virtual email

2002-02-13 Thread bryan

I've just finished setting up a test email system for my website customers, 
but I'm not very happy with it, I'm interested in any suggesstions for 
improvement, but I also have specific areas that are major annoyances, and I 
think there has to be a better way..

I'd like them to be able to have as many email addresses on their domain(s) 
as they choose ( within reason, I have code to limit this already )  I don't 
want to add any additional users to the system ( as in /etc/passwd )  I had 
written some mod_perl stuff and a bunch of crons on the old email system that 
mucked about with system users, and aliases, and the virtusers table to 
accomplish the same thing, but it's pretty ugly, and probably not very 
secure.  So I'm trying to get away from adding system users for email 
accounts, and from dealing with a lot of different files when 
adding/changing/deleting email users.

my current setup uses Postfix for MTA, Courier for pop3/imap, and sqWebMail 
for web based email sending/checking.  sqWebMail and Courier are setup to use 
 a Postgres table for authentication, and to determine where the users 
mailbox is.  I'm using Maildir mailbox format, this is required by sqwebmail 
and Courier. Postfix, however, uses the aliases table to determine where a 
virtual users mailbox is.  so I have this information in 2 separate places, 
which need to match.

has anyone successfully gotten Postfix to play nicely with Postgres for 
aliases?  is it a stable solution? is there some doc on doing this somewhere? 
this prevents having to write to aliases, and run newaliases, and postfix 
reload after every change, in addition to updating the database.  ( and no, 
using MySQL which is supported by postfix natively is not an option )
would I be correct in saying that changing the info in this database would 
not require a postfix reload for it to take effect ?

the virtual user mailboxes are in /home/mail/$user  I had to set perms 777 in 
order to get Postfix to deliver mail there, I'm not happy about that .  I 
tried various owner/group combos including nobody.nobody and postfix.postfix, 
none worked without 777. the docs I've read either don't cover this issue or 
I'm just not seeing it.  I'm guessing it's because the given user has no 
login, therefore the local delivery agent cant su to that user ?  am I stuck 
with wide open perms then ?  how can I find out who the local delivery agent 
runs as?

should I be using an MDA instead ? would it be easier ? which one ? ( it has 
to support Maildir )

lastly, I'm surprised there isn't a simpler solution for accomplishing this, 
or is there, and I just haven't seen it ?

 - Bryan

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Re: write protected Zip disks

2002-02-13 Thread ccb

>   Yes.  You need a special program, called "ziptool", to do so.
> Google for it.

And if you already have xforms libs installed there's a GUI program
called jazip that can do it too.


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Re: ssh and security

2002-02-13 Thread Kenneth E. Lussier

Hi Peter,

Peter Beardsley wrote:
> Feb 12 20:00:37 xxx sshd(pam_unix)[18540]: authentication failure;
> logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
>   user=xx
> Feb 12 20:00:55 xxx sshd(pam_unix)[18540]: 2 more authentication
> failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=216.72
> .153.69  user=xx

The good news is that according to this, thay didn't get in.
Personally, I would 1) make sure that all r* services are disabled, 2)
don't use passwords, use public/private keypairs, 3) make sure you are
up to date on all OpenSSH patches.
> Where the user in question was a user that was being used to ssh into
> this machine remotely, and the IP traces back to a Venezualean ISP.  So
> somehow s/he got the username.  Has anyone seen anything like this
> before?  BTW I require ssh v2 connections.  

I see it all the time. Usernames are usually fairly easy to guess
especially on a mailserver if it's sendmail and VRFY and EXPN are
enabled. Check your mail logs for a lot of 550's, then check the IP
address against recent spam. Anything that wasn't rejected and
returned to the sender is a potential username on a box running SSH
*and* a mail server. Also, if you own the domain name of the box, a
simple whois will turn up several potential usernames. There are
litterally hundreds of ways to get usernames. In theory. So I've heard

> I've read a little here and
> there about "monkey in the middle" attacks on ssh, but don't you have to
> be on the same subnet?

Nah They just have to be able to intercept your traffic,
rebroadcast modified packets, then intercept the return traffic and
modify that before rebroadcasting it. But it isn't an easy task.
Besides, man-in-the-middle attacks usually involve an attempt at
session-hijacking (also not an easy task), not a direct login attempt. 

 Kenneth E. Lussier
 Geek by nature, Linux by choice
 PGP KeyID C0D2BA57 
 Public key

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread rdp

I hear you on the non-i386 side. My firewall for three years was an 300MHz 
Alphait's good to know that even if they do break in somehow, they 
won't have any idea what to do next (just try and use that precompiled 
rootkit!). Unfortunatly the 3Com ISDN modem decided it was time to check 
out of this world and the Ascend was just the right price, otherwise the 
Alpha would still be doing that job today.


On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Tom Buskey wrote:
> When I 1st got my cable modem 2 years ago, they didn't have those nice 
> little NAT/routers.  I recommend them to others.  I've seen them with 
> print servers & 802.11b wireless.
> But I had a PC (p166) that I could use.  And lots of extra NIC cards.  
> I went to a web site ( that spit out an ipchains 
> (or ipfw that preceeded ipchains?) script.  It worked well enough.
> Someone at work was a NetBSD commiter & convinced me to try it.  So I 
> did.  It's been very nice too.  I'm not tempted to put X & other apps 
> on it ;-)  I find ipfilter easier to understand then ipchains.  
> iptables is pretty good too.
> Then work had some sparcs they wanted to get rid of.  So I got one 
> (with 2 nics) and put NetBSD on it.  I copied /etc from the PC, changed 
> the MAC on the sun & I was going.  Now I could use my PC for other 
> things.
> I also have some macintosh 68k machines with 2 nics cards that I'm 
> eyeing for NetBSD.  I wish I could swap architectures that easily with 
> linux.  I'm also glad that I can use ipfilter & know that if I upgrade 
> the OS, I don't have to rewrite my rules (ipfw/ipchains/iptables).
> I also like the fact that I have a non-standard OS without a familiar 
> 386 CPU in it.  And being able to SSH into it to check logs, dump files 
> from work, and allow others to have accounts.
> If I had the $$, I'd love to get an embedded CPU thing that uses less 
> power, but for now, the sparc is working pretty well.
> (hoping I don't get shot for talking up NetBSD on a Linux list :-)  My 
> laptop runs Mandrake 8.1 btw.

Rich Payne

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Buskey

When I 1st got my cable modem 2 years ago, they didn't have those nice 
little NAT/routers.  I recommend them to others.  I've seen them with 
print servers & 802.11b wireless.

But I had a PC (p166) that I could use.  And lots of extra NIC cards.  
I went to a web site ( that spit out an ipchains 
(or ipfw that preceeded ipchains?) script.  It worked well enough.

Someone at work was a NetBSD commiter & convinced me to try it.  So I 
did.  It's been very nice too.  I'm not tempted to put X & other apps 
on it ;-)  I find ipfilter easier to understand then ipchains.  
iptables is pretty good too.

Then work had some sparcs they wanted to get rid of.  So I got one 
(with 2 nics) and put NetBSD on it.  I copied /etc from the PC, changed 
the MAC on the sun & I was going.  Now I could use my PC for other 

I also have some macintosh 68k machines with 2 nics cards that I'm 
eyeing for NetBSD.  I wish I could swap architectures that easily with 
linux.  I'm also glad that I can use ipfilter & know that if I upgrade 
the OS, I don't have to rewrite my rules (ipfw/ipchains/iptables).

I also like the fact that I have a non-standard OS without a familiar 
386 CPU in it.  And being able to SSH into it to check logs, dump files 
from work, and allow others to have accounts.

If I had the $$, I'd love to get an embedded CPU thing that uses less 
power, but for now, the sparc is working pretty well.

(hoping I don't get shot for talking up NetBSD on a Linux list :-)  My 
laptop runs Mandrake 8.1 btw.
Tom Buskey

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Re: huge backup

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Buskey

There's an app called backuponcd.  Look for it on
It will backup directly to CD or to .iso files.

Tom Rauschenbach said:
>This has got to be on topic.  It's about a Linux machine in New Hampshire!
>I have a filesystem that is 39389776 1k blocks.  Obviously too big to back up 
>on a single CD.  I'd like to cut it up into separate file systems that can be 
>backed up on CD.
>Does anyone know of a clever/fast/convenient way to do this ?  I'm quite 
>capable of writing the scripts to to do it (and I'll donate them to the list 
>if I have to write them) but surely someone has already done this.
>To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Tom Buskey

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Rich Payne

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Rich C wrote:

> I thought just about everyone did this. :) I was going to build a Linux
> router, until I found my SMC unit: a router/firewall/DHCP server/4-port
> switch that uses hardly any power, is always on so I don't have to be
> powered up any more to get the rest of the family on the net, and it clones
> my NIC address to boot, so I didn't even have to call AT&T/Mediaone to
> update my MAC address/hostname. All for the low low price of $69.00. Much as
> I would have enjoyed building a Linux router, I really couldn't justify it.

Yes, however you are (I feel) missing a very important point. If you have 
an SMC/Linksys doing the job then Yes, that probably is a bit 
better than Windows Internet Sharing (and company). However you are still 
at the mecry of company X to provide with an update when they feel it's 
time for them to do so. I'm not bashing any of the companies that produce 
these products in particular, but your really not in any better a 
situation then with an other closed system solution.
> Not to mention the fact that to keep secure, I just have to go get firmware
> updates periodically. No more staying up late worrying if my self-configured
> router had a hole in it somewhere. (Well I never actually did this but you
> get the point.)

Yes, I do see your point, however if the later keeps you up at nights, 
then the thought of the undiscovered security hole, or worse yet the 
recently discovered secutiry hole for which the vendor hasn't supplied a 
patch you stop you from sleeping all together.

Of course, having said all of that, I use a Ascend ISDN router to access 
the internet.a product from a company that doesn't exist anymore. You 
want to talk about being kept up at night?


Rich Payne

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Re: ssh and security

2002-02-13 Thread Benjamin Scott

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Peter Beardsley wrote:
> Feb 12 20:00:37 xxx sshd(pam_unix)[18540]: authentication failure; 
> logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
>   user=xx
> So somehow s/he got the username.

  User names are often not that hard to find out.  According to the log 
you post, they did not succeed in authenticating (logging in), so they did 
not have a suitable password.  If your passwords are good, you should be 
reasonably safe.

> BTW I require ssh v2 connections.

  Make sure you've got the latest-and-greatest version of OpenSSH installed
(3.x something).  Require strong ciphers.  Disable anything that even
mentions "rhosts".  For maximum security, disable password authentication
and require public/private keys.

> I've read a little here and there about "monkey in the middle" attacks on
> ssh, but don't you have to be on the same subnet?

  All that is required for a man-in-the-middle attack is that the attacker
be in a position to intercept and replace communications in both directions.  
Being on the same subnet as one of the parties may or may not enable this.

  A good explanation (complete with diagram) of the concept of a
man-in-the-middle attack can be found on this webpage:

  Here is another, specifically about SSH:

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Re: write protected Zip disks

2002-02-13 Thread Benjamin Scott

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Tom Rauschenbach wrote:
> Does anybody know if Linux an toggle the write protection of Zip disks ?  

  Yes.  You need a special program, called "ziptool", to do so.  Google for

> Does it matter if they are ext2 instead of DOS ?

  No.  It functions at the device level, not the filesystem level.

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Change of email account

2002-02-13 Thread John Feole

I just un-subscribed my old email from gnhlug from :


and re-subscribed with the new adddress:


I received the email confirm for the re-subscribe, but not for the 


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Re: huge backup

2002-02-13 Thread Derek D. Martin

Hash: SHA1

At some point hitherto, Tom Rauschenbach hath spake thusly:
> I have a filesystem that is 39389776 1k blocks.  Obviously too big to back up 
> on a single CD.  I'd like to cut it up into separate file systems that can be 
> backed up on CD.
> Does anyone know of a clever/fast/convenient way to do this?

Well, what you're asking can't be done without actually copying the data onto
those other (pre-existing) filesystems that you're talking about, but
the good news is it doesn't need to be, at least if I understand you correctly.

Presumably, you have a bunch of directories under the filesystem, such
as in my /usr/local partition:

  drwxrwsr-x5 ddm  ddm   512 Feb  9 05:46 Download/
  drwxr-xr-x2 root root  224 Oct  6 02:16 bin/
  drwxr-xr-x3 root root   72 Sep  7 07:47 doc/
  drwxr-xr-x2 root root  104 Sep  7 07:47 etc/
  drwxr-xr-x2 root root   48 Feb  6  1996 games/
  drwxr-xr-x2 root root   48 Feb  6  1996 info/
  drwxr-xr-x5 root root  376 Sep 27 23:59 lib/
  drwxr-xr-x   12 root root  288 Sep  6 18:16 man/
  drwxr-xr-x3 root root   72 Sep 22 02:21 netscape/
  drwxr-xr-x2 root root   48 Feb  6  1996 sbin/
  drwxr-xr-x3 root root   72 Sep  7 07:47 share/
  drwxrwsr-x7 root ddm   256 Feb  9 04:42 src/

You now want to make some, or all of these into their own filesystems,
in order to make them all fit on a CD.

So, why not just create ISO images of those directories that you
intend to make into their own filesystem?

To illustrate what I mean, if you had the disk space to store the
ISOs, you could do this:

  cd $root_dir_of_filesystem
  for dir in `ls`; do

cd $dir
mkisofs -o $fs_with_enough_space_to_hold_the_images/$dir.iso .


If you actually can get away with making one ISO per directory, then
since this IS your back-up, there isn't really any need to break the
filesystem down to make smaller ones.  Obviously, you'll probably want
to use various options for mkisofs, such as those that let you use
long filenames, etc... but you get the idea.  For example, the command
line I usually use for mkisofs is this:

  mkisofs -v -r -l -J -T -o ../CD_Images/disc.iso .

I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out what all the
options do (since I don't remember what they do anyway).  :)

If you only want to make seperate filesystems out of a few of the
directories though, say bin, sbin, and share, and then leave the rest
of them all in one filesystem, it's a little bit more complicated.
But not too much so.

First, make your ISOs of the filesystems you want to split.  As with
any backup, once you've done this, you should check to make sure the
data is intact.  In this case, it's extremely important that you do
this, because you're about to delete the data you just backed up!

Once the ISOs are done cooking onto a CD, and you've taken the time to
verify them, DELETE THE DIRECTORIES YOU BACKED UP.  This will leave
you with only the data that you want in your one final filesystem
remaining on the disk.  Now make another ISO out of this data, and
verify it too.

All that's left is for you to run (c)fdisk to repartition the
filesystem into enough partitions to make the necessary number of
filesystems, then run mkfs on them, and lay the data that you just
backed up onto them.  The easiest way to do that is to mount the
filesystems where they should go, then mount the CD that you made
last, and use tar to copy the filesystem into its new location.  Then
mount the other CDs in succession and do the same thing.

That's it!

- -- 
Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -
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write protected Zip disks

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Rauschenbach

Does anybody know if Linux an toggle the write protection of Zip disks ?  
Does it matter if they are ext2 instead of DOS ?



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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Rauschenbach

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 18:43, you wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tom Rauschenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:20 PM
> Subject: Re: linux/windows security
> > On Wednesday 13 February 2002 17:30, you wrote:
> > > In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
> > >
> > > "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> > > >> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?
> > > >
> > > >I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
> > > >through If that machine is turned off, there is no
> internet
> > > >avilable.
> >
> > This is so common a situation that you can now get IP MASQ appliances
> > that
> do
> > this for you so that instead of having a dedicated Linux
> > firewall/router/mutliplexer Win users can have a reliable machine provide
> > MASQing (and I hear they use a lot less power).
> I thought just about everyone did this. :) I was going to build a Linux
> router, until I found my SMC unit: a router/firewall/DHCP server/4-port
> switch that uses hardly any power, is always on so I don't have to be
> powered up any more to get the rest of the family on the net, and it clones
> my NIC address to boot, so I didn't even have to call AT&T/Mediaone to
> update my MAC address/hostname. All for the low low price of $69.00. Much
> as I would have enjoyed building a Linux router, I really couldn't justify
> it.
> Not to mention the fact that to keep secure, I just have to go get firmware
> updates periodically. No more staying up late worrying if my
> self-configured router had a hole in it somewhere. (Well I never actually
> did this but you get the point.)

I did it the hard way because I did not know about these appliances.  I do 
worry if my self configured machine has holes, although I shouldn't worry.  I 
know it does.  But it monitors itself and I learn a lot.  It's probably less 
useful, but much more fun.

I also get to play with things like ad blockers, net sniffers, IDSs and 
stuff.  I suspect that the MASQ appliances don't offer that kind of feature 

Of course that richness benefits attackers as well.  We all make trade offs.

> Rich Cloutier
> President, C*O
> *
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> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Derek D. Martin

Hash: SHA1

At some point hitherto, Rich C hath spake thusly:
> What is needed in a help system is something like what VMS had, but for
> subject keywords like backup, restore, copy, directory, and stuff like that.
> The help system doesn't really have to do much more than reference the
> proper command to use, and say "Oh, you want to copy something? Well, if
> it's just a file or two, see "cp." If it's an entire directory structure,
> see "tar." If you want to copy a partition or disk, see "dd." Then the man
> page can take over.

Linux has many examples of such help systems...  They're called
"books" and you can get it for $40 at your local Barnes & Noble.  I
named several examples of such help systems in earlier posts.  And in
most cases, they actually come with Linux on a CD insert.  So you
don't even need to pay extra for someone else's boxed set.

And, as I also said, Red Hat has pretty good manuals that cover most
of what is being discussed here, including where to get more help if
needed.  If you buy the boxed set, you get printed copies.  If you
don't, they are (or at least always were) on the install CD.

Whaddaya want for nothing?  Seriously...  In my experience, NO ONE
likes writing extensive documentation, unless they're getting paid to
do it.  If you want professional quality documentation for your FREE
operating system, you're going to have to pay for it.  I really don't
think that's so unreasonable.

I think it's unlikely that anyone will ever spend time on such a
project, because there are already numerous voluminous references
available.  The free software community generally works on things when
it perceives a need for them, and given all that is already available
in print, and on, much of which also typically ships with
the distro CDs, I just don't see this happening.  The documentation
whose absence everyone is complaining about DOES already exist.  You
just need to know where to find it, and/or be willing to shell out
your $40 at the book store.  As for finding it, that's why groups like
this exist.

When did the idea of reading books become so offensive?  Hell, you can
probably get some of these books at your local library, and not have
to fork over the $40 to own it.

I will also note that I believe the real problem is that people are
trying to install Linux on their system before they really spend any
time investigating how to do it, and what the options are.  You should
already have the appropriate documentation, and read through some of
it, before you ever boot the install CD.  It's like buying a VCR was
back 15 years ago, before anyone had seen them... or any other new
technology for that matter.  Yes, you can figure out how to make it
work by tinkering with it, but you'll probably get really frustrated a
number of times, and miss out on a whole bunch of features it has,
spend way more time on it that way, than you would have if you'd just
taken the time to read the manual first...  Would you plan a trip to
another country before investigating what there is to do and where
there is to stay?  

The automobile analogy applies here too...  you don't go out and buy a
car, get your license to drive, and THEN start learning how.  You
learn how first, then you do it.  

Why is installing Linux so different for people then?

If you investigate your installation options before installing for the
first time, you'll find out that you don't have to wipe out your
Windows partition, and so when you have a problem getting stuff to
work you can just reboot into Windows, and look at docs on-line.
Print out anything you think you might need, and then have another go
at fixing your Linux problems.

Another thought that has occured to me is that what newbies really
want is for Linux to be just like that other thing they are accustomed
to (whatever it might be).  Well, it isn't.  And it never will be.
That's the point.  If you don't want to take the time to learn
something new, then really Linux isn't for you.  And that's ok.

As is often the case with Linux, the horse that is being flogged to
death here is a perception/awareness/mindset problem, not one of
genuine lacking.  Linux is what it is; if you want to use it
successfully, and you're not familiar with it, you're probably going
to have to be willing to think differently about it than you've
thought about other operating systems.  But the answers are all there
already, for the most part.

- -- 
Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -
I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG!
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Comment: For info see



Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Bill Mullen

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Tom Rauschenbach wrote:

> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 17:30, you wrote:
> > In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
> >
> > "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> > >> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?
> > >
> > >I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
> > >through If that machine is turned off, there is no internet
> > >avilable.
> This is so common a situation that you can now get IP MASQ appliances that do
> this for you so that instead of having a dedicated Linux
> firewall/router/mutliplexer Win users can have a reliable machine provide
> MASQing (and I hear they use a lot less power).

Or you can bring me an old 486, a small HD, and 2 NICs, and I'll build
you a firewall/router. What's more, if you're a newbie, I'll remote admin
it for you until you get up to speed, too. One of the best features of
Linux, IMHO, is how it can give new life to systems that M$ would tell you
are merely useful as doorstops now.


Bill Mullen
Feb 13, 2002

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huge backup

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Rauschenbach

This has got to be on topic.  It's about a Linux machine in New Hampshire!

I have a filesystem that is 39389776 1k blocks.  Obviously too big to back up 
on a single CD.  I'd like to cut it up into separate file systems that can be 
backed up on CD.

Does anyone know of a clever/fast/convenient way to do this ?  I'm quite 
capable of writing the scripts to to do it (and I'll donate them to the list 
if I have to write them) but surely someone has already done this.



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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Bill Mullen

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, RABNUD wrote:

> At is:
> >I''ll toss around ideas with anyone, or walk them through an install or
> >whatever ... but I won''t make it sound easy. It isn''t. But it''s
> >doable, and it can become easier. It''s just more different than they
> >expected - because it''s better. :)<
> All this resistance to creating a cli based help/educate/rescue document
> browser? Never mind, I like the GUI idea better where is that Win98
> install CD.

All this resistance to actually opening a book or asking for help before
tackling a task in a completely unfamiliar environment? I can see you on
Christmas Eve, fussing and cussing deep into the night while steadfastly
refusing to look at the directions for the bike you're assembling ...
"Why doesn't this part tell me where it goes?" "It can't possibly need all
these gears, can it?" ... :)


Bill Mullen
Feb 13, 2002

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Rauschenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: linux/windows security

> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 17:30, you wrote:
> > In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
> >
> > "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> > >> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?
> > >
> > >I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
> > >through If that machine is turned off, there is no
> > >avilable.
> This is so common a situation that you can now get IP MASQ appliances that
> this for you so that instead of having a dedicated Linux
> firewall/router/mutliplexer Win users can have a reliable machine provide
> MASQing (and I hear they use a lot less power).

I thought just about everyone did this. :) I was going to build a Linux
router, until I found my SMC unit: a router/firewall/DHCP server/4-port
switch that uses hardly any power, is always on so I don't have to be
powered up any more to get the rest of the family on the net, and it clones
my NIC address to boot, so I didn't even have to call AT&T/Mediaone to
update my MAC address/hostname. All for the low low price of $69.00. Much as
I would have enjoyed building a Linux router, I really couldn't justify it.

Not to mention the fact that to keep secure, I just have to go get firmware
updates periodically. No more staying up late worrying if my self-configured
router had a hole in it somewhere. (Well I never actually did this but you
get the point.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Ken D'Ambrosio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at

> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 17:45, Rich C wrote:
> > Right, the man pages are a reference work. That's the way I have always
> > considered them. You don't start reading the reference section of a
> > programmers manual to learn a new language, do you? Of course not. Man
> > are NOT a help system. For the CLI, there IS NO HELP SYSTEM. It's as
> > as that.
> Okay, I'll bite: VMS's help was good, but it wasn't like it was amazing
> or anything.  Fairly often, I had to hit the proverbial "documentation
> wall": that stack o' VMS manuals that took up a whole damn table.  If
> man pages == "NO HELP SYSTEM", then what *WOULD* you consider a help
> system?  I know that MS's "help", as convenient as it may be to hit F1,
> rarely helps me... whereas man pages usually do, and almost always point
> me in the right direction -- something that MS rarely does.  Bottom
> line: what do you want for help?  An AI assistant to help you with
> everything?  If so, I've got some bad news for you...

You're right, VMS's help system wasn't amazing. The thing that VMS had going
for it IMO is that it had, in addition to the help system, mostly "english
word" commands. You could do help, see a list of commands, get a pretty good
idea of which one you were looking for (COPY did copying, DIRectory did a
directory, BACKUP did backups.) From there you could drill down to what you
wanted. With UNIX, even if you got a list of commands, which one does
backups? "tar"? how is a newbie supposed to know that? (So then why doesn't
"feather" do restores?)

What is needed in a help system is something like what VMS had, but for
subject keywords like backup, restore, copy, directory, and stuff like that.
The help system doesn't really have to do much more than reference the
proper command to use, and say "Oh, you want to copy something? Well, if
it's just a file or two, see "cp." If it's an entire directory structure,
see "tar." If you want to copy a partition or disk, see "dd." Then the man
page can take over.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Tom Rauschenbach

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 17:30, you wrote:
> In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
> "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> >> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?
> >
> >I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
> >through If that machine is turned off, there is no internet
> >avilable.

This is so common a situation that you can now get IP MASQ appliances that do 
this for you so that instead of having a dedicated Linux 
firewall/router/mutliplexer Win users can have a reliable machine provide 
MASQing (and I hear they use a lot less power).

> Me too, I need to get to my home machine from work a lot of the time.
> When I'm away on business, I ssh into my home machine from across the 'net.
> I don't ever want my system offline, I'm too impatient to wait for it
> to boot when I am there, and I can't be there to boot if I'm some
> where else!  The only solution is to have it always on!
> *
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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greg Kettmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mansur, Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Ray Bowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Bruce Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at

> In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:48:49 EST
> Greg Kettmann said:
> >Sorry to pipe in, but I must.  The fact is that the learning / use curve
> >Linux, particularly compared to Windows, is very high.
> Yes, that's absolutely true.  But look at the reason why!  What were
> they each designed to do?
> Windows designed from the outset to be a SINGLE user system
> primarily for office suite use.  Every other use of
> Windows is a side benefit or add-on usage.
> UNIX designed from the outset to be a multi-tasking,
> multi-user SERVER that can do ANYTHING.

Yes but so was VMS, and as someone else mentioned, they had an excellent
help system. The two are not mutually exclusive. It's just that VMS was
developed in a structured environment, whereas Linux was not? What does this
mean? It simply proves the point that programmers don't like to do
documentation. :oP

> By nature you ought to expect UNIX and by extension, Linux, to be
> more complicated.  UNIX was never meant to be a desktop OS, it was
> designed in the days before anyone could ever conceive of such a
> thing!
> >They often lack real world examples as well.
> Keep in mind, 'man' stands for 'manual', which is short for
> "Reference Manual"  Show me any reference manual which contains a
> variety of real world examples.  Does Gray's Anatomy have a "real
> world example" of how to remove a kidney?  No, it's a reference,
> that's it, plain and simple.  You want real world examples, you get a
> HOWTO book with pictures and explanations.

Right, the man pages are a reference work. That's the way I have always
considered them. You don't start reading the reference section of a
programmers manual to learn a new language, do you? Of course not. Man pages
are NOT a help system. For the CLI, there IS NO HELP SYSTEM. It's as simple
as that.

[snip rest of stuff I don't care to comment on]

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread plussier

In a message dated: 12 Feb 2002 22:58:46 EST
"R. Sean Hartnett" said:

>I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
>a few months.
>Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
>the big spam outfits?
>Mediaone does not always seem to be available to reach from the
>"outside" of late.

Yahoo does a pretty good job, and the allow pop access, so you can 
use fetchmail.  

It's free, and I don't get a lot of spam to that address because I 
don't post a lot to lists with it.

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread plussier

In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
"Thomas M. Albright" said:

>> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?

>I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
>through If that machine is turned off, there is no internet

Me too, I need to get to my home machine from work a lot of the time. 
When I'm away on business, I ssh into my home machine from across the 'net.

I don't ever want my system offline, I'm too impatient to wait for it 
to boot when I am there, and I can't be there to boot if I'm some 
where else!  The only solution is to have it always on!

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Re: Sun Announcement

2002-02-13 Thread plussier

In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:27:41 EST
Rich Payne said:

>What? Linux was mirrored on Solaris? You can easily go back and forth? 
>After having admined both for the last three years I can attest that 
>nothing is further from the truth! 
>I don't know what drugs they are taking over at Sun, but I wish they would 

Yeah, I have to agree with that sentiment too Rich.  I've admin'ed 
Sun for most of my career, and I've done a bit of Linux admin here 
and there as well.

While they do share some common ideas, I think it's pretty safe to 
say that Linux was most definitely NOT based on Solaris :)

I would really like my share of that crack they're smoking!


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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread plussier

In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:48:49 EST
Greg Kettmann said:

>Sorry to pipe in, but I must.  The fact is that the learning / use curve of
>Linux, particularly compared to Windows, is very high.

Yes, that's absolutely true.  But look at the reason why!  What were 
they each designed to do?

Windows designed from the outset to be a SINGLE user system
primarily for office suite use.  Every other use of 
Windows is a side benefit or add-on usage.

UNIXdesigned from the outset to be a multi-tasking,
multi-user SERVER that can do ANYTHING.

By nature you ought to expect UNIX and by extension, Linux, to be 
more complicated.  UNIX was never meant to be a desktop OS, it was 
designed in the days before anyone could ever conceive of such a 

>They often lack real world examples as well.

Keep in mind, 'man' stands for 'manual', which is short for 
"Reference Manual"  Show me any reference manual which contains a 
variety of real world examples.  Does Gray's Anatomy have a "real 
world example" of how to remove a kidney?  No, it's a reference, 
that's it, plain and simple.  You want real world examples, you get a 
HOWTO book with pictures and explanations.

> This can be very imposing to the new user.

They're not meant for the new user, they're meant for someone who 
knows what they're doing, but needs a quick reference.

>The response "well they obviously didn't read the man man" is just plain
>stupid and completely misses the point

Why?  The point was if they had read the man man page it clearly 
explains HOW to read man pages.  Had they done this, they would 
clearly have understood that all the options to tar that were 
confusing them were in fact *all* the OPTIONS to tar.  Their problem 
directly stemmed from the fact that they didn't know HOW to read a 
man page, and if they had read the man man page they would now know 

Once you know HOW to read the man pages, they suddenly become your 
best friend, and you suddenly realize you don't need to ask a lot of 
questions, because ultimately, the answers are right there waiting 
for you.  Until you learn how to read them though, you're doomed to a 
life of confusion and frustration.

>the how-to's in the LDP".  The point is the average newbie doesn't have a
>clue about these things.  That's the definition of a newbie.

And that's why this list exists.  Newbies come to us, and we help 
explain.  Sure, a lot of times we'll get questions and we'll answer 
with "read the man page".  A lot of people take exception to that 
answer, but IMO, there's nothing wrong with it.  If you're not 
willing to learn, then why are you here and why are you trying to use 
Linux?  Most of the time reading the man page will solve your problem.
And you know, the funny thing is, I've never seen someone go away, 
read the man page, come back, say, "Okay, RTFM'ed and still don't get 
it!" and not end up getting helped.  Never!  That's the learning 
experience in action.  Prove you're willing to try and we'll kill 
ourselves trying to help you.

I can't count the number of times I've seen people submit scripts for 
some one that I know weren't whipped up in 20 seconds.  Many of us 
have spent hours and hours of either our own time or even our 
employers time trying to help newbies.  But we won't lift a finger if 
the person doesn't prove themselves worthy of that time and effort.

We "experts" didn't get to be experts because it was easy, we got to 
be experts because we persevered.  If a "newbie" wants to become an 
expert, they will have to persevere as well.

>Now, conversely I'm not suggesting that these newbies become instant
>sysadmins.  Absolutely there is a place, and a need, for people and
>documentation for those well versed in Linux.  So, I understand where those
>with a great deal of experience are coming from.  However, I've got twenty
>books here.

See that's the problem.  You have 20 books.  Why do you have 20 
books?  What are they all on?  What do you need to know that requires 
20 books?  You know how many books I have on Linux System 
administration?  1.  That's it.  1 small, concise book.

I have lots of other books, but none of them are critical to the 
administration of the system.  I have books on apache, probably 8 or 
so on perl, a few on C, 3 on Samba, and who knows what else.  You 
know how many I ever look at on even a monthly basis?  None of them.
Every now and then I'll pull one down if I have a question on a 
specific subject matter, but for sysadmin stuff, I have 1.  And 
that's all you need too.

>I'm only a casual user of Linux and  I don't use it day in and
>day out but I use it as often as I can.

Maybe you should use it more?  Way back when someone told me I needed 
to use Emacs.  I tried to use Emacs but couldn't figure it out.  I 
would use 'vi' for almost everything, and when I had a spare moment, 
I'd try to use 

Re: Newbie article...

2002-02-13 Thread plussier

In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 18:37:41 EST
Bill Sconce said:

>Truly so.  And the man pages have no index;

Why do people keep saying this?  Has no one ever used 'whatis', 
'apropos', or 'man -k'?   What more of an index do you need?

I'm not trying to be a pain the butt, condescending, or arrogant, but 
everything you need for the most part is there in the man pages.  If 
those don't do it for you, there are countless books out there, many 
of them on-line via the web, and almost as many on the very installation
CDs for your distro (all viewable under ANY OS ).

It's already been stated that Linux, as a UNIX variant, is not 
Windows or MacOS.  It's not the good old days of DOS 2.0 where there 
were only a dozen or so commands.  This is a real, live, honest to 
goodness, muti-tasking, mutli-user operating systems which has been 
developed over a period of 30 YEARS!  How can anyone realisticly 
expect to wrap their head around all of that in a short period of 

I'm sorry, it can't be done.  I feel your pain as a newbie or 
neophyte, or novice, or newcomer to Linux.  But if don't want the 
thrill and excitement of constant learning and mastery of an OS, then 
don't use it, it's that simple.

The media and a lot of individuals keep asking "Doesn't Linux *want* 
to own the desktop? Don't they *want* people to use their system?", 
etc.  Well let me break this you, we don't really care whether you do 
or not.  If you do, great, we'll help you.  If don't, great, have a 
nice life with your other OS and we'll see you around.

See, for many of us, Linux already owns the only desktop that 
matters, our own.  And much past that, we don't care.  We're not out 
to conquer the world and beat Microsoft (contrary to what the media 
says), we're out to get a job done. That's it, end of story.
Linux helps us get that job done, whatever it is, better than Microsoft does.

So, the reason you find Linux, or any UNIX variant difficult to 
master is because is it is.  It's a complex, convoluted, 
contradictory amalgamation of ideas, theories, and experiments, often 
times gone horribly awry.  It's the absolute worst environment there 
is for computing, except for all the rest.  And we love it!

Thanks, I'm done ranting now :)


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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

This list is only accessed by a box which can surf, a crashed box
usually requires expert skill to surf - you got that far...

But lets not lose track of the goal because step 2 fails... we need only
2 more steps!!

Where does this concept fail Is it off by megabytes or off by

I''m thinking a few megabytes gets even X back to going, and as newbies
expect reinstallation (as would I), then the megabytes of "X
resurrecting documents" reduces to a few k bytes of "backup/restore/
reinstall branching".

That means we need to consider whether it would be better to teach us
newbies (via the help/rescue/educate gizmo) how to backup critical
config documents (to floppy) first, then teach us to rescue the crashed
box based on restoring those dreaded backups. Yup, thats within *nix''

And... that kind of help could take place without much effort on the
help/rescue mechanism, surely!

Admittedly, it requires diligence on the part of the newbie to even
backup anything in the first place. but it might actually work!
Making a tar or gzip of key config files, then saving them to
floppies what a concept!!! First lesson in rescuing via backups
would thus be to, um drive the point home when the newbie rescues their
crashed OS on the very first restore!

The help/rescue/educate mechanism whets their appetite with a few easy
lessons in teaching them tarring or bzipping skills at the cli.

I really like it!

Good Idea!

What would you suggest next??

Don''t let me scare you away!!

I''ll trust a forum once more ;-)

Gotta run.

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

>what is it exactly that you want to learn NEXT?I can tell you how I got
started with Linux. I was taking Unix System Administrationadministering
Unix-like systems, Linux included, hasn''t really changed all that much
on a fundamental level, in the 30 years it''s
been around.<

And for the last 8 years, this (and other M$) newbie has seen only GUI,
and only from M$. *nix vs M$ is 2 vastly different worlds, and admin is
not allowed over there. Newbies do not know they need to read about
something like this.

Get my suggested help structure working teach us at the CLI, use
brain dead launch commands... load a document, then first teach CLI
skills, then load another document, teach rescue skills, then backup,

All at a minimal kernel, floppy based level.

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Michael Costolo

I think you're missing the point.

There are always people around to help out in a crisis (this list is a perfect
example).  If your system is crashed and you are a newbie, you're probably going to
have to get an expert to help.  I don't think that you will find that, for example,
X will always crash for a single reason or that even reinstalling it will
necessarily solve what is wrong.  Therefore, even a command line
"help/educate/rescue document browser" probably won't be the sort of help you seem
to belive it to be because it would have to contain an IMMENSE amount of information
that the new user would have to sift through, and then we're back to the "man tar"
example - too much information.  

I just think premise behind your proposal has flaws, sorry.


> At is:
> >I''ll toss around ideas with anyone, or walk them through an install or
> whatever ... but I won''t make it sound easy. It isn''t. But it''s
> doable, and it can become easier. It''s just more different than they
> expected - because it''s better. :)<
> All this resistance to creating a cli based help/educate/rescue document
> browser? Never mind, I like the GUI idea better where is that Win98
> install CD.

Michael Costolo
This New England email is brought to you by the letter "R."

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

Getting warmer!

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

Ah! thats fine, I just got confused since the 2 LUGs webpages share a
common GUI.

Fortunately, I had registered here/there (where am I??) a few weeks ago,
so I could also reply *there*.

BTW: Newbies would know the difference between the 2 sites? Would not be
confused by the common GUI? Would know that they had even switched
One Logo is the whole visual difference!

The things I gotta do to make the world safe and friendly for my beloved
fellow newbies. LOL!!

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread David Roberts

I am just getting caught up on my Email and while I *was* going to just 
keep reading this thread, I decided to jump in...

Ray Bowles wrote:

[... deleted ...]

> I have to disagree and without naming names I know Linux users that will
> swear by WinXP and MS's latest development suite. Myself
> included. Although I still prefer emacs for C development.
> > product that won't crash every 30 minutes on a fair number of
> > configurations.  Their operating system crashes often and takes all
> > your work with it, even under virtually zero load.  Linux systems

I know of one family which has to reboot their M$ system every time 
they do one of:
  - run AOL (pig that it is) or netscrape
  - run a game
  - run a word processor package (M$ or wordperfect)
  - leave system running more than a couple hours - even with no 
activity... h...
Usually this amounts up to a half dozen or more reboots a day, some 
within a half hour of each other!  Granted it's not XP, but then again 
after what I have heard about XP I'm not sure I will _ever_ use/install
it.  My standard response to almost any inquiry about the system is 
"the system is hosed - reboot it"...

> > rarely, if ever encounter such problems.  And the best part is, you
> > have to PAY Microsoft for the priviledge of having their products
> > destroy your work for you.  Linux is FREE.
> True and a very nice part of the OS. My Debian box has been up just shy
> of 100 days now and although that's unbelievable, What home user needs
> their machine up for 100 days straight?

Anyone running a server (Email, web, etc.) _OR_ anyone who merely wants 
their system to be running, ready to use NOW whenever they get up, get 
home, etc...  I thought that was the whole idea behind CableModems, DSL 
lines, etc., was that the PC would stay up and online like "the systems 
at work".

> > I used to like Windows.  Honestly.  My experience working with it is
> > what turned me off to it.  That, and numerous experiences where
> > installing a new piece of software trashed my system completely.  Such
> > stories about Windows and related products are numerous all over the
> > Internet and amongst people you know... I have never heard such a
> > story about anyone using a Linux system, excepting:
> I'm not trying to be a d1ck but I can remember more than one LAN party
> where you spent most of the evening not playing be cause your linux box
> wouldn't run right. While all the windows boxes ran fine (but I'm sure
> there were problems there once in a while).

LAN party - yup, those always come off right away don't they...  NOT

While I didn't get to play with punch cards, I cut my teeth on a 
Comodore64, fell in love with Dos (man that floppy was great compared 
to a cassette), hoped DR-Dos utils would make the mainstream, tripped 
into Windows and VMS, fell flat on my face with DomainOS and HP-UX, 
cursed at Solaris, tripped back into M$ (3.1 & NT), and somewhere along 
the line fell in love with Linux.  I have gone the "get a piece here and 
there off the web" to build my linux system to installing off a RedHat 
CD.  I've played with Slackware, Debian, and Red Hat (even have a Red
Hat CD with Linus' autograph).  After all this I can tell you one thing:

PIECE OF...!!!

Man, it felt good to get that off my chest, but really, I find the 
M$ style editors suck, the reliability is poor (I can BSOD NT in our 
lab just about as easily as I can reboot it), and the windowing 
environment is just plain lacking when compared with what I can do in 
X...  As an example, I wanted to set up a dual-NIC NT in the lab to 
support an emulator and keep MIS happy by not having the emulator 
traffic on the production network.  Something which should have been 
easy (and is under Linux) turned into a nightmare under NT.

> This just provesmy point. Both OS's have issues and until Every Linux
> distro is easy enough for my mother to install and is also completely
> error free Microsoft has earned a place in the market and deserves
> it. However in the meantime we can enjoy the many benits of Linux as well.

Shall I tell you how many times I've been FORCED to RE-install M$ on my 
home system???  Shall I tell you how totally clueless most people are 
feeling after the 3rd (5th, ...) time the install wants you to reboot for 
some asinine reason???  Personally, I have found the Linux install to be 
a piece of cake when compared to M$.

> > You can not blame Linux for either of these cases.  They are human
> > failures, not software failures.  And in those instances, the same is
> Not true. well written software no matter the platform WILL compensate for
> user error. while it's almost imposible to do so it should always be a
> goal. A

Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

>I''ll toss around ideas with anyone, or walk them through an install or
whatever ... but I won''t make it sound easy. It isn''t. But it''s
doable, and it can become easier. It''s just more different than they
expected - because it''s better. :)<

All this resistance to creating a cli based help/educate/rescue document
browser? Never mind, I like the GUI idea better where is that Win98
install CD.

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

RABNUD wrote:
> A minimal system should still provide help for a newbie

The first time I surreptitiously sat down at a VMS screen, the only
command I could think to type was 'help'.  And the response was so
complete that I instantly fell in love.  Theretofore my experience
with online assistants had been with those afforded by NOS and
a lobotomised PDP-15.

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

>They''ve worked great for over 30 yearsAt one time I was a newbie and
didn''t have a clue about Unix, but I got through by reading man pages,
asking questions on mailing lists and usenet, and surfing the web.<

And behind you there was a functional (not crashed) system!!! The common
home desktop PC user has a crashed box when they need help!! These
people are GUI only, and when the GUI is down, or the Internet access is
trashed, what next? M$ says: Reinstall me!!

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

Try launching a cli email client when you don''t know one exists, try
connecting to a POP3 server when you think POP is a drink, try printing
email messages when the xserver is down and you never printed from a DOS
prompt most M$ people I know can''t run a cli.

A minimal system should still provide help for a newbie, IMHO, but
diffing anf grepping are learned skills; the wet-behind-the-ears newbie
shouldn''t need to already know that when he needs help for the first
crash. Yes, you can expect them to remember a certain directory (ahem
"Folder") and a certain command Helpcrashed. Something which tells
them if you have crashed X, load this document (doc name here) and
there you read: to reinstall X, you type: tar -xzvf X.3_22.tar Whatever
- I''m a newbie..

Then the user drops to a cli or switches terminals and tar -xzvf
and he watches the gears spin. Psst: (whisper) they just learned
something and quietly gained confidence in the cli aspect of Linux

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

Installed Linuxes >40 times. Success (relative success) only came via
GUI installs: Slackware once got to 640 x 480 1 bit color, and since I
wasn''t already an X Expert Back to Mandrake 8.1 I went.
Before I went back to Mandrake, no CLI help system was worth anything.
Which man do I want?
No index. Drat.
man 8?
man Xf86Config?
man XF86config?
MAN XFree86?
man xf86Config?
man XDM?
then when I read whatever man was the right one...
Huh, I wanted man S3Server?
No index. No sensible structure. Obfuscation (sorry, thats my word of
the day). By the time I got done reading the wrong man pages, I saw an
hour had passed my install takes only 15 minutes more than that
hour, and at least that was functional.

You need to teach us administration and must wean us into it gently. The
local folder/floppy concept could be very usefu, there.

>You think Windows Help system is useful? It may be THERE, but there''s
nothing substantive in it, so what good is it?My solution: get someone
to help you install the thing at least!
President, C*O

I am newbie - you are evidently not. Once you learn the cli, it''s all
so very simple? Nah. The common home desktop PC user knows nothing about
"which man page tells them the solution to their problem". And they have
not one single clue about cli. No knowledge. No clues. No indices.

Really - is it that my request is out of line? A simple index browser?
Or maybe a non gui based browser which can load rescue docs, or can surf
linkable help structures.. But still a cli device.
If RPM can have a dependancy tree, and HTML can link, make the
dependancy tree concept linkable.

Yeah, I know there are higher end apps for this, but we are crashed,
remember? No X, no cli familiarity either.

I know it can be done!!

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Derek D. Martin

Hash: SHA1

At some point hitherto, Derek D. Martin hath spake thusly:
> I'm not familiar with any of the others.  In print, you might also
> look for I'Reilly's "Running Linux" and/or "Linux Unleashed" which I
> think is a SAMS publication, but I'm not sure. 

And how could I forget to mention Evi Nemeth's wonderful "Unix System
Administration Handbook" which now covers Linux (but focuses on Red
Hat).  She will soon be releasing a Linux-specific version of the book
as well, though it's still being reviewed now, so it may be a while
before it's out.  :)

- -- 
Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -
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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

>you only type what they tell you toRunning a Linux box means you are
your own sysadmin. This is something
that you don''t get so much with some other operating systemsyou will
inevitably have to understand the response from "man tar."But I still
think the attempt to assemble a document/executable program that goes
over every fine detail of starting out in Linux is unreasonableWhereas
don''t require X or a mouse and you can access them offline 100% of the
time. From
what I recall of the article, they fit all of the author''s needs.<

I tried to include a controlled minimum CLI for the newbie to use to get
it all started (wink wink)!

Seriously, though, M$ hates giving PC users a choice, demonstrated many
times over. That has both conditioned PC users and has restricted them
from twiddling the clockworks - good and bad.

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Derek D. Martin

Hash: SHA1

At some point hitherto, RABNUD hath spake thusly:
> Sheepishly I admit - I have taken a class in "Intro to Unix" - I can
> grep, after a limited fashion, but as a user I''m still a newbie. But
> lets not even talk about cron, at, cups, NICs etc. 

Well, good documentation abounds...  You say you've taken an intro to
Unix class, so you've no doubt been exposed to a variety of topics,
such as file manipulation commands (cp, mv, ln, etc.), one or more of
the most common editors (vi, emacs, ed/ex/sed), and probably at least
introduced to some of the more useful utilities (mail, grep, awk,
script, etc.), right?

So, what is it exactly that you want to learn NEXT?  I think we can
probably help you better if you give us an idea of what you're looking

Remember, we were all newbies once.  :)  I can tell you how I got
started with Linux.  I was taking Unix System Administration at U-Mass
Lowell.  The instructor mentioned Linux and FreeBSD as free Unixes
that we might be interested in investigating.  So I admit I had a head
start, in that I was already learning about how to administer Unix
systems when I first began mucking with Linux.

However, there were a lot of great resources, even back then. is your friend. :) look in the "Guides"
section... therein you should find a few of the books that got me
started, including Lars Werzenius's "Linux System Administrators'
Guide," and "Linux Network Administrator's Guide" by Olaf Kirsch,
which you can also get in print by O'Reilly Associates, if you can
find it...  It may be out of print.

These books are old, and you should be forewarned that some of the
information there may be a little out of date.  For the most part
though, administering Unix-like systems, Linux included, hasn't really
changed all that much on a fundamental level, in the 30 years it's
been around. 

There are a few other guides there that you might find helpful, though
I'm not familiar with any of the others.  In print, you might also
look for I'Reilly's "Running Linux" and/or "Linux Unleashed" which I
think is a SAMS publication, but I'm not sure.  These are both pretty
good, though in areas where they are distribution-specific, they tend
to cover Red Hat.  Since it sounds like you're running Mandrake, you
might instead look for a Mandrake-oriented book.  I don't run
Mandrake, and haven't been in the market for a Linux system admin type
book for quite some time, so I can't really comment on what might be
more appropriate in that regard.

Hope that helps.

- -- 
Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -
I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG!
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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:

Sheepishly I admit - I have taken a class in "Intro to Unix" - I can
grep, after a limited fashion, but as a user I''m still a newbie. But
lets not even talk about cron, at, cups, NICs etc. In fact, I''ve a bone
to pick with Mandrake regarding default cron jobs

But you see the point, a ray of hope in a clouded LUG!

You mentioned you can install (and that implies you could configure)
Apache? The common home PC users I know do not serve HTML, nor FTP, nor
do they administer the bazillion possible ports which can be opened via
a network hacker. what a way to deflate my initially optimistic

Anyway, this is way out of hand. You people were looking for something
to gnaw on, maybe??

I admit my frustration came through, but nobody posted anything which
looked like "I''m recently separated from M$ and I really have no
idea" The few posts I read were all from people who appear to have
far too long ago left the memory of M$ behind I feel no one would
relate. Especially those who have never M$''d So many here are, um,
dried up, without relevance to the M$ user.

Show us a friendly and familiar way is all I asked; the LUG left me with
no avenue but to post in the News area. And it cross posted out of
Centralug and into GNHLUG what fun!

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Michael Costolo

Every manual is fine.  Some are just finer than others ;)


> At is:
> Howdy!
> Let me say right off that the moderators will certainly edit this post -
> with a huge grin!!
> (Hints of an online message forum leap to the fore)
> >There is no shortage of printed material at
> any self respecting bookstore on any particular flavor/distro of LinuxIt
> would certainly be nice if there was some magical place/programbut as
> with all other things
> in life, with knowledge comes power
> would never have attempted to
> change the head gasket in my father''s engine without some
> understandingdigestabilityfine manuals can make all the difference<
> Hmmm You seem pretty wise ;-), Which is the finest manual?
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread RABNUD

At is:


Let me say right off that the moderators will certainly edit this post -
with a huge grin!!

(Hints of an online message forum leap to the fore)

>There is no shortage of printed material at
any self respecting bookstore on any particular flavor/distro of LinuxIt
would certainly be nice if there was some magical place/programbut as
with all other things
in life, with knowledge comes power
would never have attempted to
change the head gasket in my father''s engine without some
understandingdigestabilityfine manuals can make all the difference<

Hmmm You seem pretty wise ;-), Which is the finest manual?

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

ssh and security

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Beardsley

I have a RH7.2 machine that has had everything that's not being used 
shut off from day one:

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA30 ( )
Interesting ports on (
(The 1543 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
22/tcp openssh
25/tcp opensmtp
80/tcp openhttp
3306/tcp   openmysql
1/tcp  opensnet-sensor-mgmt

(Port 1 is the Webmin package which uses https.)

But last night I got this in /var/log/messages:

Feb 12 20:00:37 xxx sshd(pam_unix)[18540]: authentication failure; 
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Feb 12 20:00:55 xxx sshd(pam_unix)[18540]: 2 more authentication 
failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=216.72
.153.69  user=xx

Where the user in question was a user that was being used to ssh into 
this machine remotely, and the IP traces back to a Venezualean ISP.  So 
somehow s/he got the username.  Has anyone seen anything like this 
before?  BTW I require ssh v2 connections.  I've read a little here and 
there about "monkey in the middle" attacks on ssh, but don't you have to 
be on the same subnet?

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Re: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread R. Sean Hartnett

I hope that I can get things straightened out with mediaone, now AT&T.
Some how things have become messed up in the cut over for me to the new
domain and AT&T said they should have things straightened out in 48
hours. On top of that I am one of the few who has to pick a new user
name as well.


On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 08:16, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> "R. Sean Hartnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
> > a few months.
> > Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
> > the big spam outfits?
> I'd recommend Yahoo Mail.  You can access this via the web or POP3,
> and you can even configure Yahoo's servers to forward your email to
> another account if you want.
> --kevin
> -- 
> Kevin D. Clark (!kclark)  |   Will hack Perl for
> Cetacean Networks, Inc.   |  fine food, good beer,
> Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)|   or fun.
>!kdc (PGP Key Available)|
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Jerry Feldman

On issue with Linux in general is system administration. Most of us Unix 
hackers know the underlying files. But, each distribution has a different 
set of tools. I use SuSE(7.3). Their system admin tool is YaST(YaST1 is 
character cell curses based, and YaST2 is GUI). SuSE uses /etc/rc.config in 
a manner similar to Compaq's Tru64 (which we can thank Charles for). I 
routinely change from DHCLIENT (home, work and Northeastern) to static IP 
(MIT). Takes a few seconds to configure using YaST1. 
I am less knowledgable with Red Hat. They did use Linuxconf, but I'm not 
sure what they use now. 

What is important for Linux Newbies is that there should be a relatively 
straightforward system management utility that people can use to change 
settings once the system has been installed. 

On 13 Feb 2002 at 7:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I also have to weigh in on this thread.  Comparing RedHat to Debian is
> like comparing Campbell's soup to home cooking.  Or maybe it's more
> like comparing Velveeta to a fine Brie.  Some people recoil at the
> fact that there are trade-offs to be made when profitability and time
> to market become major engineering constraints.  Some people are
> willing to accept the trade-offs for convenience and industrial-grade
> consistency.  I'm personally too impatient to wait for Debian to get
> some of things right that are imporant to me (say - installation, or
> MH?) and too busy these days to dive in and help them get it straight.
> I run RedHat.  I started on Slackware, moved to RedHat (thanks Jon!)
> and have spent quality time with SuSE (ia32 and PPC), Mandrake and
> Debian.  I've poked at Corel and Storm.  I took a year long excursion
> into Mandrake and found it very difficult to routinely find some of
> the more obscure packages that were built with Mandrake in mind.
> I understand what's going to happen when dealing with RedHat.  The
> user base is broad enough that if something's going to cause trouble I
> hear about it in a hurry.  I can nearly count on two mildly buggy
> releases a year with relatively up-to-date stuff and I can ride herd
> on the bugs that get in my face.
> ccb
> --
> Charles C. Bennett, Jr.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

Jerry Feldman
Portfolio Partner Engineering   

Compaq Computer Corp.
200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
Marlboro, Ma. 01752

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RE: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread Jerry Feldman

The new AT&T Boardband servers are already listed on their web pages, and 
are working for those of us who have changed our addresses.
Both POP3 and SMTP servers are:

On 13 Feb 2002 at 7:19, Lawrence.Tilly@LibertyMutual. wrote:

> Just an FYI Sean.  M1 is changing over to another mail service before 3/15
> (at least in our area). I just found out about the change this week. Anyway,
> the new service is supposed to provide a web interface to your email so that
> you can check it from any browser if you're not on your normal connection.  
> Although the service change happens mid-March, I believe you can start the
> new account up at any time and start forwarding things over. Have you
> checked into this yet?
> -Larry
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Costolo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:24 AM
> To: R. Sean Hartnett; GNHLUG Posting Address
> Subject: Re: (OT) email
> I second the Yahoo! suggestion.
> -Mike-
> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:58 am, R. Sean Hartnett wrote:
>  I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
>  a few months.
>  Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
>  the big spam outfits?
>  Mediaone does not always seem to be available to reach from the
>  "outside" of late.
>   Sean
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

Jerry Feldman
Portfolio Partner Engineering   

Compaq Computer Corp.
200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
Marlboro, Ma. 01752

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread Kevin D. Clark

"R. Sean Hartnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
> a few months.
> Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
> the big spam outfits?

I'd recommend Yahoo Mail.  You can access this via the web or POP3,
and you can even configure Yahoo's servers to forward your email to
another account if you want.

Kevin D. Clark (!kclark)  |   Will hack Perl for
Cetacean Networks, Inc.   |  fine food, good beer,
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)|   or fun.!kdc (PGP Key Available)|

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread John Abreau

Paul Iadonisi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   The big thing the frames support.  I expect that when links has ssl support
> that lynx will go a way.  I don't think Red Hat has a problem with lynx, but
> the frames support is probably what prompted it to migrate to links.

There's also table support: links handles tables reasonably well, and 
lynx doesn't. For simple tables, links is great; but for sites that use 
multiple nested tables as formatting, they can be completely unreadable 
in links while they're perfectly readable in lynx.

I'd hate to see lynx disappear, if only for this reason.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ 28611923 / AIM abreauj / JABBER [EMAIL PROTECTED] / YAHOO abreauj
PGP-Key-Fingerprint 72 FB 39 4F 3C 3B D6 5B E0 C8 5A 6E F1 2C BE 99

Description: PGP signature

Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread ccb

I also have to weigh in on this thread.  Comparing RedHat to Debian is
like comparing Campbell's soup to home cooking.  Or maybe it's more
like comparing Velveeta to a fine Brie.  Some people recoil at the
fact that there are trade-offs to be made when profitability and time
to market become major engineering constraints.  Some people are
willing to accept the trade-offs for convenience and industrial-grade
consistency.  I'm personally too impatient to wait for Debian to get
some of things right that are imporant to me (say - installation, or
MH?) and too busy these days to dive in and help them get it straight.

I run RedHat.  I started on Slackware, moved to RedHat (thanks Jon!)
and have spent quality time with SuSE (ia32 and PPC), Mandrake and
Debian.  I've poked at Corel and Storm.  I took a year long excursion
into Mandrake and found it very difficult to routinely find some of
the more obscure packages that were built with Mandrake in mind.

I understand what's going to happen when dealing with RedHat.  The
user base is broad enough that if something's going to cause trouble I
hear about it in a hurry.  I can nearly count on two mildly buggy
releases a year with relatively up-to-date stuff and I can ride herd
on the bugs that get in my face.


Charles C. Bennett, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

RE: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread Lawrence.Tilly

Just an FYI Sean.  M1 is changing over to another mail service before 3/15
(at least in our area). I just found out about the change this week. Anyway,
the new service is supposed to provide a web interface to your email so that
you can check it from any browser if you're not on your normal connection.  

Although the service change happens mid-March, I believe you can start the
new account up at any time and start forwarding things over. Have you
checked into this yet?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Costolo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:24 AM
To: R. Sean Hartnett; GNHLUG Posting Address
Subject: Re: (OT) email

I second the Yahoo! suggestion.


On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:58 am, R. Sean Hartnett wrote:
 I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
 a few months.
 Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
 the big spam outfits?

 Mediaone does not always seem to be available to reach from the
 "outside" of late.


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Get your free address at

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To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread Michael Costolo

I second the Yahoo! suggestion.


On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:58 am, R. Sean Hartnett wrote:
 I need to get an email address that I can reach for school purposes for
 a few months.
 Can anyone recommend any free email service somewhere that is not one of
 the big spam outfits?

 Mediaone does not always seem to be available to reach from the
 "outside" of late.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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