
I have some problem with some of my qemu/kvm guests running Fedora on a
Gentoo host where my Gentoo guests works without problem.

The problem that I have is that when I reboot (shutdown -r now) the
Fedora guest "loses" (ifconfig does not show a IP-address) their network
connections. The Gentoo guests reboots without problem.

All the guests have same HW-configuration, only Name/DiskImage/MAC-
addresses differ.

Here some technical details:
Distribution    Gentoo
Kernel          4.9.95-gentoo
Qemu            app-emulation/qemu-2.11.1-r2
                USE="aio bzip2 caps curl fdt filecaps gnutls jpeg lzo ncurses 
pin-upstream-blobs png sdl seccomp vhost-net vnc xattr"
libvirt         app-emulation/libvirt-4.3.0
                USE="caps dbus libvirtd nls qemu udev"

Distribution    Fedora 28
Kernel          4.16.15-300.fc28.x86_64
Networkmanager  NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.10.8-1.fc28

Any suggestions?
Dan Johansson
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