Thank you for the hint, but I am very aware of this.

As the subject says, I want to compile large packages as last package, since it sometimes happens, that a large package may get compiled as package 245 of 300 for example; blocking other small packages.

I just re-used "/etc/portage/package.env/no_tmpfs.conf", since it already contains a list of large packages, which most likely need a long time to compile.

I should have been more elaborate in my last e-mail:

   I was actually hoping for a neat hack, where you can tag or
   prioritise (not nice or renice) packages in "/etc/portage/env/" or
   "/etc/portage/package.env/" to compile them as last packages.

The solution with "--exclude" is working well so far; I had no redundant rebuilds. :)

Maybe I need to tweak it later on, if rebuilds occur frequently, but this for another time.


On 08/09/2021 17:24, David M. Fellows wrote:
Thank you for your ideas!

I was actually hoping for a neat hack with "/etc/portage/env/" and
"/etc/portage/package.env/", where you can set environment variables.
Did you look at example 2 in ?

It seems to address your problem.
I will try out the following solution:

    $ < "/etc/portage/package.env/no_tmpfs.conf
    # custom - 20181121 - rfischer: list packages, which are too big for
    #app-emulation/qemu-kv no_tmpfs.conf
    #app-office/libreoffice no_tmpfs.conf
    #dev-java/icedtea no_tmpfs.conf
    #dev-lang/ghc no_tmpfs.conf
    #dev-lang/rust no_tmpfs.conf
    #mail-client/thunderbird no_tmpfs.conf
    #sci-libs/tensorflow no_tmpfs.conf
    #sys-devel/gcc no_tmpfs.conf
    #www-client/firefox no_tmpfs.conf
    #www-client/ungoogled-chromium no_tmpfs.conf #throttle_make_emerge.conf

    $ < "${HOME}/bin/"
    large_package_list=$(/bin/grep --extended-regexp --only-matching
    "[a-z]+-[a-z]+\/[-0-9a-zA-Z]+" "/etc/portage/package.env/no_tmpfs.conf")
    /usr/bin/emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse --tree --verbose
    --exclude="${large_package_list//$'\n'/ }" @world
    /usr/bin/emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse --tree --verbose @world


On 15/08/2021 17:48, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 14/08/2021 22:20, Ramon Fischer wrote:
Is there any way to tell "portage", that packages like "qtwebengine",
"(ungoogled-)chromium", "firefox" and so on are always compiled as
last package?
The simplest way is to exclude those packages in the first update, and
then allow them in the second:

emerge -uDU @world --exclude "qtwebengine firefox chromium" && emerge
-uDU @world

The dependency tracker of portage will of course also exclude packages
that depend on the excluded packages, unless they themselves have
updates pending. In that case, they *might* get built twice; once
against the current version of the excluded packages, and then perhaps
again on the second run, if there's rebuild triggers involved.

Most of the time though, you won't run into cases of redundant
rebuilds. Rebuild triggers are not very common.

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