I just got hip to these little applet thingys called "widgets". Mac OS-X
started them, but in some divine miracle, Konfabulator is also a Windows XP
program too. There like a thousand of these little widget/applet things --
all free -- that do all kinds of amazing things from the obligatory
calculators, clocks, RSS feeds, etc, but even more advanced stuff, I have
one that controls my TiVo! 


It looks like they are just basically a javascript language and a way to run
them on the desktop. 

I did some google searching for "widget" and "linux" but can't find anything
aside from (G)Tk stuff.

This would be a fantastic project for someone with more X-windows/KDE/Gnome
skills than me to tackle. Then all those fancy OS-X/XP widgets would just
work too! How great is that?!

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