Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-29 Thread hasufell
Alan Mackenzie:
 So that
 instead of conceptualising a branch (as you would do with Mercurial,
 Bazaar, Subversion, or even CVS), you need to think about commits
 reachable from a certain head (excluding commits reachable from some
 other head).

[snipping everything that is not technical]

How exactly is that a disadvantage? You are just complaining about the
way a concept is presented without saying what actual limitations that
implies (if any).

If you like mercurial better, use that. Speaking about disadvantages
however requires a bit more than I like that way better.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-28 Thread hasufell
Martin Vaeth:
 hasufell wrote:
 With rsync I believe you can exclude categories:

 That is uninformed.
 I think he is right.
 check the --depth option of git. You can even clone specific tags with
 Every tag will still contain all categories:
 AFAIK, with git, it is not possible to update everyting but e.g. *access*
 *kde* *i10n* *gnome* if you know that you will never install an
 ebuild from these categories.

My max DL rate is ~700KiB/s and is the limiting factor.

# time git clone --depth=1 --branch=v3.1
sys 0m0.578s

So the initial comment

 A good example of why I don't think they will be using git for portage:
 ``git clone'

doesn't make much sense, because it isn't the recommended way to clone
the kernel tree.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-28 Thread hasufell
 hasufell hasufell at writes:
 I still don't see a good argument why we made our system so inflexible,
 that obviously needed change needs such high amount of work, PR and proof.
 I think that most folks appreciate your efforts and insightful ideas
 on how to open up development, particularly in non-critical (non-core)
 areas. The quesiton is how do we get from where we are to where we
 want to be. I find most of what I'm interested in already in Arch Linux. I
 wonder why it is so much easier for Arch users to create pkgbuilds (like
 gentoo's ebuilds) and find a dev to adopt the package? Surely someone has 
 some insight on this differences, or do I miss something that creats the
 difference? [1]  I also find the Arch documentation to be of the finest
 quality of any and all linux distros, close to gentoo. ymmv.

Arch has done it wrong, IMO. Sure, their PKGBUILDs are easier to write,
but their quality is also worse. I know how to write them and have
written and looked at a lot of them.

People went the easy way and didn't really care much about review
workflow, so they ended up with AUR where everyone can upload random
stuff, including dangerous and wrong code.

 Trying to improve a tiny fraction about gentoo workflow (including your
 attempts) already took more than 4(?) years with never ending excuses.
 The necessity was more than obvious.
 Now I could talk about similarly obvious things. Sure, not all issues
 are obvious and those shouldn't be easy to push through.
 Everyone understands small changes and all changes take time for the
 majority of members to digest, imho. Not everyone has your keen insight into
  the problem/opportunity. So your patience in explanation, encouragement and
 solicitation, is very important, if your idea is to be
 implemented and tested. Naturally, Rich and other deeply involved devs, with
 addtional responsibilities exude caution, to keep the gentoo stable.
 They will not be the source of team building for your idea, imho.

Gentoo isn't even particularly stable anymore. It's a mess to maintain
with a confused PM, toolchain hackery and random conflicting ideas in
one repository (e.g. multilib clashing with crossdev).

The distro can only be as stable as the PM and the PM depends on the
input. The input depends on quality ebuilds. Quality ebuilds depend on a
proper spec, but there is no proper spec... PMS team itself says it
started as a collection of ancient portage behavior and then grew with
time, so there was no real design behind it. Quality ebuilds also depend
on review-workflow. Review-workflow needs proper tools.

We don't even have the last one. Long way to go. Good luck.

  You can draw your conclusions about this. I drew mine: small changes
 will not get us out of here.
 I think the jury is still out. So, why can't we test a transient plan
 where we take something very broken areas at Gentoo (games or java or
 sys-cluster) and test out your hypothesis for package development expansion?

Already doing so

and that's where I will update ebuilds, not in the tree. And I don't
care to get any of that into the tree.

 In fact, I've been looking over quite a few ebuilds and pkgbuilds at (Arch
 linux). [2] I see quite a lot of commonality. So, why can we not modify
 this aforementioned inflexible system on gentoo to allow for Arch Linux
 pkgbuilds to be routinely compiled and installed on gentoo?
 Maybe limit the test to /usr/local/portage or /usr/local/portage/test/ so
 folks can participate or purge the experiment? Maybe find some Arch linux
 devs keen on the idea of developing/evolving package management so that 
 the two distros can readiy (or more easily) convert packages between
 Arch and Gentoo?   Is it possible?  Could your plan be modified to
 include a variety of Arch developers? Surely you have a collection
 of devs ready to implement your keen ideas? I, for one realize something
 fundamental has to change with Gentoo, after pushing a few months
 on java and cluster codes Also, there is a vast array of software,
 of various quality, among the overlay repositories to use as test-packages?
 The biggest thing I seen wrong with Arch is they have forced systemd
 onto their users, and all of the arch users I know, are not very
 happy about that. So if you approach this correctly, I'm sure quite a
 few Arch linux folks would also test your offerings.
 Have fun, if you can.
 Always we should have fun. That is why we should deeply discuss these
 issues to find common ground. Maybe fixing this inflexible system should
 involve a survey of those distros closest to gentoo, for ideas, particulary
 several (structured) methods to install packages, provide choices for the
 init system, and strongly advocate package development within the
 ranks of the user base. Clear and concise documentation, concurrent with
 this effort is probably your single greatest alley, should your idea

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-26 Thread hasufell
Rich Freeman:
 There has been a
 desire for a long time to try to make it easier to contribute, but in
 the end people have to step up to make that happen.  Those who are
 most passionate about it are of course the best candidates to try to
 drive change.

That's a common misconception in gentoo. Someone has an idea and no one
cares until he makes it happen. A lot of ideas are not so trivial that
you can just make it happen. You need consensus, a shift of thinking,
workflow and maybe even that people work TOGETHER on that idea.

But no, you keep saying make it happen and by all means, start
working on it, completely ignoring the nature of the issues brought up.

I don't know of literally any big project except gentoo that still does
not _require_ a review workflow. Git would be the perfect excuse to
make it happen, but that's something people have to agree on.

Instead we are worrying about stuff like repeated rebases, push
conflicts, push rate etc... so we will just end up using it wrong.

I don't think there is any hope left that this will become sane.

A review workflow (e.g. with appropriate high-level tools and maybe
paired with a distributed approach) will just make all your questions
about how to contribute go away.

But I'm sorry, this is probably too vague and I should instead go away
and make it happen.

Sometimes it is NOT enough to try to improve things. Sometimes you have
to break with concepts. The last guy who tried to do that on a purely
technical level was ferringb and he ragequitted for good. The only
reason he could even come up with all those GLEPs (he wrote a LOT) was
because he got paid by google.

So, having 200+ core developers with push access is not just completely
wrong from the workflow perspective... it also makes it nearly
impossible to break with more fundamental concepts that are not
appropriate anymore.

So, to reiterate: if you want to change more fundamental concepts in
gentoo, you need a job at google and be resistant to burn-out. And now
you are telling me nothing is wrong with our contribution culture?

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-26 Thread hasufell
I still don't see a good argument why we made our system so inflexible,
that obviously needed change needs such high amount of work, PR and proof.

Trying to improve gaming in gentoo took me 2 years full of work just to
realize it is a dead end and I am doing most of the work alone.
The necessity was obvious.

Trying to improve a tiny fraction about gentoo workflow (including your
attempts) already took more than 4(?) years with never ending excuses.
The necessity was more than obvious.

Now I could talk about similarly obvious things. Sure, not all issues
are obvious and those shouldn't be easy to push through.

You can draw your conclusions about this. I drew mine: small changes
will not get us out of here.

Have fun, if you can.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-26 Thread hasufell
Paige Thompson:
 You know I don't think thats going to happen because if you look at
 layman its not as if they didn't think of using git for package trees;
 all of them do use git.
 A good example of why I don't think they will be using git for portage:
 ``git clone'
 This takes a very long time and a lot of bandwidth and a lot of space.
 Why move data that isn't going to be used? With rsync I believe you can
 exclude categories:

That is uninformed.

check the --depth option of git. You can even clone specific tags with

Shallow clones are fully supported and you can push from them.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-23 Thread hasufell
On 11/23/2014 12:20 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 5:44 PM, hasufell wrote:
 On 11/22/2014 11:20 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:

 Nobody can block progress under the current model.  If you feel
 otherwise, please point them out so that they can be dealt with.

 They can block progress and they do. And by saying we allow conflicting
 ideas in one repository we are even making it worse.

 The council is a workaround to make the broken project structure not
 look too bad.
 What do you do if somebody blocks progress in your overlay structure?
 You start another one.
 What do you do if somebody blocks progress in the current Gentoo
 project structure?  You either ask the Council for help, or start
 another project.
 You have just as many options under the status quo, and actually more.

Why would that be? We have a centralized _culture_. All this is
basically about culture, not just about tools.

So regrouping is not as easy as you make it sound. Totally not. I don't
like ruby eclasses and their virtuals. What can I do? Fix them? No, I
cannot. Stop saying I can fix everything I please. That is incorrect and
our model makes it even more complicated, because all that stuff is part
of the tree.

You say I can fix the nethack bug? Well, I talked with various people on
how to do that, the basic idea was to stop using the games eclass. That
is NOT possible unless you suggest we break QA standards and cause major
inconsistencies in our tree. (the other possible fix just slipped my
radar and will probably happen soon)

 I strongly disagree. I know a fair amount of games overlays where people
 do work on games ebuilds. They just don't give a sh*t anymore to try to
 get that stuff into the main tree, because they were alienated long ago.
 Well, then by your argument there is nothing wrong, since they're
 already in the distributed model.  There is nothing I can do about
 people feeling alienated.

First of all they are not really in a properly designed distributed
model as I described just because they run an overlay. Most of them end
with ::mynick, are randomly themed and not reviewed.

Again: this is a culture thing and we have to make ourselves some
policies on how this can work well.

Random overlay != distributed model.

Second thing: sure can we do something about people feeling alienated. A
lot. We can:
* abandon CVS finally
* have proper contribution channels (NOT bugzilla)
* kickban major assholes from the community, no matter how efficient
they are
* kickban people from IRC channels that make fun of your first ebuild
(that's my first experience with gentoo btw... that guy is now a gentoo
dev as well)
* have a _working_ comrel project
* fix project internal communication... it's unbelievably bad
* stop the way we are recruiting, it's utterly tedious
* ...

 If you want to contribute to Gentoo, then do it.  If somebody blocks
 your progress then ask for help.

You don't understand. It's not just about blocking progress, it is about
_diverging_ ideas that cannot sanely be given as alternatives in a

 What I can't stand is people moping about their feelings being hurt
 from umpteen years ago.  I can't go back and fix the past.  Get over
 it - contribute or don't.

This is rude. Please stick to the topic, it's not about my feelings.

 The image of the games team is so bad, that not even gentoo devs bother
 anymore (except me, uh). Yet neither the council, nor comrel has done
 anything radical, except giving recommendations, asking for them to
 elect a new lead, blah blah.
 The games team has ZERO power over any dev doing anything to any
 package in the tree.  That was the outcome of the most recent Council
 decision.  We didn't disband the team because we thought that having a
 team focused on games wasn't a bad idea, but so far nobody else seems
 all that interested so it seems as likely as not that there won't be a
 games team in the future.
 How is that not doing something radical?  What more do you want us to do?

Again: there are various people who have a different concepts of how
games in gentoo should look like. So we can either start breaking tree
consistency (and I hope QA will kickban us for doing so, because that's
exactly their job) or we just stop doing everything centralized and let
things happen... which concept is the most popular one will then turn
out by itself!

That's how opensource works. Writing stuff modular, so that people don't
have to fork the kernel, just because they don't like the icon theme.

 It's not about elitist old-timers, it's about a more dynamic model that
 has low tolerance for
 * bugs being open since 8+ years, because no one bothers to
 review/change stuff (check nethack bug)
 * territorial behaviour
 * slacking devs slacking so hard, but not stepping down
 The reason the nethack bug is still open is because nobody cares
 enough to fix it.  ANYBODY can make themselves a maintainer of Nethack

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-23 Thread hasufell
On 11/24/2014 12:24 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:

 So regrouping is not as easy as you make it sound. Totally not. I don't
 like ruby eclasses and their virtuals. What can I do? Fix them? No, I
 cannot. Stop saying I can fix everything I please. That is incorrect and
 our model makes it even more complicated, because all that stuff is part
 of the tree.
 What would you do under your proposal?  You'd start a new repository
 with your own set of ruby packages.
 What would you do under the current state?  You'd fork the ruby eclass
 and all the ruby packages.
 Yes, you're allowed to do that.  The thing that keeps you from doing
 it is the same thing that will keep you from starting a new ruby
 repository - it is a lot of work.

No, I am not doing it because I think it is utterly wrong to introduce
two competing concepts in one repository, _especially_ on eclass level.
That's bad for QA, bad for consistency and bad for the user.

It's a completely different thing for a package like udev and totally
unrelated... those are forked UPSTREAM.

 You say I can fix the nethack bug? Well, I talked with various people on
 how to do that, the basic idea was to stop using the games eclass. That
 is NOT possible unless you suggest we break QA standards and cause major
 inconsistencies in our tree. (the other possible fix just slipped my
 radar and will probably happen soon)
 Just stop using the eclass.  Cite the QA standards that this would
 violate.  The council ruled a month ago that games are free to use the
 eclass or not as they wish.
 As long as you actually commit to maintaining the Nethack package, you
 can do this.

As above: I think it's wrong.

 Again: this is a culture thing and we have to make ourselves some
 policies on how this can work well.
 The policies ALREADY allow you to do all this stuff.  What policy
 specifically needs to be changed?
 * abandon CVS finally
 Already underway.
 * have proper contribution channels (NOT bugzilla)
 By all means create it.  Lots of us are interested in this.
 * kickban major assholes from the community, no matter how efficient
 they are
 Proposals welcome.  Hint, things will go much better if you volunteer
 to do the work the assholes are doing...  It isn't like we aren't all
 tired of this stuff, but if we go booting half the devs then the
 distro will basically die.
 * kickban people from IRC channels that make fun of your first ebuild
 (that's my first experience with gentoo btw... that guy is now a gentoo
 dev as well)
 Flag down a mod when this happens.  If you can't find any, then
 volunteer to be a mod.  IRC is a realtime medium, so it is very
 * have a _working_ comrel project
 Again, proposals welcome.  Half the problem with comrel is that
 everybody gets so sick of all the second-guessing that they give up.
 People would rather work on stuff that is interesting and not deal
 with infighting.  When we tried to institute the proctors we managed
 to drive them away in a day.
 Everybody wants a working comrel, which generally means they want to
 get rid of all the people they don't like, and not have any
 restrictions on their own behavior.
 * fix project internal communication... it's unbelievably bad
 What is wrong with it, specifically?
 * stop the way we are recruiting, it's utterly tedious
 Well, then don't participate in it.  By all means offer improvements.

I have offered one right now, including
* changes to the project structure (shrinking the amount of devs,
concentrating on the core, base-system, toolchain, PM)
* changes to the culture (REVIEWS, not random push access)
* changes to the policies (themes overlays, how to split overlay etc)
* changes to the tools (pointed out some specific things that are
already implemented in paludis)

I feel like I am repeating myself over and over again.

It's not just about then work on it if it's a cultural, organizational
and technical change at once.
The first step is NOT randomly implementing or changing things. The
first step is to discuss, find people who think similar and see if this
is even a thing we CAN move to.

Everything else (like improving our overlay tools) is really minor
compared to that. Saying I can go working on that right away is just a
polite/smart way to say shut up.

 You don't understand. It's not just about blocking progress, it is about
 _diverging_ ideas that cannot sanely be given as alternatives in a
 What is the difference between 1 million repositories on 1 million
 rsync servers and 1 million subdirectories on 1 rsync server?
 Administratively there is a difference, of course, but in terms of
 capability there is actually no difference.  They're just different

Then we should merge all upstream packages automatically into the CVS tree.

 What I can't stand is people moping about their feelings being hurt
 from umpteen years ago.  I can't go back and fix the past.  Get over
 it - 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-23 Thread hasufell
On 11/24/2014 12:24 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
 * kickban major assholes from the community, no matter how efficient
 they are
 Proposals welcome.  Hint, things will go much better if you volunteer
 to do the work the assholes are doing...  It isn't like we aren't all
 tired of this stuff, but if we go booting half the devs then the
 distro will basically die.

That's actually an argument FOR my proposal of being more distributed
and shrinking the dev community.

In such a scenario we would not need 200 gentoo developers anymore.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-22 Thread hasufell
On 11/22/2014 07:12 PM, wrote:
 On 11/22/14 01:20, Rich Freeman wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:13 PM, wrote:
 On 11/21/14 17:10, Rich Freeman wrote:
 If you want to work on them, you might consider becoming a dev, or
 working on them in an overlay (which is a good way to become a dev,
 Exactly, I agree. That is why the idea to have a small core of Gentoo
 elites (the chosen devs) and move everyone else into overlays, is a
 very bad idea.

I don't see the argument here. It depends very much on what that
actually means.

 You seem to be under the impression that Gentoo devs work on things
 that the Gentoo leadership tells them to work on.  That is hardly the
 case, many of our most important packages are also the least
 maintained, because devs work on what they work on, and not on the
 stuff the leadership considers important.  If a Gentoo developer
 wanted to work on Java the leadership wouldn't interfere with that
 just as they didn't interfere with a couple of devs deciding to fork
 Not really. I think you misss my points and intentions exactly. Java is
 critical and growing. Folks are constantly knocking on the gentoo door
 with technologies, that are java centric. Here is the latest one, just
 posted to gentoo-dev:
 I tried to participate with the java herd/project. Few have the
 authority to close old java bugs. The few that do, are apathetic,
 absent or just do not 'give a shit'. I was told to go work
 on java bugs, maybe somebody will notice. Really.
 The first 100 or so I looked at, are deprecated. They just need somebody
 to 'remove them' the BGO java backlog is being artificially used to
 prevent java work on gentoo. Somebody of authority needs to open
 up java for other folks to work on. Close the 100 oldest bugs
 is a no brainer and a good start, yet nobody will do that, and nobody
 else is allowed to close them. *CONVENIENT* if you hate java and are
 in control.
 If this is not true, the the council should open up java bug cleaning.
 Worst case scenario, these hundreds of old bugs will have to be
 re-filed, with updated data from this decade. (actually a very
 excellent idea in and of itself).
 This policy, whether part of a grand conspiracy, or due to apathetic
 leadership, has the net effect to run off potential new devs to gentoo
 and who like java.
 PS. sorry about forking to new threads, my access is now nntp
 (earlybird) and it just down not follow the thread correctly.
 Rich, I actually appreciate you help. But somebody of authority is going
 to have to step into this java on gentoo mess and clean house,
 provide leadership and encourage (hell, just remove the roadblocks)
 from java on gentoo.

Gentoo has a lot of organizational, technical and social problems. Some
of them would just stop existing if we'd move to a more distributed
model, because you'd be able to regroup more easily and work on the
things you care about without stepping on each others toes.

No one would care in such a distributed model if there is one person
blocking progress somewhere. They would just move on, regroup around a
new overlay and start working there and let that guy/project rot forever.

Users would easily be able to pick up what the most community-driven and
collaborative overlays are and would support those instead of some idle,
stubborn or hard-to-work-with overlay maintainers.

In that sense, there wouldn't be a single java ebuild in the core tree.
That would totally be a community effort and you wouldn't have to vent
that much here, but would be working on java ebuilds instead.

Hell, you could even easily fork the WHOLE base-system and toolchain
without forking the whole rest of the distro.

We don't need more authority, we need less... and we need more actual
opensource workflow. Our tools, our organizational model and our
workflow are ALL ancient. And they don't seem to work very well, do they?

Also see:

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo's future directtion ?

2014-11-22 Thread hasufell
On 11/22/2014 11:20 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 1:54 PM, hasufell wrote:

 No one would care in such a distributed model if there is one person
 blocking progress somewhere. They would just move on, regroup around a
 new overlay and start working there and let that guy/project rot forever.

 Nobody can block progress under the current model.  If you feel
 otherwise, please point them out so that they can be dealt with.

They can block progress and they do. And by saying we allow conflicting
ideas in one repository we are even making it worse.

The council is a workaround to make the broken project structure not
look too bad.

 We don't need more authority, we need less... and we need more actual
 opensource workflow. Our tools, our organizational model and our
 workflow are ALL ancient. And they don't seem to work very well, do they?
 Gentoo is already fairly non-authoritative where the main tree is
 concerned.  I'm all for more overlay support, but I doubt it is going
 to fix the kinds of issues you're bringing up.
 The problem with java is that nobody wants to work on it.  Lots of
 people want to talk about working on it, but nobody is writing
 The problem with games is that nobody wants to work on those either.
 Lots of people like to talk about the games project blocking progress,
 but now that this has been eliminated, there isn't some flood of new
 games ebuilds.

I strongly disagree. I know a fair amount of games overlays where people
do work on games ebuilds. They just don't give a sh*t anymore to try to
get that stuff into the main tree, because they were alienated long ago.

The image of the games team is so bad, that not even gentoo devs bother
anymore (except me, uh). Yet neither the council, nor comrel has done
anything radical, except giving recommendations, asking for them to
elect a new lead, blah blah.

In a distributed model this project would just have been abandoned by
the community 8 years ago and people would have started a new fresh
overlay. Currently this all sucks, because it will conflict with in-tree
ebuilds and because we don't have good enough tools for this kind of model.

 People love to talk about elitist old-timers blocking progress, but it
 seems to me that many of the old-timers don't do a whole lot of
 anything.  I think the complaint is really that other people aren't
 doing the work we want them to do.

It's not about elitist old-timers, it's about a more dynamic model that
has low tolerance for
* bugs being open since 8+ years, because no one bothers to
review/change stuff (check nethack bug)
* territorial behaviour
* slacking devs slacking so hard, but not stepping down

In addition, this model requires a workflow that is long overdue,
including proper VCS like git or mercurial and a review culture. None of
this happens on a larger scale. Instead we are stuck with tools like
bugzilla for ebuild reviews and push our happy ebuilds to the CVS

So now guess again why people don't bother, because:
* have to become gentoo devs over a period of 6 months or so, then
realize they are stuck with territorial crap, people ignoring each other
and have to appeal to the council, comrel or whoever multiple times
before something happens?
* or they have to write bugs reports on bugzilla, attach ebuilds
manually, get a partly review in a timeframe of 9 months if they are
lucky, re-push attachments, start again
* or they can try to contribute to sunrise which may be simirlarly slow
(mind you, I've been a sunrise dev, so we can talk about that if you like)
* or they just start their own overlay and stop caring to collaborate
with gentoo devs
* If they are very lucky, then their favorite project already uses an
overlay-workflow (e.g. haskell, science). And those projects usually are
so slow with moving their overlay ebuilds into the tree, that it's
almost useless doing so. They should just stop and focus on their overlays.

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Linus Torvalds on systemd

2014-09-22 Thread hasufell
On 09/21/2014 07:23 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:45 AM, hasufell wrote:
 Canek Peláez Valdés:
 On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 8:46 AM, hasufell wrote:
 • There's still value in understanding the traditional UNIX do one
 thing and do it well model where many workflows can be done as a
 pipeline of simple tools each adding their own value, but let's face
 it, it's not how complex systems really work, and it's not how major
 applications have been working or been designed for a long time. It's
 a useful simplification, and it's still true at *some* level, but I
 think it's also clear that it doesn't really describe most of

 He doesn't make an actual argument why useful abstraction cannot be done
 in complex systems.

 He doesn't need to;

 Sure he does.
 No, he does not, because the link I posted was not an argument, was an
 interview and he was asked for his opinion, and in no moment was he
 asked to justify his opinion.
 You, on the other hand, seem to be arguing. I don't know exactly with
 whom, because surely is not with me.

Then please just refrain from answering if you don't understand how my
point matters in terms of systemd development, thanks.

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Linus Torvalds on systemd

2014-09-21 Thread hasufell
Canek Peláez Valdés:
 On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 8:46 AM, hasufell wrote:
 • There's still value in understanding the traditional UNIX do one
 thing and do it well model where many workflows can be done as a
 pipeline of simple tools each adding their own value, but let's face
 it, it's not how complex systems really work, and it's not how major
 applications have been working or been designed for a long time. It's
 a useful simplification, and it's still true at *some* level, but I
 think it's also clear that it doesn't really describe most of

 He doesn't make an actual argument why useful abstraction cannot be done
 in complex systems.
 He doesn't need to; 

Sure he does. He made a statement that needs technical arguments (not
stuff like people do it these days) and didn't even answer the
reporters question.

I think this is not a problem about complex systems, but rather about
development models.

But no wonder a C programmer in one of the highest commit rate projects
in the world thinks like that. And it's probably even true in that CASE.

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Linus Torvalds on systemd

2014-09-20 Thread hasufell
 • There's still value in understanding the traditional UNIX do one
 thing and do it well model where many workflows can be done as a
 pipeline of simple tools each adding their own value, but let's face
 it, it's not how complex systems really work, and it's not how major
 applications have been working or been designed for a long time. It's
 a useful simplification, and it's still true at *some* level, but I
 think it's also clear that it doesn't really describe most of

He doesn't make an actual argument why useful abstraction cannot be done
in complex systems.

Re: [gentoo-user] accidentally deleted the /usr (I'm gonna kill myself!)

2014-08-25 Thread hasufell
behrouz khosravi:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 3:57 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
 and now you know why you should have added --buildpkg to your default
 emerge options.
 Yeah, I am happy that I did it. I really don't like to compile
 chromium or libreoffice again!

Those methods are all not safe if you happen to randomly delete system
folders by accident.

The only relatively safe methods are rsync to a remote (or similar) or
file system level backups like zfs has.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: What MTA to use to receiving mail for local users?

2014-04-10 Thread hasufell
Grant Edwards:
 On 2014-04-10, Peter Humphrey wrote:
 On Thursday 10 Apr 2014 17:41:05 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

 well, IMHO postfix is pretty easy to setup up. While sendmail is a
 complete nightmare.

 I've just about got it set up here, so it can't be too hard.

 Eximqmail - never touched those.

 Are they even still maintained?
 According to, bugs were still being resolved 9
 days ago (though the most recent bug _fix_ was 5 weeks ago).
 qmail hasn't been touched since 2007, so it seems to be abandoned.

good to know it's still in stable arch... ugh

Re: [gentoo-user] Honeypot distro?

2014-04-03 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512



Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Fwd:How about the gentoo server or cluster in production environment?

2014-02-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

Alan McKinnon:
 On 21/02/2014 16:15, hasufell wrote:
 Alan McKinnon:
 On 20/02/2014 22:41, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 08:52:07PM +0400, Andrew Savchenko 
 And this point is one of the highest security benefits in
 real world: one have non-standard binaries, not available
 in the wild. Most exploits will fail on such binaries even
 if vulnerability is still there.
 While excluding few security issues by compiling less code
 is possible, believing that non-standard binaries (in the
 sense of compiled for with local compilation flags) gives
 more security is a dangerous dream.
 non-standard binaries is really just a special form of
 security by obscurity.
 So you are saying compiling a minimal kernel to minimize exposure
 to subsystem bugs is only obscurity? (I really wonder what Greg
 would say to this)
 No, I'm saying that I pay RedHat large sums of money to look after
 this on my behalf and that money is wasted if I build a custom
 kernel on that machine.
 RedHat has a vested interest in doing this right (it's the product
 they sell) and they have more engineering resources to apply to the
 problem than I can ever raise. The odds favour RedHat often getting
 this right and me often getting it wrong, simply because I don't
 have the unit testing facilities required and my employer doesn't
 employ OS builders.
 I won't permit Gentoo to be used in production here for precisely
 that reason - I can't provide the test guarantees the business and 
 shareholders demand.

Yes, I agree that RedHat might be a better choice, if you can afford
it (although there are some counter-arguments since they practically
maintain kernel-forks because of heavy backporting, but I am unable to
make a definite opinion on this). But that was not the point of my
claims, so I don't see an argument.

 The argument that this particular setup may be less tested is a
 valid one. But less tested also means less commonly known
 exploits and testing these setups is a win-win for users and
 Whether you like it or not... whenever you install software on a 
 server, you become a tester at the same point.
 Proper testing carries a onerous burden. I've yet to find a
 enterprise anywhere in the world that does it right outside of
 their core business. Instead, they pay someone else to do it.

Yeah, the kernel has _zero_ proper testing in the sense of software
engineering. RedHat does not really improve that (e.g. unit tests and
whatnot). Greg said why that's almost impossible, especially because
the internal API changes way too frequently.

Still unable to find a real counter-argument. This was about disabling
codepaths/subsystems, not about RedHat vs Gentoo which is quite an
uneven fight.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Fwd:How about the gentoo server or cluster in production environment?

2014-02-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

Nicolas Sebrecht:
 The 21/02/14, hasufell wrote:
 So you are saying compiling a minimal kernel to minimize exposure
 to subsystem bugs is only obscurity? (I really wonder what Greg
 would say to this)
 Developers made the kernel to rely on modules. Distributions relies
 on them. Since they are almost always loaded on demand, Gentoo does
 not make things better in this area, either.

I wasn't only talking about modules and yes... loading them on demand
actually proves my point.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Fwd:How about the gentoo server or cluster in production environment?

2014-02-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

Nicolas Sebrecht:
 The 26/02/14, hasufell wrote:
 I wasn't only talking about modules and yes... loading them on
 demand actually proves my point.
 No. We are talking about servers.

I am aware of that. Please read the whole discussion.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Fwd:How about the gentoo server or cluster in production environment?

2014-02-21 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

Alan McKinnon:
 On 20/02/2014 22:41, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 08:52:07PM +0400, Andrew Savchenko
 And this point is one of the highest security benefits in real
 world: one have non-standard binaries, not available in the
 wild. Most exploits will fail on such binaries even if
 vulnerability is still there.
 While excluding few security issues by compiling less code is
 possible, believing that non-standard binaries (in the sense of
 compiled for with local compilation flags) gives more security
 is a dangerous dream.
 non-standard binaries is really just a special form of security
 by obscurity.

So you are saying compiling a minimal kernel to minimize exposure to
subsystem bugs is only obscurity? (I really wonder what Greg would say
to this)

The argument that this particular setup may be less tested is a valid
one. But less tested also means less commonly known exploits and
testing these setups is a win-win for users and upstream.

Whether you like it or not... whenever you install software on a
server, you become a tester at the same point.


Re: OT: 'profit motive' - WAS Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Debian just voted in systemd for default init system in jessie

2014-02-21 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

 On 2014-02-21 10:28 AM, Gevisz wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:03:47 -0500 Tanstaafl wrote:
 On 2014-02-21 8:54 AM, Daniel Campbell
 If you think all profit is the same, then we are talking on
 two different wavelengths.
 I didn't say that. I said that *everyone* operates under the
 profit motive.
 And that is simply not true.
 Yes, it is, but you may be confused about the meaning of 'profit'.
 Even someone who volunteers in the local soup kitchen feeding the 
 homeless is doing so under the profit motive. The things is, the 
 'profit' involved (may) only involve(s) a 'warm fuzzy good
 If you read my previous words, I said it wasn't always (though I
 think it is usually) some kind of 'financial' profit.

You didn't say it, but it feels like you are talking about personal
profit. If not, then your definition of profit is so broad, that it
is almost meaningless.


Re: OT: 'profit motive' - WAS Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Debian just voted in systemd for default init system in jessie

2014-02-21 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

 On 2014-02-21 11:23 AM, hasufell wrote:
 Even someone who volunteers in the local soup kitchen feeding
 the homeless is doing so under the profit motive. The things
 is, the 'profit' involved (may) only involve(s) a 'warm fuzzy
 good feeling'.
 If you read my previous words, I said it wasn't always (though
 I think it is usually) some kind of 'financial' profit.
 You didn't say it, but it feels like you are talking about
 personal profit. If not, then your definition of profit is so
 broad, that it is almost meaningless.
 Not at all. The fact is, there are many different ways someone can 
 Another fact is, there has been a concerted effort by some people
 to poison the meaning, twisting the meaning of financial profit
 into being something bad, as opposed to what it really is - a very
 *good* thing (it is a good thing, without it you would DIE).
 Take your pick... they are all valid with respect to my comments, 
 although the one that subtley attempts to create a negative meaning
 'to take advantage: to profit from the WEAKNESS of others' bugs me
 no end...
 People can engage in good (ethical, honest, etc) or bad
 (unethical, dishonest, etc) behavior in their pursuit of profit,
 but it is the *behavior* (ethical/honest or unethical/dishonest)
 that is good or bad, not the result (profit).

Then you ignore self-destructive behaviour which is a common thing in
this world. It can even be intentional, causing no emotional,
financial, social or intellectual profit. Maybe you have never met
such a person or have never been in such an environment.


Re: OT: 'profit motive' - WAS Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Debian just voted in systemd for default init system in jessie

2014-02-21 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

 On 2014-02-21 12:17 PM, hasufell wrote:
 Then you ignore self-destructive behaviour which is a common
 thing in this world. It can even be intentional, causing no
 emotional, financial, social or intellectual profit. Maybe you
 have never met such a person or have never been in such an
 You are confusing 'intent' with 'result'.

No. You are confusing yourself with the rest of the world.

 Even self-destructive behavior is in the vast majority of cases
 engaged in with the *intention* of profit. Best example I can think
 of would be a drug addict/alcoholic. When they use/drink, they
 'profit' in that the feel better (albeit temporarily), regardless
 of the ultimate result.

I wasn't really talking about drug addicts.

If you are interested in real self-destructive behaviour, talk to
someone who has worked in an asylum which is only one interesting
environment that can make you think very different about people.

There are even people who are not driven by anything, not even
self-destruction. Pure apathy.

Another interesting thing... talk to a trial lawyer who has been in
that business for 10+ years. I really doubt that many of those will
support your profit intention concept. Most of the time it's about
short-cut reactions that are merely following instincts or emotional
impulses. Strong emotions can make someone lose control and do all
sorts of weird things without any hope or intention of
improving/gaining anything for living it out.
It's chemistry, it changes your consciousness. Profit is a bit more
complex and requires a minimum amount of reflection, even if it is
subconscious, short sighted and follows false assumptions.

So these are just 3 points why your generalization does not work, like
most of those all people... phrases. Unless you hack on the
definition until it suits your interpretation, like redefining profit
intention to intention.

This reminds me of the user in computer science papers. Well, which one.


Re: OT: 'profit motive' - WAS Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Debian just voted in systemd for default init system in jessie

2014-02-21 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA512

 Even self-destructive behavior is in the vast majority of
 cases engaged in with the *intention* of profit. Best example I
 can think of would be a drug addict/alcoholic. When they
 use/drink, they 'profit' in that the feel better (albeit
 temporarily), regardless of the ultimate result.
 I wasn't really talking about drug addicts.
 You said 'self-destructive', so I just used the best
 'self-destructive' reference I could think of...

It was not the best.

 If you are interested in real self-destructive behaviour, talk
 to someone who has worked in an asylum which is only one
 interesting environment that can make you think very different
 about people.
 Ok, well, I wasn't talking about the truly *insane*, and it is 
 disingenuous to use them as any kind of example in comparison to
 'the rest of us'...

That is just one example and those are not few people. Ruling them out
in your generalization is invalid and just proves that you are trolling.

The rest of us is as well defined as your profit intention stuff. Meh.


Re: [gentoo-user] Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-31 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/30/2014 07:15 PM, Stroller wrote:
 On 30 Jan 2014, at 03:50 am, hasufell wrote:
 I just tried paludis again (after some time). ... * you cannot
 unmask USE flags at all, not without hackery... and that is
 really non-trivial for unmasking abi_x86_32 globally, because
 those masks are scattered across a lot of files in profiles/ The
 explanation from the paludis developer is simply wrong:
 WONTFIX: you can hack around it with your own profile if you need
 to deal with Gentoo not following its own policies correctly.
 Yes, that's the Ciaran McCreesh I remember.

The thread gets funny. I guess this is not so much about NIH, but
rather about the fact that no one wants to work with him or that no
one wants to be one of his users and gets his feature requests all
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-29 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/27/2014 02:06 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 27/01/2014 13:59, Tanstaafl wrote:
 On 2014-01-26 1:04 PM, hasufell wrote:
 So, not sure where your optimism comes from. But... some devs
 are interested in starting from scratch or picking up pkgcore
 (which would be the most sane thing to do IMO).
 If the problem is really this potentially serious, why start
 from scratch, when Paludis is already very mature? Is it pure
 politics (someone just doesn't like Ciaran)?
 No-one likes to admit it, but I think there's some NIH going on

I just tried paludis again (after some time).

Things that make it currently impossible to properly migrate my
portage config:
* you cannot unmask USE flags at all, not without hackery... and that
is really non-trivial for unmasking abi_x86_32 globally, because those
masks are scattered across a lot of files in profiles/
The explanation from the paludis developer is simply wrong:
* seems there is no equivalent to --dynamic-deps=y (which is default
in emerge)... either I am missing something or this is a pretty good
reason to not use it
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-28 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/28/2014 06:45 PM, Martin Vaeth wrote:
 hasufell wrote:
 Many defaults gentoo sets do not have anything to do with
 default codepaths upstream has tested.
 I disagree: The USE-enabling in ebuilds usually follows upstream. 
 IIRC there was even a policy for gentoo developers which strongly 
 suggested this.

I don't know of any and I strongly disagree with that concept.

 As above, our defaults are not necessarily following upstream 
 recommendations/defaults. Apache alone should make you think
 about that claim.
 I never installed apache. However, especially for packages for
 which the choice of algorithms has to be selected (USE-flags
 thread, jit) or of protocols/interfaces (openssl or gnutls, neon or
 other, sqlite or mysql, openvpn[lzo], qtgui[exceptions], mesa,
 freetype, wine), the installation of tools (utils, examples, tk,
 perl, python) or extensions (tls-heartbeat, introspection, X,
 readline) the defaults usually follow the upstream default or
 recommendation unless there is a severe reason not to.

No, they don't necessarily. There is no consistency about this. It's
up to the maintainer to decide what most users will want. You want
upstream defaults, others want different things. The decision is made
individually. And profiles totally mess up that concept anyway.

What I was trying to say is: if you allow useflag combinations that
break the package (both in terms of build, runtime or _unexpectedly_
missing features) or break reverse dependencies in those same ways,
then it's a bug, a missing REQUIRED_USE constraint, a missing elog or

The whole line of argumentation does not work out anyway, imo.
Thinking that the defaults from e.g. ./configure --help are what a)
developers have tested most thoroughly and b) users of other distros
like debian, ubuntu etc run... is simply an assumption. Debian rather
goes for enabling whatever they can enable.

Besides that... I run stable arch. And when I have a package that has
severely broken runtime behavior with many useflags disabled (except
for the features I expect to be disabled), then something went
horribly wrong during stabilization.

If we support disabling all useflags on package level (and we do),
then we support disabling all on global level as well. All
_unexpected_ breakage that occurs due to that are ebuild bugs that
have incorrect dependencies or missing REQUIRED_USE constraints.

Defaults are just a usability thing, nothing more.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-27 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/27/2014 12:26 AM, William Hubbs wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 07:41:52PM +0100, hasufell wrote:
 Starting with USE=-* on a server (which is a sane thing to do)
 has become a lot more difficult as well.
 No, starting with USE=-* is very dangerous. It is not recommended
 nor supported, in any setup, by the dev community. If you do it,
 you are solely responsible for your system and you get to keep the
 broken pieces when things do not work. A safer approach would be to
 turn off the specific use flags you do not want to support.

That's nonsense imo and I use that setup on multiple servers/routers
without any issues.

It makes sense because you have the most minimal setup possible, the
most minimal codepaths possible which reduces exposure to bugs.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-27 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/27/2014 02:06 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 27/01/2014 13:59, Tanstaafl wrote:
 On 2014-01-26 1:04 PM, hasufell wrote:
 So, not sure where your optimism comes from. But... some devs
 are interested in starting from scratch or picking up pkgcore
 (which would be the most sane thing to do IMO).
 If the problem is really this potentially serious, why start
 from scratch, when Paludis is already very mature? Is it pure
 politics (someone just doesn't like Ciaran)?
 No-one likes to admit it, but I think there's some NIH going on

If it's about performance (in the sense of speed), then paludis is
worse, because dependency calculation is more complex/complete there.
Debatable if that's really a problem, though.

If it's about code quality... it's probably better, especially because
it's not that old. But from a few looks at the code, it's not properly
documented at class/method level (at least I could not find any comments).
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-27 Thread hasufell
On 01/27/2014 10:48 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:57:10 +0100, hasufell wrote:
 If it's about performance (in the sense of speed), then paludis
 is worse, because dependency calculation is more complex/complete
 That makes no sense at all. Paludis is written in a different
 language using different algorithms. It's not about the amount of
 work it does so much as how efficiently it does it.

That's exactly what I was saying. I was talking about speed, not

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-27 Thread hasufell
On 01/27/2014 11:57 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:54:28 +0100, hasufell wrote:
 If it's about performance (in the sense of speed), then paludis
 is worse, because dependency calculation is more complex/complete

 That makes no sense at all. Paludis is written in a different
 language using different algorithms. It's not about the amount of
 work it does so much as how efficiently it does it.
 That's exactly what I was saying. I was talking about speed, not
 But the efficiency of the algorithm, and the language, affects the speed.
 You can't presume it does more, therefore it takes longer if the two
 programs do things in very different ways.

For people who are used to portage, paludis will be _slower_ in total,
although the dependency calculation will be more accurate.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-27 Thread hasufell
On 01/28/2014 02:34 AM, Martin Vaeth wrote:
 hasufell wrote:

 On 01/27/2014 12:26 AM, William Hubbs wrote:

 No, starting with USE=-* is very dangerous.

 That's nonsense imo
 No, William is completely right.
 and I use that setup on multiple servers/routers without any issues.
 No one doubts that it is *possible* to add the correct USE for
 every single package manually, but it is not a good idea to hide
 the recommended defaults.

As someone who writes those recommendations, I disagree. That's why many
of my packages don't have a lot of them, because I don't like them in
the first place. Another nice thing you can do is mess with USE_ORDER.
And now don't tell me that is another bad idea. This is Gentoo.

 It makes sense because you have the most minimal setup possible
 This is not true, to start with: For instance, USE=minimal will
 usually choose a more minimal setup.
 With -* you will actually *disable* the default USE=minimal
 for e.g. www-client/firefox, x11-apps/startx, sys-block/blocks,
 dev-db/unixODBC, ... and thus get a setup which is even larger
 than the recommended default.

USE=-* minimal

 most minimal codepaths possible which reduces exposure to bugs.
 No, you usually get less tested (and by upstream considered untypical)
 codepaths which actually increases the probability to hit a bug
 nobody did hit/test yet.

Many defaults gentoo sets do not have anything to do with default
codepaths upstream has tested. So this argument works both ways.
Especially after a profile is activated.

 The USE=-* approach was reasonable before EAPI=1 was introduced:
 In these days, unusual codepaths would have been set by negative
 USE-flags, e.g. IUSE=nocxx for gcc.
 Nowadays, the upstream-recommended codepaths are set by default-USE-Flags
 in the ebuild, i.e. now the same is called IUSE=+cxx in gcc.
 Using -* you disable such defaults which are usually there for a
 good reason.

As above, our defaults are not necessarily following upstream
recommendations/defaults. Apache alone should make you think about that

 Of course, if you know and care what every single USE-flags for every
 single package does, it does not matter much which approach you take,
 but I would guess that even in this case you need more exceptions
 in /etc/portage/package.use with USE=-* than with USE=.

I made the opposite experience.

 Moreover, even for updates, it happens occassionally that a package
 gets an additional USE-flag, whose default is then usually chosen in
 such a way as the behaviour was before - so you risk dropping
 crucial behaviour on updates if you are not very careful.

I am careful. The amount of crucial packages on my servers are not that
big and I definitely watch _any_ update, unless I want a mysql update to
break hell.

Besides, if a useflag combination breaks something unexpectedly (e.g.
the build or unrelated features) then it's a bug (minimum is to
communicate the situation via elog). If disabling one useflag breaks the
whole package, then it's a bug. That's something the packager has to
care about and arch testers usually run all(or most?) useflag
permutations before stabilizing.
There is no excuse. Every other breakage is expected, because I have
disabled the features.
The power of useflags imply that I can mix them up any way I want. All
of those mixtures must be supported by the maintainer, unless he warns
the user about it through the ebuild, masks the useflag or sets an
appropriate REQUIRED_USE constraint. Otherwise... it's a bug.

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/26/2014 03:35 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 Anyone else noticed this yet? Some portage update seems to have
 made emerge -uDN @world perform about 10 times slower than
 before. It used to take seconds, now it takes about 4 minutes only
 to tell me that there's nothing to update. And it does that every
 time, even directly in succession and with the caches warm.
 Is it just me?

Some people don't follow PMS when writing ebuilds which could be one

toolchain has closed all relevant bugs as WONTFIX so far and even QA
does not seem to care enough (?), although there are alternative
approaches to fix the lack of USE-dynamic SLOTS.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread hasufell
On 01/26/2014 05:06 PM, Florian Philipp wrote:
 - emerging pypy takes forever and uses a lot of memory
 - userfetch and userpriv don't work

It also regularly causes segfaults.

zmedico/#gentoo-portage   hasufell: yeah, I get random segfaults with
pypy also (always seems to be in libc iirc)

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/26/2014 06:42 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 26/01/2014 17:24, eroen wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 16:35:43 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 Anyone else noticed this yet? Some portage update seems to have
 made emerge -uDN @world perform about 10 times slower than
 before. It used to take seconds, now it takes about 4 minutes
 only to tell me that there's nothing to update. And it does
 that every time, even directly in succession and with the
 caches warm.
 Is it just me?
 You don't say when your baseline was, but the complexity of
 resolving the package tree has increased quite a bit over the
 last year due to new features like automatic rebuilds of
 consumers after library updates.
 Another somewhat common cause of sudden slowdowns is how portage 
 resolves conflicts (like packageA requiring an old version of
 libraryB), which is rather time-consuming. You can try adding
 --backtrack=0 to the emerge command to make it stop and print an
 error message when encountering a conflict rather than look for a
 solution. Then you can 'help' out by manually resolving any
 conflicts by adding package versions to /etc/portage/package.mask
 . Preferably try this *after* running an update, so your system
 is up-to-date against your local version of the gentoo tree,
 otherwise normal simple-to-resolve conflicts might cause
 confusion. ;-)
 I've been noticing these slowdowns for a few months now too. I'm 
 somewhat conflicted in my head about them, as unresolved blockers
 is now something that happens very rarely. How often did we do this
 in the past:
 emerge -avuND world stare at output trying to figure out wtf? 
 emerge -C some problem package emerge -avuND world emerge problem
 package back if world update didn't already do it
 That used to happen A LOT, and it took much longer than 4 minutes. 
 Nowadays it happens seldom but the resolution does take 4 minutes.
 So I dunno, it's annoying to have to wait, but it also prevents a
 lot of wasted time by doing what software can do so well -
 detecting dependency issues.

Dependency resolution is broken and incomplete. Portage is unable to
print useful autounmask and similar messages to solve conflicts
manually, is unable to solve circular deps at all and bails out on
simple things like only updating vim when gvim is installed as well.
Then we have dirty workarounds like PDEPEND which shouldn't be there
in the first place...

It's a miracle that it works at all, especially when people keep
breaking the cache and rely on undefined behavior. Also... we still
have binary files in the tree.

Each EAPI adds more complexity to the dependency calculation. We have
no performance regression tests. We don't have many people who want to
look into portage code (can't blame them and since ferringb is gone we
don't have any1 who works on the QA-side of the code). Afais, it will
get a lot worse.

So, not sure where your optimism comes from. But... some devs are
interested in starting from scratch or picking up pkgcore (which would
be the most sane thing to do IMO).
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 01/26/2014 07:30 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 26/01/2014 20:04, hasufell wrote:
 So, not sure where your optimism comes from.
 It comes from watching what happens at the end of running emerge,
 don't read any more into it than that. Especially not optimism, I
 think you might be projecting your own frustrations.

That might be true. Mixing stable and unstable has become more and
more difficult these days.
Starting with USE=-* on a server (which is a sane thing to do) has
become a lot more difficult as well.

 A couple of years ago I used to have to manually resolve blockers
 about one world update in two. It started becoming a huge PITA
 especially as the deps are usually easy to solve - if I can look at
 the screen for a few seconds and figure it out, then software can
 do the same in milliseconds. Recent portages now do this properly
 when viewed from a results-only perspective.
 On my machines, that is what I see happening. That is the ONLY set
 of FACTS I have to work on; you may have more.
 I'm willing to give up 4 minutes while emerge runs so I don't have
 to spend many more minutes right afterwards doing manually the very
 shit that software is very good at. Whether portage is a complete
 pile of dogshit software or not is beside the point. Even if it is,
 my 4 minutes still buys me lots shrug

My pessimism comes from the fact that I wasn't able to communicate to
any1 in real life that gentoo and especially portage have a positive
usability score. Especially to those who have tried it once. As
someone who knows the internals and doesn't read portage messages
about conflicts anymore, but digs into the ebuilds directly... I don't
have a lot of severe problems to maintain any gentoo system. But it is
sad that you need those skills.

Usually I tell people to use a desktop profile, never to use
autounmask, not to mix stable and unstable branch and not to play too
much with per-package useflags unless you are really missing something.

Portage does alienate new users a lot. These performance issues add to
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Re: [gentoo-user] Mini-XML license

2014-01-25 Thread hasufell
On 01/25/2014 08:07 AM, Pavel Volkov wrote:
 Is Mini-XML license (/usr/portage/licenses/Mini-XML) considered a free 
 If so, why is it not in @FREE group? I have @FREE in my ACCEPT_LICENSE= in 

Re: [gentoo-user] lxde +openbox updates

2014-01-24 Thread hasufell
On 01/24/2014 10:46 PM, James wrote:
 Well, I took the plunge and put LXDE and openbox on a FX-8350
 with 32 gig of ram. KDE was just too much of a pig and I got
 tired of spending hours and hours of researching what had changesymmv.
 So I'm lov'n LXDE _ openbox, although I do have to go out and
 parse the scant documentation available. So I'll just post what 
 I want. I set up my desktop manually, just the way I like it.
 I basically have 2 problems.
 1. All of the software I install, only a few things are picked up
 by openbox into the menu and submenus. Is there a simple app
 I can add and run to pick up all of those apps into the openbox
 menu? What I have read  seems confusing, as there are menu files
 all over the user and /etc/xdg dir structures? Advise?

I recommend x11-misc/obmenugen
but there are others like x11-misc/openbox-menu as well

 2. In the ~/.config/lxsessions/LXDE/autostart file, I have:
 @lxpanel --profile LXDE
 @pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
 @xscreensaver -no-splash
 I have 4 differnt lxterminal sessions, each with 6 windows. I do not
 see how this single line lxtermial can remember all 4 window locations
 and the 6 tabs under each window; so how do I config this so 
 ti all comes up on logout/login or and reboots?

You might want to have a look at x11-terms/terminator which lets you
configure complex terminal profiles.

also mind the applications settings in openbox rc.xml where you can
define how and where new windows are placed

Re: [gentoo-user] Mounts NFS in XFCE4

2014-01-21 Thread hasufell
On 01/19/2014 05:46 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
 Is it possible to mount an NFS share from XFCE4?  I suspect the answer
 might have something to do with gvfs or fuse, neither of which I know
 anything about.
 Ideally after emerging or USEing I will have a Connect to server entry
 in my XFCE4 menu.
 If this is impossible, then I'd be ok with an approach that will allow a
 regular user to mount any network share with the mount command.
 Thank you,

Yes, use x11-misc/spacefm as filemanager and emerge sys-apps/udevil for
ftp/nfs/smb/ssh URL support for the path bar.

Then enter

in the path bar.

Re: [gentoo-user] ZFS on Linux (spl build error)

2013-12-13 Thread hasufell
On 12/13/2013 06:48 PM, Michael Rühmann wrote:
 Am 13.12.2013 18:34, schrieb Michael Rühmann:
 Hi all,

 had some troubles to build sys-kernel/spl-0.6.2-r2.

  Emerging (4 of 6) sys-kernel/spl-0.6.2-r2
  * spl-0.6.2.tar.gz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-)
 ...[ ok ]
  * spl-0.6.2-p1.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-)
 ... [ ok ]
  * Determining the location of the kernel source code
  * Found kernel source directory:
  * /usr/src/linux
  * Found kernel object directory:
  * /lib/modules/3.10.17-gentoo/build
  * Found sources for kernel version:
  * 3.10.17-gentoo
  * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options...
  *   CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE:is not set when it should be.
  * Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
  * Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.
  * Once you have satisfied these options, please try merging
  * this package again.
  * ERROR: sys-kernel/spl-0.6.2-r2::gentoo failed (setup phase):
  *   Incorrect kernel configuration options

 The problem is now: How do i set CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE in menuconfig?
 Maybe i'm completely blind...

 Thanks in advance for any help,

 lol, done!
 As i thought...i was blind :D

You could at least say how you did it. *sigh*

maybe even add the kernel part to

Re: [gentoo-user] ZFS on Linux (spl build error)

2013-12-13 Thread hasufell
On 12/13/2013 08:21 PM, Bruce Hill wrote:
 What *is* so difficult about that?


[gentoo-user] [call-for-testing] media-gfx/blender-2.69

2013-11-30 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

As discussed in a previous thread I'm trying to involve users more in

Since I'm not sure about the platform yet I'll just post on the
user-ML and wait for comments.

Primarily you should focus on runtime-issues. Arch teams usually catch
build-time stuff reliably.
So if you are already using blender... tell us how stable it is or if
another version works better.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Can we get users more involved in specific testing?

2013-11-14 Thread hasufell
On 11/14/2013 12:21 AM, James wrote:
 hasufell hasufell at writes:
 Our arch testers are understaffed and often don't really do general
 runtime tests (it's mostly assumed the maintainer knows about runtime
 I have often had a hard time to get some random users comment on
 certain packages or even assist on some runtime tests. I don't even
 know how many people use the package I maintain.
 When a new package is installed or upgraded, there are notes that the
 installer is optioned (and notified upon installation) about the 
 package.  Might it be a good idea to put your testing pleadings
 in the notes for those how install the package (stable, testing,
 experimental or overlay) about how to contact whoever related to
 the specific testing you want done? I. E. eselect news or is this
 a bad idea?
 JFFNMS is one of my favorite packages, so surely I'd respond on that
 one. Hell, I often go and find the patches and post bugs pleading to
 get documented patches installed on my favorite package.

I think people will not like having that in eselect news. There could be
a similar thing like:

eslect test-requests

but the question is if that will get bloated and other stuff I'm not
sure about.

The easiest thing I can think of is a project site on our wiki which
would also point to relevant bugs. Then again... who really wants to
maintain that.

All other ideas are even more advanced.

I wonder if we could add a keyword on bugzie like REQUSERTEST... so
bored users could easily get a list of such bugs. But who would really
use that?

[gentoo-user] Can we get users more involved in specific testing?

2013-11-10 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

Our arch testers are understaffed and often don't really do general
runtime tests (it's mostly assumed the maintainer knows about runtime

I have often had a hard time to get some random users comment on
certain packages or even assist on some runtime tests. I don't even
know how many people use the package I maintain.

This makes it very difficult on some decisions when to stabilize
non-trivial stuff like media-gfx/blender or
sci-visualization/paraview. I don't use those things on a daily basis.

I'm wondering if it would make any sense to set up some kind of portal
to track at least such delicate packages where we need users to
comment on general stability and especially runtime issues. (actually
the bug-tracker was meant for that, but it seems that doesn't work out
for general user reports... those are very rare)

So when any1 of you is really bored, he could chime in there, do some
random testing (or maybe you already use it on a daily basis...) and
report it. It wouldn't really need to be professional.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: do subslots improve user-experience?

2013-11-03 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 11/03/2013 08:07 PM, Martin Vaeth wrote:
 If you want my opinion on subslots: # grep EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS
 A different user interface would be preferrable: Something like
 FEATURES=show-built-slot-operator-deps which would *show* what
 would need to be rebuilt even if the above EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS is
 used. This is then something which users with less powerful 
 machines like me can put into their make.conf and then decide from
 case to case whether/when to rebuild.
 Or even better: In --ask mode, one could ask the user in addition
 for those packages only pulled in by subslot deps.
 This way users with not so powerful machines would be informed
 regularly but would not be forced to call emerge twice or more
 times just to get the information (which meanwhile is really a time
 The current way of reemerging subslots by default might (and IMHO
 should) be kept, anyway.

Could you open a bug report for portage and make a properly formulated
proposal about this?

I think this idea has a realistic chance to get implemented, one way
or the other.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


[gentoo-user] do subslots improve user-experience?

2013-11-02 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

Another round of questioning the users here.

more specifically:
* how often do you experience useless rebuilds?
* do you really have a problem with running
revdep-rebuild/haskell-updater/perl-cleaner etc after every emerge?
* do you think it's worth the effort to add more stuff to the PM, so
that you don't have to run revdep-rebuild that often?
* do you trust the other methods like subslots or preserved-rebuild to
work reliably? (as in: do you still use revdep-rebuild?)

If you want my opinion on subslots:
# grep EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS /etc/portage/make.conf
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: [gentoo-user] did python-r1 improve user experience?

2013-10-27 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 10/27/2013 02:30 AM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
 The (non-)relationship between eselect python and PYTHON_TARGETS
 is something that would be nice to resolve, but I don't know how to
 do it. PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET will probably cause problems if/when
 packages start supporting python3 only.

I think python-single-r1 is one of the major problems for users,
because they have to mess with two variables/useflags. Most just put
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=python3_3 or something in make.conf which then
again affects all packages and WILL cause blockers/unresolvable deps.

Afair in the very early versions we just picked the best
implementation and were done with it (since a python-single-r1 package
should not provide modules anyway).

What is wrong with that approach (except that it still causes useless
rebuilds)? Do users really need that sort of control over non-module
packages? If they really do, you can still do some additional work and
make a real python-r1 package out of it.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


[gentoo-user] did python-r1 improve user experience?

2013-10-23 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

Since I maintain blender I have come across quite a few frustrated
users already:

I am not sure myself. On one hand we don't need python-updater anymore
and have very tight dependencies that ensure that all needed modules
are always available for the desired implementation.

On the other hand it seems to give a lot of users trouble with
blockers, general configuration and mass-updates on things like
removing python:2.5.

What are your opinions? Did it improve user experience? What could be
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


[gentoo-user] on overlays and contributing to gentoo

2013-09-12 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

I sometimes have the feeling the number of people directly
contributing to gentoo is decreasing and the number of people with
their own overlays is increasing.

Q: Why contribute? I have my own overlay.
A: That is bad. There are several reasons:
* most overlays don't get any reviews from any other person/dev and
hence the quality is usually a lot lower than in the official tree
(not necessarily because we are smarter, but because of more eyes)
* overlays decentralize packaging which is a very bad thing and can
cause so many problems that I cannot name them all here (most
importantly overlay maintainers have no access to the trees profiles/
folder, cannot limit breakage that happened and cannot coordinate any
delicate bumps of crucial system libs)
* some overlay maintainers overwrite system libraries with their own
versions, causing unnecessary bugs for users
* user experience does not improve if he has to add a whole overlay
for a single package
* most overlays don't do pgp signing or even have thin manifests
* many overlay maintainers do not even bother to communicate in bug
reports about ebuild requests, so developers might not even notice
that someone has already worked on an ebuild

There is probably more. In the end the important thing is that an
overlay is not a direct contribution to gentoo. Of course, direct
contribution requires more work and more patience, but will solve all
of the above problems.

Q: What is direct contribution?
A: There are many ways:
* file a bug report with an ebuild request giving useful information
about the package (I sometimes give up on working on an ebuild,
because I don't use the software and have little knowledge about what
users will expect from an ebuild)
* file a bug report with an ebuild proposal, preferably after getting
a review in #gentoo-dev-help or #gentoo-sunrise
* communicate to devs that you are interested in becoming a proxy
maintainer [1]
* contribute to sunrise [2] the official user overlay (yes, also an
overlay, but with very strict policy to ensure compatibility with the
tree); here you also get a review in #gentoo-sunrise and we have
mirrors on github and bitbucket to accept pull requests
* start bothering the gentoo herds/projects directly, either in their
IRC channel or in their official overlays (oh, an overlay again,
yes... but most of the time the work done there flows directly into
the tree with some delay); some are hosted on github etc
* become a dev [3]

Only do your own overlay if more than one of the contribution channels
failed. As an example: if you propose binary ebuilds for software that
is opensource, then devs will probably not like that.

It is also fine to have your own overlay, e.g. for testing or for
packages that are really alpha, but contributing directly is more
awesome and benefits more users.

- --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: The NVIDIA/Kernel fiasco -- is it safe to sync yet?

2013-08-25 Thread hasufell
On 08/25/2013 06:34 PM, Mick wrote:
 On Sunday 25 Aug 2013 17:18:09 Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 25/08/2013 02:45, »Q« wrote:
 On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 09:49:43 +0200

 Alan McKinnon wrote:
 On 24/08/2013 06:26, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:12 PM, »Q« wrote:
 It looks like maybe the best way to tell which ebuilds support
 which kernels is to read the conditional for the ewarn message in
 each ebuild.

 If this sort of problem spreads it might be good to build into
 portage some kind of blocker/keyword mechanism so that users need
 not deal with this not that I have any appreciation for the
 work involved.

 Those tools already exist.

 Blockers, which do not really apply here;

 In a comment on the bug (which is full of bugspam), someone suggested
 blocking kernels which are incompatible with the currently-installed
 nvidia-drivers.  I'm glad that idea was dismissed.

 elog messages

 Those elog messages are presented after compiling a new kernel and then
 trying and failing to compile nvidia-drivers.  So now I grep the
 nvidia-drivers ebuilds for the messages before I compile a new kernel.

 A wiki page with info about which nvidia-drivers will build against
 which kernels would be a nice thing to have.

 Your reply demonstrates nicely the true nature of the problem:

 With nvidia-drivers, sometimes things break and there's nothing sane
 that portage and the devs can do to help you. You can't check the
 configured kernels as they may not be running. You can't check the
 installed sources as they may not be in use. You can't even try identify
 the sources symlinked by /usr/src/linux as they may have been patched,
 tweaked or modified and nvidia-drivers may well build whereas against
 stock sources they don't.

 The entire problem is completely due to how nVidia chose to do things,
 it's their business decision. Now, if they were to get their shim code
 into mainline, most of this nonsense would not happen anymore.

 The only thing left for Portage and the devs to do is to provide the
 ebuild and ask you to run it. If it doesn't compile, then don't run that

 I doubt your wiki page idea will work, it will be just accurate enough
 to look like it might work and just inaccurate enough to be useless.
 Which brings you back to the previous paragraph - try emerge
 nvidia-drivers and if it fails then don't use that kernel.
 I've been always running ATI Radeon cards, by accident rather than design.  I 
 was thinking of moving to NVidia on a new box to be built soon, because of 
 many accolades that I have read on the Internet, but reports of problems like 
 this make me pause for thought.  Sure it's not major borkage, but it is an 
 inconvenience.  How do NVidia users manage such problems?  Trial and error?

Sort of. When I hit a nice spot with a kernel/nvidia-driver combination,
then I do not update both for quite a while.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-23 Thread hasufell
On 08/23/2013 05:48 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
 Am 23.08.2013 12:50, schrieb the:
 Does that mean that I should buy hardware to match software requirements?
 Do you really want to tell me that you are still working on a Pentium
 133 with maybe 64 MB of RAM?
 I mean it has always been like that: people buy indeed hardware to match
 software requirements, e.g. to play better games or to watch Youtube
 videos in High Definition.
 Of course no one is going to force you to do so, so if you are happy
 with less power you need less, of course.
 The point for Skype, last time I am going to repeat that, is that it
 works out of the box for the normal user and the large user base.

And that is still wrong. If it works for you, fine. There are enough
users who have a LOT of trouble with it. Again: read the bugtrackers, I do.

And even better: you cannot file bug reports properly (at least from
what I see the skype jira is gone) and cannot read/fix code.

You are lured into believing it's a good piece of software that works
out of the box, because all they do is good advertisement and increasing
their userbase with some shiny features. Even worse: distro maintainers
have trouble with it, need to apply hacks or don't even include it at
all because of the nasty license. How does that improve out-of-the-box

Next you will tell us windows works out of the box.

I mean, wtf are you talking about? It doesn't make any sense. And
doesn't even add anything to this topic.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-23 Thread hasufell
On 08/23/2013 08:09 PM, Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:
 On 23.08.2013 19:58, hasufell wrote:
 On 08/23/2013 05:48 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
 Am 23.08.2013 12:50, schrieb the:
 [ ... ]
 The point for Skype, last time I am going to repeat that, is that it
 works out of the box for the normal user and the large user base.

 And that is still wrong. If it works for you, fine. There are enough
 users who have a LOT of trouble with it. Again: read the bugtrackers,
 I do.
 (Again, I'm not a skypodefender in any way)
 Please recommend us a bugtracker for an actively developing software
 which has, well, considerably fewer bugs. (Add to this: multiplatform,
 multiuser, network-based etc)

I was talking about crash and segfault bugs in specific.
Check the xfce bug tracker if you need an example for a rather well
maintained piece of software compared to skype.

 And even better: you cannot file bug reports properly (at least from
 what I see the skype jira is gone) and cannot read/fix code.

 You are lured into believing it's a good piece of software that works
 out of the box, because all they do is good advertisement and increasing
 their userbase with some shiny features. Even worse: distro maintainers
 have trouble with it, need to apply hacks or don't even include it at
 all because of the nasty license. How does that improve out-of-the-box
 Your view is simply different from the view of most software users. A
 good piece of software for them is not what is well-coded or
 well-maintained or well-licensed or well-whatever. All they need is
 matching their expectations. You may be 146% correct about troubles and
 hacks but this doesn't change the average joe's expectations. And yes,
 in most situations skype does work out-of-the-box. Sad, but true.

Repeating it and ignoring the troubles people have throughout distro
forums and bug trackers will not help you prove your point.

 Next you will tell us windows works out of the box.
 It does, in most situations. Sad, but true.

That is simply not true. It doesn't even come with most of the needed
hardware drivers. There is almost nothing pre-installed. Getting
programs is complicated.

It seems to me you don't really understand what out of the box means.

 I mean, wtf are you talking about? It doesn't make any sense. And
 doesn't even add anything to this topic.
 That's all about off-topic.
 But not acknowledging the truth doesn't add anything either.
 Do people hate Windows or other proprietary stuff because of its bugs?
 Or because of its not working OOTB? In my experience, I'd probably
 number a thousand more times of open-source software not working OOTB
 and being buggy than Windows/etc. But I still adhere to OSS.
 I don't think that having an 'ideal' piece of proprietary software would
 change an open-source adept's mind towards PS. But neither I think that
 emphasizing PS' problems which are common to all software will help
 people turn to the open-source side.

opensource often sucks if there is no one professionally working on it,
as in: get's money

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-22 Thread hasufell
On 08/22/2013 05:49 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
 And why not? Because most users just want a program that works right out
 of the box for them without problems and Skype is just that. It went
 great lengths to achieve this goal.

You probably missed those hundreds of bugs we devs and also users were
faced with, including linkage against non-existing sonames, random
crashes and breakage when the binary is stripped.

So this is somewhat wrong information. It's like saying windows works
right out of the box without problems.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-22 Thread hasufell
On 08/22/2013 06:05 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
 Am 22.08.2013 17:58, schrieb hasufell:
 You probably missed those hundreds of bugs we devs and also users were
 faced with, including linkage against non-existing sonames, random
 crashes and breakage when the binary is stripped.

 So this is somewhat wrong information. It's like saying windows works
 right out of the box without problems.
 I am not arguing from the admin site of Skype; I am arguing from the
 user side.

I was arguing from both sides. It is buggy, crashes a lot, consumes a
lot of ressources and is able to slow down your whole desktop, mess with
audio settings and whatnot.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-22 Thread hasufell
On 08/22/2013 06:11 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
 Am 22.08.2013 18:08, schrieb hasufell:
 I was arguing from both sides. It is buggy, crashes a lot, consumes a
 lot of ressources and is able to slow down your whole desktop, mess with
 audio settings and whatnot.
 Well, your opinion.

Proven by bug reports. Search the distro bug trackers for skype crash
and skype segfault.

I am unable to find the upstream bugtracker, they have probably shut it
down, because they are unable to deal with the amount of bugs coming in
and want to prevent a bad image.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-21 Thread hasufell
On 08/20/2013 05:12 PM, Randy Westlund wrote:
 I've heard several people mention jitsi, but was surprised to find that it's 
 not in the portage tree.

Jitsi is written in java and thus by design buggy, bloated and hard to

If you care a lot, you can propose it in sunrise user overlay and I will
accept precompiled java packages there.

Join #gentoo-sunrise and try to avoid random overlays. They have caused
lots of trouble for our users in the past, because there is no one to
review the ebuild most of the time and there is even less protection
against overlays who mess with system packages and thus might break a
LOT of things, partly because they have no idea what they are doing and
partly because they have no access to profiles/ in gx86 and cannot
coordinate any delicate changes.

Re: [gentoo-user] Jitsi or Other Skype Alternative

2013-08-21 Thread hasufell
On 08/21/2013 05:59 PM, Jean-Christophe Bach wrote:
 * hasufell [21.08.2013. @16:48:10 +0200]:
 On 08/20/2013 05:12 PM, Randy Westlund wrote:
 I've heard several people mention jitsi, but was surprised to find that 
 it's not in the portage tree.

 Jitsi is written in java and thus by design buggy, bloated and hard to
 What a categorical opinion! Developers are writing code and are making
 bugs, whatever the language they use. I am pretty sure I am able to
 write buggy, bloated and hard to maintain with Haskell, Ada, Java or any
 other language…
 It is really easy to criticize the programming language instead of
 reviewing the development methods.
 The main problem of writing an ebuild for a Java application comes from
 bad habits in the Java world: people are usually distributing all
 libraries and the program in a big ball of mud. It is great for Windows
 users or for users who do not use a real packages manager, but it needs
 lot of work to have clean packages.

The average java application is buggy, bloated and hard to maintain. And
that is a fact you have to realize as a distributor.

The programming language java is another topic and it sucks too, but
yes... you might be able to write non-buggy code.

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving from old udev to eudev

2013-08-12 Thread hasufell
Hash: SHA1

On 08/02/2013 05:01 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
 On 02/08/13 05:48, Dale wrote:
 Samuli Suominen wrote:
 Huh? USE=firmware-loader is optional and enabled by default
 in sys-fs/udev Futhermore predictable network interface names
 work as designed, not a single valid bug filed about them.
 Stop spreading FUD.
 Looking forward to lastrite sys-fs/eudev just like 
 sys-apps/module-init-tools already was removed as unnecessary
 later on.
 So your real agenda is to kill eudev?  Maybe it is you that is
 spreading FUD instead of others.  Like others have said, udev was
 going to cause issues, eudev has yet to cause any.
 Yes, absolutely sys-fs/eudev should be punted from tree since it
 doesn't bring in anything useful, and it reintroduced old bugs from
 old version of udev, as well as adds confusing to users. And no,
 sys-fs/udev doesn't have issues, in fact, less than what 
 sys-fs/eudev has. Like said earlier, the bugs assigned to
 udev-bugs@g.o apply also to sys-fs/eudev and they have even more in
 their github ticketing system. And sys-fs/udev maintainers have to
 constantly monitor sys-fs/eudev so it doesn't fall too much behind,
 which adds double work unnecessarily. They don't keep it up-to-date
 on their own without prodding.
 Really, this is how it has went right from the start and the double
 work and user confusion needs to stop.
 - Samuli

* you are not telling the whole story about what happened and why the
fork came into life in the first place. It's not as simple as you seem
to suggest. There were good reasons at that point. Some changes were
merged by udev upstream and there are still more differences than you
point out. That has been discussed numerous of times.
* claiming that eudev didn't improve anything is wrong and can be proven
* that eudev is behind udev most of the time is correct
* that it causes tons of breakage for users... well, I don't know, not
for me since almost the beginning
* eudev will not be treecleaned until the gentoo devs who maintain it
agree (at best, it may be masked) and even if eudev will be obsolete
at some point, then it has been a success
* I don't understand why you add those rants all over different
mailing lists. I have seen it numerous of times and your precision
about explaining the situation does not improve. If you think that
people need to be warned about eudev, then you should provide a reason
to mask it or drop it back to ~arch. Anything else is not constructive
and causes confusion.
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Re: [gentoo-user] Moving from old udev to eudev

2013-08-12 Thread hasufell
On 08/12/2013 02:06 PM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
 On 12/08/13 14:37, hasufell wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 08/02/2013 05:01 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
 On 02/08/13 05:48, Dale wrote:
 Samuli Suominen wrote:

 Huh? USE=firmware-loader is optional and enabled by default
 in sys-fs/udev Futhermore predictable network interface names
 work as designed, not a single valid bug filed about them.

 Stop spreading FUD.

 Looking forward to lastrite sys-fs/eudev just like
 sys-apps/module-init-tools already was removed as unnecessary
 later on.

 So your real agenda is to kill eudev?  Maybe it is you that is
 spreading FUD instead of others.  Like others have said, udev was
 going to cause issues, eudev has yet to cause any.

 Yes, absolutely sys-fs/eudev should be punted from tree since it
 doesn't bring in anything useful, and it reintroduced old bugs from
 old version of udev, as well as adds confusing to users. And no,
 sys-fs/udev doesn't have issues, in fact, less than what
 sys-fs/eudev has. Like said earlier, the bugs assigned to
 udev-bugs@g.o apply also to sys-fs/eudev and they have even more in
 their github ticketing system. And sys-fs/udev maintainers have to
 constantly monitor sys-fs/eudev so it doesn't fall too much behind,
 which adds double work unnecessarily. They don't keep it up-to-date
 on their own without prodding.

 Really, this is how it has went right from the start and the double
 work and user confusion needs to stop.

 - Samuli

 * you are not telling the whole story about what happened and why the
 fork came into life in the first place. It's not as simple as you seem
 True, I didn't mention people were needlessly unwilling to join the
 Gentoo udev team despite being invited to.

That's a bit unrelated. It wasn't just about the gentoo ebuild.

 to suggest. There were good reasons at that point. Some changes were
 merged by udev upstream and there are still more differences than you
 point out. That has been discussed numerous of times.
 * claiming that eudev didn't improve anything is wrong and can be proven
 I can easily prove eudev is nothing but udev and deleted code, plus
 restored broken 'rule generator', plus useless kept static nodes
 creation which was moved to kmod, plus needlessly changed code for
 uclibc support -- uclibc now has the functions udev needs.

Wonder why udev upstream merged back changes if it was all that bad.

 * that eudev is behind udev most of the time is correct
 * that it causes tons of breakage for users... well, I don't know, not
 for me since almost the beginning
 * eudev will not be treecleaned until the gentoo devs who maintain it
 agree (at best, it may be masked) and even if eudev will be obsolete
 at some point, then it has been a success
 * I don't understand why you add those rants all over different
 mailing lists. I have seen it numerous of times and your precision
 about explaining the situation does not improve. If you think that
 people need to be warned about eudev, then you should provide a reason
 to mask it or drop it back to ~arch. Anything else is not constructive
 and causes confusion.
 True, it won't be dropped for long as people are maintaining it. That's
 how maintainership works.
 But trying to lie to people it's somehow solving something currently is
 annoying as 'ell and should be corrected where seen.

Who lied?

Re: [gentoo-user] Au revoir, gnome-3.8

2013-08-09 Thread hasufell
On 08/09/2013 02:25 PM, Bruce Hill wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 11:33:53AM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

 I long ago concluded that users who want to run Gnome3 need to do what
 Gnome3 devs want them to do. Currently with 3.8 that includes using systemd.
 This would be a _very_ good post to end this thread upon. Too bad there's not
 an /ignore gnome all switch for this ML.

You can use a proper mail client and filter messages.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Killing Adobe Flash

2013-08-06 Thread hasufell
On 08/06/2013 06:19 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
 On 06/08/13 17:37, Paul Hartman wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
 On 08/06/2013 10:24 AM, Paul Hartman wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
 On 2013-08-06 10:12 AM, Paul Hartman wrote:

 For youtube you can enable HTML5 mode and avoid flash entirely for
 many videos (but not all). [...]

 Interesting... if you do enable HTML5 mode, and still have Flash
 what happens? Is HTML5 'preferred'?

 Yes, some older unpopular videos that were uploaded before HTML5
 support was added might not support it, but otherwise most videos seem
 to play using HTML5 instead of Flash once you've opted-in.

 You're better off using media-video/get_flash_videos- to download
 these anyway. [...]

 net-misc/youtube-dl is another one that supports many sites and is
 updated in portage quite often (to keep up with changes to the
 I usually just dragdrop or copypaste the video URL into SMPlayer,
 which them streams the video immediately, resulting in playback of
 YouTube videos inside a proper media player.

You can even use net-misc/youtube-viewer for that, either in console or
gui (gtk useflag).

And even more like net-misc/youtube-dl.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-08-03 Thread hasufell
On 08/03/2013 02:28 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 you guys turned this thread into plain bullshits.

I have a lot of patience, but that does not help us and definitely not
your case either. Please stop.

People who are _really_ interested in contributing are welcome to
contact me directly as well.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-08-02 Thread hasufell
On 08/02/2013 01:16 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 And if you cba to review the basics, stuff most users know, or can find out 
 what makes you think you're cut out to be a developer?

 Please note I'm not discussing any technical ability you may or may not have 
 bash, ebuilds or upstream sources. Just your ability to find out the basics, 
 is much less difficult than installing Gentoo in the first place.

 If you want/ed to be a developer, my advice would always be: show you're 
 useful, not
 that you need hand-holding and ego-stroking from the get-go.
 I've been an occasionnal contributor to Git, the active maintainer of
 OfflineIMAP for more than a year and I'm maintainer and developer at
 $DAY_JOB since years. I turned the OfflineIMAP worflow from one
 maintainer into a team of official maintainers. This is merely one
 example of my contributions to the open source world and when it comes
 to recruitement, workflow and decision processes I think I know what I'm
 talking about.

We mainly care about gentoo contributions when it comes to gentoo
recruitment and do not let people in, just because they are developers.
That is not even a requirement.

So we are pretty open to new contributors.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-08-02 Thread hasufell
On 08/02/2013 07:36 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 01:58:35PM +0200, hasufell wrote:
 So we are pretty open to new contributors.
 Nice conclusion!

Yes. We offer manys way to collaborate and the only real requirement is
that people are able to read documentation and improve their knowledge.

You can:
* look for bugs and file them against packages
* work on ebuilds that are not already in the tree and attach them
to bug reports
* alternatively contribute to the official user overlay sunrise, either
in IRC, or on github/bitbucket mirrors
* alternatively contribute directly to some herd overlays such as
science or haskell (both hosted on github)
* help out people with ebuild writing in #gentoo-dev-help,
#gentoo-sunrise or just help users in #gentoo or on gentoo-user ML
figuring out their daily gentoo problems
* make techincal/political suggestions on the appropriate mailing lists
* write a GLEP (everyone can)
* find a mentor and become a gentoo developer

Everyone can improve gentoo, just do it.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-08-01 Thread hasufell
On 08/01/2013 02:11 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 The 01/08/13, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
 I don't see the major difference between that and opening a bug and
 attaching the patch. Only that bugzilla allow to manage the process,
 not have leftovers, and future people can resume past discussions.
 The bugzilla thing is what makes the difference, IMHO. git-push and
 git-send-email are one shoot simple commands to get things done. Having
 to open the web browser, connect to bugzilla, attach the patch and
 comment online is too much busy. 

You can use the command line too.


 With Gentoo, you have to find a mentor, officially call for
 being a member, success the online tests, keep mentored some time. Not
 very light and efficient...

 Can you please suggest a different method to ensure quality?
 Yes, having a few maintainers team with write access to the whole
 portage tree and contributors sending patches to them or to official
 package maintainers making the first review before they do the merge and
 submit to the main maintainers. Something like the kernel with
 the main maintainers, the lieutenants and open contributors.

Git workflow has been on the todo list for a long time, as well as
review systems such as gerrit.

It is non trivial to implement and none of it is an excuse for not
contributing IMO ;)

Those are enhancements and we are already working on it. Get your hands

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-08-01 Thread hasufell
On 08/01/2013 03:15 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
 The 01/08/13, hasufell wrote:
 You can use the command line too.

 I know this tool. I did try it. At that time it was buggy and did not
 work for me. Though, this would still be a busy process as this is just
 another interface og the bugzilla thing.
 Git workflow has been on the todo list for a long time, as well as
 review systems such as gerrit.

 It is non trivial to implement
 Other than the git repository size requiring a huge initial clone, it's
 very easy to do.

Let's not make this yet another git migration discussion. Sufficient to
say, that it is not trivial to implement in Gentoo since we have to
migrate history, tools (not just end-user tools, this is also about
infra) and a lot of other stuff without breaking everything.

Also: A lot of gentoo projects have an overlay on github or similar
where they accept pull requests already. Including sunrise.

 Also, Gentoo organization has two heads making ambitious dicisions hard
 to take. And AFAIKS, to decision process in Gentoo is not helping at
 all. We are far from how it worked at the genesis/beginning of Gentoo.

There is a lot of room for improvement in the political aspects of
gentoo. In order to change it, you have to get more involved.

 It is non trivial to implement and none of it is an excuse for not
 contributing IMO ;)

 Those are enhancements and we are already working on it. Get your hands
 Oh, yes. Pass the recruitement process to enhance the recruitement process,
 workflow and decision process (not possible to change, IMO). Funny! :-)
 Again, I proposed myself to the dev list two times in the past. Nobody
 cared and I had no answers.

I think the dev ML is not the right place to ask for a mentor, you
actually have to _find_ one. Discuss on IRC, help out on bugzie, send
pull requests to official gentoo overlays and then you might already
know a few devs who work in that area you are intested in. If you are
unable to find one, the recruiters will help you with that, just contact

Also: we approach people ourselves who force us to commit for them every
single time. It is annoying, so we want them to become devs ;)

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-07-31 Thread hasufell
On 07/30/2013 11:32 PM, Daniel Campbell wrote:
 On 07/30/2013 01:16 PM, hasufell wrote:
 And we need MOAR devs

 so awesome! srsly!

 What many people don't seem to get is: you don't need to be a commit
 monkey doing your 100+ commits per week.
 Our minimum rate of commits is pretty low before you actually are forced
 to retire.

 Better have a lot of devs each one focussing on a few packages than
 having few devs working on the entire tree and messing up things randomly.

 It's not that much work, just some regular attention. You want to join!

 I was interested in becoming a dev for a little while, but the testing
 and what looks to be prolonged process kinda put me off of the idea. It
 just seems like a lot of bureaucratic work. Perhaps my impression is
 wrong, though...

Yes, your impression is wrong.

You can:

a) file bugs
b) attach your ebuilds to bug reports (either demanding inclusion or
fixing a bug, etc...)
c) proxy-maintain a package (say in the bug report that you are willing
to do that)
d) start contributing to sunrise (join #gentoo-sunrise) and get noticed
or participate in #gentoo-dev-help
e) just be bold and tell us we need you; it's good if you already have
an overlay and some experience or worked on bugzilla ebuilds a lot

 Which projects are most in need of developers or maintainers? I wouldn't
 mind learning a bit more about package maintenance, portage, and ebuilds...

an incomplete list of herds needing help from my own perspective:

- perl herd is officially asking for help
- lang-misc consists of _one_ dev (we can also need help with packages
like dev-lang/elixir, dev-lang/fpc and dev-lang/dmd, dmd not being in
the tree yet for that very reason)
- science herd is unable to import most of their ebuilds into the tree,
so they stay in the science overlay. That sucks. More people.
- gnome is really underpowered, hence the trouble with gnome3

if it's about projects, then well... maybe gentoo alt (bsd and
prefix), arch testers or even kernel (kernel package maintainers don't
have the resources anymore to stabilize vanilla-sources). Also: if you
are good with python, you want to contribute to portage... very few
people work on that and it's not getting less work. Our security system
lacks some responsiveness imo due to being underpowered, we can improve


[gentoo-user] Gentoo is so AWESOME

2013-07-30 Thread hasufell
And we need MOAR devs

so awesome! srsly!

What many people don't seem to get is: you don't need to be a commit
monkey doing your 100+ commits per week.
Our minimum rate of commits is pretty low before you actually are forced
to retire.

Better have a lot of devs each one focussing on a few packages than
having few devs working on the entire tree and messing up things randomly.

It's not that much work, just some regular attention. You want to join!

Re: [gentoo-user] Rather ugly portage output today...

2012-06-02 Thread hasufell