Re: Problems downloading Caribbean with Simon Reeve

2015-03-24 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Anthony Kehoe wrote:

No, I tried both.. Search terms don't make any difference.

Do any other PVR searches work?

What about a search for, for example:  rib
or even just something very common like:   the

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer Web PVR Manager - enabling access on a trusted network

2015-03-23 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Kevin Lynch wrote:

I have a trusted network - I'd like to expose the Web PVR manager so
that I can access it from other machines on the network - rather than
just jumping onto my computer and using the localhost:1935

Please can someone provide  instructions

Well, I don't use the PVR at all, but I'd guess that from some other machine
you'd point its browser at


where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the local LAN IP address of the machine running the
G_iP server code.  Things that might be a problem (I'm just guessing):

- firewall settings on one or both computers

- I don't know whether the server side of the PVR way of using G_iP runs all
the time, or only when a particular user is logged on to that machine. 

I think you'd need to try it and tell us what happens.  Also, I think you'll
need (if asking for more advice) to say which OSes are in use, and what
firewall apps you're using on each machine.  

Do you know your way around the firewalls - how to set rules, and how to
find  understand whatever logs they create?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: pvr search term no longer works

2015-03-20 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Budgie wrote:

I am trying to record Afternoon on 3 - Thursday Opera Matinee using pvr 
and gip v2.92.  After some patient help from dinkypumpkin in April 2013 
with the command required to add to pvr list:-

get_iplayer --pvradd --type=radio --fields=episode Thursday Opera Matinee

The operand   --fields   means   search only in the named field(s)/columns
of the data in the cache file.

Previously the programme Afternoon on 3 had values like

  Thursday Opera Matinee - Verdi La Traviata

in the episode field, so your search worked.  However, now there's several
programme names for Afternoon on 3, eg this week we have:

 Afternoon on 3: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
 Afternoon on 3: German Radio Orchestras
 Afternoon on 3: Thursday Opera Matinee

and the episode column gives specific details of the content of such a

For you I think you maybe just have to stop telling the PVR to look in the
episode column, as I think it will look in the programme name column by

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: radio sample rates.

2015-03-16 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim web wrote:

 ... but 2.91 gets me 48k files with a different filename syntax

Output filenames are entirely dependent on G_ip options; either one sets
them explicitly oneself from a mix of template  literal data (as I do), or
one has a default template applied.  

For example, the template that my frontend generated for a radio programme
fetch a few minutes ago was:

$GRAB-SN130-003130 R=nameshort [20150316 Mar16] Sseriesnum
Eepisodenum - E=episodetitle 'E=episode' P=pid M=mode Z=duration
F=firstbcastdate L=lastbcastdate

(the first part is a machine-specific grab sequence number, which makes
finding relevant log lines later on simpler, if I need to).  This produces a
filename like:

$GRAB-SN130-003130 R=Brain of Britain [20150316 Mar16] S E - E= 'E=Heat 12,
2015' P=b055g12p M=flashaacstd Z=1680 F=2015-03-16 L=2015-03-16.mp3

[The reason that seriesnum, episodenum, episodetitle and episode are all in
there is that over time I've found that different combinations of them have
had the values I actually want.  Recent changes in derivation of these
values may have made this unnecessary.  Time will tell.  Anyway, once such a
file has been fetched I rename it, mainly by deleting the unnecessary parts.
It's far easier to delete bits than add them...]


The constituent parts of such templates are parsed out of metadata, and
there are continuing changes to where metadata is sourced from and how it is

If you haven't already done so you should read the release notes for each
successive version of G_ip to see how the values extracted from metadata
have changed.  See:  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: radio sample rates.

2015-03-16 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim web wrote:

In article, Jeremy
Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

 Output filenames are entirely dependent on G_ip options; either one sets
 them explicitly oneself from a mix of template  literal data (as I do),
 or one has a default template applied.  

 That's fair enough. I assume that means the default has changed between
 2.90 and 2.91 as I used the same command line options

IIRC the area that's changed most is the reliability or otherwise over
several versions of G_iP of seeing episode numbers in one or other of the
'full episode name' metadata fields.  

It's worth using --info to explore which fields are set to what values for
the programmes you commonly download, to get a better feel (if setting your
own template) for which fields are likely to be of most use to you. 

Also, eyeballing the contents of the cache files will show that the values
there are not always consistent in format (I mean I think the BBC do not
always describe successive episodes of the same show in the same way).  

I also see changes in the episode-related fields for some shows as a day
passes; it kind-of looks as if in some cases a junior person sets up a
programme's entry and someone else refines it later on.  Sometimes it's just
typos being fixed, but in particular descriptive text quite often changes a

 But I did find reading awkward using NetSurf because the definition of
 code seems on those pages to cause it to render as black text in a black
 rectangle! So I may have missed it. I assume this is a NetSurf problem.
 (This is using the RO NetSurf.)

Maybe when you see black rectangles you should 'view source' (or whatever NS
calls it).  Or use Firefox (on linux).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: radio sample rates.

2015-03-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim Lesurf wrote:

This is all for *sound radio*...

Ah you traditionalist!  Don't you look forward to touch  sniff radio?

In case anyone is curious, I can tell the sample rate because the audio DAC
I use indicates it. In general, it switches to 'follow the source'.

So the audio stream isn't just audio data then?  I kind-of assumed that you
might be able to play a stream at any sampling rate you liked, though that
would alter the time taken to play a clip...

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Archive - Great Egg race download problems

2015-03-09 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jimmy Aitken wrote:

I've been trying to work out how to download episodes of the Great Egg
Race from the BBC archive site.  I'm actually just wanting to watch
them, to be honest, but not on a desktop and the episodes seem to be
only on Flash, so mobile devices don't play them.

and using get_player (2.91) on OS X Yosemite gives:

$ get_iplayer --url
INFO: Trying pid: using type: tv
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type tv

I wonder why tv here turns into radio a few lines further on?

INFO: pid not found in tv cache

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site
INFO: Trying pid: using type:
INFO: Trying to stream pid using type radio
INFO: pid not found in radio cache

(I dunno how to fix it.)

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Episode numbers missing

2015-03-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:

Of the series I routinely collect Horizon is the worst. 

Well, Storyville is bad too.

In my own program which I use to keep track of what I've downloaded (or
skipped - the download history's no good for that), entries for various
programmes need changed after the v2.91 change in data layouts in the cache
files, but even before that my code for Horizon programmes typically
contains lines like:

 call omit \|2013-2014: Dinosaurs: 4. The Hunt for Life|\
 call omit \|2013-2014: 8. The Power of the Placebo|\
 call omit \|2013-2014: 9. How You Really Make Decisions|\
 call omit \|2013-2014: Sugar v Fat|\
 call omit \|2013-2014: 11. Where is Flight MH370?|\
 call omit \|2013-2014: 12. What's Wrong with Our Weather?|\

(these follow some code which mean at that point the program is only looking
at cache lines which contained either: '|tv|Horizon|' or '|tv|Horizon:'.)  

Now that v2.91 makes Horizon: 2013-2014 a separate list of programmes from
those for, for example, Horizon: 2012-2013 I could change my program to
treat them as separate groups of episodes.  But then, maybe, I'd need to
change that back if the way the BBC list things, and hence how GiP creates
cache files, changes again.  I've not decided yet.

Increasingly I code 'pid' in my tests, because although episode names and
numbers change format, and descriptive texts sometimes get changed when a
program is retransmitted, pids are fixed.  So I may have lines like:

 call omit \Series 2|\\|b04ttdk7|\ \|6. Mortal Coil|\
 call omit \Series 2|\\|b04tthb7|\ \|7. The Silence|\

ie exclude from the list of episodes that I may be interested in, any that
include all three of those text snippets.  Previously I'd also delete all
the rules I had for separate episodes of something when a series ended, ie
replace all the lines like those above with:

 call omit \Series 2|\

but now, for some programmes, I keep the multiple rules because the
information associating pid  episode name may help clarify things in

For programmes which don't have episode names, I do generally try to put
some snippet of descriptive text into my 'omit' rules, eg:

call prog Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science   
  call omit \Series 1|\\Episode 1|\   
\rockets and the men, women\ 
call omit \Series 1|\\Episode 2|\\von Braun - from Nazi to\
call omit \Series 3|\\Episode 2|\\obsession with UFOs\
call omit \Series 3|\\Episode 3|\\greats of astronomy\
call omit \Series 3|\\Episode 4|\\Astronomical Errors\
call pend

because it reduces the risk of a single typo of eg an episode number (by me
in my rules, or by the BBC when they list something) from meaning a rule
ignores a programme I was interested in.  

The BBC are sometimes lazy though in how they list stuff; whereas University
Challenge used to include in its description which teams were playing, all
the recent episodes have just had generic values.

Having my own logic to tell me which programmes listed in a cache file might
be of interest means I can do things like:

  if mm == 201503 then call omit \Series 4|\

for some programme; that is, I've not downloaded them, and I don't want to
be told about them any time this month (too busy writing programs to keep
track of programmes to actually watch any!) but next month I may well want
to know about them...) and it also means I can keep comments about why I
liked or hated some programme in amongst the rules.  

My program's quite complicated; I can find things in terms of snippets of
subject or presenters' names or anything else, which means I'll always know
eg if a presenter whose style I like starts a new programme I've never heard
of (provided their name is in the programme name, episode name or the
description).  For example I search for James May but exclude from those
hits listings of Top Gear.  Separately I search for Top Gear episodes
because once in a blue moon I watch one.  I end up with a list of items
which might be of interest because they match a whole set of different
tests, and might well have been excluded (in theory) for a bunch of other
reasons, but if any one reason is still left at the end of that, the thing
is highlighted.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: New Linux Installation Question

2015-03-01 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Budge wrote:

 The problem occurred when I ran get_iplayer from my home directory for the
 first time, which is when the plugins are sorted out.

I have just had the same error message on a Windows XP system.  I think
there's a logic error that can cause the message to be issued for the wrong


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: unable to get specific pid

2015-02-25 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Andrew J. Baker wrote:

Episode 9 is shown as available, but the PID starts with a p - which 
makes it a podcast.

Lots of both Radio and TV programmes have p-prefix pids.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: unable to get specific pid

2015-02-25 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
John Adams wrote:


get_iplayer -g --force --pid p00f79tm

If you're trying to find out why things don't work (or to get info to cp
here), at least add  --verbose  to the command so there's some detail!

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: unable to get specific pid

2015-02-25 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
John Adams wrote:

OK, but can you download that specific PID today?

Yes; it certainly starts to download, though I've not wasted bandwidth
letting it grab the whole programme.  The entry exists in my tv.cache file

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download failure ...

2015-02-18 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Vangelis forthnet wrote:

 Greetings, Jeremy :-)


If NO to both of my questions, then you are using
a deprecated version of GiP.

'Deprecated' is a little harsh... I'm just using an older one (based on
2.90).  And the reason is that my version is customised a bit and when 2.91
was released I hadn't the time  energy to rework my changes into the new
version and I'd completely forgotten that I still have to do it.  And, I've
been lucky that everything I regularly try to fetch has worked ok with the
older code.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download failure ...

2015-02-16 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
CJB wrote:

Running the PVR list I got...

12917: The Drift - 15/02/2015, BBC Radio Lancashire,

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
WARNING: Could not download programme metadata from

ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site

WARNING: PVR Run: the_drift_name_radio: 1 download failure(s)


Any ideas please?

As ever, as someone who doesn't use the PVR and doesn't know how easily you
can influence the commands it issues, I tried to fetch this using a normal
command-line command.  My command included the  --verbose  switch to get
more info:

INFO: Loaded history for first check.
INFO: Loading recordings history
INFO: Programme not in history
INFO: iPlayer metadata URL =
INFO: Getting page
INFO: iPlayer metadata URL (JSON) =
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Found mode wma1: (stream-world-audio_streaming_wma_world) mms wma9
48kbps stream (CDN: asx/10)
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Getting page
INFO: Programme not in history
INFO: Will search for versions: default
INFO: Mode list: flashaachigh,flashaacstd,flashaudio,flashaaclow
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: Version = default
INFO: No specified modes (flashaachigh,flashaacstd,flashaudio,flashaaclow)
available for this programme with version 'default' (try using --modes=wma)
ERROR: Failed to record 'The Drift - 15/02/2015 (p02j6j0x)'

That shows that the only place G_iP was able to find a source for this
programme is as a WMA stream (wma1), which isn't one of the 'modes' that
G_iP was hoping to find (ie: flashaachigh, flashaacstd, flashaudio,

I don't know whether this means the BBC haven't made it available in any of
the non-streaming formats, or whether this is an example of playlists etc
not being parsed properly.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download failure ...

2015-02-16 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
batguano999 wrote:

.. I tried to fetch this using a normal command-line command...

We can't see it though.

If I understand the PVR correctly, when you use it you point a browser at a
particular webpage that's send to the browser from a web-server running on
your own computer.  Things you type on that page then cause the web-server
to issue get_iplayer commands.

I don't imagine that that prevents you from issuing commands separately from
a command window, instructing perl (which must be installed) to run the
standard G_iP script (which is a perl program) with whatever operands you

The trouble is, I'd have difficulty advising you in detail what the easiest
way to do this is, because I did not use the standard installer to install
perl (etc) the way that the G_iP installer normally does...

I have a feeling that the standard installer allows one to 

  - open a command window

  - set the current directory to wherever get_iplayer is 
installed to (or maybe run a batch file that does these
two things for you resulting in a command window that's 
got the right directory preset), or maybe the directory
that matters is where perl is installed - dunno

  - issue a command

without having told your OS where perl is etc, but someone-else would need
to explain how to use that. 

Alternatively if you can find out:

a) where perl was actually installed to (maybe by searching for 'perl.exe')

b) where the get_iplayer[.pl] script actually is (it might have a .pl 
   extension added to it, or it might not, I'm not sure)

then you should be able to open any command window (by: Start - Run... in XP
and who knows how in W7 or W8), or by running cmd.exe explicitly, 

then issue a command like

 C:the-path-to-perl\perl.exe the-path-to-gip\get_iplayer[.pl] parms

where  the first paramater is the location of 'perl.exe' in double quotes,
   the second is the location of the main script (which might be named
get_iplayer or   eg 
   also enclosed in double quotes,
   and   parmsis whatever command parameters  you wish to try.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Help needed with BBC Collections Archive programmes

2015-02-11 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
M Clark wrote:

 I did have a problem with broken links on

Did you report them?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Pick up from Download Completed?

2015-02-05 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:


Is it possible to pickup from the Download Completed point? 

 I run get_iplayer on a Raspberry Pi using a NAS as the download location
 and also processing the files there via SMB.

Could you download to a disk attached directly to the RPi and then move
complete downloaded/converted files to the NAS afterwards?

Asking for the programme again is rejected as it's in the history file and 
 suggests --force. Using --force gets a complaint that the file exists and
 is skipped.  B-(

One way around that is to use a script to issue the G_ip command and in the
script build the target filename for the download using something that
changes, eg the date/time of the download attempt (I put a unique sequence
number into every fetch; apart from anything else that makes it dead easy to
find fetch-attempt-specific info in logs etc afterwards).   Of course that
does mean that in other situations an incautious script could generate many
files rather than just one. 

Removed the programmes entry in the history file, still skips. Adds --force

still skips.

With --verbose in the command, can you find out why it still skips?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Post-processing

2015-01-07 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:

RTMP can sometimes fall over but I think that is more down to the stream 
getting interupted/corupted than anything else.

Yes; one problem though (in my view) is that G_ip as shipped (at least up
until v 2.90 - I've not looked at 2.91 yet) overrides a RTMPdump default
timeout value (of 120 seconds) setting it instead to 10 seconds, which makes
RTMPdump quite likely not to be able to resume (I assume it does this to
allow G_iP's overall retry feature to leap into action much sooner).

I specify an RTMPdump override of my own, which overrides the G_iP override
and thus takes effect, using eg:

  --rtmp-radio-opts --timeout nnn

(and a similar tv one), where nnn is the number of seconds you want RTMPdump
to wait for while trying to resume in the event of an interruption.  I've
found it quite good at resuming once given a few minutes to try to.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Post-processing

2015-01-06 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Al Feersum wrote:

 So what I want to do is to get GiP to generate a 'doze event log entry
 after the download process (incl. conversion, tagging and metadata file
 gen) has completed, so I can trigger a task scheduler process to
 post-process the data and move it to the right location.

Involving the event log seems to me to be unnecessarily complicated.  If you
have G_ip put your downloaded files into a folder that's only used for those
files, then you could just run a command on a timer that moves anything that
happens to be in that folder, though of course you need to try to move only
files that are not in the process of being downloaded (so eg don't process a
file with a .partial. name.)

I'm not sure I'd do it at all though, because I find I always want to sanity
check the size of fetched files, and for TV programmes I always load what's
arrived into VLC and make sure that the end credits are actually there.  

I fetch files with a $GRAB prefix on their names that shows me that the
file that's arrived has not yet been checked; when I'm sure a file is ok I
strip that off.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Its gone rogue, downloading *everything*!

2015-01-05 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Sharon Kimble wrote:

Yesterday and today gi has gone rogue in its pvr interface by
downloading everything in its pvr-cache!

I've never used the PVR and don't know what's normal, but... in:

DEBUG: get_iplayer options: thumb=0 versionlist=default subtitles=0
type=tv,radio force=0 skipdeleted=0 history=0 refreshfuture=0
hide=0 modes=default search=.* fields=name future=1 nopurge=1

that search=.*   looks to me like a 'regex' (pattern definition) that will
match absolutely everything.  

I don't know where the value would come from. 

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Use First Broadcast Date in Filenames? Capitalisation?

2015-01-03 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
C E Macfarlane wrote:

1) First Broadcast Date

AFAICS, there is no way to get the first broadcast date from the XML
metadata into the filename.

There is, but a more fundamental problem is that the BBC are not consistent
in how they use the value - sometimes it really is the first time something
was broadcast, but other times it's the date of the first recent repeat.

You code a --fileprefix   argument detailing which bits of info you want in
what order, mixing literal values and symbolic ones as you desire.  I use a
fileprefix argument that's built by a script; for my 2745th fetch, issued
yesterday from a machine I call 'SN130', it used:

 --file-prefix $GRAB-SN130-002745 R=nameshort [20150102 Jan02]
Sseriesnum Eepisodenum - E=episodetitle 'E=episode' P=pid M=mode
Z=duration F=firstbcastdate L=lastbcastdate

which is probably much more complicated than you want...

(This sort of complicated filename means that successive attempts to fetch
the same programme end up with different filenames - because of the sequence
number at the start, deliberately.  This also makes it easier to find the
right instances of commands in my script's log files etc.)

ALthough it looks as if I've needlessly duplicated series  episode number
info, I end up with filenames that usually do have those numbers in them
somewhere.  The literals like E= and 'E= are deliberately slightly
different so I know which part of the template name yielded which values in
the resulting name.  The R= only appears in radio downloads I do, T= in
TV ones. 

2) Capitalisation

Is there an option to get ...
   Letter From America By Alistair Cooke

... instead of the default ...
   Letter from America by Alistair Cooke

Don't you think the BBC's way of listing the programme name is the correct

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Use First Broadcast Date in Filenames? Capitalisation?

2015-01-03 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
C E Macfarlane wrote:

 JN wrote:
 You code a --fileprefix   argument detailing which bits of
 info you want in
 what order, mixing literal values and symbolic ones as you

Yes thanks, I already knew how to do that

Well maybe you should have said that.

 I just didn't think that there was a field for the first broadcast date,
 but, as Don has explained, there is.

As indeed my example showed.  I'm not sure if there's a list (outwith the
perl source) of all the symbols that one can use.  The last set of release
notes described quite a few more, if I remember right, and there's also
modifiers one can use within some of them eg to influence things like how
many digits will be used to list a series number.  

IIRC one can call g_ip with a --info  argument and that will cause all the
possible metadata values applicable to whatever programmes are implied to be
listed to the terminal (so maybe best used from a CLI call of g_ip).  I
think I found that if you do that on a search which would normally only look
in a cache file, G_ip will also look online for the metadata that would
otherwise not be retrieved until one tried to fetch the file.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Seeking advice on transfer to new computer

2014-12-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:

On Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:36:27 +, Roger Bell_West wrote:

 As the download_history is in the current users space what happens on a 
 multi user system when more than one user requests the same programme? 
 Does it get downloaded for each individual user request?
 Tempted as I am to say try it and see, the answer is yes.
 You could get clever with a group-writeable history file and multiple
 links to it, I suppose, but I don't think anyone's complained about
 the current system. It's what a program on a multi-user machine is
 expected to do: the actions of user A don't affect user B.

True enough, I guess it comes from being on the 'net since the early '90's 
via dialup and paying for every second of online time. Even these days I 
only normally buy 100 GB/month and that can get a bit tight.

Implimenting a single file store and maintianing inter-user privacy would

be too complicated. A file store that was open and avoided duplicate 
downloads should be a lot easier, the various cache files could usefully 
come into this as well. Programme file owned rw by whoever downloaded it, 
group readable, an option to turn it on with a given path (defaults to no 
path - off), cache files rw by group.

Just an idea, I don't expect to see anything unless the itch I have gets to

great and I scratch it.  B-)

I run G_ip on Windows PCs, but have it set up so that the cache and history
and settings files are all in a Dropbox folder (of course I do understand
that all machines have their own copy of that, but the principle is one of a
common set of files).   

I use a wrapper for G_ip that builds the overall command; it's aware of
which machine it's running on and makes machine-specific decisions.  It
specifies fully

  - the location of the perl interpreter, so I needn't use the same
version of perl on each machine; I wouldn't be likely to update
all of them at the same time...

  - the location of the G_iP perl script (and which one; as I modify it
myself I have each release's original  successive revisions)

  - the location of the cache files, via --profiledir

  - the location of the settings files; actually I have n separate
files, one per machine, all in the common folder; I changed the
G_iP perl script to read a machine-file called


where machinid is a suitably-set environment variable that affects
almost every script I run.  Also, appending .txt to the filename
makes it easier to open it in a texteditor; Windows isn't keen on
files with no extension.

Inside the machine-specific settings files are the machine-specific 
locations of all the helper applications.

  - I also changed the G_iP script to use separate files for the radio
and tv download histories, and my wrapper knows about that too, not
so it can build commands with specific history-file names, but so 
it can directly open the files for other reasons

I have scheduled tasks defined on all the machines to run G_iP every 25
minutes to refresh the cache files.  However the script that gets run
(actually the wrapper, again) checks a flag file, also in a common Dropbox
folder to say which machine's scheduled task is actually meant to do the
work; the tasks on the other machines just start  stop immediately having
observed that it's not their role that day.  

One of the jobs the wrapper script does is prevent manual activities that
might interfere with scheduled-task ones, or manual ones happening on all
machines at once, from interfering with each other.  It also looks for
problems caused by Dropbox syncing not happening timeously etc.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: James May - Flight Club

2014-12-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:

It's probably down to the BBC but just in case it's not.

James May's Toy Stories - Flight Club (pid b01pmbmx) is not being listed in

the tv.cache but is available on iplayer (16 odd days left to watch)

- so it was transmitted around a fortnight ago, and its week of glory in the
tv.cache ended a week ago.

Isn't that normal?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Is the tv.cache file shrinking because of the season?

2014-12-26 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
I'm using 2.90 still, having not updated yet (because I have to rework all
my own changes when I do and I don't feel like it today), so maybe this is
my own fault...

In my wrapper for g_ip, one of the things I check is the size of each
freshly populated cache.  While the radio.cache is fairly constant in size
(of course it does vary from day to day) at around 3300 lines at the moment,
the tv.cache I'm seeing has fallen from around 2100 lines maybe a week ago,
to just 1815 or so lines now.  There's been a steady decline, day on day.

I realise it could be a BBC-ism, perhaps because many regular programmes are
suspended while the seasonal dross replaces them... but maybe not - after
all for every programme removed, something else has been transmitted.  

Does anyone else keep an eye on the number of entries in these files?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.91 released

2014-12-21 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

Release notes here:

My goodness, you must have been busy.  And it's brave to release this now; I
hope you don't have to spend the festive season supporting us.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Can't download radio progs ......

2014-12-20 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
CJB wrote:

 Jut the jargon of Git, Pearl, CGI, whatever is way over my head.

As a professional programmer (me too, some time ago) you must have been used
to a constantly changing technical landscape... and I'm truly surprised that
you can't find basic introductions to them all via Google.

Git is a methodology which allows multiple (authorised) people to make
changes to a commonly held (on the Git servers) bunch of files making up
what's typically called a 'project'.  The programmers for some open-source
projects are spread all over the world, hardly or never actually meet, and
all of their work is coordinated through such a system. 

In GiP's case the files held on Git are the programmes we run, plus the
definitions of the G_iP website's pages, and also the programmes used to
build the releases of the app and its installer(s).  Every file that's in a
release of Get_iPlayer is held in Git, along with its change history, and
it's possible to download either the patches or (I think) the actual state
of any of the individual files concerned at any point in its change history,
as well as 'bundles' of the whole lot each time DP decided that a set of
them should be released.

perl (not Pearl!) is the programming language that G_ip is written in. 
There's loads of resources online for perl...  

CGI is a fairly long-in-the-tooth way of writing code that users of web
pages will execute on the server (I think); it's the mechanism first seen
long ago for producing 'visitor counts' on web site pages, and supporting
'visitor books' etc.  In G_iP's case, if CGI is in use I would guess it's
the connecting logic between the browser interface that the PVR uses (which
as it runs in a browser must be displaying web pages), and the server that
runs on your own computer and supplies the webpages that the browser
displays.  Actions taken on those pages will cause requests to be sent back
to the server (on your computer) and that server presumably then issues
commands to run G_iP itself.  Though... I've never used the PVR and it's
ages since I looked at the code, but that's approximately what I thought it

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Help

2014-12-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
K Richard Whitbread wrote:

I am running version 2.90 which I believe is the latest version.

Just to be clear, you're saying you updated it since last night's question?
Because that showed you were using 2.89, when you quoted these lines:

 I have attempted to use the CLI interface and get the following:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\get_iplayerget_iplayer --get
 --type=radio --pid=b04tcj2z --modes=wma
 get_iplayer v2.89, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
Here.. v2.89

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: --hls-liveradio-opts

2014-12-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Vangelis forthnet wrote:

 ... which means that I input it correctly in my GiP command, however
 further down the log I am seeing that it was not parsed correctly, since:

INFO: Command: .\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe ... -headers
\X-Forwarded-For:\ ...

I think this shows that each individual word/token on the ffmpeg command
line has been wrapped up in double-quotes?  So for example the '-headers'
parameter shows up in the final command as '-headers'.

Then if one had a multi-word parameter, eg '-x yz', it would become
  '-x yz'   when it should (perhaps?) have been  '-x yz'?

I noticed this a while ago and thought it was odd seeing eg '-x' turning
into '-x'.  It seems to me that perl only needs to enclose any parameter
in double quotes if it has embedded spaces in it.  

I'm guessing the escaped double quotes inside your parameter are not the
problem.  I wonder if, in:

package Streamer::hls;

# Add custom options to ffmpeg for this type if specified 
with --hls-type-opts
  if ( defined $opt-{'hls'.$prog-{type}.'opts'} ) {
   push @cmdopts, ( split /\s+/,

that 'split' is splitting the option string into words when it shouldn't be?
But to my (ignorant-of-perl) eyes this doesn't explain where the extra
double quotes come from.  What does 'push' do?  Or is there some other
process that scans along a built command line and inserts more quotes?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: problem with atomicparsley and windows 64 bit

2014-12-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Perry Wald wrote:

 then atomicparsley comes up with an error message and fails.

And what does the message say?  Have you googled that and found - say - a
discussion by atomicparsely users, of how to get around it?

Anyone have any ideas how to get round this? I really don't need the
tag info, so would happily just miss that out, if it fixed it?

I use g_ip from the commandline, with: --no-tag  and atomicparsley is not

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: --force loads repeats for radio programmes

2014-12-03 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

 The pvr doesn't download the repeats first time around, but doing a
 --force on the programme name does, irrespective of the fact that it's the
 same PID.

A --force isn't on the programme name though.  It means: download ANYTHING
that matches, regardless of whether it's been downloaded before.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: --force loads repeats for radio programmes

2014-12-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

Don't think anyone has raised this previously.

Occasionally a programme download gets screwed up or I need to 
re-download a prog that's already been downloaded.

I've set my prefs to append the filename with information on when the 
programme was last broadcast using:
fileprefix title_pid_lastbcast

I've noticed that when doing a --force for radio programmes, it then 
downloads all instances of a programme including repeats.

That doesn't happen here... provided my download requests are specific to
just a single instance of a programme.  

But if you, say, issue a request for any/all episodes of Book of the Week
then the search of the cache would produce a list of all the currently
available episodes of that programme.  Normally the fact that you'd (say)
downloaded most of those already would then prevent g_ip from downloading
them again; your --get command would just get any new ones.

But if you code --force then get_iplayer ignores what you've previously
downloaded, and will try again to download every programme that matches your
search criteria.  To avoid that you need your search criteria to be very
specific, not general.

This mechanism doesn't pay any attention to the name of a downloaded file.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GitHead questions from the uninitiated

2014-12-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

 In the last week or so, I've been patching get_iplayer using GitHeadWin to
 make sure I'm using the latest version.

That's not necessarily very sensible.  If you look through the commits log
(as other people have suggested) you'll quite often see instances of some
change being made and in the next few days more work being done in the same
area of the code when it's discovered that the first chunk of work didn't
take everything necessary into account.  If you patch at every opportunity
you're as likely to give yourself problems as you are to get better code.

It's probably a better idea to read the commits log and the descriptions of
what's being changed, and every so often, when you think they may represent
a moderately stable stage in development, grab the latest version. Or do
what almost every user does, wait until DP announces a new /stable/ version
here, and grab that.

Or, only grab a newer version from git if you've read here that some
just-discovered problem - which you're experiencing - has just been fixed in

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Do Not Flush

2014-11-20 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
C E Macfarlane wrote:

I can't a GIP command-line option to prevent the cache being flushed and
re-downloaded.  If there isn't one, can we have one?  Occasionally it would
be very useful.

In my home-grown wrap-around for get_iplayer, I've been contemplating having
it make a backup of an existing cache before attempting a refresh, as I'd
rather have a slightly outofdate cache than none at all... which is what
happens if the refresh code runs when I'm offline or the connection is
having a go-slow (eg when my anti-virus/malware app is doing an definitions
update).  Perhaps an easier alternative would be to make a backup each time
a new cache is created, so one could reinstate an older one if needed.

I also have code that sanity checks the size of a cache file before doing
anything with it, as sometimes a refresh that's been incomplete just needs
run again.

I'd go further and say that it would be useful if cache entries which are
created from a specific source (or maybe for a specific channel or station)
don't get removed if that single source is unreachable during a refresh.

Maybe such logic would need to have a time threshhold (a day, two?) after
which it would remove old cache entries.  I think that's the sort of thing
that different people would have quite different views on.

I guess that'd add quite a lot of complexity to the refresh code though.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Slow radio downloads

2014-11-18 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dave Liquorice wrote:

iPlayer is one of the few sites that can fully saturate our meagre 5 Mbps 
ADSL connection anytime of day or night. No evening slow downs here...

OTOH, I've hardly ever seen radio or TV data arrive at more than about 11
Mbps, despite having a connection that can run at 60 Mbps.   (I have seen
podcasts, not all from BBC servers, arrive at the highest speed, though, so
the connection can run at full speed if it has the chance to).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Caches wont refresh ...

2014-11-18 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
CJB wrote:

All in triplicate!!!

The t.v. indexes are listed as

== snip ==

INFO: Getting tv Index Feeds (this may take a few minutes)

WARNING: Failed to get programme index feed for BBC Alba - a-z

Both tv and radio caches are fine here (around 11pm on the 18th).

Perhaps your internet connection was not working?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Slow radio downloads - a bit off topic

2014-11-18 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

In that case, I'd better not mention the 156Mbps downloads and 11.6Mbps 
uploads I get from Virgin here in Greater Manchester.

My 60 Mbps connection is also a Virgin one; what actual download speeds of
BBC radio  tv programmes using get_iplayer do you get? 

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Starting November 11, 2014 output filenames missing underline/underscore

2014-11-17 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
artisticforge . wrote:


while looking at the BBC Radio Wales issue, I noticed a separate issue.
Starting November 11th, output file names for programmes from the National
BBC Radio Stations and at least 2 of the larger local radio Stations
are missing the underline/underscore, which replaced the blank space
in the file name.

i am using get_iplayer-bb82110, which is get_iplayer-2.90 with
additional editing.

The release notes for 2.87 describe changes in the way punctuation
characters etc are removed from filenames.  See:

Having said that, filenames here have spaces in them; perhaps because I use
the   --whitespace  option?
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: peculiar to BBC Radio Wales?

2014-11-17 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
artisticforge . wrote:

concerning the below:
INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Programme not in history
WARNING: Page parsing may fail with HTML::Parser versions before 3.71.
You have version 3.69.

 I am running Debian Wheezy and Debian has not upgrade those modules as of
 yet. I am an Electrical Engineer, B.S.E.E., University of Illinois,
 Urbana-Champaign, IL. so I do know how to read and I am aware of possible
 issues that the fore mentioned mismatch may cause. I had all ready proven
 to myself that the mismatch was not the issue.

Then you should have said so.  No-one here is clairvoyant.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: peculiar to BBC Radio Wales?

2014-11-16 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
artisticforge . wrote:

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Programme not in history
WARNING: Page parsing may fail with HTML::Parser versions before 3.71.
You have version 3.69.

I wondered if this was relevant, as it suggests you're either not using a
recent enough version of perl installed by g_ip's installer (which would
also install uptodate versions of perl 'modules'), or you've manually
installed perl (or had it already) and not kept the modules uptodate.

Or if you're not using get_iplayer 2.90 - you should really tell us...

But I do have 2.90 and an uptodate perl etc, so I tried a fetch including

  --pid b04nj385 --mode crap  --verbose

The crap is there deliberately, because I know that even if everything
else is ok there won't be a crap mode available, so the fetch won't go
ahead - in other words it's an easy way to see verbose command output
without going ahead with the actual fetch.  Anyway I also only saw a single
mode - wma1 - being offered, so the obvious INFO message isn't relevant.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

An ironic INFO message!

2014-11-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
I've got the new option  --check-duration   turned on and was struck
(bearing in mind this programme's episode name - by the irony in:

INFO: Duration check: recorded: 01:36:09 expected: 01:35:00 difference:
00:01:09 file: C:\Gip\Inspector Montalbano - Ep=2. Equal Time.mp4


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Is there a problem with --start and --stop?

2014-11-14 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Using v2.90, modified a bit... but I've not changed anything in the fetch

I'm testing something and don't want to download more than a few seconds of
a tv programme, so used:

  --force --start 10 --stop 45

along with the same search criteria as I'd used for a previous
whole-programme fetch.  (The fact that I'd already fetched the programme
shouldn't have made any difference [apart from the need for --force] because
every fetch I do is to a unique sequence-numbered file.)  

Get_iplayer went into retry, which I Ctrl-C-ed after a while.  

In what follows note that log lines generated by the g_ip perl program have
leading date/time stamps; that's one of the modifications in my version, so
I can match what's going on in g_ip commands to other things happening at
the same time on my machine.  

The first fetch started:

DEBUG: StopTime  : 45000 msec
DEBUG: live : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 126 sec
DEBUG: db fc 74 e9 51 dc f0 b6 7a 43 d5 31 73 9b b4 5e
DEBUG: ef fd e9 03 2a 4d 78 7f fa fd 91 3a 6a c0 da d5
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 974043
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 3600ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking   

DEBUG: SendPlay, seekTime=1, stopTime=45000, sending play:
DEBUG: Invoking play  

DEBUG: Continuing at TS: 1 ms

Starting download at: 0.000 kB
For duration: 35.000 sec
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: notify 24 bytes  

and then got to the end:

DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking onStatus
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.Stop
DEBUG: Invoking deleteStream
DEBUG: Got Play.Complete or Play.Stop from server. Assuming stream is
3462.085 kB / 45.00 sec (2.6%)
DEBUG: RTMP_Read returned: 39364
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 2.60%), try resuming
DEBUG: Closing connection.

20141114 214516 INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 512)
20141114 214516 DEBUG: Record using flashhigh1 mode return code: 'retry'
20141114 214516 WARNING: Retry recording for...

and off it went to do the whole thing again... I Ctrl-C-ed it when it
had reached attempt 4 or 5 ...

I tried again with an extra option: --attempts 1

This time I saw in the initial output 

20141114 222650 INFO: Attempt number: 1 / 1

followed by RTMPDUMP doing its thing, with the same final exit code:

DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking onStatus
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.Stop
DEBUG: Invoking deleteStream
DEBUG: Got Play.Complete or Play.Stop from server. Assuming stream is
3462.085 kB / 45.00 sec (2.6%)
DEBUG: RTMP_Read returned: 39364
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 2.60%), try resuming
DEBUG: Closing connection.

20141114 222720 INFO: Command exit code 2 (raw code = 512)
20141114 222720 DEBUG: Record using flashhigh1 mode return code: 'retry'
20141114 222720 INFO: Trying flashhigh2 mode to record tv: Show Me What
You're Made Of: Series 2 - 5. Chocolate
20141114 222720 INFO: Attempt number: 1 / 1 

and then it went on to try again... though this second attempt stopped
almost immediately, with:

RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath :
DEBUG: tcUrl:
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
DEBUG: pageUrl  :
DEBUG: app  :
DEBUG: StopTime  : 45000 msec
DEBUG: live : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 126 sec
DEBUG: db fc 74 e9 51 dc f0 b6 7a 43 d5 31 73 9b b4 5e
DEBUG: ef fd e9 03 2a 4d 78 7f fa fd 91 3a 6a c0 da d5
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 974043
ERROR: FLV file contains neither video nor audio, aborting!
DEBUG: Closing connection.

20141114 222733 INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
20141114 222733 DEBUG: Record using flashhigh2 mode return code: 'retry'
20141114 222733 ERROR: Failed to record 'Show Me What You're Made Of: Series
2 - 5. Chocolate (b01pfrmd)'
20141114 222733 INFO: Loaded history for first check.

so no 

Re: mpeg-dash and get_iplayer?

2014-11-12 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim Lesurf wrote:

 Yes I know I can install it at the click of a button. But I'm wary of
 anything from Google given their dubious behaviour, etc. Would prefer an

I'm surprised you don't already have it (and IE and Opera, at least)
installed simply to check how pages of your own website look to people using
other browsers.

I use Chrome rarely, but it's always worth a shot if FF won't work on a
particular site.  For example I've found both IE  FF fail to work (when one
comes to login) on the STV Player site, but Chrome works...

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT - List mailing (was iplayer audio to lpcm)

2014-11-12 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Budgie wrote:

On 10/11/14 17:36, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

 The mails in this thread that people have thoughtfully CCed to me
 personally have arrived, but the mail-list ones have not.

 I have sent this using Reply List and not CCd it to you, so will you
 receive it I wonder?

Yes, I did and would expect to...

Thinking more about this, if you send a mail to the mail list and CC that to
me, the mail list copy should go to the mail list server and get its extra
headers etc added to it before that is then sent to my email address at
AAISP.  The CCed copy goes directly from you to my email address at AAISP
(and perhaps/probably gets there first).

Although the meaningful content should be the same in both, many of the
headers and, for example, appended sig text about mail list TsCs is clearly
going to be different in the two copies.  

So that suggests that AAISP's definition of they're the same mail isn't a
very good one; maybe they just look at the message-id.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-10 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
David Woodhouse wrote:

On Sat, 2014-11-08 at 23:54 +, Square Penguin wrote:
 Quick question - how do you deal with CC's in your inbox and duplicate 
 messages in mailing list folders (assuming you filter to folders)? 
 Simply ignore the duplicates or do you have a filtering/deletion scheme 
 in place?

 I get a copy in the list folder, and a copy in my inbox.

Lucky you.  (I mean it.)  I found recently that this doesn't happen for me;
it's not a (local) mail client problem but instead my mail provider (AAISP)
whose system detects two copies of the same mail being delivered to the same
mailbox on their server, and stores only one copy.  My POP3 collection then
only collects that single copy. 

To get both I'd need to define filter rules on their server to route
personal mails to one server mailbox and list mails to another mailbox, then
fetch from both.  

And even then, if eg someone CCed something to two different personal
addresses of mine, those would be routed to the same server mailbox, and I'd
only get one copy.  I'm not wildly happy about that...  

If I had just one or two email addresses I might be willing to have a
mailbox for each one... but I don't.  I've hundreds of addresses, and I do
not want the hassle of having to define matching mailboxes for each of them.

The mails in this thread that people have thoughtfully CCed to me personally
have arrived, but the mail-list ones have not.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Programme Title: Subtitle, or Title: Episode Title?

2014-11-10 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
From time to time I'm struck by entries in a cache file appearing to split
what I would think of as a programme title with a subtitle, into a shorter
title and an episode name...

For example if one looks at:

you can see what appear to be three programme groups named:

   Hidden Histories
   (BBC2, Welsh history)

   Hidden Histories: Britain's Oldest Family Businesses
   (BBC4, three programmes about family businesses)

   Hidden Histories: WW1's Forgotten Photographs
   (BBC4, a single programme I think)

When they were available some time ago I watched the Family Businesses
programmes; one of the lines in my download history says:

b03qlp97|Hidden Histories|Britain's Oldest Family Businesses: 2. Toye the
Medal Maker|tv|...

- that is, the programme name then was Hidden Histories and that episode
was Britain's Oldest Family Businesses: 2. Toye the Medal Maker.

Similarly the WW1 photos programme in today's tv cache appears as:

 |tv|Hidden Histories|b03xsrvv|Unknown|WW1's Forgotten Photographs|||...

which mean that as far as my own computer programs (processing these cache
and history files) are concerned these entries all seem to refer to the same
overall programme.  And I suppose the Welsh history Hidden Histories
programmes would also look like the same thing.

A while ago I looked at get_iplayer's perl source code, but I'm not at all
fluent in perl.  I had the impression though that maybe get_iplayer
concatenates various possible fragments of a programme's name, episode name
etc into one long string then tries to chop it up again.  And if it assumes
that a string like ABC DEF: GHI JKL should be split on the first colon
(which is sensible IF that was Programme: Episode) then it will make a
mistake if the string contains Prog: Ramme: Episode...  

As DP has had to sweat blood, or juice (do pumpkins have blood?) on parsing
metadata recently, I wondered if any of the newer sources of metadata allow
better discrimination between programme  episode titles?  If it's possible
to tell from the metadata sources that something is a Programme title, even
if it contains a colon, surely it shouldn't be split there? 

And yet, my own code shows a few examples (seen over months, not necessarily
recent) where programme names do have embedded colons in them, eg:

   Doctor Finlay: The Further Adventures of a Black Bag
   Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea
   Tim FitzHigham: The Gambler
   Hinterland: Series 1 (full length)
   MasterChef: The Professionals: Series 7
   The Choir: Sing While You Work: Series 2
   The Cruise: A Life at Sea
   Vets: Gach Creutair Beo

Why does it work some of the time and not others?  Is it because get_iplayer
assembles descriptions etc from a bunch of different sources (web pages, RDF
pages ... whatever), or is it down to inconsistency in the way the BBC list
their programmes?

Or, is there also the BBC 'brand' to take into account?  Maybe all of these
programmes are part of the same overall brand?  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim Lesurf wrote:

 One complication here I've already hit is that IIUC the xfce mint distro
 I'm using doesn't provide ffmpeg but avcodec (?) I've installed a local
 version of ffmpeg but am unsure of how avcodec may differ from this in
 ways that may affect what I have in mind. I'm used to ffmpeg, but not

Something possibly relevant avconv Used in Preference to ffmpeg Where
Available changed in 2.83; see notes at:

and also changes in 2.87 Important note re: obsolete FFmpeg versions:
(also for avconv) - see:

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

'fileprefix' filename templates are having characters elided

2014-11-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
With 2.84 etc this worked.  With 2.90 (I've not used any of the intermediate
versions), specifying for example:

--fatfilename --whitespace --file-prefix $GRAB-SN130-002369 R=nameshort -
Sseriesnum Eepisodenum - E=episodetitle 'E=episode' P=pid M=mode
Z=duration F=firsbcastdate L=lastbcastdate 
--get clare in the comm.*past caring

produces a final file name like:

$GRAB-SN130-002369 RClare in the Community - S2 E1 - E EPast Caring
Pb00fslwd Mflashaacstd Z1800 F2008-11-30 L2014-11-02.mp3

that is, all the '=' signs, and the pair of single quotes, have vanished.
(I've also deliberately placed round and square brackets around parts of
these filenames in the past, to make parsing them subsequently with other
utilities easier), and would prefer such characters I choose to introduce
should survive.

This suggests to me that the new(ish) logic for removing non-ascii and
punctuation characters from a filename is being applied after the metadata
values have been plugged into my fileprefix template name.

Surely removing single quotes is wrong anyway?  It's going to remove 's at
the end of title words, and ruin names like O'Leary in programme titles. 

It seems to me that the process should be

  - extract metadata values from wherever

  - elide non-ascii and punctuation chars from them

  - plug those edited strings into the fileprefix template

I know there are output options that would allow me to turn off the elision
of weird chars from filenames, but I'm happy that the BBC-supplied weird
characters get elided.  I just don't want mine removed as well.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: 'fileprefix' filename templates are having characters elided

2014-11-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

 With 2.84 etc this worked.  With 2.90 (I've not used any of the
 intermediate versions), specifying for example:

--fatfilename --whitespace --file-prefix $GRAB...

produces a final file name like:


Oops.  It didn't; the leading $ was gone as well; the new name really
started GRAB.  I wasn't paying complete attention when I wrote the last
email and just put the missing $ in by hand thinking I'd cp the filename
carelessly.  What an idiot!

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re:mail-list behavior, was: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
David Woodhouse wrote:

Now think about what happens if you *don't* do people the courtesy of
copying them directly. Some people will be cut out of the conversation

- only if they weren't mail list subscribers in the first place.  Arguably
they shouldn't have been CCed (or whatever) on public mail list posts by
whoever exposed their addresses to the world.

 and others will just be receiving it in a delayed form...

That's up to them and how they choose to get all the other traffic from that
mail list, surely?  Why should replies to their posts be given special

 Seriously, when I start to help someone because I happen to come across
 their email in one of the dozens of mailing lists to which I'm subscribed,
 and they *fail* to reply to me directly, I'm very unlikely to see their

You amaze me.  Couldn't you filter such incoming replies (eg because they're
In-Reply-To one of your message ids), colour them differently or something?

 And if I *do* happen to see it and they haven't done me the courtesy of
 replying directly to me, I'll be very disinclined to continue helping
 them. Life's too short to help people who make life hard for themselves
 and me.

It seems to me that you're expecting people to do things differently here
because it suits you better that way.  I also know of no other mail list
that behaves like this one... but - fortunately for me - my mail client
seems to cope ok, in the sense that it does always do what /I/ want, even if
that's not what you think it should do.

Despite this, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort you undoubtedly
have to go to to keep this mail list running smoothly.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer - works at first... then doesn't

2014-11-07 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim Lesurf wrote:

I'm using command line and issuing commands like

get_iplayer --type=radio --verbose --not-tag --pid b04lsjkv --o outdir

 in a terminal. The --no-tag avoids the fetch working but getting a
 complaint about inability to fetch some metadata to tag the results.

Is that --not-tag in your sample command a typo, or are you actually using
the incorrect option name? 

You might find that get_iplayer is trying to do retagging because you've not
coded the don't do it option properly.

get_iplayer v2.83, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

It's pointless telling people what happens with 2.83; you need to tell us
what happens with 2.90.

 The distro version is 2.83. The one I tried in a user directory was 2.90
 obtained via git.

So post the relevant parts of its   --verbose   output instead.  Can you see
any difference between that for a working run and a subsequent non-working

If you fetch the exact same programme both times, (you'll need to code
--force   on refetches) it'll be easier to compare.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer - works at first... then doesn't

2014-11-07 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Jim Lesurf wrote:

On 07 Nov, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
 Jim Lesurf wrote:

 I'm using command line and issuing commands like
 get_iplayer --type=radio --verbose --not-tag --pid b04lsjkv --o outdir
  in a terminal. The --no-tag avoids the fetch working but getting a
  complaint about inability to fetch some metadata to tag the results.

 Is that --not-tag in your sample command a typo, or are you actually
 using the incorrect option name? 

Sorry. Typo. I'd use  to record the report...

One thing that might not work very well (or maybe it will work better under
linux) is redirection of get_iplayer's output.  The problem is that
get_iplayer already uses redirection of output from helper apps (eg
rtmpdump) so it can - where return codes don't provide enough info for it to
tell - trap and analyse that redirected output to decide if the helper app
worked properly.

I tried to use redirection in my REXX wrapper (which issues get_iplayer
commands) so I could analyse get_iplayer's output to see if my wrapper
should retry (or completely abandon) processes.  It didn't work.  I think
dinkypumpkin has that issue somewhere on his/her/its todo list.

That's interesting because it didn't work before. I'm not sure if that's
because installing 2.83 has set up something else which it requires.
However I'll have to try it a few times before and after a
shutdown-wait-bootup to see if it continues.

If get_iplayer 2.83 was installed via synaptic, maybe that pulled in
dependencies, which when you installed 2.90 from git_head you didn't get.
Maybe something else has changed in the interim; I know so little about
linux I can't even make an intelligent suggestion.

 If you fetch the exact same programme both times, (you'll need to code
 --force   on refetches) it'll be easier to compare.

Ah. I'd noticed a force option but hadn't seen a description of what it
does. Thanks.

What get_iplayer normally does is reads the download history file to see if
it has a line describing a previous successful download.  The --force option
says go ahead and fetch even if it has been fetched before.  You might need
--force quite often if you want to refetch programmes with different
versions or modes (qualities).  Or, eg if get_iplayer thinks it has fetched
a complete programme ok but the stream was corrupt.

If you do: get_iplayer --help-long   you'll get a list of all the options
with some explanation of what they do.

But why would 2.83 work *until* a shutdown-startup?

I think it's more a wonder that it worked at all.  One of the things that's
been discussed in the last few weeks is how different approaches to parsing
programme info out of different sorts of bbc webpages and different types of
feeds works in some cases and not others.  Maybe you were lucky at first and
were trying to get info about programmes still described in data formats
that the code in 2.83 could parse.  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank You

2014-11-04 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

 Digital gives us the unprecedented ability to make a perfect copy, not a
 lossy copy as with tape ...

But it's a perfect copy of an imperfect (compressed, loss of detail etc)

I'd think they'd be more concerned about digital tv recorders where what's
recorded is whatever the tv set received.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No programmes are available for this pid

2014-11-04 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

I'm puzzled by this message:
No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default
which I get when trying to download two programmes (PIDs p0299nz3 and 

Usually it means they're only available in eg 'signed' form.  For that you
need to include

   --versions signed

in your fetch command.  If you also include --verbose you'll get much more
output from get_iplayer, but it will tell you what 'versions' it thinks are
actually available, and if 'default' is not on the list it might make more
sense.  (Assuming that you don't already see those lines without --verbose).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank You

2014-11-04 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Nick wrote:

 Which is the irony of the enforcement of OTT IP. The restrictions won't
 ever truly work - even with some closed network, server and client system
 the end-user could still video the screen. And how much is a phone these
 days that can video something? :)

In the 1990s the pro-audio industry had something called SCMS (usually
pronounced scums) - the Serial Copy Management System which made it
impossible to make digital copies of digital sound files; there were bits
set in the audio stream which told recorders not to record the audio.

It caused a lot of problems in the pro-audio industry itself, and in due
course SCMS strippers became available - little boxes that you'd pass a
digital audio stream through, which would remove the relevant bits but leave
the audio untouched.  Studios bought the boxes so they could continue to
work with whatever a client brought in.  Some pro gear had DIP switches on
the back so they could be configured to set/ignore the SCMS bits...

In other words it was circumventable.

More detail at:

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A glimpse of Nitro

2014-11-03 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Charles Johnson wrote:

Taken from the source of

The Nitro urls have even specified a special URI scheme:

Looks like these pages expect support for several: 

  coverage:   pulsar:  nitro:   

eg (as you said):



Since these are non-standard presumably these only work when some BBC
site-specific extension has been loaded into a browser and configured so
they get control for each such URI?   

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Solutions to loss of RSS feed

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Budgie wrote:

 If any of the team here knows whether the Favourites page can provide what
 I want please let me know.

I have no idea... but I do remember reading a lot of complaints when the
last big website revision happened, and the BBC didn't migrate all the info
people had stored in their old favourites mechanism into the new one.

So I'd suggest you keep notes of what you add, to reduce the pain if it all
suddenly goes missing.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Updated version of Get_Iplayer

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

 I haven't seen one released since v2.79.

Is that a typo?  There's announcement messages posted to this mail list each
time there's a new release.

So - for the last few -

 v 2.85 on  6 Nov 2013
 v 2.86 on  6 Apr 2014
 v 2.87 on 19 Oct 2014

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Shell script to get PIDs from schedules

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Terry L. Ridder wrote:


I may have missed something , but where is there any mention of the website programme schedules going away?

You've missed this: if a computer program grabs website pages and 'scrapes'
them, which is to say wades through all the rubbish that's there to make the
page look pretty, trying to extract only the data that says what the
tv/radio programmes are, their pids etc... it's

  - complicated
  - slow
  - unreliable because as soon as the BBC alter how the webpages
work, the scraping programs might need altered

So instead, programmers are concentrating on finding resources that contain
data without frills.  The stuff at:



(those three URLs are the same except for the last .xxx part) all yield data
that's much more immediately useful to programmers.  The first two are nasty
for a human to look at, the third is easier on the eye.  But as someone said
these simpler-to-use files are going to cease to exist; they're 'deprecated'
which is the term programmers use to mean something that works now but soon

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Pids Not Downloading

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Computing wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to download the Tony Hancock bits.

I've had a quick explore of the BBC website and can't find any such
programme listed there...

So... what radio station, and what programme name?

If there's no programme offered on the website for a 'normal' user to use to
listen to the programme, get_iplayer has no hope of downloading it.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Shell script to get PIDs from schedules

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dirk Husemann wrote:

this one seems to work:

% curl -v -v

GET /iplayer/js/episode/b04nhkz9 HTTP/1.1

Interesting, but not a schedule.  You already knew the pid...

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Multiple pids - another way, in some cases

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
roadcone wrote:

 ...  then it tells me that they are all in my download history.

You'd need to code  --force   to stop get_iplayer from stopping because it
found (from the download history) that you've already downloaded those
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Shell script to get PIDs from schedules

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Sharon Kimble wrote:

Thanks for this Charles. With your last command

--8---cut here---start-8---
wget -q -O - | jq '.[]
| .[] | .[] | .[] | .programme as $P |
$P.display_titles.title,$P.short_synopsis,$' | tail - 6

--8---cut here---end---8---

It is failing for me  saying

│parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10

Presumably its referring to -O, but what should it be please to
get it working properly?

Are you sure that the  tail - 6 is right?  It looks different from the
OP's | tail -n 6

Though if that's the problem I don't quite see why the parse error would
mention column 10.

Do the separate stages of the command work for you, before pipelineing them

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Shell script to get PIDs from schedules

2014-11-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Dirk Husemann wrote:

On 2014-11-02 19:49, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:

 Interesting, but not a schedule.  You already knew the pid...

which you can get from the iplayer guide page:

Yes, but the point of the thread is finding ways to extract all this info
from the bbc (to build a searchable list of available programmes, which is
what get_iplayer's radio.cache and tv.cache files were) without scraping
complicated and - potentially - ever-changing internal format webpages.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: One case where PID does not work ( was A message from Auntie )

2014-10-31 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
artisticforge . wrote:

Cannot download because get_iplayer is determining that the program is
not available because it has not yet been broadcast.

A few minutes ago I got a bbc server error trying to access that latter URL.

Still using v2.84, with various changes of my own, via a script which issued
a get command for me, I get a different error:

 INFO: Search args: ''
 INFO: Will try prog types: radio
 INFO: Loaded history for first check.
 INFO: Loading recordings history
 INFO: Programme not in history
 INFO: Got 2 file cache entries for radio
 ERROR: Programe Type '' does not exist. Try using --refresh

So... nothing about unavailability.  What do you get when you include 


in your command?

The command that was executed here (spaced-out for legibility) was:

   C:\My Dropbox\CLIpgms\ 
   --profiledir C:\My Dropbox\JN_GetiPlayerCachesEtc 
   --output C:\GiP 
   --pid b04mbmzb 
   --rtmp-radio-opts --timeout 95 
   --file-prefix $GRAB-SN130-002357 R=nameshort - 
 Sseriesnum Eepisodenum - E=episodetitle 
 'E=episode' P=pid M=mode Z=duration 
  F=firstbcastdate L=lastbcastdate 

This form of command has worked for lots of previous fetches.  

[I know the final '--get ' looks odd but it's like that because of the way
the whole command was built as a standard fetch based on search criteria
which would normally have been between those quotes, omitted in this case,
because the --pid operand was coded as an override and appears earlier in
the command string.]

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Solutions to loss of RSS feed

2014-10-31 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Ian Macdonald wrote:

I have always just used the command line, but the last option seems
best, it depends on how much effort is required to reverse engineer
the API...

The problem isn't the API, so far as I understand it. The problem is that
any request has to include a 'key'.  That's a number which the BBC will use
to associate such a request with the registered user/app that is making the

Not only is it impossible for anyone outwith the BBC to get a registration
(and hence a key) at the moment, the comments made by someone at the BBC
which were posted in another thread suggest that they'd not grant a key to
an app like get_iplayer.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Solutions to loss of RSS feed

2014-10-31 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Rob Dixon wrote:

 There is a simple application form, which I filled in today, to get a
 licence for accessing the Nitro API, and there's no implication that
 there's a BBC-staff-only restriction. I'll keep people updated about what
 I hear back.

On all three of:

I get a banner across the top of the page that says:

  The BBC Developer site is currently open for registration to 
   BBC Employees. Account requests from other users are not 
   currently being activated.

What makes you think differently?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer repair update #1

2014-10-31 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

 get_iplayer has been more or less repaired, but there are still some
 wounds.  I'm going to release what I have on Sunday

This is excellent news, and I have to say I'm impressed by the amount you've
managed to do in such a short time.

(I realise that we may have been lucky with the time of year; I should think
that it's a bad time for any sort of pumpkin to be out of the ... house? 
shed?  field?  ... wherever a pumpkin normally feels at home.  I've seen
some dreadful sights in the last 12 hours - pumpkins being carried around by
witches etc...)

 c. External search  ...  I'll have my pony now, thanks.

Whoosh?  That's certainly over my head.  Unless it's an insight into a
pumpkin's dietary preferences?

Regarding cacheing from feeds vv scraping... cacheing seems to me to have
been good for capturing a snapshot of all the available programmes at a
point in time.  But for anyone who's a regular user of get_iplayer there's a
lot of overlap in the cache's contents from one version/refresh to the next.
 I'm not so sure that scraping the schedules to see what the BBC plan to
transmit in just the following day, say, would be so bad, especially if it
was limited by user selection to just the channels/stations that a user was
most interested in.  It could mean that it'd take a few days for such a user
to build up a list of programmes that should be available, but then actual
availability checks per programme could wait until someone tried to download

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Proof-of-concept scraper for iPlayer web frontend TV data to JSON

2014-10-31 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Rob Dixon wrote:

I'm no lawyer, but on the face of it I would say we're clear.

as supplied to you by the BBC says to me that it mustn't be modified,
not that it mustn't be stored.

We already all store this stuff in browser caches when using the website as

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

The BBC have removed the programme data feeds used by get_iplayer...

Hell.  Even if I have to resort to the BBC website to watch streamed
programmes, or use get_iplayer to download by pids researched online, the
programme data was invaluable for telling me about episodes of things that
had suddenly become available.  

Does this mean that all the built-in iPlayer functionality on various
manufacturers' TVs etc has just ceased to work?  If I'd bought such a TV 
I'd be feeling really annoyed at this point.  

Maybe, if this IS the case, the flood of negative publicity that's likely to
ensue will make the BBC open up their new API more quickly.  (At the moment
the API is unusable without a key, and only internal BBC developers get to
register for such a key, so far as I can see.)

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Download by pid but save in download_history?

2014-10-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Arthur Murray wrote:

While the PVR functionality is unavailable I need to download by PIDs,
but can I save these PIDs in the download_history automatically?  What
command line options will accomplish this?

I fetch TV programmes by PID quite often, including tonight.  Entries are
being written to the download history, as always.  The pid value is correct
but the other stuff, eg programme names, episodes names etc is wrong.  For
example a typical line in the past looked like:

 b04mh8tm|Vets: Gach Creutair Beo: Series 2|Episode 6|tv|...

and one from tonight looks like:

 b04nhkz9|BBC iPlayer Feeds|-|tv|1414625935|flashhigh1|...

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Timothy wrote:

 I guess this means I'll have to deal with the inherently visual nature of
 BBC iPlayer's site from now on? *sigh* This is what I get for being a
 complacent blindy...

Maybe a complaint/request for help from the BBC from the point of view of a
partially- or non- sighted user would help us all...  How do the BBC expect
people who can't use trendy websites to access information?  They're surely
meant to have thought of that.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-29 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Lorenzo Martinelli wrote:

The first episode is here:

The pid (programme id) is this:   b04n8zdp 

To fetch it you need to issue a get_iplayer command including

   --pid b04n8zdp

in the arguments to the command.

How you issue a command, and making sure it works for you, depend to some
extent on how you've set up your computer.  I'm sure someone posted a link
to relevant help.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strugging to record Building Dream Homes

2014-10-27 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Paul Phillips wrote:


Everything has been working since I upgraded web pvr to 2.87 , apart
from this show:

It's one of those morning programmes on BBC 2 that doesn't seem to
ever appear in the iplayer list of programmes available to record.

They're in the 'tv.cache' file here, but you might not be aware that these
were first broadcast (excellent series!) in June 2014.

The programmes being broadcast now are 'signed' versions which fetch will
not locate unless you code --versions signed in the fetch command.  As
this says:

WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s):
default (available versions: signed,audiodescribed)

there's no 'default' programme fetchable even though (without specifying a
specific version) the search process has identified the available versions. 

I should add that I've never used the PVR; I just issue commands directly to
get_iplayer via the command line.  If specifying -- versions signed in the
PVR needs some kind of magic incantation, I'd know nothing about it.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Accessing programmes more than a week old?

2014-10-27 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Chris Marriott wrote:

Apologies - this is slightly OT for the list, but perhaps someone knows the


 I was under the impression that iPlayer had been updated to allow the
 playing of programmes more than a week old, now, but when I go to the
 iPlayer web site, and select a TV channel, the list of dates along the top
 of the page still only allows me to view programmes less than a week old.
 Is there a way to go back further, or has the extension to 30 days not yet

My impression is that the change to get_iplayer is to support explicit
fetches by pid, where the programme referred to in the fetch command happens
to be more tha 7 days old.

The way I discover pids of old programmes is via the 'episodes' pages on
what the bbc call the 'programme website'.  So for example, for Rip Off
Britain, I start at

then select the programme's site (really a 'microsite' as it;s just one tiny
part of the overall bbc website) at

then click the 'Episodes' tab to go to:

and navigate to the entry describing the programme I'm interested in, to get
that programme's pid.  For example when a specific programme has a URL like

the pid is the final part, namely b04n6k1x.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Does anyone know what a 'reversion' is?

2014-10-27 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
I've noticed that a few BBC programmes are described as 'reversions'.  For
example there's a repeat (or maybe it's more than that?) of Series 5 of Rip
Off Britain on at the moment.  In the tv.cache file ( on the BBC website)
the episodes are titled:

  Rip Off Britain: Series 5 (Daytime Reversions)

The tv.cache file currently lists some other 'reversions':

  Coast: Series 5 Reversions

  Flog It!: Series 7 Reversions

  Flog It!: Series 9 Reversions

  Flog It: Trade Secrets: Series 2 - Reversions

Presumably there's more to these than just repeats... but what?  I watched a
couple of the Rip Off Britain ones and had the impression that I'd seen the
whole of the programmes before a few months ago, though that doesn't
preclude subtle editorial changes or omission of previous material.  

I did email the BBC to ask (without mentioning get_iplayer), but they didn't
reply.  Does anyone here know?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: More (or less) Tommies

2014-10-15 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Clive wrote:

Now parts 1  2 of Tommies from the afternoon drama slot are available 
on iplayer to play but they are not listed in the searches tommies or 
noon drama. Their --pid returns the error not found in radio cache 

I think that that isn't an error, just a statement of fact.  It's quite
usual for programmes one chooses to fetch by pid not to be listed in the
cache - that's why one does use the pid method.

and fails with no programmes are available for this pid ...

- which means when get_iplayer reads the programme details (from a webpage -
or at least a resource that's fetchable as if it were a webpage - whose name
depends on the pid) it doesn't find the info that tells it where to fetch
the programme from.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download issue.

2014-10-13 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Vangelis forthnet wrote:

Please read the case reported @

Adding the following line (denoted by the + sign)
to the GIT HEAD version will fix it...

This one might have a different fundamental cause.  On the day it should
have come available it was listed on bbc website pages but wouldn't fetch.
By the following day it had ceased to be listed at all, that is they listed
eps ... 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.

I made a formal complaint to the bbc and 2 (?) days later ep 16 suddenly
became visible again.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Another download issue.

2014-10-13 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 13/10/2014 19:36, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
  This one might have a different fundamental cause.  On the day it should
  have come available it was listed on bbc website pages but wouldn't
  fetch. By the following day it had ceased to be listed at all, that is
  they listed eps ... 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.

get_iplayer also needed another tweak to get that programme to download. 
  Git HEAD has been updated again, for anyone keeping score.

After it was relisted, a couple of days later, get_iplayer here (v 2.84 with
some modifications I've made, but in other areas of the code) downloaded it
without problems.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Download showing negative cts, previous timestamps might be wrong

2014-10-08 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Nick Payne wrote:

I just downloaded the most recent episode of New Tricks in HD (series 11 
episode 8), and when I had a look at the cmd window after the download 

I see this from time to time on tv programmes; it doesn't happen during the
download, but later when the file goes through conversion from the
partial.flv file to mp4.  

I'd never noticed a significant change in the MP4 file's size though, and
I've also never had a problem playing such a file.  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: podcast listings missing a digit

2014-10-01 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Mark Rogers wrote:

On 1 October 2014 15:33, Owen Smith wrote:
 I'm so used to Reply going to a sensible destination for all my other

There are two buttons: Reply and Reply All...

And in my email client, three buttons.  There's also one for 'reply to
mailing list or newsgroup' which I use here, because I've defined the
characteristics of this group as a mail-list within that client.  

Here, it matters not what the headers in such an incoming post contain
(except so that the client knows that such a post IS one from this list). 
Whether I wish to start a new thread or reply to an existing one, it's the
send messages to this address in the list's configuration that determines
what happens.

If I choose to use Reply or Reply To All, I would then need to eyeball the
To/CC fields to see whether what's about to happen is what I intended, but
using the Reply to NewsGroup/Maillist button works well, to the extent that
I simply don't see these problems that other people have...  On the other
hand, one does need to configure the client properly in the first place.  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Funny characters in the cache files

2014-09-09 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
There's a TV programme at the moment named: The £100k House.  In the
tv.cache file, this programme's name is stored as: The £100k House - that
is there's an unexpected character - hex c2 - before the pound sign.  It
means that a search for, say, The £100 won't find this programme.

I'm wondering if this is fixable?

I've also seen something similar when foreign characters occur in programme
or episode names, eg:

  |6. John Craven's Fjällräven|

(episode 6 of series 4 of fags, Mags and Bags - see: )

which surprises me less; I presume this occurs because double-byte
(unicode?) characters have been used in the midst of an otherwise
single-byte encoded string.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: PVR script not running reliably

2014-09-05 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Philip Colmer wrote:

 It looks like Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 broke Task Scheduler in that
 if a task is running but the user is not logged in, the profile doesn't
 get loaded, so the path is wrong.

There is a KB article referencing this 

Maybe (it's not clear from that KB) tasks will work ok if they are run under
the Administrator id (something that never gets logged in, unlike a normal
user).  But you might still have to specify paths explicitly, or use eg:

  --profiledir C:\xxx\yyy\zzz\iPlayerCachesEtc

 but I couldn't get the workaround to work for me.

The KB article suggests that starting a dummy process a minute earlier would
work, but I wonder if there's any reason why one minute should be expected
always to work.  Maybe on a heavily used machine it would sometimes need to
start even earlier.  What's more, though they don't say, I assume the dummy
process would need to start and continue to exist right up to the start of
one's task, or maybe past that point.  Perhaps a better way would be to
start the 'dummy' task, have it wait for 60 secs, and then have it issue the
perl commands as sub-processes. 
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: PVR script not running reliably

2014-09-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Philip Colmer wrote:

I'm using the get_iplayer--pvr.bat script on a Windows system. It seemed to
be working fine until something happened that caused the programmes cache
not to be updated, so the PVR stopped realising it needed to grab anything.

So then I updated the script to do this:

perl.exe --refresh --type=radio
perl.exe --refresh
perl.exe --pvr

The script works perfectly when I run it by hand 

- do you mean double-clicking the file containing the script, or do you mean
selecting the script's task scheduler entry and telling task scheduler to
run it?

 but nothing happens when the script is run via the Windows Task Scheduler.

Just when it does it according to the schedule or also when it does it when
you tell it to run a script as a one-off?

 The task scheduler doesn't appear to be reporting any problems. The
 security log is showing that my credentials are being used to run the
 script and that I'm being logged off 17 seconds later so clearly the
 script isn't busy for very long :-(.

Do you have sensible defaults set in get_iplayer's options file?

I mean, is it possible that when you run the script by hand you're
implicitly telling it which directory to use as a basis for file paths, say,
but when the scheduled task runs that's not the case?

On your system, can you run:

   perl.exe --refresh

from a command window successfully?  Does it matter what directory is
current in the command window when you try that?   For this to work,
'perl.exe' must be installed on PATH, ie findable by the OS.  What's more,, since you've not included its full path on that command,
must also be findable.  I think I'd expect you to need

   perl.exe C:\your\path\to\ --refresh

or even 

   C:\the\path\toperl\perl.exe C:\your\path\to\ --refresh  

I do successfully run get_iplayer commands from a schedule, but I do it with
a front-end program that I wrote, which constructs very long command lines
with many specified parameters on them, partly to avoid this sort of
problem, and partly because I run the schedule on several machines with
machine-specific parameters. 

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems recording Hive

2014-08-06 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
David WIDGERY wrote:

Hi, I have been trying to record the first episode of Hive and get the
following result, is this still part of the BBC iplayer website problem or
am I missing somthing.

The latter  If you look at:

you'll see that episode 1 was broadcast on 15 July, which is too long ago to
expect it still to be available.

Or more accurately, for the normal version still to be available.

Your command shows:

473:Hive Alive - Episode 1, Signed, Factual,Nature 
Environment,Science  Nature,Sign Zone,TV, signed

Note the last word, signed.

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes

WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s): default
(available versions: signed)

and again; it's telling you that there is no 'normal' version of this
programme available, but there is a 'signed' one ie one with someone
standing at the side giving a sign-language commentary.

To fetch that, you need to add   --version signed
to your command.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

A problem with rtmpdump on a flakey internet connection

2014-07-13 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
I've got a 60Mb/s Virgin cable connection which is great when it's working,
but has had a tendency recently to drop for a few seconds every so often. I
found rtmpdump frequently failing to pick up a download after a connection
has had a blip.

The documentation for rtmpdump itself suggests that it has a default timeout
of 120 seconds, but in the get_iplayer perl program (at least in v2.84 which
I use at the moment) there's a line which forces rtmpdump to use a 10 second
timeout instead. 

I've changed the line in the perl program to give me a 90 second timeout,
which so far is working better for me.  A similar change might help some
other people.  I changed the line that says:

   push @{ $binopts-{rtmpdump} }, ( '--timeout', 10 );

to read:

   push @{ $binopts-{rtmpdump} }, ( '--timeout', 90 );

I don't know yet if there's any disadvantage to doing this.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: A problem with rtmpdump on a flakey internet connection

2014-07-13 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

 You can use --rtmp-tv-opts or --rtmp-radio-opts to override the default
 and avoid making changes to the script.

Ah. I did look at the longhelp for the perl program but looked for
timeout-related things and overlooked rtmp- prefixed options.  

I just tried adding:  --rtmp-tv-opts --timeout 96
to a command, and this is what happened:

INFO: Command: rtmpdump.exe --port 1935 --protocol 0 --playpath
82881-0362-47eb-af8c-77d0e3025ad5_b047lx22_1405030329933.mp4 --host --sw
--app ondemand?_fc
22_1405030329933.mp4 --pageUrl
_From_Scotland_with_Love/ --timeout 96 --resume -o
C:\GiP\$GRAB-SN130-001529 T=A Century
 in Film S=s01e01 E=A Century in Film From Scotland with Love M=flashvhigh
Z=4260 F=2014-06-22 L=2
014-07-13.partial.mp4.flv --timeout 90 --verbose

RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port : 1935
DEBUG: live : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 90 sec---

which is to say, although '--timeout 96' did get inserted into the
rtmpdump command that the perl app issued, it was overridden by the
hard-coded value (still my 90 rather than 10) in the perl app.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Curiosity: what means mmsnothread; and why might I need it?

2014-06-20 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
dinkypumpkin wrote:

On 19/06/2014 12:27, Howard Orgel wrote:
 Installation of a previous version put mmsnothread 1 in GiP's system
 options file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\get_iplayer\options.
 It has survived updates/reinstallations to present.  What does it do; and
 why might I need it?  Removing it seems to have no effect. 

 A secondary question: is there any reason, other than historical, or
 it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time, why there are separate system and
 user options files in a WinXP installation of GiP?

 The system options file is managed by the installer on Windows.  You
 shouldn't touch it.  If you want to override any settings, put them in
 your user options file or use the command line.

I'm puzzled by this comment because I run get_iplayer under Windows XP, and
I have no system options file at all.   Here,

  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users

does not have a \get_iplayer folder let alone an options file within it.

Looking at the get_iplayer code (but with non-expert perl eyes) I get the
impression that the file will be read from if it is present, but nothing
actually within get_iplayer creates it - is that right?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: firstbcast field absent

2014-06-02 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Robert Snelling wrote:

Is it just me, or have the BBC changed something? I make use of the
firstbcast field...

A bigger problem is that the BBC don't seem to have decided what first
broadcast should mean.  

For example I've fetched the files for The Hitchhiker's Guide... recently,
and they all have firstbcast values of 2014 - which is rubbish.  For example

they say that Fit the Eleventh was first broadcast on Saturday 17 May
2014, which is wildly wrong. 

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems with colons in searches

2014-05-22 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
JB Caruth wrote:

 $ ./get_iplayer ^Coast: Coast Australia$

Any ideas why ... the manual search is finding too many?

The results seem to be those of

$ ./get_iplayer ^Coast

which makes me wonder if : has some meaning in whatever command shell
you're using?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Problems with colons in searches

2014-05-22 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
JB Caruth wrote:

 Which leaves me back where I started - wondering why the search (via PVR
 or manual, with or without escaped colon) is not finding the available

Because there's no colon to be found where you expect it?  If I search for

  ^coast.*coast australia

I find a pair of programmes whose listings start

  Coast - Coast Australia: 1. The Kimberley, BBC Two, ...
  Coast - Coast Australia: 2. Sydney, BBC Two, Audio ...

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Ipod playback truncated at around 20-22 mins

2014-05-17 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
scrofula 101 wrote:

Having problems with get_iplayer in Linux Mint 16 for a while now. Using
current version 2.86. All the radio files I obtain playback fine on the
computer but when I transfer them to ipod nano using itunes on Windows
8.1 they cut out at around 20-22 mins and it skips to the next track.
Shorter files are fine. Podcasts are fine. Using Windows version of
get_iplayer to fetch new copies of the files to the Windows partition
results in no problems with playback in full. No error messages in
Linux. I use itunes as I prefer it for getting the track order of files
the right way. File system on Linux is ext3.

Very puzzled by this. Any suggestions?

Are the versions of helper applications - rtmpdump, ffmpeg etc the same on
both Windows  Linux?

Are the file formats that you end up with of the same type in both places?

Does iTunes do some sort of file conversion as it moves files?

If you do a theoretically-unnecessary file conversion on the files before
giving them to iTunes to process, do they then work ok?  Eg, even if the
ipod is ok with eg aac files, how about converting them to mp3?

You say you use iTunes so you end up with the right track order; I've
never used iTunes but I was under the impression you had to use that to move
files into Apple i-things.  (My mp3 player just looks like a mass storage
device to Windows so moving files around is dead easy.)  But... if there's
an alternative way to get the files to your nano, it would be worth knowing
if they play ok if they've not been handled by iTunes.

I process podcasts which I download from here and there with scripts which
run various command-line id3 tag tools to query files' attributes and, for
example, to set 'track numbers' to date-based mmdd values.  It may be that
whatever track order handling you're using iTunes for can be done just as
easily some other way, but that won't help much if you have to use iTunes to
get the files to the nano.
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

case sensitivity in commands

2014-05-14 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
I've known for a while that it doesn't seem to matter whether the text
fragments used to search for a programme name are in upper, lower or mixed
case, so was surprised to find (when I accidentally had caps lock pressed)


didn't match a programme which I knew existed, whereas

  --VERSION signed

did work.  Is this the behaviour you'd expect?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: player.xml broken

2014-05-12 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Don Grunbaum wrote:

 My experience suggests that ^Genius$ does not work, but Genius (without
 the ^ and $) will work ok, although it could pick up false positives. I
 think the colon is what upsets the match.

My experience is that   ^Genius
does work, but putting the dollar sign on the end does not.  That'll be
because the string that's being tested contains lots of stuff after the
initial word Genius.

I more often code things like

  ^Genius.*ode 3

if for example I want to find episode 3 of that programme.

If you include a colon try escaping it by typing a backslash in front of it,


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Modes=best?

2014-03-22 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Arthur Dent wrote:

When I download an episode of Silk (details below) it results in a 1.1mb
file. When I play the episode it has a large BBC logo in the top left (I
thought that HD programmes had a small logo - or has that changed?)

An hour

INFO:   duration  3535.08

- that's about 59 minutes, measured in seconds

of standard definition video is about 660 MB, so when you say you get 1.1
MB, I think you probably mean 1.1 GB - which would certainly be HD.

And look:

INFO: flashhd1,flashhd2 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashhd1 mode to record tv: Silk: Series 3 - Episode 3

If you tell get_iplayer to rename the downloaded program file according to
its attributes this can be clearer.  For example I use:

 get_iplayer --type=tv --fatfilename --whitespace --file-prefix T=name
S=senum E=episode M=mode Z=duration F=firstbcastdate
L=lastbcastdate --no-tag --get the program name

which results in a filename with the program name, series  episode numbers,
plain episode number, MODE, duration (in seconds), and the first  last
broadcast dates in it.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: War Walks - Green Line

2014-03-21 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Peter S Kirk wrote:

 Very strange, you gave a horizontal line online and I have a vertical line
 in the downloaded .flv   Yet it appears OK in iPlayer on both PCs I have
 tried it on.

The files fetched by get_iplayer, and those streamed by the online thing are
not necessarily the exact same files coming from the exact same servers

If you try using get_iplayer and fetching several different qualities of
file, using --modes= as appropriate and --force to force multiple fetches of
the same programme, do they all show the green lines?

If you use --verbose to get more output from get_iplayer you may also see
which CDN is supplying which file; for a given quality eg flashhigh there's
often (always?) more than one source denoted eg flashhigh1 and flashhigh2,
and one can select a specific one using a modes setting that includes the
trailing digit of choice.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Confused Newbie

2014-03-07 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Barrie Avis wrote:

I am clearly just a confused Newbie and I just cannot see the 
big picture of what I am doing. Although I have used Windows for 
many years, I am totally new to the Pi, Linux and Raspbian

I want to run the BBC iPlayer on my new Raspberry Pi.

Is that possible?  (I don't know.) 

I have been trying to follow the instructions that are in

 I downloaded get_iplayer onto my laptop (running Windows 7) and installed
 it. I then followed the instructions under Command Line Interface (CLI)
 and got a CLI that ended up with a prompt C:\Program Files\get_iplayer
 but do not understand what to do next.

The purpose of get_iplayer is not to get (the) iplayer, but instead to get
sound (radio) and video (tv) files from the BBC website using get_iplayer
instead of the BBC's downloader.

But you say below that you already have BBC iPlayer installed on your
laptop, which suggests (if you are happy with what it does) that you don't
need get_iplayer as well.

Moving now to my Raspberry Pi:-

 it says Paste these five lines into a terminal window Thes following
 lines start with sudo bash etc. so seem to be things I should be putting
 into raspbian on the Pi. But I am on the Windows laptop so don't
 understand how I am to do this. Should there be some way to paste from the
 Laptop into the Pi?

No.  Either: use a browser from the Pi to find the instructions and cp them
to a terminal window on the Pi, or move the sample commands there on eg a
USB stick, or just type them carefully yourself.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Archive Blues Collections

2014-02-19 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
michael norman wrote:

 To be specific I would like to find the pids for the programmes here

The URLs for the separate programmes all end in a /pxxx value, different
for each one.  That's the pid.

If you want to extract them automatically from the webpage, rather than just
cp from a browser page, that's more complicated.  You'd need to be able to
program something to read through the source of the webpage and extract the
right bits of text.  Get_iplayer already does that for some formats of
webpages (or at least the pages that describe feeds), of course.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iPlayerRadio (finally - and sadly) has changed!

2014-02-17 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Mark Rogers wrote:

On 12 February 2014 18:00, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
 OT: A month ago [...]

 I missed this when originally posted as a postscript to an email that
 wasn't relevant to me and I had skipped. Just seen you mention it in
 another thread and came looking.

And I too had not read the whole of Vangelis' email...

 As only an occasional GiP user, and consequently long time lurker but rare
 contributor to this list, I certainly appreciate your level of involvement
 here and it would be a shame if your postscript went unnoticed by the many
 who you've helped. Personally I think that GiP is losing a great asset but
 clearly your own loss is far more substantial and it's far too easy to
 forget that faceless people on mailing lists are real people with real
 lives and real struggles off-list. I hope that things improve for you and
 your household (and your country), and in the meantime a huge thanks from
 me for all your efforts here in the past.

I would like to echo those sentiments.  

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Still getting Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256) with 2.85?

2014-01-30 Thread Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer
Chris Marriott wrote:

Rather than all convoluted stuff you posted, what happens if you simply 
download it directly from the command line?

get_iplayer --mode=flashhd --pid=b03lb92t

All that convoluted stuff is normal output from such a command, if (as the
OP did) you specify --verbose.  It's how you find out what GiP is actually
doing on your behalf.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

get_iplayer mailing list

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