[gentoo-user] Re: openrc-run for containers

2021-05-24 Thread Damo
Correction: the *s6_service_path* parameter in the parent init.d service,
/etc/init.d/container, needs to be changed from
/run/openrc/s6-scan/${INSTANCE} to /var/svc.d/${INSTANCE}

*#!/sbin/openrc-rundescription="A supervised test service with a

*depend() {*
*   need s6-svscan*

*stop_pre() {*
*  docker stop ${INSTANCE}*

NB; In runlevels, dont need to include s6-svscan. Only need to include the
service to start (s6-svscan will start as a service dependency).

Further info (go from runlevel 90 > 100 > back to 90):

root@/etc/runlevels #
* ls -ld node/*lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 May 25 06:17 100/container.whoami
-> /etc/init.d/container.*whoami
*lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jan 15 04:32 100/90 -> ../90*

*root@/etc/runlevels # openrc 100container.*whoami*  |/var/svc.d/*whoami
*container.*whoami*  | * Starting container.*whoami* ...*

  [ ok ]root@h003
/e/runlevels # docker ps -aCONTAINER ID   IMAGE
   PORTS  NAMES68bd2ed585ed
traefik/whoami "/whoami"
 25 hours ago   Up 1 minute>80/tcp
whoamiroot@/e/runlevels # openrc 90container.*whoami*
*container.*whoami*  |*whoami
*container.*whoami* | * Stopping container.*whoami* ...

[ ok ]*

*root@/etc/runlevels # docker ps -aCONTAINER ID   IMAGE
  traefik/whoami "/whoami"
   25 hours ago   Exited (143) 8 seconds ago>80/tcp whoamiroot@/etc/runlevels # *


On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 5:17 AM Damo  wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been running docker containers for a while, where I pass
> "--restart=always" into the run command, so the containers restart
> automatically after reboot. I want to have more control over the startup
> order of the containers, ie integrate into openrc start/stop and put into
> different runlevels.
> I've had mixed success so far. I would be interested if someone else has
> working solution. My runlevels look something like this:
> rl100
>   container.registry
> rl90
>   container.auth
>   container.router
> boot
>  ...
> FYI, i've found systemd is doing it nicely, where systemctl start/stop
>  works as I would expect. I see a hardcoded dependency into the
> container PID in the unit file (podman in this case):
> [root@]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/container-libvirt-exporter.service
> #
> [Unit]
> Description=Podman container-libvirtd-exporter.service
> Documentation=man:podman-generate-systemd(1)
> [Service]
> Restart=always
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start libvirtd-exporter
> ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 libvirtd-exporter
> KillMode=none
> Type=forking
> PIDFile=/var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/9037e389e61ed01eb5dfce16fa750b6f0f01827a67640e4748e6527bbfcb6276/userdata/conmon.pid
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> Kind regards,
> Damo

[gentoo-user] Re: openrc-run for containers

2021-05-23 Thread Damo

I've got the integration working how I imagined. It is using s6-svscan to
manage the containers, hopefully not abusing something. General idea is to
have supervision control over containers, ie to allow start up in a given
runlevel, have the ability to manage dependency start between given
containers and start/stop using openrc (referenced

Assuming containers are already running, ie given instance of whoami

*docker run -p 80:80 -d -it --name whoami traefik/whoami*

The "run" script, /var/svc.d/whoami/run:

#!/bin/execlineb -P
exec docker start -a whoami

The "finish" script, /var/svc.d/whoami/finish

*#!/bin/execlineb -Ps6-permafailon 60 1 2 exit*

The init.d, conf.d. Cat /etc/conf.d/container.whoami:


Cat /etc/init.d/container:

*#!/sbin/openrc-rundescription="A supervised test service with a
{   need s6-svscan}stop_pre() {  docker stop ${INSTANCE}}*

Finally, [openrc-run, ln -s /etc/init.d/container
/etc/init.d/container.whoami] /etc/initd.d/container.whoami start, stop
work as expected (docker ps |grep whoami does not return anything, after
running "/etc/init.d/container.whoami stop"):

List containers
root@ # *docker ps |grep whoami*
68bd2ed585ed   traefik/whoami
  "/whoami"35 minutes ago   Up 34 minutes>80/tcp whoami

root@ # *./container.whoami stop*
container.whoami   |whoami
container.whoami   | * Stopping container.whoami ...

 [ ok ]

root@ # *docker ps |grep whoami*

root@ #* ./container.whoami start*
container.whoami   | * Starting container.whoami ...

 [ ok ]
root@ # docker ps |grep whoami
68bd2ed585ed   traefik/whoami
  "/whoami"35 minutes ago   Up 3 seconds>80/tcp whoami

root@ # *ps xf -o pid,ppid,pgrp,euser,args*
21056 1 21056 root /bin/s6-svscan /run/openrc/s6-scan
21058 21056 21056 root  \_ s6-supervise whoami/log
21059 21056 21056 root  \_ s6-supervise whoami
27584 21059 27584 root  |   \_ docker start -a whoami

Similar to above, using s6-svstat:

root@ # *s6-svstat /run/openrc/s6-scan/whoami*
up (pid 27584) 752 seconds

root@ # *./container.whoami stop*
container.whoami   |whoami
container.whoami   | * Stopping container.whoami ...

 [ ok ]

root@ #* s6-svstat /run/openrc/s6-scan/whoami*
down (exitcode 2) 1 seconds, normally up, ready 1 seconds

root@ #* ./container.whoami start*
container.whoami   | * Starting container.whoami ...

 [ ok ]
root@h003 /e/init.d # s6-svstat /run/openrc/s6-scan/whoami
up (pid 6722) 3 seconds

The goal of all this has been to incorporate containers into
/etc/runlevels. I am not sure if there is a better way, have I missed
something by not using s6-overlay or the like? I am not familiar enough to

An outstanding issue, in the s6 run script, i would like to parametrize the
instance name, I don't know how to do it, as it is currently hard coded:

The "run" script, /var/svc.d/whoami/run:

#!/bin/execlineb -P
exec docker start -a *whoami*

But once that is done, then all running containers could be incorporated by
updating the conf.d for INSTANCE name, templating a /var/svc.d/
folder and linking to /etc/init.d/container, ie:


[put under control of s6]

This is kind of asymmetric, ie container start is in s6, whereas stop
[docker] is in openrc, but I am not seeing a different way, the goal is to
have robust services running. When system boots, s6-scan will start all the
containers automatically, but then further operations, ie for things like
manual failover etc, is possible using standard platform openrc -
effectively docker - start/stop commands.

kind regards

On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 5:17 AM Damo  wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been running docker containers for a while, where I pass
> "--restart=always" into the run command, so the containers restart
> automatically after reboot. I want to have more control over the startup
> order of the containers, ie integrate into openrc start/stop and put into
> different runlevels.
> I've had mixed success so far. I would be interested if someone else has
> working solution. My runlevels look something like this:
> rl100
>   container.registry
> rl90
>   container.auth
>   container.router
> boot
>  ...
> FYI, i've found systemd is doing it nicely, where systemctl start/stop
>  works as I would expect. I see a hardcoded dependency into the
> container PID in the unit file (podman in this case):
> [root@]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/container-libvirt-exporter.service
> #
> [Unit]
> Description=Podman container-libvirtd-exporter.service
> Documentation=man:podman-generate-systemd(1)
> [Service]
> Restart=always
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start libvirtd-exporter