Aubrey Li wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> On Jan 25, 2008 1:52 PM, Tim Spriggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Aubrey,
>>     1) If you add the CSW sources [1] you can install the csw mercurial.
>> Beyond that, if you compile hg from ubuntu sources you can submit the
>> buildable source via "dput" for inclusion into the Nexenta repository.
> I'm new to deb. But I love it, ;-)
> I tried to build a deb package. See the attachment.
> Since it's not built from the source, I don't have .changes file.
> How to upload it?
> And, do you have a detail and handy instruction about how
> to obtain ubuntu package to convert to nexenta package?
> I know this is difficult. You have to check the dependency manually.
> Is that right?
>>     4) "screen" is a good replacement and works on more than just the
>> console.
> But the default session is console. I tried to install x-window and start it,
> but it doesn't work. Any clue?
> Thanks,
> -Aubrey
Great :) .deb is my favorite package format. You'll need a changes file 
to upload to the Nexenta repository. It should be generated 
automatically when you build a package from sources. I'm curious to know 
how you built this package without building it from a source?

I just created a wiki page with the basic steps to porting a package. As 
you run into difficulty feel free to update the page or let me know and 
I'll try to help and update the page as well.

As far as X is concerned, I'm not sure as I don't use X on my servers 
but you should probably check the x configuration. Also, it is just X 
and not a display manager/window manager.

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