2008-10-13 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Anyone help this organisation in its charity, we have been donating for a 
number of years but the ashram needs more help than we can give, passing on the 
details will be of tremendous help to them, pass this on to friends and family.
They take in ALL CHILDREN of all faiths (as well as ELDERLY folk who are 
destitute), amongst other works done in the name God.
Dont ask which God, he is the same anywhere  everywhere, send the cost of your 
next meal, that will do if you can't afford more, any amount is a vast amount 
when you have nothing, in the name of your God.
I am currently unwell but hope to make it back by the end of year.

John Monteiro  

--- On Sun, 12/10/08, Dr. S. RAJARAM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Sunday, 12 October, 2008, 2:08 AM


Greetings from Sivananda family
I am pleased and happy to inform you that our ashram is progressing and 
developing with the support of many kind hearted people like you by their love 
and affection and monetary support. 
As you are aware  our  ashram  ashram caters the needs of near 250 destitute 
children and around 60 elders.  We have an Elementary School and High school 
and provides the academic education.  
You will be too glad to know that Dr.Mangalam High School is successfully 
producing 100% result for the last three consecutive years for not only our 
inmates but also for poor children in around over 25 villages. 
In order to provide nursery type of education with English Medium, Swami 
Sivananda nursery School is functioning with 315 tiny tots.We take care in the 
Medical wing by Doctor and a qualified nurse on for health and medical.  
Periodically health camps are being conducted to upkeep the health of the 
 The organization has a planed to start a industrial training center with 
carpentry, masonary, computer application and nursing with a affiliation by the 
Government of India in next academic year.Upgradation of High School to Higher 
Secondary School is also one of our aim to get the continuity in the Education.
Festivals and functions gives not only joy and jubilation but also creates a 
sense of belonging particularly among children that too our kids, who are 
special in nature as they are psychologically effected being parentless. 
Deepavali is around the corner and we have to prepare our selves to provide two 
sets of new clothes, crackers, sweets, savouries and oil for bath.  You are one 
among the prominent donor who supports us in all our projects.  I am sure this 
year also your goodself will lend your support by your donation for the 
forthcoming Deepavali festival.  
As the time is limited you can online transfer the  funds and we can  draw the 
funds in case if you are not particular about the  receipts since you are 
contributing from over seas I can draw the money and use the  funds for 
purchase of new cloths crackers oil for bath sweets and savories If you want to 
donate the amount I will pass on the account number.
Expecting good news from you.
Our kids in the Ashram and senior citizens in the Old age home pray for your 
good health, long life and prosperity.

In the service of our tiny tots and the elders
We look forward to your constant support in our welfare projects.
Thy humble sevak,

CHENNAI 600059
Phone: +91 44 22391078 or +91 44 22392444 
Fax number 22791097
CELL NO   98410 77690
http:/  or

Re: [Goanet] Unmask yourself...if you have the ....Joe Goa UK

2008-08-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
, even a loved 
one, for the the way in which they live their lives but given a bit more 
thought, you would do the same, if we all had a camera.
  Keep it up Joe, Keep it up Ed, and everyone who has any time spare, spend 
some of it on this forum, also email your local MLA, badger your Priests (of 
ALL faiths), to contribute something, in written form  post / email it to 
them.  ANYTHING to wake up the rest of the Goan people would be useful.  Forget 
Crab Mentality, forget Goans dont like upsetting the Watermelon Cart etc 

  Just post on Goanet, all your feellings about this, Migrants AND Miners, 
Politicians  Priests (of all faiths, Albert included), Hotels  Ho 
  So long its Goan related, and make them stand up and listen / read.
  John Monteiro
JoeGoaUK said:
Voir (Dubai) ravon xepotam sangta to, sokla deum ani sang mure
How can a dog protect it's master by barking from somebody else's house?
Save Goa! Save Goa!
By using remote control from abroad?
Sorry, it may work for Laloo but not for Goa
Ed's Reply:-
But people are still shitting and pissing all over Panjim. Your hero Porrikar 
and all other MLAs think they are Gods once elected. MLAs are elected to serve, 
not to sit on the codel and dictate to the public.  Dubaicar with their remote 
control can at least remind Porrikars of Goa, that they are dumb. What have YOU 
done other than post a few nasty pictures and put us off our breakfast.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Flotsam and jetsam from India head to Goa

2008-08-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
We hear from various posters that we remote controllers (those not resident in 
Goa, but live abroad), ought to do something constructive by moving back to Goa 
and doing something about the issues instead of mouthing off.
  I would love to come back to Goa, if someone will feed, clothe  house me and 
my family.  I will dedicate as much time as Rajan  all the other posters but 
exactly where will all my blood sweat  tears get me?
  Will be just another one who will cry  moan, complain endlessly about the 
past politicians, current policians  grubby business men  bankers, government 
officials who take bribes or are threatened  'all those migrants' who are the 
main cause of our woes.
  Time is not a factor here, the migrants are in Goa to stay, they cannot leave 
unless the local goverment pay them to go back to where they came from, and 
keep away from Goa, the NIMBY factor strikes again. Migrants go anywhere, but 
  I have said it before, act before its too late.  Its now too late to be 
continually moaning about the already settled migrants  the new migrants 
now, they are in Goa to stay!  Nobody has the will to do anything, other than 
ensure they are a vote-bank, or cheap labour for some companies, you can of 
course complain about it, more are arriving every day, by train  bus, 
bull-cart  leaving their mark wherever they travel.
  On Goanet, and by emails to various departments, I have asked, suggested, 
commented, even close to begging some of the posters on this forum to stand up 
and be counted, no matter where you are, you DONT have to be in Goa only to 
help Goa, anyone of any colour, creed or social rank can help, just by writing 
to the MLA's, emailing and bringing to attention of the National Government of 
India  departments there, with information on mis-deeds  corruption, local 
goverment are not doing anything to help the migrants with housing or work, 
they are sleeping on the pavements, on other bona-fide land belonging to other 
  You can stand talk for hours on podiums  in conferences, this is water off a 
duck's back, it does nothing but fire up the listeners, then protests gather 
momentum with verbal abuse, physical violence.
  Not at all constructive.  Its far too late now to do anything at all about 
the inward migration, the Indians from ALL the other States have a legal right 
to come to Goa, or Goans to go to their State, no matter about this, just 
ensure that those who do come, have an ADDRESS they are staying at, no matter 
if its a hostel for 10 holding 40, or a house for 4 holding 20, as long as they 
are have an address.
  IF no address, then its the local police  the local authority with the 
courts help (all to be uncorrupted..) who are the responsible for 
moving  on any illegal settlers.
  Sounds easy, but it's not, so where is the blame for this?  The remote 
controllers abroad?  The residents of Goa who are legally there?  Who will back 
you or help you?  Your neighbours are the first point of call those 
physcially close to you, and for Rajan who has supplied us with many thousands 
of photos, for JoeGoaUK, for all who are currently IN Goa to contact the person 
next door  get some groupings together, then people like Rajan who are good at 
talking the talk, to walk the walk.
  We remote controllers will do our bit, by badgering more and more, after all 
we cant physically be there, its frustrating for us, so please no more 
pilloring those who are trying to help, its dividing us, again.
  Unite and march forward to your destiny, its in your hands, not mine or other 
remote controllers in far away lands, get rid of the corruption first, not the 
migrants, they are legally there, the corrupt politicians are not, they fooled 
everyone who voted for them.
  And please, dont harrass those who are abroad, they have the same feeling for 
Goa, as they did when they lived there, they are just sad to hear, how badly 
things are going, but are powerless to help, so sometimes by scratching the 
surface they get spat upon, not nice.
  John Monteiro

Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Goa has become a magnet for dregs from India and beyond. We have ceded control 
of our homeland to guttersnipes and criminal elements from all over.


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Is India a poor country

2008-08-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  living well
  India has its share of corruption, its been there, in much the same way as 
the Europeans had in abundance only a couple of centuries ago, now with rules 
governing behaviour, they are all exposed in newspapers, and have to resign, no 
longer the personal fifedom their ancestors enjoyed. Seems that Indian  Goan 
policians can be named and shamed, but are still enjoying the high life.  Who 
is NOT doing their job, must resign, anyone who is taking from the communal pot 
must have his hand removed, permanently.
  Give back to the people what belongs to the people! Get these corrupt people 
named and shamed, exposed WITH PROOF... and have them resign, or better 
still, jailed!  Then forfeiting their property  money they stole, and also any 
chance to hold office ever again, once a corrupt politician, always a corrupt 

  Dont stop at policians, get the nasty policeman off the street, and into jail 
himself, no more taking polical sides and being paid extra to baton the 
demonstrators into submission.
  All this that happened to Mrs Gandhi, her son  around the world to yet 
another handful of world leaders, corrupt as their predecessors, has not made 
an ounce of difference to those that follow in their footsteps.  
  The money was trickling out of Goa, now its a flood going one way, and 
poverty in the other.  Shameful, shame on all of us for allowing it, but as a 
remote controller, beyond my ability to vote or help in any way other than 
trying to help pass on info. So far, I have NO PROOF of corruption, perhaps a 
poster or two who may have more knowledge on this subject can bring forth a 
LIST OF NAMES with THEIR (proven) CRIMES, dates  places and so on.
  Lastly, Its been said Inida has thousands of millionaires, closely followed 
by thousands of near-millionaires, there are a half a billion in poverty, a 
large portion on or below the breadline, but what about the average person, the 
other half a billion of the population, are they happy or are they just putting 
up with things cause it does not affect their lives, they have a roof over 
their heads, plenty to eat, have a good family with no health or wealth 
worries ??  No India is not a poor country, its the minority who 
have taken the larger chunk of the cake, and wont share it.  They need a shake 
up, and an investigation into their dealings.
  John Monteiro
  Anil Desai said:
DISHONESTINDUSTRIALISTS, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS, 
IPSofficers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personalaccounts a 
sum of about $ 1500 billion, which have been misappropriatedby 
Ed said
That is why India is poor.That is why Indians do not want the Rupee to come up 
to the Level of the French Currency. Indira Gandhi had brought the Rupee to the 
same level as France.
Indians with the help of the CIA and the French Foreign Legion, manipulated 
Indian Religious fundamentalists (their leader could not sign his own name) and 
killed Indira by Indian Hands.
Now the Indian Rupee is where they want it. 
Good for Indians with foreign investments?

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Goan Tolerance

2008-08-13 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  By its very nature, tolerance is only possible as individual act that you or 
I can bestow.
  You cannot force tolerance upon others to accept as a way of life, even for 
one second, those who prefer not to accept this rule are not necessary 
intolerant either.
  Tolerance can be catching.. much like a cold or fever, but not 
create the heat or the other extreme, cold. By example you can gain much by 
tolerating certain (non-violent, non-malevolent) acts.
  Somewhere in-between I suppose, is tolerance.
  I learned a bit of it from being a husband  a father, I  had none of it as a 
child or a friend...
  Shame really, I may have well found a way to accept EVERYTHING that is 
written by some posters, but choose not to, oh well its cause I am part of the 
human condition.
  It would be nice thought if we had mentors, gurus at an earlier 
age.. in life's ways..
  John Monteiro.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Of Crabs and Goans

2008-08-12 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Tsk tsk Gabe
  I think you meant in a manger... What you (typo'd) made me wince!
  John Monteiro

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  .. when in doubt Google.'Dog in the 
manager' ?


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Of Crabs and Goans

2008-08-11 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  Now you have put the 'cat among the . crabs!  I had attempted to 
follow this from the start, it seemed almost to link up here  there, made SOME 
sense, but gave up hope of ever getting the 'punch line' as it were.  I look 
forward to anyone's reply to your post on this.  Bound to get attention from 
all, this is not a walk in the park, as it were, either walking forward, 
backwards or side-ways!
  Good luck.
  John Monteiro

Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (TRUNCATED)
  Long ago, some..must have come up with the story of how Goans are 
like crabs... I have been questioning the crab story.Now, if one 
were not in the basket, or one were not a crab, would one not avoid the risk of 
being pulled down entirely? I seek an answer. Roland.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] When Baga was 'bridge-less'

2008-08-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Joe
  Thank you for the picture ( the video of the other side of the Baga Beach), 
but I wonder if you can help me with a query I have.  I remember we were on a 
beach in the late 1950's, when we were near the sea shore, my mother went out 
to swim but got entangled in seaweed.
  This memory came to me a couple of years ago  I spoke of this with relatives 
 friends but they were unable to help me.
  The beach had some small hutments, not like today's beach huts, I am sure the 
one we were in was made of stone or similar, it was not of wood or covered 
cloth etc.  I remember with my brother (4 years youger than me), my mother  my 
father and uncle ( some other people) we were there for maybe two 
days  on one sunny but very windy day we found ourselves in 
  My mother went out with my father  uncle for a swim.  The sea seemed so far 
away, the tide was out because I remember suddenly the water came up to us when 
we were sitting on the wet beach for quite some time, and within a few seconds, 
more water and then more until we felt frightened.  People came to gather us up 
 my other relatives  / or friends of the family at the time, came to take us 
out in a hurry.
  My mother almost drowned, some jellly fish or similar AND seaweed trapped her 
so she could not get out of the sea.  She got entangled  I remember she was 
ill for a while afterwards.
  The memory fades but the fright of what happened brings this to my mind 
again, today.  This was because your video of Baga beach looked low in tide  I 
remember something similar, but much bigger 
  Can you shed any light on where this may be.  You have many videos (see them 
all) and your pictures of sea as well as river but can t get to grips where 
this may have happened.
  Are there areas on Goa Beaches where the sea suddenly comes back in without 
warning, or is this something common, or maybe at certain times of the year, 
there are places where it is dangerous to be for swimmers.
  I remember the days were VERY HOT, but the sea was out for such a long, long 
way at this tide going out.  Then a while later it just gushed in so fast!
  If anyone else can help, I would be really happy to know of this.
  Thank you
  John Monteiro

  [Goanet] When Baga was 'bridge-less' 

Baga now has New Bridge

This is where people used to cross during low tide (?)

This video captured from the other side of the bridge

Ealier, Baga had another bridge sort of enclosed bridge.

the new one is built in it's place

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] : United We Stand

2008-08-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  (for general stabs) or  Goanet II 
(for the politics  religion, sex  other stabs, usually at each 
  But as you may be thinking, this would defeat the object of the exercise, to 
be TOGETHER, through thick the mainstay of Goanet.  
  United .. that is just about what its all about, is is not? And if 
anyone who negatively dissects your post as you expressed, then perhaps they 
ought to be the first to be condemned to Goanet II, never to return 
to reality.
  John Monteiro
Melinda Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,I am writing this mail to share the sadness in my heart.Please do not 
tear  it apart ,sentence by sentence ,word by word --Goanet style  I am 
really distressed to read so much of naming ,blaming,and shaming different 
groups /individuals
Melinda Coutinho Powell,

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Daily Grook #175

2008-08-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Betcha a Thousand Ruppiah to a Sterling Pound if I came up with something 
similar with a Catholic slant it would be rejected by the moderator, what's 
your bet?
  Anyone comment? Anyone want to bet?
  John Monteiro

Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


by Francis Rodrigues

rama consulted
da bhagvad gita,
before he dated
the baby-sita !



  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] portuguese passport

2008-08-02 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 FATHER's false surname of Ullah, you are also au fait about my 
father, that is all there is to say, really (on this forum). 
  I have NO IDEA about your name, other than your first middle  last name is 
possibly derived from Portuguese as we are on a Goan forum, it could be 
Galician /  Spanish too I guess your family name is originally Portuguese, 
(perhaps a conversion if you are 100% Goan / PIO etc), I dont know, but I 
hazard a guess your surname could have been de Dias also, etc etc...
  None of my business either.  
  John Monteiro

Paulo Colaco Dias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (TRUNCATED)
  John Monteiro, let me tell you that your comparison is most absurd. You are 
comparing the process of recouping or acquiring Portuguese citizenship with the 
process of getting a British passport. That comparison does not make sense and 
it is ridiculous.  It is Portuguese Citizenship that takes time 
to get. Not a Portuguese passport because you can get that in less than 24 
hours.I have often corrected Goans in this respect. You should not 
say you are getting a Portuguese passport. The right term is getting Portuguese 
Citizenship which is a completely different process. In order to get a 
Portuguese passport, you need to be a Portuguese citizen first. Just like in 
order to get a British passport you need to be a British citizen 
first. Clear now?... I do hope so.  BTW, is your 
name really John on your birth certificate or Joao? :-) I am just surprised 
that your father being so Portuguese gave you the name of John instead
 of Joao..Paulo Colaco Dias

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: [Goanet] portuguese passport

Its always nice to hear of something positive, and thank you for that, shows 
that perseverance  patience pays off in the end. Well done  congratulations 
to you. Two years does seem an awful long time when you consider in the UK 
three weeks for a passport is 'a lifetime's wait' for the majority who want to 
use it only to go on holidays to Costa del Fish 
Chips. Patience on your part, correct documentation etc have at last paid off 
for you. 
  John Monteiro


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] portuguese passport

2008-08-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Its always nice to hear of something positive, and thank you for that, shows 
that perseverance  patience pays off in the end.  Well  done  congratulations 
to you. Two years does seem an awful long time when you consider in the UK 
three weeks for a passport is 'a lifetime's wait' for the majority who want to 
use it only to go on holidays to Costa del Fish  Chips.  Patience on your 
part, correct documentation etc have at last paid off for you.
  And the good advice you give about any old documents is a valid point, 
anything that has an official date stamp, and is a formal document would go a 
long way to help prove any Goan's case as well as limiting the time window, 
down to 2 years in your case. Goodness only knows how long some other 
applicants have waited, or not got any further than the initial application.
  John Monteiro
  I have got my papers processed thru the Goa Consulate within 2 
years I think if you have an old document which the consulate 
is asking to curb fraud from indians your
process will be quick. rergards,

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Visual Memory

2008-07-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India

Seems to me you chaps may have found a solution or a way of delaying eventual 
memory loss, its commonsly said our grey matter tends to be less efficient as 
we age, and those of us who are nearing or have passed 60 years of (s)age could 
take this on board. Though you two appear to be mentally as steady as 25 year 
olds, me, well more than triple this these days at least...
  Recently as 4 or 5 years ago I could have held my memory  any 25 year old 
with every bit of scrap information from the time we landed at London Airport 
in 1961 till a few years ago but these last few years have taken their toll on 
my little grey cells, I seem to forget names, sometimes place names, I will 
wander mid-sentence or lose the thread of my conversations with friends, family 
 even my customers at my business. Now if that's not a form of creeping 
alzheimers I dont know what is.
  The grey matter needs working upon, daily  regularly reading, not just for 
eye exercise but keeping up with current affairs around the world (especially 
these days in Goa, there is so much going on there, sufficient for anyone 
keeping away the dreaded memory loss, stay alert  fit until at least they 
reach 100 and beyond).
  I tried to remember things by association  this sometimes works but 
eventually, like the dreaded house of cards, it only takes a little 
  I would like to vist this wikipedia site Patrice Riemens recommended to you, 
please if you will pass it on.
  John Monteiro

Teotonio R. de Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I had known of localised memory. I can remember, for instance, the exact
place on note cards and on notebooks where I made my jottings (of archival
and other readings) during the past 40 years or soThose 
interested could read more
about it in Tony de Melo's very popular book entitled *Sadhana: A way to

  Message: From: Tony de Sa

Thanks for the information. Patrice Riemens also pointed out the same and 

pointed me to the wikipedia site for it

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Portuguese nationality

2008-07-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India

Thanks FN
  Although the info I read about the nuonces on Portuguese Nationality, how to 
obtain it, how it came about, how it was amended and changed (at will) by the 
various governing bodies through the ages) is a few years old, its as valid now 
as it ever was.  
  Possibly more useful these days with so many Goans (not only in Goa, but also 
in UK  Portugal  Canada etc) who may have access to Portugal but not yet 
  Good luck to one and all,  if you need ANY info on this subject try our long 
time friend on Goanet (also his blog  other / many pieces on Goan history, and 
current news, FN is one of our 'main arteries' whose pulse on Goan Life, past  
present  associated news) is boundless, not to mention borderless..
  email him any time, he will have the answer, if he does not have it directly 
at his finger tips, I can guarantee he will know someone, somewhere who does.  
  John Monteiro

Hi John, How does one access the valuable info you are commenting about on the 
above issue? Regards Vivek

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Portuguese nationality

2008-07-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
  Wow, that was some read, so much information there, anyone who has questions 
regarding Portuguese Nationality would no doubt find the answers there. 
Recommended read. Well worth a visit.
  John Monteiro

Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ ्रेडरि क नोर ोन्या 

  John Monteiro  

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India

Re: [Goanet] JoeGoaUK's pics on youtube.......... on Goanet

2008-07-21 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  Thank you Joe,
  This particular clip of the old married couple (with the husband  blind 
wife, singing for their supper) brought a lump in my throat when you first 
brought it to our attention last year I think it was, it brings to me feelings 
of sorrow, feelings of helplessness, feelings to bring tears to my eyes ( 
succeeding in doing so, again!!), feelings of joy, feelings of love, feelings 
for my family, feelings for others' feelings!!
  But above all, feelings of hope, hope for not only these two who have lived 
their lives on the breadline  now in their old age, in poverty, but above all 
knowing that love indeed conquers everything.
  Again, I say thank you Joe
  John Monteiro


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Decoding the Surname

2008-07-20 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Olga
  Thank you for the link, I was curious as to the meaning of my surname.  
During the first year of our marriage my wife Pamela asked me for the meaning 
of my surname, I had no idea (still whizzing about trying to find out where my 
dad went all those years ago) so I contacted one these commercial companies 
that make up heraldic shields, they search your surname  supply a heraldic 
theme to a framed certificate.  
  I got one of these framed certificates some 18 years ago, noting that 
Monteiro was deemed to mean a HUNTER in the employ of the Monarch, 
(allegedly), This would mean the PORTUGUESE MONARCHY  can be traced back to 5 
or 6 centuries when the then monarchs used to hunt with dogs, 
birds/hawks/falcons  on horse-back with other 'hunting tools', such as 
rods/spears  arrows etc.  
  The Monteiro or Hunter was in charge of the hunting animals, hunting 
equipment  arranging the gaming for the Monarch. The areas were very hilly / 
moutainous so I wondered if there was a mix between Monte (for Hill) and 
Moneiro (for Hunter), in your listings, or perhaps a combination, or could it 
be a typo? 
  I saw that Selma's surname (from hubby no doubt) was about right, an Oak 
Tree. However one of my father's (middle names) Teles meaning Saddle Cloth, was 
right on the nose, ha ha.
  Gracious Hunter... aka John (Joao) Monteiro

Olga Maciel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Meanings of surnames

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Bridge over trouble community relations

2008-07-20 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 we are lucky.  
  So the time had come to say something to the old codger, unhesitatingly I 
said What do you mean by THESE PEOPLE.. ?? what PEOPLE are talking about?  
Is it a WOMAN WITH A CHILD in a pram PEOPLE you talking about  or it is 
something else you mean?...
  Before I could finish the lady turned and said I am sorry, but I did say 
thank you very much. meanwhile the husband's eyes widened and I 
thought his eyeballs were about to fall out.
  I immediately said to her, This is not your problem, this is HIS problem, 
you are not to be blamed for doing what comes naturally to you, its THIS man 
and his attitude,, THIS TYPE OF PEOPLE, this bigot, still loudly  
very angry (didnt think I had it in me, I was flushed with anger  frustration 
for years of having to accept this type of behaviour  hearing my wife  
children telling me of their being humilated when I was not around came 
flooding back to me but I took my revenge on all these dozens of people who 
denegrated  shown disdain towards my family, because otheir race or colour, 
took it out on this man, a racialist and a bigot who thinks he has the support 
of the whole bus against this Hindu woman, this could have been my childrens' 
mother, this wife with her child  not being protected by anyone, having to be 
insulted, though she was accepting it as a matter of life  belief that this 
normal behaviour.
  It made me ashamed to be called a British citizen, ashamed to be called a 
man, a father AND a husband of a Hindu.
  The old man stuttered  looked away, mumbling to himself, looking acutely 
embarrased  hurt.  Too late, I said it, and was not ashamed for doing so.  
This rebuke from me was possibly the first time anyone has stood up for 
themselves with this man, he did not expect to be told off for his racialist  
bigotted remarks, but then how often do any of us say anything?  
  We are either too tired, or could not care, we have been de-sensitised by it 
all over the years, thinking that its best left alone, dont interfere in case 
we get into trouble.  I could have been thown off the bus, but the driver gave 
me a small wave  a nod from his mirror when I looked up towards him, thinking 
I was about to be asked to vacate the bus, and have a long walk back. The 
husband was clearly heading for a  in a turmoil, beads of sweat on his forehead 
showed he was anxious in case there was fight, and looking anxiously towards 
his wife  worried about the child's welfare too.  And he could not be blamed 
for thinking this, any father or husband in this situation would have, but I 
was not careless, I made sure of my position and that of the people in 
question, there was no imminent danger to anyone.
  The rest of the bus, including the young black girl (African) who sat next to 
me said nothing, they were transfixed with what they were doing.  But they 
heard me, they saw me however said nothing. I thought of the three 
monkeys... those who see, hear and speak no evil, and wondered if I had 
a bargain, I got two monkeys out of three here, perhaps next time we will see 
these monkeys SAY something rather than accept rudeness, racialism  bigotry as 
normal behaviour in this country.
  Yes there are racialists in England but they are everywhere, we see daily 
issues in Goa, and how the Goans have (rightly or wrongly) opposed the (inward) 
immigration from other States of India  (naturally) from (outward)  migration 
from countries overseas.
  But is racialism rife in the UK, I say NO, for the sake of my wife, and my 
children, my extended family of relatives all over the world, I say no, we are 
not a nation of racialists, at least not in the majority, there are little 
pockets of them here  there but you have to stand up to them, not with 
physical violence but by words and deeds.  England is only successful  because 
of the migration it has over the centuries absorbed peoples, from ALL nations 
over the world, and now stands a better country because of it, or in spite of 
  Goa is a different case, its a small State, unable to take much  more 
migration, its borders need to be checked, its infrastructure will not be able 
to stand much migration in the numbers Goa is experiencing.  About the size of 
Mauritius, with similar number of citizens, it can take many hundreds of 
thousands of tourists every year, but they must leave after their vacation, 
staying on is not on.  
  England will reach that point soon also, but not just yet, we still have a 
little more room, but the UK will have to put in strict censures, much as Goa 
is doing to ensure stability.  As for the individual, well that is different 
story, racialism will be with us to the end of time, its just a way of life for 
some people, but education is needed, but quickly.
  John Monteiro

Re: [Goanet] 6.42

2008-07-16 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
You just have to smile, there is no place like home

Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ ्रेडरि क नोर ोन्या 
  6.42 pm here, and the baker's almost on time, blowing his horn,
despite the HEAVY rain...
FN * Independent Journalist
Ph +91-832-2409490

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Forests of Goa... (Makodd paule amchea ghorar)

2008-07-12 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada
Hi Frankie
  I have been posting on this forum for about a year and a half now, and in 
that time I have read ( sometimes replied) to many distressed Goans who have 
put their views forward regarding the illegal ( the legal) land development  
ore mining in Goa, the migrants from Russia, Israel  European countries buying 
houses  businesses in parts of Goa, inward migration from other States within 
India as well as harsh words against fellow Goans for selling up land  their 
houses rented out to 'foreigners'...
  In fact the list is endless when it comes to gripping about Goan behaviour 
not to mention those outsiders who have been taking advantage of Goa (inward  
outward migration, whether housed or not), the Goan police for their taking 
sides in disputes and acting on behalf of the people with money, the Goan 
politicians who are paid for their work but want more money, however its 
produced, the Goan businessmen  the middlemen in various official capacities 
who have their palms greased for every stamp they use on official papers, and 
the slow process of officialdom
  You are rightly concerned when you express distressingly that Goa is being 
over-developed.  There are many who say its inevitable, it is progress  ought 
to be accepted with grace.
  Its of course easy to say, but difficult to understand how one's own country 
/ state / neighbourhood can be decimated without so much as a backward glance.  
The neighbour who sells to the highest bidder, is not to blame.. 
really!  Its the buyer who then converts the habitat he has purchased.  Its the 
official who has sanctioned the conversion.
  You are unhappy  you will see many more of these miscarriages, but they are 
legal. The monkey on your doorstep is there because his habitat has been 
decimated, he has nowhere to go.  In many cities and large towns you will see 
the 'macaque' but usually in areas where there are derelict old temples or old 
houses which are no longer habitable, overgrown  filled with other creatures, 
including snakes  scorpions, rats  insects galore!
  There are other places where the macaque are highly respected as agents of 
Hanuman  were welcomed in temples  were fed by devotees, in much the same way 
as some Ganesh temples have rats milling around and are fed by devotees, they 
are considered in much the same way as the cow or any bullock or cattle left 
wandering the streets, as the cow is a vehicle of the God, other vehicles of 
the Gods are permitted also, the snake (anand) etc.
  But for a villager to witness a monkey coming onto his land because the 
habitat has been diminished beyond acceptance, there is no food for the monkey 
(its all about food  comfort for animals), they will seek out anywhere where 
there is food and water, comfort within the human habitat if necessary, 
otherwise, monkeys and all other animals would prefer to be away from humans.
  I am really sorry to see this happen to you  your neighbours, but also feel 
sorrow for the monkeys who are desperately seeking solace, food  water, 
comfort also. As for the music, well to be honest they probably were 
frightened, but after a while they will come to accept it as part of their 
lives, but SHOULD they???  No, they should be left to live in peace, in 
the forest
  John Monteiro

frank Feds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (TRUNCATED) 
  For the last 35 years I never heard that the monkey came on my house, but 
now after the constructions in the forest  because of the open-air halls 
the monkey frequently come on my houseFrankie


  John Monteiro  

[Goanet] Is devolution the answer for Goa?

2008-07-11 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Its just a thought but the ways things are going right now, and have been for 
the past dozen or more years, the Goan way of life is slowly to decline  
eventually you will not know the difference between any of India's States, 
except that Goa is the smallest, and the last to join the constitution (putting 
aside the various inputs from Goanetters regarding Jammu  Kashmir).
  Is devolution the way forward?  In the UK, over hundreds of years the 'unity' 
of the United Kingdom was possible with the intergration of Wales, Scotland  
Northern Ireland, but as time passed  the differences between the four regions 
was becoming more  more obvious  local governement was not sufficient to 
supply the needs of the people of the West (Wales)  north (Scotland), also 
across the Irish Sea to Northern Ireland.  Wales have not devolved totally as 
yet (its not for the want of trying), but Scotland have.  
  Scotland has its own Parliament  though still part of the United Kingdom, is 
able to pass laws  control spending  charges etc via their own Parliament 
without having recourse to Westminster.
  Is it not possible for Goa to go in the same direction?  In fact any State 
which can sustain itself with central government still funding (as England 
does, it sends millions of pounds to the Scottish Parliament each year, to help 
them become 'self-governing' as it were).
  Its not an ideal situation polically but in reality it has worked well for 
the Scottish people ( those who are not Scottish but live  work there). 
  Any comments on this?  Would Goa be better off if it devolved from India, but 
still be part of it, under a revised constitution, not as a separate country, 
but a separate State of India, perhaps local laws can then be introduced for 
the betterment of Goa  Goans living there, as well as non-Goans who are 
already resident, living  working there, and paying their taxes to the Goan 
Government rather than central government?
  Just a thought, any (constructive  non-denegrating) comments would be 
appreciated.  We need to find lots of ways forward, this is just one more bit 
of armour but there may be some chinks in it, so lets iron them out here, 
perhaps take this forward to the next level is possible.
  John Monteiro

Re: [Goanet] You May Already Be There.

2008-07-10 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Thanks Roland !
  This is the type of story that rings true, albeit a life-style that is 
abundant in Goa, and yet under threat from the very people now abusing the soil 
 water for the want of money.
  All this being ruined by greedy politicians, greedy land-grabbing developers 
 illegal ( no doubt some 'legal') greedy ore-mining operators.
  But I do like the story, its got a nice twist to it.
  John Monteiro

Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A boat docked in Majorda. A tourist from Mumbai complimented the Goan
fisherman on the quality of his fish.(TRUNCATED)- 
  Moral of the story:
Know where you're going. You may already be there.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] A Trip Down Memory Lane

2008-07-07 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Thank you Rajiv,
  Its always nice to experience someone else's memories in the way the author 
has described here. Was this you?
  A Trip Down Memory Lane was very nice  very pleasant for me to read, 
especially when the author mentioned the two lives of the youth  the older 
  I like the way that the author put a neat separation between the two people, 
the 20-year old  the 50 year-old but still able to balance his life.  We all 
who love these type of stories  memories all balance a the little tear in the 
corner of our eyes, for the 20-year old who was there all those years ago, and 
the 50 year old that he is today. 
  Wonderful stuff
  John Monteiro

Trip Down Memory Lane 
Going Home Thirty-five years and two months is a long time to stay away from a 
place that you hated to leave at all. The thought crossed my mind as I wandered
the streets of the old city of Surat, looking for familiar landmarks and for my 
family home.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Keep Smiling

2008-07-05 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  This is PRINT OFF  KEEP.  Thank you for that, my little girl has been a bit 
nervous lately because she is in a play at her Saturday school, its all dancing 
 singing  this will be nice to print off  put on her pillow.
  John Monteiro

[Edu's World] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (truncated) 
  :-) - KEEP SMILING - :-) If at times you feel you want to cry. And 
life seems such a trial.Above the clouds theres a bright blue 

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Contractor, wife arrested for murdering teenager in Goa

2008-07-04 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
This is a sad, horrific case. You can only summise from what was said by the 
defendant  his 'co-conspirators' that this is actually what happened. 
  Dont we all wish we could turn the clock back  wish that the girl had been 
taken to hospital as soon as she had this accident, if that is what it was?  It 
would have cleared him  the four others who are involved, the girl may have 
survived and these five guys would probably be free now.
  No doubt the autopsy will confirm everything.  Let us hope the coroner takes 
better care  carries out his duties chronologically  with better regard than 
some of the previous cases we have seen, heard  been debating on this forum.
  John Monteiro

Yogesh Desai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote = (TRUNCATED) 
  Contractor, wife arrested for murdering teenager in Goa  On December 15, 
2006, Safia suffered burns while cooking Presuming that Safia was dead, 
Hamsa decided to cut her body with a sickle. As he was cutting, he realised 
that the girl was alive but still murdered.The court on Thursday 
remanded prime accused Hamsa to police custody...Mymuna was remanded to 
judicialcustody..Abdulla (35), Moidu Hajee (60), who helped Hamsa find a 
maid and P N Gopalkrishnan, ASI, who reportedly tried to cover up the 
caseGopalkrishnan has already been placed under

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Computer dependency test!

2008-07-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  I just read the link you supplied, its very interesting, but now I am in a 
quandry! I have put on several extra pounds since giving up smoking way back in 
1989  have never been able to shift this extra bulge around the middle of my 
  It took 10 million years (the report says) for us to develop into the 
creatures we are, finding two legs being more efficient, using 75% less energy, 
also 75% LESS CALORIES too. that is quite a quandry for me! Maybe 
not!  It may be startling to my family, friends and my staff to see me crawling 
about on all fours, sweating ( swearing about my poor knees  the holes in my 
trouser legs...)
  Having tried all sorts of diets over the years have had no effect, it could 
be related to my genes / parentage (oops, I take that back, lets just say 
genes...) / or even my age now, but over 19 years this has NOT shifted a 
centimetre! My wife tells me (oops I must be a bit more PC these days, on 
Goanet anyway, I meant to say my partner) assures me that its my 
addiction to spicy food (ALL types of spicy except PHALL)  my daily doses red 
wine (limited to 3 glasses per day) is the cause of my diets not being taken 
seriously, its limited my ability to lose the amounts of calories over a week!
  I work seven days a week but feel I can probably do my job over a 4-day-week 
AND lose some of my weight in the bargain, if I could travel on all fours 
instead! Its tempting now to reduce my weekly work hours, to 40 hour week 
instead of a 80+ hour, walk on all fours  lose the 75% more calories at the 
same time.  Absolute geniues!  
  No doubt there will be usual snide remarks 'emanating' from 'the unholy 
trinity' regarding my new (tempting but not-very-well-thought-out) lifestyle  
travel plans to  from work, but if I do take it up, I will let you all know 
(in as fewer words as possible), ha ha
  Thanks for the link, it was not only informative but quite interesting! And 
YES, I WAS joking there... but its a thought, perhaps 
someone. no, didnt think so.
  John Monteiro

Samir Kelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Seb writes: Q. How many legs do you 
have?I googled for how many legs do humans have 
 do humans walk on two legs? To save energyI thought that was 
interesting! regards, Samir

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] gated community and vomitting -- in a lighter vein

2008-07-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  You are the oil on troubled waters, that is what you are!  
  If Selma invites any or all of the three main antagonists / protagonists 
(depending on your viewpoint) for lunch or dinner, I will prepare, cook, dish 
it up myself AND bring it to the table!  
  I have been cooking for the poor, the middle class  the rich for nearly 40 
years  still running my businesses, seven days per week (oh oh  
ooopsss perhaps a little too much information.?).
  John Monteiro

Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (TRUNCATED)...The discussion on gated 
community has been so long that perhaps.Did Selma serve ambot-tik 
(though her writing is unlike the same variety but rather sweet) as well as 
from the agnostics book of recipes?  Don't know if the vomitting was rather 
belching. But the good doc, should know better, much better than he knows Goa's 
freedom history.  If Selma has bared her family history, she 
perhaps wanted to show that caste and prejudice does not figure in her lexicon. 
On the other hand, Cornel has made himself clear than caste also does not 
figure in his world.
In the socio-cultural structure in India caste still prevails...I was 
once accused by some friends of Churchill Alemao for implying in my writing 
that Churchill was a fisherfolk when all I wrote was that he was president of 
the fishing trawlers owners association. So, people will draw different 
meaningsIt was unfortunately that a lunch meeting spurned out 
into an academic discussion on what constitutes a gated community. As they say, 
there's many a slip between cup and lip...I think Selma you should now 
invite Cornel for dinner, as a special guesture (or guest). Eugene

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: From wooden to metal ploughs and more: the Charis of Parra

2008-07-02 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
This is really wonderful to read, thank you so much for bringing this little 
piece of hidden Goa to us, did I say 'hidden' ??  I meant 'lost' Goa (probably 
'hidden' in every area in India too, with the need for ploughs  blacksmiths 
are worth their weight in gold).  
  This is some of the past which is right here in the present day Goa / Inida, 
that lulls us all. Please please continue to delight us with more stories like 
this, true  real-to-life whether from your own personal memories or someone 
elses who cannot post here,but would like to share it with us all.
  So many of us nowadays do not lead rural lives, nor do we witness them 
first-hand because we are too stuck as we are in such modern surroundings, with 
running water, toilets that flush, hot AND cold water at our fingertips, no 
garden and therefore no soil to touch, smell  walk upon, we have lost contact 
with reality, more so those of us no longer residing in Goa.
  Only little pots of plants with their compost which came from the bogs of 
Ireland or a handful of dirt from the parkland.  It brings reality back to me 
to read the uncomplaining blacksmith's day of toil, his hard work for very 
little money, but the grateful thanks of dozens upons dozens fellow men, the 
ploughmen who ready the soil with their toil, to feed us. Grateful thanks also 
from me
  Thank you again, to you  the Charis of Parra
  John Monteiro
  Goanet Reader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From wooden to metal ploughs and 
more: the Charis of Parra By Claude Alvares [EMAIL PROTECTED] The rains have 
commenced. As every Goan knows, this is the time for work in the fields. 
Ploughs are dragged out. Oxen get extra rations. Women covered in plastic 
sheets gear up to plant paddy, working ankle deep in water without complaint. 
Goans revel at the sight of farmers ploughing fields as they pass them in their 
transport to cities for work...

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] SUPERSTITIONS CURES........

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Old superstitions  cures.  I was one of the posters advising Albert to tread 
carefully when recommending some of his (?) old cures for this  that, as one 
or two of these sounded a bit silly such as the garlic around the neck or hips 
etc, (no such thing of course because they were 'proven cures' over hundreds of 
years), but a couple of the others were downright dangerous (drinking potions 
not proven to be 'cures' may cause people to get ill if not properly 
  Someone on this forum mentioned the ladies with red chillies, reminded me of 
one occasion when I was dreadfully ill  even though my mother consulted a 
doctor (father was away 'on business' as usual) the doc could only prescribe 
some tablets, informing my mother told to increase my temperature by wrapping 
me up to cure me.  
  One of our 'ayas' I remember said a pot of fire is what they used in their 
home for htis type of illness, so one was brought in  the room got a bit 
smoky, windows were shut so the coughing started when previously I had no cough 
at all!
  After a day or so, my mother reminded that I got gradually worse, but then my 
mother consulted a neighbour, she was told of a lady who cured one of her 
friends' children previously with similar symptons. My mother was no slouch, 
she consulted anyone  everyone she knew to ensure her child was not going to 
  Sometime later, seemed like ages being smoked alive in this room, a lovely 
middle-aged lady walked in, asked for the pot of fire to be removed, cleared 
the smoke, closed the windows again, made me sit up, then to stand up, removed 
ALL my clothes  begun rubbing me all my body from neck to feet, all over with 
  Oh my god, I was burning, burning everywhere!  She did not leave a centimetre 
bare except I remember she left my face  head  I think the soles of my feet  
palms of my hands without this concoction which appeared to be just chillies  
a little water.  It was not a paste, more just partly dried chillies with a 
little water rubbed all over.  I had no energy for a few days prior to this 
CURE BY RED CHILLIES, nor during being SMOKED ALIVE the day before.
  I was left for what seems like hours with this feeling of being burned alive, 
but also felt chilly (not a pun)  then shivering begun. I was on the 
way to being cured, it didnt feel that way to me!
  Next day I was up  about like nothing happened, eating, drinking and arguing 
with my younger brother, as usual...
  SOME remedies, in the right hands DO work, but I must stress the type of red 
chilli, dried in certain way, sliced or cut up in strips, etc was the KNOWLEDGE 
this lady had.  
  She probably saved my life!
  I DONT KNOW what was wrong with me, nor did my mother, but it was probably 
some type of FEVER it seems which had lasted too long, that lady may have known 
exactly what was wrong.  I may have caught it from someone else, or by drinking 
unboiled water, fresh milk from the man who came by with his cow  we bought 
milk from him or whatever way this particular illness is passed on.
  My fondest of memories of this lady was just that I remember she was a rather 
large sweaty lady.  No doubt handling red chillies every day  being in a room 
with no air, she had little choice in the matter, but the huge beads of sweat 
on her forehead dripping down to the end of her nose, down her cheeks  her 
talking calmly to me (cant remember what she said) but also some chanting she 
did whilst rubbing me all over ... was all I could 'remember' of this 
nightmare, if it was a memory. I did not remember anything else before or after 
the application of this red chillies, except that I was hungry when I awoke!


John Monteiro

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Beggars of today

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Beggars Belief I guess, Heh heh, lovely.  I enjoyed that one! Thank you
  John Monteiro

[Edu's World] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Beggars of today
A man walks past a beggar every day and gives him Rs.10 and that Continues
for a year. Then suddenly the daily donation changes to Rs. 7.50 Well, the 
beggar thinks, it's still better than nothing... TRUNCATED

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Bigotry on goanet - and Miguel Braganza

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Santosh
  Who mentioned HJS?
  Not me.  
  John Monteiro

Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please explain how. Are you sure M. F. Hussain is a postmodern moral 
relativist who is not a hypocrite? If he believes that Hindu Janajagruti 
Samiti's opinions are unreasonable, then he is a bigot. I cannot tell who on 
Goanet is not a bigot according to those dictionary definitions. Cheers, Santosh

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Repeated use of the word Ghanti

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
When the word Ghanti was used to describe a lovely old migrant woman whose 
photo was taken, with or without her permission, I objected to the use of the 
word but was 'inundated with emails' saying that there is nothing wrong with 
the word Ghanti.  
  The photo posted on this forum at the time, of this careworn old migrant 
woman was one of RP's thousands over the years that he has posted on this  no 
doubt other forums, he is a great photographer, wonderfully taken  so 
exact...etc etc but it was EXPLAINED to me, ad nausim by several posters (as 
though you would a child) that the correct usage was used in this case.  I did 
not pursue the matter, it was irrelevant what they had to say, I knew what it 
meant  I knew it was wrong then, and it is wrong now.
  I suspect it then  I continue to suspect the use of the word Ghanti was used 
in a derogatory sense at the time, and still being used in the same way now, 
but of course we are to believe that 'no stone was caste with malice' on this 
  Some of us are getting a bit peeved with the handfull of posters who are 
continually deriding, denegrating others sensibilities by what they think is 
their right to say anything at any time, to anyone who disagrees with them (na 
nana na na  poke out your tongue), because they come from a higher caste 
within their own religion (with so many Catholics on this forum it 'beggars 
belief' the caste system even exists with the Church, but it certainly looks 
that way to me).
  We all know better. But sometimes this has to go over our heads or we will 
find ourselves arguing amongst ourselves.
  As if !!
  John Monteiro

CORNEL DACOSTA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Samir Along with others in the 
past I have objected strongly to the term 'ghanti' as used on Goanet. As to 
what the moderators are doing about it is a good question. Wouldn't it be nice 
if you at least got an
acknowledgement from Goanet about this concern? Regards Cornel DaCosta

Samir Kelekar wrote: I take severe objections to the repeated use of the word 
ghanti on Goanet to deride the poor migrants. What are the moderators doing?  
Ghanti is an utterly derogatory word.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar.

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  My mother was the product of a mix-(white) race couple, a French JEWESS  
  SHE was the Ullah I was referring to in my post, it was one of my father's 
little aliases he used when 'on business' as it were.  WHAT his business was 
around the 17 June 1950 is anyone's guess,  but I can suppose it was not any 
different to what he had been up to during WW2 or during the Spanish Civil War, 
nor when he worked for PIDE.  
  I was incorrect to say I was a hybrid, you are of course correct in your post 
of how  what a hybrid is, I was just in a hurry to answer to a post regarding 
mixed races, religions etc. So many on this forum are either brown nosing with 
the highbrow or academic elements here but not looking in the mirror 
themselves, nor asking about their own parentage.
  I was just saying, to NOT call people names, nothing more than that.  And to 
prove this I laid bare some of my family's own 'misdeeds' if this is what they 
were, or if that is what they meant it to be.  One reason my mother was BORN in 
Bombay 7 Sept 1923 was that her parents relationship was out of wedlock, 
similarly my own mother's relationship with Casimiro Emerito Teles Jordao Rozo 
Monteiro was was also the same.
  Its just one instance that proves that if you come from a bastardized 
hierachy it does not necessarily mean you have to continue the line, nor have 
to take up your father's profession, neither my younger brother nor I were in 
the least bit aware of his PIDE activities, and that is thanks to our mother 
who protected us in our childhood  forbade us to ever mention his name or the 
Portuguese side of the family ever again.
  I did purposefully marry OUT of my 'race' because I was very unhappy with 
relationships with WHITE women (though not sure if its correct to say 'out of 
my race' since EuroAsian is the same 'race'), only our 'colour' / 'creed' / 
country / locations were different.  Otherwise you could not meet two people 
who suited  complimented each other.
  I the product of the above, and my beautiful wife a Mauritian (Tamil / 
Hindu), coincided with my beliefs, being of the same religion as my wife, but 2 
years BEFORE she was born.  She is 17 years my junior would not have made a 
difference, but it was fantastically coincidental we both have the same 
religion, the same outlook on life, eat  drink the same foods  like the same 
style music, family get-togethers etc.
  Meanwhile, back on the ranch.. the purpose of my delving so deeply  
digressing a little is to just say it is not nice for people to denegrate 
others by calling them names, nor to assume someone is of a 'low caste' (be it 
the way in which you described my mother, which is wholly incorrect) or to be 
so highbrow looking down at others, as is clear by your post.  Its the same 
thing, you dont have to SAY it, just IMPLYING it is sufficient to hurt others.
  John Monteiro.

edward desilva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi John, 
To say that my mother is a Chardi but I'm a Sudra, do you think some Goanetters 
who read it are gone doolally to believe that...I don't know what you 
are rambling about, Religion is not my bother..according to Bangalee Muslim 
Community, Ullahs are low caste. If your mother was an Ullah too, than you are 
a low caste hybrid (does not matter what religion you belong to). Have these 
anthropology PhD people wasted their time, AGAIN? ED.

John Monteiro said: Personally speaking, and this is what I do on this forum, I 
am a hybrid, with many attachments to the major religions of the world, but 
have taken for my spiritual comfort, the Hindu faith for the past 42 years.  
Since I was 16 in fact.  But this is MY choice, in parentage, my family, the 
major figure was my father, albeit an absent one for most of my childhood, his 
donation to making me was to make me 50% Catholic, but I was brought up 100% 
Catholic for the first dozen years of my life, due to my mother not having a 
say in how my education or religious beliefs were to be handled. 
To add to this melange, yet one of my father's names (on my birth certificate) 
is Ullah.  How about that then?  I am also a MUSLIM.
Now try and work that one out.  Jewish Muslim?  Protestant Hindu?  Portuguese 
Catholic tainted with a little conscience?  

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Bigotry on goanet - and Miguel Braganza

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Venantius
  Oh yes, I read it all the way through, and understood every word believe me.  
  The word hypocrite is up there clear as mud ..  it well understood 
by everyone on this forum. 
  Especially when commenting on other posters' contributions,  I include those 
that do not get through via the moderator, due to preferences on some subjects 
too close to some agendas  hearts ( mindset).
  John Monteiro

Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi John, Santosh is correct when he 
says The following definitions ensure that almost everybody is a bigot. Note 
the word hypocrite. venantius

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Why do some find it necessary to vomit in public?

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
end up either dead, beaten or abused all over again, some may be lucky  end up 
in an Ashram for the Orphans... if they are lucky!
  Both my brother  I married, just to prove that a piece of paper IS 
security... for the children of the marriage  that this cycle of the unweds 
CAN  DOES get broken.  
  I dont personally care about the paper, but my wife does, she definitely 
would not consider a relationship based only on love, she needed proof of it. 
And good for her.  My children are not taunted at school as my brother  I 
were, my mother's generation  those prior to hers were aghast  she was shown 
up in class a bastard child.  Those days ARE over, the newer generation comes 
along now, majority of which have kids of many colours, with many different 
  So we are to congratulate them for falling in love, having as many children 
as they want, with all the rights of a house, paid for by the government, (you 
 I  -   in the UK) rights to have sufficient money to feed  cloth their 
children, sufficient money left over to buy cigarettes  get drunk, 
sufficiently drunk to have more children by the next randy little teen passing 
by, also drunk.  
  In the town where we live, presently, the teenage preganancies are quite 
high.  The UK has the highest teenage  underage pregnancies in Europe, all 
births, housing, cigarettes and more drink paid for by the government (you  
I).  What a life, all paid for by someone else, no wonder all these teens 
demand their rights nowadays, its all free!
  And I always thought with rights came responsiblities.  Alas I am too old, an 
old codger not quite retirement age who gets annoyed with his very high tax 
bills  huge overheads in his business, especially when the taxman demands we 
pay on time or else! Annoyed at slights to his mental state, when in fact he is 
just annoyed, or trying to help others not to curse the world for their parents 
  Sure I am mad as hell about some issues, but am not rampant about it, I get 
annoyed by the likes of you jc who say things out of turn, annoyed at being 
ripped off at every turn, yes sure I am mad as hell, but they are not related 
in any way to my mental state, I get angry  mad as hell about some stuff that 
is chucked in my life's path, and that of my family.  But I am old enough to 
reallise its part of living our daily lives, we have much to put up with, 
without being told to shut up  not 'vomit in public' when in fact we are 
trying to help resolve issues, not create them.  I was trying to be part of the 
solution, not the problem.
  I apologise to everyone on this forum if you think I have gone overboard with 
my private life, it is to me, to my wife  all our close, and extended family, 
an OPEN BOOK, a life well lived, in all its entirerity, dark corners, bright 
lights, skeletons pushed out of the cupboards, so maybe you feel more secure by 
keeping yours well locked up, not wash you linen in public.  That's ok cause 
the majority of people DO that, as a matter of course.  Because they are 
ashamed of their part in creating their skeletons. 
  I wonder what stains some are afraid will not come out in their wash? They 
know already, that is why they dont wash it in public. And that is their right, 
and their responsibility to towards those they love  cherish, in much the same 
way as I loved  cherished my mother, still do.  Also my family who love  
support everything I do (except sometimes when my youngest daughter is unhappy 
at the amount she gets for pocket money, and THAT look she gives me, melts my 
heart to then give her some more.), otherwise I am not afraid to walk 
in the dark, certainly happy to do the same  walk in the light.
  John Monteiro

J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It is my belief that John Monteiro 
has many personal demons which he needs to take care of outside this public 
forum. I also submit that he is unlikely to have had consent from either his 
mother or his grand-parents to have their privacy and confidentiality breached 
on GoaNet. If you have another are casting serious 
aspersions on the character of the very person who looked after you i.e. your 
motheras well as on her parents.

That makes you IMHO an absolutely ungrateful person.

  Why vomit in public? Unless you have a psychosomatic problem. If you need 
professional help - go get it. jc

  John Monteiro  

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Racism

2008-06-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

This is really good, thanks again Edward.  I will send this to my eldest 
daughter in Mauritius, she really enjoys some of these little ditties, but I 
will reserve the sexist ones, she will not appreciate it, at 17 years of age, 
may start feeling a bit guilty about spending on the credit card.. so 
may not return it when she gets married
  John Monteiro

[Edu's World] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Thought about men

2008-06-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Thank you Edward, its nice to have these little anecdotes  jokes dotted about 
in this forum, it lightens the day, at least it did for me, a bit sexist but 
who cares, it was meant light-heartedly, and to be honest I think a little less 
PC sometimes goes a long way.
  John Monteiro

[Edu's World] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Thought about men

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
) in Sept 
1923. She was abandoned a few months later, on their return to England. Does 
that make me a Catholic Protestant Jewish Hindu???  Ha ha, I bloody well 
hope not, what a mix!!  
  To add to this melange, yet one of my father's names (on my birth 
certificate) is Ullah.  How about that then?  I am also a MUSLIM.
  Now try and work that one out.  Jewish Muslim?  Protestant Hindu?  Portuguese 
Catholic tainted with a little conscience?  
  God only knows.. !!  
  But so do I.
  So do you now.
  John Monteiro

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Montri's Expenses

2008-06-26 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
To add to Tony's  Cornel's posts, it may be also adviseable for the department 
who scrutinises the accounts  receipts of the MPs to also delve a little 
deeper and question where the extra dosh comes from when there are Mining or 
Development interests .. which some MP's I am led to believe appear 
to either own, or are directors / etc of these firms.
  If earned legally, the fine they can own up to it and inform their 
constituency they have interests in these areas, if not then they ought to be 
penalised (financially as well as losing their jobs, possibly jail depending on 
the legality or illegality of the mining  whether permission was gained 
legally or by bribes etc for the development projects being just two areas 
currently decimating Goa  Goan interests).
  As for UK, when the tabloids or the media in general find that any MP has 
misbehaved or been indulging a little too much in the trough, they are named 
and shamed.  The leader of the party has to take note, or lose the next 
election, so the person found to be guilty or associated to anyone or related 
to anyone who is guilty or found to be guilty, has extended leave to spend more 
time with his family, in other words, he is sacked.  
  Lesser indulgences by those at the top of the food chain usually get 
gardening leave, which is out of the public year for a year or two, then 
return at some point in the future.
  MPs salaries compared to the Blue Chip companies bosses are a pittance, but 
to us on the lower rungs of the ladder, its a massive amount, but in reality 
you have to be public-minded  want to do good for your fellow-man/woman to be 
an MP.  Its a thankless job, it does not last long, unless you are really loved 
by your constituency so they vote you in again and again.
  But overall, the money they get is not anywhere like the Euro MP's who have 
been feeding from the trough, not to mention those who are also bringing their 
family members onto the gravy train! This has been going on since it all began 
way back when, and it aint gonna change.  All the UK old guard who are no 
longer MPs in the UK or not in the public eye every week or even by the month 
are chomping their way into obesity, in size of the bank accounts to their 
waist lines - and there is nothing we can do about it!
  As Cornel says, its not up to us to advise the Goan government or indeed the 
Indian Government on how to run its show, but since the Law  other 
institutions were modelled from the Brits and made into India's own system, 
perhaps it would not hurt if a Parliamentary Scrutiny Committee could be formed 
to investigate ALL MP's and (especially) local councillors, taking action when 
the media or individual supplies information on those who are stealing by 
stealth, as well as those who are raping Goa!
  And if anyone knows of a committee already formed to do this work, then we 
ought to ask whether this committee ought to be disbanded  allow the Prime 
Minister to take personal responsibility for ALL the members of the Parliament, 
in Goa  in India in general.
  John Monteiro

CORNEL DACOSTA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Tony. I too have been staggered 
and disgusted at the size of hospiality expenses claimed by Ministers in Goa. 
But this may not be too different from substantial claims made by UK 
politicians for themselves while asking the public to economise on things like 
essential postage for official purposes or not to flush the toilet too often! 
Fortunately, all claims by politicians in the UK are now being scrutinised 
thoroughly and their perks reconsidered. This has been much influnced by the 
'anger' displayed, particularly in the popular tabloid press. While I do not 
claim to give people in Goa any advice, I hope this info will be useful there 
to consider the need for firm scrutiny and reduction in the size of 
politicians' expense claims. The local daily papers could help greatly in this 
respect if they do not do so already. 
Cornel DaCosta
--- Tony de Sa wrote: The figures given by Lionel Messias on the opulent 
indulgence of the Ministers by way of their food, drink and air fare bills are 
a constant source of amazement to me.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Anglo Indians, Cotton Mary ... and the Bombay of those days (by Roland Francis)

2008-06-26 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO


  South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

  At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Thank you Roland, your recollections were fantastic, and so clear I could 
imagine it all happening in front of my eyes. I got lost in time, it really 
was nice, thank you again.

John Monteiro 

Re: [Goanet] please my blog on Goa

2008-06-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Goanetters
  A Lion Roars 
  Please visit this blog of Mr Lionel Messias. An eye-opener indeed! 
  John Monteiro

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Hotel Inquiry ......

2008-06-13 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
We receive many such requests from Nigeria  Kenya.  This type of scam 
originated in 1980's when we received hand-written letters directly to our 
house, our business  also those of friends and neigbours.  It must have cost a 
lot time, money  postage costs also.  
  If the scam did not work, this would have dried up immediately, but there are 
some people who are greedy, those who are are feeble minded who fall into this 
type of scam / trap.
  I have noticed Kenyan citizens sending emails, as well as Nigerian citizens, 
its so much cheaper, they can reach hundreds of thousands of people in a few 
seconds, no more hand-written letters pretending to be a military officer with 
access to 30 million pounds, or a lawyer who is handling someone's last will  
testament, where there is 50 million pounds at stake.
  Please do not reply to this person, this is a scam.  He says he wants to 
build a hotel in your country but has no idea which country he is sending 
these emails to, or cannot amend the emails for each email address.
  Its two things that will aid this scam, having all your ID details (for ID 
fraud)  then your bank details, (for withdrawing all your money).  Both never 
seen again.
  I sent in a similar sample to Goanet regarding this type of fraud, be careful 
everyone!!  Please excuse me for warning you, its just that some people 
will reply... not that the majority have not seen through this 
scam, this is so blatent.  
  John Monteiro

Henry Bori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Friend, I am looking for your 
cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel in your country. I am sorry if this is 
not in line with your business.I need an experienced person like you to assist 
me Now the present government of Mwai Kibaki has intensified 
efforts at probing Moi's government,which has made it quite impossible for me 
to claim the funds,With this,goverment officials have turned their backs on 
usYou are required to provide the following Basic 
Personal Details as listed below:
(1) Name in full---
(2) Address--
(4) Age
(5) Occupation-

It will appreciate it...Henry Bori

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Enforcement of laws can save hills

2008-06-10 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
ILLEGAL MINING  =  I have just watched a video which shows illegal mining going 
on in South Goa.  The thing that got to me was that a POLITICIAN is involved in 
this.  He owns the company or is involved in the land, not sure which but he is 
an uncaring polician who has gone way over the acceptable mark  should be 
thrown out of Parliament if he is representing any constituency. 
  When the manager of the mining company was confronted by the enquiry team at 
the site, he was told he was illegally mining but he insisted he was legal. He 
was asked for proof of this.
  The manager of the mining company then called his 'superiors', afterwards he 
would not comment further about their activities there, or to confirm that his 
superiors said (it is illegal operation obviously otherwise he would be smiling 
 grining and say all is fine, this is a legal mine).  He turned his back to 
the camera and said no more.  This is out of order, totally.  There are dozens 
of these types of illegal mining going on but NOBODY appears to be able to stop 
them. I cant understand HOW a politician can blatently be involved in such an 
activity but still be a representative in Parliament, how can such a man 
represent his people?  Is he a Goan polician or one from another State where he 
thinks he is safely out of the way, and use the excuse he is mining for the 
benefit of his constituents?
  And if this is the excuse, can be confirm he is doing this legally?  He is 
morally  politically corrupt, and should be named and shamed.
  The whole of this mining stuff is quite insufferable, can anyone find a way 
to access the name of the politician who owns this mine / land so we can shame 
him here on Goanet please.  Also if his adddress  phone number (better still, 
his FAX NUMBER  EMAIL ADDRESS) would be nice.  We should all send him protest 
letters and faxes, emails etc, also if we can get any details of the goverment 
section which deals with  gives permission for this type of mining, their 
address, email  postal, fax number  email would be wonderful.
  Time to get all these illegal mines shut down, there are so many so-called 
'legal' mines that illegal ones are just taking the p*ss.  Soon there will be 
more illegal than 'legal' ones. 
  Goa cannot continue to be abused at this pace, slow action against these 
fast-paced miners.  Unlike the Hare  Tortoise story, the Hare will win if not 
stopped, and Goa will be the old tortoise, unable to catch up, ruined.  There 
is no winner here, only the corrupt polician, corrupt police, corrupt 
government officials.  
  before its all too late
  John Monteiro

Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Enforcement of laws can save hills  
Chief Town Planner Morad Ahmed claimed that the TCP will revoke any licence if 
it is found that facts have been misrepresented but 
these illegal constructions come up anyway?


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photo: This looks like an old Portuguese house

2008-06-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  If I didnt know better, I would have thought this WAS a haunted house, but 
MAYBE also a large boat, at its moorings, but I am not at all sure.
  Anyone know?
  John Monteiro

Talking Photo: This looks like an old Portuguese house

What is it?
Heritage building?
Bhoot Bhangla?
Haunted House?



  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Photos of Porvorim disaster

2008-06-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dr Desai
  I very much doubt if Rajan has crossed any line that he has not crossed 
before, again  again.  He does this to expose those he thinks are raping Goa, 
and Goan interests.  Rajan has the need to cross lines to show us the wayward 
dealings of all Goan AND non-Goan developers, policitians, my goodness I think 
he has not sacrificed his stance so many times over the short time I have been 
on this forum, that some people would take offence to.
  You have taken offense, and possibly quite rightly, but this is not the end, 
nor the begining of the end for Rajan, he has put his whole life on the line by 
exposing so much corruption  disimation of Goan lands, beaches  hills, 
countryside  much more, he has taken not only pictures but also written 
(sometimes even got my heckles up by his version of taking a photo of poor old 
Ghati Lady), but you have to delve a bit deeper to get to what he is trying 
to tell us.
  Beauty is only skin deep but the developers, mining companies and the corrupt 
policians  police who back them up with muscle are ripping the beauty of Goa 
to expose it sufficiently to pile in the cement in its place.  Rajan is 
exposing these people, ALL of them, this is not about creed or breed, it is I 
think more to do with stopping all this nonsense, but he refuses to take up any 
reins to be physically involved in this, his is to contribute by exposing the 
negative  destructive forces currently operating in Goa
  At least that is my take on Rajan Parrikar.
  John Monteiro

anil desai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote = Dear Goanetters, This Rajan Parrikar has 
turned out to be a complete fraud.. Dr Anil Desai

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Rising alcoholism puts Goa on a high!

2008-06-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Alcohol is a deadly killer, not unlike smoking. These 'pastimes' have caused 
great distress in all families, including my wife's immediate family  my 
immediate family.
  It has been said that some people who drink  smoke to excess (alcoholics  
daily smokers) are pre-destined to being addicted to certain chemicals, for 
instance if you take 100 people at random, a certain percentage will be 
addicted almost immediately to the alcohol, as they do with cigarettes. Of 
course drugs can be included in this, depending on the type of drug.  Some 
strong drugs will take hold of you, even if you are not predisposed to them.  
  Alcohol however, like cigarettes is a different story.  Here in the UK where 
pubs abound, the culture of alcohol consumption is being looked at by the 
government.  They banned cigarette smoking in public 'confined' spaces (even at 
bus shelters), in fact anywhere the public gather, and now are looking at 
alcohol disorder zones for some towns  cities where alcohol abuse by the young 
is way out of control.  
  Some places in England, Wales, Scotland  Northern Ireland there are a no-go 
areas due to excessive drinking in pubs, clubs  these branded bars who sell 
the drinks very cheaply  have no conscience about how much someone is being 
served, as long as they are paying for the drinks, these girls  boys end up 
being sick in the streets, passing out on the pavements and bushes, urinating 
where they stand, fights occur  the police are trying to stem the tide of 
violence, but all to no avail.  We need stricter laws.. 
  In Goa, I am sure you have experienced the drunken Brits who have had too 
much to drink  are a nuisance, not only the noise, but the vomit, urinating 
and other unsocial habits, but in Goa I guess you also have the added burden 
that its only the Brits who do this, and then you also have the 
  Its a vicious cycle, repeated every Fri  Sat here in the UK, the youngsters 
have nowhere to go, nothing to do and certainly have lots of money to 
burn. a mere handful out of hundreds of thousands of these 'yobs' ever 
thinks to save up for their future, for their marriage, buying their first 
  And so the next generation of addicted alcoholics will keep the drinks 
companies happy. 
  John Monteiro

Goanet News Service [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Rising alcoholism..PANJIM, JUNE 7 - Sunita Naik is in her mid-thirties 
but life ahead is too grim for her. She has the responsibility of raising two 
children. Her 
husband drowned in alcoholism, died last year - his body was found in rotten 
state in the bushes on the outskirts of the village.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Two Pebbles - monday-muse (9june08)

2008-06-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  Thank you for that story, I have sent it onto my 17-year old daughter in 
Mauritius. She studies  lives there, and of course at her age, has some boys 
interested in her, but a sensible girl who will no doubt find the penny 
dropping when she reads this story of yours.
  I love these little 'parables', they are not only enjoyable but educational 
  John Monteiro

Pravin Sabnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
A farmer owed a huge sum of money to a village moneylender. The ageing 
moneylender, who fancied the farmer's daughter offered to forgo the farmer's 
debt if he could marry his daughter. However, the cunning money-lender made it 
look like a fair deal. He told them that he would put a black and a white 
pebble into an empty money bag.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Anglo-Indians

2008-06-08 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  Thanks for that, its always good to hear all (other) sides, Some coins may 
have more than 2 sides, certainly this subject has several sides to it.  All 
true  of personal experiences.
  I was only 11 in 1961, so my memories, when they come to the fore, are 
usually (mostly) of a rose-tinted variety.  For a child in Goa in the 1950's my 
whole childhood, (though partly marred by father's work, which my brother  I 
knew nothing about), was for the most part idyllic.  
  It was a time when you made your own amusements, made great friendships  
prior to going to boarding school at LHS I loved Goa  all things Goan.  Now 
soon-to-be 58 on 17 June, nothing much has changed for me to consider Goans 
anything other than wonderful people, (generally speaking, not inc the corrupt 
policitians, bribeable police, developers/destroyers of the land, profit 
hunters who are decimating parts of Goa as though its their private fifedom). I 
am talking all-things Goan, not just the bits of my childhood, you have to live 
the life to appreciate it, remembering things of the past, is a powerful tool.  
I think back to all the nicer times that I remember.  Occasionally I let myself 
wander down memory lane for a while, only to discover that my eyes well up and 
I am shedding tears!! Silly, stupid old man that I am.
  That is because of the happiness I enjoyed as a child, my tears are not of 
regret or hurt, they are of pleasure, the happy times I had in my childhood, 
but was never able to thank my mother for it.  Though it was a very stressful  
bad time for my mother, those ten-odd years she spent with me  my brother (he 
was born 1 Nov 1954 in Goa), she was our backbone, the strength of the family  
shielded us from (all) harm.
  Yes, also Maria D'Souza was a kind, affectionate  lovely woman.  I never saw 
any Anglo-Indian treating any 'pure' Goans (can anyone describe a 'pure' Goan?) 
with either contempt or in any racist language or in any superior way.  But I 
was child so probably didnt see it.  I certainly saw my Portuguese father being 
a racist (b4st4rd) towards ALL non-Portuguese (inc my mother who was of 
English/French descent). But it was not just my father, the majority of the 
Portuguese we were allowed to mix with were this way, I was always 
uncomfortable in their company.
  Some of my best friends were Goan.. comes to mind, in fact I 
dont think I ever had any Portuguese friends, always trying to avoid them 
either at LHS or when around my paternal father's relatives, male or female, 
didnt like any of them, they were all too 'superior'  certainly were racist, 
the whole ruddy lot of them. So I can honestly say, All of my friends 
were Goan, some were of the Catholic faith (as I was), some were of the Hindu 
faith (as I am now), but friends we were.together!
  Times have changed, I may have mellowed a bit, gone elsewhere (spiritually) 
compared to my childhood, but otherwise, never set foot again in Portugal 
(after a long 8 months in 1958), nor had any contact (until this year) of any 
of my father's relatives.
  But whether a Goan is of a melange of different races or creeds, or whether 
blue / green / brown eyed, this is not an issue, Goans are all ONE tribe, 
certainly mixed in the majority, but now with pure-bred Indians adding to the 
flavour of Goa, perhaps a higher percentage of Goan children yet to be born, 
and their children after them will be a lot purer and closer to the 
Euro-Asian bloodline than the European mix of Portuguese  England, or the rest 
of the world.  Not forgetting the smaller percentages coming in from the Arabic 
 Israeli worlds, the Chinese  other oriental, perhaps even from Africa, via 
Mozambique, Angola..
  Its a grand mix, and its Goa!  A unique 'pearl of the orient'
  John Monteiro

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Dear John, My memory goes back 
a bit farther than yours. If Anglo-Indians were disliked in the years 
immediately preceding Independence, could it be because Anglo-Indians generally 
treated us Indians as inferior beings. and personally was 
exposed daily to Anglo hostility. I also had wonderful Anglo-Indian friends, 
but they were all of the dark-skinned variety.. There were problems in 
Goa, too, with the mesticos. Some of them were more Portuguese than the 
Portuguese themselves; many were outright racists. Things, as you say, have 
changed. Regards, Victor 
From: JOHN MONTEIRO  How times have changed, and for the better. My mother's 
best friend in 1950's was Maria D'Souza. She was an 'Anglo-Indian' with a fair 
complexion. She dressed in traditional clothes, sarees were the only clothes I 
saw her in, never a skirt.  Chi-Chi (pronounced CHEE CHEE) was a common 
derogatory word used to describe anyone

Re: [Goanet] Maria D'Souza

2008-06-08 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  Thank you for the info, it would be nice to know if these little remembrances 
 links will one day all fit together, and I will be able to complete this 
jigsaw puzzle of teh 1950's Goa.  Maria D'Souza was not a petite lady, she was 
'heavy boned' I would say, quietly spoken but could hold her own, very 
sympathetic to my mother  was always there to help if needed.
  I have received more emails, from a first cousin in Portugal  her niece on 
several occasions now. They are searching family archives  digging where they 
can to glean more info on my father, CM  the other relatives memories are 
being jogged too (not an easy task I imagine), all the relevant people are 
deceased, only their children  their childrens' children  pictures, books 
etc remain.  I await the papers  pictures, to add to mine.
  John Monteiro
  From: JOHN MONTEIRO = My mother's best friend in 1950's was Maria D'Souza. 
She was an Anglo-Indian' with a fair complexion. She dressed in traditional 
clothes, sarees were the only clothes I saw her in, never a skirt.

Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist * Phone +91-832-2409490
John, the late prominent artist FN Souza's then wives was named Maria 
D'Souza (if I recall right). Was it the same person? Mrs Maria Aurora Couto 
(author of 'Goa, A Daughter's Story') has written on Souza's work and would 
know perhaps. Copying this mail to her too. FN

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Anglo-Indians

2008-06-07 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
How times have changed, and for the better.  My mother's best friend in 1950's 
was Maria D'Souza.  She was an 'Anglo-Indian' with a fair complexion.  She 
dressed in traditional clothes, sarees were the only clothes I saw her in, 
never a skirt.  
  She was a very modest lady, who would have died before showing her legs in 
public.  She had very long hair, again this was in the traditional style, with 
appropriate styles for the occasions she was at.  I think its wonderful that in 
Goa there was not the hatred  loathing of the 'Anglo-Indian' as it was in 
other parts of India.
  Chi-Chi (pronounced CHEE CHEE) was a common derogatory word used to describe 
anyone who was not of 'pure' Indian blood. The worst time for Anglo-Indians in 
other parts of India was just before Indian Independence when there were issues 
about any connection with Britain (pre-1947)  afterwards when the 'mixed' race 
chi-chi were frowned upon by all Indians, advantages were taken of them  there 
was violence against them from the extremists, even their neighbours spat  hit 
them, as if it was their fault that the British invaded their country.
  At least in Goa (unless there are stories otherwise), I have not heard of 
anyone who had any problems with the Goan people, after all they were Goan 
themselves. I miss those days, Maria D'Souza is most probably passed away by 
now, or she would be around 80 to 85 years old. 
  John Monteiro

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Why does everyone think 
that anglo indians have to be fair. Selma remarked that a dusky friend of hers 
called herself Anglo-Indian. I lived four years in Bangalore and knew a lot of 
Anglos. 90% of them were dark, very few were fair. The Anglos asked me whether 
I was one, because of my very fair complexion, and when I said 'Goan', then of 
course, 'But you must have some 
Portuguese blood'. Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami 

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Dual Citizenship

2008-06-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Roland
  I know for sure that the address of this 'law firm' is located near Lisbon's 
(very large) prison, in Rua Marquesa de Fronteira. We were visiting relatives 
in a nearby apartment, arriving from Goa for 8 months,  we stayed in this 
street / rua  in  1958 (me aged 8 years, with my mother, my brother aged 4 
years) and my father, Casimiro Monteiro (nuf said about him).
  I doubt this email is a scam, but dont take my word for it, its probably a 
notary / solicitors / law firm seeking extra work. A cheap way of advertising  
getting the business they are in, to all Goans, they must have bought addresses 
from specialist firms who collect them and sell them onto interested parties. 
  If anyone is interested, I would recommend everyone ask them questions about 
their validity  get it confirmed by the Law Society (or similar, in Portugual) 
before embarking on anything where money might exchange hands, or may be 
compulsory, or you enter into anything legally binding.
  At least if there are some Goans reading this who might be eligible, this may 
be an opportunity for them to take up this offer, sounds like they know their 
stuff anyway.  
  My brother was born in Goa 1st November 1954, he does not have a birth 
certificate (never had, we wondered if he was actually registered at all (?), I 
wonder if he can apply for a search for a birth certificate?
  Anyone help my brother with this?  His name was Fernando (renamed David by 
mother when we arrived back in the UK in Dec 1961) Roso Monteiro
  John Monteiro

Roland Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote '  Could any Goanetter please make 
sense of this email specifically addressed to me alone. I have never expressed 
an interest in applying for Portuguese nationality either on this forum or in 
private. Is this an unsolicited communication from a genuine Portuguese law 
firm or just another internet scam. Thanks, Roland.
Fronteira, 76 - 5º, 1070-299 Lisboa - Portugal Tel: (+351) 21 385 21 38 Fax: 
(+351) 21 386 36 63 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Av. D. João IV, 1- R/c, 2070-299 
Montijo - Portugal Tel. (+351) 21 231 40 18 - Fax: (+351) 21 231 40 18 - [EMAIL 

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] The builders' binary gambit

2008-06-02 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Have I just slipped into an alternate dimension? Am I in a coma after drinking 
dirty water from the public tap?  Its like something out of Alice in Wonderland.
  There I was thinking over the week-end we will get some UNITY here, lets all 
carry on trying to get someone to take charge of us plebians-on-the-net, 
thousands of miles away but can be at the side of our leader in a matter of 
seconds.  The leader is in Goa, has the support of 9000 Goanetters () in a 
campaign for Save Goa... but instead there are mind games being 
fought out between us, and played with each other, also games of oneupmanship 
via email-tennis.
  I have read an enormous amount lately (perhaps I ought to have been more 
selective) but it has not surprised me to find those who I had considered good 
material as leaders (resident in Goa, fighting tooth  nail every 
day.) who have in the past, and recently campaigned well, with 
thousands of us in cyberspace behind them, ready poised with our signatures, 
protest letters at the ready, ready in fact to contact anyone deemed the next 
person to lobby, via emails, hard copies through the post, and so on.  Alas how 
wrong could I be.  
  Good luck with the Save Goa campaign to you all, its a shame that you 
cannot UNITE together, it will all be too late pretty soon, give it one push to 
persuade the other 8,990 Goanetters to join the campaign of UNITY, one for all 
and all for one (yes, as in the 3 / 4 Musketeers), I cant see anyone making a 
positive move getting this off the ground, its too fractured right now, time to 
heal, time to enable, there is no time to lose though.  
  I am feeling a little run down right now, so will not be posting for a while, 
will take a look in occasionally, but I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.
  John Monteiro
Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  More irrational bile.  Begin 
Act 5 - enter the purveyor of digital wisdom, pure as the driven snow, the 
brave dissenter soldiering on, staving off an attempted muffle by the enemies 
of free speech. Heh heh heh.

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Frogs, Dogs and Humans

2008-06-02 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
I would like to add to this debate about Frogs, Dogs, Humans AND mosquitoes.  
Yes, its true about their abilities to find almost any place where water can be 
contained, for the mosquito to breed in their thousands  millions, within a 
small amount of time.
  It is only the female mosquito that bites you, (the male is a vegetarian), 
she needs large amounts of protein that can be got from human  animal blood 
for the eggs to develop quickly  proficiently.  She alone is 'guilty' of 
transferring the parasites that inhabit her stomach to the unwary blood donor.  
The moment she pierces the skin, the parasites make their way into their new 
host, where they multiply. The consequences are that the major killer of any 
human being in Africa (besides the Hippo  HIV virus) is the mosquito!
  We need to keep our little plots of land clear of any debris that may contain 
water, check where the rain falls, from your house, and into any blocked 
gullies, barrels, tin cans  old tyres.  We have a plot of land which we have 
to keep clear by law  twice a year, the land has to be cleared of debris, 
overgrown bushes  remove any dumped rubbish, or be fined by the local council.
  Is this in England?  No!  
  Is this in Goa?  No!  
  Its in Mauritius.  The goverment took a good hard look at what happened when 
several thousands of cases of 'chikengunya' were reported a couple of years 
ago, dozens of elderly  young children died, many thousands were bitten  from 
these quite a large percentage suffered from aches and pains in their joints 
and muscles.  My wife  two daughters were very lucky to escape with only mild 
cramps  little vomiting. Many still have the symptoms which may last them for 
the rest of their lives.
  The tourists fled from Mauritius  this would have been a bitter blow to the 
Government of Mauritius, after so many set-backs in the economy, with loss of 
jobs in the textile industry, low sugar can harvest, etc, so a way was found, 
by emergency legislation which gave the local councils the power to fine those 
who ignored the warnings, but also to ensure the public were aware of the 
crisis that was about to hit.  
  The mostiks of Mauritius are still there, lower in number but not so fatal, 
you will never totally obliterate them, that is an impossible task, they have 
been about for millions of years, so widespread that there is no way of getting 
rid of them in the world, yet, but the Mauritian mosquitoes do not carry the 
malaria, denge or other other parasites, and if the Government of Mauritius has 
anything to do with it, it will stay that way.
  I would also like to remind everyone reading this that SWIMMING POOLS are 
another source where the mosquitos lay their eggs.  So many owners of swimming 
pools do not treat the water, some may go away on holiday for a while but 
forget to get the swimming pool treated with the solutions (its costly, so many 
do not treat the pools as often as they should), and you can get hundreds of 
thousands of mosquitoes from these hatcheries! 
  As for frogs, dogs and other animals, in my opinion they are as equally 
important as any other living creature, but of course if you have the choice of 
saving just one, it must always be your fellow human being first, but this does 
not mean you do not put resources to help those less able to help themselves.
  Other ways of containing animals (and humans) is contraception / 
sterilisation etc.  I dont mean obliglatory sterilisation for humans, that 
would be insane, we have to rely on common sense  see where this leads us, but 
certainly in (pet) animals (dogs  cats especially) should be sterilised or 
spayed.  That goes for any one species that is overcrowding our already 
overcrowded planet. I dont mean selective breeding programmes, just sensible 
additions to the family, in the wild that is a different story, they need to 
breed to survive, just another day, let alone continue the line.
  John Monteiro


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] The rape of Goa

2008-05-31 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 the credentials!  
He also has some opponents but its time to forgive and forget whatever nitty 
gritty thing they fight about, we have plenty of publicists here, but no 
leaders as such, at least not voted in yet.
  Vote Vote Vote, any ideas from our Goanet Forum for a leader to being the 
process?  forget who is a communist / maxist (I know there is a difference but 
lets not go there for now), Hindu, Christian, Muslim and so on.  Lets not 
forget this will be a JOINT EFFORT so no in-fighting about who is better than 
the other, this is a GROUP thing.  Seek out other websites and ask their people 
to come to Goanet  start something.
  As Rene B also has said  others have constantly reminded us, UNITED WE 
STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. In other words, no more bickering about this and that, 
no falling out. There ought to be some form of HOUSE RULES where points are 
agreed and anyone breaking them or not agreeing to them, in whole cannot join.  
How this will be conducted or agreed should be one of the many subjects of this 
  Democratically we could begin an election here on Goanet if the moderators 
will permit it to begin a new dawn..
  Time begin the enabling process.. Rajan, Rajan, Rajan. what 
say you?
  Shall we continue with your ongoing campaign but with thousands behind you, 
at your side and promising to help you in your quest to Save Goa or at the very 
least stop the Rape of Goa...
  Call it Save Goa by all means, after all its already begun to head in the 
right direction and much has been already discussed so far, we just need US all 
to put our money where our mouths are, and sign up a petition to agree, and 
agree to disagree but keep to the HOUSE RULES, which will be universally agreed 
by all who sign up.
  You see Michael, your sadness is reflected in everyone's sadness here on 
Goanet, for me though it was 1961 since I last saw Goa in the flesh, so to 
speak, a young boy of 11yrs old, so the shock for me is greater, I could not 
understand how this could have gone awry at such a pace!  Not only has the 
population of India doubled since its Independence (1947), Goa's population 
since liberation (post-1961), less the evacuees  emigration of the time, is 
now getting out of control on a weekly, nay daily basis. Albeit that the 
percentage rate of growth is 5% less than the rest of India, its the inward 
migration that is also a great cause for concern.  The migrants have nowhere to 
go, they do not make plans to come and stay in a house, or have any land of 
their own, they sleep, eat, work (..), do their toilet all in public places.  
  It IS a sad day when you have nowhere to go, after all Goa is the 25th State 
of India and every Indian has a right to emigrate into any other State of 
India, but at what cost to the Goan who has lived all his or her life there, 
his ancestral home is no longer considered sacred to him/her and his/her 
  Something is going to give one day, the demands made on the society as a 
whole will either be accepted  they all collapse, accepted as in the other 
States, or there will be violent outbreaks when the local population realises 
that they are not only sharing their meals  living space with strangers, but 
that they were not even asked in the first place, just taken.  
  Lets begin by calling Rajan...!!   Rajan...!!   Rajan...!!   Rajan...!!   
Rajan...!!   Rajan...!! Rajan...!!  Are you ready to make up some House Rules 
that we all can agree to, sign up and support you in this campain of yours for 
ALL Goans  others... (...)
  John Monteiro
Michael Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have just seen the documentary 
entitled the 'Rape of Goa' Seeing all that concrete together really slammed me 
in my face. The cutting of hills too saddened me. On my last visit to Goa in 
January 2007 I saw some of these concrete cages coming up but seeing them all 
together, one after the other, really makes you realize the great and 
irreversible destruction .. the thought of selling out to builders 
have always been shunnedUnfortunately, the present destruction and the 
rape of the land is solely the due to the greed of a section of Goan people 
especially the politicians and the bureaucracy. The common man can only protest 
but really can do very little..Congratulation to Mr. Rajan Parrikar for 
taking the pains to highlight this destruction of Goa and to the Goan public. I 
believe that this documentary should get wide publicity and should be shown in 
every village of Goa by a mobile unit. Michael Ali
Karachi, Pakistan 

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Please identify this bird

2008-05-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Joe
  I think it looks like a white heron, but my 11-year old daughter says its a 
Great Egret. She tells me she saw a similar picture of this heron-like bird on 
her classroom wall. Her class discussed different birds  their habitats, what 
they ate, where they ate it and so on. Great Egrets, she tells me hunt for 
their food IN the water, and swallow their food immediately they catch it.
  You picture depicts the way the food is caught  eaten but the description of 
the bird, dark / black legs, white feathers, Long neck, long yellow 
  John Monteiro

  Please identify this bird

A pic here


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Are Goan Catholic women second class?

2008-05-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
This is not only about Goan Catholic Women being second class, it seems to me 
all women within the framework of the RC Church are not permitted to take up 
most positions outside cleaning out the pews  aisles  flower arranging in an 
RC Church.
  You may say that someone has to do it, but I say men too can do flower 
arranging  cleaning jobs, why just women?  Perhaps 'those men' with such 
talents would not be accepted within the Church? But that's another subject, 
but still ought to be discussed.
  Having said this, women are barred from taking up most of the 'senior' posts 
in most religions.  I guess 'the rules' made some hundreds ./ thousands of 
years ago had a purpose at the time, but a total bar on women from taking up 
posts within their own religion ought to be discussed  a new perspective 
brought into the 21st century.  
  Some religions have added a bit, taken away a bit  a melange of ideas used 
to bring in more of the faithful.  The Church of England / Protestant ( the 
Jewish) religion have accepted women as Priests (Rabbis), surely this move may 
have alienated a few but in the majority it has brought a larger congregation 
where previously it was dwindling, at least here in the UK.
  I also see great stands are made by the male dominated Asian subcontinent's 
religions from north to south, east to west also being stubborn by not 
permitting women to take up any senior posts (nor minor posts), the majority 
dont even want to see a woman in an official capacity.  I think this has more 
to do with patriachal power  dominance than any barring which ought not to be 
recognised in any religion.  
  Faith is just that, faith is not meant to barr anyone, whoever they are, from 
entering into the Church or Temple whether to pray in or to be a Guru or Priest 
  Discussion on this would be enabling to all.
  John Monteiro

George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Vatican to excommunicate women priests -


  John Monteiro  

Re: [Goanet] Buy your radio

2008-05-24 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

This ad of 1954 which FN brought to us reminded me that for 2 or 3 annas a 
couple of friends  myself would hire a bicycle for about an hour or two (yes, 
this was the late 1950's...).  
  I would somehow manage to 'acquire' one anna from my mother's purse, so I 
could get a couple of cubes of MILK CHOCOLATE from the big slab in the jar, in 
the sweetshop AND spend half the day running, riding  having great fun with my 
  Sometimes there would be 4 of us, the first one of us (usually the winner of 
the game we played beforehand), we took it in turns at throwing a stone up in 
the air with one hand, while the other hand was on the ground.  
  While the stone was up in the air, you had to pick up as many of the other 
stones as possible with the same hand (we didnt have marbles, that was for the 
rich kids up the road but we had collected shiny stones to use in the game, I 
cant remember the name of the game but it was very popular with us), so the 
lucky chap got the first 15 minutes on the rickity old bicycle, then it was the 
second winner's turn.  
  Depending on the weather, the others ran beside him (not always running, some 
days it was just too hot, even to be on the bike, but you know kids, you just 
cant tell them anything!).
  Strict on the timing, we gave about 15 minutes or up and down the road and 
around the houses 4 times, or something like that, but we were very strict on 
the timing (all of us kids were prone to be rather selfish when its MY turn 
  I simply cant think now how we managed to KNOW that 15 minutes were up, none 
of us had a watch or ways of telling the time, it was done somehow, wish I 
could remember it!!!
  How do you keep chocolate from melting  in one piece in the heat?  Almost 
impossible so I used one of my cubes as a bribe if I lost the 'stone game' to 
go FIRST, aha!!  Got the first ride, couple of cubes of chocolate for me (me me 
me, just like boys then  and now), lots of fun was had though!
  When we could not rustle up some cash, there was always the old bike wheels 
from the cycle shop (no tyres..), we used a stick in the wheel's groove  have 
a race, that was fun too. As was 'footing' just walking about, being 
nosy in other people's gardens or houses, trying to pick fresh cashew nuts from 
the tree (that was the best flavour ever, unless we were lucky to find a mango 
tree heavily laden with ripe fruit.).
  So much energies were expended, and so much fun was had, everyone was equal, 
nobody was the 'boss of the gang' in our area which was nice, we all 
contributed equally  tried very hard to keep up our friendships, even though I 
was from European parents, my Goan (best) friends were from mixed religions 
which was not an issue to us, nor their parents.  How I miss those days
  John Monteiro

  FN wrote: 
Here's an interesting advert I came across in Goan Age, Feb-Mar 1954, which 
tells of those times:...It is very easy by having a radio, and it is 
easier still by buying a radio on attractive instalment basis.

Only 8 annas per day, meansRs 15 onlu a month...

Re: [Goanet] Arambol, Goa....Worlds famous beaches...

2008-05-24 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Lovely pictures, only disliked the plastic chairs on the beach. Plastic chairs 
are one of my pet hates, not only plastic chairs but most things 
plastic.. rather sit on a stone or wooden log, if on a beach.  But 
that's just me.
  Arambol pictures looked very nice, so many different ways at looking at the 
seashore, beach  the sea from so many contributors, delightful (just get those 
plastic chairs off and put them in a recycling bin...).
  John Monteiro

Pandu Lampiao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What they do not talk about is a 'little' problem along the
walkthere is a tiny looking stream (looks rather broad on
google maps) that cuts the beach near the templerather scary
crossing as the water is deep and fast flowing.

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Gabe Menezes wrote:


 Arambol Beach, Goa

Re: [Goanet] Arambol, Goa....Worlds famous beaches...

2008-05-24 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Its always nice to be part of survey of any Top 10 or Top 20, nice of course 
to see Goa (AND Mauritius) in any of the Top 10 beaches AGAIN and AGAIN, or 
by way of tourist recommendation to other holidaymakers, AGAIN and AGAIN.  This 
time in the Daily Telegraph here in the UK, but in any media, shows there are 
places to praise in these countries, and the local goverment is making sure it 
stays that way.
  But I am anxiously awaiting the European beaches Top 10 / 20 to see if the 
UK features at all this year.  I am told due to heavy rains, the beaches are 
contaminated with animal slurry  human drain contents mixing in the rivers 
which flow into the sea  making the water contaminated with dangerous 
bacterium ( dangerous to humans as well as marine life).
  When its hot  balmy, the beaches are safe, but when it rains or there are 
storms, the beaches are dangerous afterwards, due this contamination.  Then we 
have the PLASTIC debris which is brought onto the beaches by the tourists as 
well as the tides, bringing all sorts of flotsum  getsum
  John Monteiro

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Arambol Beach, Goa This stretch of 
beautiful coastline has managed to avoid the rampant commercialism further down 
the coast.Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussein- Delhi High Court observations

2008-05-24 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  It is time to let this matter rest, the man is old, tired  frightened, so 
give it a rest, he was misguided, and he knows it, in what he did, admitted to 
it and even said he would destroy the offending paintings if this is what the 
law required. Fortunately for him the law did not require it, though some 
people, including myself suggested that he did, but now I have given up the 
ghost, as it were, fighting a losing batte.  The battle may be over but the war 
appears to be still going, thanks to you  your kind.
  I did not cast the first stone here, but I have contributed, as have many 
others, but this tooing  frooing has to stop at some point, it is getting us 
nowhere, perhaps the moderators may see where this is leading, and close the 
thread to this.  This whole debacle is nonsense on stilts!  
  If you wish to jump off the Mandovi bridge I would try to stop you from 
hurting yourself, oddly enough but if you feel this is your right, then I will 
not challenge you further, let you jump, even though you have no right to 
pollute the waters, but then I would not stand by and watch you fall either. I 
would call for assistance, to save you from yourself and your silly actions.
  I remember someone saying on this forum, more than once, something like you 
have a right to swing your arm  fist around as much as you like, but your 
right to do so stops before it comes into contact with my nose/face or words 
to that effect.  I like that saying, it means do and say what you like, I dont 
mind in the least, if you feel its your right to do so, but if you come into MY 
airspace, then your so-called rights are null and void,  I will react.
  I reacted to the paintings as I was introduced to them quite late, some a 
quarter of century too late, but no matter, its all over now, as far as I am 
concerned, the painter has lost all credibility with me, he said he would 
destroy the paintings if the law decreed, but the law did not ask or demand him 
to do this, but as 'a sign of goodwill towards the enemy' as it were, he ought 
to have donated all or some of his ill-gotten gains to charity for the homeless 
 destitute, of any or all religions.  I made a recommendation but not sure if 
this happened, (come on now, all of you, you know for SURE there was not a 
ruppee going to this ashram?) or if anyone has contributed one ruppee to this 
ashram for the Orphans  Elderly, but I live in hope.  Yes there is hope, even 
for you..  
  I pray they continue their good works, in much the same way as Mother Theresa 
did, she got the recognition she deserved, as do all those who do charitable 
works, many do not wish to be recognised, others like the Sivananda Sarawathi 
Sevashram, the director, Dr Rajaram is also a Padma Sri. he took 
over from his father, who started it all, but I guess its too Hindu or too 
Indian for the likes of some of the Catholic Goans, where it appears Charity 
begins only at home..
  Good luck in your rights, I can only assume you have earned them by the 
clever wordings, the sarcasm  endless / senseless ways in which you express 
them, well perhaps you have more rights than others, but I doubt it. 
  As for the posters you mentioned, I agree with you, they do help to keep 
things in perspective, albeit sometimes hard to swallow, I read them all and 
also others, including yours!  We need to remove the chaff from the wheat  be 
sensible here, we have reached our pinnacle now, time to let it go, continuing 
in this vein will only cause further discord. Its not always the written word 
that is the last word said, it is what is in your heart, no words on this Gods 
earth can put what they heart thinks into words,  That is why we have so many 
poets trying to find the way and painters (like Mr Hussain) 
also they all think its that easy!
  Oh by the way, Ostriches do not bury their heads in sand or any other 
material, nor do they bury any other parts of their body, unless you know 
  John Monteiro

John Monteiro wrote:Let it go, 
please. Unlike bonfire night, you dont just light the fuse and walk away, you 
say a little prayer  get on with life, this is what its all about, no more 
poison on this please. Leave it alone, its been done to death.

Sandeep wrote (He  God only knows why..): Quote truncated    # If 
you do not like a particular painting, this does not mean that you must deny me 
my right to appreciate it. # If you do not like a book, you cannot not deny me 
my right to read it. # If you don't like a particular film, don't deny me my 
right to watch and enjoy it. # If your sentiments are hurt with some of our 
posts, just don't read

Re: [Goanet] A walk to remember

2008-05-24 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

A subsidy, a tax incentive or a Heritage Fund of some sort ought to be 
introduced, if none exists.  And it appears that it does not, so why not save 
some of the old Portuguese/Goan houses for our children and their childrens' 
children? Its not just for tourists, but everyday living for the everyday Goan, 
to be proud of, even if there are some (evil) connotations there of the 
pre-1961 past.
  Perhaps the Government of India could introduce tax incentives to people who 
donate to the trust, businessmen  make it compulsory for developers  land 
agents who make a certain level of profit over the financial year should put a 
percentage back into the infrastructure such as this Heritage Fund to help 
maintain these old houses.
  Once they are gone, they are gone, its over.  It will be all high rise 
apartments, cemented  gated communities, do we really want that for Goa?
  And after all these old buildings are part of Goa's own heritage, just as are 
the old temples.. (thought I'd put that in for good measure).
  John Monteiro

Goa's Pride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The Portuguese legacy still rests in Goa and for René Mendes, a tour 
operator, taking tourists to the heritage houses of the lost era is more than 
just a job - it is a passion... We want to show tourists our experiences 
in Goa before 1961, and the period of transition where we adopted a new way of 
life after the departure of the Portuguese.
While there may be not many of these structures left, but the few which are 
conserved still are maintained at the cost of the owners and Mendes feels that 
the government should offer subsidies to these owners and that more tour 
operators must take interest in conducting tours by taking tourists to such 
houses, allowing them to interact and break bread with the family and know more 
about their history. Few of the houses Mendes suggests are:

Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussain- Delhi High Court Observations

2008-05-21 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

  I agree with you, but you will be waiting a long time to get any sense of our 
some of the posters who have other agendas themselves. This whole thing has 
gone across many borders and back again, and again.
  This thread has worked its way into my brain  out of my left ear, circling 
round into my right ear, and out of my eyes now..  
  We need now to let up, let them bray!  When it gets a bit rough, you will not 
be alone, I  the few left, will be there, right next to you, on this subject.
  May you continue to enjoy your peace, be patient... you have an abundance 
of it, thankfully.
  John Monteiro
Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ..I have accepted that 
there are such carvings in some Hindu temples.these are not Hindu 
deities and that such carvings are exception and not not a rule. It is really 
getting very tiring.

Sachin Phadte 

Re: [Goanet] Fishermen, traditional and otherwise

2008-05-21 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

You are welcome to La Kaz Bourganvilla at Albion, on the west coast of 
Mauritius anytime (as soon as we have completed the project, sorry, it wont be 
at least another 2 / 3 years).
  More info to all Goanetters who fancy a change of scenery when we are ready.  
  Special discounts on our (Indo-Mauritian style en-suite rooms) 
  with Indo-Mauritian Food / trips out / lazy days in / Music  Dance 
  yep you can have it all, Konkani music  song too (bring some CD's  DVD's of 
your favourites).
  You can experience the Maurtian Rums, even the Goan Feni, but no Portuguese 
Fado! Sorry I draw a line there..
  John Monteiro

...Doc, I feel a holiday to Mauritius coming up :-)

take care,

Re: [Goanet] Free Puppies, Free Kittens......... or are they?

2008-05-21 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
giving away lovely little kittens or puppies, make sure they go to a good home, 
where they will eventually be neutered or spayed, its a better option that what 
daddy did to our little darlings, bless them.
  John Monteiro


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

There is no doubt that UK's beaches, or some of them at least are dirty, but 
this can be said of many tropical beaches too, not just UK or Goa.
  The tens of millions of tons of rubbish that has been spilled into the seas 
by ships, barges  crooks who dump the city's garbage from China to Japan, from 
Indonesia to Australia / New Zealand, from USA to all areas of Europe, from 
Africa  South America, the whole world has used the sea as a dumping ground 
for many years.
  We are now witnessing the deaths of thousands of sea turtles, sharks and 
other marine wildlife who either mistake the floating garbage (plastic bags are 
the worse offenders which the turtles mistake for their favourite food, 
  Now the sea has churned up plastics of all sorts, all now returning after 25 
years or so floating about in the sea, brought in by the currents, to the 
  And we (all nations) still do not clean up after ourselves.
  There are dedicated people who VOLUNTEER their time  energies in collecting 
these plastic  other rubbish that the tide leaves behind.  Long gone are the 
odd coco de mer or the odd piece of wood from a sunken ship. The days of a 
message in a bottle have gone too, its all dirt  plastic, stuff that cannot 
biodegrade that is hurting the marine life, and of course making it impossible 
for clean beaches, even in some of the most expensive and idyllic places on 
earth, find plastic yoghurt containers, plastic cutlery  bags on their beaches.
  John Monteiro

George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Goans are too polite to call the UK a toilet


Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussain- Delhi High Court Observations

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

There has been much controversy over this, I am curious to know which Hindu 
God(s) and / or Goddesses were painted or sculptured in the nude with the 
intention that they are shown naked in the public forum (inside or outside the 
  I am aware of nude sculptures  paintings of human beings, in various poses, 
some sexual, others a la mode, on the outside of the temples, especially in 
Tamil Nadu (Madurai etc), and of course you see some outside many other 
temples, all over the world.  I have not yet seen or heard of any nude human 
form (portraying human beings, nor Gods or Goddesses) inside a temple.
  We are all born naked, therefore many sculptures of the Gods  Goddesses from 
ancient times, made from stone, wood  other materials, were shown in the naked 
form as we are, but all the Gods  Goddesses were then fully clothed in the 
eyes of the devotees.  
  I have personally never seen a naked God or Goddess displayed to the devotees 
in any temple I have ever entered, nor have I heard of any naked deity being 
displayed in this fashion, with one exception where there were some ancient 
worshippers of Kali Maa who may have seen her clothes in disarray due to 
factors relating to her demeanor at the time (too involved to go into great 
detail here, but she was not displayed naked, nor was it meant to be seen that 
she was naked).
  Some Goddesses are shown in full bloom (busty to the point of falling out 
of their clothes) but were always modestly clothed, no different to her devotee 
who may be oversized, so this is besides the point, so I would ask anyone on 
Goanet, or elsewhere if they have actually seen for themselves any Hindu Gods 
or Goddesses displayed on purpose by the priests of the temple, to show them in 
the nude, being worshipped in temples (or outside), in the nude, or posing with 
animals in a sexual way, other than those of Mr Hussain's work.
  Any photos to confirm this would be gratefully received.
  John Monteiro


--- Sachin Phadte wrote: The judgement talks about erotic art in Hindu temples. 
This point too was also discussed on this forum, and the point made was that 
the erotic sculptures did not depict gods and goddesses, and that this art is 
not the general rule. I do not understand how the judge is not able to make 
thedistinction. This point was repeatedly refuted in this forum. Not only does 
it appear that nude images are fairly common in ancient Indian temples, almost 
to the point of being a general rule, but that many such images indeed depict 
nude Hindu gods and godesses.Cheers, Santosh

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

  My answer to this is NO, this couple who abided by all the rules, purchased a 
house, renovated it ( the land attached to it, I believe was a garden) but 
then after EIGHT years were told they would no longer qualify for this 5-year 
rolling visa, but instead be offered 6-monthly visas  their house would be 
confiscated  then auctioned off.
  My answer to this remains NO, they have not been treated well, at all.
  But I would also not feel bitter towards the Goans who live  work, own 
property  businesses in the UK as this is NOT their fault  ask this couple to 
please refrain from starting anything that may well cause racial tension here.
  Its the politicians and the law-makers, corrupt or not, that are responsible 
for this debacle, not the man in the street, (or woman) of any colour, creed 
(or status)...
  Whilst writing I would also like to mention that Barnabe has asked that we do 
not use this subject line, I feel he is offended by the title, I tend to agree 
with him, perhaps a different subject line ought to be introduced, this one has 
been done to death, I hope..
  John Monteiro

Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We know Goa has become a toilet 
thanks the photos from Rajan and JoeGoaUk.  I would like to know if those who 
are critical of the expat investment in Goa, and that includes FN, Floriano and 
Jane Rodrigues, have read Michelle Savage's article. Also, could they please 
let us know if they feel that she
is being treated fairly. A straightforward yes or no please! George Pinto has 
obviously read the letter but does not answer the question. Nor is he able to 
recognise rhetoric.

To read the Michelle Savage letter see
- it is the last letter on the page.

For the original Goa has become a Toilet post see
Is the confiscation of properties by the Goa Government moral? legal? 

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

I dont think there is an issue here, there is no way that any Goan is going to 
lose their right of abode, to work  carry on as they have done, unless as you 
say, they have broken the law.
  That applies wherever you are, in Goa, or UK or anywhere else in the world. I 
am more concerned that the backlash of racial tensions  the deaths of those 
who have been highlighted in the press will cause not only lack of tourists 
from UK  other European countries to Goa (hooray say some of you, until the 
bills need to be paid), but neighbours taking it upon themselves to begin some 
violence against the Goan next door, for something he or she or the family has 
nothing whatsoever to do with the case.
  I again plead with this couple, you may have been ousted from Goa for reasons 
we are not toally au fait with, only by what you have said, appears to be 
totally beyond contempt as far as I am concerned,  but I do not want to see ANY 
  We are all trying to keep it a multi-cultural as possible, mixed race 
families by their tens of thousands live in peace and harmoney, including many 
areas which prefer segregation have managed to live separately without too much 
tension.  Without going into minute details on every case, we have many areas 
in the UK where Muslims have whole streets  areas to themselves, safe in the 
knowledge that they are with friends, relatives  love their community as it 
is, the same applies to Sikhs, Chinese, yes, even Goan people.
  My wife is brown-skinned but in the bad past, has been called a Paki (she is 
not of the Muslim faith but any brown-skinned person is a Paki, which is a 
detremental word and is as bad as calling an Afro-Caribbean the n word, very 
disgusting), but when the whites get their hackles up and are treated badly, 
they react in the only way they can, by racially abusing, and violence against 
the brown-skinned person.
  But please, keep a clear mind on this, this case is just probably one of many 
yet to follow, all very bad for race relations in this (UK) country  possibly 
beyond.  It was not very long ago that a young man from Goa, a sailor, was 
killed in a racially-motivated attack here in the UK.  It was a very sad day 
for the UK when this happened, we were all aghast but also the hurt for the 
Goan people, not to mention his Uncle, a priest in the USA, his mother  father 
and his relatives in Goa.  His murderers were jailed, but to what end?  A 
family lost their son, forever.  The parents of the attackers have also lost 
their children.
  Everyone is grieving there, we do not need more screams in the middle of the 
night from mothers  fathers, brothers  sisters because there are no winners 
once the attacks begin..
  Fight your case but keep the general population out of it, please. Dont tar 
 feather the whole Goan nation (of whichever creed), with this, its not their 
fault, personally.  
  John Montiero

George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Michelle Savage's article is wrong on 
many fronts, for example:..  1. Goans in the UK have 
migrated LEGALLY, and cannot be deprived of their property rights. If any Goan 
in the UK has done anything illegal, they must face justice. It could be a law 
and order..2. Michelle wants to return 60,000 Goans to 
India...Regards, George 
Michelle Savage, UK...Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport 
them We want to say that we wished we had never heard of Goa and had never 
visited India. The whole experience makes me want to constantly cry, and I have 
been prescribed anti-depressants, something that never happened in the past. 

Re: [Goanet] Saving Goa.

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Marshall
  I have no problem with this, if the Law says NO then its NO.  
  If Goa had the same rule as the Kashmiri government regarding the owning of 
land, then this would be alright for everyone, then no outsider be they from 
the  next State of next country, or UK or wherever, then we would NOT be in 
this situation now.  But was this about the land?  Did they purchase the land 
itself?  I think it was just the property, but this needs to be clarified by 
the buyers.
  This was not about the land methinks, I suspect it was the house  garden, 
the money spent buying it and doing it over.
  This couple DID buy the house.  I dispute whether they actually bought the 
land that went with it.  Would this couple please respond, did you actually buy 
the LAND that went with the house (freehold as they call it in UK), or was it 
leasehold? etc.
  In any event, they bought PROPERTY, legally.  They now do not have the right 
to live in it.
  Perhaps they can now be just like the majority of investors in the State, 
rent it out to other foreigners, since the alternative is to have it 
confiscated and sold at auction.
  Or are they not allowed to do this either?
  It seems to endless, but as you say, the Kashmiris only can buy land, but can 
anyone else buy the house that is built on top of it?  Rent the house and the 
  My what a tangled web
  John Monteiro

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jose Colaco wrote:
A Goan is NOT allowed to purchase property in Kashmir.Please vide Art 370 of 
Indian Constitution. It bars a non-Kashmiri from buying land in the State
Comment: Non Himachalis too are barred from buying land in Himachal Pradesh. I 
believe similar restricions prevail in some of the north eastern states like 
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, etc. Goa too should have passed similar laws but 
then it has been the legislators who have been instrumental in selling Goa.It 
is no use blaming the outsiders. Unless there are sellers, there will be no 

Marshall Mendonza

Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussain- Delhi High Court Observations

2008-05-16 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

When Mr Hussain's work was being discussed on this forum last year, I visited 
the website in question (I had not heard of Mr Hussain but wanted to see for 
myself what the fuss was all about), I was quite taken aback with it, having 
gone to the website with a clear  objective mind I was left aghast that this 
man had indeed painted some of the Goddesses in the nude, but not only nude but 
attempting to copulate also.
  I felt outraged as this was not something out of the 2nd Century or beyond 
but work that was done by him in the 20th century, knowing the sensitivities of 
those of faith, but of course the Atheists  those of non-Hindu faiths rallied 
round Mr Hussain, as they are entitled to do so, but with rights to do so, come 
responsibilities as far as I could fathom.  I questioned Mr Hussain's right to 
dipict a God or Goddess in such erotic pose, when the devotees of the Hindu 
faith do not see their Gods or Goddesses inside or outside their temples, in 
the nude.
  The closest I have come across any God or religious icon in the nude was 
the crucified Christ wearing a loin cloth (or kashti),  of course one of 
Buddha's avatar's stripped to the waist (showing his big belly)
  I had made a point of asking the good folk of Goanet, especially those not of 
the Hindu persuasion, but asked if the Catholic majority would protest if the 
crucified Christ was shown in a pose which may have offended them, but my post 
was rejected (as offensive).
  I had no answer to my question, because it could be posed on Goanet forum, so 
I will not repeat my post of last year, but will say only this, everyone has a 
right do as they feel is right for them, either a painter or sculptor, singer 
or poet, but whilst doing so, remember please that its well possible if you 
cross the line, repercussions may follow, whether immediately or in later 
years, also note your so-called rights of expression come with 
responsibilities, for your action.  
  Many millions of people have been killed, maimed, families destroyed, whole 
towns  villages purged  razed to the ground in the name of religion, the 
heaviest casualties of the past being the non-Catholics, therefore I say again, 
if the crucified Christ posed in the same way, this year, last year or several 
years ago, would anyone feel their faith has been sullied by the painter, 
sculptor, poet or singer?
  Of course you would, so it makes no difference if the paintings of Mr Hussain 
were done 20 years ago or not, he got away with it then, but people's 
sensitivities are heightened now, so best keep them out of view.  I know if I 
was of Mr Hussain's religion, and I attempted to even portray his God I would 
expect to have my life taken by my fellow worshippers, let alone portray the 
main disciple in a painting.
  But of course use and abuse as you will, in the name of art, as long as its 
not in my back yard eh?
  John Monteiro

Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The objections to the paintings of 
Hussain have been stated many times, even on this forum. The essential point 
here is not nude paitings, but paintings of Hindu gods and goddesses in nude. 
Furthermore, in some of the paintings, Hussain as used his so-called artistic 
freedom to depict the gods and goddesses in erotic position.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

  Not the way forward methinks but who cares, WE DO !!  Time to let bygones be 
bygones, as long as you dont hurt someone on purpose, with malice or intent to 
do harm to their families, them personally, their faith, their land and their 
  We s%it on our own doorsteps if we dare, at our peril, the consequences are 
pretty obvious.
  No more bile please, we need to find a way to get Goanet going, in the right 
  Let us call a halt to the negativity regarding this thread, there is NO SIT 
worse than someone else's, ours always smells of roses.
  John Monteiro

floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

To all those who have contributed to Goa has become a Toilet
And all to all Goan Ex-pats and Goa lovers of the world.

And get paid for it too.


Re: [Goanet] M.F. Hussain- Delhi High Court Observations

2008-05-16 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

To all Goanetters who have taken time  trouble to see what damage we do to 
each other, in the name of religion,  the awful way in which we tend to depict 
each other's faith, albeit in a negative light, such as Mr Hussain.
  I would like to suggest that Mr Hussain who must have a heart  soul of 
sorts, somewhere in his body, to now consider giving some of that hard cash he 
earned so easily, part or all of his ill-gotten gains from the absurd way in 
which he managed to glean cash for his depictions, perhaps to an ashram for the 
Orphans  Elderly who are the great unwanted of India. This would be a way 
forward  would pay for some of the hurt he has done to those who are deemed as 
the great unwashed, unwanted  discarded in the country.
  I dont know how much he made over the last 30 years or so since he reached 
the legal retirement age, perhaps a million rupees (Indian or Mauritian ok), 
will do for now, or any other currency is acceptable, please send it to the 
Sivananda Saraswati Sevashram in Chennai. 
  They do not discriminate when they have to feed, water, educate, accommodate 
all those kids  the old when they take them in, they also do not discriminate 
who gives the money either. Even Mr Hussain would be welcome in their house.  
Barefoot over Agni would be a way to cleanse himself.
  Anyone wishing to do good by Mr Hussain, who appears to have no conscience 
nor recognise what he has done, may contribute annonymously, or if you prefer, 
or he divulges he ID, then you  he will receive a thank you letter / email.
  Full details of the director, ( he is a Padma Shri also), Dr Rajaram whom I 
have known for a number of years, to this ashram.
  Email if you like, write to him if you like, donate please, any sum is 
welcome, a few spare rupees will do just as nicely  you will get just as nice 
a letter and a thank you from him  his Sivanada family  to
  The Sivanada Saraswati Sevashram
  20 Kambar Street
  Chennai  600 059
  Tamil Nadu
  Visit the website
  With love to all, no matter what religion, faith or persuasion, in the name 
of humanity, give generously.
  John Monteiro

Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You say that the paintings were done a 
long time ago but the controversy rose now.
  ... However, if your argument of a long time ago is to be 
taken to the logical conclusion, then a crime committed some years ago, but 
came to light only now, should go unpunished. I hope you are not saying 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

It is quite wonderful that new laws can be introduced to protect Goa  Goan 
land from non-Goans or should this be non-PIO.  Yes wonderful.
  Is it so wonderful that these laws can then be back-dated to another time or 
put out a person or family from their home AFTER they have settled  lived in 
the country, no doubt contributing as did this couple in their retirement 
years, by doing up an old house  also the land surrounding it, only to be told 
to leave, Goa does not want you?
  I was approached by a developer some years ago, visited a conference they 
held at a hotel in Kensington, London.  Was absolutely thrilled to see what was 
happening in Goa, but that was some years ago, at least 15 years ago.
  My wife  me where self-employed business people on good money, we had a 
young family but thought about our future and wanted to do the same as this 
couple, buy a place and build a house, with a little land for cultivating own 
vegetables, have a nice tree or two and flowers etc.  
  But we were very wary of the rights of our children, being girls etc. 
in Goa.  Since my post on this last year, I was advised at the time that if my 
girls were PIO then there is no issue, there were several routes we could take 
to ensure their future, and property rights etc.
  After much ado, here  there we noticed the developers were always asking for 
money upfront, the villas or duplex's etc were not yet built but deposits were 
being taken, so we did not go ahead.
  Lucky for us.  PIO or otherwise, one of us is NOT a PIO, will the Goan or 
Indian Government then choose to add a further amendment to the law and 
prohibit any spouse of a PIO not reside in their house?
  Goa is getting hysterial with this, I am so very sorry for this couple, who 
in 8 years have managed to live  contribute to Goan society in their 
retirement but have been made to feel like the Ghattis the Goans abhor... 
PIO or not, this couple were Westerners sorry, but Goa is for Goans only, no 
other people, not even from India or other parts of the world are welcome to 
live there.
  Do come as tourists, we want your money, but if you decide to stay a bit too 
long, then we dont want you, we want new, fresh (young.?) things with 
money, spend spend spend on booze  drugs, till you drop, or we will drop you, 
one way or another.
  Disgraceful, I cannot believe my eyes and ears these days.  Luckily MY PIO 
spouse is from Mauritius, where I AM welcome, as her spouse, to live 
indefinitely, in much the same way as she is WELCOME to live in the UK, where I 
was born, of European parentage, live, work, contribute to the society, as she 
has done for past 19 years.  In Mauritius I know I will not be treated in this 
way, by the Mauritian Government, nor by the locals, with whom I have a great 
rapport.  I am not the only European welcome in Mauritius, but then I suppose 
Mauritius has kept its exclusivity, anyone who can rustle up a couple hundred 
quid can find their way to a hotel for a week.  For the same in Mauritius, 
well you need to rustle up five times that, and that's just the cheap end of 
the market.  Anyone wanting a week in Mauritius can say goodbye to Rs 200,000 
(fare, travel, food, hotel, sighseeing).
  Unless you are like me, married to a Mauritian and have Mauritian relatives 
who know how to save money, rent a bungalow for the same price as I would have 
paid in Goa, yes that CHEAP.
  Maybe its time to draw a line.. if you dont want strangers in 
your country, put a sign saying so, just as the sign we once saw on Goanet, 
from a house owner wanting to rent his house   FOREIGERS ONLY ... except now 
it should read  Goans only, no Ghattis or Westerners need apply.
  Welcome to Goa!
  Oh my goodness, this cant go on.  
Eight years ago, my husband and I decided that we no longer wanted to deal with 
the stress of working in high pressure jobs . We 
approached a reputed builder and local advocate, who all told us we were safe 
to buy property in Goa. To be on the safe side, we asked the advocate to 
confirm through the Reserve Bank (RBI) that any purchase made by us was legal. 
We received a letter from the RBI advising that there would be no
objection, providing we complied with FEMA. We still have this letter. As we 
are not great lovers of modern 

Re: [Goanet] Survey to name Goa's new patron saint

2008-05-12 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Would it not be wonderful if all the 9000+ Goanet subcribers could get their 
opinion heard on this forum, and I mean ALL of them, no matter whether 
Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, 
Heathen, Devil worshippers or whatever spiritual life, if any they lead.
  Having said this, I wonder if the Patron Saint of Goa should be a man in any 
case? I see he him etc is already a mindset.
  Lets discuss the options  see what comes up. I think though the majority of 
the main organised religions would prefer a male dominant.
   I dont mind (or care) either way, personally.  But for 21st Century Goa 
perhaps the residents of the region should now consider a female or in at the 
very least consider a joint effort of a duo of Saints.  That may well be a 
way forward.  A male AND a female Patron Saint(s) may be what Goa NEEDS, it may 
not consider that it WANTS this, but show the world how forward thinking you 
  So much is said  done in the name of the male species insofar as Patron 
Saints go, but the female is the other half pf the population, so 50% of the 
those who pray / worship / turn to in times of need to the Patron Saint, would 
be not of the same sex if it was only a male, though this is of course 
immaterial when it comes to worship in the Catholic religion.  
  There is some form of hierachy in nearly all organised religions, even the 
Hindu belief, which is not an organised religion as such has male deities at 
the top of the pantheon, there are many Goddesses of equal, if not higher 
standing depending on the regions etc but is it not time for Goa to stand out 
from all the other States of India?.
  I like the way the Hindu belief of male/female is intertwined and precedence 
is given to the God or Goddess in the form the God or Goddess has taken, an 
avatar for the occasion, in much the same way the Saints, which number in their 
hundreds in the Catholic faith, also take this form but with one almighty head 
at the top (if you forgive the unentended pun).
  Perhaps we could have two Patron Saints of Goa, one male  one female, to 
show the world that equality reigns supreme on earth as it does in heaven...
  John Monteiro
  (Spiritual  = Catholic upbringing 1950 to 1966, Hindu devotee - 1966 to 
present day).

cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Taking a cue from TOI-GOA...i 
strongly suggest that Goanet take up a survey to name Goa's new patron saint... 
The survey should not be biased, pre-cast and should include a secular reader 

I guess soon Goans will wake up to a new patron saint for GOA...and he will be 
based not in old Goa but either in Mapusa or Panjim...if someone offers him a 
home out there 
  Kind regards Cedric da Costa

Re: [Goanet] An expansion in Goanet's perspective

2008-05-09 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
We either need more of what is happening in Goa today, yesterday and as 
recently as over the past few years.surely more happens than is 
permitted to be shown on Goanet, or we need to plead with the moderators to 
give a little more scope, not so many postings labelled as inappropriate or 
are the sensitivities of the adult moderators so that we cannot gauge what IS 
appropriate for us to read?
  If there is a cuss word or two, or if the poster has been racialist or sexist 
beyond acceptance, perhaps a form of censorship may be the way forward but I 
have had several posts not accepted by Goanet when I really could  not see 
where I had offended anyone, other than it was perceived as possibly offensive, 
but is that not just what people do in conversations, some subjects are taboo 
(or are they?), so they are not permitted beyond just mentioning them, but no 
details can be gone into.
  Some subjects do get to be a bit long in the tooth,but that is probably up to 
Goanetters to say so.  For instance if a subject has been done to death for 
over a month, or two months, or if it goes on longer than there must be someone 
who is interested in posting further on the subject.  If we have new 
subscribers, they may well bring up the subject again, as did I several times 
when first joining but was not aware of the archives  some more than 2 
to 5 years old, since then many more people have joined but the subjects may 
not be mentioned again, because it was done to death a year or so ago.
  But why cant we repeat some advice to the newcomers or allow the newcomers to 
bring forth a fresh look on an old subject, then the older Goanetters can give 
sage advice.
  In the meantime, I will only  be taking note of recipes only, unless there 
are any fresh subjects or old subjects with 21 century resolutions to 
  Having said this, perhaps I may well visit other sites of interest to me, for 
Goans  people of non-PIO but are interested in all things Goan.  I may be 
enlightened further. Its a shame that I feel there is 'no point' anymore in 
reading any of the posts, I delete 90% these days, when a year ago I read every 
post, then 6 months ago started reading only my top 10 posters or if there 
was a newcomer / disguised former reject from Goanet or anyone other than the 
usual posters, I now have only a Top 5... the others are no longer 
interesting for me, its the same old, same old having culled 5 of 
the Top 5, there is very little now for me to do other than find something 
else, what is happening with Goans in the UK / Canada / USA / other western 
countries why / who / when / etc is also of interest to me.
  The Gulf Goans have their sites where their interests lie either with 
Goans back home or their own segregated life-style, not wanting to participate 
with the rest of the world.  Goa has had a very bad press lately, not just in 
rapes, drugs, murder etc, this has been going on for decades but it took one 
courageous mother to make the whole world sit up, watch and listen.
  How about these recipes then?  Looking forward to trying them out. I have a 
good mind to send in recipes myself to spice up the humdrum lives of our admin 
  John Monteiro

Mario Goveia wrote:

 But wait. Who would address the question? As you well know, the Goanet Admin 
 are busy with other priorities:-))

Dear Mario, I suspect this discussion will not go beyond you and I, but I 
thought I'd give voice to several goanetters who have candidly admitted in 
private that they are bored with Goanet.

 The moderators seem to cull everything remotely OFF TOPIC or sexually explicit 
(as if the average readership is eight years old), politically incorrect or 
irrelevant to Goa. Goanet has become devoid of all its former wit, humour and 
profundit...So I await with
bated breath for the arrival of these women on Goanet to spice things 


2008-04-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
You are brilliant at putting a smile on my face, thanks Edward.  

edwardingoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Letter from husband ( who is in Dubai) to 
wife, Dear Sweetheart: I can't send my salary this month, so I am sending 100 
kisses. You are my sweetheart Your husband...pedro.  His wife (pethrolin) 
replied back after some days to her husband: Dearest sweetheart, Thanks for 
your 100 kisses, I am sending the expenses details. 1. The doodhkar agreed on 2 
kisses for one month's milk. 2. The electricity man only agreed after 7 kisses. 
3. Your bhatkaar is coming every day and taking two or three kisses. Instead of 
the rent. 4. Rama's shop owner did not accept kisses only, so I have given him 
Some other items... 5. Other expenses 40 kisses, Please don't worry for 
me, I have a remaining balance of 35 kisses and I hope I can complete the month 
using this balance.Shall I plan same way for next months, Please Advise!!! Your 
Sweet Heart ... 

Re: [Goanet] Wives....Good One

2008-04-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Thanks Edward, that was brilliant.  Its so true, ha ha.  More, more!!
  John Monteiro
edwardingoa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: She becomes mesmerized as she 
continually reinforces these perceptions: *aisle, altar, hymn. . .* aisle, 
altar, hymn. . . aisle, altar, hymn. And finally, as she stops beside the 
groom, the conditioning process is complete. She looks up at him smiling 
sweetly and keeps saying to herself... *'I'll alter him!*  edu

[Goanet] Goa Muslims resent hardline intrusion :: From Deccan Herald/ April 27, 2008

2008-04-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Tabkiq... can anyone enlighten me, does the name have anything to do with, 
or mean student of religion or similar...? (I dont suppose it means 
Taleban  ? I may be wrongly informed but does this (Taleban / 
Talibani) not from Afghanstani language or similar meaning, such as student of 
religion, or reader of religious studies.
  Political or Religious, perhaps a combination of both, in these regions one 
means the other, not unlike siamese twins, they cannot be parted. one 
cannot exist without the other.
  Is Goa now to cope with this too?  Or AM I BLEATING UP THE WRONG TREE?
  If only I was wrong ( I hope, sincerely that I am BARKING.. up the wrong 
tree)  .
  But I doubt it..
  John Monteiro
  --- Goa Pradesh Congress 
Committee vice-president M K Shaikh belongs to an old Muslim Goan family. But 
moderates like him are becoming increasingly anxious over the recent attempts 
to introduce a more rigid form of Islamic practice in Goa But a 
watchful edginess remains over attempts by the Tabliq sect to gain control of 
the Margao Masjid. The Sunni Jamat controls 17 mosques and the Tabliqs three.


Re: [Goanet] The Death of Goa b Rajan P. Parrikar

2008-04-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM IS ONE THING.. and also its good to see the other 
side of the coin, thank you Clinton
  John Monteiro
Clinton Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Rajan, Yesterday, I was driving by 
Donna Paula with some friends discussing reasons why they had to unsubscribe 
from Goanet..A lot of us on Goanet...It's good to be aware 
of (through your pictures) what happening around Goa...Yesterday 
morning, I dropped by at the Goa Foundation office to find a silent but 
hard-working member of the GBA drafting a retort to the court on the Aldea de 
Goa matter, along with the Goa 

Re: [Goanet] Abou ben Adaum (Abou ben Adam) in Konknni

2008-04-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Thank you Venantius, this was certainly a lovely parable and a preamble of 
many more translating  transcribing for us who have no Konkani to guide us, 
though this tale can be told in any language.
  John Monteiro
Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote  Abou ben Adam (may his tribe 
increase!) awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw, within the 
moonlight of his room, Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, an angel, 
writing in a book of of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adam bold, And to 
the Prescence in the room he said: What writest thou? The vision raised its 
head, And, with a look made of all sweet accord, Answered, The names of those 
who love the Lord. And is mine one?said Abou, Nay, not so, Replied the 
angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerily still, and said, I pray thee, 
then,Write me as one who loves his fellow men. The angel wrote, and vanished. 
The next night It came again, with a great awakening light, And showed the 
names whom love of God had blest, And lo! Ben adam's name led all the 
rest.Leigh Hunt venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] My take on Goa and Goan identity [ Starting points ]

2008-04-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Some folk may say forget the past, some may say no, we need to know even if its 
too awful to contemplate, we must know. Let us set up a Truth  Reconciliation 
programe to name  shame those who lived through these times  persecuted us.
  Some of us need to know for personal reasons, some of us dont want things 
made public because some of us know or have heard the awful truth, their family 
was in collaboration with the pre-1961 regime.
  Some nations have ensured the past is never forgotten, for the damage done to 
their nation, and have put up plaques  named squares  gardens in honour of 
their dead heroes.  But for one nation's hero, the same person is a terrorist 
for another nation.
  Some nations, but one nation in particular, which came into being at the same 
time as India's Independence from British rule, the Jewish nation in Israel cry 
out for recognition of the terrible things done to their peoples whilst not 
having a homeland of their own, were resident all over the world, were 
persecuted to point of extinction, so they say dont put the past to one side, 
in case it repeats itself again in the future.
  That may have occured a couple of generations ago, but I was born only 3 
years after India's Independence and was eleven  half years old when 
PORTUGUESE rule finally came to an end in Goa, but the wars  battles that have 
been fought all over the world have been for the same reason, money.  
  The link is money... think about it, Goa is currently (actually for a 
very long time from what I gather on Goanet) is fighting over this, but you 
don't see the Goan on the street making the profit, so the fight goes on. 
and on and on...
  Lest we forget.. the atrocities done to us, (us ALL)
  John Monteiro
  To Goanet - anand virgincar wrote:
And the absolutely central point to my arguments that follow is :

[Goanet] Gregory Fernandes

2008-03-31 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
At last some positive movement on the murder of this young man has come to 
light tonight.  On the BBC News South Today news programe, it was reported 
that 3 youths have been charged with Racialy Motivated Murder.
  Its been a long six months wait, but the Police  Crown Prosecution Service 
have got the right people, albeit not enough of them at this stage.
  Additional to the 3 charged for the murder, a 14-year old has been arrested 
for Grevious Bodily Harm and 3 others are out on bail as I write this.
  Gregory's body was flown home in January, some 3 months after his murder, and 
nearly 3 further months have passed before this news has come to pass.
  Let us now see how this case goes, and follow the case to the end.  Nothing 
good will come out of this case except catching the perpertrators of this vile 
act, mothers  fathers will lose their sons to prison, but perhaps justice can 
now be seen to be done.
  John Monteiro

Re: [Goanet] Agente Casimiro Emerito Teles Jordao Monteiro WAS my father.............

2008-03-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Eugene
  Thank you for the posting, it was nice to read differing stories, majority 
are coming to me in private emails, but there are two things that jut out for 
me, one is that he brought his work home  used us as his target practice by 
the very way in which he behaved when he was home, which was thankfully not 
very often.  I say this now, but of course as a child, one is always asking, 
then stops asking after a while, its easier on the mind.
  Secondly he did not have to enjoy the job as much as he obviously did, 
carrying out the atrocities with much gusto, that is equally evil, no matter 
what, he may have been a man of his time but he was not a nice person, in sense 
of the word, my mother suffered at his hands, that is enough for any child to 
put aside any thoughts of a lovely, kind father 
  Best wishes

Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Agente Monteiro name conjures up the same images
of the Ranes. Their names were used to frighten
children. Hence, these names have achieved
immortality, not to add notoriety. 
Wasn't Rasputin the most feared man in Russien
history? However, we cannot put Rasputin and Agente
Monteiro in the same league. They differ in both their
political and social approaches.
Agente Monteiro was following orders and, considering
it in the light of Portuguese history, he was doing
nothing wrong. Hitler followed his conscience, just as
George Bush followed wrong advice and attacked Iraq.
Saddam Hussein, another hated man in history, is now
dead and gone. But his image of an evil man remains,
at least in the minds of the American and those who
supported America-led attack into Iraq.
I think Agente Monteiro has been mentioned in Konkani
novels, possibly of Reginald Fernandes. He was no
Robin Hood but he was a good guy to the Portuguese
and those Goans who supported Portugal vis-a-vis the
I had missed Roland's original post, but the Lavra
mentioned is none other than the Darling of the Goan
Liberation, Dr. Laura D'Souza, later wife of Prof.
Lucio Rodrigues. Laura's son lived/lives in Toronto.
I have visited Laura both at her house in Goa, behind
the Tourist Hostel, and in Mumbai, in Colaba. The flat
was given to her by the Maharashtra government, I
think the late Morarji Desai.
Agente Monteiro was a tormentor of Goan nationalists.
It was an expected role from someone recruited or
promoted or assigned the job to harass and create
panic among the nationalists. One heard lot of stories
from Mumbai-based nationalists, most of them now dead.
John should not let the past weigh upon him. Maybe
sometimes the sins of our parents visit us. In John's
case, his father, if at all Agente Monteiro was, need
what was the need of the hour.
Goan nationalism was rising and attaining great
momemtum. The Portuguese had no way to battle it out,
both on the political and social fields. Resorting to
force to put pressure on the nationalist movement was
one sure way to beat back the challenge. Agente
Monteiro was the vehicle. In his role, he became
bigger than life itself. Such is the fate that history
bestows on people at crucial moments.


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Re: [Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Kam' Zalem Voiz Melo'

2008-03-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Goanetter reading this post,
  As a non-speaker or reader of Konkani I feel I am missing out on a lot of 
Goan chit chat but also the way in which Konkani is spoken often times, if I 
remember a bit of it from my childhood, albeit half a century ago, there were 
some meanings  words that were difficult to transcribe into English, though 
some were easier into Portuguese. I am totally baffled now as an aging old man.
  Konkani is not just a spoken  written language, one that is properly 
recognised in the Indian Constitution etc, but for a man reaching his 60's it 
would be so very difficult to re-learn it (but I would give it a try if there 
was a way forward here, by the way  -  some say its just like learning to ride 
a bike again, after an accident, do it quickly or you will not have the nerve 
to do it ever...), so can someone, whatever the subject line, be able 
to take some time out and translate as much as possible any Konkani posters 
into English (pretty please?).
  John Monteiro

lino dourado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kam’ Zalem, Voiz Melo 

Sumar 4 vorsanchea porak ghevn, bosint bhitor sorlele
ostorek mhaka lagun tras zavnchem nhoi mhonn, hanv
boslelea sita velo uttunk kori tednam, tinnem

“Naka, naka. Tras ghevum nakat Mhoje bayek mhagelea
paymer bosoitam.” Ani tinnem, tigele dhuvek. apnnalea
zangddar dovorun, ti sitar bosli.

Tednam hanv 19 vorsancho tornatto. Mhagele eka kama
khatir hanv Moddganv ghel’lom. Mhojea khuxik bosleli
ostori sobit distali, punn tea von tigelem por. 
Mhaka pollet boslelem tem. Mhaka porachi apurbay zali.
Porak mhagelea kakeant ghetlem ani vicharlem.

“Baye, tujem nanv kitem?”


“Xhu! Ogi rav. To uncle nhi. Mister.” porak fuddem
ulovnk di nastanam mhaka ‘uncle’ nhoi, punn ‘Mister’
mhonnchem mhonn, dhengxo ghalun porache avoyn porak

“Mister, mhojem nanv Amanda” vicharlelea prosnank
soroll zap dili ani lhan por fuddem boddboddlem
“Mister poi, poi. Bhair poi. Xetant redde zogoddtat” 

“Amanda! Mister-ak chodd sotai naka.” Avoin porak

“Asum di. Bhurgem tem.” Mhaka porache tras zainant
mhonn hanv tika sangtanam, bosicho kondaktor ailo ani
tinnem Utorda-Molar ek tikett magoili. Utorda
konnagher vhetat kai? Hanvem mhakach vichar kelo. Punn
tika vicharunk mhaka puttlem nam. Vo dusre bhoxen,
mhaka ‘curiosidade’ (curiosity) nasli. Hanv ani por
khellachea umedir astanam, bos ken’na Utorda-Mollar
pavli ti pasun mhaka zanniv na zali. 

Bos, Utorda-Mollar pavtoch porak ghevn ti ostori
dhenvli ani amche Igorjiche dixen vetelea rostean,
cholunk lagli. Babddem por, fattlean volun ani thambo
nastanam mhaka “mister, mister” mhunnit aslem. Toddea
vellachi bhett amchi. Pora koddsun pois zanvchem,
mhaka khub dukhlem. Hanv bhavnnik (emotional) zalom. 

Ani hanv bosivelo dhevntokoch mhagelo ixtt Wency
gavlo. Dusre sumanant, tagelo ek lokam-khell, Ponnje
Akaxvannicher mudravpache (recording) asle. Tagelea
lokam-khellant mhagelo aspav aslelean tachea sangata
tagelea ghora gelom ani ami tallim vo rehearsal
donparche dhed meren choloilem.

Hanv, amche ghorache sopnnam (stairs) choddtalom.
Bolkavant mhagele sorgest avoychea sangata, mhaka
bosint gavlelim avoy-dhuv dislim. Tim dog-aim, amgher
pavchem kharan mhaka somzolem. Hanv tanchea pattlean
ubo aslelean tannim mhaka pollevnk nam dista, vo
tanchi nodor mhojer poddunk nam. Mhoje avoyn aplea
hatanim, Amandachi bonkachi noddi (anus) ugti keli ani
ti bore toren topaslea uprant tinnem mhonnlem.

“Kitlo vhodd mhonn khatro go ho? Hanga yevnk itle dis
kiteak laile? Duens chodd zalem mhonntoch, tumi
dotorank uloitat. Cheddvak khanddar mar ani ghott
dhor” Amandak khanddar marpak mhoje avoyn tika hukom
dilo ani fatrir dolloilelem zhadd-palleachem vokhod
kaddun agpachea noddin lottlem tedna mhojea islean
pollevn, poran bobo-hueli ghatleo. 

Mhoji sorgest avoi, bhurgeank zhadd-palleachem vo
‘Khatreachem vokhod’ ditali. Lhan bhurgeank, agpache
tras zale mhonntoch, tankam portean-portean pattol
agop zatalem ani bhonkachea purmutteak vo noddik
khatro poddun rogot-bhairem suntalem. Kaim voizam
kodden hem duens borem zainam zatotokoch, xevottak ho
lok mhojea avoyxim yetalo. Koddok pothk-achi
(mandatory diet) bhurgeank, toxech bhurgeanche avoyank
samballunk zata zalear, tednach mhoji sorgest avoy
aplem ghuttachem vokhod ditali. Ani tin disam modim,
bhurgim sap bhorim zatalim vo tanchem rogot-bhairem
bond zatalem. 

Amandache noddik vokhodd ghalun tagelea bendar dovo
kuddko mhoje avoyn bandlo. Amanda, mhaka polloit aslem
ani roddkulea avazan mhonnlem.

“Mummy! Mister.mister………mister” 

“Borem borem. Ogi rav baye. Mister yetolo” Dakhttem
por azun mhoji yad korta oxem Amandachi avoy somzoli.
Ani porachea pattir hat oddit taka fuslayun, roddpache
ogem kortali tednam mhojea avoin tika mhonnlem.

“Ghoddie tujem cheddum, tujea pattlean asleleak
‘mister’ mhonntta astelem”. 

Ani ti soroll pattlean vovli ani tthotakun vicharlem

“Tum hanga?”

“To mhozo tisro put,” mhoje sorgest avoin vollok

Re: [Goanet] After days of bad press, Goa back in a festive mood

2008-03-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Avelino,
  How I agree with you, so much so that I was looking for something to bring me 
back to 2008 and a bit of respite, I was looking forward to this, oh dear, the 
link is not live, it does not exist or the server cannot find it.  What a 
shame, perhaps you can look at the address again  repost?
  John Monteiro

D'Souza, Avelino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote.  After days of bad press, Goa 
back in a festive mood Goa: After many days of bad press, Goa was back in a 
festive mood with
the famous Shigmo festival, which depicts the state's folk culture.


Re: [Goanet] Goa: Govt bans foreigners from buying land

2008-03-30 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Agreed, totally!

Alinda Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Fantastic news. BRAVO

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro

2008-03-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Sonia  Bernado
  I half-agree with you both but as I said previously to both of you, I am not 
in the exact same mind-frame. This is for several reasons, but the main two are 
a) he was my long-lost father  b) if he was who we think he is, we ought to be 
able to fill in some of the missing gaps for the relatives of his victims  let 
them know what sort of person he really was, to his own immediate family  how 
they treated my family when we were in Goa.
  Other reasons come to mind but probably not printable here, in most ways this 
demon of a man should be now a humilated in public  if there is any justice in 
the world, the Goans who suffered at his (and his brother's) hands ought to 
have the last say.  He abused Goans, and my mother  his two sons, I think that 
is enough to have him pilloried from here to hell.
  Saying Mass  being ever-so forgiving, that is all well and good, and 
possibly this may happen one day, but not just yet, we have to have justice for 
all the Goans of the 1950's (and beyond? anyone shed a light on this 
from post-1961), and for my mother who died a broken woman.
  Say a prayer for her, she deserves it more than anyone.  Say regular prayers 
for the souls of the departed, for they were forced to leave this world by the 
likes of my father, who used  abused the nation of Goa while living and 
revelling in it, and as I said before, the main cause of the suffering in my 
family  the reason I wet the bed every night I was reminded of his presence, 
even when I was not at home, but alone  afraid child at Loyola High School.
  John Monteiro
sonia gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote. Yes, I feel the same as Bernardo, let 
Casimiro Monteiro be dead and gone and let John not think of him anymore, the 
issue is truly irrelevant and could cause only pain. Warm wishes Sonia do 
Rosario Gomes --- 
  Bernado Colaco wrote: Recently one Roland Francis from Spadina 
Avenue,Toronto, Canada has invoked the memory of Agente Monteiro and has left 
John Monteiro of Berkshire in a quandary as to his parentage. RF should spend 
more time in my opinion on the current Monteiro's that Goa has produced and is 
producing since 61. Please do not raise issues of irrelevance. CM is dead and 

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 as confirmation for me.  I 
remember he had a moustache, thick one just over his lip, and slightly on the 
corner of his mouth, no beard or side burns, roundish face, jet black hair 
(oiled), rather a large man (probably looked bigger to me due to the fact I was 
a child at the time), broad shouldered like a swimmer has (I take similar 
physical features from him especially the broad shoulders but now a bit 
overweight (too many Vindaloos, Mauritian  Indian curries  briani), but 
shaved off my moustache three years ago when I remembered this).
  One way or another, at the very least if he is NOT my father, then I will 
have to restart my search, at the worst he IS my father  I will have this 
monkey off my back  start to fill in gaps of my childhood, perhaps even 
putting it in print, one day.

Frederick [FN] Noron ha * फ्रेड रिक न ोरोंया 
  Hi John, Don't be so harsh on yourself! We don't choose our parents,
and we can't always be responsible for their actions (except those of
our children, in a way). Even assuming he's your dad, I think your
attitude matters more than his!

There are issues involved here though. Understanding Agente Monteiro
is important for filling in the gaps as far as Goan history goes. And
there are many gaps, not just this one, both pre-1961 and post-1961.

It needn't be a witch-hunt, though one could understand the pain of
those who suffered brutalities of whatever form. At the same time,
those at whose hands the brutalities was doled out were mentally
prisoners of those times. I'm sure they believed they were doing their
patriotic duty, 'protecting' Goa or whatever.

When I visited Dachau in 1998, I wondered how anyone could have done
what they did there hardly six decades earlier. But while we do it, we
all have justifications for the violence we wreck on others, even in
the case of Gujarat in 2002 or in Algeria or Vietnam and Indonesia or
Afghanistan, and the many invasions (and toppling-via-military-coups)
that even countries the US has undertaken in recent times.

There is, sometimes, a self-correcting mechanism at play though. Call
it poetic justice, if you want to. The children of many of those who
have strong anti-'outsider' sentiments have chosen to marry people
from the other states of India, for instance.

Just my thoughts ... FN

On 28/03/2008, JOHN MONTEIRO wrote:
Dear Roland, I cannot thank you enough for this, it is a start for me.
I have always known in my heart that the evil of my father was
totally like this, he was a very nasty, ferocious  unaffectionate
man, that was towards his family, my mother, my brother and me.
The rest of our neighbours suffered from his visits also, but my
mother was too timid (it was the 1950's  all women, whether Goan or
Portuguese or as in my mother's case, English father  French mother,
had no rights and no discussions between them, she did as she was
told, no arguments)

Re: [Goanet] Agente Monteiro

2008-03-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Dr D'Souza
  Thank you again for the effort, time  trouble you have put into this. We all 
await eargerly, the responses from your contacts  let us hope to put some 
filling in the gaps here  there, as FN put it, there are some gaps in the 
pre-1961  the post-1961 events  if we can help to fill them, I shall be very 
pleased to have done my bit.
  I know that there are some issues that some might say ought not to be aired 
on a public forum, but IF this man was my father, it is not something that 
ought to be kept private, he was not a private man in the 1950's that I am 
aware of, he was a different sort of private man, certainly not a public figure 
such as a local politician or celebraty, though is some ways it could be said 
he was, though no different to some of them if they were as corrupt and 
disreputable as my father was.
  He deserves to be a public figure, and if proved that this Agente Casmiro 
Monteiro was indeed my father, then I will do my utmost to bring his name down 
in shame for all he did, and hope it serves some good purpose  let the 
Portuguese nation know what kind of Patriot he really was, whether or not he 
was of that time, or not, he had not asked for forgiveness or understanding of 
WHY murder  mayhem had to be the way he found employment.
  John Monteiro

Teotonio R. de Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have submitted JM's report on goanet to the best present-day expert on
PIDE in Portugal. I shall get back as soon as I get some feedback.

More recently one of the close collaborators of CM, namely Rosa C. who
murdered Humberto Delgado, died very recently in Spain, but not before
publishing an autobiographical book, in which he claims he served «loyally»
his country!

Message: 7 

Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:34:45 +0530 

From:  Frederick [FN] Noronha *  ???  

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro  1950's / LHS 

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 

Hi John, Don't be so harsh on yourself! We don't choose our parents, 

and we can't always be responsible for their actions (except those of 

our children, in a way). Even assuming he's your dad, I think your 

attitude matters more than his! 

There are issues involved here though. Understanding Agente Monteiro 

is important for filling in the gaps as far as Goan history goes. And 

there are many gaps, not just this one, both pre-1961 and post-1961. 

Re: [Goanet] Potential photo of Casmiro Monteiro aka Agente Monteiro

2008-03-29 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Bosco
  Thank you for your kind contribution, I am grateful to everyone who emailed 
me, I am also confirming that this man is indeed my father.  I have 
communicated with FN (amongst many others) who sent me the attachment of this 
photo of my father earlier, for some reason your email went into the BULK 
files, that is unusual in itself because all my Goanet emails come to my INBOX, 
it was just a coincidence I looked in the BULK files before deleting all the 
rubbish we receive daily. I am glad I did.
  I am currently in correspondence with half a dozen Goannetters who are 
helping me greatly, also researching much faster than I can, and they have 
contacts in here in UK, Portugal, Mozambique, Spain  South Africa where my 
father was also located prior to 1951 (London where he met my mother  where I 
was born)  during the 1950's when we were present in Goa, post-1961 when he 
was still at large in various countries (and of course in 1958 when we were 
in Portugal for about 8 months).
  Once we have it all in one place, in some order as it were, we will take the 
next step, what that will be I am not sure, but I will go under advisement from 
the Goanetters who have told me to be wary about this  to be more discreet to 
my wife who says I ought not to go public again, so maybe all communications 
please may be more sensible if it come to me in private email form after today.
  Thanks again

Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is believed to be a photo of Casimiro Teles Jordao Monteiro, a 
widely-feared PIDE agent (also known as Agente Monteiro), in 
Portuguese-ruled colonial Goa can be found at:

- Bosco 

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 merchant cum timber contractor was operating
his very successful timber business in Goa supplying timber to various
outlets, timber such as teak wood, which was freely available in
forested areas of Valpoi etc. This contractor is believed to have been
operating in a dubious manner, where, he would get the forest
department's mandatory clearance to cut say 50 teak trees, but would
actually cut 100 or more. And this was not without the connivance of
the officials of the forest department who were kept happy by this
contractor with ample gifts during Ganesh, Divali and Christmas
festivals. It is believed that one such upright lower official of the
forest department had the courage to send back such a gift from this
contractor, not because he wanted a better and a more expensive one,
but merely because he disliked to be bribed and taken for granted. Due
recognition was registered by the contractor in this particular case
which was considered as an insult. Things started to get out of hand
gradually as the contractor was denuding the government forests of its
teak trees to the extent that an anonymous letter reached the desk of
the brand new and very young Director of forests by the name of Maciel
Chaves, first out of college from Lisbon, having been deputed to take
charge in Goa, ratting on the deeds of the timber contractor who
hailed from Marcel-Goa. The director was duly warned that the
personnel of his department could not be trusted and could be on the
payroll of the contractor. It is believed that young Chaves started
making clandestine inspection trips to the scenes of the crime ,
talking to people etc. This, having alarmed the contractor, he made
contact with the Azad Gomantak Dal, which was then making regular
incursions into Goa as satyagraha strikes, to have this young Director
assassinated. A 'supari', as it is known in ordinary parlance. The
unfortunate thing actually happened. The young Director was shot dead
during one of AGD's incursions into Goa. I am told that a tearful
funeral service of this young Director was conducted at the chapel of
the old GMC complex at Campal, which complex is now renovated for the
IFFI-04. Perhaps the body was taken to Portugal for burial.

With Casimiro Monteiro in charge (Agente Monteiro as he was called),
the investigations into this murder was conducted on a war footing,
given the efficiency of the Portuguese Police. It seems that the
timber contractor from Marcel was duly picked up in the middle of the
night and taken in. The intensive interrogation is believed to have
lasted for almost a month when the accused died in custody. Same
night, it is believed that Casimiro Monteiro and two of his guards
carried a bundle, hardly considered as a human body, tied up in a
bedsheet, to the contractor's home in the dead of the night. The home
people having been woken, were ordered to conduct the funeral rites of
the remains there and then without allowing the sheet to be unwrapped
. Agente Monteiro is said to have left only when the body was totally
consumed by flames.

To us, in our make believe democracy, where our shoes get worn-out by
making trips to the court rooms, this type of swift and horrifying
justice makes our legs weak. But then, one could sleep without fear,
keeping the doors and windows of the houses open precisely for this
very reason of swift justice during the Portuguese rule. And, by the
way, the identity of this criminal contractor, who thought he would be
able to pillage Goa's forests by having the thorn in Maciel Chaves
removed, the blame of which automatically and satisfactorily dumped on
the satyagraha movement, must be known to a few in Goa who are still
alive . I shall refrain from divulging this name for the moment in
order to save the faces of the family members, perhaps the
contractors' off-springs, who may or may not be immersed in the
current Goa's politics of sin.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:49 AM, JOHN MONTEIRO
 Dear Bernado

 I was indeed shocked to the core ( I am still bodily shaking) to read the 
 report Roland had posted, for the incident in 1955. As much as I feel my 
 personal life has nothing much to do with the events of today, on Goanet, or 
 in Goa itself,  maybe of no interest to anyone outside the Monteiro family, 
 I am pleading with everyone who may have any information regarding the 
 Agente Casemiro Monteiro ( his brother) who were in Goa during the 1950's.

Re: [Goanet] Casmiro Monteiro ............ 1950's / LHS

2008-03-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Bernado
  I have always wanted to find my father's side of the family.  In fact I have 
been searching more and more over the past years since my mother passed away in 
1999.  That's nearly 9 years of searching for him, his brother  any relatives 
in Goa  Lisbon.
  Casemiro Monteiro, whether he was in fact my father, and his brother who was 
with him (our uncle), we (my mother, my younger brother  I) lived together in 
the same house IN Goa.
  I was indeed shocked to the core ( I am still bodily shaking) to read the 
report Roland had posted, for the incident in 1955.  As much as I feel my 
personal life has nothing much to do with the events of today, on Goanet, or in 
Goa itself,  maybe of no interest to anyone outside the Monteiro family, I am 
pleading with everyone who may have any information regarding the Agente 
Casemiro Monteiro ( his brother) who were in Goa during the 1950's.
  You say, CM is dead  gone  he was irrelevant, well that is probably right, 
for you  possibly many other posters who have read your post, and mine.  But a 
small detraction away from the current Monteiros since 1961 will not make much 
difference to you or those who are not interested in my plight, but I also need 
to know about my father, who he was and where he went, whether or not he was 
that person described in Roland's post.
  I can only SUSPECT it was him, I cannot be sure of it.  So I ask again, if 
anyone has any light they can shed on this man, I would be very grateful to 
you.  Any archive footage such as Roland's or links to where I can go next to 
find out more about this man, can only help me (and my family).  Even if he is 
indeed dead  gone as you put it, it would help us enormously to lay our 
ghosts to rest, if it is true, then where is he laid, where are his / my 
paternal relatives living in Goa / Lisbon?
  Surely this is not too much to ask, and it will not deter from the main 
events currently being discussed (some ad nausium, but still being read by 
yours truly).
  I thank anyone in advance for any information, no matter how small or 
insignificant they feel they have some information or knowledge on this.
  John Monteiro

Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Recently one Roland Francis from 
Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Canada has invoked the memory of Agente Monteiro and 
has left John Monteiro of Berkshire in a quandary as to his parentage. RF 
should spend more time in my opinion on the current Monteiro's that Goa has 
produced and is producing since 61. Please do not raise issues of irrelevance. 
CM is dead and gone. BC

Re: [Goanet] Agente Monteiro - An Episode in 1955

2008-03-26 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Dear Roland
  I have just read your post regarding the desecration of of a temple by Agent 
Casimero Monteiro. I had to stop for some time before continuing to read the 
rest of the post.  Forgive me but is there ANY more information with regard to 
this Agent CASEMIRO MONTEIRO and his brother? 
  Did he indeed leave Goa before the liberation in 1961?  Is there anywhere in 
any Goan government or non-Government Agencies or Newspapers that would carry 
any further information of his  his brother's location then, or now?  
  I have this (awful sick) feeling in the pit of my stomach regarding this man, 
Agent Casimero Monteiro, I suspect I have some recollections of this man  his 
brother because if he is the same man that I think it is, it may well have been 
my father and uncle. Shame on me for this, but I have been looking for him  
his whereabouts for some time now.
  I was 5 years old at the time, in 1955 (17 June), and wondered whatever 
happened to my father after we left Goa suddenly for a holiday break of 8 
months in 1958 in LISBOA, returning to Goa afterwards but not seeing him much, 
then after a while, never again.  I was n Loyola High School  never had a 
visit from him, only  my mother, when she was well enough came to see me. 
  On  my First Communion in August 1959 I only had Brother Canna look after me, 
no relatives or parents there, in borrowed white trousers, shirt  plimsoles, 
thanks for the kindness Brother Canna... (he died a few years back, I 
believe of cancer  is buried in Pune Cemetery).
  Otherwise, my whole childhood in Goa from 1951/2  to 1961 is very sketchy, 
including some earlier  latter days, my memories refuse to form in my mind, 
because there was some trauma at the time in my life, my mother  my brother's 
life also, my father was PORTUGUESE ( not a very nice man to us, not at all 
nice to our neighbours or to the Goan population as a whole, I always suspected 
he was a force for no-good during my childhood in Goa when he  my mother took 
me to Goa from London where I was born, to live in Goa).
  I hope you or other Goannetters can come up with some links or more 
information about this AGENT CASEMIRO MONTEIRO for you see, I have had no luck 
at all in trying to trace him, his extended family in Lisboa or in Goa, with 
his first (Christian) name coming up for the very first time it made my heart 
leap to my mouth, for I have never heard his first name verbally or in print, 
only on my birth certificate.
  His other forenames would have been Teles, Jordao..
  I think its ironic that if he was my father, that I have produced two more 
who pray in Hindu Temples, I married a Mauritian woman some 19 years ago this 
May, she is of the Tamil (Hindu) extraction, we have two beautiful daughters 
who also pray in the HINDU TEMPLES of Murugan / Worship also the deities, 
Ganesh, Laxmi, Durga, Kali Maa... amongst others, so IF this man was my 
father, this marriage we made between my wife  me, I hope has toppled this 
father of mine if he ever is still alive today, but also make him ashamed of 
himself, and his brother.
  BUT there may be many CASEMIROs in GOA at this time, he would have been in 
his very early 30's at the time, probably now in his mid-80's if he is still 
alive.  Any information would be appreciated, my father  my uncle were a group 
of Portuguese predators Goa, And I put this mildy, they were not nice people 
but I still would like to know of his  their whereabouts, if my gut feeling is 
correct, probably either in BRAZIL or in open hiding back in Portugal, 
perhaps even back in Goa, with his extended family.
  but where?  Can anyone shed any light on this man  brother for me?  
  John Monteiro (since Dec 1961)
  (Joao Roso Monteiro from 17 June 1950 to Dec 1961)
  History or fiction? This emanated from the 1955 Maharastra Gazette records of 
the so called Bombay Goan freedom fighters and could have been reported by the 
Goan Congress to inflame the passions of the Indian Govt headed by Pandit Nehru 
who by and large ignored appeals from these Bombay Goan bodies who were quite 
disunited and spent about as much time quarreling with each other, as seeking 
Goa's liberation. There is also a report of one Smt. Lavra D'Souza (yes that is 
how it was spelt) who went with a band of these freedom fighers to Delhi to 
meet Nehru. He had no time for them, but walking by the verandah on
which they had gathered, he remarked in passing - if you are satyagrahis why 
are you in Delhi instead of marching on Goa. Therefore the following incident 
may have happened but likewise, may have been exaggerated and/or reported with 
bias and prejudice. Interesting nevertheless. 
  Anyone with other stories of the notorious Agente Monteiro?


National Congress (Goa)
Dated 8th January. 1955
By our

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Brit. FOR FAVOUR O PUBLICATION

2008-03-21 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008

I totally agree that some people have no care about the way in which they drive 
around in big cars  spill exhaust fumes around without taking on board the 
cost to the environment or the locality in which they drive.
  Having said this, it happens in the UK also, as it does all over the world, 
not just in Goa.  There are regulations now coming into force, so by law there 
are exhaust emissions which we have to take care when we buy cars, ensure we 
have the right type, or be fined or worse, the car taken away  scrapped.
  At least that is what will happen here in the UK  other parts of Europe, 
soon enough.
  As for the new owner of property, whether it belonged to, or was occupied by 
the owner or was let out to tenancy, this is not of concern, if there is law 
which permits the owner to sell his own property, then I dont see a problem.  
The owner needs the money, he has to sell.  The owner may have died  the 
inheritors decided they did not want it, or could not keep it, so everyone 
wanted their share, in cash.
  So the house was sold, the tenant compensated as per contract.  You see, your 
tenant was fortunate, the owner was good enough to build another place for the 
ex-tenant.  When you rent, you have very little in the way of rights to the 
abode, for ever.  The whole idea of renting is just that, you rent.  You rent 
for a period of agreed months or years, here in the UK mostly rentals are 
short-let or long lease arrangments with many other styles from 6-months to 
annual renewable rental on houses, apartments or bedsits, etc etc.
  In Goa I will assume by your choice of words that you are not in favour of 
the new owner because he or she is uncaring and unthoughtful about his or her 
neighbours, you also have a worry about the swimming pool  the cost of water, 
not only financially but also the supply of good clean drinking / cooking water.
  This is all to do with your local governement  the people you elected to 
look after your interests.  
  As we know, and this has been brought about by the Scarlett Keeling case, 
corruption from the lowest order to the highest in the land is rife, and you 
permit it.
  You being the Goan voter, the one who is only in it for the money or title 
you will get if you vote for this person or that person.  The system is corrupt 
from the shopkeeper who tips in a bit of water in the Feni to the Policeman who 
takes a bribe for overfilled cars or taps the tourists for extra cash when 
found to be a drunken driver, and so on.
  It is disgraceful and I feel very sorry for the neighbours of this uncaring 
owner of the old house, which no doubt was once a lovely family house and was 
occupied very peacefully by the tenant, but things change and we must accept 
change as much as we accept our children grow up  leave home, have families of 
their own, and so on.
  But not all changes are for the good, this case is one example where 
corruption and uncaring politicians are creating a cesspit of what was once a 
  John Monteiro

Tony de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008

A lot of hue and cry is being made about the Keeling rape/ murder, by
Brits who are holidaying or have chosen Goa as their retirement
destination. There is an image being projected, that the Goans only
want their money, but not them.

Let's look at the other side of the picture. A Brit has purchased an
old 'Portuguese villa' as the brochures describe it in Moira. So far
so good. Now to get rid of the tenant, he has built a house for him
at one edge of his property. Even better. Now here it starts hitting
the fan! In building the house, and refurbishing the main house,
Panchayat regulations have been thrown to the wind. Again there is a
small matter about a swimming pool. When locals objected to it, the
contractor (in collusion with the owner?) sought to pass it off as a
sump. If the pit was a sump, why tile it with ceramic tiles and
install lights? We the locals are concerned about the scarcity of
water, depletion of the water table and pollution due to the chemicals
used in the swimming pool.

Our Brit has got it 'regularized', probably by spreading a few pounds
(which apparently he has in plenty) here and there. Again he owns a
big Bolero car that barely fits in our narrow

Re: [Goanet] Kindly Help

2008-03-07 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hi Gabe
  This ad for a housemaid seems genuine, I am sure it is (am I  REALLY sure??), 
 but I dont understand why an age restriction is in place, why a female of 
25yrs to 35 yrs only?
  Call me a suspicious old man (if 58 is old these days.) but I dont see 
how a 25yr to 35yr old female house worker would be better at the job than say, 
one of 50yrs or older? If I had requested a house worker / maid I would always 
ask for one over 50 years old, I feel they are usually not tied down with small 
children or forever at the beck  call of family members.  If over-50yrs old, 
they usually have older children  are generally working to keep busy while 
contribution towards the household.
  The reason I say this is because I read something by peu De had posted on 
another Goan website regarding a 10yr old boy catching AIDS via eating an 
infected pineapple (long story, but it can be found on this other website, if 
anyone is interested I will refer you to it).  
  This story too was also suspicious to me so I put aside some time to going to 
various websites  emailing advice lines regarding this, unfortunately Goanet 
got the results from me, posted by mistake, as I was informed by the moderator. 
  I then emailed the correct website  posted my response to which peu De is 
also a contributor, but received no reply or response to my 
question... who where why etc.
  If you daughter is (genuinely) interested in this Gabe, I think however you 
have asked the first relevant questions, now we wait for the reply (then engage 
further, it all sounds a bit iffy to me).
  Bet you there will be no reply to all your questions, not on any public 
forum, from peu De, or his/her cousin..
  Good luck but I suspect you wont be holding your breath 
  John Monteiro
Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 06/03/2008, peu De wrote:Dear 
netters! My Goan cousin is urgently in need of a preferably Goan or Magalorean 
fulltime housemaid between the ages of 25 to 35 years to help her to do 
household work of cleaning,cooking and looking after a school going kid in 
Dubai itself.If interested please contact :tel:04/2852886 at the earliest .Many 
thanks and God bless.
RESPONSE: My daughter is interested; please state terms, conditions
and expected salary. Thank you in advance.Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Of beach umbrellas

2008-03-04 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
How I agree with Dr Samir about this, I have been away too long, my childhood 
in Goa is exactly as he described it, unhindered
  I am hugely saddened to see, hear  read the onslaught of rampant tourism, 
its gone totally haywire, but with the inward migration adding to the fabric of 
society but not contributing to the wealth of the individual.  By wealth I do 
mean more cash needed for the needy  the hard working Goans, but also to the 
nature beauty  unspoilt beaches, countryside  the treat of getting an 
ice-cream or chocolate, jalebi or other sweets, when it was celebration time  
when it was a special occasion.
  Now the children demand much more than an old bicycle (with no tyre) and a 
stick to race your friends by, to throw sticks, stones  whatever you have to 
get a mango (or several) from a tree overlapping into the road... or 
watching the dobi doing the laundry, surrounded by soap suds  gushing 
water the simple jumping into the well  having fun with your 
friends during the moonsoon when the wells were overflowing, sitting by the 
stream with a simple hook  a worm or two to catch fish (to take home to eat of 
  Ah yes, Dr Samir, those WERE the days.  I hope  pray there are some parts of 
Goa that I will see have not changed too much because we plan to visit end of 
this year, some 46 years too late I know, Goa was not forgotten or forsaken by 
me, it was for other reasons too personal to go into right now, but I (with my 
wife  two daughters who have not seen Goa at all), will be coming end of this 
  I have been lucky enough to get many personal emails from very nice 
Goanetters who have volunteered to help us around, from reasonably priced 
places to stay in Margao  Mapuca to the rather more posh places (anything over 
2 star is posh for me).
  If anyone has the spare time, perhaps suggesting places we could visit on our 
very brief fortnight in Goa, we would love to hear from you.  I am still trying 
to trace my Portuguese family tree in Goa, we have got nowhere with our 
enquiries, a blind alley here  a suggestion there, but in total, I cannot 
remember exactly where in Goa we resided, no address or anything but I can 
remember certain details only, I left when I was 11 years old.
  John Monteiro
sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Of beach Dr Samir Heble. 
I remember the pristine Goa of my childhood: the beautiful beaches and Dona 
Paola untinged, unlike today’s worldly consumerism, the sandy sands where we 
could revel in the simple yet rich pleasures of life and the azure seas that 
were crystal clear. It is indeed a sad time now that beach umbrellas have begun 
encroaching on the public beaches. I hope we are not evolving into a 
narcissistic society, a society more interested in enriching individual purses 
than in enriching Goa's natural beauty. Some years ago when Bill Clinton had 
visited the Taj on his official presidential tour, he had remarked: There are 
two types of tourists, those that have visited the Taj and those that haven’t 
. At that time, I had the same feelings for Goa too. I do want to believe the 
same now too. Our innocent children want to run around and play on our beaches, 
unhindered by our rich umbrellas. We yearn to enjoy the serenity of our 
uncluttered beaches too. Simple can be beautiful. Simple can be soothing. 
Let’s keep Goa simple and clean and make it even
richer. Dr Samir Heble


Re: [Goanet] Maid arrested for theft in Bicholim

2008-02-26 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
I am not for one minute suggesting how the lady of the house protects her 
belongings but perhaps she ought to be more careful.  She took off her bangles 
and left them out in the open for two days before she decided she would 
retrieve them.
  She did not find them so automatically it was the maid's fault.  I do not 
condone theft, especially if you trust someone to work in your house, has the 
trust of the family  of the employer, but is it reasonable to assume someone 
who flaunts their wealth in front of a poor lady, who has obviously no 
generous or sufficient income in her household to maintain any sensible living, 
will eventually give in to the temptation laid down before her?
  I would not have called the police but asked the maid to return the bangles  
apologise to her to her for leaving them around for TWO DAYS, unattended and 
thank her for looking after them for me.
  At least that is what I would hope I would have done in this matter, but I 
really do wonder if calling the police in this matter would have served anyone 
better?  The poor lady, a maid for this lady, so do we know how many people had 
access to the bangles?  Access to the house?  Was this lady living alone?  Had 
she got members of her family around?  Youngsters around?  Any other people 
about?  Why leave her stuff unsecured?  I dont think this case merits this maid 
to be turned into a criminal, for its the owner of the valuables who is at 
fault, not a momentary lapse, this was TWO days later.  
  I feel sorry for this maid, possibly the sole breadwinner in the family or 
one that is contributing heavily, albeit (and I assume this is true), with said 
bracelets, so no worries for the family, for a while...
  John Monteiro

Samir Umarye 
  BICHOLIM FEB 26: Bicholim police today arrested a house maid in
connection with a theft of golden bangles worth Rs 28,000. According to the 
available information one Margaret Fernendes from Gokulwadi Sanquelim had kept 
her golden bangles on the TV while going to the church on Sunday. After two 
days when she checked she found the bangles missing. She inquired with her 
maid, Abole alias Taramati Tivrekar, from Desai Nagar Sanquelim, who failed to 
return to work later. Today, Fernandes registered a complaint with the Bicholim 
police against the maid. Tivrekar was arrested under section 381 IPC and was 
remanded to seven days police custody. Police is
further investigating the case.

Re: [Goanet] Tracing roots in Goa

2008-02-22 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
 occasionally when finances or conscience 
will allow.
  Good luck to ALL Mauritians who seek their ancestral homeland  if originally 
from India, be recognised as PIO, legally, good luck to you all.  I wish I 
could trace my Portuguese ancestry in Goa, I have been trying but failed at 
every hurdle, may the Goans who have migrated  lost contact with their 
ancestral homeland be given the help of the Goan government to trace their 
  John Monteiro

Nicholas DSouza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : I see that the government of 
Mauritius is about to help persons of Indian origin there trace their roots in 
India. See wonder if the 
government of Goa could help Goans who have migrated elsewhere do likewise.I am 
sure people would appreciate such a gesture and also avail of this opportunity 
to draw up their family trees before the records in Goa get 
obliterated.Nicholas de Souza

Re: [Goanet] : Please sign this online petition reg attacks on Christians in Orissa

2008-02-18 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Ditto.  I sent same to friends, my wife also signed.  Good luck
  John Monteiro
anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear George-bab,I have signed the 
petition as requested . Furthermore ,I have taken the liberty of forwarding the 
appeal to my several hundred friends and colleagues urging them todo the same 
at the earliest. I sincerely hope other fellow Goanetters will follow suit .My 
prayers are always with the Christians ( or for that matter peoples of any 
faith ) who are victims of violenceanywhere in the world.luv and regards, anand 
( Dr Anand Virgincar ) 

Re: [Goanet] Religion, God and you

2008-02-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  If you want to know more about Islam  their Holy Book, go to this website
  you will find all 114 Chapters from Opening to Men in English. You will be 
able copy down, paste or print off sections you wish... 
  I am fortunate however to have the Muslim Holy Book, given to me by my Saudi 
Arabian friend, on the birth of my first child (Feb 1991), a girl.  The Holy 
Q'uran that I have is printed in Arabic but with English translation alongside.
  We are not Muslims but we find some of the chapters interesting, some parts 
of which are enlightening too, and not at all like the Islamaphobic utterings 
we continually hear on the media.
  Good luck
  John Monteiro.

Albert Desouza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Goanetters . I wished 
Icould get an English version of the koran. All religious books should be in 
English, Konkani and even Marathi where every one can read and appreciate the 
same and then only we will find that all religions are having the same 
textLove God and love your neighbour  

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