Long time ago I was using "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" and "AR PL ZenKai Uni"
for Chinese characters and defined in fontconfig. Most other people and
gentoo default does the samiliar, take a look at your default
fontconfig, there are some Chinese fonts in the list of 'Serif' font
face. This setting has effect in every gnome (or, gtk) application
except OOo. OOo wasn't using the right font for Chinese, I don't know
what font is OOo trying to use for Chinese text on the UI, could be
Kochi Mincho or something, but the result is many Chinese characters are
either missing or in wrong position or ugly. This only happens on the UI
elements like buttons, text inputs, text boxes... not on the document

1) Is there a way to change the user interface font used by OOo? Thus I
can specify OOo to use the 'right font'.
2) Is there a way to know what font OOo is trying to use on interface
when displaying Chinese? Thus I can set fontconfig replacement for that

any good idea? I believe most Chinese users of OOo (could be even some
Korean users) also have this problem. I was expecting this problem being
solved in OOo 2.0 because it promised a native widget and in the past I
though this was a bug for OOo running in non-KDE environment. Now OOo
2.0 is just like it's ealier versions. 

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