Re: User group leader conference in Boston, May 2nd

2009-04-10 Thread Ed lawson
On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 11:15:18 -0400
Ben Scott wrote:

   GNHLUG is not at war with anyone, not even Microsoft.

Nor is there a requirement of GNHLUG members to dislike or hate anything
else in order to like or love or promote Linux or FOSS.
Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: 503(c) stuff

2008-03-14 Thread Ed lawson
I believe it is fair to say this is like dejavew all over again.

For various reasons I prefer to say get the advice of Rob's wife as
opposed to stating anything directly.  My belief is that if asked she
would likely say the following:

1.  If at all possible use an umbrella organization.  An aside, it
would seem this might be a good service for LI to provide LUGS.
2.  If your annual contributions do not exceed $5K, then you really
don't need to do anything.
3.  If you want to obtain your own determination letter, the 501(c)(3)
is the way to go.
4.  You need to do some work to develop budgets, develop projected
income and expenses, develop proposed activities, create bylaws, and
develop a formal, functional organization.
5.  Once you have done 4, the application is actually rather easy.

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: 503(c) stuff

2008-03-14 Thread Ed lawson
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:07:11 -0400
Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I think the reason we have so much deja vu over and over again is
 that we keep getting told we should do things, but don't actually know
 *how* to do them.

I  also think the need to just do it also is involved.  In other words,
get some advice about options and info on them and then decide which
option to pursue and then have that option pursued. 

   2.  If your annual contributions do not exceed $5K, then you really
   don't need to do anything.
   If we don't need to do anything, why are there four other
 steps?  ;-)

Its one potential option, but others may have good reasons for saying
you don't need to do it, but here are reasons for doing it anyway.

Here's a deal, I will contact the person MD has highlighted in his post
as the FPLC contact person, I will have them ascertain whether or not
Carole's organization can function as an umbrella for GNHLUG and what
would be involved and whether it makes any sense to even be thinking
about this stuff given the amounts of money and future plans.

I will report the results and give a few suggestions based on what the
folks at FPLC have said. The intent of this endeavor is to provide the
board with the info they need to make a decision.

I estimate this will take 45 days.

In the interim, I believe the board should be brainstorming about and
deciding upon what events and activities it would like to develop.
Sort of where and what and when and why.  the result of that activity
may also be an important factor in which option will be selected from
those I will be bringing to the table. 

See Ben hounding is good. Just don't hound me about this until April
28th. g  Actually I deserve this since I think I said I would try to
get to part of this last fall and never reported back.

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Status of 503(c) stuff

2008-03-14 Thread Ed lawson
You asked for it, you got it.

I contacted Ashlyn who still is involved with the clinic at FPLC.  She
believes our 501(c)(3) issues will be something a student may want to
take on, but the first chance will be during the summer session. So,
assuming a student there is willing to take on the issue and assuming
the scheduling works out and assuming GNLUG gets the paperwork done to
establish a client relationship with the clinic, we should have some
solid advice from the FPLC clinic by the end of July.

May sound  like a long time, but not really, and it gives GNHLUG time to
work on other things since its status or not as being tax exempt should
not affect other decisions.

I will remind the Clinic in late May and in the meantime work on
providing Ashlyn the info they need  to evaluate  the situation which
in turn may mean I get to hound people for info.  As they say, what
goes around, comes around. g
Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: First 2008 GNHLUG Board Meeting

2008-03-13 Thread Ed lawson
RE:  502(c) stuff

My understanding is Rob's wife did a good deal of work
with non-profits in her practice so she should be an excellent
resource.  I think I have provided copies of the application in the
past, but it is easy to find on the web anyway.  The hard part of the
process is not the legal part, but the organizational and planning
work needed to have the information and projections needed to complete
the application. At least that is my $.02.

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list


2008-03-13 Thread Ed lawson
I suspect the threshold is @$5K not @$20K in terms of needing to file a
1023 to obtain tax exempt status...or rather a letter by the IRS
acknowledging your tax exempt status. A distinction only lawyers
appreciate. g

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Meeting procedure (was: Preliminary notes)

2007-11-07 Thread Ed lawson
What do the provisions of the By-Laws say with regard to meetings and
what constitutes a quorum?  That would be definitive.

I'm afraid people need to come grips with the concept of
representational democracy and quorums.  Its not about everyone has to
agree nor everyone has to be present.

Absent specific authorization, board members typically have no
authority to act individually nor have any authority as individuals
either.  Only a quorum of the Board acting as a body and at a meeting
has any authority. Officers clearly can act within the scope of their

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Meeting procedure (was: Preliminary notes)

2007-11-06 Thread Ed lawson
On Tue, 6 Nov 2007 09:14:53 -0500
Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Use Robert's Rules!
   The use of parliamentary procedure has been suggested. 

I strongly suggest that the Board not use Robert's Rules of Order or
any similar book.  These procedures/rules were developed for and are
loosely used for situations that are quite different from the typical
Board of Directors meeting and are not really suitable in all their

That said, I believe it is important to the point of being a practical
necessity that the general nature of the discussions in terms of what
was discussed, what points/opinions were expressed, and what
the decisions made were be recorded in some form of minutes so there is
a record made which in turn becomes the organization's history and in
the future someone can go and see what was done and why.   Consider
such to be similar to comments in source code or documentation so that
others can have some hint at what was done and why and hopefully not
have to reinvent the wheel or worse.

As Ben suggests, it is part of a process to enable continuity and
accountability and needs to be suitable for the nature of the

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Legal entity types (was: Automated notification of topic changes)

2007-08-22 Thread Ed lawson
On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:05:54 -0400
Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ah.  Okay.  I know someone had said that 501(c)(3) is/had become
 harder to qualify for 

The form is a little daunting and does require some planning to be done
in addition.

   Well, I thought I addressed that in my notes.  The short version is
 that business interests is fairly broadly defined, and that just
 promoting Linux seemed like it would qualify.  At least, that's my
 interpretation of information on the IRS website.

You may want to look at IRS Publication 557 which provides some detail
on these issues.  

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Notes for 31 May GNHLUG Board Meeting?

2007-08-08 Thread Ed lawson
 Bill Sconce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
... but the original should be something like ReST.
 What's ReST?
  Restructured Text.

Somehow I just knew there had to be a Python under this.

Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign: K1VP
PGP Key ID:   1591EAD3
PGP Key Fingerprint:  79A1 CDC3 EF3D 7F93 1D28  2D42 58E4 2287 1591 EAD3

gnhlug-org mailing list

2006 By Laws Link?

2006-12-15 Thread Ed Lawson
I can find the 2005 draft of the By Laws, but not he 2006 draft on the
GNHLUG site.  Can anyone provide a link? TIA

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Summer Summit 2006 Notes

2006-08-14 Thread Ed Lawson
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:44:17 -0400
Bill Sconce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim's comments/scenario, according to my notes:
 1. GNHLUG is a corporation.
 2. Someone (Martha's, say) lets GNHLUG LLC. have a meeting

First, I suspect I will regret not keeping a personal promise to
avoid this issue.  

Second, I will be out of town from Wed through Sunday and again
for the fist two weeks of Sept. so I'm unlikely to actively
participate in this debate regardless. 

Third, I have not read the notes, etc.

Fourth, I am replying to Bill's message, but this is not directed
at him

That said, a few points.  Nobody in their right mind would
register/form  GNLUG as an LLC so I don't know why there is a
discussion of GNHLUG, LLC.  I'll explain if anyone wants the
long story, but I think we have been over that.

I believe the issue is whether a voluntary association should be
formed with the name of GNHLUG.  As such it would be considered a
not for profit organization and the general rules which apply to
corporations would generally apply to GNHLUG.  If it applied for
recognition as a non-profit by the IRS, then it would be a tax
exempt organization as well.  That is really optional.

While anyone can go search and find stuff on the web, I suggest
the concept of piercing the corporate veil, etc. would simply be
inapplicable to a voluntary association and all the stuff of that
ilk are red herrings.  

So some want to leave it the way it is which is those who
volunteer their time and money will be rewarded with
unquestionable personal liability for anything that happens by
any activity of GNHLUG such as the hypothetical given.  Nice. 
And those of this view are doing what for GNHLUG aside from
raising objections?

There are a myriad clubs of every conceivable nature happily
humming along in NH and nearly all of them of any substance are
voluntary associations/non-profits.  Do you really believe they
would be and could survive if the list of horribles that are
raised every time this subject is discussed within GNHLUG were
the impediments some say?

BTW, anyone taken the time to actually go to an insurance agent
and obtain a quote for insuring a non-for profit association?

I find this matter very tiresome and assume that someone will
simply go file the papers and the malcontents can complain in
the wilderness to their heart's content.   Its like
who is the next fearless leader and nomination /voting.  Huh?  On
what basis does anyone think there is a right to nominate or vote
or have any say.  There is no framework to provide any of those

Just to be clear, I have no interest in engaging in a debate
about this, nor in  responding to erroneous legal conclusions
relating to non-profit corporations.  I have a life.

Ed Lawson

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-20 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:30:22 -0400
Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Maybe it's just resting?  They stun easily...
I didn't know Bill had one of the rare and beautiful Norwegian
Blue parrots!  I wonder why he has been hiding him from us?

Would be a real attention grabber at Hoss Traders...well...maybe
not given what one sees there.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-19 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:11:51 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ed, do you have wisdom to add?
 Yes, I'd like to learn more if anyone has more insights.

I'm jammed up right now and will be a few days before I can
digest what everyone is saying and get back on the 501(c) (3/6)

I may well be wrong on this, but I see the issues around
structure and voting as more bedeviling in terms of arriving at a
good solution given GNHLUG's history and its participants.

It is for that reason I believe Ben's thought of more than one
organization has some merit or at least it leads us to think
about some important and fundamental issues concerning the
mission and role of GNHLUG.

I think Ted and Ben stirred all this up just to get more of us to
Hoss Traders where we could chat endlessly about it over fried
bread and bad coffee.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-19 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:24:53 -0400
Jon maddog Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hate to split it up into two organizations.  It is hard
enough to get people's
 time and energy for *ONE* organization.

I share your opinion on this.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-18 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:41:00 -0400
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excellent [re-]start Ted. Thanks for remembering this!

Indeed.  Of course the age old problem still exists.  Since
everyone wants to be as egalitarian as our roots require (and I
essentially agree with this view), who-when-and how is it to be
determined that this should be done and how it is done?  Not
being an organized group, I suspect someone will simply have to
take the bit in theteeth and do it since there is no mechanism
to do otherwise.  That said, I believe a concrete proposal should
be developed, circulated, and presented to the attendees of a
quarterly meeting for an up or down vote. I say that because it 
is important that all those who participate in GNHLUG should have
a chance to review and comment before the finalization of the
necessary docs, but I also believe it is not feasible to have all
concerns addressed or accepted nor for a final document to be
developed at a given general meeting. 

Ed Lawson

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: It's time to talk by-laws again...

2006-04-18 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:40:12 -0400
Ben Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If we're going to go before
 anyone and say we represent GNHLUG, we have to make sure we
 *DO* represent GNHLUG.  That means everyone has to agree with
 everything we're pushing (more or less).  

Not in response to the merits of what Ben has suggested, but only
to point out that one often under appreciated and misunderstood
feature of a democracy is that the majority rules.  As in one
vote over an even split can dictate the path of the organization.
Ultimately it is not a decision by consensus mode of operation.

This can be the cause of much mischief just as it can be a way of
governing effectively.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Linuxworld Booth #1035

2006-03-29 Thread Ed Lawson

I could go on Tuesday or Wednesday.  What are your plans.  Looks
to me like the bus takes you to within a 15 minute walk to site.

Planning is hard as I have to work around my day job.

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: New Internet server - Getting the ball rolling

2006-02-09 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:26:42 -0500
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What functions are those?
 1, Email lists
 2, Calendar
 3. Basic web site CMS
 Anything else?

Some type of Forum/Wiki?

Moodle for supplying structured info on how use/install/configure

Ed Lawson

Edward E. Lawson, Esq.
Lawson  Persson, PC
67 Water Street, Suite 103
Laconia, NH 03246
Tel:  603-528-0036


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gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: The next big event?

2005-12-20 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 13:09:20 -0500
David J Berube [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If desired, I'd be glad to speak on Making Money with Open
Source - 
 I've had a number of requests for it.

The money or the talk?
If the former, put me on the list.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Purge mailman queues?

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:34:38 -0400
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sigh. I can't find a way to purge it in the version of mailman
used by
 the gnhlug-org list.

Why not just wipe the file clean holding the messages?

Ed Lawson
Who is known to do crazy and careless things. 
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Purge mailman queues?

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:12:42 -0400
Bill McGonigle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just the other day I set it to automatically discard messages
that are 
 from non-subscribers. (privacy options...sender filter IIRC) 

Great idea.  I have several mail lists I run for other
organizations so I have the same issue with all and now I have a
solution.  I have to check them as I run those lists as moderated

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG brochure-ware for Hosstraders?

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:06:58 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Staples just sent me $10 to spend at their copy center, and I'd
be glad 
 to donate it to GNHLUG for handouts for the upcoming
Hosstraders event. 
 Do we have any documents prepared? I didn't see anything on the
 Maybe Ed will teach us enough Scribus on Monday at CentraLUG
that I can 
 give it a shot..

Thanks for adding to the pressure of figuring it out enough to
talk about it. g

What size paper should the brochure be?  Maybe I can start
setting up a template and we can use it for the demo on Monday.
I think creating a one page flyer using standard letter size make
the most sense.  After the heading two columns for copy?

Not to give away too much, but Scribus supposedly will import OO
files and retain formatting, etc.  So...Ted if you want to start
creating content, be my guest and then we will see if it really
works on Monday.

Ed Lawson

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Hosstraders

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 4 May 2005 12:35:37 -0400
mike ledoux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So far, I've got (x86 versions):

 Ubuntu was suggested as another good option, I will try to pull
 down tonight.  Any others?

Here is a recent ham radio version of Knoppix that would be good
to have.


Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Quarterly Meeting - Nov 3

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:36:50 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 GNHLUG chapter co-ordinators: any objection to having Bill host
 first quarterly meeting in a long time?
 (besides whining it's too far to drive)
 Point of protocol: should we plan on NOT holding regular
 meetings that month? 

A very long time ago when the chapter idea was basically created,
it was thought there would be mega meetings so to speak
quarterly or so which would be GNHLUG meetings as opposed to
chapter meetings.  These meetings would highlight big name
speakers or more involved topics, provide a way for people in
the various chapters to meet and socialize and plan, and for
there to be a time and place to make decisions about GNHLUG.
the assumption then, rightly  or wrongly, was that it would take
the place of chapter meetings that month.

Historically, these have been in Nashua.

Ed lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Are the bylaws too sparse?

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:05:53 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1. Number and composition of the Board of Directors: I'd like
 ensure that each chapter feels they are represented on the
board, as  
  I'd also like a couple of At-Large members  
 who are interested in the overall organization

Excellent ideas.  We could go with a BOD using the current
chapters with say two at large members.

New chapters could be approved by the BOD.
 2. Rotating terms: in the proposed by-laws, all BoD members are
 elected for a three-year term. 

Never a right or wrong answer to this one, just what people think
will work.  People could sit on the board for several terms so it
is very hard to know how it will play out for continuity.

 4. Inclusive qualifications for membership
 The egalitarian thing to to allow all members who
wish to  
 be members.

I think as a practical matter all who wish to be members can be
members and there is no need for a requirement for paying dues. 
On the other hand there may well be people who have no interest
in the mechanics of the club and would have no interest is making
things work so to speak so perhaps those people should not be
able to hold office or vote or whatever.  Frankly I've never
been in a club where all members were not full members, but in
the past there has been this thing in GNHLUG about everybody
should be participate without any corresponding potential
responsibilities which is not all that good either unless you
have a separate category of members.  Personally I'd like to see
a single category of member and some modest dues for adult
members.  Don't want to pay dues?  Fine and you can come to all
the meetings, etc. but you don't get to be a member, vote or the
burden of making things work.
 5. Membership exclusion: The reality is that there may be some 

 limitations we as a group wish to place on membership, or the  
 possibility that a member needs to be excluded for some reason.
 should we define membership?

Good question.  Not easy to make a list of do's and don'ts that
will get you excluded.
 6. Finally, should we leave this to the first BoD to bring to
the - 
 org list to discuss and establish as a policy document rather
 encoding this in the bylaws?

My thinking is to always have a fairly limited set of bylaws and
allow all the operational details to be fleshed out in policies,
etc. created by BOD and/or approved by members.

Most corporate by-laws are really rather spartan and people rely
upon the inherent powers that shareholder/members and BOD have
under statutes.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: gnhlug-org mailing list shenanigans

2005-10-25 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:58:01 -0400
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven't heard back from any volunteers for moderating the
 list. Any takers? 

I will keep moderating the org list.

I promise to keep at it this time.  I just looked and there were
not pending requests.  My mistake to think purging would
not be hard.  I believe the more recent versions have that

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: bylaws discussion / quarterly meeting

2005-10-18 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:13:12 -0400
Bill McGonigle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sending out the meeting announcement as soon as I get
 name to put down to lead the discussion of the ByLaws and 

Might want to wait until after this coming Sunday to see how
things shake out or up or whatever.

Being a chicken hawk, I will volunteer to coach Ted so he can go
and speak on the issue. g

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG *ONLINE*: Request for a bit of wisdom

2005-10-14 Thread Ed Lawson
On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 10:31:41 -0400
Bill Sconce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (I'm personally interested that the DBA is not a good idea, 

OK, I admit to being curt if not lacking in common curtesy, but
when I'm busy I get that way.  The term DBA stands for doing
business as and only applies to commercial enterprises which
GNHLUIG is not and does not want to be seen as. It might
complicate any assertion of being a non-profit whatever.

Technically, you do not register a name as a DBA.  You register a
trade name under the provision of RSA 349 and the term trade
name is used to apply to the name under which an entity, other
than corporations, etc. conduct business in NH.  Again, the
requirement for registration is that it be a name which is used
to conduct business.  GNHLUG does not, nor do we want it to be
conducting business as in a commercial operation or for there to
be any official record which might imply or connect it to
somebody or thing that engaged in commercial business operations
using the name GNHLUG.

Ed Lawson

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG *ONLINE*: Request for a bit of wisdom

2005-10-13 Thread Ed Lawson

Star wrote:

There really is an easy answer to the protection of name point: For less
than $100 ($75, I believe) someone can register it as a DBA (Doing Business
As.., no relation to Oracle).

For reasons that I will not get into there are many reasons why this is 
unnecessary and not a particularly good idea.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: GNHLUG presence at SwaNH InfoExchange?

2005-07-01 Thread Ed Lawson
On Fri, 1 Jul 2005 11:24:10 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was chatting with an attendee at last night's Saving Money
 Open Source seminar

How did that go, what was the typical attendee like,  and what
was the level of interest?

Wish I had known about it earlier, but that may have been my own
lack on attention.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Tradeshow Banner progress report: a yellow-bellied penguin. Help?

2005-06-15 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:25:58 -0400
Ted Roche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks great on the Ubuntu workstation I'm running Scribus
on, both  
 in Scribus and in xpdf, but exported to PDF and viewed in
 Mac or Acrobat 6/Windows, it appears that Tux has developed
 yellow bleeds through his belly.

This might be unique to the view of it on the computer and would
not occur when printed.

Why not a bumblebee Tux?

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Linux classes at Hosstraders

2005-05-04 Thread Ed Lawson
On Tue, 03 May 2005 21:18:08 -0400
Jon maddog Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And it kind of ends then.  It sometimes goes longer.
 In any case, Norm and I will negotiate.

I think it is a great idea, but a little short on planning time. 

Work is piling up so not sure what I can put together in terms of
a demo station.  I will bring some bootable CDs of Knoppix set up
with Ham Radio applications and the iso images for others to use
to burn more copies.  Will also bring around 20 copies of a print
out of ham radio applications on Linux.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

Linux and Open Source in NH Schools

2004-05-13 Thread Ed Lawson
This Tuesday, I attended a meeting of the school tech coordinators in
Exeter which had as the primary topic Linux and open source software.

It was amazing.  In Exeter they have a professional development center
with 30 computers running  Linux Terminal Server and they are opening a
Charter School which will be using Linux exclusively.  Other schools are
moving forward with major Linux and Open source initiatives and the
state DOE seems to be interested as well.  Several participants ran
Linux on a variety of laptops including Apples and many are uniformly
installing and using Open Office in place of MS Office for office
machines.  It appeared the E-Smith server package is becoming the tool
of choice to use in installing and setting up servers in schools.

The consensus of may participants was to get people using Open
Source cross platform applications and then they can more easily be
moved over to Linux which is one reason why promoting Open source
on windows is beneficial to the adoption of Linux

I think it is fair to say thinks are moving forward at a very rapid rate
and it would be nice if GNHLUG could find a way to facilitate and assist
this activity.  From my perspective, the lack of organization and
coordinated activities, as much as that might work internally and among
ourselves,  is a major limiting factor when dealing other organizations.
 I feel GNHLUG is for this reason, as perhaps it should be, more a small
and loose collection of kindred spirit Linux users as opposed to an
organization which also engages in activities for its promotion and
education about its use.

On a side note, shortly around a dozen libraries and other computer
access centers in the norther part of the state will soon have large
collections of Opens Source software for loan and use.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] Ham Radio Bootable CD

2004-02-27 Thread Ed Lawson
Something to think about for Hosstraders.

A German ham has developed a Knoppix CD which includes a fairly broad
range of ham related software.  This means you can boot the CD and run
Linux ham software on any PC.  Might be a good item for Hosstraders.

I will be testing it this weekend and report back.  I could print up
some labels and produce say 30 or so CDs.  Anyone think this is a bad

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] Library and More Opportunity

2004-02-18 Thread Ed Lawson
when I asked the Laconia library if they were willing to have software
donated for use by patrons, I received a positive reply and a meeting
was scheduled with a group of people responsible for TechLink NH.

We met today and they are quite enthusiastic about using Linux and OSS
in their program and to facilitate its use with library patrons and
others.  To undestand what TechLinik is and does, you should visit their
website at

They are thinking about creating wireless access point to provide access
for small northern downs towns, they put on educational programs for
other non-profits, schools, senior centers about software and internet
use, and they manage Internet access mini networks for at least 14 sites
in northern NH which are primarily libraries.

Needless to say there might be a great deal of work and a great
opportunity here to help people use Linux and OSS.

They are going to send me a shopping list of things they are doing and
what they would like to to do with an eye for doing more of it with
Linux and OSS.  They are talking about holding training sessions with
their staff to make them Linux literate and to help the tech pe9ople
create small networks using Linux, perhaps with thin clients.

So is this something we should be actively seeking to do?
Obviously this is potentially a much larger deal than providing a few
libraries with copies of Linux distros.

Personally, it seems quite exciting.  These people are willing, indeed
eager,  to obtain knowledge from GNHLUG and then go out into these
communities and promote the use of Linux and OSS.  They have heard about
Linux and OSS, they know it can be a benefit to them, but they don't
have the skills and knowledge to use it.  This shows that
the first stage is over.  Linux is on the radar screen of these groups
and they want to know more to enable them to useit.  Now we
need to find a way to help people who have the inclination to use Linux
to actually use it to accomplish their missions.

Not sure where we go from here, but I will have feedback from them in a
week or two.  Then we can think about specific  projects.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] Link correction for TechLink NH

2004-02-18 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 14:06:05 -0500
Ed Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To undestand what TechLinik is and does, you should visit
 their website at

Sorry.  Correct link is

Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] NHSTE Workshop

2004-02-17 Thread Ed Lawson
Just a note to let people know that the NHSTE/ School Linux workshop
being held in Penacook this week is having around 15 people each day.
These are tech admins for school systems and shows that Linux is
becoming a real choice for schools.  I spoke to a person from the
state DOE and they too have an interest in using Linux in schools.

So there are some opportunities for GNHLUG in this area, and I am going
to be working with NHSTE leadership over the next few months to see what
can be done for them further.  If more comes of this I will report back
and shift specific projects to the discuss list.

The bad news is none of the people there had heard of GNHLUG.

I had the impression it was a very informative and thorough workshop. 
They had a complete computer lab at their disposal so attendees not only
got to install Linux and become familiar with it, but create networks
with thin client solutions using Linux terminal server software created
for the k12 school setting and other goodies.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] Thr 5 Feb 2004 Meeting Report

2004-02-12 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 17:35:27 -0500
Rob Lembree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 22:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
Given that Paul Lussier, at least, missed what went on at the
meeting we
  had, I figured I would try and write up a report on what went on.  

The topic of incorporating GNHLUG as a real non-profit came up
  I got the feeling it was abandoned again, too, but again, I missed
  some discussion.
 We abandoned it again temporarily with the idea that it can be
 resurrected when we can all decide what the job of the umbrella
 organization is (beyond a web site and mailing list). 

As one of the attendees, I guess I will chime in with a thought on this.
This is not a big issue with me, but I do believe it sense to
file the paperwork creating a voluntary association or  a not
for profit organization under state law.  This is totally separate from
the issue of obtaining tax exempt status from the IRS.  It simply
creates an official entity and essentially every club in NH that I have
belonged had done so. Otherwise you are nothing from a legal perspective
and anyone can appropriate the name, etc.  If that happens, the
remedies are not easy or cheap.  I have been in a situation in which one
organization did not do so, a rogue group split off, registered with the
state using the original groups name, and then went out holding events
and advertising itself using the name of the original group. It was not
a good situation. 

I fully understand the independent if not libertarian like nature of the
group, but still.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] Organizing GNHLUG (was: Library Project)

2004-02-12 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:47:34 -0500 (EST)

 On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, at 8:43am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My question is, since we know this is what it takes for a project to
  work, why do we assume GNHLUG does not need a similar level of
   This is a big topic.  I don't have time to give it a good treatment

While you think about it,  consider this comment in your reply on the
library project.

 Can we contact that organization and introduce ourselves and this

Who is the we and what/who  is being introduced as  ourselves.

Absolutely needs to be done for many projects, etc.  I can speak for
myself, you and I may be able to speak for a collection of people who
have communicated on a mailing list, but is there a GNHLUG that can be
introduced and for whom we can speak and make commitments?

That is the issue to me at least.  I don't think so under the present
situation.  Does not mean there is not a group of loosely affiliated
people who identify themselves as GNHLUG members.  Does not mean that
group cannot get together and have fun and do somethings.  

When you start entering into projects that affect others and agree to do
joint projects with others and take responsibility for tasks, then the
existence of an entity becomes more important.  Or so it seems to me.

I think I will quietly let this topic proceed without further comment
from me as I have been vocal enough on it.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] So Now What?

2004-01-31 Thread Ed Lawson
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 22:00:15 -0500
Jon maddog Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guessed I missed the fact that the Monadlug had been such a dynamic

I was thinking of the past when Jerry was quite active.  It seemed much
of the energy for new things came from there a few years ago.  Overall,
the Nashua and Seacoast groups have provided the most sustained effort
at having events of interest to the members IMHO.  I think we have not
been good overall in out reach programs to the public.

 Actually, I think that the real answer is to have a strong GNHLUG
 leadership, which then makes running the local LUGS easier.

I agree conceptually.  
 Brainstorming works best in a room, where people can feed off each
 other's ideas and excitement.  It is a lot harder over the net. 

Totally agre with this.

 So I put the steak in the ground:
 Next Thursday or Friday night, or even Saturday?

I think more people will come if you put the steak on the grill and not
in the ground.

I would prefer a location around Manchester for the meeting, but Nashua
OK and Thurs or Friday, but Sat during the day would be fine.  I'll let
those with more hectic schedules/travel, etc. make the choice.  In any
event, lets do it.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] So Now What?

2004-01-31 Thread Ed Lawson
On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 10:12:22 -0500
Jon maddog Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Martha's on a thursday or friday night might be too noisy and too
 crowded for a meeting.  I might suggest the American Buffet on Rt.
 101A, and try to get a table in the corner. 

I'll leave it to those who know Nashua to pick a good spot.
Thursday or Friday best for me
Time wise I would prefer no earlier than 6:30.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] So Now What?

2004-01-30 Thread Ed Lawson
It seems to me there have been two thoughtful postings late yesterday and essentially 
no response.  Not even a What are you talking about?

This seems a bit ominous to me for the reasons cogently stated by Maddog.

So now what?

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] So Now What?

2004-01-30 Thread Ed Lawson
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 20:02:37 -0500
Jon maddog Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I must not be getting all my gnhlug-org email (and yes, I checked my SPAM
 catcher), because I do not know what two thoughtful postings there were
 late yesterday that had essentially no response.
 I saw Dave Marston's, and I responded with a yup, I agree, and there was

You and Dave had the thoughtful comments and not sure there was anything else.  I go 
by an imperfect memory most of the time.

 Some of you (I don't know who, but I assume that it is Ed, Rob and a couple
 more) are going to meet at the Central LUG meeting Monday. 

This was a last minute, hit or miss idea that was floated about.  Maybe we should try 
to come up with a date when everyone is in town so to speak in March and chat over 
favorite beverages.


 What I mean is that if Ed wants to do schools, and Rob wants to do libraries,
 then it would be better if they got together and did the Library and School
 project, so as not to dilute the rare and scarce resources that we have.

I think at this stage, it is just as well to have people focus on something that 
excites them.  I was just trying to do something for a specific workshop that NHSTE 
has  scheduled.  Not a project as such.  Beyond that, I think I will work on a library 
like project and try to help Berube with Centralug.
 I have other

 Have a field trip down to USELINUX (a part of USENIX), and have a LUG day
 down there

Excellent idea that could help get disparate people together for a day.

kidnap the
 USENIX Linux speakers and take them out on a boat.

Take them out to the prison/fort island in the harbor and not let them back till they 

What I would like to see and  what I will advocate for Centralug is a talk on using 
the Twiki and the Nuke sites, one on the basics of how to program, and encouraging 
folks to talk about an app or technique or something that interests them.

At this point it almost seems like  getting the  local lugs working well might be he 
easiest way to build a better and stronger GNHLUG.  I think  that is how and why the 
Monadlug became a dynamic engine for change and growth in GNHLUG.  So that is where my 
limited time and energy is more likely to be spent.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 27 Jan 2004 22:13:06 -0500
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to suggest that the groups have created a comfortable
 structure and that they feel they don't need Quarterly global
 meetings anymore. But that they do like (or don't care about) the
 infrastructure that GNHLUG set up, and might continue to use it -
 especially when one finds a big name to come speak. Sorta like BLU,
 SwANH, and GNSEG do with GNHLUG. 

I suppose I should keep quiet because I have not helped out as I should
and the current state is the result of people like me not doing anything
to help GNHLUG and Centralug grow.  However, talk is cheap.

While others know the history far better than I, it seems to me that
historically, GNHLUG had as its base meetings in Durham and Nashua. 
that is where the focus had been and where the meetings were held
including the major meetings. With the increased interest in Linux,
more people became attendees, more people wanted meetings of a more
local nature, and GNHLUG, to the extent it was anything other than loose
collection of people with common interest, decided to create local
groups under its umbrella.  Some of those have done better than
others and I find myself trying to attend local meetings more than the
Nashua larger group meetings.  For whatever reason it seems to me the
Nashua and to some extent the Durham group have reassumed the role of
hosting the major meetings.  The other local groups to what they can do.

The reality, it seems to me, is that without a structure to maintain
continuity and persons to be responsible for the organization, GNHLUG
and the local groups will forever be informal and hit or miss.  I do not
suggest this is bad or by this make a qualitative statement.  It is a
quantitative statement.  It might even be best given the time and energy
that the participants can bring to the organization.

What we do not want, I suggest, is a situation in which good people burn
out beating their heads against the wall.  Something that has happened
more than once and for which I accept my share of the responsibility.

The real question is what should GNHLUG be and who is GNHLUG and who get
s to decide the who,what, when, where, why, and how of GNHLUG.  Until
this is defined and we have a group of people with the time and energy
to work toward that common goal, GNHLUG and the sub groups will continue
as they have been, which may well be just fine.  

I believe there has never been agreement on that, but I believe there
has been a tacit agreement that the less organization the better and the
more informal the better.  I suppose one could question whether the way
a loose collection of hobbyists and activists tend to associate is a
good way to promote Linux and OSS now give its higher public

For me, the task and the small segment of the world where I might be
able to make an impact is to assist the operation of the Centralug and
to support the larger meetings held in Nashua and Durham when I can as
the talks from national figures and the Chrismas meeting have always
been events I looked forward to.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 28 Jan 2004 10:56:33 -0500
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you're doing the right thing - then advertise the effort to
 the GNHLUG group. Sure, solicit help, (which you did), and it'll come
 if there's sufficient interest.

I think the issue rob is point out is that he did ask for help on the
list.  I think the only person other than me who responded was Randy out
in the pacific.  There is no mechanism for getting a few people together
and mulling over a project, honing the details, and assigning
responsibility to see it gets done.  Sure one person can do big things.
But if one person does a big thing on their own and manages to collect a
follower or two, who did it and why should anyone say GNHLUG did it?

Case in point.  The Tech Coordinators  organization for NH schools
(NHSTE) is having a four day workshop next month on the use of Linux in
schools.  Yes, that is a workshop that lasts four days, all day and
these educators are paying $550/person to attend.

This seminar has some very interesting topics from the basics of
Linux to showing how to to develop and deploy Linux in a school setting.
The  presenter is a person from Maine with national recognition for
using Linux in a school. Is this something GNHLUG could help with, could
GNHLUG provide assistance to school tech coordinators in learn,
installing, and use Linux? Should the existence of GNHLUG be made
known at the workshop as a valuable local resource. I would think so. I
would hope so.  Now, just how is that done?  Do I as an individual have
the right to speak for GNHLUG? Do I dare do it alone and set up GNHLUG
for obligating itself to help educators in any way?  If I wanted to get
the OK from GNHLUG to inform workshop attendees of the resources
available in GNHLUG, whom do I ask, what authority to they have to act
or authorize? Without some way to follow through, I am not about to
risk setting up the attendees for disappointment and failure in dealing
with Linux and GNHLUG by bringing GNHLUG to their attention. So we are
losing a great opportunity, IMHO, due to the lack of some minimal level
of organization.  If the deal is GNHLUG provides a venue to sit around
and make snide comments about MSFT, fine.  I just think GNHLUG should be
more and should be a means of promoting Linux and helping those who want
to explore it.  I don't see it doing that  without some level
of organization.  Maybe what is needed is a different
organization.  Obviously you caught me on a roll today.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:21:25 -0500
Rob Lembree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Case in point: I'm now doing the public library project all
 by myself, because it's something I believe it, and because
 nobody stepped forward to help out. 

Bob, you must have missed by e-mail.  I have collections of OSS software
and a web interface for them that I burn onto CDs to give out at
presentations to educators.  I would be glad to prepare copies and
design a label for the project.  It isn't feasible for me to go to
Nashua for on site stuff.

Ed lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:32:46 -0500
Rob Lembree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Simple as that, if people volunteer.

I am going to contact the presenter and see what might be done.
I will report back to this list with his response.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Centralug] Re: [Gnhlug-org] moving on

2004-01-28 Thread Ed Lawson
On 28 Jan 2004 15:17:01 -0500
Bruce Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I suspect others might have similar requirements. And most people
 aren't familiar with the tools (hmmm: that could be a meeting topic),

I think it has been raised before and you have raised it again.  It
would absolutely be a good idea to have a program on using Wikis in
general and using the ones of GNHLUG in particular as well as community
forum or whatever the name dejour is for Post-Nuke type apps.
I think we should schedule that for a topic at Centalug or some location
with internet access in two or three months.  I take it Berube is

We need to mix topics to appeal to those who code and stuff, to those
who want to try Linux out, and those who mainly use applications.

For example the Ruby session coming up could be followed by one showing
how to use a common application such as Gaim or Firebird or Abiword,
followed by one comparing the various distros.  

So we are going to have dinner before the meeting next week or beer
afterwards and redesign the world or what?

Ed Lawson 
Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] Re: adult ed classes on Linux

2003-01-10 Thread Ed Lawson
Once I get the insanity of moving and reorganizing a business over, one 
task will be the development of an adult ed class on Linuxand/or Open 
Source.  Since installing Linux at a school's computer lab is not likely 
to say the least, the use of Knoppix CDs seems a great solution.  It 
will also enable students to take it home and play with Linux on their 
computers without affecting theior currently installed software.  The 
primary question to me is just what should be taught in a four or five 
week course with classes running about 1 1/2 hrs. each?  My assumption 
would be those who sign up are likely to be more interested in computers 
than most, but also unlikely to be technically proficient.  Has anyone 
taught such a class?  Know of a course outline anywhere?


Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] proposal for meeting

2003-01-06 Thread Ed Lawson
Rob Lembree wrote:

OK, I'm making reservations for tonight at 1900 for myself, Paul,
maddog, Ben, Ed and Bruce.  Hope that you can all make it!


Cannot make it due to last minute buiness issues.  Will email to Rob my 
thoughts later in the day about mission, projects, etc.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] proposal for meeting

2003-01-06 Thread Ed Lawson

If half the important people cannot show,

Well, so far it's only 2/6 who can't make it, and I think 1/3 is still  1/2,
which means 2/3 can still make it :)

Yes, but he said 1/2 of the important people. g   So I assume that 
means two of the remaining four..nevermind.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] proposal for meeting

2003-01-06 Thread Ed Lawson
Ben Boulanger wrote:

Those who absolutely
can't make it for other reasons will get their opinions across in other


Yes.  Have the meeting .  Need to get on with things.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] agenda for Monday, and some of my thoughts. Paul's responses will follow....

2003-01-06 Thread Ed Lawson

There have been elections in the past and it would be good to return to doing so at 
say the annual Christmas meeting.  So perhaps a goal would  be to build the  
organization up to  the point of being able to have elections by Dec. 2003.

 Another part of formalizing will involve signing up
 people to do work.  I dislike the term 'committee', so
 I'd prefer to think of these people and their groups as
 daemons or subtasks.  ;-)

Yes, we need people who are willing and able to do certain things, assign more than 
one or two for mutual support and then support their efforts as needed.  In other 
words the ultimate success of the  subtasks and GNHLUG rests on the leadership, not 
the other way around.  Important to keep in mind.

 Let's begin by assuming that the chapter chairs will
 take care of lining up talks, and will keep in touch
 with everyone else in the leadership group, so that we
 have good communication.


 As soon as we have formality, we should have a charter
 that describes how the organization works.  The charter
 is also a requirement of 

I think the second  step after developinng  a charter is to file as a voluntary 
association with the  Secretary of State's office.  I did  the forms once and can 
easily do it again.

   * Not-For-Profit Filing 
 ...which I also believe that we need.  Education and
 Advocacy costs money.  Money for postage, copying,
 coffee and donuts, etc., and being a 501(c)(3) will
 allow those who donate to realize a tax advantage.  

Unless we are seeking and  accepting  substantial sums of money this can wait awhile.  
Even then  you can file and  the  certification  can be retroactive.  The  process is  
not hard, but it is  time consuminng and it  requires GNHLUG to have a budget, 
projected expenses and revenues, formal orgainnzation, etc.  Obtaining 501(c)(3) is  
quite different  from becoming a voluntary  or nonprofit corporation with the  State 
of New Hampshire.  Last I knew, the IRS efffectively has a $20,000.00 annnual  
donation minimum before they  really took interest.  The  Charitable Trusts office in 
New Hampshire no doubt may not be so forgiving. 

 Linux International cooperation
 maddog has a plan for LI that involves LUGs, where LUGs
 can use LI as a resource, and visa-versa.  I'll let him
 go into detail on this at the meeting, but I'd like what
 we do and how we do it to fit into his vision for LI. 
 In summary, I feel that GNHLUG can be a truly meaningful
 organization to the people in the communities which we serve
 (and I do believe that we should think of ourselves and conduct
 ourselves as a service organization).

Well, I think it  is a social club, special interest club, and hopefully  an 
educational and  advocacy group.  Service organization seems a bit of  a stretch as 
I'm not  sure we want  to be viewed as providing  services.

  To do this, we need
 direction (a plan), organization (people who are expected to do
 specific work), and execution (we start Monday).  I feel that we
 have the opportunity to be the prototype of how LUGs can work.

I think  we should make an efort to see how other LUGs operate and what they have 
found to be successful.  that way we do not repeat the mistakes of others and can 
expend the limited resources on things that work and will build GNHLUG and effectively 
get the message out.

My $.02

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

[Gnhlug-org] Misc. thoughts on future actions

2002-12-08 Thread Ed Lawson
Since there will be a meeting to discuss or at least consider future actions/activites 
of GNHLUG and advocacy or whatever might  be a topic, please consider the the 
following as potential projects.

1.  Establishing a GNHLUG demo set of machines that could be used for official 
demo activities.  For example a server and a desktop machine or two.  

2.  Develop a selection of Open Source software for Linnux, Windows, Mac and burn 
it on CDROMs for use at demonstrations.  Develop a listing of memebers who use certain 
packages to provide local help.

3.  Develop a list of members who can provide install/config/use help to newbies 
for specific distros.

4.  Establish a series of talks/demos to give to non-profits, schools, business 
clubs and  have specific members geared up for different demos and audiences.

5.  Establish contacts and working relationships with various groups in the  state 
trying to provide low cost, refurbished computers and internet access to various 

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] 4 Dec 2002 meeting status?

2002-11-27 Thread Ed Lawson
Rob Lembree wrote:



My recommendation at this time is that we forgo the dinner for two
reasons. First virtually nobody's signed up.  Second, I haven't heard
back from Marthas re: the room.


Would seem to be the only rational and reasonable course of action.  Not 
that those qualitites mean all that much in the final analysis.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] Dec 4 meeting

2002-11-24 Thread Ed Lawson
Rob Lembree wrote:

Also, given the poor turnout so far on the list re:
dinner, I've got some reluctance to do the official
dinner thing.  What are you guys thinking?  We have
3 respondents, one of whom said doubtful, and I'd
have hoped to have more positive response by now.


FWIW, the weeks of Dec. 2, 9, 16 are impossible due to presentations and 
trials for me which is a real bummer as the end of the year meeting is 
one of the few I really try to attend.  Lately life is just too crazy. 
Sound unfortunate as the dinner/evening/Christmas meetings have been a 
good time for all.

Ed Lawson

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] Fwd: Linux User Group Program

2002-10-17 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:13:52 -0400

 This is too bizarre. Should we offer this to our members (probably via the web

Sure. Its free.

ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] Fwd: Linux User Group Program

2002-10-17 Thread Ed Lawson
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:18:38 -0400

 I believe all these rags are already free, you just need to sign up 
 for them using a free subscription form which can be found on their 

True, but  not everyone knows that.  So long as just one notice by GNHLUG lets people 
know the details of where to go to subscribe,  what  is  the harm?  Obviously we 
should not be allowing anyone access to email  addresses of GNHLUG members or to  send 
numerous messages on anyone's behalf.

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] blocking port 25?

2002-10-09 Thread Ed Lawson

On 08 Oct 2002 23:07:10 -0400
Ben Boulanger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe we could start up a list of gear that we have and
 anyone who has something better can put it up for grabs to replace
 something that currently exists.

I suppose many of us have unused bits and parts about that could easily be assembled 
and used by GNHLUG and its sub groups.  I hae oten thought we should have a series of 
machines that can be used to demo the abilites of Linux and be used as test beds for 
prospective users.  for example, a samba server, an intranet web/mail server, a 
desktop machine, a diskless terminal and server combo, etc.
Maybe a dedicated machine for network installs of several distros for use a 
installfests or similar activities.  The trick is just to get a few people to agree on 
what is needed and to do it.

Or perhaps for someone just to do it.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: [Gnhlug-org] [Fwd: Linux consultants - Lebanon, Debian Java]

2002-06-27 Thread Ed Lawson

mike ledoux wrote:


I believe you are right; however, I don't believe that GNHLUG is in a
position to be making that kind of recommendation.  After all, we've
never actually *used* any of these consultants, so what would we be
basing that recommendation on?  Membership on a public mailing list?

I think that having GNHLUG making recommendations could be very
problematic if a situation arises where the consultant's work is not
satisfactory to the client.


I doubt I can state with suitable emphasis the position that no way no 
how should GNHLUG ever suggest, list, recommend, infer, or do anything 
that gives rise to a belief  that any consultant, supplier, or 
bottlewasher might be suitable or unsuitable for any task.  

Ed Lawson

Gnhlug-org mailing list