Recently finished getting CJK support for KDE done, via a howto in the
wiki.  One of the requirements was to compile qt with the "immqt-bc"
useflag enabled.  I discovered that I have two versions of qt
installed, one in slot 3 and one in slot 4, all well and good.
Version 3.3.6 of qt uses the immqt useflag, while version 4.1.2
doesn't.  When I called emerge --newuse world to get things up to
scratch with my new use flags, qt wasn't there; I had to explicitly
run emerge ~qt-3.3.6 to get it to recompile.  Am I missing something?
I think I get why things get slotted, but it seems like emerge
--newuse ignored the lower slotted version.

I poked through emerge/ebuild/portage man pages, as well as the
developer handbook, couldn't find anything particularly enlightening.

Ryan W Sims

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