12PM +0800, Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> >> Hello list,
>> >> 
>> >> I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if what I'm
>> >> thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But either way, I was
>> >> wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of all installed software
>> >> in emerge and use that to recreate on another gentoo install.
>> >> 
>> >> I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I  wanted to
>> >> create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If not, would it be
>> >> possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output of all of the package
>> >> names that I wanted it to emerge?
>> >> 
>> >> I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd appreciate any
>> >> guidance in the matter.
>> >> 
>> >> Cheers!
>> > 
>> > emerge -avbk $(tr '\n' ' ' < /var/lib/portage/world)
>> > 
>> > If your doing more than one box binhost / binpkg has a far higher return
>> > for alot more effort upfront provided you can live with -mtune=generic.
>> Thanks! I will check this out.
> This is the page which explains how to build binary packages on one host and 
> then install them on other PCs, without having to re-complile/rebuild them 
> from source:
> It saves a lot of time, especially if you want to update slower machines.

Thanks! I've been thinking of doing something like this too or probably
distcc. But yeah, I'll check this out.

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
tastytea  writes:
> On 2022-02-26 05:07-0600 Dale  wrote:
>> Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> > Hello list,
>> >
>> > I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if
>> > what I'm thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But
>> > either way, I was wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of
>> > all installed software in emerge and use that to recreate on
>> > another gentoo install.
>> >
>> > I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I
>> > wanted to create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If
>> > not, would it be possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output
>> > of all of the package names that I wanted it to emerge?
>> >
>> > I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd
>> > appreciate any guidance in the matter.
>> >
>> > Cheers!
>> >  
>> There is a file that contains all the packages you have installed.  It
>> is located here:
>> /var/lib/portage/world
>> One could copy that file to another system and do a emerge @world to
>> install the same list of packages.  Depending on what all you have
>> installed, it could confuse emerge and not be doable.  In the past, I
>> had a copy of the file and I emerged them a few at a time.  It's worth
>> trying by just coping the file tho.  It just might work. 
> It is safer to copy the world file to /etc/portage/sets/¹ and then
> emerge the set. This way portage won't think that the packages are
> already installed. So you could copy it to
> /etc/portage/sets/minimal-install and install it with emerge -a
> @minimal-install.
> Kind regards, tastytea
> ¹ <>

That's clever. I'll read up on that, thanks!

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
Dale  writes:
> Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if what I'm
>> thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But either way, I was
>> wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of all installed software
>> in emerge and use that to recreate on another gentoo install.
>> I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I  wanted to
>> create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If not, would it be
>> possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output of all of the package
>> names that I wanted it to emerge?
>> I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd appreciate any
>> guidance in the matter.
>> Cheers!
> There is a file that contains all the packages you have installed.  It
> is located here:
> /var/lib/portage/world
> One could copy that file to another system and do a emerge @world to
> install the same list of packages.  Depending on what all you have
> installed, it could confuse emerge and not be doable.  In the past, I
> had a copy of the file and I emerged them a few at a time.  It's worth
> trying by just coping the file tho.  It just might work. 

Thanks, I will look into that.

> Since you mention being new to Gentoo, don't forget the --oneshot or -1
> option when emerging things that should not be in the world file. 
> Libraries are one thing that should rarely if ever be in that file. 
> Once you get your install done and rarely install new packages, you can
> add that to the defaults in make.conf.  When I first started using
> Gentoo, I was bad to forget the -1 option and my world file was a mess. 
> It can lead to all sorts of problems later on.  The only entries in the
> world file should be packages you install and use directly.  It's rare
> that anything else should be there. 

Wait. Does this mean doing an emerge --ask foo-libs/lib or do you mean
the stuff that were pulled alongside packages? Since I do think that the
packages that I've installed certainly pulled libraries too.

> Happy Gentooing. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Cheers, you too!

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Re: [gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red
spareproject776  writes:
> On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 06:47:12PM +0800, Ramces Tampo-og Red wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if what I'm
>> thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But either way, I was
>> wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of all installed software
>> in emerge and use that to recreate on another gentoo install.
>> I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I  wanted to
>> create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If not, would it be
>> possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output of all of the package
>> names that I wanted it to emerge?
>> I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd appreciate any
>> guidance in the matter.
>> Cheers!
> emerge -avbk $(tr '\n' ' ' < /var/lib/portage/world)
> If your doing more than one box binhost / binpkg has a far higher return
> for alot more effort upfront provided you can live with -mtune=generic.

Thanks! I will check this out.

   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Reproducible Installation Lists?

2022-02-26 Thread Ramces Tampo-og Red

Hello list,

I'm a sort-of  newbie gentoo user and  I just wanted to ask  if what I'm
thinking is possible or if I'm just  being stupid. But either way, I was
wondering if it  is possible to export a list  of all installed software
in emerge and use that to recreate on another gentoo install.

I have  a bunch of PCs  that are all  similarly specced and I  wanted to
create a minimal install "template" for all of them. If not, would it be
possible to pipe-in to emerge from stdin an output of all of the package
names that I wanted it to emerge?

I'm really sorry if this might  be a stupid question. I'd appreciate any
guidance in the matter.


   .  *+   
  +   Ang kalayaan ay dili gihatag, ini'y giabot.   
   *   + {gopher,gemini}://*   
   .  C4AE 5D53 46A0 01DF 6E92  CB46 92D7 9FBB AB9F 3E37 .

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] weird samba problem

2005-09-24 Thread Red
Hash: SHA1

i tried to setup samba, but i just can't get it to work right. i can
write files - but i can't read them ?!?

please help!!!

some example of my problem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % smbmount //silverserver/public /home/red/public
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % ls -l /home/red/public
total 12
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 2 Sep 24 14:25 Textdatei
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 4 Sep 24 14:27 bla
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 4 Sep 22 18:24 test
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % echo foo  /home/red/public/testfile
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % ls -l /home/red/public
total 16
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 2 Sep 24 14:25 Textdatei
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 4 Sep 24 14:27 bla
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 4 Sep 22 18:24 test
- -rwxr-xr-x  1 red users 4 Sep 24 14:31 testfile
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % cat /home/red/public/testfile
cat: /home/red/public/testfile: Permission denied

my smb.conf:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2005/09/24 14:24:27

# Global parameters
workgroup = SAMBA
server string = Samba Server %v
interfaces = lo, eth0
bind interfaces only = Yes
guest account = samba
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
printcap name = cups
wins support = Yes
vscan-clamav:config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf
guest ok = Yes
hosts allow =, 192.168.0.
hosts deny =
vfs objects = vscan-clamav

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /etc/samba/printer # this path holds the driver structure
write list = root

comment = HP LaserJet 1100 Network Printer
path = /var/spool/samba
printer admin = root
printable = Yes

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printer admin = root
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = Public Files
path = /mnt/files/shares
valid users = red
admin users = root, red
read list = red
write list = red
read only = No
create mask = 0766
directory mask = 0777

comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%u
read only = No
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] weird samba problem

2005-09-24 Thread Red
Hash: SHA1

gentuxx wrote:
 What are the NT file permissions of the share you're trying to mount?
 You might also want to check the share permissions.  Depending on
 which Windows OS you're mounting from, they may be different.  If I
 remember correctly, NT permissions override share permissions.

i dont have windows machines includet yet. i just want to try it from my
pc's first, which both are runnung gentoo.

permissions of the directory:
ls -l /mnt/files/
drwxr-xr-x  2 red  users   216 Sep 24 14:31 shares

no acl's setup yet either.

any ideas?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT- NSA Linux

2005-05-31 Thread Red
Hash: SHA1

Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 rob3 wrote:
Where do you get this?  I couldn't find it on the site. 
What am I missing?
 Do you mean selinux? Try
i was at a linuxshow last week were someone presented selinux. i don't
think it is very usable. i think you should only use it if you really
need it or you have a test-system to try for the first time cause you'
need some time to get into it.

i read through the guide a bit and it tells to only use on servers. be
aware that you can not be able to log in (with the right permissions) to
your own system. so always know the boot parameters for grub or lilo to
start from comandline without selinux.
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Re: [gentoo-user] basic network

2005-05-30 Thread Red
Hash: SHA1

luis jure wrote:
 hello list, i'm trying to setup my very first network at home.
 i have my desktop (gentoo linux) and a recently purchased laptop (still with
 windows XP) both connected to a switch.
 the switch is also connected to an adsl cable modem to the internet.
 both computers connect to the internet using pppoe (the isp masks up to 2 ip
 so far so good, but i also want to transfer files from one computer to
 another. which is the most convenient (meaning fastest and without
 additional hardware) way to do that? and how can i [learn to] configure both
 systems accordingly?
i think you should make an alias of your network interface for your
internal communication and bind samba, nfs or what you plan to use to
that interface.

look in the /etc/conf.d/net.example for how to make the alias if you
don't know how.

how to bind your samba, nfs ... to a interface is in the manuals or
howto's of the programm you want to use!

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

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