[Goanet] Development cauldron

2022-02-11 Thread Nelson Lopes
Development cauldron

The reasons for defections and poaching  are rooted into parties strategies
Most of the projects   ,development are alloted to places  from where the
ruling party candidates are elected. It means there is no uniform
distribution  of projects throughout length and breadth  of the country.
THIS strategy operates at the centre and state level with impunity. The
legislators in opposition have to beg the ruling party to allot funds for
their Constituency.It looks like that wealth resources  of the State or
Country are  at the sweet disposal of ruling party  alone to allot it as
per whimps and fancies. It helps propaganda machine  at elections  time to
show case  development. Naturally the opposition are left high and dry to
show any projects that have benefited  their Constituency, as they are
completely helpless at the mercy of ruling  dispensation . Hence this is
lopsided strategy to strangulate opposition .
The only redeeming factor at the centre  is that every MP is allotted
discretionary funds at his disposal  for necessary action.Once again it is
also allotted to MLA's of his own party and discrimination continues
It would be advisable to have a commission including members  of all
parties for equal distribution of  funds spread over all constituencies
.This will never be accepted  as it would  diminish ,  undermine  their
political advantage  of reelection process.
Hence those in opposition at the Centre and States  are starved of funds
for any development, unless they secretely or openly  make common cause
with the ruling party  whatever that it means.
Hence the opposition is left to criticise  at every step to show their
existence and relevance. Federalism must lead  to equitable
 distibution of resources  of wealth  and uniform  development  of all
regions irrespective of ruling party' s  political hold

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Development for Dummies (Times of India, 21/7/2018)

2018-07-20 Thread V M

Boating on the Bambolim plateau, high above the known water bodies of Goa?
That ridiculous scenario became reality earlier this month, when huge
amounts of rainwater backed up along the ill-conceived, uber-expensive and
extraordinarily poorly planned NH 17 highway expansion project. Sheldon
D’Souza was filmed zipping up and down the submerged tarmac in his kayak,
in a clip which has gone viral to draw considerable disbelief and disgust
from around the world. D’Souza was quoted saying, “I was even thinking of
putting on a jetski so that the government and the authorities could see
the problems faced by the people. We had no road to come out on because of
the flooding. We had also urged the company to build two nullahs so that
the water could flow into the valley but nothing was done.”

Meanwhile, nearly identical scenes played out across India’s smallest
state, with tens of thousands of citizens marooned by flooding on a scale
beyond recent memory. Unusually heavy rains coincided with an exceptionally
high tide, but what tipped this hazardous circumstance to outright disaster
was the rampant destruction of age-old drainage systems by construction run
amok, combined with widespread blockage of existing rivulets, nullahs and
other outlets with huge amounts of garbage. The situation is particularly
bad in and around the capital city, where consistently irresponsible
neglect of basic principles of sustainable development has produced
outright disaster. Vast sums have been squandered here in recent years in
the name of infrastructure development, but it is plainly evident what has
resulted is mainly heedless destruction, amid steady degradation of what
was truly an enviable quality of life.

What kind of “development” benefits almost no one, while wilfully
destroying the most priceless assets? This is precisely the zero-benefit
model being violently imposed on Goa, in conspicuous contravention of all
democratic norms and regulatory framework. It is readily seen that when
this administration exercises itself to action, it is usually to battle
against against the interests of both citizens and environment. This is the
official view of the highest courts of the land. On February 7 this year,
the Supreme Court protested that this government’s considerations were
obviously “not for the people of Goa”. The High Court issued further
rebukes on May 7, saying “the state must keep in mind it acts as a trustee
of the people” yet the Goa’s government is “vociferous” in its “vehemence”
fighting against the interests of its own citizens, in a manner “too stark
for us not to notice. We write it here because it pains *our* conscience.”

In a truly functioning democracy, such a stunning indictment would bring
down the government, or at least offer considerable pause for responsible
rethinking. But in Goa, a very long series of similarly stinging slaps and
judicial defeats have not at all slowed down the government’s relentless
assault. Its tallest leaders keep on blithely repeating the same rejected
lines even while mired in disgrace, with their mandate long since
disappeared. Just this weekend, during the first official visit to the
state by the impressively dignified President Ram Nath Kovind, chief
minister Manohar Parrikar expressed great pride that the renewed mining ban
caused by his own government’s irregularities did not hamper his
construction agenda. Ignoring the floods that paralyzed the state hours
earlier, he said, “Goa is poised to take off to the next level of
development and it will become a model for the rest of the country.”

The great George Orwell described a marvellously useful concept, that is
uncannily apt in Goa at this juncture. In his classic ‘Nineteen
Eighty-Four” he wrote about deliberately ambiguous terminology deployed by
politicians, or “doublespeak”. According to the author, “the great enemy of
clear language is insincerity. Where there is a gap between one's real and
one's declared aims, one turns instinctively to…exhausted idioms.” This is
the case with the absurdly stupid scams lumped under the label of “Smart
City’, and also with the term “development”. Used by politicians in Goa, it
simply means cover-up for every kind of dubious, illegal and unnecessary
expenditure resulting in egregious losses to the exchequer.

Here it is again useful to recall the Supreme Court’s admonishments earlier
this year, while commenting at length about this Goa administration’s
“total lack of concern for the environment, and the health and well-being”
of citizens. The learned judges said the “excuse generally put forth by the
State is that of development, conveniently forgetting that development must
be sustainable and equitable development and not otherwise.”

[Goanet] Development in Goa

2018-04-08 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
In the developed countries of this world, planning takes place at a grass roots 
level.  There are residential areas and there are commercial areas and in some 
cases mixed development areas. Areas are set aside in the development plans  
for schools and places of worship.  When a developer submits his project for 
approval,  the planning agency makes an impact study to determine whether there 
is or will be sufficient water supply, linkage to sewer systems, electric 
supply, access roads etc.  If it is determined that the project is deficient in 
the foresaid, an estimate is made of what it will cost to bring all these 
systems up to par.  The developer is then required to pay a sum equivalent to 
the estimate, before his project is approved.  It then becomes the Government; 
responsibility to ensure that all the support systems are developed concurrent 
with the building work.
In Goa I have noticed that projects are developed haphazardly, causing a great 
deal of problems to neighborhoods, including lack of water supply, deficient 
electric current  etc.   Residential homes have been built in areas identified 
as "private forest"..  In the absence of an approved Regional Plan  apparently 
there are no restrictions on where one is allowed to build.  Consequently, 
fields are filled in with what appears to be construction debris, probably late 
at night;  Hills in off the beaten path locations are excavated with impunity, 
and  new luxury homes are swiftly built and become a "fait accompli".   In one 
location which was clearly private forest land  the owner first constructed a 
"Gomti"  or shrine.  Then he  constructed a temporary  shelter with tarpaulins, 
then  within the temporary shelter, a permanent home was built.  With a "Gomti" 
or shrine Goans being  either very spiritual or superstitious keep their hands 
off  a site which has a  "Gomti".  A few months later, the house built on this 
site got an electric connection and a water connection.How ?  I don't know. I 
am told that anything can be done with something called "speed money".
Builders from Mumbai and Delhi with their coffers overflowing with "black 
money"  are pushing their way into Goa, to build in locations where they could 
not previously build.  Many of these developments  remain half-empty  but it 
does not bother the builders as long as their money is laundered and black 
money becomes white money.   This is Goa .

[Goanet] Development report.

2014-07-25 Thread Con Menezes
 India No. 135!

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[Goanet] 'Development' ho!

2013-02-17 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Taken about an hour or so ago this evening.


PS: Much more 'development' like is in the offing. From the Divar side 
more and more activity is visible now on the hill across (Kadamba plateau).


[Goanet] Development in Taleigao Constituency

2012-10-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
Taleigao development




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[Goanet] Development lessons that Goans need to learn

2012-07-06 Thread soter

Dry taps and open sewers: welcome to 'Millennium City'

(Reuters) - Sarika Kapoor lives in a spacious home in one of the wealthiest 
cities in India. But something as simple as having a shower is fraught with 

Most days there is just a trickle of water from the taps and sometimes even 
that dries up before noon. The 56-year-old has often had to scurry to a 
neighbour across a potholed road to borrow a bucket of water and haul it back 
to her rented $300,000 home, sweat rolling down her face.

[Goanet] Development of destruction

2011-10-18 Thread Joel Moraes

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Development of destruction 
Fields are to cultivate and produce grain and our ancestors did exactly the 
same and by doing the same it is not just the survival of us but the nature 
survived too.During recent times it is not just the paddy fields but our 
precious green hills are lost too in the name of developmental conversions.
No decent niz goenkar is against development provided it is planned and 
will benefit the niz locals and niz goenkars as a whole but the present pace at 
which our fertile land is converted into a concrete jungle will lead to 
destruction and only time will prove that.With regard to the Cuncolim 
Industrial Estate it was brought in the historic village of Cuncolim by 
promising jobs for the locals but in reality the same polluted the ground water 
and one can visit the same and find how many locals are been employed in the 
Another project thrown on the locals was the NUSI Hospital at Panzorcone 
Cuncolim,No Cuncollekar is against the same but can a common man afford to put 
his feet inside the same to seek medical treatment?
Projects like the Cuncolim stadium,the market complex are worth to be 
appreciated but the way our fertile land been converted is a matter of concern 
though we are not bothered but the time will make us to bother and it will be 
too late.
Now the NIT project on the Cuncolim-Balli border in the news,if I am not 
mistaken the Cabinet approval for the same was given in the year 2009 though 
some leaders presently shows unawareness of the same.Hectares of land will be 
sacrificed to make way for the same.Decent citizens are not against the same 
but as the citizens of the historic village, we have got the full right to know 
in what way it will benefit the real locals and niz goenkars as a whole.Will 
admissions be reserved for real locals?No way admissions can be  reserved.Will 
jobs be reserved?if so,what percentage and type ?It may be recalled that the 
Industrial Estate was also thrown on Cuncollekars in the name of jobs for the 
locals but the realty is in front of the eyes.
Once again,people like me are really not against the NIT project but it our 
right to know the benefits of the same to the locals.The project is welcome if 
it will really benefit Cuncollekars and goemkars as a whole,if not,we cannot 
afford to sacrifice our precious hilly land and even if the government forcibly 
tries to throw the project on us,we need to act like warriors but will we act 
like warriors?It's a million dollar question.
Joel Morais
Pin - 403703
mob - 9970561727 

[Goanet] Development or Destruction?

2011-09-16 Thread Joel Moraes
Development or Destruction?
My historic village of Cuncolim is very well known all around Goa for land 
conversions in the name of so called development.It all started with the 
Industrial estate promising jobs for locals but in reality the same polluted 
our clean land,our ground water and what not.As assembly elections are fast 
approaching,the issue of pollution may rise again but as usual the the 
presently MLA of Cuncolim will promise Cuncollekars with some sort of treatment 
plant to treat the same.
No citizen of our country can be against development but we miserably failed to 
distinguish between development and destruction.A huge area of agriculture land 
was acquired for the present lone so called government village school 
playground at Cuncolim but till today it is not clear for Cuncollekar's like me 
that the same is for the use of the locals or for the practice sessions for 
Indian or other powerful football Clubs as gates of the ground are mostly been 
locked and people like me,have to jump over the gates to use the same.
The people in power mostly had to convert agriculture land for development 
projects like the present  five star bus stand,the market complex and 
Multipurpose hall next to the market Complex, the parking area etc.Agriculture 
land opposite to the five star bus stand also been acquired to have all 
government offices in Cuncolim under one roof but again since the Assembly 
elections are approaching and due to the one day hunger strike by farmer Vishnu 
Dessai,Joaquim Alemao says that the project on the said land will be scrapped.
Development is required but  the continuation of the same at the present pace 
will invite destruction and I am really surprised to see that the Cuncolim 
Union Sports Culb had to convert the historic Zulpea-Xett,the lone natural 
ground of those days in the heart of Cuncolim to make way for their Club house 
when  so much land is available for government projects  and the migrants to 
have their own houses.
With regard to NIT,as a Citizen of the historic village of Cuncolim,it is my 
right to know, in what way it will benefit the locals and niz goenkars as a 
whole?With regard to the creation of jobs,I tried hard to get into the Cuncolim 
Industrial Estate as a Trainee Chemist, way back in 1996 but the company was 
looking for better candidates than me.If.in the name of NIT,our huge area of 
land will be mis-used by the people in power without benefiting locals than 
it's out right to oppose the same.It is our right to oppose if the selfish 
people are supporting the project for their personal gains as they always do 
but if it will really benefit the locals and goans, we should not be foolish to 
oppose the same.
Joel MoraisP.O.Cuncolim,Bencleamvaddo,Salcette,Goa.mob - 9970561727

[Goanet] Development Triumphs over Caste in Bihar

2010-11-24 Thread Vasant Baliga
NEW DELHI: Bihar's ruling alliance was slated to win 201 of the 243 seats, the 
Election Commission indicated on Wednesday based on trends. The Rashtriya 
Dal (RJD) and Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) were poised to get 29 seats and the 
Congress six. 

According to the Election Commission website, updated at 2.30 pm, the Janata 
Dal-U (JD-U) could get 113 seats (leads and results) and the Bharatiya Janata 
Party (BJP) 88. 

The RJD was slated to get 23 seats and the LJP six. The Congress lagged a 
distant third at six seats


[Goanet] Development planning law proposed for Goa

2010-08-05 Thread soter

Development planning law proposed for Goa
Navhind Times
Published on: August 5, 2010 - 00:11 

MARGAO: The Council for Social Justice and Peace, after a sustained study of 
the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments and several state instruments of 
the Union has proposed a Development Planning Law for Goa in sync with the 
Constitution of India, announced its executive secretary, Fr Maverick Fernandes 
on Wednesday.

The council has been in the forefront of social reform in the state. 

Stating that this study has been conducted over so many years, and is 
pertaining to local governance and access and use of land with differentially 
capped intensities, the CSJP stressed the mapped information and proposals were 
to be freely available to the public so that land use and other changes occur 
in a transparent manner and argued that this would help the government 
appointed committee in this long over-due exercise, adding We also hope that 
these recommendations get wide publicity for debate leading to a fine tuning of 
the CSJP recommendations so as to hasten the report of the government committee 
towards an acceptable Development Planning Act in place. 

These recommendations are in two parts: the national and the state context for 
the act and key aspects that need to be in place as part of the act. 

Some of the critical aspects addressed in these recommendations are: the 
creation of a Goa Development Planning Board composed entirely of elected 
representatives and which Board is required to ensure that the spatial use and 
intensity of land is in sync with socio-economic investment development through 
the State Planning Board that coordinates sectoral developments and interests; 
the functions and powers of the Board and the facilitating role of the chief 
planner and his/ her department is accordingly spelt out, the definition and 
broad contents of the Development Plans (20 year perspective, 5-year programmes 
and annual budgets) and comprising of inter-linked District Development Plans, 
Settlement Plans for municipalities and village panchayats and of Electoral 
Ward Plans are accordingly spelt out; an additional function to District 
Planning Committees (DPCs) to process District Development Plans under this act 
is recommended for greater coordination. An ideal composition o
 f DPCs comprising of elected representatives is also proposed. 

The CSJP also recommends that for plan making, districts are to be declared 
Planning Areas and Settlements are to be declared as Local Planning Areas and 
more importantly each district and their settlements would be their own 
Planning and Development Authority and plan formulation would be in outline 
form at start and final form after the suggestions/ objections process. 

It also wants plans for electoral wards to be part of settlement plans and all 
levels of plans- district settlement (municipal and village panchayat) and 
electoral wards would be interrelated in such a manner that Settlement Plans 
cannot function in isolation of the districts, likewise electoral wards are to 
be basic components of settlements.

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] Development Has Damaged Goa's Environment

2010-07-15 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Freddy wrote :

Development Has Damaged Goa’s Environment
Development has damaged Goa’s environment Says Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister 
for Environment and Forests. It is indeed heartening to know that there is 
someone in the Government if not in Goa at least in Delhi, who is talking about 
facts and is holding his fort despite pressure from other ministries. It’s been 
known that the Road Transport and Highway Minister along with Civil aviation 
minister have been pushing Mr. Ramesh for NOC through protected land for roads 
and airport projects which Mr. Ramesh has refused on the grounds of 
environmental protection. I say good work Mr Jairam Ramesh even though he 
failed to protect our humble dwellings from the CRZ axe.
Goa’s green cover is fast depleting and the ugly bald hills and filled up 
mangroves and fertile low lying fields and the open craters left over by mining 
 have become the landscapes at the moment, a host of oversized mega housing 
projects have covered most of our coast today, this summer has been the hottest 
and the rains are less than normal, this has been the effect of the attack on 
our ecology and environment and as things stand and the apathy of our 
politicians towards nature, future looks blek and gloomy.
There is indeed a lot at stake in Goa at the moment and if we ignore it now, we 
will loose everything and posterity will curse us for not thinking of them and 
acting accordingly. I request Mr. Jairam Ramesh to put pressure on the Goa 
Government to stop illegal mining and take firm action against those involved 
in it without any bias. Protect our ecology and our environment at all cost. 
The Environment Ministry’s decision to grant Goa “Special Status” is much 
Comments :
It is heartening to learn that atleast one politician i.e. Jairam Ramesh, the 
Union Minister for Environment and Forests acknoweledges that development has 
damaged Goa. 
While development is necessary it should be balanced.  Non polluting industries 
should be encouraged like pharmaceutical, watch making, hospitality, etc. which 
would not destroy the environment.  Switzerland is a very good example where 
the country has progressed as one of the most developed country, without 
compromising on nature.   Development in Goa should not be at  the cost of 
destroying Goa's natural beauty.   Giving Goa SPECIAL STATUS is a step in the 
right direction and he should be commented for this.  It is very rare that one 
comes across a politician who appears to do the right things atleast for now.
Thanks and best wishes,
Camilo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Development Has Damaged Goa's Environment

2010-07-14 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Development Has Damaged Goa's Environment


Development has damaged Goa's environment Says Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for
Environment and Forests. It is indeed heartening to know that there is someone
in the Government if not in Goa at least in Delhi, who is talking about facts
and is holding his fort despite pressure from other ministries. It's been known
that the Road Transport and Highway Minister along with Civil aviation minister
have been pushing Mr. Ramesh for NOC through protected land for roads and
airport projects which Mr. Ramesh has refused on the grounds of environmental
protection. I say good work Mr Jairam Ramesh even though he failed to protect
our humble dwellings from the CRZ axe.


Stand for the truth and fight for the right or parish in the gutters of
corruption. We do need development as long as it is constructive development and
not destructive or at the cost of our ecology and our environment. If we go
ahead with development at the cost of our ecology and our environment how long
will we enjoy the fruits of the destructive development ? What will happen to
posterity when there in no fresh water to drink, no enough trees left to take in
our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen ? What will happen when, there is no land
available for cultivation, as most the cultivable land is taken by mega projects
bringing up concrete jungles and land that will be left, will be scorched and
made barren by the infertile residue of mining dust and rejects ?  What will
happen to people living in and around the mining areas as they have been
breathing in the dangerous dust day in and day out because of the air pollution
?  Is this destructive development at the cost of our ecology, environment and
life both animal and human, really worth it ? 


Mr. Ramesh rightly said that we should strike a balance between environment and
development so that we live in harmony with nature and our surrounding, respect
nature and we will survive a wee bit longer is the message which should be given
out to the people. 


Though Mr. Ramesh said the right things about protecting our environment, I was
mush confused and amused as to what development he was referring to, after
thinking for a long time I came to the conclusion that what he perceives as
development, is the same sinister development that our over expressive and
overbearing PWD Minister was referring to, namely mega projects. What
constructive development have we witnessed in Goa ? What has the government done
to alleviate the water and power scarcity problem in Goa ? Has there been any
development in our educational policy ? Has there been any developmental changes
in our public health policy ? Has there been even a marginal changes in our
employment policy ? Has the unemployed number decreased in any way ? Has road
safety improved in any way ?  Has crime and frauds especially by politicians
come down in any way ? Has our government done anything yet to stop illegal
mining and deforestation ? What has our government done to protect our fields,
hills, mangroves, cummunidade lands and low lying fertile lands from builders
and developers coming up with mega projects, that do not help us Goans nor can
we afford them ?  Most importantly has governance improved in any way ? The
answers are frightening indeed and our politicians call it development ! If at
all there is development, it should be in these above categories, so that the
quality of life in Goa improves only then, we can call it development, else it
is just degeneration and destruction of our natural resources.


Goa's green cover is fast depleting and the ugly bald hills and filled up
mangroves and fertile low lying fields and the open craters left over by mining
have become the landscapes at the moment, a host of oversized mega housing
projects have covered most of our coast today, this summer has been the hottest
and the rains are less than normal, this has been the effect of the attack on
our ecology and environment and as things stand and the apathy of our
politicians towards nature, future looks blek and gloomy  

There is indeed a lot at stake in Goa at the moment and if we ignore it now, we
will loose everything and posterity will curse us for not thinking of them and
acting accordingly. I request Mr. Jairam Ramesh to put pressure on the Goa
Government to stop illegal mining and take firm action against those involved in
it without any bias. Protect our ecology and our environment at all cost. The
Environment Ministry's decision to grant Goa Special Status is much


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Development has damaged Goa Environment: Ramesh

2010-07-12 Thread roger dsouza
Jairam Ramesh needs to be lauded for having taken up the issue of
protecting Goa’s environment and forests and speaking out against
those bent on destruction of our Environment.  He has clearly hit the
nail on the head when he points out that the so-called development
work in Goa has caused the worst damage to the Goan Environment and
our forests.

With our Goan politicians being the most corrupt, denigrated and vile
bunch that we have representing us, all their con-schemes and projects
in the name of “development” are only  to push forward their hidden
agenda of filling in their pockets and granting approvals left , right
and centre. This goes for the Mining Industries Projects, Real Estate
Projects, SEZs, Dual Airport Scheme, MPT Expansion Plans, etc – you
name it all our Ministers and politicians today are all hand in glove
with the Government Officials, TCP, Forest Department and Panchayats
working at the behest of these project promoters to push through these
projects, even if it means the destruction of Goa it’s environment and
or delicate Ecology.

Recently we heard of the Goa Government approaching the Centre and the
World Bank for fighting Coastal Erosion which was unheard of in Goa
before as we respected nature and our Environment.  After causing the
problem in the first place they are quick in putting out the begging
bowl which again will be nothing but another way of stealing from the
funds that they receive.

Politicians like the Alemaos, Godinhos, Ranes, Monserrates and the
rest of the Gang including those from the Opposition are not worthy of
the position they enjoy!

Please voice your support in favour of Jairam Ramesh for standing up
against his own colleagues in calling a spade a spade and speaking out
in favour of Goa. It’s up to us Goans  to speak out against our own
politicians and expose them  as all our Goan villages face these
problems on account of the close nexus between builders, Pancahayats,
corrupt officials in the TCP and of course our greedy and corrupt

There is a crying need to consolidate the efforts and expose the rot
that has set in and put a stop to it. The villagers who have lived
here for generations in these villages going back in time should be
the ones to decide what kind of development they want and preserve the
coastal ecology which is so important -  Otherwise what we are seeing
in terms of weather changes, soil erosion, tsunamis, floodings in Goa
which were never heard of will be the order of the day.

Consolidated efforts to rally and support the villagers so that no
project is passed through without checking the damages to this
delicate coastal ecology.  We should all join hands to support what
essentially is the heart of Goa –it’s villages, it’s people and their
Goan way of life that will be destroyed due to the unending greed of a
few and the open collaboration of our Goan politicians a corrupt,
greedy and hopeless bunch!.

Below is the article with MOEF Mr. Jairam Ramesh’s comments on the
so-called development work in Goa.  Our Goan Ministers and politicians
need to read the writing on the wall and heed the warning before it’s
too late! As for Digu-Kaka our CM “the man with the Golden Hand” and
the rest of the 40 thieves shame on you!

Development has damaged Goa environment: Ramesh


Development work had “inflicted the worst damage” to the environment
and forests in Goa, Union Minister for Environment and Forests Jairam
Ramesh said in Bhopal on Friday. He was speaking to NGOs at the sixth
public consultation organised about the Green Mission at the Indian
Forest Management Institute in the Madhya Pradesh capital.

However, he said, afforestation and re-greening should be taken up on
a war footing to make up the loss. Ramesh lamented that he was facing
criticism from his cabinet colleagues for allegedly blocking
development projects. “I am being considered as ‘Ravana’ for
development projects,” Ramesh lamented.

Without naming anyone, the minister said he was being considered as a
person putting obstacles in the way of development projects. “Our
department is being shown as the enemy of development, which is not
the case,” he said.

In recent months, Ramesh has come under attack from Road Transport and
Highways Minister Kamal Nath over construction of highways through
forests in Madhya Pradesh, as well as Civil Aviation Minister Praful
Patel for “delay” in the environmental clearance of the Navi Mumbai

“The biggest challenge for us is to strike a balance between
environment and development,” Ramesh said.

The minister said he was winning praises from NGOs and the people with
regard to environment protection, but was at the receiving end from
others, whom he did not name.

Power generation, highways and other development work are bound to
take place, he said, adding the country needs power and infrastructure
to progress.


2010-04-20 Thread John Gomes
Most politicians who rule India appear to encourage blackmail and corruption 
which oils the huge machinery which keeps them in power. Running the government 
has become their birthright, the political party their fiefdom. Out of power, 
they are like fish out of water. What is happening right before our eyes in 
tiny Goa ? There is no vision for long term benefit of the aam admi or saving 
Goa from further ruin . The politicians of the group of 7 are trying to 
strong-arm. the government, each individual with his own agenda. To add to it 
all, the Administration right hand does not know what the left is doing, and 
important files not moving. The common man is left helpless and humiliated with 
the conniving attitudes of our representatives and irresponsible bureaucrats. 
The flaunting of wealth by Mayawati at the silver Jubilee mega celebration of 
the BSP by a garland composed of Rs1000/- notes stitched together estimated at 
more than 5 crores was a raging
 topic. Another smaller garland of notes was thereafter, in defiance, gifted to 
her. I wonder why the RBI is silent on misuse of legal tender in those garlands 
and the income tax authorities, on how all this money is accounted for. In any 
case she is only doing crudely and openly what the others are doing 
sophisticatedly (if one can call it that) and clandestinely. The CBI 
Enforcement Agencies and the Police are hamstrung. Governments in power are 
able to do whatever they want with relative impunity! 
This is also evident from the performance in our State Legislative Assembly 
which was in session in March. They have postponed the two most important Bills 
on Police Reforms and The Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill 2009 to the next 
session in July 2010! The Assembly was informed that since 2000 all the 
narcotics seized have not been properly listed nor any destroyed! In fact, were 
being used by the cops as a side business. The Business Advisory Committee 
referring to the Ad Hoc House Committee will now invite suggestions from the 
public but not allow public active participation. This allows them to simply 
reject/ignore the suggestions with no explanations.  The scathing CAG 
observations are treated the same way. Whilst permitted environmentally 
unsustainable but lucrative mining has been increasingly devastating Goa and 
also widespread illegal mining, 100 new mining leases are reportedly 
sanctioned! The new Census figures will probably be used to
 convert villages into towns. The RP 2021 is nowhere near finalization, the 
government is still issuing permissions and appears to be working hard to 
regularize, stonewall, and cover up all illegalities. HSRP contract has been 
acquired fraudulently and government is refusing to move fast in the 
inter-state excise scam brought to light by the leader of the opposition in the 
last Assembly session. There appears to be a scam in every government 
contemplated or operated project. 
 The unaccountable bureaucrats with 6th pay commission salaries today,  are 
absent in the House when in session, give incorrect and evasive answers to 
questions, prompting our Speaker to order attendance under penalty and caution 
officials, like he did in the last session also, to provide correct answers to 
questions raised. Surprisingly, no punishment or corrective implementable 
measures are contemplated! There is no incentive for them to work. Loss making 
Kadamba Transport Corporation, one of the  corrupt , mismanaged, unionised and  
great loss making organizations is rewarded by pay commission salaries without 
any link to productivity or efficiency!  Six million tons of food grains rot in 
the open in Punjab and Rajasthan, whilst millions go hungry and at the same 
time, we read of starvation related deaths! Prices skyrocket beyond the reach 
of even the middle class. Considering the enormity of this crime, no one is 
punished or even properly
 chastised! Despite the Constitution and Democracy, the government using its 
powers, brazenly continues to bulldoze its way by pulling the wool over people 
and Court’s eyes, whilst serving the interests of entrenched politician and 
vested interests with impunity. All over Goa , no effective management of 
garbage, sewage and water supply. Casinos are proliferating, Drug pedlars 
active and  even police blackmailing/doing drugs as a side business, and 
justice a casualty.   
The High Court had converted my article “Who Will Bell the Cat” (Herald 13Sep) 
into Suo Moto PIL 1 of 2009. I personally appeared before Justices S.B.Deshmuk 
and N.A.Britto on 1/10/09. I had thereafter submitted a Dossier of 7 pages with 
9 enclosures including Exhibit of procured CFL, damning RTI back up evidence, 
my investigative corroboration, newspaper cuttings and detailed answers to the 
government Affidavit (which avoided directly answering most of my considered 
allegations) to Amicus Curiae advocate Shivan Desai with covering letter Quote 
“I have spent a lot of time, 


2010-04-11 Thread John Gomes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


The politicians who rule India appear to encourage blackmail and corruption 
which oils the huge machinery which keeps them in power. Running the government 
has become their birthright, the political party their fiefdom. Out of power, 
they are like fish out of water. What is happening right before our eyes in 
tiny Goa? There is no vision for long term benefit of the aam admi or saving 
Goa. The politicians of the group of 7 are trying to strong-arm. the 
government, each individual with his own agenda. To add to it all, the 
Administration right hand does not know what the left is doing, and important 
files not moving. The common man is left helpless and humiliated with the 
conniving attitudes of our representatives and irresponsible bureaucrats. The 
flaunting of wealth by Mayawati at the silver Jubilee mega celebration of the 
BSP by a garland composed of Rs1000/- notes stitched together estimated at more 
than 5 crores was a raging topic. Another smaller
 garland of notes was thereafter, in defiance, gifted to her. I wonder why the 
RBI is silent on misuse of legal tender in those garlands and the income tax 
authorities, on how all this money is accounted for. In any case she is only 
doing crudely and openly what the others are doing sophisticatedly (if one can 
call it that) and clandestinely. The CBI Enforcement Agencies and the Police 
are hamstrung. Governments in power are able to do whatever they want with 
relative impunity!
This is also evident from the performance in our State Legislative Assembly 
which was in session in March. They have postponed the two most important Bills 
on Police Reforms and The Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill 2009 to the next 
session in July 2010! The Assembly was informed that since 2000 all the 
narcotics seized have not been properly listed nor any destroyed! In fact, were 
being used by the cops as a side business. The Business Advisory Committee 
referring to the Ad Hoc House Committee will now invite suggestions from the 
public but not allow public active participation. This allows them to simply 
reject/ignore the suggestions with no explanations.  The scathing CAG 
observations are treated the same way. Whilst permitted environmentally 
unsustainable but lucrative mining has been increasingly devastating Goa and 
also widespread illegal mining, 100 new mining leases are reportedly 
sanctioned! The new Census figures will probably be used to
 convert villages into towns. The RP 2021 is nowhere near finalization, the 
government is still issuing permissions and appears to be working hard to 
regularize, stonewall, and cover up all illegalities. HSRP contract has been 
acquired fraudulently and government is refusing to move fast in the 
inter-state excise scam brought to light by the leader of the opposition in the 
last Assembly session. There appears to be a scam in every government 
contemplated or operated project. 
 The unaccountable bureaucrats with 6th pay commission salaries today,  are 
absent in the House when in session, give incorrect and evasive answers to 
questions, prompting our Speaker to order attendance under penalty and caution 
officials, like he did in the last session also, to provide correct answers to 
questions raised. Surprisingly, no punishment or corrective implementable 
measures are contemplated! There is no incentive for them to work. Loss making 
Kadamba Transport Corporation, one of the  corrupt , unionised and  great loss 
making organizations is rewarded by pay commission salaries without any link to 
productivity or efficiency!  Six million tons of food grains rot in the open in 
Punjab and Rajasthan, whilst millions go hungry and at the same time, we read 
of starvation related deaths! The shortfall has now to be imported and prices 
skyrocket beyond the reach of even the middle class. Considering the enormity 
of this crime, no one is
 punished or even properly chastised! Despite the Constitution and Democracy, 
the government using its powers, brazenly continues to bulldoze its way by 
pulling the wool over people and Court’s eyes, whilst serving the interests of 
entrenched politician and vested interests with impunity.  To add to it all, 
there is global warming and all over Goa, no effective management of garbage, 
sewage and water supply. Casinos are proliferating, Drug pedlars active and 
police blackmailing/doing drugs as a side business, justice a casualty. This 
state of affairs is frightening! 
The High Court had converted my article “Who Will Bell the Cat” (Herald 13Sep) 
into Suo Moto 


2009-08-08 Thread John Gomes

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/


If you do not ask the correct question, you will not get the 
right answer.The question is notHousing For Whom or  
Employment For Whom, but Development For Whom. In fact it is DEVELOPMENT OF 
GOA AND ITS GOVERNMENT FOR WHOM? The wrong question leads to the Ad Hoc 
Committee's recommendations being sidelined eg  leading to ignoring  Law 
Committee taking serious exception to withdrawing of cases involving  
bureaucrats and politicians,Panchayat Bill  Select Committee having Chairman 
Panchayat Minister, leading to walk out of the Opposition and passing a Bill 
giving more powers to bureaucrats instead of strengthening the people power 
via Panchayats, Health Committee on  unhygienic GM being ignored, formation of 
another Corporation for Solid Waste management avenue for government employment 
and unnecessary expenditures by mooting a Solid Waste Management Department 
when there are already too many overstaffed Departments  and Corporations 
leading to lethargy, duplication, incompetence ,consequent delay, passing the 
buck, wastage of funds and greater
 corruption. Vital Administrative,Police Reforms and Lok Ayukyta found 
no mention in the Assembly.
Indecent hiking of MLAs salaries and perks, AND  their pension where Ex-MLAs 
have already been given Laptops/Computers,plot of land etc shows how their 
hearts bleed for the aam admi, who has to put in 20 years and cry for a measly 
pension for any lesser period. THE MLA BONANZA ARE GROUNDS FOR A PIL. Who says 
last increase done five years back! Last year I think the hike was from 
Rs15000/- to Rs 26,000?- This year hiked to Rs 52000/-.  Primarily,unanimously 
and quickly hiking their own salaries themselves is wrong due CONFLICT OF 
INTEREST!  We the people must demand a Committee composed of a judge, 
banker,chartered accountant , representatives from Labour Union and one each 
from each Gramsabha. Every citizen has a right to crticise the Assembly 
functionning and have opinions about our elected representatives, and also have 
a say in their salaries. After all it comes from the public coffers! We have to 
take away the duplicate  keys!  They
 cannot blow their own trumpets.Somebody outside has to   
decide  . 

  Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local 


2009-08-08 Thread floriano


Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/


Dear John,

The big fat question is:

Perhaps all the rats have jumped the ship thinking it is sinking and has 
left the cat to do what it wants  OR

There are no more rats. They have become bandicoots.


- Original Message - 
From: John Gomes johnericgo...@yahoo.com

To: Goanet Org goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 1:31 PM

If you do not ask the correct question, you will not get the
right answer.The question is notHousing For Whom or
Employment For Whom, but Development For Whom. In fact it is DEVELOPMENT 
OF GOA AND ITS GOVERNMENT FOR WHOM? The wrong question leads to the Ad Hoc 
Committee's recommendations being sidelined eg leading to ignoring Law 
Committee taking serious exception to withdrawing of cases involving 
bureaucrats and politicians,Panchayat Bill Select Committee having Chairman 
Panchayat Minister, leading to walk out of the Opposition and passing a Bill 
giving more powers to bureaucrats instead of strengthening the people power 
via Panchayats, Health Committee on unhygienic GM being ignored, formation 
of another Corporation for Solid Waste management avenue for government 
employment and unnecessary expenditures by mooting a Solid Waste Management 
Department when there are already too many overstaffed Departments and 
Corporations leading to lethargy, duplication, incompetence ,consequent 
delay, passing the buck, wastage of funds and greater
corruption. Vital Administrative,Police Reforms and Lok Ayukyta found no 
mention in the Assembly.
Indecent hiking of MLAs salaries and perks, AND their pension where Ex-MLAs 
have already been given Laptops/Computers,plot of land etc shows how their 
hearts bleed for the aam admi, who has to put in 20 years and cry for a 
measly pension for any lesser period. THE MLA BONANZA ARE GROUNDS FOR A PIL. 
Who says last increase done five years back! Last year I think the hike was 
from Rs15000/- to Rs 26,000?- This year hiked to Rs 52000/-. 
Primarily,unanimously and quickly hiking their own salaries themselves is 
wrong due CONFLICT OF INTEREST! We the people must demand a Committee 
composed of a judge, banker,chartered accountant , representatives from 
Labour Union and one each from each Gramsabha. Every citizen has a right to 
crticise the Assembly functionning and have opinions about our elected 
representatives, and also have a say in their salaries. After all it comes 
from the public coffers! We have to take away the duplicate keys! They

cannot blow their own trumpets.Somebody outside has to decide .

 Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local 

[Goanet] Development For Goa

2009-01-29 Thread Freddy Fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Please reject the previous post 


Development For Goa


Development is a vague concept, when we talk of development of Goa  I would like
to categorise development into  progressive development and destructive
development, most of the MLA's and the Ministers along with builders, miners and
their chamcheas are crying foul over people's agitation against mining and
mega housing projects. What they have been trumpeting is that, people of Goa are
against development. I am sure some of our MLA's and Ministers won't be able to
spell the word development forget about understanding the concept of
development. They themselves have misinterpreted fallacies of the term called


We first need to see what Goa and Goans need, as usual is it roti kapda aur
makan ? I am sure every one has that in Goa, may be the quality and quantum may
certainly differ. What Goa needs right now is first and foremost an education
policy that will impart quality and practical education not just in private
institutions but also in villages and rural areas and make sure that every child
is entitled to it, education is not just getting or buying certificates, it is
how one applies it in ones life for betterment of ones life and that of others.
Quality education is most important to produce better people and a better


Second, our health care system badly needs a total revamp, what is the standard
of our public health system ? What is the state of our public hospitals ? Do
they have the required life saving and life support systems ? Even if we have,
are they in working condition ? Few days back there was an article in the news
paper which called our Health Minister Rane Jr. as a man of vision, most
probably the person who said that was short sighted. Putting foundation stones
and building new hospitals and bringing new equipment is not enough, in the end
it all comes to the quality of service that is provided by our health system to
the public. Does Goa provide a quality health service ?


Third, water and electricity, this particular aspect is the worst of the lot in
Goa. Water is only second to air as a means of survival of all living things,
and we are way behind in terms of self sufficiency. Is our Government doing any
thing to make us self-sufficient ? Even during rainy season people queue their
utensils at public taps for water. How many more years or decades will people
have to suffer ? When will Goa have it's own power generation source and attain
self-sufficiency ?


There are other issues as well like Infrastructure, garbage, sewerage,
employment and protection our identity and culture. All this is constructive
development. This is the endowment which is a requisite at this point in time.


There is huge, hue and cry over slumdog millionaire, is it not a fact ? So are
we ashamed of the poverty around us ? Then why doesn't the Government do
something about it ? Like in Bombay, the first thing one notices during landing
are the shanties of Santa Cruz and in Goa the shanties and the open public
toilets at Zuari Nagar, in Margao itself the shanties of Kharebandh  and the
railway tracks right up to the Margao Station and the famous Monti Dongor, what
has the Government done to reinstate these people,  It is not enough to send
satellites into space or build our own rockets and submarines, what is more
important is the acceptance of the slumdog fact and eradicating it. Slums and
poverty is the cancer that the government has to tackle effectively and
decisively. That will be constructive development.


The MLA's and the ministers say that mining brings in a lot of income ? The
state gets only a peanut's share, from the sacrilege. The destruction to
ecology, water bodies and the environment is irreversible and incomprehensible,
no doubt there is a lot of employment generated by the mines but it is minuscule
compared to the destruction that is caused, mining certainly falls in the
destructive development category. One that Goa and Goans should do without.


Mega housing, I agree that families are expanding and people need more housing
and land to settle but the problem is, which Goans can afford this absurd prices
? In the present situation the Goan people are struggling to cope up with the
shortage of Water and electricity, the situation is already precarious and the
mega housing projects will kill whatever hope that is there for survival of

[Goanet] DEVELOPMENT: Task Force, Gram Sabhas, Sports Villages, Hill-cutting and CMZ

2008-08-20 Thread Miguel Braganza

Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for the 71st amendment [inclusion of Konkani] 73rd 
[Panchayats] and 74th [Local Self govt.] amendments to the Constitution of 
India. The Goa Desk in charge was possibly referring to that while Mummy dear 
was talking of Women's Empowerment by making the lone woman MLA a minister in 

Read the other developments in the Navhind Times reports below.

Mog asundi

Task Force to submit draft RP 2021 to govt on Aug 31
Posted on 2008-08-21

Parrikar ridicules govt?s price control scheme
Goa to host National Games: Azgaonkar
SVM accuses Rahejas of indulging in false accusations
Pernem sub-registrar office registers 901 land sale deeds
Goa should follow policies set out by Rajiv Gandhi: Hariprasad
Digambar discloses plans to establish Ravindra Bhavans

PANAJI 20 Aug. The draft Regional Plan 2021 will be submitted to the government 
on August 31 and it is supposed to be made public on September 15, according to 
highly placed sources. It will thereafter be open for public suggestions till 
December 15 (for 90 days).
A few days back, senior town planner and member of the Task Force, Mr Edgar 
Rebeiro had told ?The Navhind Times? that the report was almost ready and only 
loose ends were to be tied up for which they were waiting for the vice chief of 
the Task Force and noted architect, Mr Charles Correia to finalise. Sources 
said that there had to be proper ?mapping? of all details and most departments 
had given their five-year plans to the Task Force to be integrated in the draft 
plan. The Goa Bachao Abhiyan was invited by the government to join the Task 
Force headed by the Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat.
It may be recalled that the Task Force was formed after the RP 2011 was 
scrapped after massive public protests in which the GBA had been in the 
forefront. The original mandate of the Task Force was to give guidelines for 
preparing the Regional Plan 2021. But this mandate was later changed and the 
Task Force was asked to recommend a draft regional structural plan for Goa 2021 
that would comprise of spatial and socio-economic policies and strategies.
The Task Force for the Regional Plan 2021 was constituted by the government 
vide a notification dated October 4, 2007, and published in the official 
gazette in the same month and the changed work was published in notification 
dated February 26. However, there have been protests from the constituents of 
the Task Force including the GBA on the decision of the government to pass an 
amendment to the Town and Country Planning Act, 1974, and they had demanded 
that the government immediately withdraw or amend the said bill as well as the 
ordinance it is to replace.
People who have been agitating against the previous regional plan said that 
this bill, the corresponding ordinance, the new notification and such other 
actions of the government make a mockery of the work entrusted to the Task 
Force. GBA insiders say that the government weakened the mandate of the Task 
Force with this bill.
The GBA had alleged that this amendment of the Act was tantamount to the 
government initiating a parallel process to bring in projects through the back 
door thus nullifying the very purpose of setting up the Task Force to prepare 
the RP for the state. The GBA had also written letters to the Chief Minister 
and all the MLAs to ask them to oppose this and the leader of opposition, Mr 
Manohar Parrikar and the Curtorim MLA, Mr Alex Reginald Lourenco had promised 
to bring it up during the present monsoon session of the assembly.

Goa to host National Games: Azgaonkar
Posted on 2008-08-21
PANAJI - The Sports Minister, Mr Manohar Azgaonkar has said that National Games 
would be held in the state, at a date to be fixed by the central and state 
government, even as he said that sports policy for the state would be declared 
Replying to the queries raised by the members of the House during discussion on 
the demands for sports and youth affairs department, Mr Azgaonkar said that to 
hold a mega event like National games, the members of the House should come 
together forgetting their differences and take sports to greater heights and 
provide better facilities for the sportspersons in the state.He further said 
that the sports policy would help not only to protect the interest of the 
sportspersons but also has provision to ensure a safe future for them. He also 
said that to improve the sporting venues and help promote sports, there was 
need for more funds as the present allocation was insufficient.
Mr Azgaonkar promised to enquire into allegations made by Mr Mauvin Godinho 
about wall of ground that was sought to be demolished to give access to a 
building project. He also promised enquiry into the charges levelled by 
Curtorim MLA, Mr Reginaldo Aleixo Lourenco.
He also said that a number of sports persons were yet to be disbursed the 
awards promised by the government for 

Re: [Goanet] Development- Breaking news for Aldonkars.

2008-05-16 Thread goasuraj

 5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
  Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

   16-18, May 2008


Breaking news for Aldonkars.

Dayanand Narvekar. the current Aldona MLA and the Finance Minister of Goa 
has up'd his election time bonanza ante from Rs. 2000 per vote in elections 
2007  to Rs. 5000 for the next Assembly elections.

His word cannot be doubted. Can we??  After all he has the keys to  Goa's 

The ante could only go on increasing with the rise in inflation.

This increase in the ante, however,  is only for the ordinary voter of 
relative 'no importance'. For those with position and importance, especially 
the priests of the catholic church and persons with priestly connections  it 
is brand new 4-wheelers of latest models.

What more could one ask for? The days of sarees and plastic buckets are over 
and done with.



- Original Message - 
From: Arwin Mesquita [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 9:29 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Development

Subject - Development

Goa's Chief Minister is using the magic word of Development, to support 

builders lobby, against the wishes of the people. It is more of
the development of his builder friends, potential additions to his
migrant vote bank and of course, his personal/political interests.  Yes, 

needs development but it has to be in line to the interests of Goa's 
Goans; and not the interests of Mr. Kamats greedy Congress Party  the
builders lobby. There can be fair solutions to develop Goa  preserve our
identity  be part of the Global Community; but unfortunately these
politicians will not try/act; mainly because of the huge illegitimate
financial gains, they could loose and also, they wouldn't want to do
anything that could possibly unease, their supreme masters in New Delhi.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

[Goanet] Development

2008-05-15 Thread Arwin Mesquita
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008


 Subject - Development

Goa's Chief Minister is using the magic word of Development, to support the
builders lobby, against the wishes of the people. It is more of
the development of his builder friends, potential additions to his
migrant vote bank and of course, his personal/political interests.  Yes, Goa
needs development but it has to be in line to the interests of Goa's 
Goans; and not the interests of Mr. Kamats greedy Congress Party  the
builders lobby. There can be fair solutions to develop Goa  preserve our
identity  be part of the Global Community; but unfortunately these
politicians will not try/act; mainly because of the huge illegitimate
financial gains, they could loose and also, they wouldn't want to do
anything that could possibly unease, their supreme masters in New Delhi.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

[Goanet] ‘Development issues under state purvi ew’

2008-05-15 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008


It is interesting to see the chorus of political voices saying
that the state government should decide on 'development' issues.
There does not appear to be a single politician who is willing to
say that the gram sabhas should decide such issues. Representative
democracy is obviously better suited to our politicians than the
kind of direct democracy we are seeing now. That way they can
continue taking anti-people decisions and lining their own pockets.

Didn't Micky Pacheco make all the right noises at the meeting with
Benaulim villagers. But now he wants to 'act tough'?


TOI, Panjim, 14/5/08

‘Development issues under state purview’
Sanjay Banerjee  Raju Nayak | TNN

Margao/Panaji: The state government has decided to take on gram
sabhas that are opposing construction projects. According to
sources, promoters of projects who obtained permission from
panchayats could appeal to the directorate of panchayats in case
their permissions were revoked by the gram sabhas.
Panchayat minister Babu Azgaonkar said on Monday that gram
sabhas opposing projects that have been already approved had no
right to do so. “Technical approvals are permissions granted under
the law and nobody, including the gram sabhas, can revoke them,”
Azgaonkar said.
While gram sabhas have a right to put pressure on the
panchayat to revoke construction projects, a crucial question
being asked is: ‘Can all projects in the villages be reviewed by
the gram sabha or is there a certain cap in terms of the nature of
the projects that fall under their purview?’
Director of panchayats Menino D’Souza says that the
infrastructural problems regarding roads, water supply and
electricity that gram sabhas have raised are issues pertaining to
the development of the state and fall within the jurisdiction of
the higher authorities.
PWD minister Churchill Alemao, who earlier represented
Benaulim, is of the opinion that projects that are in gross
violation of the laws should be scrapped but those that have
certain anomalies could be amicably sorted out. “At this rate
there would be no development at all. To sort out the issue of
availability of water to the villages, I have issued a circular
stating that any housing project with more than 30 flats should be
directed to my department because I am also vested with the power
of looking after water supply,” said Alemao.
While expressing his ire against the protests, tourism and
housing minister Francisco X (Mickky) Pacheco, who is the current
MLA from the constituency, said, “I fail to understand what is
happening. If there are certain defects in the plan of housing and
any mistake that can be corrected it should be done by discussions
instead of agitations. The government needs to act tough.”
Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] 'Development' targeting white foreigners

2007-11-18 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Why do the advertisements of Datta Damodar Naik's construction projects 
feature white men, women and children?

Answer:  Perhaps because they are targeted not at Goans, but at foreigners 
and rich NRIs.

So much for Lok Shakti ha ha ha.  What a phony, this Datta Damodar Naik.

See -





[Goanet] Development of constituency

2007-06-27 Thread Philip Thomas


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In a report titled Congress invites Mummy to Delhi for talks, there is
some information about Victoria Fernandes, MLA's, plans for her constituency
of anta Cruz. Consisting of some 20 items, it reportedly includes things
like laying of underground electric cables, hot mixing of roads, a sewerage
treatment plant, two football grounds, a community hall, an indoor stadium,
two health centers, two markets, three overbridges etc etc.

The first question that arises is: how does all this gel with the new
Regional Plan which is supposedly in the  works (after the original one was
scuppered by the redoubtable Mummy's own whistle blowing). This is because
presumably some land would have to be identified for the various purposes.

Then there is the question of need. What purpose would the markets serve?
Would the community hall be for one community or all of them?  What if all
40 constituencies asked for football grounds and stadia? Is there a body
which would take a wholistic view of these requirements?

Then there are the missing items (though these may well be in the complete
list). What about pay toilets, garbage disposal sites etc.

The Santa Cruz MLA has demanded non-interference .. in the development
works of the constituency citing the previous experience with the
obstructive Town  Country Minister. Is this any way to run a progressive
government, for Goa's sake?