Devon Miller wrote:

> Do you have CONFIG_CPU_FREQ defined in your kernel config?
> I have an HP laptop where I have seen similar behavior. After dealing
> with it for some time, I tracked it down to a problem with changing
> the cpu's frequency. For a very small period after the clock is
> changed, the thermal sensor reads back nonsense. I've seen readings
> like "69... 69... 95... 70..." and that's with 0.5 second sampling.
> I've found 2 workarounds:
> 1) The quick and easy way:
>        /etc/init.d/powernowd stop
>        Now, build <>
>        /etc/init.d/powernowd start
>        Of course you'll need to replace powernowd with what ever power
> management daemon you have emerged.
> 2) The uglier, but potentially more useful fix:

I haven't tried your suggestions yet.

At first, I didn't think this could be a heating issue.  The reason for
this was twofold.  First, I hadn't explicitly followed the instructions
in the ACPI Guide, so I figured that because of this maybe it was
causing some "wonky" behaviour.  Second, I had the laptop into Dell 6
months ago and they did extensive diagnostics and ultimately replaced
the fan.

However, I changed my thoughs after reading some of the replies in this
thread, most of the unified assumption that it *was* a heating issue. 
Also, when I was doing the original install of the Gentoo base system, I
selected to have ACPI built into the kernel, but didn't change any of
the defaults that were selected in genkernel.  Hence, I was trying to
rebuild prior to following the remaining instructions in the ACPI Guide
and the laptop shutdown in the middle of the kernel build.  Luckiy, on
reboot, it defaulted to the good kernel build.

Anyway, because of this, I gave up last night.  I guess when I initially
tried to build xorg-x11 and it bombed, I never let the laptop properly
cool down.  I retried tonight and successfully got the new kernel to
build and am now creating the scripts as directed in the ACPI Guide.

Once I've done this, I will try again with building xorg-x11 and will
try the above suggestions.

Thanks to all who replied to this.  I'm really hoping that I can get
Gentoo installed on my laptop.  For me, after trying Gentoo, everything
else pales in comparison!


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