Hi, i'm currently running Gentoo on a RAID0 setup on some Sata disks
using a Jmicron chip from an Asus P6T board. I'm using a fakeraid due
to dualboot restrictions. My whole Gentoo system is on the raid0
device so i use an initramfs to bootup. I've been running with this
setup for some time, but since i migrated to baselayout2+openrc i
didn't understand why i need /etc/init.d/lvm to start at boot as i
have no lvm setup. Today i was doing some research and some questions

* Every where says i need "<*>   RAID support -> <* > RAID-0
(striping) mode" in kernel for fakeraid to work, but my system still
boots while disabling those options, are they really needed? i don't
understand why it is supposed to be needed. (Is it only for mdadm

* Is "SCSI device support -> <*> RAID Transport Class" option needed?
What is supposed to do? I think raid features are provided by jmicron
driver and kernel understaands how RAID works due to "Multiple devices
driver support (RAID and LVM) -> <*>   Device mapper support ", isn't

* Last question is, after migrating to openrc i noticed that lvm2
package provides device-mapper tools to manage the array, but i do not
want /etc/init.d/lvm to start at boot as i do not use any lvm setup, i
just would like to get /dev/mapper/ correctly populated using
something like dmraid -ay. I've tried removing lvm from boot and
adding device-mapper instead but /dev/mapper is not populated. How
should i proceed to get rid of lvm script and /dev/mapper populated,
do i need /etc/dmtab to work? Then why would one want to use mdadm
instead of device-mapper, which are the advatges/disadvantages on each
other? i know mdadm needs an optional /etc/mdadm.conf file to work,
and using mdadm one could stop/start the array, add more disks to the
array etc But do mdadm need a boot up script to work?

As you can see i'm a bit confused about what's best/suits best mdadm
or device-mapper and why are those kernel settings needed. Thanks a
lot in advanced :)

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