[Goanet] India's chaotic lesson in letting go

2015-09-19 Thread Bosco D'Mello
India's chaotic lesson in letting go
By Eric Weiner
15 September 2015

I first stepped on Indian soil some 20 years ago, determined to change the
place. I didn’t want to change everything about India, of course, just the
parts that I found exceedingly frustrating: the Darwinian scramble at bus
stops and train stations, the freestyle driving, the liberal interpretation
of a scheduled appointment, the noncommittal answers that were more than a
“no” yet less than a “yes”. Determined to change all this, I considered
myself a Reformer, and I went about my mission with the gusto of the naïve
and misguided.

Reformers don’t last long in India. Invariably, you see them packing their
bags, grumbling about India being an “impossible place”. The Acceptor, on
the other hand, knows that Indian civilisation has been around for a very
long time and is not about to change because some baggy-pants wearing,
camera-toting traveller wants it to.

I arrived in India a Reformer but left an Acceptor. I came to realise that
India was not going to bend; I was the one who needed to bend. Otherwise,
I’d endure a breakdown – or worse, life without India, and the lessons it


[Goanet] Books to learn Konkani

2011-02-12 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Based on a query I received earlier today, I am trying to compile a list 
of self-help books to learn Konkani.

Can anybody recommend titles, authors, etc.

Thank you - Bosco

[Goanet-News] APPEAL: Blood replacement required

2011-01-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello

John Mascarenhas of Cansa, Tivim will be undergoing surgery in Goa on 
January 22, 2011.

Blood type A+ replacement donation required at Goa Medical College 
(GMC), Bambolim, Goa.

Kindly quote the name of John Mascarenhas when going to donate blood.

Thank you.

- Bosco

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[Goanet] APPEAL: Blood replacement required

2011-01-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello

John Mascarenhas of Cansa, Tivim will be undergoing surgery in Goa on 
January 22, 2011.

Blood type A+ replacement donation required at Goa Medical College 
(GMC), Bambolim, Goa.

Kindly quote the name of John Mascarenhas when going to donate blood.

Thank you.

- Bosco

Re: [Goanet] Have the Guts to Name Yourself Goenkars

2009-09-08 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

From: augusto pinto

 But by and large those who use  these pseudonyms are cowards who use the
 cover of their pen names to attack their enemies. I wish that people like
 joegoauk who generally do contribute positively would come out and use
 their real names because it is because of people like him that malicious
 people get an excuse to ply their foul trade.


#1) Joegoauk - that's his name, Joe.

#2) He is no coward, perhaps has no enemies either.

#3) Joe is not responsible for the irresponsible behaviour of others including 
and me.

#4) You have met Joe. So have I.

#5) Perhaps you should point out the irregularities in Joe's postings instead 
linking Joe with pseudonyms.

- B 

Re: Cancer Decisions� - Simoncini's Bicarbonate Treatment For Cancer

2009-09-08 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: Ivo da C.Souza

 At the beginning of the 1900s, one person out of 100 died of cancer; today
 it is one out of three.
 We foresee that within a few years one out of two people will die of cancer.

RESPONSE: The top 10 causes of death from the World Health Organization:


- B

Re: [Goanet] Houston: Joe Fernandes' murder caught on video

2009-09-03 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: Eddie Fernandes

 1 Sep: ABC Local. It was the first day of work for 54-year-old Joe
 Fernandes. he came face to face with three gunmen who robbed him, then
 murdered him. In the surveillance video, you can see the masked men jump
 behind the counter and harass Fernandes for money before shooting him dead.


RESPONSE: Oh dear! This looks like Drummer Joe from Kuwait. Tragic!!

Thanks Eddie for sharing the news story!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Goans lived in misery under Portuguese

2009-09-02 Thread Bosco D'Mello
The subject line is sure to catch our attention.

-Original Message-
From: sallesfons...@.

 The main purpose of Fr. Theotónio is to blame Portugal and nothing
 else! However, he lives in Portugal and is paid by a portuguese

RESPONSE: The first edition of this book was published in 1979 when Teotonio 
in Goa. That edition was sold out and a copy was hard to come by. I hope more 
read about our history not just from Teotonio but also people like Joaquim 
da Cunha Rivara [1], Shirodkar and more

 Of course he is not a recognisable historian because of his partiality.

RESPONSE: There was a vibrant debate on Goanet some weeks ago about the alleged 
of Priolkar vis-a-vis the Inquisition. I guess somebody or the other will 
always see 
bias in a historian's writing. Nevertheless, we should read all views and 
perspectives - pro and contra and make up our own mind. Historians usually have 
to backup their assertions. But read we must for a better understanding of our 
history whether it is palatable or not.

- B

[1] Goa and the Revolt of 1787
Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara
(Edited by Charles J. Borges, 1996)

Re: [Goanet] Why people believe in lies?

2009-09-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

Mario responds:

 Those reading this and comparing it with Bosco's false characterization
 above will be able to easily see why Bosco has to resort to misrepresentations
 and abuse, because he has no facts or logic at his disposal.

RESPONSE: Abuse? Read what you write!! Therein you will find the abuse you seek.

 Has anyone seen Bosco acknowledge that seriously ill patients in Canada are 
 routinely subjected to rationed care?

RESPONSE: More distortions!!

 Has anyone seen Bosco acknowledge that MANY (caps by Bosco) Canadians have to 
 to the US, where there are no waiting lists, if they want to live?

RESPONSE: MANY?? Many as in more than Some?? Bah!! More distortions!!

 Yet, while shutting his eyes tightly to the facts that are emerging from
 the leadership physicians in Canada, he continues to describe my balanced
 reporting as More distortions!! Accompanied with smears, personal
 invective, gratuituous comments, etc.

RESPONSE: Even more distortions!!

 Readers should make up their own minds as to who is really engaging in
 distortions, smearing, personal invective and gratuitous comments.

RESPONSE: Nobody is reading your bhashans. If you are looking for distortions, 
smearing, personal invective and gratuitous comments, read what you write.

 Here we see Bosco suggesting that the last word on this subject
 should be his deliberate DISTORTIONS AND half-truths about the
 Canadian health care system, which the incoming President of the
 Canadian Medical Association recently said was imploding.

RESPONSE: You are not a Canadian and neither do you live in Canada. 
artistry will not help you understand issues. You have no idea of reality in 

 Just in case Bosco doesn't understand what the word means,
 imploding means, to break down or fall apart from within.

RESPONSE: I can see your constant bouts of last-wordism on every issue is 
you to implode with regularity. Sometimes you are wrong! Just plain wrong but 
continue to froth and squirm.

 Bosco and Mervyn are within the Canadian health care system and
 by denying facts and incoherently lashing out at honest criticisms,
 are inhibiting any rational discussion as to what can be done about
 that sorry situation, at least in this forum.

RESPONSE: You demonstrate with regularity, you are not capable of rational 
discussion. Just.you guessed it...distortions, smearing, directing 
personal invective at others alongwith gratuitous comments. When you stop all 
I will gladly indulge in rational discussion with you.

Back to School.Say NO to Plagiarism from the cut-and-paste artists!!

- B 

Re: [Goanet] Alfred, Now we can only hum --

2009-08-29 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Gabe Menezes

Mary Hopkin, Welsh lassie:-


RESPONSE: The record was released 31 yrs ago, today [1]. Ironic!!

- B

[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Hopkin

Re: [Goanet] Why people believe in lies?

2009-08-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

In this thread, in response to Mario, I responded with two words:

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 22:48:46 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello

More distortions!!

Mario responded again.:

 Are we supposed to believe Bosco...blah, blah, blah..

..with 335 words..much of it.you guessed it..More 
Accompanied with smears, personal invective, gratuituous comments, etc.

- B
PS. Standby, another response from Mario is expected with more of the 
guessed it again...distortions accompanied with smears, personal invective, 
gratuituous comments, etc. There is no cure for a severe bout of last-wordism!!

Re: [Goanet] Why we believe in lies?

2009-08-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Contributing evidence comes to us from the horror stories from
 Canada and Britain several of which have been published on Goanet.
 Americans will not put up with being told they cannot see a primary
 care physician [Canada],

RESPONSE: More distortions!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Ted Kennedy Dead

2009-08-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Mario responds:

 I have lived in America for 38 years with and among physicians and
 have never heard anyone say, In America today, death is an option.

 Any American who says anything like this would need their head
 examined or be in a straitjacket already.

RESPONSE: Perhaps Google can help:


- B

Re: [Goanet] Written by a Pakistani journalist about India

2009-08-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Samir Kelekar

Reposted from inter...@yahoogroups.com; this could be a good retort to Abdul 


 Written by a Pakistani journalist about India [MUST READ]

 Capital suggestion
 By Dr Farrukh Saleem

 Here's what is happening in India:

 The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the
 Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to
 spare. The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced
 over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to
 spare. The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest


#1) The first paragraph of the above piece is identical to the last paragraph 
of an 
article authored by Lahore-based columnist, Masood Hasan on January 13/08 in 
the The 
News (Jung)


#2) Dr Farrukh Saleem is the executive director of the Centre for Research and 
Security Studies (CRSS) and writes a regular column titled Capital Suggestion 
The News (Jung). His latest piece can be found at:


#3) However Khushwant Singh states (in May 2008) Dr Saleem's article was 
in September 2007. No original sources or references are provided.


The inherent risks of circulating content from blogs and mailing lists without 
identifying the original date and place of publication tends to perpetuate the 
legends - facts or hoaxes, its anyone's guess.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Who is REALLY running India?

2009-08-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 10. Kerala is the only 100% Literate State in India .

RESPONSE: The Govt of Kerala website states as per the 2001 Indian Census, 
was at 90.92% [1]

 12. The last Indian representative to the Miss Universe contest was also a 

RESPONSE: #1 - Ekta Chowdhry is from Kerala
#2 - Who watches beauty pageants in the 21st century???

 Hats Off to Kerala

RESPONSE: Down with plagiarism!!!

- B

[1]  http://www.kerala.gov.in/education/status.htm

Re: [Goanet] Abdul Kalam's Letter to every Indian

2009-08-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Now I find a speech by the brilliant but tonsorially-challenged ex-President
 Abdul Kalam that did just that back in January, 2009, which somehow none of
 our Indian Goanetters found of enough interest to post here:



 Take a person on his way to Singapore. Give him a name - 'YOURS'. Give him a 
 face - 'YOURS'.

 YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In 
 you don't
 throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores.

RESPONSE: This is another hoax article unless the date and location of the 
publication of this piece is provided or if this was a speech, the date and 
where it was made.

Another bout of hollow jingoism!! I doubt the thorough gentleman, Abdul Kalam 
address his fellow citizens as above.

- B 

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-25 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

Mario responds on August 24, 2009:

 a) I have not demonized anyone by name, but, since you brought it up:


Mario on another thread on August 24, 2009 with the subject:

Marlon's maniacal misrepresentations continue


No-no, Mario does not demonize anybody. He was complimenting Marlon, at least 
in his 
head. Gilbert was very accurate when he stated Mario made conflicting 
statements in 
the same post. Here we see him make conflicting statements on the same day.

Since it is a new Monday, a new week, let me remind Mario - your posts contain 
distortions, smears, personal invective, sarcasm and demonizing of fellow 
who you disagree with. You have been doing it for the past 5 years.

Let us know when you want to have a real discussion on any issue. In the 
inform you handlers, the party is over!!

- B
PS. As far as FDR is concerned, you would have done well to live in Goa longer 
the 10 days each winter to learn more about Forsu, Duming and Roldao!!

PPS. Have you paid the 5 bucks for a subscription of Pajama TV??

Re: [Goanet] healthcare in US

2009-08-24 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Gabe Menezes

 A question for Goa residents, if one visits a private hospital, like say 
 Apollo in Margao, would they
 milk you for all that they can?

RESPONSE: We underestimate the relationships between Doctors, Pharma and 
Pathological labs everywhere.

- B
PS. Soon it will be Monday! Brace yourself!!

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:


-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Nice try, Bosco, but anyone who reads my posts knows that I respond with

 facts and logic and robust common sense, on topic, whereas you often do

 not do this.

RESPONSE: Don't delude yourself, Mario. Your posts contain distortions, smears, 
personal invective, sarcasm and demonizing of fellow Goanetters who you 

 Almost always, at least one of three of your cronies piggyback off your

 posts, or vice versa, also ignoring the topic.

RESPONSE: There you go..personal invective and demonizing of Goanetters 
from you 
instead of sticking to a thread or subject under discussion. You just cannot 

 I have shown above what happens when my post is on the topic at hand and

 you are unable to keep up with the discussion - you resort to ridicule and

 gratuitous insults often with not a single reference to the topic of the


RESPONSE: You have resorted to personal invective and demonizing. Dont expect 
anything less in a response. Why would anybody want to respond to you in any 
way? Why would anybody want to debate any subject with you when all you do in 
is distort, smear, direct personal invective, sarcasm and demonize fellow 
who you disagree with. In 5 years where have all the people who debated you in 
past gone? Dont delude yourself into flights of fancy. Your bouts of 
does not necessarily mean what you disseminate here are facts. You merely 
the propaganda you receive - from your Inbox to our Inbox. Ofcourse in the 
you make it look like you authored it.

You will reap as you sow!! And Shantidoot can look after himself. As is your 
you cannot respect Shantidoot's decision to return to the shadows. Mind you, 
you can 
do bugger all about anything other than type your 4 msgs, 5 days a week because 
does not cost you a penny!! And on the 5th day you contradict what you wrote on 
1st day.

Have you paid the $5 subscription for your news outlet - Pajama TV?? Unlikely, 
you are an alleged conservative who would rather Paulson not bail out any of 
banks. Instead of a recession, perhaps you were rooting for a depression.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Local businessman, 32, drowned at Miramar beach

2009-08-19 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel de Figueiredo

 Sorry, I am not being uncharitable here. Any Goan worth his salt knows

 that going into those waves in this season, is suicidal.

RESPONSE: It was December 31, 2007. The sun was going down on 2007 and I was at 
Miramar beach with the kiddies. The beach was very crowded and noisy. 
young men came from the water's edge carrying the body of a young man in a 
sheet. He 
had drowned a little while earlier. Another avoidable death, perhaps.

JoeGoaUK was at the beach that day.

- B

Re: [Goanet] The Pope's moral blunders on outsourcing S AAiyar(Times of India)

2009-08-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 The economically weakest nations, like Zimbabwe and many other
 African nations, many Latin American nations, and Cuba and N. Korea,
 are economic basket cases because of their own corruption,
 oppression and incompetent internal policies which assume that a small
 number of powerful elites know what's good for everyone else, better
 than they do.

#1) What has Zimbabwe, N. Korea, etc have to do with the Pope in this instance? 
even Aiyar-ji for that matter.

#2) I suppose the 'powerful elites' referred to above also include the 
pinheads on Wall Street who have sucked trillions of dollars of the tax-payers 

#3) Weeks later, Aiyar-ji continues to confound Mario-G. Kamaal hai!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Will the Goan American reactionaries please stand-up

2009-08-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence

 Hi Bosco,

 Rather than writing 4 to 5 goanet posts a day, and cause
 Goanet moderators some pirachit, the reactionary post-master
 should do some reading.  But not the Palin twitter messages!
 Perhaps the right-winger should read the following post GOPs
 misplaced rage by a leading conservative economist.

RESPONSE: Gilbert, I hope you are not reading amcho Mario's 4 to 5 fugotios per 
5 days a week. If you are, I say, get rid of your pirachit. Dont you have 
more important to do like average people? Kitem re??

Mario is so predictable that you can pick any of his msgs, write a one-liner 
and get 
him to write a Pee-Etch-Dee thesis in response. Usually he is not coherent. 
This is 
email afterall. Costs zilch like his source for news, Pajamas TV. If he had to 
and send his posts, we would never hear from him; as a true conservative, he 
be conservative with his moolah too. Mind you, sometimes, by Friday he is 
contradicting what he wrote on Monday, or totally strayed from the thread, etc, 
etcand with the weekend break..total amnesia!!!

Follow my cue

- B

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

 Mario observes:

 In the post by Bosco identified above and the comment he has
 highlighted by Gilbert, we see that tendency once again, where
 there is no attempt to address any points made on a contentious
 subject, just a deliberate attempt to personally ridicule
 someone they apparently disagree with but are unable to rebut
 with any real facts or opinions.

RESPONSE: Folks, please excuse Mario. His corn is hurting now that the shoe is 
the other foot. As we can see, he cannot take it like he gives it.

Arre Mariodont become fugar and play to the audience. This is no tiatr. As 
Russell Peters says - Be a man!! Oh! And try to stick to the topic at hand. 
For an 
example of a 'contentious subject' you seek, explain:

What has Zimbabwe, N. Korea, etc have to do with the Pope in this instance? Or 
Aiyar-ji for that matter. [1]

As far as personal ridicule is concerned, the ball is in your court. You will 
addressed the way you address others. Samja kya??
If your posts are on the topic at hand without any smears and gratuituous 
you will receive responses on the topic at hand. If you errwell 
thenas you sow so shall you reap!!!

- B


[Goanet] Photos from Goa

2009-08-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com

Photos from Goa:


Re: [Goanet] Will the Goan American reactionaries please stand up?

2009-08-12 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Americans, who refuse to even carpool or subjugate
 their independence to public transportation, will
 not put up with some nameless, faceless bureaucrat
 putting them on a waiting list or deciding what pain
 medication they can take or what test or procedure
 they cannot have.

RESPONSE: Which Americans are these?? Those that are losing their jobs, houses, 
faster than the spurious emails coming from the above author?? 7 million lost 
in the past 18 months?? [1]
2.3 million US homeowners faced foreclosure on their properties in 2008. Close 
2.5 million properties for sale at www.foreclosure.com

It appears we have an author here who is deeply rooted in fantasy and unable 
unwilling to separate illusion from truth. Sounds like a die-hard fan of 

 We have a saying in America, You get what you pay for.
 The best never comes cheap, and the best does not involve
 waiting in line for a medical procedure or test when your
 life may be in jeopardy, or suffering excruciating pain
 because some government bureaucrat says so.

RESPONSE: Which America is this?? Reality check!! If you ain't got a job, how 
do you 
pay for essentials let alone medical procedures?? The above quote from the 
reminds me of Sheldon Wolin's Inverted Totalitarianism [2]. Pulitzer Prize 
Christopher Hedges elucidates it well too in his new book, Empire of Illusion: 
End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle [3]. An interview transcript can 
found at [4].

And he argues that we live in a system that he calls inverted totalitarianism. 
classical totalitarianism, in classical totalitarianism, like fascism or 
economics is always subordinate to politics. But in inverted totalitarianism, 
politics is subordinate to economics. And with a rise of the consumer society, 
the commodification of everything, including human beings and natural 
resources, you 
have built into it a form, an inevitable form of self annihilation. Because 
has intrinsic value when society is no longer recognized as sacred. You exhaust 
everything for their, for its ability to make money. No matter how much human 
you create, no matter how much you go, how far you go to destroy the ecosystem 
is sustaining the human species. And that with the rise of celebrity culture, 
consumer culture, and on federate capitalism, you get what Benjamin Demott has 
called, I think quite correctly, junk politics.

How many trillions down and how long will it take to recover them, if at all?? 
Everybody loves the good times however we are presented with dimpled xenophobia 
on a 
daily basis, 4 times each day, Monday thru Friday from the above author, better 
known as the voice of distorting the truth and the source of endless 

- B



[2] http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8606.html



Re: [Goanet] Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2009

2009-08-11 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-

Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2009 did not pass unanimously
 opposition (BJP) did made walk out show.
 Manohar Parrikar Opposition leader made some statement regarding
 powers of Deputy Director of Panchayat, Sarpanch, Mamletdar etc.
 there could be conflicting orders, some overriding powers in the new
 amendment,. Whole opposition MLA's Walk out against Amendments.

RESPONSE: Barve-ji, does the record of the Goa Legislature for the Goa 
Panchayat Raj 
(Amendment) Bill, 2009 show any votes against the Bill? It does not matter what 
how many statements Manohar Parrikar (MP) made. If MP did not vote against the 
in the Legislature, it means MP and the Opposition (BJP) merely provided their 
approval in passing the Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill. All the walking and 
talking is not going to alter the record of the Legislature.

As has often been demonstrated all our MLAs are in cahoots, irrespective of 
party affiliations.

- B

Re: [Goanet] The Goan crab mentality in action

2009-08-10 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 What we see above is a graphic example of the infamous Goan crab
 mentality in action: two Goanetters falling over each other to be
 critical without having any idea what they are talking about

RESPONSE: And so the King Crab spoke!!

Soon it will be Monday of a new week. And we will hear from him 4 times each 
unlike Saturday and Sunday!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] The Pope's moral blunders on outsourcing S AAiyar(Times of India)

2009-08-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/


-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Ooops!  Looks like Bosco has stepped in cow-cakes again:-))

RESPONSE: Wht?? Mario located more people like him, more people that 
did a number on!! Shabash!!! And Mario is yet to read the referenced 48-page 
encyclical from the Pope. Shabash again!!!

 I wonder what part of my comments above did Bosco fail to understand?

RESPONSE: The same part that Mario fails to understand; stuff that he writes. 


RESPONSE: And why all these links?? Mario has already been crowned the top 
cut-and-paste artist here while at the same time having close to zero knowledge 
about what he writes about. Numero Uno!!!. Mind you with all these links he is 
forwarding from the anti-Bush liberal media, perhaps he is like the proverbial 
in sheep's clothing [1] - lambasting Obama while being a local campaign manager 
propping up the Dems.

I hope Carmen does not take Mario's pomposity seriously. He is after all the 
of the top cut-and-paste artist. He is best at taking jabs at fellow 
Does it on a daily basis. He ensures we see his name four times each day except 

Whaaat?? Ohh!! You are welcome, Mario!! I know you like cup-cakes!

- B

[1] -  Wolf In Sheep's Clothing   by   This Providence

Re: [Goanet] The Pope's moral blunders on outsourcing S A Aiyar(Times of India)

2009-08-06 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

-Original Message-
From: George Pinto

 I am surprised Aiyar writes an article without quoting the
 actual piece he takes exception to. Here is the link to the
 Pope's encyclical, CHARITY IN TRUTH


-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 The Vatican's business is religion and morals.  When they
 wade into economics and business they can be as moronic as
 Karl Marx, the Nehru family, Fidel and Raul Castro.

 Who the hell does Pope Benny think pays for his Gucci shoes
 and opulent palaces and royal lifestyle..

 The Pope should be thankful for their largesse or he may have
 to find a job and do some useful work that generates an income

 My advice to the Vatican, Stick to religion and helping the
 poor, and stay the hell away from economics.

RESPONSE: Oops!! Looks like Aiyar-ji did a number on Mario-G!! Best advice is 
gratuituous advice from Mario-G!! Fulfilled his daily quota, all without 
reading any 

- B

Re: [Goanet] Goan Emigration -3

2009-08-02 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence

 To me, it appears the British recruited the Indians who were best suited for
 the job-at-hand ... naturally. Their sepoys were Gurkha, Sikhs and other
 ethnic Hindus with in-bred fighting skills. India provided Britain with
 670,000 men for World War I and contributed two-and-a half million men for
 World War II. This was two-and-half times the contribution of Australia
 and four times the contribution of Canada.

RESPONSE: Without seeking to diminish the sacrifices of Indians in the two 
wars of the 20th century, I dont think it is appropriate to state India's 
contribution of fighting forces in plain numerical terms. A comparison of 
contributed and casualties incurred to the populations in each country perhaps 
indicate many countries with smaller populations endured a fair share of the 
casualties - military and civilian.

I am intrigued to learn of Goans who fought in past wars in various countries 
are enlisted in the Indian armed forces in contemporary times. More on this 

- B


(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I_casualties

(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties

Re: [Goanet] Does your doctor judge you based on your color? -CNN.com

2009-07-31 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

-Original Message-

Mario wrote:

 As we can plainly see, for Bosco, anyone who points out the notorious
 waiting lists in the FREE Canadian health care system for any serious
 medical procedure is a right wing conservative nut.

RESPONSE: Mario, you DO NOT live in Canada. You live in the US and your news is 
doctored in your 'interest'. The whole world knows that. However you are the 
cut-and-paste artist here while at the same time having close to zero knowledge 
about what you write about. Numero Uno!!!

You are welcome to wallow in the xenophobia dished out to Americans by the 
likes of 
NCPA. No tangible data, just chest-thumping. Perhaps you are hooked on Shona 
too, who shows up on your tube at every commercial break.

You have been trained well by the 'establishment'. You, having little positive 
say about your own situation, but eager to put-down everybody else, Canadian 
Healthcare, British NHS, European socialists, Goan electorate, etc, etc... You 
are a 
typical political operative who only seeks to invent a boogie-man so that you 
then tear it down. There is little positive you can say about your own 
situation. We 
see this cycle every couple of years in Sep-Nov in the US from the pol-ops.

 WARNING: Here is a video report on Canadian health care that Bosco
 should not watch because it will definitely put him on some waiting
 list up in Health Care Heaven, a.k.a. Canada:


RESPONSE: If you are depending on an outlet called Pajamas TV for your news, 
sure you also believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy too. So I will not 
your bubble. Keep blowing!!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Does your doctor judge you based on your color? -CNN.com

2009-07-29 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath, www.sangath.com, is looking to build a centre for services, training 
and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas. Please contact: contac...@sangath.com 
or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:32 PM
To: goa...@goanet.org


RESPONSE: In June 2009 Mario passed off a few links bashing Canadian 
Healthcare. At 
the time it was demonstrated [1] Mario was pushing right-wing think-tanks who 
purported to write the 'gospel' on the state of Canadian Healthcare.

Today he forwards a link from NCPA that details how Americans are living in the 
Garden of Eden.

Once again Mario has forwarded links from a right-wing, conservative think-tank 
seeks to promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, 
problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private 
sector [2]. In order words, those Americans who cannot afford to pay for 
should be denied healthcare.

The rest of Mario's gratuituous comments are ignored as he disgorges them here 
on a 
daily basis.

- B


[1] http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2009-June/178627.html

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Center_for_Policy_Analysis

Re: [Goanet] Re-writing history

2009-07-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello
On Thu Jul 16 08:35:06 PDT 2009, Mario Goveia wrote:

 BTW, Iraq is now a sovereign democracy and a member of the UN

RESPONSE: Now?? Now?? Now a member of the UN?? Now??
Iraq was admitted to the United Nations on December 21, 1945 [1]

And 'now a sovereign democracy' we are told. Bah!!!

The Economist Intelligence Unit's Index of Democracy lists Iraq in last place 
Hybrid Regimes. It is classified as a borderline Authoritarian Regime, in 2006 
and 2008 [3]. Between 2006 and 2008 Iraq's ranking on the Index of Democracy 
from 112 to 116. That is certainly a major feat and something to crow about 
some quarters.

Democracy [4] - majority rule or tyranny of the majority

But what do we have here??  Re-writing history or fabricating history??

- B

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_member_states

[2] http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/DEMOCRACY_INDEX_2007_v3.pdf


[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy

Re: [Goanet] British citizens buying property in Goa

2009-07-02 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 I live in the USA which has perspicaciously become an economic
 and military superpower by gladly using other people's brains
 and other people's money and every resident, whether citizen
 or not, is provided with all the considerable constitutional
 rights, other than the right to vote.

RESPONSE: (A)merican (I)nternational (G)reed comes to mind! Alongwith 
(M)otors. OhLehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanley, CitiCorp, 
Sachs, BankAmits an extensive list [1]Mario is right.other 
(read present and future tax-payers') money was used to prop-up the legends of 
capitalism.vis-a-vis economic superpower.

Dont be laughing at Mervyn. The Gold 'conspiracy' is alive and well!!

Nevertheless, I do not see the connection with the sentiments of this thread - 
British citizens likely to lose their rights to properties purchased by them in 

- B

[1] - http://bailout.uslaw.com/?page_id=353

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-11 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

First off, I'm grateful to Mario for proving me right as I had asserted towards 
end of my previous post on this thread. Thank you Mario for being so 
Moving on

 Mario responds (excerpts) :

 On the other hand, Bosco and his cronies are left-leaning, liberal 
 Bosco objective information is to cite unsubstantiated anecdotes by a left 
 leaning crony who has admitted to being a socialist

It usually takes 2 messages in any thread for Mario to bring out the 
name-calling and abuse. When that happens, one can sit back and have a good 
knowing fully well that Mario has lost the debate, if at all there was a 
debate. Its 
time for him to throw tantrums and get giddy. That's when the binary bits get 

Here is a sample of Mario's conventional wisdom:

 accusing THEM of being biased, dishonest and greedy = personal invective 
 snide slurs

Keep that in mind folks everytime you read Mario's messages. When Mario accuses 
somebody of being biased, it means he is directing personal invective and/or 
a snide slur.

 Bosco only has biased personal anecdotes in response.

Ooops!!! Appears Mario just directed personal invective at me and/or introduced 
snide slur in this exchange. Naw-Naw, Mario..tch-tch-tch.you are 
your own grand-standing, no?? So predictable, yaar!!!

 So, let me provide another Canadian target and see how Bosco tries to 
 This one is John Turley-Ewart, the National Post's deputy comment Editor. In
 addition to writing editorials and op eds for the National Post and Financial 
 Turley-Ewart is a member of the National Post's editorial board:

WOT??? Did Mario just say National Post??? O-M-G!! National Post, the newspaper 
established by Lord Conrad Black, who is now languishing in the Coleman Federal 
Correction Complex in Orlando, FL. National Post, did he say?? The same 
that cannot afford a print-run 7-days a week?? Oh waitinstead of wasting my 
educating Mario, lets give him the link that is a tell-all. Hopefully he reads 


Whatever search engine Mario is using, it seems he only finds right-wing, 
conservative sources for his information. How very interesting!!

WRT the op-editor, who has been accused of Islamophobia, among other 
wait, I guess that is enough reason for Mario to handout his business-card.

Do not misunderstand me, I read the National Post (hardcopy) almost every 
for a broader understanding of current issues and sometimes for a good laugh. 
Seriously, our own Goenkar, Fr Raymond J.deSouza, a descedent of Saligao, is a 
regular contributor to the National Post. See his recent column at:


Anyway Mario, I will put you out of your misery. This is my last contribution 
this thread. Many of us know you well enough. You are a cut-and-paste champion, 
whether you understand the subject under discussion in a thread or not. You 
argue endlessly even if the cows come home. 'Cut-and-Paste' accompanied with a 
gratuitous comments thrown-in = your opinion on issuesVoila!!

Another opportunity awaits you - The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda 
medicine - perhaps you do know something about the subject of this thread!!

Andare nella PaceakaGo in Peace!!

- Bosco

[Goanet] World Goa Day picnic - August 15th, 2009

2009-06-11 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-- Forwarded message --
From: G.O.A. News and Announcements
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:28 PM

G.O.A. Toronto Presents...
World Goa Day Picnic!

The Goan Overseas Association Toronto, Celebrating World Goa Day
Date: Saturday, August 15th, 2009
Location: Coronation Park 1426 Lakeshore Road West Oakville
(Third Line and Lakeshore Rd. W.)

Music provided by DJ Fatz / Dancing under Shelter Area.

Beach on site - safe for swimming.
(No Life Guard), splash pad, tot area, bike path, beach volleyball/soccer 
activities for children and more...
Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, refreshments

This year's picnic is our International Charity Picnic in aid of Mr. Kennedy 
DeSouza, who sadly lost his battle to a brain tumor. Funds collected will be 
sent to 
his wife and infant child in Nairobi, Kenya.

If you plan on attending, E-mail: sfurt...@goatoronto.com (by July 31st)
Let us know how many people are in your party.
Advise age  gender of children.
Details to follow.

Charitable Events - Goan Overseas Association, Toronto 

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Mario wrote:

 To the rest of Goanet, Bosco, who lives in Canada, as does Mervyn, says the 
 information I posted from 2-0-0-6 is outdated and tries to ridicule me for 
 posting it!!  Well, I just chose that one article from a plethora of sources 
 the wonders of the Canadian health care system and thus unintentionally 
 Bosco with the bait to embarrass himself:-))

 To be fair to myself, I DID say the FREE Canadian health care system works 
 for hang nails, and probably for coughs and colds and other simple procedures 
 are non-life-threatening as well.

 I wonder if information from March 26, 2009 written by serious Canadians who 
 actually study these things as compared with the supposed ad hoc views of 
 and relatives, will make a better impression on Bosco, or will he resort to 
 demonizing the messenger again.


 Hey, Bosco, I wonder if Nadeem Esmail is as greedy as Dr. Brian Day:-))

RESPONSE: 'Serious Canadians'!!! There is no such thing 'Study'?? This is 
not a 
replicate of the Cato Institute, ok!!!

The 'respected' Fraser Institute is a right-leaning, conservative think-tank 
registered charity. It is a promoter of greater private sector involvement in 
delivery of healthcare insurance and services [1] aka US-style of delivery of 
medicare. Naturally, it is opposed to the Canada Health Act and the 
role in delivering healthcare. Is it any surprise it generates reports saying 
sky is falling down on the Canadian Health System??

The 'respected' Fraser Institute has a luminous list of staffers. Among them 
Harris, former Conservative Premier of Ontario, famous for ravaging the 
health-system in the province of Ontario during his two-terms in office in the 
Another infamous staffer is Preston Manning, founder of the far-right Reform 
of Canada (1987 - 2000) [2]. Canada's current PM, Harper is a key-player from 
early Reform Party days.

Nadeem Esmail is employed by the Fraser Institute. He is Director, Health 
Performance Studies. He is employed by a conservative think-tank that opposes 
government's role in delivering healthcare.

Dr Brian Day, is the former president of the Canadian Medical Association. He 
is an 
advocate for privatizing health care. [3]

Having said that, no report or interview of any hot-shot is going to take away 
a first-hand experience that Mervyn describes himself. I can relate to several 
of severely ill friends who received timely care and made complete recoveries 
serious illnesses. On the flip-side the Canadian Health System is not perfect 
not consistent across the country. Health is a provincial portfolio.

The 'respected' Fraser Institute also generates another annual report - school 
report cards and ranking of schools in Ontario. Yes, I too notice the 
obsession with Ontario. Need I add, the institute promotes private schooling 
tax-payer/public-funded school boards.

Good luck with your cut-and-paste jobs!! Glad it keeps you busy..:-))
Nevertheless, can you take this thread back to its origins? More than unlikely, 
do prove me wrong!! Do you feel demonized, again??? Tch-tch-tch.:-))

- Bosco


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Institute

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reform_Party_of_Canada

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Day

[Goanet] Fwd: Dolphy D'souza, Pres. BCS on Civic Issues on CNN -IBN on June 10.

2009-06-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-- Forwarded message --
From: presid...@bcsabha presid...@bcsabha.org
Date: Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Dolphy D'souza, Pres. BCS on Civic Issues on CNN -IBN on June 10.

Dear Friends,

Watch Dolphy D'souza, as Citizen Journalist on Civic Issues on CNN-IBN .

The programme will be telecaston Wednesday, June 10: between 0800 a.m. to 0900 
and relayed again bet 1300 to 1400 hrs and 1500 hrs to 1600 hrs .

Thank you,


Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence


 Darn those instant references,  fact-checking, transcripts and video-links.
 More increasingly, the right-wing is being caught red-handed lying about the 

 See below:


I concur with the comments in para 1. All politicians are less than completely 

Re the weblink above - that is another in a series of partisan websites 
vis-a-vis US 
politics. It provides the opposite view of the links that Mario provides. I 
not use it as a reference for anything.

Arianna's theatrics on the tube are boring. Perhaps you are aware she was a 
right-winger in the 80s and 90s before turning into a liberal-Democrat after 
divorcing the oil-magnate [1].

- Bosco


[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Huffington

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-06 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 09:01:39 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Mervyn Lobo

 Looks like the US focus is on the costs of providing medical services.
 This is a significant difference from the Canadian focus which is?on 
 a quality life style for its residents.

 Mario responds:

 I wonder if Mervyn has spoken with any Canadians before writing this.
 If he had he would have discovered that the Canadian quality life style
 includes being put on a medical waiting list for anything more serious than a 

RESPONSE:  It is true, the Canada Health Act [1] does not serve 100% of 
100% of the time.!!! However it appears that Mervyn is speaking from personal 
experience. While the Canada Health Act was instituted by the the Canadian 
parliament (federal), its implementation is a provincial jurisdiction. Mervyn 
in Ontario. He knows first-hand how the health system is benefiting his family 
(immediate and extended) and friends. Personally, seeing how the Health system 
in Ontario is benefiting my friends (that includes non-active Goanetters), I 
have no 
hesitation in seconding Mervyn. Canada's Health Act is working well for the 
people I 
know. I'm sure there are exceptions.

But in today's world of instant information to draw attention to an article 
2006 is indicative ofoutdated facts!!! Get with the times, 
Mario2-0-0-6!!! Geeez!!!  Half of 2009 is almost over.

To follow wait times in Ontario and more importantly, to follow wait times for 
surgery for life-threatening illnesses do not depend on Mario's outdated 
Instead refer to the Govt of Ontario's website [2]:

The NY Times article that Mario refers us to talks about Dr Brian Day, a 
private health-care promoter. He hates the Canada Health Act as he cannot 
enough on account of it. Greed? Perhaps. Dr Brian Day is opposed to the Canada 
Health Act as he is prefers the for profit model. Is it any surprise that 
Mario is 
tooting Day's hornmind you from 2006.

Canadian Health System - Its better to hear first-hand from a Canadian, rather 
a cut-and-paste American!!!

- Bosco   aka  Goan-Canadian
Toronto, ON


[1]  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/medi-assur/cha-lcs/overview-apercu-eng.php


Re: [Goanet] PM Manmohan Singh

2009-04-24 Thread Bosco D'Mello

In reference to your post:


Is it safe to conclude that the weblinks you provided are kosher i.e. are they 
to the mainstream Indian press and not to websites that sport a bias towards a 
political party/cause??

While I distrust all politicians, I do admire the astuteness some display. It 
disappointing to see that India's leading political parties have thrust a 
septuagenarian and an octogenarian as Prime Ministerial candidates whether 
candidates lied or not.
That's all from me before I too am told to shut up. Geez!!!

- Bosco

From: Santosh Helekar

Atal Behari Vajpayee has been reported to have told a big lie. Please see:


Manmohan Singh also has been reported to have been telling blatant lies. Please 



L. K. Advani, of course, has been reported to be a liar, as well. Please see:



Lalu Prasad too is a habitual liar. Please see:


[Goanet] Slumdog Millionaire team donates $900K to help Mumbai slum kids

2009-04-16 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Slumdog Millionaire team donates $900K to help Mumbai slum kids

The team behind the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire has fulfilled an 
pledge to help the poor children living in Mumbai's slums.

The filmmakers announced Thursday they are donating $900,000 to the 
development charity Plan, which has been working in India for almost three 

The goal is to help improve help the lives of 5,000 children living in Mumbai 
communities over the next five years, including through education initiatives 
training in good hygiene and sanitation.

Having benefitted so much from the hospitality of the people of Mumbai, it is 
right that some of the success of the movie be plowed back into the city in 
where it is needed most and where it can make a real difference to some lives, 
Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire's U.K. director, said in a statement.


Re: [Goanet] US Capt rescued

2009-04-14 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

 OK nearly all Few far right wing Republicans, who follow Rush
 Limbaugh, may be sulking at the success occurring under President
 Obama's watch.

Mario observes:

 Secondly, Gilbert seems to be obsessed by Rush Limbaugh, a popular
 talk show host, even though we know from his comments that he does
 not listen to Mr. Limbaugh's show and gets his information from Mr.
 Limbaugh's political opponents.

From a recent opinion from the ever-entertaining Limbaugh:

Responding to a listener's call about flight of jobs, Limbaugh referred to 
Obama's statement that the jobs aren't coming back to US. He said, They're 
outsourced for a reason, an economic reason, and they're not coming back. If 
sitting out waiting for a job that's now being done by a slumdog in India, and 
you're waiting for that job to be cancelled, for the slumdog to be thrown out 
work, and you to get the job, it ain't going to happen.

Source: Top RJ in US calls Indian BPO workers 'slumdogs'

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Barad has posted an article on a subject that was highlighted here a month ago 
Goanet News:


What is Barad's misdeed in this instance??

- B

Re: [Goanet] Many Happy Returns!

2009-03-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello
From: Mario Goveia

 Without excusing what AIG has chosen to do with their bonuses, which should
 only be paid to those who create corporate value as a percentage of that value

RESPONSE: I take it you support the execs be paid bonuses. I concur. After all 
American International Greedy [1], company made 170 billion US dollars [2] last 
from new sources, no?? Yes, Billions!!

Many Happy Returns! And wish you many more!!

- B

[1] http://www.thebluebrick.net/christopherreeve.html


Re: [Goanet] A clarification over a very surprising development.

2009-03-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello
From: floriano

 Let it be known that Menorah Paprika and Florien Lobo are both bonfire Goons
 and are leaders of individual political thinking.

Floriano...for a moment I thought you had embraced Judaism and wanted to 
Hanuka fairly early this year, wanting to fire-up your Menorah with some spicy 

 It is a fact that the floosies who were working under-cover with camouflaged
 intensions through full page advertisements, promoting the BJP are now slowly
 coming out from the cold and exposing themselves.

Haven't you promoted MP / BJP in the past?? And condemned the Congress as the 

 And therefore, I rest my case.

Arre you are spending too much time in Court!! 

- B

[Goanet] India Pavilion Carassauga Festival (Mississauga, Canada)

2009-03-16 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Those interested in the sponsorship packages for this event may please contact 
Sounder Dilipan.

- Bosco

-- Forwarded message --
From: Sounder Dilipan dili...@netultimate.com
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 15:15:19 -0400
Subject: India Pavilion Carassauga Festival Sponsorship Package



May 22, 23 and 24, 2009

Hershey Centre, Missisauga

CARASSAUGA FESTIVAL  is  one of  the largest multicultural festivals in 
. More than thirty Communities/Countries will participate in this fun festival 
three days, showcasing their culture. India Pavilion attracts over 20,000 
every year and National Association of Indo-Canadians is privileged to host the 
pavilion since inception of this festival.

During this festival, we provide an opportunity to big and small 
business-houses to 
promote their services and products to the diverse population. This is more so 
your target market is South-Asians.

Following Sponsorship packages are offered.

Contact us ASAP for bookings

 Best Regards,

[Goanet] Festival of Holi - March 11, 2009

2009-03-10 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Holi (referred to as Phagwa in Bhojpuri), also called the Festival of Colours, 
is a 
popular Hindu spring festival observed in India

The main day, Holi, also known as Dhulheti, Dhulandi or Dhulendi, is celebrated 
people throwing coloured powder and coloured water at each other. Bonfires are 
the day before, also known as Holika Dahan (death of Holika) or Chhoti Holi 
Holi). The bonfires are lit in memory of the miraculous escape that young 
had when Demoness Holika, sister of Hiranyakashipu, carried him into the fire. 
Holika was burnt but Prahlad, a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu, escaped without 
injuries due to his unshakable devotion.

Holi is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalugna or Falguna 
Purnima), which usually falls in the later part of February or March. In 2009, 
(Dhulandi) is on 11th March and Holika Dahan is on 10th March.
Rangapanchami occurs a few days later on a Panchami (fifth day of the full 
marking the end of festivities involving colours.

Read more about the significance, rituals of Holi and more at:


Re: [Goanet] Chinese goods

2009-03-10 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Samir Kelekar

 Indeed, China has created a revolution in manufacturing and has effectively

 become the manufacturing power house of the world.

RESPONSE: Not surprising .. China has overtaken the United States as the 
biggest producer of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas.


- B

Re: [Goanet] Did Narendra Modi Play Communial Card At Margao?

2009-03-08 Thread Bosco D'Mello
From: cedrico dacosta:

 As appeared in the Goa Observer...feb 28, 2009 edition:

 Did Narendra Modi Play Communial Card At Margao?

 Did the BJP play a communial card last sunday 15/2/2009
 at Aquem, Margao where the much hyped public rally of BJP's
 fanatic Narendra Modi?

 While at the same time barely 200mts from the church
 inuagration Narendra Modi and his BJP cohots like Manohar
 Poriker were propogating the communial agenda of the BJP.

RESPONSE: It appears the Select-Copy-Paste of text into the poster's email 
failed as 
the text was corrupted. What was posted here was not identical to what was 
posted in 
the GoaN Observer...feb 28, 2009 edition. See link below.


Unless ofcourse the poster deliberately mis-stated Goa Observer instead of Goan 
Observer! Creative, but not very creative!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] DNA: India: Cow urine soft drink all set to hit markets

2009-03-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello
From: FN]

 As a counter question: do scientific tests support the possibility

 that smoking and alcohol are good for health? Or that nuclear weapons

 benefit humankind?

RESPONSE: If India and Pakistan did not posses nuclear weapons, we would be at 
with major consequences, at least twice in the past decade, if nuclear weapons 
not part of the equation. That is a benefit!!

- B

[Goanet] Generating Clean Electricity in Goa

2009-03-05 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Any solution to global climate change will eventually have to involve the whole 
globe, not just the richest countries.

That's why deals like the one announced Tuesday between Pasadena's eSolar and 
Indian conglomerate Acme Group (http://acme.in/)  are essential to any truly 
global future. ESolar will sell Acme 1,000 megawatts worth of solar thermal 
technology, so that the latter can build a network of solar power plants in 
northern state of Haryana.

SOURCE:  http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/03/devworldgreen.html

COMMENT:   Compared to Haryana does Goa receive longer hours of sunlight?? If 
so, a 
project like this could be the answer to Goa's electricity shortages. Hills 
of iron-ore are perhaps ideal to locate this technology.  Perhaps the air is 
polluted in Haryana??

CAVEAT:  Project can only fly if Goa's politicians can siphon 80% of project 

- B

Re: [Goanet] Slum dog millionaire

2009-02-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello
 We Demand Total Cultural Freedom!
 'The Freedom' We Must Have!

 Nascy Caldeira

 Down Under


Perhaps you saw Slumdog Millionaire far too many times, eh?? And more than your 
stomach is churning.kitem re?? Are you still hearing voices in your head??

When you sign your name could you also include the local time. For e.g. Down 
Under - 
10am or Down Under - 6:45pm

- B

T-dot - 9:58pm..oops 9:59pm

Re: [Goanet] Save the Environment: Eat Beef!

2009-01-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-Original Message-
From: Anthony M Barreto

 Mass massacre apart, as an environmentalist I do my bit by being a beef eater.
 And like minded people should consider the option and help reduce global 

Reminded me of Matt talking of Mark Bittman aka The Minimalist on the radio 
morning. Mark is visiting Toronto today, I think, to promote his new book. 
being a celebrity chef, Mark is big on his Dont Eat Beef mantra and his 
column has 
a huge following. Not me, as yet!



- B 

Re: [Goanet] Slumdog Millionaire: Freida Pinto and Suzanne D'Mello

2009-01-16 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-Original Message-
From: Eddie Fernandes

 Rene Barreto, who has been uncharacteristically silent...

RESPONSE: He is on the road, soon to surface in Vasco, if not already there.

Many thanks for the links to Dreams of Fire. Nice!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu congregation in Panjim

2009-01-15 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-Original Message-
From: edward desilva

 Bosco said:
 Original: Haven't you heard of wrong information being fed to educated 
 Catholics?If you walk around Goa and make comments like above, will the 
 peace and 
 quiet remain??- B

 Edward said:
 If someone said all Goan Christians should gather in Panjim, how many do you 
 will do? Bosco! - there will be more spectators of other religion than 

RESPONSE: All your conspiracy theories are not going to distract from your 
irresponsible statements made in this post:


You would do yourself a favour by acknowledging your lapse instead of setting 
off on 
anectodal stories that are disconnected from your original transgression.

 Is that why my postings are delayed for questioning, before they are posted 
 often rejected!

RESPONSE: Your postings are delayed because they have to be rejected more often 
not. Help yourself here. I can't!!

- B

Re: [Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu congregation in Panjim

2009-01-13 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-Original Message-
From: edward desilva

 There has been peace and quiet in Goa between Hindus as Christians.

 Only way to create trouble in Goa is to Unite uneducated Hindus

 and feed wrong information to them.

RESPONSE: Haven't you heard of wrong information being fed to educated 

If you walk around Goa and make comments like above, will the peace and quiet 

- B

[Goanet] Woman.....Beach.......but a Goan woman on a Goan Beach???

2009-01-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello
SpiceJet was showcasing Goan Beaches in the December 2008 edition of their 
magazine SpiceRoute. Follow the link for the cover image of the magazine:


Double-click the image for larger image.

If you wish to provide feedback to the editors of this magazine, email:

Vanessa Mulquiney

Re: [Goanet] Woman.....Beach.......but a Goan woman on a GoanBeach???

2009-01-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Mario is excused for his dull response in this thread. My original post lacked  
right keywords that bring out his usual dour responses. Keywords like Saddam, 
Iraq, Islamophobia, Gaza, Jews, bail-out, bankruptcy, etc..

But Frederick here has thrown a few questions at me and answered them himself. 
Nevertheless, I shall extrapolate on the purpose of my message.

 As an expat yourself based half-way around the world, are you suggesting
 that nobody could publish a photograph of you in a Toronto mall, for instance?

RESPONSE: First, good luck finding me in a Toronto mall and secondly, I hope 
protest if somebody publishes my photo and describes me as a descendent of 
American First Nations people.

My post merely questioned whether this was a Goan Woman and whether this was a 
Beach? Why? Keep reading.

This is what transpired minutes before I sent my earlier message to Goanet. 
Goanetter Oscar Lobo during the course of his travels in India last month 
encountered the Dec 2008 edition of SpiecRoute Mag and wrote the editor of the 
magazine (and copied me besides several other Goans) about the distortion 
the ethnicity of the woman in photo and the caption of the article beach goa.

The editor responded thus:

*** begin snippet 

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Vanessa Mulquiney wrote:

Dear Mr Lobo,

Thank you for your email dated 6 Jan 2009. We appreciate your feedback and glad 
hear that you enjoy travelling SpiceJet.

In reference to the December issue of spiceroute, the professional photo 
image portrayed on the front cover is that of a Goan hill tribe woman and not a 
Rajasthani woman as claimed. While we are aware that the image is not as common 
beach goers wearing a sarong or bathing suit or the traditional Goan sari, for 
example, but it is incorrect to say that this image is not an uncommon sight in 

The spiceroute team is a mix of both western and Indian staff - including a 
woman - who work to ensure that the magazine celebrates the wonderful diversity 
India, is factually correct and culturally sensitive.

*** end snippet ***

I responded to the editor immediately thus:

*** begin snippet ***

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Bosco wrote:

Dear Vanessa,

I agree with your assertion that the image in question is not an uncommon 
sight in 
Goa. However please note it does not make it an image of a Goan woman.

Since you state this is an image of a Goan hill tribe woman, perhaps you or 
staff that includes a 'Goan woman' would care to name the tribe.

Even though I am a Goan, it is possible I do not know everything about my 
and its diversity. On the flipside is it possible for Ink-Publishing to 
that the woman in question is a gross misrepresentation of an ethnic Goan 
ethnic as in a Goan woman not wearing a sarong or bathing suit or the 
Goan sari. I acknowledge the image is of a woman probably on a Goan beach and 
nothing more.

A 30-second google revealed the following:


And there are thousands of similar photographs
I reckon you understand what is being parlayed here.

Wish you, Ink Publishing and SpiceJet the best in 2009!!

*** end snippet ***

I notice subsequent to my message to the editor several other Goans wrote the 
of SpiceRoute Mag and I'm certain Frederick has received copies of the same. If 
anybody agrees with the editor's assertion above perhaps you can name the tribe 
I have requested. Or perhaps you know the 'Goan woman' on the SpiceRoute Mag 
Or perhaps this is a 'hill tribe' that has recently re-settled in Goa and has 
christened 'Goan' by some of our powerful and mighty.

The photo in question is most likely a $49 stock photo from Getty Images that 
improperly captioned by the original photographer.

- Bosco

PS. Ofcourse we will hear from Mario again, he must add to the din. 

[Goanet] Seeking information on Mallikeshwar Temple

2009-01-04 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

The Mallikeshwar Temple is located just inside Goa's borders, south of Mollem 
on the 
banks of a river that flows in from Karnataka and appears to be a tributary of 

Can anybody please explain what is Kalostava and what is the name of the river?

Thank you - Bosco

Dudhsagar Kala Kendra, Collem, will organize an All Goa Bhajani contest on the 
occasion of Mallikeshwar Temple's Kalostava in the premises of Mallikeshwar 
on January 16 from 4 pm.


Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos:Empty Miramar Beach, Empty Bunkers, Empty chairs on the new year's nite

2009-01-03 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Either our friend, JoeGoaUK has got a new job with the Herald or the Herald has 
taken note of JoeGoaUK's various complaints of acts of plagiarism of his photos.


Either wayJoeGoaUK has been published in Goa's daily. Well done, Joe!!

- B 

Re: [Goanet] Please identify these heavenly bodies

2009-01-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

 From: JoeGoaUk

 Please identify these heavenly bodies

Was an interesting arrangement of the planets with the Moon a month or so ago. 
visible all over the Northern Hemisphere. Back here we were blessed with a few 
days at night to enjoy the celestial sight.

The use of an average binoculars coupled with steady hands revealed some 
companions of the smaller-looking planet on the right.

Joe, I guess this was the last time you and I could enjoy this celestial 
of this threesome.

Rural Goa is a fantastic location to observe the heavens especailly when the 
air is 
dry - its close to the city, many hills to choose a vantage location and for 
one can almost always hear some commotion in the local bar.

- B


Re: [Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-29 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: edward desilva

 Hi Bosco,

 Are we talking about God or different religions, according

 to their beliefs in God.

 There is a question raised, if Qur'an is the word of God,

 in what language was it written in.

 If one says Arabic, Arabic language did not exist during

 Muhammad's days.

 Gods words in Gods language - what language is it?

RESPONSE: Regretably, I am not qualified to respond to your query. Secondly, 
as I said in my earlier post, I have no intention to enter the discussion 
per se. I just wanted to draw attention to the article and the resulting 
comments that were much like what we see here.

- B

[Goanet] Goa Police: How to identify a t.....

2008-12-29 Thread Bosco D'Mello

As you celebrate and usher in 2009...


[Goanet] FICTION: My House is Your House - a short story

2008-12-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Sudeep Chakravarti (born 1963) is the author of the bestselling debut novel 
Tin Fish, published in 2005. He has since had two more works published, both 
in 2008. Red Sun - Travels in Naxalite Country, a work of narrative 
non-fiction, is a critically acclaimed bestseller. Once Upon a Time in 
Aparanta is a satire set in the churn of present-day Goa. Chakravarti is 
also a columnist, professional futurist, and consultant to media. He lives 
in Goa, where he is engaged in writing his third novel, a second work of 
non-fiction, and setting up a marine conservation initiative. This is his 
first short story.

AND SO, to Sinbad's lair. The cocaine whores are already there when I 
arrive. Sinbad likes cocaine whores: boys and girls; and if they come by, 
in-betweens. Having them around fills his sails. It's a sickle moon tonight, 
and sickly, captured by streamers of cloud. Even with the moon largeand 
luminous, free in the sky, there is a curious space between the wrought iron 
gate and the verandah. This is a walk of only a dozen steps, a chessboard of 
velvet grass and granite that keeps at bay tentative rushes of palm, 
hibiscus and bird of paradise. Here, the light from the sharp gate lamps and 
bright rainbow souk-lanterns on the balcony, the laughter of the whores, the 
chink of glasses touching or the urgent sound of one breaking, are all 


Re: [Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello
We have had several responses on this thread, sometimes from the same 
individuals, some articulating their thoughts lucidly, others 
unintelligibly. While I have no intention to enter the discussion per se, it 
is often observed that issues/comments/reports regarding religion and/or God 
strike a strong chord among some religionist and irreligionists alike the 
world over.

I'd like to draw your attention to a newspaper article (re religion/God) 
dated Dec 23/08 in the Toronto Star and the subsequent 24 pages of comments 
that the article generated in 16 hrs of its publication online:


The focus is on the comments, not on the article itself to indicate how 
vocal religionist and irreligionists are the world over.

The columnist is the celebrated Tom Harpur, Canadian theologian and author 
of the bestselling 'The Pagan Christ' (Thomas Allen Publishers, Toronto, 
220pp, $34.95, ISBN # 0-88762-145-7)

Season's Greetings

- B


Re: [Goanet] Goan joke

2008-12-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Marshall Mendonza

 I received this joke in my mail-box. Thought of sharing with you. Enjoy.

 Goan Joke

 A Goan family in Varca was puzzled when the coffin of their dead mother
 arrived from Canada. It was sent by one of the daughters

RESPONSE: Above 'Goan' Joke was first published on Goanet by Cecil Pinto on 
Sep 2, 2003[1]. A cursory review of Google indicates Cecil's version 
predates the Mauritian, Kerala versions.

Perhaps the tome below is real afterall; out of print, a collectors edition. 
Prof DaCosta, take note!!

Risque Goan Jokes (pp 170, Rs. 290/- softcover)
Compiled and translated by Cecil Pinto

- b

[1]  http://www.mail-archive.com/goa...@goanet.org/msg03709.html 

Re: [Goanet] A pair of shoes

2008-12-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello
 Mario responds:

 when this ungrateful maniac would have been dispatched

RESPONSE: Aye-aye-aye.at the risk of irking 'amcho Bushacho 
posko'why ungrateful.he/his family/his tribe might have 
benefited from the SH largesse, no??

Somebody sent me a weblink to a Norwegian website where 3.5 million people 
have thrown an i-shoe at Bush. And like most issues these days, its running 
riot on Facebook. There is also a story that Bush is happy he did not 
liberate Holland insteadclogs!! So much for Late Night television. 
Nevertheless, Bush has left us with memorable weaves and bobs.perhaps De 
La Hoya should have taken a few lessons from Bush before being thrashed by 
Manny last weekend.

At the end of the day, Bush (43) was Mario's second-most favorite President. 
Just like me, albeit for different reasons...;-)!!

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Sonal Shah renounces VHP affiliation

2008-12-14 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Mendonza

Bosco D'Mello:As a first-generation American at a very early age, it is
possible that one is not aware of the extent of the activities of the VHP
'back home'.

Response: Are you suggesting that she became a member and office bearer of
an organisation without knowing its constitution and the ideology it 

for? Are you suggesting that as a fund raiser, she did not know for what
purposes the funds were being used ? Are you suggesting that she was 

ignorant about the activities of the VHP despite the media publicity?

RESPONSE: YesI believe she was only involved in relief work post-Gujarat 
earthquake. These are my conclusions based on my limited reading on the 

Bosco D'Mello: Perhaps Sonal Shah should be judged by her work going 

rather than her associations of the past.

Response: Should we offer the same privilege to Narendra Modi too? What
about Dawood Ibrahim and sundry others?

RESPONSE: It is inappropriate of you to associate Sonal with the other 
individuals above. Our views on issues evolve as we mature. There are 
various factors that influence what we say and what we do as we grow. So its 
likely Sonal joined and quit the VHPA. So what??? I do not believe Sonal has 
committed any criminal act and so we cannot associate her with any 
inappropriate activity of the VHP.

Bosco D'Mello:Perhaps we are far too obsessed with this story and 

issues closer to home.

Response: Bosco, I think you are missing the link between the VHPA and VHP
back home. The one which is in the limelight for its terror activities
against minorities, the latest in Orissa, Mangalore and elsewhere.

RESPONSE: You are making far too many assumptions for one post.:-) I do 
not live in an insular coccoon.

The funding of this organisation primarily comes from the expats in the 
USA and
UK. Back in Goa, the HJS and SS, off-shoots of the VHP are in the 
of creating communal discord. eg: FACT exhibition, protest against 

of M F Hussain's documentary at the IFFI. There are several links in the
chain. Let us not become blind and complacent.

RESPONSE: I agree we should not become blind and complacent. But to what 
degree are you willing to blame Sonal and her work for the neafrious 
activities of the organizations you mention above. Is she responsible for 
communal discord? terror activities against minorities?? Sonal is an 
economist first and everything else next. She has been tapped by Obama on 
account of her economic prowess.

Like I said, chasing the enigma named Sonal is not addressing the issues 
closer to home albeit it appears you have clued-in by mentioning some of 
their names above.

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Sonal Shah renounces VHP affiliation

2008-12-13 Thread Bosco D'Mello

I think the Sonal Shah episode raises a few questions about the nature
of the Indian elites, particularly their opportunism.

RESPONSE: Opportunism is practiced by elites and others vis-avis everyone.

Haven't we seen a Rajan Parrikar fulminate against 'ghantis' back
home, and then proudly hold up his US ballot paper to the camera
and tell us (quite late in the day, when the direction of the
wind was more than clear) that he was a proud Obama supporter?

RESPONSE: Many people voted for Obama because they disliked Bush!! And Mario 
tells us regularly why people dislike Bush.

Does Sonal Shah reflect just the opportunism of the Indian expat, or
also the gullibility/machiavellianism of an Obama, willing to settle
in office and not too worried about the compromises with whomever at
the ideological level?

RESPONSE: America the land of opportunity - where all things are possible. 
It is unlikely the average expat knows fully well the extent of their 
involvement with organizations connected 'back home'. In 30-odd days we will 
know whether Obama has dressed himself in a straight-jacket trying to be 
everything to all people.

Ms. Shah, former member of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, has said if she
could have anticipated the outfit's role in the 2002 communal violence in
Gujarat, she would have never associated with its U.S. branch, a year
before the incident.

This is an ingenuous argument. I guess all those who joined the Nazi
party before 1939 could have said the same. We all know the ideology
of any organisation we join, and we are guided by that.

RESPONSE: As a first-generation American at a very early age, it is possible 
that one is not aware of the extent of the activities of the VHP 'back 
home'. This individual is a high-performer, perhaps with a busy 
professional/family life, happy to lend a hand and her name to the country 
of her roots - India via the VHP.

Perhaps Sonal Shah should be judged by her work going forward rather than 
her associations of the past.

Perhaps we are far too obsessed with this story and forgetting issues closer 
to home.

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Mixing Politics and Sports

2008-12-11 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-Original Message-
From: Sandeep Heble

Art has the power to transcend the barriers. We should learn to love
and appreciate good art when we see it. Sports and music too are forms
of Art. Let's respect that and try to keep politics aside from sports.

RESPONSE: Are not most aspects of society tainted with a political 
perspective. Not necessarily in India/Goa alone. Team selections, posts, 
etcare filled as per political persuasions. What happened at the Indian 
Hockey Federation recently??

Having said that, were India to clash with Pakistan (cricket) and were an 

citizen to support Pakistan, I would find that behavior objectionable
but I would not create a big fuss over it.

RESPONSE: This was a fairly common phenomenon in some parts of Mumbai - 
Indians cheering for Pakistan's cricketers. Led to occasional (sometimes 
serious) problems too. India-Pak cricket series in Sharjah created similar 
tensions while making Mr Bukhari wealthier.

Then again in Goa, Goans cheering for Portugal in the Euro Cup created 
problems. We had some strong exchanges on Goanet too.

Its appears politics is a significant part of our psyche - (un)knowingly!!

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Who speaks for us Hindus ?

2008-12-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello

From: Samir Kelekar :

Mario dont talk crap. Where did I talk of censoring or ostracizing?

Mario responds:

OK, but is it alright if I illustrate your crap? I am only urging the 
public to note the above.

From: Bosco D'Mello

Why are you urging the public to note the above.

Mario responds:


Do you have anything specific to say about the points raised by Samir 
Kelekar and myself in this exchange, or anything that would add to the 

Or is that you must see your name in every Goanet Digest??

RESPONSE: Mario...Its obvious you missed my contribution to the 
discussion...Pls review Goanet Digests for the past week and tell us 
what you learn about your your number of postings. It was you who was 
reminded this past week on more than one occasion of your lapses. On second 
thoughts, you are best advised to take an early Christmas break for the rest 
of the year. Game's up!!!

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Goa: A haven for anti-social activities

2008-12-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello


Thank you for drawing attention to the Organizer article. My comments 
interspersed below - cynical comments, that are usually directed at 
politicians / political parties.

One should not be surprised at the son for inheriting his father's
fraudulent nature and raping a 14 year-old German minor and then
denying the crime.


The mother of the German rape victim was threatened and pushed so
violently that she was forced to withdraw her charges out of fear
when she realised that she would never get justice from the Congress
Government in Goa.

RESPONSE: Is justice meted out by governments in India?? Laws are passed by 
assemblies, parliament (in this case), enforced by Police and upheld by 
courts, no?? Thank you Mr Kureekat (RIP).

If the rape of the German minor girl has understandably angered
activists and NGO's working for Women, the severing of a finger
with a chopper of a lawyer who wanted to take up the rape victim's
case against Rohit Monserrate is proof of the complete breakdown
of the law and order situation in Goa- courtsey the Congress Government.

RESPONSE: ALLEGED rape. Severed finger?? Really?? Severed??

According to studies by Transparency International, Goa is among
the most corrupt states in India.

RESPONSE: Are we not always told Goa is Number 1??? Dont we tell ourselves 
and pat each other saying we are the besht!! Here is our vindication.

The recent two brutal incidents-death of Scarlett Keeling and
the rape of the German minor will definitely have a negative
impact on the tourism in Goa.

RESPONSE: What about the Global economic crisis?? Will that be a factor??

It is said that the Goa police are deliberately covering up the
Scarlett Keeling murder and the rape incident to protect tourism
in Goa. But the bizarre happenings in Goa have been exposed by an
incisive media.

RESPONSE: How cute!!! This article had humor to accompany the hyperbole, 
eh??? Incisive media?? There was a cute news story posted by Frederick 
Noronha post-Pale elections - a post-mortem on why the self-destructive BJP 
lost and why the moribund Congress won. Waz very cute, yaar!! The 
storyline!!! Ofcourse our resident pundits had predicted a different outcome 
for Pale. Does it really matter if the Congress or BJP won?? Either way the 
constituents lose, right??

Often the victim's family is threatened if the alleged rapist
is someone in a powerful position as it is with Rohit Monserrate.

RESPONSE: Finally the author got it right - ALLEGED.

What is shameful and difficult to digest is that all these crimes
against women are happening when two Congress women politicians
are holding the reins of the ruling Congress Government.

RESPONSE: What about the Miramar prostitution 'story'?? Was that fact or 
fiction?? Just like many news stories from the incisive media that story 
disappeared too??  What happened to the alleged perpetrators when the BJP 
was in power in Goa??

Sonia Gandhi is fully absorbed in vote grabbing political manoeuvre
which leaves her with little time for taking up genuine, pressing
issues of women's welfare.

RESPONSE: Ofcourse, she is a politician first. Which other politician is not 
doing what is alleged of Sonia above. It is interesting how and why Indian 
politicians within and outside the Congress Party are over-awed with Sonia 
G. Perhaps India's octogenarian / nonagenarian politicians are yet to purge 
the vestiges of colonial mindsets

What is difficult for an academician like me to digest

RESPONSE: Wt??? All these inconsistencies from an academic??

Nevertheless I agree with the title of the article -  Goa: A haven for 
anti-social activities. Perhaps an academic paper was in order. But for 
both incidents addressed we only had/have alleged murderer(s) and alleged 
rapist. What about all the other anti-social activities - mainly breaking of 
the law - besides traffic laws, environmental laws, bribery, sound pollution 
after 10pm, drugs, prostitution

Perhaps a genuine Congress or BJP supporter in our midst would care to blunt 
my expressed cynicism.

Happy Wednesday!!

- b

[Goanet] India in Mourning: My Week in Mumbai and Goa (John Landis)

2008-12-05 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Mumbai, India--My wife Deborah and I arrived in Mumbai at 10pm on Wednesday, 
November 26th. We were spending the night in Mumbai on our way to Goa early 
the next morning, where I was being honored and Deborah was giving a Master 
Class at the International Film Festival of India. There was the usual 
crowded confusion at the airport and we were unaware of anything out of the 
ordinary. A man was holding a sign with a list of names, including 
Deborah's. He drove us to the hotel listed on our itinerary where the desk 
clerk told us that our reservation had been canceled. After the 20-hour trip 
from LA, this did not make us happy and we called our Indian contact who 
said he was at the airport waiting for us, to stay put and that he would 
come and get us. He moved us to the Leela Kempinski Hotel, closer to the 

In Goa, the mood at the International Film Festival of India was somber and 
most of the gala events canceled. However, the Festival, with its 
international offering of films, soldiered on to great success. Goa was 
quiet, although the Anjuna flea market was filled with Russian and European 
tourists. Despite the heat, humidity and gunfire, our Indian hosts treated 
us royally at the India Film Festival. The local government insisted we have 
bodyguards our entire stay in Goa. We had two alternating bodyguards, a 
quiet Goan plainclothes cop named Johnson, and a sari clad village woman who 
proudly showed me her Colt 45 that she kept in her handbag. With two members 
of the international jury (and our security), and we took the rusted 
flat-bottomed car ferry across the Mandovi River to Divar Island to visit an 
old Portuguese church. We were surprised to find that a big service was in 
progress in the middle of the day. Goans dressed in white massed around the 
church entrance and every pew was filled. A flower-laden hearse arrived and 
within moments, we heard the sounds of a small brass band leading mourners 
into the church. This was the funeral for the first casualty of the Mumbai 
attacks, the young chef of the Taj Hotel, murdered in the hotel kitchen. All 
of India is in mourning.


John David Landis (born August 3, 1950) is an American film actor, director, 
writer and producer. He is mostly known for his influential comedies and his 
music videos with Michael Jackson; Landis has also done many horror 

Incidentally this past week was the 25th anniversary of the release of 
Michael Jackson's blockbuster, Thriller


Re: [Goanet] Who speaks for us Hindus ?

2008-12-04 Thread Bosco D'Mello
This is a classic Goanet thread!! Mired in a game of ping-pong until one of 
the participants blinks. Standby, this good go on for weeks!! A thread that 
involves Mario; could go on for weeks!!

From: Samir Kelekar :

Mario dont talk crap. Where did I talk of censoring or ostracizing?

Mario responds:

OK, but is it alright if I illustrate your crap?

With the advent of the OCI, even the Indian government disagrees with Mr.

Kelekar.  I am only urging the public to note the above.

RESPONSE: Why are you urging the public to note the above. Do you think the 
public cannot read and digest what they read? Do you think the public does 
not know where Rajan Parrikar or Samir Kelekar stand on issues related to 
Goa?? Is that why, perhaps, Samir Kelekar is right, above?? Or is that you 
must see your name in every Goanet Digest??

- Bosco

Re: [Goanet] Tribute to Hemant Karkare - Julio Ribeiro

2008-12-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello

From: Santosh Helekar

It is really sad to see a tribute to a fallen hero being sullied
by such cheap political propaganda, and I doubt a dignified person
like Julio Ribeiro would ever do such a thing.

Please compare the two versions of the article at the following links:



RESPONSE: As far as being a credible source of news I have little doubt that 
the latter is more credible than the former (an online forum). However it is 
not clear if JFR authored the column or was interviewed for the column.

TOI article above is dated Nov 28, 2008 - No time of posting available
FF article above is dated Nov 29, 2008, 3:42pm - Timezone or Location not 

Nov 30, 2008 @ 1232hrs IST, The Economic Times (affiliate of TOI) post a 
news article from IANS (http://ians.in/) that gives one the impression that 
JFR was interviewed by IANS.


The truth is somewhere out there

- b

Re: [Goanet] Tribute to Hemant Karkare - Julio Ribeiro

2008-11-30 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Mendonza

Of late I notice that for a person claiming to possess scientific
temper, Santosh has developed a habit of rushing to conclusions without
getting his basics right.

Though I do not owe Santosh any explanation, out of courtesy,

RESPONSE: Marshall you dont owe Santosh or anybody an explanation. You owe 
it to yourself. If you are going to distribute information, it should be 
unadulterated. A simple regret for including the wrong link would have been 
appropriate. Even the TOI link you provided is incorrect.

This I believe is the right link:


As it is almost every media outlet seems politically influenced in one way 
or another. It appears like a tug at the heartstrings of the populace.

Watching the events in Mumbai on TV and the hundreds of photos I perused and 
being very familiar with the locations, I was surprised at the number of 
media personnel and gawkers that were perpetually present at these locations 
at all times. Those were war-zones!! And who is to say whether some 
'bad-guys' themselves were not rescued in the gol-maal??

- b 

Re: [Goanet] 25 November Real Liberation Day of Goa

2008-11-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

Gilbert you raise some interesting issues

My reading 

The population demographics of Goa in the mid-late 16 th century, from my 

RESPONSE: In reference to your reading, could you kindly share some 
references, perhaps a bibiliography that one should peruse for an 
understanding on this issue.

Thank you - b

[Goanet] Jorge de Abreu Noronha

2008-11-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Nov 27 - It was a year ago that Jorge departed this earthly life. He is 
thought of sometimes and we miss his attention to detail on historical 
facts. We learnt a fair bit from his notes over the years.

- Bosco 

Re: [Goanet] Mumbai Terror attacks

2008-11-27 Thread Bosco D'Mello

--- On Thu, 11/27/08, Jose Agnelo do Rosario Pinto wrote:

It is surprising to me that I have not seen yet a single email from Goanet 
readers contemning these terrorist acts.

--- On Thu, 11/27/08, Santosh Helekar responded:

It is not surprising if you recognize the fact that condemnation of 
communal violence on Goanet is done only when it fits within a partisan 
political and ideological agenda.
But to those of us who have to and prefer to deal with these tragedies 
with quiet sadness and solemnity, condemnation has no meaning.

RESPONSE: The ongoing events in Mumbai are not classified as Communal 
Violence. Terrorists and terrorism only believe in the ideology of violence. 
Terrorists target all religions, races, nationalities, ethnic groups, 
etc.unlike Communal Violence.

In some countries acts of terrorism are distinguised from Criminal Acts.

The relationships between communal violence and political/ideological 
agendas is usually self-evident.

Acts of communal violence and terrorism, tragedies in themselves, are dealt 
with quiet sadness and solemnity by many. Condemnation alone of either on 
Goanet has no meaning in itself, perhaps!!

- b



[Goanet] PHOTOS: Terror Attacks in Mumbai

2008-11-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Photos being added at regular intervals at both sites.



Also those on www.twitter.com can get several firsthand accounts

Re: [Goanet] 25 November Real Liberation Day of Goa

2008-11-25 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Radhakrishnan Nair wrote:


One day you'll be unmasked. Then your jokes won't be funny!

RESPONSE: Unmasked??? RKN it appears you are out of the loop, again.:-) 
It appears you missed Bernado's photo when it was posted here.

- b 

Re: [Goanet] 25 November Real Liberation Day of Goa

2008-11-24 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Bernado Colaco wrote:

Goans for the past 46 years have been given to believe
that 19 of Dec is the 'Liberation' Day of Goa.

RESPONSE: 47 not 46..are you trying to take-away a year of freedom?? 
Arre Bernard!!!

Today who knows what would have happened without the actions of 

RESPONSE: One thing is certain. You would not be sending us absurd messages 
from Macau. Do we blame Albuquerque or your cousins??

- B :-))

PS. Tks for your other note. Not sure why I received it. 

Re: [Goanet] The Exact Role and Definition of NRI's in Goa

2008-11-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
 or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

   Multiple options to make your day extra special!

It was Jose Colaco I believe who opined that English may be a difficult 
language, so kindly excuse the challenges I face in responding to Roland.

Roland Francis wrote:

While my remarks about boorish comments from Samir Kelekar about Overseas
Goans according to you do not take the debate forward, is it your opinion
that the following remarks he made does?

They should also ask what their fathers were doing when freedom fighters
were fighting for freedom. Licking Portuguse boots, being Portuguese
empregad, or slaves? Their sons are now sitting in Australia and UK and
are teaching Indians freedom. Get lost guys, no one in Goa is listening
to you. You are not needed.

RESPONSE: Perhaps you should ask yourself...Do two wrongs make a right? 
What exactly did you achieve??

I find your following comment quite intriguing:

This I believe is the ethos of Goanet - to give a voice to the voiceless.
But the hegemony of a few who insist on monopolizing the available 
on a daily basis (for the past several months) drowns out those that need 

want to be heard...for eg. Sebastian Rodrigues, Philip Neri, Valmiki
Faleiro, Godfrey Gonsalves, Joao Fernandes, Samir Umarye and many-many 


What are you saying Bosco? That Goanet should be the exclusive domain of a
selected few and that the janta should not be occupying space?

RESPONSE: Like Jose said.English may be a ...  ..to understand 
what I wrote, Roland..please ask yourself.do Sebastian Rodrigues, 
Philip Neri, Valmiki Faleiro, Godfrey Gonsalves, Joao Fernandes, Samir 
Umarye..monopolize the available bandwidth??? Kitem re?? How many times 
a week do you hear from them???

Very easy to fix Bosco, in your moderator role. Just cut them off.

RESPONSE: I have publicly stated several times that Goanetters should 
self-moderate to save the need to moderate. We are dealing with adults, 

And who decided that the ethos which means the character, the moral 

of Goanet is to give a voice to the voiceless?

RESPONSE: Good question Roland?? That's your homework.

And even if were a place for the voiceless as you say it should be, pray
tell how Sebastian Rodrigues, Phillip Neri, Valmiki Faleiro et al are not
getting their own voices on Goanet.

Very simple Rolandyou are responding to my msg instead of responding 
to the issues and views of the above gentlemen as they relate to Goa. They 
are the ones on the ground; you and I have Goa in our minds!!! For me 
perhaps, its a state of mind!!!

As Bosco the poster, this post of yours was rather lacking in rationale.

RESPONSE: Perhaps you are right!!! And it is not the first time I lacked 

Now that you have reached here...I hope you will do the right thing!!!

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Christian leaders wake up to the plight of the community

2008-11-17 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
 or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

   Multiple options to make your day extra special!

-Original Message-
jane gillian rodrigues fwd note from J Peter Rodrigues

Whilst, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists,  are all granted government 
it is paradoxical  that Christians are being refused the same, especially 
the latest survey of the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) dated 
reveals that the unemployment rate among Christians is higher than that of 

and Muslims.

In Urban areas, the unemployment rate of Christians was 8.6% higher than 

religious groups, which was 4.4% for Hindus and 4.1% for Muslims.
Also, unemployment was highest 14% among Urban Christian women.

The Report was an extensive study, covering 1,24,680 sample households, 

of them in 7,999 villages and the rest in 4,602, urban areas.

RESPONSE: NSSO or not, unless the details of the data sample are made 
available within the context of the data gathered, the data is easily 

In an Urban area like a large colony in Malad or Bandra, Mumbai, one could 
possibly find an even larger percentage of unemployed Christian women. That 
is not representative of Christian women in Mumbai.

Statistical analysis would be inaccurate unless the context of data gathered 
is made available. The population size is far to great.

- b 

[Goanet] SITEWATCH: www.alexfernandesportraits.com

2008-11-14 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
 or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

   Multiple options to make your day extra special!

Folks..Photographer Alex Fernandes has upgraded his website and 
sends the below note:

- b

'Portrait Atelier' has changed to www.alexfernandesportraits.com. The' 
Portrait Atelier' web site is no more operational and in the future my work 
on the web may be viewed will be at the above site (I will still offer you 
my portrait services).

The new web site is a compilation of my work done exclusively in Goa during 
the last 5 years (2004- 2008).  The portrait sitters are mainly Goan's, 
which makes these portraits unique (you will see faces you may know) and 
reflects the photographic style and technique that I developed here in Goa. 
The result is a combination of classic photographic techniques with the 
latest digital technology.

I have included a very concise bio of myself and a short essay on what my 
work means to me in the web site at 
(http://www.alexfernandesportraits.com/work.html ). I am quite aware that 
photographers are their own worst critics but I am sure you may find certain 
facts and observations interesting. Kindly pass on the information and I 
would love to hear your comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

My warmest wishes,


Re: [Goanet] The Exact Role and Definition of NRI's in Goa

2008-11-14 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
 or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

   Multiple options to make your day extra special!

-Original Message-

There have always been some strident voices on Goanet trying to choke
off any criticism of Goa by overseas Goans and of their negative
experiences there. I am not talking of the likes of Frederick Noronha
who have in most circumstances always kept a balanced view.

For a latest example, Samir Kelekar's absolutely boorish comments on
overseas Goans do not reflect well on his PhD. To me the man is as
ignorant an ass as they come, son of Gurunath Kelekar or not.

RESPONSE: Perhaps it has never ocurred to some of us (NRGs) that there are 
perhaps hundreds, nay thousands of Goans who share Samir's point of view. 
Criticism of Samir as an individual is misplaced at best; he is only a 
single voice of many. While Selma and Gabriel have illustrated their 
counterview appropriately, resorting to responses as above dont take the 
debate forward. Here is a snippet from a very senior Goan journalist in Goa:


I see in every issue of GT letters to the Editor from non-resident Goans 
preaching what we should or should not do or how our politicians and our 
governments have failed Goa. Their advice is thankfully accepted. But could 
any one of them please tell us why don't they come back and take on the 
reconstruction of our fatherland? Why don't they realize that the 
politicians are where they are because the resident Goans have put them 
there? Why don't they realize that corruption has become in Goa a way of 
life? May be we have collectively succumbed to despair and having failed to 
drive them away have joined them. But is there something anyone can do about 


SOURCE: Mario Cabral e Sa, (October 2008). Incredible GOA!, Goa Today, Pg 11

Because we dont hear all voices, does not mean they do not exist.

This I believe is the ethos of Goanet - to give a voice to the voiceless. 
But the hegemony of a few who insist on monopolizing the available bandwidth 
on a daily basis (for the past several months) drowns out those that need or 
want to be heard...for eg. Sebastian Rodrigues, Philip Neri, Valmiki 
Faleiro, Godfrey Gonsalves, Joao Fernandes, Samir Umarye and many-many 

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Daman news letter - GLOBAL DAMAN COMMUNIY

2008-11-12 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
 Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

renebarreto wrote:

Friends !

I often advocated the need for a Global Goan eNewsletter - my suggestions
to my learned Goan friends and Goan Associations seems to have fallen on
deaf ears :-)
I took a break to let the Goans think about this idea and embarked
on my idea to another Community - a community similar to ours -

  ** The Global Damanese Commuity **

Can we ?Yes - WE GOANSCAN !

RESPONSE: Perhaps it is better to celebrate what we as a community have 
achieved rather than dwell on what we have not albeit there is always room 
to work on our shortcomings. And there is much to celebrate for the Goan 

I could be mistaken with the exact details but...Frederick Noronha did 
publish a Whats on in the Goan World newsletter every forthnight (or 
monthly) some time ago. Such initiatives can be very successful in a 
collaborative model that several people can contribute to. To start off 
volunteers have to step forward.

Everything is possible with a few people and time!!

- b

Re: [Goanet] India has come to Melbourne ...

2008-11-12 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
 Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

-Original Message-
Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:

This morning, I went to a ATM near Preston Market. I had to do a 
double-take - in the corner, conspicuous by its presence, was a bright-red 
splotch. That left by paan.

RESPONSE: Recollected this thread after I heard a young Indian woman on the 
radio this morning describing her regular jaunts to Gerard India Bazaar. She 
was born in Toronto and has gone to India infrequently. Nevertheless she 
loves her paan. She featured on the program to focus attention on Oral 
Cancer rates in the South Asian community in Canada. Some details:

Chewing Paan - perhaps the next Gilouree is the last one for some albeit it 
is likely the poster-men, AB/SRK's Paan Banaraswalla that inspires the 
passion to chew, spit, chew, spit..

Paan ingredients include shavings of the betel and areca nut. The 
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) regards the chewing of 
betel-quid and areca nut to be a known human carcinogen.

In North America Oral Cancer rates are approx 2% while in India oral cancer 
represents up to 40% of all cancers.

Another reason to manage a lifestyle habit, chewing paan, just like smoking 
and alcohol consumption. Spread the word!!!

- b




Re: [Goanet] Saffron Terror

2008-11-10 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
 Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Mario asks

Marshall comments

Mario writes

Marshall comments

Mario writes (again)

Marshall comments (again)

And so it went ontoday like most daysit is Monday 
afteralland Dancing with the Stars is on the program tonight. It was 
only a matter of time before these two Goenkars met each other in an 
ethereal embrace given their extraordinary ability to write on a single 
issue, of late, with a distinguished display of a lack of dexterity in their 
writing. Both writing on important issues themselves, perhaps; however the 
audience has tuned-out from their daily ruminate.

It is more than likely Marshall will ignore this gambit gone astray
Albeit Mario will relish the opportunity to print his name
For the 40th time in only 10 days
It is evident by the day, there are some who dont have a life
Without Goanet, they cannot even roll a dice!!

Hey Bhagwan!! I should have stuck with Leno
Instead of switching to the egghead from Toledo

And this fracas over Semana de Cultura
Is a joke in itself
With another opportunity for us to discuss
Goa's most pressing question:
Were we liberated or invaded
Were we freed or incarcerated
While the hills are being denuded
and mine owners gain riches
While rivers are polluted
and villages are converted
constructed into ugly structures
makes one wonder what they teach in architecture

- b 

[Goanet] Freedom Fighter........

2008-11-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
 Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences


Kustoba Kustoba
Mirasi Indiacho
Terror Goincho
Conflit povatso
Inimig bosttatso
Aik ge maka
Ata kittem sangu tuka
Betle mujem adusat
Betle mujem arsenal
Bonguchay arsenal


Heir to India
Terror of Goa
Spirit of resistance
Enemy of the Brahmin Priests
Listen to me
What shall I tell you
I have met my nemesis
I've come up against fate
To bear the consequences

SOURCE: Malgonkar, Manohar (May 2004). Inside Goa (2nd Edition). 
Architecture Anonymous

Re: [Goanet] Goenkars: Hold on to your cash!

2008-11-07 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-Original Message-
Gabe Menezes wrote:

G.M will have no money to continue beyond Christmas. Amazingly they
were thinking of merging with Chrysler - another gone case.

RESPONSE: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122606964550108607.html

AIG will go cap in hand once again to the FED, they have probably
insured the whole World's Banking. Government should have let them
go bankrupt.

RESPONSE: If AIG went under what would have happened to the whole World's 

There will be more than 3 million more, out of workin in US, maybe
before Christmas; Akron Ohio, will start burning tyres.

RESPONSE: Surely you jest. Why just Akron?? Oshawa, Windsor, St Catherine 
(all in Canada) where GM, Chrysler, Ford have plants are in a similar bind. 
I believe every auto job creates 5-6 ancillary jobs in the North American 
economy. The Big-3 are paying the price for feeding the market with 
gas-guzzling automobiles and resisting innovation for the past 20 
yearsnot to forget those rosy deals with the unions that guarantee 
benefits until one departs this earthly life. GM is now betting the farm on 
the Volt and will probably hasten its launch. To make matters worse for 
them, the price of crude oil has fallen over 60%suddenly those SUVs are 
not looking too bad again.
There is a major crash in the global auto sector coming along in 2009 is 
what I heard an analyst say on the radio a couple of months ago. Perhaps it 
is starting to unfold.

Here in the U.K. if a house is repossessed and is sold for less than
what was borrowed, the lender will pursue you for the balance - what
is the set up in India?

RESPONSE: Can they find you in India??

This downturn will take 5/6 years to correct and now that we have all
come down to reality after the dewy eyed US Elections, pragmatism will
be the order of the day.

RESPONSE: Now-now.are you making excuses for Obama's forthcoming 
failures?? Two days after being elected he is already on record saying he 
may not be able to 'fix' everything in one term. So much for all his 
pre-election promises, eh??. The poor man..look at his features today as 
compared to 2 years ago when he began his campaign vs Hillary - the 
pressures are enormous for his tender shoulders.

Is the situation any better in the UK?? Close to 2 million unemployed (6%); 
Inflation at 16-year high (5.2%); Home prices depressed by 15% as compared 
to last year.

Looks like the doom-and-gloom from the US is spreading across the pond and 
to the far reaches of the world. Ohh..and dont lose count of Russia's 
diminishing millionaires..somebody could possibly buy those Londoners in 
Blue for a song soon...:-)

.hold on to your cash, in Goa both are at risk.

RESPONSE: One of my prof's often said - Cash is King!!!

- Bosco





Re: [Goanet] It's the economy, stupid !!!

2008-11-02 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Jim Fernandes wrote:

Just ask yourself two basic questions:
1. Am I better off today (in Bush years), or was I
better off during the Clinton years?

RESPONSE: Better off in the Bush years. Got out before the earth opened-up. 
Your tips from Wall St were a No-Show.

2. Is the US better off today or was it better off
during the Clinton years?

RESPONSE: Who cares? Clinton is not coming back.

Dude.seems like you've returned from all-day binge-drinking of O'Bama 
Kool-Aid!!! No news from you for months and then you come down Main St 
swinging in all directions after cleaning out Wall St.:-))

I am hopeful that Barack and his Democratic party
would change the course of this nation, for a better
America and for a peaceful world.

RESPONSE: You know what Mario says..first Barack has to win this week. I 
had to say itbefore he says it again for the nth time.

Peaceful World??? There's a new world somewhere, they call the promised land 
and I'll be there someday..Jimmy, sounds like the end of somebody's 

To all Americans, Happy Voting Day!! As Jimmy says you could potentially 
hopeful ..change the course of this (American) nation.

- B
PS. All the congratulatory messages, postcards, ball-caps, T-shirts are 
printed and ready.in Moira. Contact Cecil...:-)!!

Re: [Goanet] VIDEO:Wild Goans birdwatching at Miramar, Panjim: Oct 26, 2008

2008-10-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Nice to see so many Goans interested in Nature. Looking forward to seeing a 
budding Goan ornithologist. Clinton Vaz - Well done, as usual!!

- Bosco

[Goanet] Goans in Kuwait and the Middle-East keep an eye on your local deposits/savings

2008-10-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Financial crisis moves to Gulf Arab nations

October 26, 2008 at 9:24 PM EDT

KUWAIT CITY - Kuwait moved Sunday to prop up the country's second-largest 
commercial bank and scrambled to protect depositors at other domestic banks, 
dashing hopes the oil-rich Arab Gulf would emerge largely unscathed from the 
global financial crisis.

The central bank halted trading in Gulf Bank shares because of high 
derivatives losses, just a day after Gulf finance ministers said the 
region's banks were insulated against the liquidity crisis that has rippled 
through the global banking industry.

The Gulf Bank news also appeared to have pushed the Kuwaiti government to 
take a step it has so far resisted - guaranteeing deposits. The country 
currently makes no deposit guarantees.


Gulf oil producers cite new urgency for monetary union

October 25, 2008 at 5:09 PM EDT

RIYADH - Gulf Arab oil producers said they had already taken adequate steps 
to deal with the impact of the global financial crisis but that turmoil on 
world markets had given new urgency to their plan for monetary union.

Finance ministers and central bank governors of the Gulf Co-operation 
Council held an emergency meeting on Saturday to discuss co-ordination of 
their response to a global downturn that threatens to brake their region's 
six-year economic boom.

The states, preparing for a single currency by an unlikely 2010 deadline, 
emerged from the meeting with few public statements on how they would work 

The crisis proves how much we need a single currency and that a single 
central bank should be a supervisory body.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and four other Gulf states have so 
far adopted separate policy responses to defrost interbank lending and boost 
confidence in their stock markets. The GCC also includes Qatar, Kuwait, 
Bahrain and Oman.

Some Gulf states have guaranteed bank deposits, eased lending restrictions, 
set up emergency funding facilities for their banks and invested money in 
ailing stocks.

Gulf states are trying to give a renewed push to monetary union after the 
plan was thrown into disarray by Oman's 2006 decision not to join and 
Kuwait's 2007 move to drop a dollar peg it had agreed to keep in place until 
the single currency was achieved.


[Goanet] The case of Lawrence De Souza (Bombay - 1954)

2008-10-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Subsequent to the assault on Aires Rodrigures in Goa, I tried recollecting 
previous instances of lawyers and advocates being assaulted vis-a-vis Goa's 
Freedom Movement. There are several documented incidents that occurred  in 
Goa itself and there were some incidents that occurred elsewhere. Below is 
an instance I read recently and reproduced verbatim.

- Bosco

The case of Lawrence De Souza
Bombay - 1954

De Souza was an Advocate of the Bombay High Court, who had achieved 
prominence among Goans as an oppositionist to the merger campaign and wrote 
frequent articles airing his views on the subject which were published in 
The Anglo-Lusitano, a veteran and highly popular Goan weekly newspaper in 
Bombay. The police raided his house in the middle of the night, under 
pretext of searching for whisky bottles which, they alleged, he was storing 
in contravention of the law of Prohibition. Needless to say, no such bottles 
were found, but they appeared keenly interested in the contents of his 
writing desk and ended by taking away his books, manuscripts, letter papers 
and even his typerwriter. When he went to the police headquarters to lodge a 
protest against what he considered a crass illegality, he found himself 
detained incomunicado for a full twenty-four hours without being brought 
before a Magistrate, as required by law, and during the interval treated to 
several sessions of brain-washing that included physical torture and other 
forms of persuasion. As soon as he was free, he instituted a case against 
the police and the government of Bombay before the High Court. The High 
Court decided the issue against the authorities, ordered that his belongings 
should be returned forthwith and substantial costs should be paid to him. 
But his triumph was short lived. In broad daylight, a group of agents 
provocateurs mingled with elements of regular police in diguise, waylaid and 
assaulted him in one of the most prominent thoroughfares, in the heart of 
the city, severely beat him up and snatched from him his brief case 
containing various important papers and manuscripts of articles. The stunned 
members of the public witnessed the ambuscade without interfering and law 
and order looked the other way, refusing to be concerned while a foul deed 
was being perpetrated. With the material thus provided, the authorities lost 
no time in fabricating some kind of case against De Souza to the effect that 
he was concerned in espionage on behalf of the Portuguese Government. In a 
matter of days he was lodged behind bars for good under the law of 
Preventive Detention. Appealed to once again, the High Court pleaded 
inability to intervene, and he had to remain in jail for the full period of 
his detention.

SOURCE: Nehru seizes Goa, Leo Lawrence (Pageant Press, 1963), Pgs 38-39

Re: [Goanet] What To Do In Falling Markets - Off topic

2008-10-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello

-Original Message-

That's changing, now there will be severe regulations put into place.

Regulations were in place. The current US administration removed them and
asked the industry to self-regulate. Now the adm has come up with a I
am from the govt and I am here to help you.

RESPONSE: Deregulation of financial institutions began in the 80s, possibly 
even earlier.

This is what I picked-up recently listening to Robert Reich, Clinton's 
Secretary of Labour (1993-97) on the CBC.

A significant contribution to banking deregulation was passed into law by 
President Clinton in 1999 by which time Reich was not a member of the 
Clinton cabinet. It was called the Financial Services Modernization Act of 
1999. This Act in effect repealed large portions of the Banking Act of 1933 
that was enacted by President Roosevelt. Under the old act, Banks, Insurance 
companies and Brokerages were ineffect to be run as separate businesses and 
with separate onwership structures. Commercial and Investment banking were 

Interestingly when Clinton enacted the Act in 1999 Congress was controlled 
by the Republicans.

Bush 43 is responsible (I dont recollect any name of Act being mentioned) 
for removing the last barriers between investment banks and commercial banks 
so that each could behave like the other that has lead to the demise of the 
Top 5 Investment Banks.

DISCLAIMER: Am no expert on financial matters, just paraphrasing what I 
heard when a former US Govt official visited the local radio station.

But surely somebody was sleeping at the switch, probably enjoying the rides 
of exuberance as the bears turned into bulls on Wall Street. There is plenty 
of blame to go around!!

- Bosco

Re: [Goanet] Open letter to Goanet and other Goan related websites...

2008-10-01 Thread Bosco D'Mello

My dear friend Miguel,

I am honored to be the subject of your emails in Goan cyberspace in recent 
days. I am even more honored and delighted that you have selected me this 
week - to
stand on my shoulders so that you can rise higher and higher in Goan 
cyberspace and in the eyes of Goans around the world. I am very proud of you 
and your many accomplishments.

Since you told me you do everything for Goa and only Goa, I am glad to have 
been of service to you and to assist you in accomplishing your goal(s).

I am also grateful that in your kindness you were able to shine a light on 
me and my efforts here in Goan cyberspace. May you be rewarded a 

As a proud son of the soil, may your esteem grow and may all the people of 
our land know of you and learn of your extraordinary efforts for our land 
and its people.

I look forward to breaking puri and drinking chai with you once again at 
Cafe Prakash where we can sit and sing together Proud to be a Goan - words 
and music courtesy Basilio Magno. I'm sure Mr Sakhalkar and all the 
reporters and journos will be very happy about this. I hope they too pick up 
on your bravado and learn a thing or two from you. You are such a wonderful 
role model. Until then, we shall continue our efforts together, you and I, 
for Goa.

I hope you will not be disappointed with me for declaring my admiration of 
you in public.

Please do not hesitate to beckon, should I be of assistance to you again - 
anywhere, anytime!! You know where to find me.

Your dear friend,

- B

Re: [Goanet] What To Do In Falling Markets - Off Topic

2008-09-23 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Mervyn Lobo wrote:

To put this in the simplest terms, Bush reduced taxes
and borrowed money for a spending spree.
It is just like a family man who insists in a cut in
salary and then borrows/buys on credit.

RESPONSE: This is too simple an explanation for a $4 trillion hole in the 
bucket on Wall St. Reading your partisan exchange with our infamous 
propagandist does not help an objective discussion.

With the annual theatrics of world leaders ongoing in NY, Bill Clinton is 
all over the tube with his Clinton Global Initiative. I saw an interview 
with him last night. He was asked 3 times who was to blame for this $4 
trillion fiasco. He did not even come close to blaming Bush. He talked of 
tools like Derivatives, Leverage and their inherent risks and the tech 
melt-down at the end of his presidency and how all the money from that 
market ended up in real-estate. And then the honchos on Wall St got into the 
cab and drove the truck right into the ground - GREED!!

For 200 years people have been betting against the US and have lost - Bill 
Clinton, NY, Sep 22/08

I think Bush (43) has had to endure more than a fair bit of turmoil in his 8 
years at the wheel thanks to non-performing predecessors including Bush 
(41). Hello Enron!! Hello Andersen!!

Never mind all this blood-letting!! Tell us how we can make a killing 
without having to buy a house in Arizona or Texas or the Carolinas for a 

The next American president may decide that the American
taxpayer should not be subsidizing the wages of Cristiano
Ronaldo. The new President could then tell the Federal
Reserve to cancel all future cheques destined for United.
United would then have to sell Ronaldo to the highest bidder i.e. City.

RESPONSE: I dont think you understand Man-U!! It is no coincidence that it 
was declared the richest Soccer Club and the number 1 sports brand by 
Forbes. Sponsors are lined-up to get their name on their shirts, stadium and 
gear. However there is still considerable debt being carried by the new 
owners. AIG is in the middle of their contract. If they go, there will be 
many more who will want their name emblazoned on their shirt:-) BTW 
Salgaocar Sports Club beat Sporting Club De Goa to finish third in the 2008 
Manchester United Premier Cup (India) - Under 15. Also Manchester United 
Soccer Schools have a program in Goa - they are looking for a Goan Ronaldo.

Never mind about Ronnie et al!! What are the repercussions in India (besides 
our portfolios:-(( ) from all these Wall St shake-n-bakes. There are a 
few people I know who work for Lehman and Morgan Chase in Mumbai.

- Bosco

PS. Wot!! Obama donors were Fannie  Freddie and he blocked legislation that 
would set them straight. Talk about skeletons in a young closet, eh?? 

Re: [Goanet] What To Do In Falling Markets - Off Topic

2008-09-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Mervyn Lobo wrote: 

 There is a saying in Africa, You usually get the leaders you deserve.

Response: I think the Africans copied it from the Goans, na?? Dont we get the 
leaders we deserve???

 George Bush (43) introduced policies that have resulted in budget deficits, a 
 collapsed financial sector and a rapidly depreciating currency.

Response: Before we send Bush (43) to the 'gallows' perhaps you can enlighten 
us about the specific policies you are referring to above that led to the 
consequences you list.

 When George Bush (43)  was sworn in, the US dollar was strong. It took only 
 US $270 to buy an ounce of gold. It takes US $870 to buy that same ounce 

Response: Well, somebody made a killing...and laughing all the way to the 
bank...oopswhich bank!!

 PS. Here is the new Manchester United jersey that is available on Newt 
 Gingrich's site.
 It sums up the fallaciousness of the current US administation

Response: Now-nowdont be drawing the Red-Devils into this...albeit this 
is the only reason this post caught my attention. You can stick any name on the 
front of a  ManU jersey (its the one on the back that matters) -  the lads 
still come through as champs!!! Go Reds!!! 

- B

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