Re: rfc2505

2001-12-24 Thread Karl J. Runge

RFC's aside, wouldn't it be great if it were *illegal* to send spam w/o
some sort of header(s):

X-Unsolicited-Bulk-Mail: ...  

and they could only remove that header if you replied back somehow
saying "yeah, it's ok to send me more of your crap".

One could imagine even more structure in the required headers, e.g.
AD category (Diet, XXX, ...) and even the sender's ID.

I see some spam coming in these days where they at least say at the bottom
that they are complying with Calif + other states Anti-spam laws where
they provide you with way to unsubscribe...

I say let's take it to the next level where being able to automatically
filter (e.g. to separate folder or to /dev/null) is required by law.

I dunno how practical this would play out...  Anyone know of any discussion
going on in this vein?

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Re: rfc2505

2001-12-24 Thread Paul Iadonisi

  This is quite long.  My apologies.  After only two responses, I found
I had a lot to clarify and more to add to the debate.  I knew it would
be controversial, but I think it's a direction we need to go.  We need
to at least have this capability.  Every MTA in the world doesn't have
to implement it, but I believe we need a solution (or multiple solutions
to choose from) to implement if we so choose.

DM: Derek Martin
KL: Keneth Lussier

[My intro about user controlled SMTP rejections snipped]

DM> This is difficult, if not impossible, to acheive.  At least, if I
DM> understand you correctly.  The SMTP gateway is a mail TRANSFER agent,
DM> and knows nothing about what the client wants or doesn't want, BY
DM> DESIGN.  The exception is probably MS Exchange, which I don't know
DM> much about, and wouldn't ever use/manage unless I were starving to
DM> death.

  I think I'ld flip burgers before managing an Exchange environment :-).
Anyhow, sendmail already provides ways of filtering based on To:
or From: fields in the access database.  All that's needed is to combine
the two to provide the functionality I'm talking about.  That and, of
course, a way for recipients to securely control it without compromising
the entire mail system.  Impossible?  I doubt it.  Difficult, yes, but
that's why I posted to this group -- to get some tips.
  Whether or not it was originally by design that the MTA knows nothing
about the client (client referring to end user in this case) wants or
doesn't want matters not.  The mere existence of rfc2505 (particularly
section 3.2) indicates that I'm not the only one that wants that to change.

KL> There are ways of doing this, but they are not clean, nor are they secure.
KL> Most major, and some minor, MTA's allow the use of "Black List" lookups.
KL> Your MTA can consult things like the RBL to see if mail is from a black
KL> listed domain, sender, etc. One of the problems with this is that your MTA
KL> is now depending on someone else's judgement, and someone elses security. If
KL> the RBL is ever cracked, it would wreak havoc with the mail systems that
KL> use it.

  Even depending on my own judgement as a sysadmin is not so good.  I want to
give the choice to individuals.  I have heard the RBL is actually becoming
less and less popular.  They've taken more questionable actions over recent
years and it still doesn't give the end user the choice.  It doesn't even
give organizations the choice.  It's all or nothing.
  Vipul's Razor is a great idea as it deals with specific messages, but it
remains to be seen how effective it is.  Still, it only deals with messages
already delivered through SMTP -- not what I looking to do.  I want it
rejected before being sucked into my servers.

[My criticism of mail filtering tools snipped]

DM> This is not a shortcoming in procmail.  It's a problem with your
DM> corporate policy.  If you're going to lay blame, please do so where it
DM> belongs...
DM> A workaround for this problem is to run fetchmail to get your mail
DM> from your IMAP server, and filter it with procmail locally.  And
DM> IMNSHO, it's a much cleaner way than what you're about to suggest...

  As Paul L. mentions in a later message, there's no problem with this
as a corporate policy.  There are many arguments for sealed servers, but
I believe that it's beyond the scope of the points I'ld to make.  (I'm
happy to discuss it, but I just think it's a different, though related,
  I'm not really 'blaming' procmail, anyhow.  It does what it does well.
Problem is, that it's not designed for filtering using only IMAP.  I
personally cringe at alternating my access of an INBOX between IMAP and
procmail or any other non-IMAP access.  Leaving Cyrus out the picture for
the moment, let's take a look at UW-IMAP.  Upon accessing a folder, it puts
a dummy message in the front of the file with some folder information.  It
looks pretty innocuous and I doubt it would ever be a problem deleting it
and letting UW-IMAP recreate it, but I just don't trust letting non-techie
users do stuff to IMAP folders unless it's through IMAP only.  It's
comparable (though not as bad as) to modifying an rcs file by hand.
  I'm not looking for workarounds, I'm looking for real solutions.
Sieve, IMO, is actually a much cleaner solution.  It allows me to shut my
desktop down (if I so choose) and still have stuff faithfully filtered as
I've specified.  And I can then access my folders from home through a VPN
without having make sure my procmail filters are in sync between home and
work (which *I might not want*, anyhow).

KL> Filtering should always be done at the client side, IMO.It's the user
KL> that chooses the client, and the user that wants the filters. There
KL> is no reason to put extra strain on a mail server, especially if it
KL> is a high traffic environment, by asking the MTA to think for you as
KL> well.

  I respectfully disagree.  I've wanted server-side filtering for a long time.
I was pleased to 

Re: rfc2505

2001-12-24 Thread Paul Lussier

In a message dated: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 09:25:42 EST
"Kenneth E. Lussier" said:

>> >   It's also been my criticism of most mail filtering tools (including
>> > procmail).  Procmail filters it independent of MUA, but it doesn't
>> > help much with sealed servers running IMAP -- you need permission to put
>> > your procmail filters on a server you don't have access to.  
>> This is not a shortcoming in procmail.  It's a problem with your
>> corporate policy.  If you're going to lay blame, please do so where it
>> belongs...
>I have to disagree here. I don't think that the corporate policy is wrong, I t
>hink that it is a matter of perception. Personally, I don't want my users to h
>ave shell access to the mail server. It prevents them from doing things like r
>unning Pine or Mutt on the server. Especially if they are on a windows box run
>ning Exceed. Then they just click the "X" instead of actually logging out.
>> A workaround for this problem is to run fetchmail to get your mail
>> from your IMAP server, and filter it with procmail locally.  And
>> IMNSHO, it's a much cleaner way than what you're about to suggest...

Well, I can see calls for both scenarios.  In a corporate 
environment, some users might want to run their mail client on the 
server rather than their desktop for several reasons.  For example, I 
use exmh as a mail client which has no/poor support for IMAP/POP.  I 
*could* run fetchmail on my desktop, but that's actually more of a 
pain because:

a. the mail server is on a much better UPS than my desktop.
   If I'm dependent upon my desktop for e-mail, there's 
   actually a greater chance of failure for me.

b. If I'm running things through procmail, having to 
   bring it to my desktop first is an extra step I don't want 
   to deal with, and, if my desktop is down, then all mail 
   sits in /var/spool/mail unfiltered.  I may not want this.
   I encrypt some mail immediately upon receipt.  If the mail 
   doesn't go through procmail, it sits in /var/spool/mail 
   unencrypted!  Bad.

c. If I need to depend upon vacation for something, I need to
   do this on the mail server itself (see a.).  In this case,
   either my procmail filters need to be there so I can 
   auto-respond to mail *after* it's been filtered.  I don't 
   want to vacation mailing lists, or even most internal aliases!

So, I can either read mail on my desktop or on the server.  The server
is most convenient, since I can rely on that server being up a much 
higher percentage of the time than I can my desktop.

However, for an ISP, I want no one on my mail server.  I want only 
IMAP or POP3 access to e-mail.  So, in that case, Paul I.'s idea 
about having server side filtering capability is a great idea IMO.

I don't believe that it would require anything overly complex however.
Something like webmin with a procmail-capable interface should be 
fine.  This also obviates a requirement for any database that the MTA 
would be dependant upon.  Procmail can use flat file lists easily 
enough.  Additionally, since procmail has the ability to run external 
programs, you could easily set up a db query for your users if you 
wanted to.  With a web interface and procmail all things are possible.

Additionally, if you're concerned about security, you could have the 
webserver which configured the procmail scripts exist on an entirely 
different server than the MTA.  Then you can just get the 
.procmailrc's over to the MTA server however you wanted to, ssh, 
rsync, etc.  You could even have the 2 systems share a common file 
system where the MTA server could only mount read only, but the web 
server mounted it read-write.  That makes things a little safer, and 
a lot quicker.  You also don't have to rely  upon things like cron, 
open ssh passphrases, etc.

>> > Most other filtering mechanisms are client specific.  I'ld like to
>> > be able to switch clients freely and not have to port my filters to
>> > each and every client.
>> Procmail does not suffer from this problem.

Agreed, I've used at least a half dozen different mail clients over 
the past 8 or so years, and the only filtering program I've ever used 
is procmail.

>Cyrus, Qmail, and Courier all use Maildir as their default, but they also
>support mbox format. If you use Maildir format, and you need to read your
>mail in an emergency, use vi.

Tossing in the Ob-Emacs vote here ;)

Yeah, I have to agree with that statement.  I mean isn't that one of 
the main advantages of something like Exchange/Outlook?  Besides it's 
obvious superiority to all other e-mail client/server combinations, 
the one major feature I hear from ever single Exchange/Outlook user 
is that when that server crashes (and you know, that's quite a rare 
occurence!) end users are eternally grateful that they can just whip 
up NotePad and read that plain ascii-text bas

Re: 2.4.3 issues? (was Re: Adaptec 2940UW)

2001-12-24 Thread Paul Lussier

In a message dated: 23 Dec 2001 22:38:53 EST
"Kenneth E. Lussier" said:

>Does anyone know of any SCSI issues with 2.4.3? I dropped back to
>2.2.20, recompled with SCSI, SCSI generic, scsi tape, etc., and the tape
>drive works fine now. My kernel configs are identical. 

Don't know of any, but personally, I'd be using a > 2.4.15 kernel.  
Everthing < 2.4.14 I think was subject to VM-of-the-week problems, 
and 2.4.15 I think had a security issue (not sure, check the 


  God Bless America!

...we don't need to be perfect to be the best around,
and we never stop trying to be better. 
   Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

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Re: rpm question

2001-12-24 Thread Bob Marceau

I have found rpm2cpio useful.

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Re: rfc2505

2001-12-24 Thread Kenneth E. Lussier

Quoting "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1

> This is difficult, if not impossible, to acheive.  At least, if I
> understand you correctly.  The SMTP gateway is a mail TRANSFER agent,
> and knows nothing about what the client wants or doesn't want, BY
> DESIGN.  The exception is probably MS Exchange, which I don't know
> much about, and wouldn't ever use/manage unless I were starving to
> death.

There are ways of doing this, but they are not clean, nor are they secure. Most major, 
and some minor, MTA's allow the use of "Black List" lookups. Your MTA can consult 
things like the RBL to see if mail is from a black listed domain, sender, etc. One of 
the problems with this is that your MTA is now depending on someone else's judgement, 
and someone elses security. If the RBL is ever cracked, it would wreak havoc with the 
mail systems that use it.

> >   It's also been my criticism of most mail filtering tools (including
> > procmail).  Procmail filters it independent of MUA, but it doesn't
> help
> > much with sealed servers running IMAP -- you need permission to put
> your
> > procmail filters on a server you don't have access to.  
> This is not a shortcoming in procmail.  It's a problem with your
> corporate policy.  If you're going to lay blame, please do so where it
> belongs...

I have to disagree here. I don't think that the corporate policy is wrong, I think 
that it is a matter of perception. Personally, I don't want my users to have shell 
access to the mail server. It prevents them from doing things like running Pine or 
Mutt on the server. Especially if they are on a windows box running Exceed. Then they 
just click the "X" instead of actually logging out 
> A workaround for this problem is to run fetchmail to get your mail
> from your IMAP server, and filter it with procmail locally.  And
> IMNSHO, it's a much cleaner way than what you're about to suggest...

> > Most other filtering mechanisms are client specific.  I'ld like to
> > be able to switch clients freely and not have to port my filters to
> > each and every client.
> Procmail does not suffer from this problem.

Filtering should always be done at the client side, IMO.It's the user that chooses the 
client, and the user that wants the filters. There is no reason to put extra strain on 
a mail server, especially if it is a high traffic environment, by asking the MTA to 
think for you as well.
> > This is where sieve comes in.  I comes as part of cyrus-imapd and
> > does all it's filtering before delivery -- i.e.: it gets delivered
> > to a folder of the recipients chosing and doesn't require login
> > access to the imap server.  It has it's own protocol for transfering
> > sieve scripts and can even notify a running IMAP client of new mail
> > in any IMAP folder.  I haven't tried any of this yet, but it looks
> > promising.  All we need now is for it to be adopted more widely,
> > including any easy way to download, modify, and upload sieve scripts
> > using your mail client of choice.
> Unless I'm mistaken (which is very possible), Cyrus mail tools require
> the use of Maildir format mailboxes, which just aren't supported all
> that well.  True, a lot of major mail clients support it, but a lot of
> popular clients don't.  And if you need to read mail with mailx in an
> emergency, forget it.

Cyrus, Qmail, and Courier all use Maildir as their default, but they also support mbox 
format. If you use Maildir format, and you need to read your mail in an emergency, use 

> This seems to me to be making the process of delivering mail to a user
> entirely too complex.  The LAST thing I want, as a system
> administrator, is dependence on a database program to make delivery of
> mail work.  When you do this, you've probably increased the complexity
> of mail delivery by more than 100%, given how basically simple
> sendmail is.  That means headaches for me, and I don't like it.

I 100% agree here. Making your MTA depend on a database backend just seems suicidal. 
Not to mention the performance hit you would take if you have a high traffic 
environment. If every single piece of e-mail requires a database query, you will slow 
the mail server down considerably. Especially if you have tables with thousands of 
entries, which you would have to have if there needs to be an entry for everyone that 
you *WILL* accept mail from. Besides the performance hit to the mail server, just 
imagine the performance hit the sysadmins would take!! I spend hours a day responding 
to e-mail. Now, imagine having to respong to an e-mail saying that you will accept 
mail from this person, then waiting for their e-mail, then responding to it... I don't 
have time for that.

> You can even configure procmail to send the sender bounce messages, if
> you really want to.  YAY!

You can configure procmail to do pretty much everything. If you just really don't like 
procmail for some odd reas