Grant <emailgrant <at>> writes:

Gentoo is rock solid for me, but, I have endured much pain
since early 2004. I use many system and only stray from stable
when warranted.

> > | yeah, mixing isn't good. Pure systems are way more stable.

Well, I do not agree here, with this blanket statement. I mix a
small number of testing or even unmasking packages, fix the issues
or live with them, and the mostly stable systems are fine. I do try
to avoid testing and unmasking packages. If I unmask something and it
does not work or is a constant pain, then just get the sources
(cvs or svn) and build it like a traditional linux system. This
still works on gentoo....

Yes it take time, but, unless you have time to burn, you should not 
be straying from stable..... (imho).....

> Now that's an interesting idea.  Makes sense.  It sounds like I should
> either learn to live with stable packages only, or go all out testing.

Some like that approach, but I say use a mostly stable system, unless you
need a large amount of testing or unmasked packages YMMV.

Also, always keep at least one system on stable only, for your
main box, imho....



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