Hey guys,

Would appreciate your help in answering a few specific questions about
using the JCache API on my AppEngine project.

(1) Are any of the following three operations so expensive (like
JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory()) that I should try to only do
them once in the application and carry around a singleton of their
result from then on?
      (a) CacheManager.getInstance()
      (b)             .getCacheFactory()
      (c)             .getCache()

(2) Is there a reason I shouldn't have an application-wide singleton
Cache instance that I create on startup? What about CacheFactory? What
about an instance of CacheManager?

(3) Should I forget all this singleton business and call
CacheManager.getInstance().getCache(myCache) every time I need it in a
method? Does that cost me in performance at all?

Thanks for the advice!

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