Re: Announcing the OpenTTS project, a fork of speech-dispatcher

2010-04-28 Thread Tomas Cerha
William Hubbs napsal(a):
 There has, in my personal opinion, been very poor collaberation between
 the accessibility community and Brailcom.

We announced that we are not currently able to put a reasonable amount of work 
into it,
but that we welcome anyone willing to help.  We avoided any unfair promises, 
but offered
collaboration.  Please, read the answer to the Open letter by Mr. Buchal 

We didn't receive any concrete offer for such collaboration.  So it can be also 
that there has been a poor collaboration between the community and Brailcom.  I 
think it's fair either way.

 One example, in my opinion, of poor collaberation has been Brailcom's
 extremely minimal involvement in the development process.  A development
 repository was opened by Luke so that some of us would be able to get
 changes into speech-dispatcher.  Many patches were sent to this list,
 for a long time, but there has been extremely minimal participation from
 Brailcom, so the official repository was never updated and Brailcom
 hasn't been responding to our patches.

We have put a huge amount of resources and our own personal effort into the 
Dispatcher project within the nearly 10 years of its development.  And among 
reasons also due to a minimal feedback from the community, we started to put 
more of it
into other our projects in the last two or three years.  As we have 
responsibility for
these other projects, we can not switch our long term plans from day to day 
just because
the community decides they now need us.  Thus we avoided making any promises 
that we are
not able to guarantee.  That's all.

 We repeatedly asked Brailcom for direction on this list and were told
 that they couldn't commit any resources to speech-dispatcher at this
 time.  So, speech-dispatcher was becoming a more important project to
 the accessibility community, but the maintainers were not working on it,
 and they had no idea when they would be able to work on it again.

Not being able to promise is not the same as not having an idea.

 Another concern I personally have is Brailcom's speechd-up project being
 deprecated as well as their comments on their speechd-up project page
 about speakup itself being replaced by other technologies.  On the
 contrary, speakup has a very active user base and shows no signs of
 being replaced.

We only announced that we are not going to continue speechd-up development.  We 
will be
glad if someone else will take the project and go on.  That's the difference 
compared to
Speech Dispatcher.

 In my opinion, the fork happened because of poor collaberation and slow
 responsiveness from the maintainers.
 I understand that what Brailcom spends their time on is controled by
 funding, but they made no effort or very minimal effort to work with the

As well as the community made a little effort to help us.  No one asked, hey, I 
like to see a new release because I feel the feature XY deserves it.  What can 
I do to
help that happen?  We were only asked to act or make public promises.

 Yes, we could continue doing unofficial releases and waiting for them to
 do official releases when they get funding, etc, but the problem there
 is that if we add functionality in the community releases, there is no
 guarantee that that functionality would be accepted by Brailcom in their
 official releases.

I wouldn't see anything wrong about having unofficial patches in Speech 
packages.  That's the packager's responsibility.  Of course, it is more 
convenient when
the patches get included upstream, but let's not exaggerate the situation.  We 
said we
are going to include them and we were working on it as the time permitted us.  
announced the existence of these unofficial versions in the meantime.

 I personally would be open to working on speech dispatcher, but there
 would need to be a big change in the way Brailcom collaberates with the
 community for me to be comfortable with that.

If you really mean it, if you are able to accept the increased overhead of 
which is compensated by avoiding duplication and confusion, let's stop fruitless
discussions.  I understand your reasons and if you try to understand ours 
there is still a chance for more collaboration.  I am stopping any arguments on 
topic right now because it is really wasting time.  Please, consider our limited
possibilities and try to suggest a model that would suit you.

Best regards,

Tomas Cerha
Brailcom, o.p.s.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Announcing the OpenTTS project, a fork of speech-dispatcher

2010-04-19 Thread Tomas Cerha

just my few personal thoughts...

While I respect anyone's freedom to take on the work that we started and 
continue in a
direction he believes is the best, I am not quite convinced that making a fork 
necessary and helpful.

The announcement started by a question Why Fork Speech Dispatcher and Related
Projects?, but I can't find anything that would answer the question for me 
even if I
pretty much agree with all what was written below.  It is true, that GPL grants 
freedom to do it, that the importance of Speech Dispatcher grew over the time 
and that
the non-profit organization Brailcom didn't find resources to finance the 
development in
the last two years.  But I fail to find a convincing reason in these facts.

Brailcom has always officially supported the work done by Luke Yelavich and 
others.  We
linked Luke's git from the official Speech Dispatcher web page and we were 
trying to
promote this work where possible.  We also put at least some minimal effort into
reviewing how the development continues and plan to make an official release 
without being able to promise the exact date) and we constantly put significant 
in attempts to find resources for continuation of the work and we believe we 
succeed (though, as we announced, we can not promise anything, as it does not 
depend on
our decision).

I am just afraid, that having two projects with two names and different 
directions will
not be really practical.  What particularly is the key problem in the current 
where the actual development takes place in Luke's git repo?  I don't say it is 
but maybe there is less to do to make it better, then making a fork and 

Best regards,

Tomas Cerha
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Run Vibuntu on USB with persistant storage!

2008-12-16 Thread Tomas Cerha
Stephen Shaw wrote:
 I'm glad you are excited about this,  but not sure that turning all of
 these lists into the vibuntu mailing list is appropriate.

Yes, I wish Anthony a good luck with Vibuntu, but reading about it in
three different mailing lists is definitely annoying.

Best regards, Tomas
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Thoughts on speech

2008-02-25 Thread Tomas Cerha
Willie Walker wrote:
 * While it may not be the pristine perfect solution, Speech Dispatcher 
 seems to fit nicely into the overall requirements we need as a larger 

Hello, I am not saying SD is pristine perfect, but are there any
concrete indications for saying it is NOT?

o Is the configuration simple enough and/or can it be made simpler?

The main point is that (unlike Gnome Speech) it IS configurable and it
makes a number different usage scenarios possible.  I don't think,
however, that its configuration is something to be done by end users
unless they want to experiment.  Speech Dispatcher should be configured
by the package maintainer for the os/distribution.  All the settings
which are interesting for a typical end user, such as voice, rate etc.,
are controlled through Orca so the user doesn't deal with Speech
Dispatcher configuration directly.

o What additional work needs to be done to integrate it more tightly 
 with Orca?

There are ways to look at this problem:
  1) What needs to be done in Speech Dispatcher and its Orca backend to
 support all the functionality needed in the current Orca design
  2) What changes in Orca design can be done to make use of the
 capabilities offered by Speech Dispatcher

For 1), there are two concrete things to do:
  a) Solve the verbalization issuses described at
  b) Solve word boundary callbacks (see below).

For 2) I won't go into much detail now, but the advantages would most
often be in cleaner code than in end user visible features.  That's
simply because of the fact, that SD API uses a higher level of
abstraction than Gnome Speech.  There is a well defined system of
interaction between different kinds of messages and SD automatically
makes sure that certain messages don't get interrupted by others etc.
Orca currently relies just on SPEAK and STOP and handles all the
interaction itself (for example by storing the last time key echo was
performed in a global variable and testing this variable on places,
where keyboard echo interruption is not desirable).  Other advantage is
that there is no need for ANY driver specific code.  The interface is
completely transparent from this point of view and all driver specific
code is located in SD output modules.

Ok, I promised to tell more about the callbacks.  SD currently does not
support automatic callbacks on word boundary, because it supports
callbacks through index marks in SSML.  So the text would need to be
marked in Orca (in its SD backend) by inserting index marks at word
boundaries.  When I was implementing this in Orca backend, I discovered,
that Orca currently doesn't handle these callbacks, so I left this
functionality out.  If Orca decides to use these word boundary
callbacks, this will need to be added to the SD backend.

I have, however, one concern about that -- the correct detection of word
boundaries is a language dependent operation and thus the only correct
place where it should really be done is the speech synthesizer because
only the synthesizer knows the lexical structure of the text.  On the
other hand, if the intended use is only for positioning the cursor, it
might be a reasonable simplification to only guess the boundaries
using a regular expression, without the intention to be absolutely
lexically correct.  This needs some more consideration and Will's
feedback.  Adding automatic word boundary callbacks to Speech Dispatcher
(without the need for SSML and index marks) is also a viable option.

I believe it is also important to consider other possible advantages of
using SSML within Orca.  This may have a major impact on the future of
Orca speech capabilities and the API.

Best regards,


gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Multilingual synthesis

2007-02-20 Thread Tomas Cerha
Peter Parente wrote:
 Right. The problem is, not a single free engine covers the different
 languages I need. So I have to change voice and driver (festival and
 espeak from speech-dispatcher). And don't you get sound device
 blocking problems?
 Understood. We don't support switching of the driver and voice yet
 automatically, but it's not inconceivable.

Speech Dispatcher solves this completely.  You can set prefered drivers
for each language and any conflicts are solved by Speech Dispatcher's
queuing and priority mechanism.  Since Speech Dispatcher also handles
speech output, no problems with the output device arise.

Best regards, Tomas
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Orca and minimalist X environments (was Re: accessible routers)

2007-01-29 Thread Tomas Cerha
Kenny Hitt napsal(a):
 The problem with this is you loose the ability to cut and paste data
 from all the running apps on the system.

The command `xclip' allows you to operate X selection from the
command-line.  In Debian, it comes in the package of the same name.

Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Emulating a hardware synth

2007-01-02 Thread Tomas Cerha
Samuel Thibault wrote:
  Maybe speech dispatcher has a way to do this.

No, it doesn't.  It's a nice idea, however.  Anyone interested doing it?

Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Is Debian appropriate for accessibility?

2006-12-18 Thread Tomas Cerha
Lorenzo Taylor wrote:
 The source package however installs fine with the current Debian packages
 with the exception of python-pyorbit, which seems to be out of date.

The package python-pyorbit is available from Debian experimental.

Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: eSpeak support in Orca -- what is the best way?

2006-12-01 Thread Tomas Cerha
Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 * Speech Dispacher support for Orca -- I know there have been issues 
 raised about this before. Some missing features are mentioned here:

Hello, the major issue now is the missing callback support.  This
results in missing cursor/speech synchronization.  As far as I know, the
end user will notice that in OpenOffice when reading the whole document
-- when he interrupts the speech, the cursor will not be positioned to
the place where the speech was interrupted.  Maybe there are some other
situation, may someone comment on that?

Adding this support into the Speech Dispatcher Orca backend should not
be technically difficult (my rough estimation is 40 manhours, being
tempted to say much less).

Well, once we get the functionality to the Orca backend, we will also
need to support it in the Speech-Dispatcher eSpeak driver.  The author
of eSpeak added an API for that recently.  Maybe Hynek or Jonathan will
tell us more about the progress here.

 I do  wonder how the user community would react to a sudden switch of
 default synth though. Thoughts?

Please also note, that Dpeech Dispatcher allows you to switch
synthesizers automatically based on the current language, so you should
be able to use e.g. Festival for English and eSpeak for other languages.
 This, however, must be supported by the client (i.e. Orca) by providing
relevant language information.

Hope this information helps.

gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Orca on laptops.

2006-11-08 Thread Tomas Cerha
Bill Haneman:
 I see.  I expect that would be a hazardous and/or fragile thing to 
 attempt on X, especially if, as I believe, the latching behavior is a 
 hardware feature on some (most?) keyboards.

Hello, I'm using CapsLock as another Ctrl key.  It is configurable
through Gnome keyboard properties dialog (before it was there I used a
modified xkb layout to achieve that).  Without any deeper knowledge, I'd
assume that this is not a hardware feature, when one is able to remap
the key easily.  Just a hint... Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Using espeak

2006-11-01 Thread Tomas Cerha
Willie Walker wrote:
 3) I've been holding off rolling the direct speech-dispatcher support
 into Orca because of the lack of callbacks.  The main reason we want
 callbacks today is to be able to position the caret when a say all
 operation completes or is interrupted.  In the future, we could use them
 to move the magnifier region of interest and also to highlight the
 current text being spoken as it is spoken.  We've been talking with the
 speech-dispatcher folks regarding getting callbacks.  The ball is in
 their court right now, and I'm waiting for a response from them.

Hello Will, Nolan and all,

I'm still hoping to get back to Speech Dispatcher Orca backend soon, but
as you may have also realized, the reality is not always in agreement
with our wishes...

Today, we talked with Hynek Hanke about it and we agreed to cooperate on
that.  None of us can afford devoting too much time to it, but we will
try to find the most efficient solution and add callback support to the
Orca/SD backend.  Still can't promise any dates, since this is done in
our spare time, which practically doesn't exist...

Will, what is the current status of Orca speech API.  Did you do the
changes you planned in summer?  Or do you plan some changes in near future?

Anyway, Nolan, if you prefer to make espeak working without caret
positioning, the current Orca/SD backend might be still useful for you
and should be more responsive than the
Orca/gnome-speech/speech-dispatcher solution (which doesn't support
callbacks aswell).  See

Best regards, Tomas.

gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Linux desktop accessibility demo - which programs should I install

2006-10-17 Thread Tomas Cerha
Bill Haneman napsal(a):
 The SpeechDispatcher API has some limitations which make the user 
 experience with orca a little less nice - as I understand it, 
 SpeechDispatcher doesn't support completion/progress tags within an 
 utterance, it can only tell you when an entire utterance is complete.  

Not really.  This limitation only applies to the current Orca backend
for Speech Dispatcher.  Speech Dispatcher itself supports index marks
which are exactly for this purpose.

Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: lsr-0.3.0 and speech-dispatcher

2006-10-13 Thread Tomas Cerha
Peter Parente napsal(a):
 Hi Tomas,
 I apologize for the offense caused by the poor grammar and vagueness
 of my message.

Hi Pete,

No offense taken.  As I wrote I didn't believe it was intentional, so I
am happy to hear that it was even a mistake.

Have a nice day,  Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: lsr-0.3.0 and speech-dispatcher

2006-10-11 Thread Tomas Cerha
Peter Parente napsal(a):
 Thanks for trying speech dispatcher with LSR. The module is pretty
 rough around the edges since Speech Dispatcher is still under heavy
 development. You've likely encountered a bug.

Hello Peter,

I have to object strongly.  I don't think it was your intention, but
please consider, that you may hurt other project by such a proclamation.

Speech Dispatcher is not under heavy development for quite some time
now.  What was under development lately is just the Python interface
library, but even there we were keeping the backwards compatibility very

We're definitely open to discuss any (even potential) problems in our
software and we never pretended it is perfect, but I think one should be
 very carefull when making judgments about other peoples work in public.

I'm sorry I had to say that.  Anyway, I wish you a good luck with the
LSR project.  To me it seems technologically very promising.

Best regards, Tomas.
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Fixing gnome-speech

2006-06-27 Thread Tomas Cerha
Luke Yelavich wrote:
 Mind I ask when this is likely to be completed?
 If you would like testers, I would be happy to put my hand up and try.

Hi Luke,

I hope to be able to make something available this week, but can't
promise, since I'm at Guadec and it might be hard to find some spare
time.  If not, then I'll be back at work by the middle of July.  I will
definitely announce it as soon as there is something.

Best regards, Tomas.

Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Fixing gnome-speech

2006-06-26 Thread Tomas Cerha
Enrico Zini wrote:
 In the meantime, however, before I hurt my brain too much with this,
 what's the overall situation?  Is it worth the effort of fixing
 gnome-speech, or is the effort better spend on making something else

Hi Enrico,

I'm currently working on Speech Dispatcher backend for Orca.  This
bypasses the Gnome Speech layer completely.  Since Speech Dispatcher
offers several speech synthesizers not supported by Gnome Speech, this
may be essential for some people and the Orca - Gnome Speech - Speech
Dispatcher - synthesizer aproach has inherent problems.  This might
solve your problem too.

Please, see also the common TTS API draft at  This is a common effort of Free
Desktop and FSG.

Best regards, Tomas

Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Off-topic announcement: Free On-line Courses of English and German language for blind people

2006-05-03 Thread Tomas Cerha

I am sorry for an off-topic announcement, but I believe this might be an
interesting information for many participants of this list.

Brailcom is pleased to announce, that our project of free, Internet
based language courses for blind people was finished and the results are
available on-line to anyone interested.  The courses are designed to
allow self-studying and are accessible using free software tools.

English and German language courses are available in two levels:
Intermediate and Advanced.

Find more at

Any feedback is welcome.

Best regards

Tomas Cerha

Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project

gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Common AT config panel

2006-05-02 Thread Tomas Cerha
Hynek Hanke wrote:
 I'd like to propose to move this thread to
 so that it is not spread across several mailing list,
 people know where to post replies and we have an archive.
 The mailing list at Freedesktop currently has subscribes
 from a wide range of accessibility projects both from graphical
 desktops and from the console and is a place where also other
 similar points of cooperation are being discussed. I also
 invite everyone who is interested to join if he didn't do
 that already. It is a low-traffic list.
 More information is on

I just want to inform those, who are not yet subscribed to the
accessibility mailing list at, that I started a new
thread Common Configuration Framework which is closely related to the
topic of this thread.  See
for more information.

Best regards, Tomas Cerha

Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

Re: Orca 0.2.3

2006-04-24 Thread Tomas Cerha
Janina Sajka wrote:
 PS: This is also an opportunity for our f/oss environment to provide
 greater accessibility than people have come to expect on platforms like
 Windows and Macintosh. I believe those two environments rely on gui
 configuration tools, so I am not surprised people would talk about
 wanting gui configuration tools. But, it's the wrong approach.

That's a good point.  When a user says: I want THIS, the greatest
problem sometimes is to realize what THIS actually is...

Best regards


Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list